key: cord-0718349-0golp6nh authors: Elfasi, Aisha; Echevarria, Franklin; Rodriguez, Robert; Roman Casul, Yoram A.; Khanna, Anna Yuzefovich; Mankowski, Robert T.; Simpkins, Alexis N. title: Impact of COVID-19 on Future Ischemic Stroke Incidence date: 2021-02-01 journal: eNeurologicalSci DOI: 10.1016/j.ensci.2021.100325 sha: f410d45beba063a71e3e2e4d41cd7760c7dfaedb doc_id: 718349 cord_uid: 0golp6nh With the ever-expanding population of patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2, we are learning more about the immediate and long-term clinical manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Ischemic stroke (IS) is now one of the well-documented additional clinical manifestation of COVID-19. Most COVID-19 related IS cases have been categorized as cryptogenic or embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS), which are most often suspected to have an undiagnosed cardioembolic source. COVID-19 is known to also cause cardiac dysfunction, heart failure, and atrial arrhythmias (AA), but the long-term impact of this cardiac dysfunction on stroke incidence is unknown. With millions afflicted with COVID-19 and the ever-rising infection rate, it is important to consider the potential long-term impact of COVID-19 on possible future IS incidence. Accomplishing these goals will require novel strategies that allow for diagnosis, data capture, and prediction of future IS risk using tools that are adaptable to the evolving clinical challenges such that patient care delivery and research. Several reports have now confirmed that the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus -2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is associated with thrombotic events, including ischemic stroke. 1-7 A possible association between COVID-19 and stroke was first noted early in the pandemic in a retrospective case study published from China. 4 Since this initial publication, several larger retrospective cohorts have reported stroke incidences of ranging from 0.9% to 3.3%. 3, 5-8 In fact in comparison to influenza A-B, the odds of developing a stroke have been reported to be seven fold higher with COVID-19. 3 Patients with COVID-19 that have stroke tend to be more severely affected and have higher mortality rate than case matched J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f Journal Pre-proof control IS patients. 9 IS tends to occur in those with more medical comorbidities, 10 but can also occur in patients without preconditions and/or under the age of 55, [11] [12] [13] suggesting even healthy people are at risk. COVID-19 is thought to lead to increased thrombotic events such as IS secondary to hypercoagulability caused by systemic inflammation, viral-induced endothelial damage and cardiac dysfunction. 8, [14] [15] [16] [17] Multiple studies report that most COVID-19 related IS are cryptogenic or embolic stroke of undetermined significance (ESUS), which is a stroke subtype thought to be caused mostly by an undiagnosed cardioembolic source. 14, 18 Cardiac disease is one of the most frequent complications occurring in COVID-19 patients, 19, 20 and the damage can be long-standing even after recovery. 21 Given the increasing prevalence of COVID-19 and it's predilection for causing cardiac damage and known propensity for cryptogenic/ESUS IS, it is important to consider the future impact of COVID-19 on future stroke incidence. As mentioned previously, there is a higher proportion of COVID-19 related IS that have been reported to be cryptogenic or embolic stroke of undetermined significance (ESUS). 14, 18 Cryptogenic or ESUS are thought to occur in the setting of thromboembolic predisposition and involve an unknown embolic source. In the landmark trial NAVIGATE-ESUS, 73% of ESUS were eventually attributed to a cardiac source, with 37% associated with atrial cardiopathy and 36% associated with underlying ventricular disease. 18 COVID-19 patients may suffer several cardiac complications including ventricular and atrial arrhythmias (AA), myocardial injury, acute coronary syndrome, and cardiomyopathy. 19, 20 These can also result in embolic sources for thrombi and lead to ESUS. 3, 4 Based on these findings, COVID-19 patients may represent a perfect set-up for ESUS due to the increased risk of AA and cardiomyopathy development in addition to COVID-19 associated coagulopathy. Recent evidence suggests that COVID-19 cardiac complications are due to an orchestrated inflammatory response leading to cardiac dysfunction 19 and sympathetic surge. 22 The massive systemic inflammatory response or "cytokine storm" seen in sepsis caused by COVID-19 could also be a significant contributor. 19, 20 Cardiac complications associated with COVID-19 were reported in Chinese cohorts in early 2020 and were found to be most notable in the subset of patients who were most critically ill 19, 20, 23 and with pre-existing risk factors for cardiac disease such as hypertension and obesity. 19, 20 A global survey of medical providers reported that 21% of medical providers found atrial fibrillation within their patient population hospitalized with COVID-19, while 5.4% reported atrial flutter . 24 AA have also been reported to be a frequent reason for electrophysiology consultation in a hospital heavily impacted by COVID-19. 25 Cardiac arrhythmias were detected in up to 17% of patients with incidence increasing to greater than 40% among critically ill patients. 19, 20 Colon et al analyzed the electrocardiograms (ECGs) of COVID-19 ICU patients (n = 69) and non-ICU patients (n=46) and also found that around 17% of their cohort developed AA. 5 Furthermore, patients who developed AA including atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter often had a history of hypertension and/or obesity and were the most critically ill, requiring mechanical ventilation and vasopressor support. 26 These findings were further corroborated by a study in Pennsylvania, which reported that patients that developed atrial fibrillation while hospitalized had a higher mortality rate, were more likely to be in an intensive care setting, and more likely to have heart failure. 27 These studies suggest that the development of AA is associated with greater morbidity and mortality within the COVID-19 population. The etiology of COVID-19 related AA is currently unclear and requires further research. Even with current data, there are still several knowledge gaps. Most reported studies have included data from hospitalized patients early during the pandemic. During this time, secondary to stay at home orders and possibly patients wanting to avoid healthcare facilities, stroke volumes decreased significantly. 