key: cord-0738018-ugd8kkor authors: Giles, Ian G. title: A compendium of reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology published in the first half of 1992 date: 1992-12-31 journal: International Journal of Biochemistry DOI: 10.1016/0020-711x(92)90283-7 sha: 8f25f1fd7fa1c50cd187889c586338ec6b85f265 doc_id: 738018 cord_uid: ugd8kkor Abstract 1. 1. A compendium of reviews and mini-reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology published in the first half of 1992 is presented. In all 499 titles are listed from 95 different publications. 2. 2. This compendium presents the references by Journal Name. Keywords have been included with each reference to increase the value of the collection. Keyword and author cross-reference indexes are not included but are available in the electronic database from which this version was constructed. Should anyone wish to have this information in electronic form it can be distributed on MS-DOS formatted flopppy disks in either Reference Manager or Medline format. The author should be contacted for details of the number of preformatted floppy disks required. Krasikov N., Thompson K. and Sekhon G.S. (1992) Brief clinical report-monosomy 18q12.1+21.1-a recognizable aneuploidy syndrom~report of a patient and review of the literature. Am. J. Med. Geti. 43. 531-534. Verloes A., Mulliez N.. Gonzales M., Laloux F.. Hemutnnsle T., Pierard G.E. and Koulischer L. (1992) Restrictive dermopathy, a lethal form of arthrogryposis multiplex with skin and bone dysplasiac3 new cases and review of the literature. Am. J. Med. Genet. 43, 539547. aplasia cutis ccugenita; pyloric atresia, newborn; sibs. Leonard C., Huret J.L., Imbert MC., Lebouc Y., Selva J. and Boulley A.M. (1992) Trisomy-16p in a liveborn offspring due to maternal translocation T(16-21)(ql l-p1 1) and review of the literature. Am. J. Med. Gene; . 43, [621] [622] [623] [624] [625] spontaneous abortions; handing teclm' tques; duplication 16~; infant; segregation. Xie L.Q.. Markides K.E. and Lee M.L. (1992) Biomedical applications of analytical supercritical fluid separation techniques. Anal. Biuchem. u)o, [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] chtumatography-mass spectrometry; amino-acid derivatives; gas-chromatograph stationary phase; chargeexchange; silica-gel; extraction; glycosphingolipids; resolution; interface. Hozier J.C. and Davis L.M. (1992) Review-cytogenetic approaches to genome mapping. Anal. Biochem. 208, 205217 . Chaiken I., Rose S. and Karlsson R. (1992) Quantitative analysis of protein interaction with ligands. (2) Analysis of macromolecular interactions using immobilized ligands. Anal. B&km. 201, [197] [198] [199] [200] [201] [202] [203] [204] [205] [206] [207] [208] [209] [210] . neurophysin self-association; affinity-chmmatography; subunit-exchange chromatography; biosynthetic precursor; equilibtium-carstants; peptide recognition; sense pcptides; binding; purification; elution. Ichikawa Y.. Look G.C. and Wong C.H. (1992) Review-enzyme-catalyzed oligosaccharide synthesis. Anal. B&hem. 202,215-238. gal-l3-1+3(4)glcnac a-2+3 sialyltransferase; acetylneuraminic acid synthetase; immobilized l3-galactosidase; GDP-L-fucose; sialic acids; Esckrichia coli; rat-liver, glycoprotein oligosaccharides; carbohydrate antigens; determines expression. Gabriel 0. and Gersten D.M. (1992) Staining for enzymatic activity after gel electrophoresis-review. Anal. Bbckm. 