key: cord-0736411-ps5jqto3 authors: Su, Zhaohui; Meyer, Kylie; Li, Yue; McDonnell, Dean; Joseph, Nitha Mathew; Li, Xiaoshan; Du, Yan; Advani, Shailesh; Cheshmehzangi, Ali; Ahmad, Junaid; da Veiga, Claudimar Pereira; Chung, Roger Yat-Nork; Wang, Jing title: Technology-Based Interventions for Nursing Home Residents: Implications for Nursing Home Practice Amid and Beyond the Influence of COVID-19: A Systematic Review Protocol date: 2020-12-14 journal: Res Sq DOI: 10.21203/ sha: 25d1a558c422ccf8d00dadf059ae9c46279bb056 doc_id: 736411 cord_uid: ps5jqto3 Background: A growing number of technology-based interventions are used to support the health and quality of life of nursing home residents. The onset of COVID-19 and recommended social distancing policies that followed led to an increased interest in technology-based solutions to provide healthcare and promote health. Yet, there are no comprehensive resources on technology-based healthcare solutions that describe their efficacy for nursing home residents. This systematic review will identify technology-based interventions designed for nursing home residents and describe the characteristics and effects of these interventions concerning the distinctive traits of nursing home residents and nursing facilities. Additionally, this paper will present practical insights into the varying intervention approaches that can assist in the delivery of broad digital health solutions for nursing home residents amid and beyond the impact of COVID-19. Methods: Databases including PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and Scopus will be used to identify articles related to technology-based interventions for nursing home residents published between January 1 (st) , 2010 to December 4 (th) , 2020. Titles, abstracts, and full-texts papers will be reviewed against the eligibility criteria. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses procedures will be followed for the reporting process, and implications for existing interventions and research evaluated by a multidisciplinary research team. Results: NA—protocol study Conclusions: Our study will fill critical gaps in the literature by providing a review of technology-based interventions tested in the nursing home setting. As the older adult population grows, there is an urgent need to identify effective technology-based interventions that can address the distinctive characteristics and preferences of nursing home residents. Clear and comprehensive understanding of how available technology-based health solutions facilitate healthcare for nursing home residents will shed light on the approaches open to residents to fend off the negative health consequences amid and beyond the influence of COVID-19. Systematic Review Registrations: PROSPERO CRD 42020191880 make nursing home residents more vulnerable to COVID-19, and to identify practical solutions that can address these factors in a timely fashion. Nursing homes and nursing facilities provide long-term service and support for individuals living with chronic or disabling conditions who are unable to live at home independently [11] [12] [13] . Often living with multiple morbidities, in the United States approximately 85.1% of nursing home residents are 65 years and older, with 75.8% of these individuals experiencing hypertension, 58.9% living with Alzheimer's Disease, and 53.0% of residents living with depression [13] . Three sets of factors likely contribute to the alarming COVID-19 death rates seen in nursing homes: (1) characteristics of nursing home residents [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] , (2) distinctive attributes of nursing home facilities [1, 6, 9, 10, 19] , and (3) the micro and macro-level supports available to nursing home residents [2, [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] . On a micro level, research indicates that nursing home residents are more susceptible to infection and fatal outcomes from COVID-19 because they are often older adults living with medical conditions that compromise the immune systems and lowers their ability to combat the virus [13, 19, 25, 26] . Additionally, they often lack speci c self-care skills, such as utilizing telemedicine tools, or they may have a physical or cognitive impairment that impedes their ability to take care of their health and wellbeing [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] . The macro perspective focuses on the unique characteristics of nursing home facilities, as they are typically operating on a close and shared-living environment -conditions that are ideal for the spread of the virus [10, 19, 32] . Further, nursing homes often lack adequate healthcare resources or infrastructure needed to curb the impact of COVID-19. For example, numerous studies have indicated a lack of investment in training programs for nursing home staff, in addition to high turnover rates [33, 34] , that management teams are often ineffective [35, 36] , and that the nursing home infrastructure is often too outdated [32, [37] [38] [39] . The third set of factors that contribute to nursing home residents' vulnerability to COVID-19 centers on social support available to these adults. Nursing home residents often have limited access to micro-level social support, including support from formal (e.g., doctors and nurses) or informal caregivers (e.g., family, friends, and acquaintances) [40] , local community [41] , and organizations (e.g., inexperienced or inadequately trained staff) [42] . Furthermore, nursing home residents often have limited macro-level social support. This is evidenced by harmful social norms (e.g., age-related discrimination) [43] [44] [45] and inadequate policy support that facilitates healthy aging and quality of life (e.g., insu cient regulatory oversight to ensure quality care in nursing homes) [4, 20, 46, 47] . These factors combined, could result in severe health consequences in nursing home residents, such as wide viral spread [1] . The above areas of inquiry resonate with the core principles of the bioecological model [48] [49] [50] [51] , which highlights the way individuals are in uenced by a series of synergistic interactions between intrapersonal and interpersonal factors (e.g., residents, resident families), organizational characteristics (e.g., nursing homes), policy (e.g., legislative response) and the social/community (e.g., ageism) context, and