key: cord-0746297-39wymm8e authors: Chen, Xing; Chen, Hua; Chen, Ya‐Gang; Yao, Jian‐Gen title: Cabin hospital for COVID‐19 patients: Attention should be paid to hospital infection prevention, humanistic care, and privacy protection date: 2021-05-04 journal: Kaohsiung J Med Sci DOI: 10.1002/kjm2.12382 sha: 3777e1c9eb79b68e109e3cb3d1cd682cb3e60358 doc_id: 746297 cord_uid: 39wymm8e nan Patients come from the community to isolation points for hospital treatment. The fear of disease and the unfamiliar environment can produce various anxieties, tensions, and other emotions; the lights are on 24 h per day, which also causes physical and mental discomfort in patients. 4 The first step is to strengthen the emotional interaction between doctors and patients through the establishment of a cabin F I G U R E 1 Modularized infection prevention and control channel. Yellow stands for contaminated area and green stands for clean areas. The numbers in the figure stands for cabin number. The fourth cabin was to remove the outermost protective articles, such as protective surface screen, isolation clothing, outermost gloves, and outer boot. The fifth cabin was used to remove eyewear, protective clothing, shoe covers, and inner gloves. The sixth cabin was used for removing hats, N95 masks, and hand disinfection Ark of life and Hope: the role of the cabin hospital in facing COVID-19 Xinhua Net. Serbia has built cabin hospitals on the advice of Chinese experts Chinese experience, Spain has set up Taking the right measures to control COVID-19