key: cord-0743078-g887djep authors: Handa, Sanjeev; Mehta, Hitaishi; Bishnoi, Anuradha; Vinay, Keshavamurthy; Mahajan, Rahul; Narang, Tarun; Kumaran, Muthu Sendhil; De, Dipankar; Dogra, Sunil; Parsad, Davinder title: Teledermatology during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Experience at a tertiary care centre in North India date: 2021-06-14 journal: Dermatol Ther DOI: 10.1111/dth.15022 sha: 7b38be94247ff7c9d967325ed3a8b67d872b865b doc_id: 743078 cord_uid: g887djep BACKGROUND: Teledermatology has evolved as a valuable option to outpatient visits during the current pandemic. We set up a smartphone‐based hybrid model of teledermatology services providing direct care to patients at our center. To analyse patient and physician‐experience and acceptability for teledermatology over a 6‐month‐period, along with clinicodemographic profile of patients. METHODOLOGY: Single‐center, retrospective study conducted from May 20, 2020 to October 31, 2020. Patient satisfaction level for teledermatology was assessed on a 4‐point scale and compared with the satisfaction level during their previous physical visits prior to COVID‐19 pandemic. A physician assessment form was utilised to record the experience of dermatologists while providing teledermatology services. RESULTS: Of 7530 patients registered, a successful consult was provided to 6125 patients (81.34%). Average number of teleconsultations/day rose from 23.60 in May 2020 to 77.96 in October 2020. Mean age of patients availing teledermatology services was 33.60 ± 16.99 years. Average distance to care and travel time were 100.90 ± 171.77 km and 135 ± 222.32 min, respectively. A definitive diagnosis could be ascertained in 5724 patients (93.45%) and in‐person visit was recommended to 133 patients (2.2%). Out of 6125 patients, 5229 could be contacted for feedback, 935 (18.18%), 2230 (42.65%), 1749 (33.45%), and 300 patients (5.70%) reported being very satisfied, satisfied, partially satisfied, and unsatisfied, respectively. Of 1914 patients, who had availed in‐person OPD facilities prior to the pandemic, 914 patients (49.62%) preferred in‐person visits. Of 34 dermatologists surveyed, 88.2% felt comfortable providing teleconsultations and 82.4% felt the need to continue teledermatology services in the upcoming months. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, teledermatology is a valid alternative for in‐person dermatology visits during the current crisis; helping with initial triage and further patient management. Further refinement of the process could lead to even more acceptability. Teledermatology is an old, yet poorly adopted concept in routine dermatological care. The outbreak of COVID-19 was declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020 . To ensure effective social distancing as an infection control strategy, many nations had declared lockdown. Access to standard health care had become more difficult with the strict imposition of laws and restriction of mobility. Telemedicine emerged as a solution to these problems in various specialties, including dermatology. Dermatology is essentially a visual specialty, and hence, ideally suited for the use of telecommunication technology to support health care at a distance. A high rate of concordance regarding the diagnosis and management has been previously observed between the face-toface and teledermatology consultations. 1 Teledermatology also provides an opportunity for initial triage in order to choose the patients who need an in-person visit and identifying those whose management can be further continued on teledermatology platform, thus obviating non-essential face-to-face visits. Indirectly, it also brings down the cost of health care for patients and helps service providers channelise men and materials towards COVID services. These potential benefits can make telemedicine the future of health care services, even after the pandemic ends, especially in large-volume health care services like India where majority of the patients were previously being seen without prior appointments, even in tertiary care centers. This retrospective study was conducted to provide an audit and insight into our experience with teledermatology services. Our objective was to evaluate the acceptability of this practice by analyzing the patient and physician-experience with teledermatology. This was a single-center, retrospective, observational study conducted at a tertiary care center in North India. After obtaining approval of the Institutional ethics committee, we conducted a retrospective chart review of telemedicine services at our center from May 20, 2020 to October 31, 2020. Two major models of teledermatology include store and forward teledermatology (S&F TD) and real-time teledermatology (RTTD). S&F TD utilises images that are assessed asynchronously by the physician. RTTD is based on live interaction between the physician and the patient via video conferencing, with the advantage of immediate clarification of patient complaints. In a hybrid model, images are procured which is followed by the physicians having a real-time interaction with the patients. Over three-fourth of world population has now access to mobile phones with internet access. 