how these processes can change over time (See Figure 1. ) To successfully and effectively protect nursing home residents from global health crises like COVID-19, stakeholders such as policymakers, healthcare professionals, informal caregivers, and older adults themselves all need to contribute to the changemaking process [2, 46, 52, 53] . While some effective changes are resource-intensive, time-consuming, and need concerted efforts from multilevel stakeholders to achieve, there are cost-effective, e cient, and accessible health solutions available to nursing home residents, such as technology-based interventions [54, 55] . Technology-based interventions can be considered as the use of technology (e.g., digital devices like tablets and wearable devices, communication platforms) to manage or support health promotion strategies that aim to produce accessible and affordable health solutions to a target audience. Compared to traditional health solutions, such as face-to-face consultations, technology-based interventions have the potential to deliver healthcare more effectively and can mitigate geographic and access-related limitations that, as studies show, can play a signi cant role within nursing homes [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] . The evidence further suggests that technology-based interventions can help free healthcare professionals from repetitive work and allow them to make more meaningful contributions in delivering healthcare solutions to the care recipients [63] [64] [65] . Telemedicine and other technology-based solutions are particularly crucial given circumstances rendered by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the limited ability for some healthcare providers to enter residences or for residents to visit their healthcare team for primary care visits. Limiting the exposure to infection through the use of telemedicine may assist in situations where a resident is required to attend a hospital appointment and return to a residence, thus alleviating the potential risk for a virus to spread to others [66] . Further, technologies that support residents' ability to remain in contact with families and friends outside of skilled care settings may reduce the adverse effects of loneliness and social isolation that are more common among nursing home residents compared to community-dwelling older adults [17, 67] . While technology-based solutions have potential to deliver health solutions to nursing home residents [68, 69] , there is limited awareness of the bene ts and delivery options for state-of-art technology-based interventions speci cally designed for nursing home residents. By factoring for the distinctive characteristics of nursing home residents and nursing home facilities, the main focus of this systematic review is to identify and evaluate technology-based interventions tailored explicitly for nursing home residents. Additionally, this research will present practical insights into the varying intervention approaches that can assist in the delivery of broad digital health solutions for nursing home residents amid and beyond the impact of COVID-19. Overall, our research aims are: To identify technology-based interventions designed for nursing home residents and describe the characteristics and effects of these interventions concerning the distinctive traits of nursing home residents and nursing facilities. To present practical insights into the varying intervention approaches that can assist in the delivery of broad digital health solutions for nursing home residents amid and beyond the impact of COVID-19. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) procedures will be adhered to in the reporting process [70] . This systematic review is registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) system (CRD 42020191880); these measures are to avoid unnecessary study duplication [71, 72] , increase research rigor [73, 74] , improve study comparability and replicability [75] , and ultimately, promote quality and transparency in research [76] . The review being carried out in line with the Cochrane Handbook [77] . Based on the research aims, inclusion criteria were set a priori (Table 1) . Articles published between January 1 st , 2010 to December 4 th , 2020 were included in the review. This period of time was selected to ensure a focus on up-to-date technologies, given the tendency of technology-based interventions to evolve and become out-of-date. The timeline will also make sure both studies conducted before and amid COVID-19 will be included in the review. In this study, nursing home residents are de ned as people "having a length of stay in a nursing home for more than 90 days at any point" [78] . Technology-based interventions are de ned as "the use of technology to manage or support health promotion strategies that aim to produce accessible and affordable health solutions to a target audience" [79] . Articles will be excluded if (1) the study sample did not include a majority nursing home residents (i.e., nursing home residents ≤ 50% of the total research population), (2) the study did not include and discuss technologybased health solutions designed for nursing home residents, (3) the study did not adopt a randomized controlled trial design (e.g., studies with quasi-experimental design were excluded), and (4) the authors did not report original empirical ndings on intervention outcomes (e.g., research protocols and systematic review studies were excluded from the review). Databases including PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and Scopus, will be searched for eligible articles. We will also search ProQuest Dissertations to examine gray literature sources. A search strategy was developed in consultation with a librarian experienced in systematic review methods. Search terms used to locate articles will center on three concepts: nursing home residents, technology-based interventions, and randomized controlled trials. An example PubMed search string is illustrated in Table 2 . Following the search, all citations will be collated and uploaded to Mendeley, and duplicate studies will be removed. Titles and then abstracts will be screened by two principal reviewers independently. The same screening procedure will be adopted in the full-text article review process on selected article abstracts. Reasons for exclusion will be recorded