203, sodium dodecyl-sulfate.; ted blood-cells; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity; nucleotide-linked dehydrogenases; alkaline-phosphatase isoenzymes; pathogenesis-related proteins; cr-L-fucosidase; polyactylamide-gel; produce phosphate; general-method. Wood P.J. (1992) The measurement of parathyroid hormone. Ann. Cfin. B&km. 29, [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] cyclic AMP; immtmoradiomettic assay; primary hypatparathytoidism; humoral hypercalcemia; calcium huneostasis; intact parathytin; clinical utility; circadian-rhythm; chromogranin A; lung-cancer. Newman D.J.. Henneberry H. and Price C.P. (1992) Particle enhanced light scattering immunoassay. Ann. Clin. B&hem. 29, . C-reactive protein; human chorionic-gonadotropin; latex agglutination-test; cell-labeled antibodies; shell corn patticles; counting immunoassay; turbidimetric immunoassay; spectroscopic immunoassay; passive hemagglutinatiom luteinizing-hormone. Thompson D.. Milfordward A. and Whither J.T. (1992) The value of acute phase protein measurements in clinical practice. Ann. Clin. C-reactive protein; erythrocyte sedimentation-rate; inflammatory bowel-disease; tumornecrosis factor, amyloid A protein; tlteumatoid atthritis; plasma-ptoteins; polymyalgia rheumatica; acute-leukemia; tissue-injury; acute phase. Soldi S.J. (1992) Drug receptor assays-quo vudis. Ann. . Allen J.F. (1992) protein phosphorylation in regulation of photosynthesis. BiochLn. Bi@ys. AC& la275 335. light hamsting complex; dtlomphyll A; B protein; Cyanobncterium Syn&ococc~~ 6301; excitatiarcnergy distribution; absorptial cross-section; ii reaction center. thylakoid membrane pelypaptides; state-l state-2 tmnsiticns; amino-acid-sequence; randomixed chlomplast Iamellae. Anthony C. (1992) The c-type cytochromes of methylotrophic bacteria. B&him. Biqhys. Acta 1099, l-15. Methylobacteriwn extorquetu AM; electron-transport chain; blue copper proteins; oxidation mutant classes; ammo-acid sequence; sp strain aml; Paracoccus dcni~rificons; Melhylophilvs mdylotrophur; obligate metbylotmpb; m&and dehydrogenase. Hoch F.L. (1992) Cardi~lipins and biomembrane function. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1113, 71-133. rat-liver-mitochondtia; fatty-acid composition; brown-adipose-tissue cytochmme-c-oxidaset munbmne lipid-ccmpositiau adenine-nucleotide translocase; age-related-changes; skeletal-muscle mitochond~, chronic ethanol-consum@n; lateral proton conduction. Bandekar J. (1992) Amide modes and protein conformation. Biochim. Biophys. Actu 1120. 123-143. transforfn-infrared-spsccpy; laser Raman-spectroscopy; secondary-structure-analysis; liver ahohd-dehydmgenase; hydrogadeuteriutn exchange; a transmembrane channel; valyl-glycyl-glycine; iii spectral region; vibratiaral analysis, gramicidin-A. B&him. Biophys. Acta 1123, 231-238. acetyl-CoA carboxylase; coenzyme-A reductase; hormone-sensitive l&se; dependent multipmtein kinase; rat-lives; 3-hydmxy-3-methylglutaryl coenxyme; enxymic activity; phosphorylationdephosphorylatiar; hydmxymethylgfutaryl coenxyme; reversible phosphotylation. W&t K. (1992) origins and fates of fatty acyl-CoA esters. Biochim. Biophys. Acfu 1124, 101-111. coenzyme A syntbetase; performance liquid-chromatography; rat-liver micmsomcs; acyltransfemse-cataly~ cleavage; dependent transacylation system; rabbit alveolar macropbages; pemxisomal &oxidation; amcbidonic-acid; brain micmsomes; sbott-chain. low-density~l&protein; high-performance liquid; chrcmatogmphy mass spectmmetry; chicken vitellogam gene; thin-layer chmmatography; apolipoprotein-VLDL-II; fatty-acid composition; laying turkey hens; egg-yolk; plasma-lipoproteins. Erlansonalbertsson C. (1992) Pancreatic colipase-structural and physiological aspects. Biuchim. Biophys. Acta 1125. 