2,3 With the ever-improving quality of smartphone cameras, mobile teledermatology can be accessible to all, and helps obviate complicated set-up difficulties, especially at the end of the patients, while using teledermatology services. Data were collected from the consultation cards only for the patients in whom a successful teleconsultation could be conducted. Patients who registered for teledermatology services but could not be contacted for real-time teleconsultation were excluded from the final analysis. Demographic parameters such as age, sex and address were noted from the registration details of the patients. Distance to care and travel time (assuming road travel using private vehicle with traffic conditions at 9 a.m. on a Wednesday) from patient's address to our outpatient department was measured using Google maps. Other variables that were collected included type of visit (initial vs. established/ follow-up), duration of disease, disease status, definitive diagnosis (if ascertained) and the need for an in-person visit (and reason for the same). The patients included in the study were later called by a team of independent persons not involved in direct patient care in order to rate their satisfaction with the teledermatology service on a 4-point scale: very satisfied (4), satisfied (3), partially satisfied (2) and unsatisfied (1) . Patients who had availed both, an in-person outpatient consult prior to the pandemic and a telemedicine consult during pandemic, were inquired regarding their preferred mode of visit. Feedback regarding teledermatology services was obtained at the end of October 2020 from the dermatologists who provided teledermatology services during the studied period (Supporting Information, Appendix S1) in terms of satisfaction, comfort and challenges faced while providing teledermatology services, along with their willingness to continue telemedicine services once the pandemic was over. Latest national telemedicine guidelines were followed throughout. 4 Descriptive variables are presented as median (interquartile range IQR) and count (percentage) as appropriate. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. Values are given as the absolute number of patients or as the percentage of the respective group. Variance was calculated as standard deviation. Kendall's tau was used to analyse correlation between variables. Missing data was handled by excluding F I G U R E 1 Trend in number of teleconsultation requests during the study period from May to October 2020 HANDA ET AL. 3 of 7 participants with missing information and performing a complete-case analysis. A total of 7530 patients registered for teledermatology services, a successful consult could be provided in 6125 patients (81.34%). Barriers to a successful teleconsultation included duplicate entries (n = 227, 3.01%), incorrect contact details (n = 219, 2.91%), connectivity issues (n = 532, 7.06%) and technological inability of the patient/ next to kin to send pictures (n = 436, 5.79%). A rising trend in number of teleconsultation requests was observed throughout the study period ( Figure 1 ). Thirty-four dermatologists completed the assessment. When enquired about the number of teleconsultations after which they started feeling comfortable with providing teledermatology services, six physicians (17.6%) reported being comfortable after less than five teleconsults. Twelve physicians (35.3%) felt comfortable after 6 to 10 teleconsults and an equal number required more than 10 teleconsults to feel comfortable. Four physicians (11.8%) were not able to establish their comfort with providing teledermatology services at the end of Table 3 . During the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the use of telemedicine services has dramatically surged in order to provide health care while maintaining least physical contact. This study is an attempt to audit and gain an insight into our experience with the teledermatology services that our department provided over a 6-monthsduration. A steady yet significant increase in number of patients utilizing telehealth services was seen throughout the study period, with an average number of 24 consultations per day in May that rose three folds to 78 daily consultations in October. This number, however, is significantly lower than the average number of outpatients seen physically by our center during the pre-COVID era, underscoring reduced access to health care also noted by several other studies. 5, 6 Demographic parameters showed similar distribution of males We chose to conduct teleconsultation via WhatsApp, a social media app, as this platform is convenient, user friendly and widely utilised by the general population. A study compared the diagnostic agreement between the images obtained from social media and standard teledermatology services, and did not find a significant difference between the two groups regarding the percentage of accurate diagnosis. 