and detailed in the PRISMA owchart. Discrepancies between reviewers will be resolved via group discussions using videoconferencing and email correspondence to reach a consensus. The Cochrane Collaboration evaluation framework will be adopted to examine risk of bias of the included study [80] . The framework has seven domains: random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding of participants and personnel, blinding of outcome assessment, incomplete outcome data, selective reporting, and any other source of bias. The risk of bias will be evaluated independently by two reviewers (ZS and XL), who will qualitatively evaluate risk of bias and provide a score (high, medium, low). Any discrepancy regarding the risk of bias will be resolved by consensus via group discussions. Both junior and senior authors will be involved in the discrepancy review process, wherein, if agreement cannot be reached, the senior author will decide on the appropriate rating. Data on study design, sample characteristics (i.e., sample size and sample details), intervention characteristics (i.e., technology type, intervention application, intervention exposure, and intervention materials), outcome variables assessed, and research ndings will be extracted by two main reviewers (ZS and XL). Findings from the included studies will be narratively synthesized to examine the characteristics and effects of the interventions. Gaining a more structured understanding of the interventions, the multidisciplinary study team will organize insights on intervention application and outcomes in tandem with the distinctive traits of nursing home residents and the overall nursing home environment. Due to the heterogeneity found within the articles identi ed during a preliminary review of search results, meta-analyses are not considered. NA: As this is a protocol study There is a growing body of technology-based interventions designed to support the health and quality of life of nursing home residents [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] . The onset of COVID-19 and recommended social distancing policy led to an increased interest in reliance on technology-based solutions [81, 82] . However, research has yet to provide comparative insight into the recent state of development of these interventions and how current evidence apply in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of the socio-ecological model, combined with multidisciplinary expertise, provides a framework to present practical insights on how these interventions can be utilized to deliver health solutions to nursing home residents amid and beyond the impact of COVID-19. This research lls a critical gap in the literature by consolidating, in one place, the evidence for technology-based interventions empirically tested with nursing home populations. As the older adult population grows, there is an urgent need to identify effective technology-based interventions that can address the distinctive characteristics and preferences of nursing home residents [83, 84] . Improving person-centered care and the delivery of effective care solutions to nursing home residents, especially as the pandemic continues, is of critical importance. Comprehensive understanding of how available technology-based health solutions facilitate healthcare for nursing home residents can help shed light on approaches that are available to these residents to fend off the negative health consequences amid and beyond the in uence of COVID-19. While the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed troubling vulnerabilities in the long-term care system across the globe, it also shows how telemedicine can support nursing home residents and their families. Technology can also assist clinicians in connecting with patients when inperson medical visits are di cult or dangerous (e.g., in rural settings, following natural disasters). Telemedicine and other technology-based interventions have the potential to provide a comprehensive range of bene ts. This research also serves as a platform for care institutions and policymakers to inform government policies and further justify the role technology can play in strengthening the service provision across nursing homes and facilities. Nursing homes are ground zero for COVID-19 pandemic The importance of long-term care populations in models of COVID-19 Online social support groups for informal caregivers of hospice patients with cancer COVID-19 infections and deaths among Connecticut nursing home residents: Facility correlates How will COVID-19 affect the health care economy? JAMA Health Forum COVID-19 in nursing homes Kaiser Family Foundation, State data and policy actions to address coronavirus Nursing homes and COVID-19: We can and should do better Mortality associated with COVID-19 outbreaks in care homes: Early international evidence. International Long Term Care Policy Network Epidemiology of Covid-19 in a long-term care Characteristics of highly rated leadership in nursing homes using item response theory Residential facilities, assisted living, and nursing homes Department of Health And Human Services, Long-term care providers and services users in the United States Demographic science aids in understanding the spread and fatality rates of COVID-19 Severe outcomes among patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-United States Designing assisted living technologies 'in the wild': Preliminary experiences with cultural probe methodology Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, meaningful communication between family caregivers and residents of long-term care facilities is imperative Social support, health literacy, and health care utilization among older adults Potential lethal outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) among the elderly in retirement homes and long-term facilities COVID-19, post-acute care preparedness and nursing homes: Flawed policy in the fog of war Providing shelter to nursing home evacuees in disasters: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina Exploring the mediating role of social support and fall e cacy on the association between falls and physical activity: A cross-sectional study in an assisted-living population Postacute care preparedness for COVID-19: Thinking ahead Registered nurse burnout, job dissatisfaction, and missed care in nursing homes COVID-19 presents high risk to older persons COVID-19): Older adults Evaluating barriers to adopting telemedicine worldwide: A systematic review Addressing equity in telemedicine for chronic disease management during the Covid-19 pandemic. