key: cord-0718177-x0sdl6r5 authors: Han, Youngmahn; Lee, Aeri title: Predicting SARS-CoV-2 epitope-specific TCR recognition using pre-trained protein embeddings date: 2021-11-17 journal: bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2021.11.17.468929 sha: 86d9d818d177ac4a286d19213e2fec1bbec70fbb doc_id: 718177 cord_uid: x0sdl6r5 The COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing because of the high transmission rate and the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants. The P272L mutation in SARS-Cov-2 S-protein is known to be highly relevant to the viral escape associated with the second pandemic wave in Europe. Epitope-specific T-cell receptor (TCR) recognition is a key factor in determining the T-cell immunogenicity of a SARS-CoV-2 epitope. Although several data-driven methods for predicting epitope-specific TCR recognition have been proposed, they remain challenging owing to the enormous diversity of TCRs and the lack of available training data. Self-supervised transfer learning has recently been demonstrated to be powerful for extracting useful information from unlabeled protein sequences and increasing the predictive performance of the fine-tuned models in downstream tasks. Here, we present a predictive model based on Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), employing self-supervised transfer learning, to predict SARS-CoV-2 T-cell epitope-specific TCR recognition. The fine-tuned model showed notably high predictive performance for independent evaluation using the SARS-CoV-2 epitope-specific TCR CDR3β sequence datasets. In particular, we found the proline at position 4 corresponding to the P272L mutation in the SARS-CoV-2 S-protein269-277 epitope (YLQPRTFLL) may contribute substantially to TCR recognition of the epitope through interpreting the output attention weights of our model. We anticipate that our findings will provide new directions for constructing a reliable data-driven model to predict the immunogenic T-cell epitopes using limited training data and help accelerate the development of an effective vaccine in response to SARS-CoV-2 variants. The global population is currently suffering from a pandemic of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the novel coronavirus known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on March 11, 2020 , there have been 237,251,035 confirmed cases worldwide, and 4,842,805 deaths (GISAID, [1] . Despite the number of vaccinations exceeding 6.4 billion, the pandemic is ongoing because of the high transmission rate and the emergent SARS-CoV-2 variants associated with disease severity and viral escape of humoral immunity [2] . To end the pandemic, many countries and global scientific communities are developing effective vaccines and appropriate treatments in response to these variants. In addition to the virus-neutralizing antibodies produced by B-cells, cytotoxic CD8 + T-cells and the helper CD4 + T-cells are essential for viral clearance. T-cells circulating in the blood lead the first response to any virus in the adaptive immune system: they detect infected cells and mount an immune response or directly clear the infected cells, often before symptoms appear [3] [4] [5] [6] . The development of effective COVID-19 vaccines, therefore, depends on the identification of T-cell epitopes that can induce T-cell immune responses. Peptide-major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs) on the cell surface are recognized by T-cells via a dimeric surface protein, the T-cell receptor (TCR), consequently leading to T-cell activation and proliferation by clonal expansion [7] . TCR recognition of a T-cell epitope is therefore crucial for determining the immunogenicity of the epitope. TCRs are generated by genomic rearrangement of the germline TCR loci from a large collection of variable (V), diversity (D), and joining (J) gene segments. During T cell development, most TCRs are formed by a pair of α-and β-chains (90-95% of T cells) via the V(D)J recombination in each locus independently. This rearrangement is estimated to generate 10 18 different TCRs, providing an enormous diversity of epitope-specific T-cell repertoires [8, 9] . Despite this TCR diversity, recent studies have found that TCRs recognizing a specific target epitope often share common sequence features. Glanville et al. [10] and Dash et al. [11] have shown a clear signature of the amino acid motif in the complementarity-determining region 3(CDR3) of TCRβ and TCRα that interacts with specific peptides presented by specific MHC molecules. Furthermore, concerted data collection efforts [12] [13] [14] [15] and advances in highthroughput TCR sequencing technologies have demonstrated T-cell specificity [16, 17] , allowing the development of a data-driven model for predicting epitope-specific TCR recognition [18] . Several methods using position-specific scoring matrices [10] , Gaussian processes [19] , random forests [20] , convolutional neural networks [21] , deep generative models [22, 23] , and natural language process (NLP)-based deep learning models [24] have been proposed. However, increasing the predictive power of a machine-learning (or deep learning) model remains challenging because of the scarcity of training data: as of October 2019, the VDJdb [15] and McPAS-TCR [13] databases contained about 20,000 and 55,000 epitope-specific TCR sequences, respectively. Recent advances in NLP have demonstrated that self-supervised learning can be a powerful tool for extracting useful information from unlabeled sequence data [25] [26] [27] . One successful approach, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) [26] , is a language model pre-trained using a huge amount of unlabeled text data via two self-supervised tasks, masked token prediction and next sentence prediction. BERT models, fine-tuned using a small number of datasets, have shown ground-breaking results in 11 NLP downstream tasks. The self-supervised transfer learning strategy constructs the final model by fine-tuning the selfsupervised pre-trained model