1-7. gastric-inhibitory polypeptide, messenger-RNA levels; diabetic rats; pro-colipase; co-lipase; tymsine residues; porcine colipase; sequence; taurodeoxycholrte; triglyceride. Coleman R. and Rahman K. (1992) Wehle E. (1992) Reiter R.J. (1992) The ageing pineal gland and its Physiological conxequences. Bioessays 14, 169-175. malatonin receptors; admoet@c-receptors; circadian variations; N-acetylscrotonin, plasma melatcoin, serum melatouin; hamsters; gerbil; brain; reduction; Downward J. (1992) Regulatory mechanisms for ras proteins. Bioessap 14, 177-184. GTAase-activating protein; neurofibranatosis type-l gene; nucleotide exchange-reaction; gap-associated proteins; growth-factor; tymsine phosphorylation; ras-p21 gtpase; stimulation; p21; recepors. Rusciano D. and Burger M.M. (1992) Adamo M., Roberta CT. and Lemith D. (1992) How distinct are the insulii and ~sul~-l~e growth factor? -signalling systems. Biofwtors 3.151-157. human-skin fibroblests; IGF binding-protein; messenger ribonucleic-acid; cooh-teminal truncation; monoclonal-antibody; endothelial-cells; factor receptoc amniotic-fluid; DNA-synthesis; rat-heart. Hehnreich E.J.M. (1992) How pyridoxal S-phosphate could function in glycogen phosphorylaae catalysis. Biofbctors 3, 159-172. Aron D.C. (1992) Insulin-like growth factor-I and erythropoiesis. Biofators 3, 211-216. factor-binding-protein; erythroid colony formation; cultured human-tibroblasts; factor messenger-RNA, N-terminal sequence; fetal bovine serum; IGF-I; somatomedin C, clinical-applicstians; stimulating factors. Silver B.J. (1992) Platelet-derived growth factor in human malignancy. Biofmtors 3, 217-227. terminal coding region; c-sis; B-chain. bmis W.D. and Durst R.W. (1992) Bajpai P. and Bajpai P.K. (1992) Arachidonic acid production by microorganisms. Biofechnol. Appl. Biockm. 15. l-10. Bellomo M.J., Parlier V., Muhlematter D., Grob J.P. and Beris P. (1992) Three new cases of chromosome-3 rearrangement in bandq21 and band-q26 with abnormal thrombopoiesis bring further evidence to the existence of a 3q21q26-syndrome. Cancer Genet. Cytogenet. 59. 138-160. acute nonlymphocytic leukemia; chronic myelogcnous leukemia; chronic myeloid-leukemia; acute megakaryoblastic leukemia; chronic myelocytic-leukemia; acute myeloblastic-leukemia; British cooperative group; myelodysplastic syndromes; blast crisis; tmnslocation t(l -3). Pedersen B. (1992) Survival of patients with T(l-7)(pl l-p1 l&report of 2 cases and review of the literature. Cancer Genet. Cytogenet. 60, 53-59. acute nonlymphocytic leukemir; trsnslccation I-7; myelodysplastic syndromes; chromosome analysis; mycloid disorders; secondary. Nossal G.J.V. (1992) The molecular and cellular basis of affinity maturation in the antibody response. Cell 68.1-2. mutation. Thomas G. (1992) MAP kinase by any other name smells just as sweet. Cell 68, 3-6. protein-kinsse; insulin; identification; muscle. Teach R.E. (1992) type-2 astrocyte developme ciliaty netttotmphic factoc fibmblast growth-factor. retinoic acid xceptor; chick limb bud; tymsine kinaae m eatiy xatqus embryos; pmto-oncogene int-1; activin-a; w-locus. Greenwald I. and Rubin GM (1992) Mellman I. and Simons K. (1992) The Golgi complex--in vitro verirus. Cell 68. 829-840. asparsgine-linked oligosaccharides; cell-free system; rough endoplssmic-reticulum; vesicular stomatitis-tims; plasma-manbrane proteins; bmfeldin A; cis-Golgi; successive compartments; intracellular-transport; N-acetylglucosamine. Chao M.V. (1992) Hall A. (1992) Signal transduction through small GTPases-a tale of 2 GAPS. Cell 69, 389-391. proteins. Wetr D.Z., Peles E.. Cupples R., Suggs S.V., Bacus S.S., Luo Y., Trail G., Hu S.. Silbiger S.M.. Benlevy R.. Koski R.A., LU H.S. and Yarden Y. (1992) Neu differentiation factor-a transmembrane glycoprotein containing an EGF domain and an immunoglobulin homology unit. Cell 69, 559-572. epidennal growth-factor. human mterleukin-2 receptor. human-breast-carcinoma; human mammary-tumors; factor-a; nudeotide sequence; molecular cloning; prom-oncogene; tyrosine phosphorylation; signal transduction. Travers A.A. (1992) The reProgramming of transcriptional competence. Cell 69. 