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery Challenges associated with online health information seeking among older adults, in Aging, Technology and Health, R. Pak and A.C. McLaughlin, Editors Technology learning and use among older adults with late-life vision impairments. Universal Access in the Information Society Health literacy, health disparities, and sources of health information in U.S. older adults COVID-19 testing and patients in mental health facilities. The Lancet. Psychiatry Nursing home physicians' assessments of barriers and strategies for end-of-life care in Norway and the Netherlands COVID-19 preparedness in nursing homes in the midst of the pandemic Nursing home leaders' and nurses' experiences of resources, sta ng and competence levels and the relation to hospital readmissions -a case study Characteristics of healthcare organisations struggling to improve quality: Results from a systematic review of qualitative studies Structural vulnerability in the United States revealed in three waves of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) The need to include assisted living in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic Bridging the telemedicine infrastructure gap: Implications for long-term care in rural America Investigating barriers to family visitation of nursing home residents: A systematic review The expansion of National Healthcare Safety Network enrollment and reporting in nursing homes: Lessons learned from a national qualitative study The care of older adults with extreme obesity in nursing homes: A collective case study. medRxiv An evaluation of tweets about older adults and COVID-19 Elder abuse in the COVID-19 era Ageism and COVID-19: What does our society's response say about us? COVID-19: Implications for the support of people with social care needs in England Nursing home implementation of health information technology: Review of the literature nds inadequate investment in preparation, infrastructure, and training. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing Toward an experimental ecology of human development The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and by design An ecological perspective on health promotion programs. Health Education Quarterly The bioecological model of human development Priorities for the professional development of registered nurses in nursing homes: A Delphi study Accountability to population health in the COVID-19 pandemic: Designing health care delivery within a social responsibility framework. Population Health Management Information and communications technology as a health promotion method for older adults in assisted-living facilities: Three-arm group-randomized trial Adding value to remote monitoring: Co-design of a health literacy intervention for older people with chronic disease delivered by telehealth -The telehealth literacy project Global telemedicine implementation and integration within health systems to ght the COVID-19 pandemic: A call to action Telehealth for global emergencies: Implications for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Connecting smartphone and wearable tness tracker data with a nationally used electronic health record system for diabetes education to facilitate behavioral goal monitoring in diabetes care: Protocol for a pragmatic multi-site randomized trial The role of telehealth in reducing the mental health burden from COVID-19 Reaching high-risk underserved individuals for cancer genetic counseling by videoteleconferencing Virtually perfect? Telemedicine for Covid-19 A behavioral lifestyle intervention enhanced with multiple-behavior self-monitoring using mobile and connected tools for underserved individuals with type 2 diabetes and comorbid overweight or obesity: Pilot comparative effectiveness trial What maximizes the effectiveness and implementation of technology-based interventions to support healthcare professional practice? A systematic literature review Technology-based motivation support for seniors' physical activity-A qualitative study on seniors' and health care professionals' views Sustainable implementation of innovative, technology-based health care practices: A qualitative case study from stroke telemedicine Meeting the transitional care needs of older adults with COVID-19 Factors associated with loneliness of noninstitutionalized and institutionalized older adults Global preparedness against COVID-19: We must leverage the power of digital health 15 smartphone apps for older adults to use while in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA statement Why prospective registration of systematic reviews makes sense. Syst Rev Debunking myths of protocol registration. Syst Rev Protocol registration or development may bene t the design, conduct and reporting of dose-response meta-analysis: Empirical evidence from a literature survey Protocol registration improves reporting quality of systematic reviews in dentistry Reproducibility and replicability of systematic reviews Promoting quality and transparency in clinical research The Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing risk of bias in randomised trials A methodology to identify a cohort of Medicare bene ciaries residing in large assisted living facilities using administrative data Understanding technology-based interventions for caregivers of cancer patients: A systematic review-based concept analysis Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions Telehealth home support during COVID-19 con nement for community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia: Survey study Virtual reality exercise as a coping strategy for health and wellness promotion in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic Economic evaluation of passive monitoring technology for seniors Innovative assisted living tools, remote monitoring technologies, arti cial intelligence-driven solutions, and robotic systems for aging societies: Systematic review The authors wish to express their gratitude to Emme Lopez, the academic librarian who helped with nalizing the search strategy. Gratitude also goes to the editors and reviewers for their constructive input.