key: cord-0744240-xbw1gv61 authors: Wu, Xiaohang; Chen, Jingjing; Yun, Dongyuan; Yuan, Meng; Liu, Zhenzhen; Yan, Pisong; Sim, Dawn A.; Zhu, Yi; Chen, Chuan; Hu, Weiling; Wu, Zijian; Lin, Huaide; Wang, Yandong; Wu, Yanling; Chen, Mingfei; Zhang, Caoxian; Zheng, Yongxin; Liu, Xialin; Zhong, Xingwu; Diao, Hongxing; Wei Ting, Daniel Shu; Gunasekeran, Dinesh Visva; Li, Yongqiang; Zhang, Jie; Cai, Yaobin; Lao, Zhihao; Liu, Yizhi; Wong, Tien Yin; Lin, Xiaofeng; Lin, Haotian title: Effectiveness of an ophthalmic hospital-based virtual service during COVID-19 date: 2020-10-16 journal: Ophthalmology DOI: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2020.10.012 sha: 4dbf44c80c6fa8f5f0e747c29746c4f11fd51e7c doc_id: 744240 cord_uid: xbw1gv61 The management of ophthalmic diseases in the virtual hospital can be implemented and is complementary to those of on-site F2F clinics. Virtual clinical service may be a useful model in the post-COVID-19 pandemic “new normal”. meanwhile, brought about new opportunities for telehealth services worldwide. 39 Although media publicity for telehealth and virtual consultations has been Figure S1a , available at 59 We extracted clinical services records from virtual 2020, Face-to-face (F2F) 2020 and Digital technology and COVID-19 Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology in 2020: A Technology on 174 the Cusp for Translation and Implementation Opportunities for Use of Blockchain Technology in Medicine Dense anatomical annotation of slit-lamp images improves the 178 performance of deep learning for the diagnosis of ophthalmic disorders The Relationship of Dry Eye Disease with The journal adheres to the Uniform Requirements set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( for authorship. To qualify for authorship, authors must make substantial contributions to the intellectual content of the paper in each of the four following categories:1. Substantial contributions to conception and design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND 2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND 3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND 4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.It is the responsibility of the corresponding author, prior to submitting the manuscript, to confirm that each coauthor meets the requirements for authorship. Please list all authors of the manuscript on the Contributorship Statement form below. The form need not be uploaded at the time of original manuscript submission but rather if/when the Editorial Board invites revision.By submitting this form, the corresponding author acknowledges that each author has read the statement on authorship responsibility and contribution to authorship. In the table below, please designate the contributions of each author. Any relevant contribution not described in the four columns can be added under "Other contributions." Please note that the list of contributions will publish with the manuscript should it be accepted. Thank you.