573-575. position effect variegation; Drarophila; protein. Helenius A. (1992) Unpacking the incoming influenza virus. Cell 69, 577-578. amantscline: protein, virions. Jan L.Y., Jan Y.N. and Hughes H. (1992) Tracing the roots of ion channels. Cell 69. 715-718. protein. GAUSS P. and Walther C. (1992) Pax in development. Cell 69, 719-722. genes; conservation; Drosophila; nowchord, proteins; domain; box. Varshavsky A. (1992) The N-end rule. Cell 69, 725-735. shon-hved protein; dependent pmteolytic system; ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; repair gene ra&, Escherichia coli; transfer RNA; Sacclurroqces cercvisiue; endoplasmic-reticulum; cell-cycle; amino-acid. Cell SIgnaIling Iwashita S. and Kobayashi M. (1992) Signal transduction system for growth factor receptors asso&ed with tyrosine kinase activity-epidennal growth factor receptor signalling and its regulation. Cell Signal. 4. 123-132. Vogt W. and Nagel D. (1992) Eriksson L.C. and Andersson G.N. (1992) nucleotide-sequence; femo-cofacscr. Iritani N. (1992) Nutritional and hormonal regulation of lipogenic-enzyme gene expression in rat liver. EIU. J. fatty-acid aynthase; acetyl-CoA cuboxylase; post-transcriptiaral regulation; chickembryo hepatocytes; messenger RNA levels; malic enzyme; thymid hormone; posttmnscriptional regulation; molecular-clcming. Gavel Y. and Vonheijne G. (1992) The distribution of charged amino acids in mitochondrial inner-membrane proteins suggests different modes of membrane integration for nuclearly and mitochondriaIly encoded proteins. Eur. J. Biochem. 205, 1207-1215. cytochmme-c-oxidrse; ADP-AWcartier. beef-heart mitochondria; nicotinamide nucleotide tmnshydrogenase; brown fat mitochondtia; diffemnt genes cDNA, imn-sulfur proteirx Saccharanyces cerevisiae; unce@ieg potdn; Escherichia coli. Frrmcklyn C., Musierforsyth K. and Schimmel P. (1992) Youn Y.K., Lalonde C. and Demling R. (1992) Haas A. and Goebel W. (1992) Defromentel C.C. and Soussi T. (1992) MacKay T.F.C., Lyman R.F. and Jackson MS. (1992) hpitan N.L.V. (1992) Sobell J.L., Heston L.L. and Sommer S.S. (1992) Delineation of genetic predisposition to multifactorial disease-a general approach on the threshold of feasibility. Genomics 12, l-6. polymense chain-reaction; fragment length polymorphisms; dependent diabetes-mellitus; sickle-cell anemia; factor-M gene; enzymatic AMPlificatiat; genomic DNA; mutations; sequence; diagnosis; predisposition; genetics. Troy F.A. (1992) Polysialylation-from bacteria to brains. Glycobiology. 2, 5-23. cell-adhesion molecule; Escherichia coli Kl; rainbow-trout eggs; deaminated neuraminic acid; endo-N-acetylne.uramiidase; group B meningococci; long oligosaccharide segment: netno-blastoma cells; polysialic acid; sialic-acid. Varki A. (1992) Diversity in the sialic acids. Glycobiology. 2, 25-40 . N-acetylneuramhtic acid, infhtenxa C virus; de-ortho-acetylation; performance liquid-chromatography; Hungonuhu d&her antigen; liver Golgi vesicles; melanoma-associated ganglioside; bombardment mass-spectrometry; human gastmintestinal-trac deaminated neuraminic acid. Stanley P. (1992) Glycosylation engineering. Glycobiology. 2, 99-107. hamster ovary cells; mcombinant human erythropoietin; tissue plasminogen-activator. N-linked oligosaccharide, protein glycosylaticm; biological-activity; lysosomal-enzymes; insect cells; animal-cells; sugar chains. Harvey D.J. (1992) The role of mass spectrometry in glycobiology. Glycoconjugate J. 9, 1-12. fast-atom-bombardment; 6-O-methylghtcose pelysaccharide; collisional activation; gas-chromatography; laser desorptien; molecular mass; oligosacdtarides; ionization; proteins. Aquit D.A. and B~~~II~II C.F. (1992) Heat-shock proteins and immunopathology-an overview. Heat-Shock T-cell receptor; messenger-RNA degradation; gamma-delta; stress