key: cord-0721704-qt2205ic authors: Tong, Michael C.F.; Chu, Ming Chi; Leighton, Susanna E.J.; van Hasselt, C. Andrew title: Adult Croup date: 2016-01-06 journal: Chest DOI: 10.1378/chest.109.6.1659 sha: e006e19fdf0a80655d9b5f60781af0fd089e7552 doc_id: 721704 cord_uid: qt2205ic Adult croup is a distinct disease entity that probably represents a heterogeneous clinical syndrome. Three cases of adult laryngotracheitis characterized by upper airway infection and progression to airway obstruction are illustrated. Close observation and prompt decisions regarding airway intervention are critical in effective management, and complete resolution is expected. The patient was treated with a total of 4,410 rads of radiation therapy to his nasal and oral pharynx. The treatment ports were then decreased to encompass just the site of the original tumor, and he was then given an additional1,440 rads. The patient's sleep apnea resolved with the radiation therapy and he remains free from sleep disturbances. A CT scan obtained after radiation documented resolution of the soft tissue mass. Repeat nocturnal polysomnography following completion of radiation therapy was normal. DISCUSSION While the mechanism of OSA is multifactmial, anatomic narrowing of the upper airway plays an important pathophysiologic role. 11 Anatomic obstruction resulting in sleepdisordered breathing has been reported due to a variety of causes. All patients with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea require a thorough examination of the upper airway. Extramedullary plasmacytomas occur fredominately in the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. Initial symptoms of plasmacytomas of the upper aerodigestive tract have included dysphonia, dysphagia, oral pain, and dyspnea on exertion. 12 Approximately 20% of solitary extramedullary plasmacytomas of the upper aerodigestive tract develop local recurrence or progress to multiple myeloma. In contrast, 80% of solitary osseous myelomas develop disseminated disease within 10 years. Plasmacytomas of the upper respiratory tract occur more frequently in males ( 3:1) and usually are in patients 50 to 70 years of age. 8 Since solitary extramedullary plasmacytomas are radiosensitive, surgery was not indicated in our patients. Both patients were initially treated with nasal positive airway pressure which provided temporary relief of their sleep apnea. Subsequently nasal positive airway pressure was discontinued because their tumors responded to radiation therapy. We are unaware of other reports of OSA due to plasmacytoma. Although our patients did well, physicians should be aware that radiation therapy, when delivered to the upper aerodigestive tract, may worsen airway obstruction due to supraglottic mucosal edema, 1 · 13 acquired laryngomalacia, 14 has been recognized as an important cause of upper airway obstruction in children. Adult cases have been rare and it was not until 1990 that Deeb and Einhom 1 first reported seven cases. "Adult croup syndrome" was used to describe the clinical picture of community-acquired acute upper airway obstruction due to an infectious cause in the subglottic area of the larynx. The condition generally has a good prognosis and is to be distinguished from acute bacterial tracheitis, which is caused by staphylococcal infection, 2 -4 and tracheitis associated with immunocompromized patients or chronic debilitation. 5 -8 We report three cases seen in a regional hospital in Hong Kong between June 1992 and March 1994. The reports are followed by a discussion of clinicopathologic features and management. apyrexial. She had a weak voice and biphasic stridor ithout intercostal retraction. Throat examination and chest auscultation were unre markable. A chest radiograph showed normal lung fi elds. In the e me rgency room , laryngoscopy was pe rformed \~th a fl exible latyngoseope. Mild subglottic mueosal ede ma was noted while glottic.: and supraglottic structures were normal. Her initial WBC count was 12x I 0 9 /L. A diagnosis of acute subglottitis was made and antibioties ''~th humidification we re presctibed. Ile r condition dete tiorated .3 h late r when she developed increased inspiratmy stridor ''~th supraste rnal and supraelm~cular retraction. \ Vhile the patient W