8 In this study, a diagnosis could be ascertained online in 93.45% of cases. Accuracy of these diagnoses, however, could not be analysed, because we tried to limit in-person visits to patients who urgently required it. Several studies have shown accuracy of teledermatology consults to be comparable to or slightly lower than in-person visits, 9, 10 although this may be dependent on provider experience. 11 In person visits were recommended to only 2.2% of cases, drastically cutting down the physical interactions as compared to the pre-COVID era. Up to one-third of patients with neoplasms required an in-person visit, while none of the patients with acne, dermatophyte or ectoparasitic infections had to be seen in person. Previous studies have also reported conditions such as acne, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, xerosis and dermatophytosis to be particularly suited for telemedicine. [12] [13] [14] Two retrospective studies from Brazil reported high degree of accuracy with teledermatology in inflammatory dermatoses and moderate accuracy for neoplasms. 15, 16 High levels of satisfaction with teleservices has been reported previously in patients having acne. 17 In this study, 62% of acne A survey conducted among 184 dermatologists in India reported that 85% of the responders were already providing teleconsultations and 70% were willing to continue them in the future. 18 In this study, 82.4% of the physicians agreed that the teledermatology services would continue in the following months, however, the average willingness to continue them on a Likert scale of 1-10 was only 5.77. Since ours is an academic institution, reduced learning opportunities might be a major factor impacting provider preferences. A survey from India reported that two-thirds of the 260 responders did not have a system in place to train their residents. 5 Another study from California, however, reported more than twofold increase in residents' productivity ratio during teledermatology sessions as compared to regular clinics. 19 There are several shortcomings that need to be considered. The aim of teledermatology is to improve accessibility to health care. However, the underserved patients belonging to rural communities, older patients and populations with low literacy rates are less likely to adapt to this mode. 20 Our study provides data of a large number of patients managed by teledermatology, delineating the patient characteristics and diseases best suited for management via teleconsultation. Limitations of our study include a single center retrospective design. Accuracy of diagnosis could not be commented upon, because majority of patients were not evaluated in person. Overall, teledermatology is a valid alternative for in-person dermatology visits during the current crisis for triaging as well as managing the patients. With the widespread vaccination drive and returning of hospital functions to normalcy, teleconsultations may be continued for patients with straightforward diagnosis and management. Further refinement of the process, however, is desirable. All authors have contributed equally and sufficiently. The author declares that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported. The manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors, the requirements for authorship have been met, and that each author believes that the manuscript represents honest work. Full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Two decades of teledermatology: current status and integration in National Healthcare Systems Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people)-India Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. (2020) Telemedicine Practice Guidelines Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on dermatology practice in India Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on inpatient dermatology consult patterns at a tertiary care hospital: a retrospective cohort study Identifying trends in patient characteristics and visit details during the transition to teledermatology: experience at a single tertiary referral center Diagnostic agreement between telemedicine on social networks and teledermatology centers Teledermatology for the diagnosis and management of skin cancer: a systematic review Teledermatology: a review and update The empirical foundations of teledermatology: a review of the research evidence Dermatologists' perceptions on the utility and limitations of teledermatology after examining 55,000 lesions The majority of skin lesions in pediatric primary care attention could be managed by teledermatology Trends in teledermatology use during clinic reopening after COVID-19 closures Part II: accuracy of teledermatology in skin neoplasms Part I: accuracy of teledermatology in inflammatory dermatoses Teledermatology for acne during COVID-19: high patients' satisfaction in spite of the emergency Will teledermatology be the silver lining during and after COVID-19? Impact of teledermatology program on dermatology resident experience and education Telemedicine and e-Health Exploring the digital nation: America's emerging online experience SUPPORTING INFORMATION Additional supporting information may be found online in the Supporting Information section at the end of this article. How to cite this article