proteins; antigen-receptor, lymphocytes-T; ~ycobactcrium fuberc&arir. mammalian-cells; cyto-toxicity; DNA-binding. Fenick D.A. and Gemmellhori L. (1992) Potential developmental role for self-reactive T cells bearing gamma-delta T cell receptors specific for heat-shock proteins. dendritic epidermal-cells; toxic lymphocytes-$ antigen receptor; intraepithclial lymphocytes; rheumatoid arthritis; athymic mice; Mycobacrcritert lubercularis; immune-response; thymic ontogeny; a-chain; cell receptor. Christmas S.E. (1992) Cytokine production by lymphocytes-T bearing the gamma-delta T cell antigen receptor. antigen; antigen receptor. mceptor. tumor-necrosis-factor; bone-marrow transplantation; a-P+ lymphocytes; interferon-gamma; monoclonal-antibodies; peripheral-blood; cytotoxic activity; fetal thymocytes; different forms; human intestine. Wintield J., Jarjour W. and Minota S. (1992) Stress protein autoantibodies and the expression of stress proteins on the surface of human gamma-delta cells and other cells of the immune system. Heat-Shock Proteins and Gamma-Delta T Cells 53, 47-60. stress; autoantibodies; immune-system; heat-shock protein; rous-sarcoma virus; juvenile rheumatoid-arthritis; T-cells; synovial-fluid; lymphocytes-T, Mycobucterium tuberculosis; Borrelia bwgdorferi; lupus erythematosus; transforming protein; stmss protein. Modlin R.L.. Lewis J., Uyemura K. and Tigelaar R.E. (1992) Lymphocytes-T bearing gamma-delta antigen receptors in skin. dendritic epidermaltells; heat-shock protein; mycobacterium-tuberculosis; intraepithelial lymphocytes; limited diversity; murine epidermis; concanavalin A; thy-l antigen; nude-mice; expression. Hohlfeld R. and Engel A.G. (1992) The role of gamma-delta lymphocytes-T in inflammatory muscle disease. monochmal-antibody analysis; natural-killer cells; mononuclear-cells; cyto-toxicity; receptor; myopathies; recognition; expmssiost; ptoteins; canplex. Aquino D.A. and Selmaj K. (1992) Heat-shock proteins and gamma-delta T cell responses in the central nervous system. Heat-Shock Proteins and Gamma-Delta T Cells 53, 86-101. experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; fibrillary acidic protein; myelin basic-protein multiple sclerosis: stress prcteim spinal-cord, insitu hybridixation; Alexander's disease; praxosin treatment. Mario T., Nagasawa M. and Yata J. (1992) Gamma-delta T cells in patients with primary immunodeficiency syndrome-their function and a possible role in the pathogenesis. Heat-Shock Proteins und Gamma-Delta T Cells 53, 102-120. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; heat-shock proteins; receptor-delta; ataxia telangiectasia; transgenic mice; lymphocytes T; bearing cells; recognition; expression; incmase. Reardon CL., Bom W. and Obrien R.L. (1992) Murine gammadelta lymphocyte-T recognition of HSP60 a possible source for bacterial immunity or autoimmunity. He&& J.E. and Whitelaw P.F. (1992) The role of cellular oncogenes in myogenesis and muscle cell hyperuqhy. Int. J. Bkxhem. 24, 193203. muscle; all; ROUS sarcoma ViNs; fibroblast growth-factor; c-fos expression; embtyonal caminoma-cel~, chicken skeletal-muscle; myc messatger-RNA; proto-oncogene; geneexpnssion; DNA-binding; src gmc. Colacicchi S.. Ferrari M. and Sotgiu A. (1992) In vivo electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging -first experiences, problems, and perspectives. Bat. J. B&hem. 24.205-214. &oxide spin labels; loop-gap resonator. free-radicals; soluble nitroxides; metabolism; phannacokinetics; oxygen; cells; specttusn~, sensitivity. Seyer R.. Richoux J.P. and Aumelas A. (1992) Probing angiotensin receptors. Iru. J. Biochem. 