28 Thus, a sub-group of patients with asymptomatic or mild COVID-19 symptoms or mild or transient neurologic deficits may not have been captured in current data sets. Also, we are still learning about the long-term implications of COVID-19 related cardiac disease and hypercoagulability. Without both of these questions addressed, it is more difficult to formulate comprehensive stroke prevention strategy for COVID-19 patients, as we will not be able to determine which COVID-19 patients are at increased risk of having an IS, or be able to predict the mechanism behind it (i.e. hypercoagulability, cardioembolic/ESUS, or traditional stroke risk factors such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and atherosclerosis). This information is needed to provide evidence-based guidance on most effective forms of stroke prevention in this higher risk population. Several randomized trials further investigating the role of anticoagulation in COVID-19 for prevention of thrombotic events are currently pending (NCT04345848, NCT04362085, NCT04406389). With millions of patients contracting COVID-19 and the estimated risk of IS and persistent cardiac dysfunction in this COVID-19 patients reported, there could be a significant number of new IS cases related to COVID-19, particularly those with pre-existing conditions. 1, 26 Assessment of the long-term risk of IS and cardiac disease that increases risk of ESUS and cryptogenic IS will provide vital information for future risk stratification of COVID-19 patients. Patients who develop severe cardiac complications such as myocardial injury, ACS, or cardiomyopathy may experience further compromise of cardiac function and later development of AA as natural progression of these processes. 19 These findings suggest that COVID-19 survivors, both those with and without acute onset of cardiac complications, may be at higher risk of developing AA in the future, further increasing their risk for ESUS and cryptogenic IS. Addressing this need could be accomplished with COVID-19 database registries, long-term observational studies of COVID-19 survivors, and studies comparing cardiac and stroke outcomes in COVID-19 patients. At this time in the developing COVID-19 pandemic, long-term follow-up on large cohorts of COVID-19 patients has not yet been reported. However, we do know that patients have been reported to have persistent symptoms even after SARS-CoV2 RNA is undetectable after recovery. 21, 29 In addition to capturing data on traditional stroke risk factors and assessment for coagulopathies, COVID-19 registries and observational studies should include clinical outcome variables that can be used to detect patients at highest risk of having an ESUS/cryptogenic IS as well as provide methods for tracking long-term outcomes. Previously established clinical markers associated with left atrial abnormalities, such as the P-wave terminal force in lead V1 (PTFV1), may be of use in COVID-19 patients, as they serve as indicators of long-term IS risk independent of clinically diagnosed AF. 30 Development of reliable methods to monitor these patients in the immediate setting and long-term will be instrumental in the understanding of how COVID-19 may increase the risk of ESUS/cryptogenic IS. This will require novel approaches for data collection and patient participation to compensate for the decreases in healthcare utilization during the pandemic. 28 For example, stay at home orders in Denmark not only reduced diagnosis of new onset AF, but were also associated with increase stroke incidence and mortality related to AF. 31 This demonstrates that adaptions for patient monitoring and systems of care are essential. Other forms of healthcare access such as telemedicine have proven to be successful as demonstrated by the TeleCheck-AF program. 32 In addition, the J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f Journal Pre-proof COVID-19 Symptom study is another example of using remote technology to capture outcomes data in large population of COVID-19 patients ( The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new era of healthcare. It is important to prepare for continued evolution of acute management practices and the discovery of potential long-term disease manifestations that can evolve in COVID-19 survivors, including IS. Covid-19 cases in the U.S. National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Division of Viral Diseases COVID-19 Is an Independent Risk Factor for Acute Ischemic Stroke Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vs Patients With Influenza Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease SARS-CoV-2 and Stroke in a New York Healthcare System Stroke in COVID-19 patients-A case series from Italy Acute Cerebrovascular Events in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Neurological associations of COVID-19 Characteristics and Outcomes in Patients With COVID-19 and Acute Ischemic Stroke Prevalence of comorbidities and its effects in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2: a systematic review and meta-analysis Confirmation of the high cumulative incidence of thrombotic complications in critically ill ICU patients with COVID-19: An updated analysis Large-Vessel Stroke as a Presenting Feature of Covid-19 in the Young COVID-19-related strokes in adults below 55 years of age: a case series Mechanisms of Stroke in COVID-19 Coagulation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients with COVID-19 The coagulopathy, endotheliopathy, and vasculitis of COVID-19 Central nervous system involvement by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) Potential Embolic Sources and Outcomes in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source in the NAVIGATE-ESUS Trial Cardiovascular Implications of Fatal Outcomes of Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Clinical Characteristics of 138 Hospitalized Patients With 2019 Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan, China Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) COVID-19 and Heart: From Clinical Features to Pharmacological Implications Clinical Characteristics of Covid-19 in New York City COVID-19 and cardiac arrhythmias: a global perspective on arrhythmia characteristics and management strategies Cardiac electrophysiology consultative experience at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States COVID-19 and cardiac arrhythmias Preserving stroke care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Potential issues and solutions Persistent Symptoms in Patients After Acute COVID-19 Electrocardiographic Left Atrial Abnormality and Risk of Stroke: Northern Manhattan Study New-onset atrial fibrillation: incidence, characteristics, and related events following a national COVID-19 lockdown of 5.6 million people TeleCheck-AF for COVID-19