24, 369-377. message-address concept; If onnplementaty RNA, paraventricular nucleus; biological-activities; subfomical organ; binding-sites; amino-acid; rat-brain; antagonists; analogs. Tuck M.T. (1992) The formation of internal 6-methylademne residues in eucaryotic messenger RNA. fnt. J. Biochem. 24, 379-386. Rekharsky M.V., Nemykina E.V. and Erokhin A.S. (1992) Thermochemistry of N-C bonds hydrolysis in amides, peptides, N-acetyl amino acids and high-energy N-C bonds hydrolysis in N-acetyl imidazole and urea. lnl. KonoPinska D., Rosinski G. and Sobotka W. (1992) insect peptide hormones, an overview of the Present literature. amino-acid-sequence; bombardment mass-spectranetry; pigment-concentrating hormone; locust adipokinetic hormone; Periphneta americana L; akh-rpch family; corpora cardiaca; Lencophaea mademe; cotpus caniiaann; Matuiuca swrta. Dinarello C.A. (1992) The biology of interleukin-1. InterleukinoMolecular Biology and Immunology 51. l-32. tumor necrosis factor, colony-stimulating factor; smooth-muscle cells; human-immunodeficiency-vims; vascular endothelial-cells; blood mononuclear-celLs; recombinant human interleukin-1; human monocyte interleukin-1; hepatic protein-synthesis; autocrine growth-factor. Dower SK.. Sims J.E., Cerretti D.P. and Bird T.A. (1992) The interleukin-1 system--receptors, ligands and signals. Interleukin.+Molecular Biology and hmunology 51, 33-64. tumor necrosis factor, pmtein kinase C, growth-factor-receptor. nf-kappa-b; factor increase phosphorylation; prostaglandin E production; thaunatoid synovial-cells; high-affinity receptors; GTP-binding pmt+ human T-cells. Ihle J.N. (1992) Interleukin-3 and hematopoiesis. Interleukim-44olecular Biology ad I mmunology 51, 65-106. colony-stimulating factor. human granulocyte-macmphage; protein kinase-c; recombinant human interleukin-3; cell growth-factor, murine bone-marrow; express functional receptors; acute lymphocytic-leukemia; GTPase-activating pm&n; factor-independent growth. ascorbic-acid deficiency; ischemic-heart-disease; low-density-lipoprotein; eastern Finnish men; diabetes melli~rcs. guinea-pigs; blood-pressure; oral-contraceptives; experimental atherosclerosis; plasma-cholesteml. Mannella CA., Forte M. and Colombini M. (1992) Toward the molecular structure of the mitochondrial channel, VDAC. J. Bioenerg. Biometnbmne 24, 7-19. outer-membrane channel; Neurarpora crassa mitochondria; hexokinase-binding protein; voltage-dependent channel, rat-liver mitochondrip; synthetic polyanion; electron-microscopy; pore protein; sequence; arrays; molecular-structure. Depittt~ V. and Pahnieri F. (1992) Benz R. and Brdiczka D. (1992) The cation-selective substate of the mitochondrial outer membrane pore-ainglechannel conductance and influence on intermembrane and peripheral kinases. J. Bioenerg. Biomembrane X33-39. rat-liver mitochondria; hexokinase-binding protein, contact sites; synthetic polyanicn; creatine-kinase; inhibition; transport; stae; brain. Arora K.K., Parry D.M. and Pedersen P.L. (1992) Khorana H.G. (1992) Rhodopsin. photoreceptor of the rod cell-an emerging pattern for structure and function. J. Bid Chetn 267, 1-4. Schiff-base counterion; bovine rhodopsin; cysteine residue-l 10; molecular mechanism; visual excitation; outer segmenl; protein; light; transducin; binding; mds; rhodopsin; photoreceptors. Pugh B.F. and Tjian R. (1992) Diverse transcriptional functions of the multisubunit eukaryotic TFBD complex. J. a-a-crystallin; tissue-specific expmssion; chicken 6-l crystallin gene; vettebrate lens ctystallins; non-lenticular tissues; X ray-analysis; y-crystaltin; transgenic mice; B-ctystallin; eye lens; gene-regulation. fibroblast growth-faaer; endothelial-cell mitcgen; vascular-permeability factor, tumor necrosis factor. bovine brain; extracellular-matrix; factor-a; neovascularixaticn in viva; DNA-synthesis; acidic FGF. Sardesai V.M. (1992) Nutritiongi role of ~~~~~~~ fatty acids. f. Nurt. ffioch. 3,154-U%. a-linolutic acid; coronary beast-disease; arachidatic-acid; cholesterol levels; lipid-metabolism; young ra% deficiency: plasma; hr& requirements. Rcmto G., Toth K., Gaspar S. and Csik G. (1992) transmission; somatic-cell hybrids; @mine-rich region; maternal inheritance; nucleotide-sequarce; gene organization; D-loop; heteroplasmy; melanogaster; evolution; genome. Schaich K.M. (1992) Metals and lipid oxidation--contemporary issues. Lipids 27, 209-218. oxidation; unsaturated fatty-a&s; electnm-spin resonance: hydrogen-petoxide, linoleic-acid; free-radicals; pulse-radiolysis; amino-acids; catalyzed nutoxidation; butyl hydtopetoxido: transition-metals. Microbial Reviews Zimmer R.S. and Lowry C.V. (1992) Regulation of gene expression by oxygen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbial. Rev. 56. l-11. cytoehrome-c oxidase; upstream activation site; mitochondtial messenger-ma; yeast hap1 activator, tihoscmntl-protein genes; sex-determining mgiont DNA-binding maif; nuclear gene; glucose mpmssiont cycl gene Wittarts S.C. (1992) Two-way chemical signaling in Agr~tffi~-plot interactions. ~~~~. Rev. 56. 12-31. tumefaeiens 7%plasmi& vir gate-expression; single-stranded-DNA, crown-gall tumors; atopine synthase mhancen transgenic tobacco plants; mc&tducing plasmid; rhizogenes strain a4; opine-like compound; virulence genes. ac 24/l%-c Dowling J.N., Saha A.K. and Glow R.H. (1992) Microbial. Rev. !%, [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] cdi; a neurotoxin, light-chains; spasmodic taticolhs; mouucluual-antibodies; mediciue. Botsford J.L. and Htttman J.G. (1992) Cyclic AMP in prokaryotes. Microbid. Rev. 56, Edurichia cdi Kl2; pertussis adcnylate-cyclase; CAMP receptorproteim cat&d&e-activaterprcteinadn; L-m-l& sugar phosphotrausferase system; site-directed mutagenesis; calmoduliu-like activity; gate-Ngulauq ptuteiu; calcium-biudiug prctein. Matthews K.S. (1992) DNA kroping. Microbial. Rev. 56. 123-136. gslactese opercn; EscluricLia coli; lac represson araC protein; operator interactieu; lactose nprerra; uabimnc 0pfaen; gene-zcgulatioru RNA-pelymense; binding-sites. Nishimura A., Akiyama K.. Kohara Y. and Horiuchi K. (1992) glycusyl-phosphatidyliuosituk ascospotogeuuus yeasts; molecular-cloniug; division arrest sutface prcteiu. Silver S. and Walderhaug M. (1992) Gene regulation of plasmid-determined and chromosome-determined inorganic ion transport in bacteria. Microbid. Rev. 56, 195228. Eschcrichia coli K12; arsenical resistance openm; Gram-negative bacteria; pnol2g-encoded nidcel resistance; irondicitrate transport; syringae pv tomato; nucleotide-sequence; alcaligeneseutmphus; StaphylUCOCcus 4weW; phosphrte legulon. Osawa S.. Jukes T.H., Watanabe K. and Mutt A. (1992) Recent evidence for evolution of the genetic code. Microbiol. complete nuclcotide-sequence; transfer-RNA genes; mitochatdnal transfer-RNA; Neurapporo cmsaa mitochondris directional mutation pressure; transfer rilwnucleic-acid; isoleucine transfer-ma; coli tnnsfer-mas; EscheriChia COG Uycoplosnw capricdtm. Vsnrens G.L.M.. Dejong W.W. and Bloemendal H. (1992) A superfamily in the mammalian eye lens-the &crystallins. Mol. Biol Rep. 16. i-10. x-ny-aualysir, y-ctystallin; ~-cqstalhu; geue family; differential synthesis; messenger-RNA, evolutionary dationrhipr; smctural variation; nucleutide-sequeuce. Volkenstein M.V. (1991) Structure and dynamics of proteins. Md. pancmatic trypsin-inhi*, nuclear m&c-resonance; amino-acid-squenc; glcbularptweins; clystd-structure; heliul prutein; enzyme-activity; evelutiat; conformation; principles. Barker P.A. and Murphy R.A. (1992) The nerve growth factor receptor-a multicomponsnt system that mediams the actions of the neurntrophin family of proteins. Md. 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