on a large amount of unlabeled data, using a small amount of labeled data in a downstream task; this strategy can be useful for increasing the predictive power of a deep learning model when there is scarce training data. The self-supervised transfer learning has been demonstrated to help learn protein sequence patterns [28] [29] [30] . The Tasks Assessing Protein Embeddings (TAPE) [28] model was pre-trained on 31 million unlabeled protein sequences derived from the Pfam database [31] via two protein-specific selfsupervised tasks, amino acid contact prediction and remote homology detection. The TAPE pre-trained model is helpful for improving the predictive performance in supervised downstream tasks such as secondary structure prediction, amino acid contact prediction, remote homology detection, fluorescence landscape prediction, and protein stability landscape prediction. BERTMHC [32] , a deep learning model generated by fine-tuning the pre-trained TAPE model, has shown a reliable performance in predicting both peptide-MHC-II binding and presentation, using relatively little training data. Many sequence-based methods for modeling epitope-specific TCR recognition have used a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of TCR sequences to identify position-specific amino acid motifs. This makes it difficult to find the critical amino acid positions in both the epitope and the TCR sequence, which can be highly relevant in TCR recognition [10, 11, [22] [23] [24] 37] . A recent study [33] of protein language models has shown that the output attentions of BERT-based protein models can capture biologically relevant protein properties. An attention-based deep learning model for peptide-MHC-I binding predictions [34] has shown that the attentions learned by the predictive model can capture critical amino acid positions of the peptides, which help stabilize the peptide-MHC-I bindings. Here, we present a BERT-based model employing self-supervised transfer learning for predicting SARS-CoV-2 T-cell epitope-specific TCR recognition. The predictive model was generated by fine-tuning the pre-trained TAPE model using epitope-specific TCR CDR3β sequence datasets. The fine-tuned model showed markedly high predictive performance in the independent evaluation using SARS-CoV-2 epitope-specific CDR3β sequence datasets and outperformed the recent Gaussian process-based method. In particular, we found the critical amino acid positions of both epitope and CDR3β sequences, which potentially contribute greatly to the TCR recognition of an epitope, can be captured using the output attention weights of our model. We anticipate that our findings will provide new directions for constructing a reliable model for predicting the immunogenic T-cell epitopes using limited training data and help accelerate the development of an effective vaccine in response to SARS-CoV-2 variants, by identifying potential amino acid motifs highly relevant to the epitopespecific TCR recognition. Training process and model architecture Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the training process of the proposed model. The initial model is cloned from the pre-trained BERT-based TAPE model, adding a classification layer at the end. First, the initial TAPE model is fine-tuned using general epitope-specific CDR3β sequence data, while freezing the embedding layer and top two encoding layers. Next, the final model is fine-tuned from using SARS-CoV-2 epitope-specific CDR3β sequence data derived from Immune Epitope Database (IEDB), while freezing the embedding layer and top six encoding layers. Figure 2 shows the proposed model architecture. Input amino acid sequences concatenated by epitope and CDR3β sequences are first encoded into tokens using a tokenizer, where each token is an integer code for a single amino acid. Each token is then embedded into a 768dimensional vector in the pre-trained TAPE model based on the BERT model which has 12 encoding layers with 12 self-attention heads in each layer. The TAPE model was pre-trained using 31 million unlabeled protein sequences, via next-token prediction and bidirectional masked-token prediction tasks, with further supervised training via protein-specific tasks, contact prediction and remote homology detection. The output of the pre-trained TAPE model is the hidden states of the first token. The final classifier, a 2-layer feed-forward network, is then used to predict either binder or not from the output of the TAPE model. For the first fine-tuning round, the positive dataset containing epitope-specific TCR CDR3β sequences was compiled in May 2021 from three data sources: Dash et al. [Dash:2017go] 11 , providing epitope-specific paired TCRα and TCRβ chains for three human epitopes and seven mouse epitopes, and two manually curated databases providing pathology-associated TCR sequences, VDJdb [15] ( and McPAS-TCR [13] ( All VDJdb entries have confidence scores: 0, critical information missing; 1, medium confidence; 2, high confidence; 3, very high confidence. We selected all VDJdb entries with a confidence score of at least 1. For the second fine-tuning round, SARS-CoV-2 T-cell epitope-specific CDR3β sequence data were obtained from the Immune Epitope Database [35] ( in June 2021. After selecting all epitopes with at least 20 CDR3β sequences and removing duplicates with the same combination of epitope and CDR3β sequences from each fine-tuning dataset, the datasets for the first and second fine-tuning rounds contained, respectively, 12,569 positive data points covering 78 epitopes, and 49,282 positive data points covering 145 epitopes. To increase the specificity of our model, it was necessary to add more epitope-specific TCR CDR3β sequence data to each fine-tuning dataset as negative examples that are not expected to interact with TCRs and epitopes. Background CDR3β sequences were obtained from Howie et al. [36] , who collected blood from two healthy donors. A negative example was generated by combining an epitope from the positive dataset and a randomly selected background TCR CDR3β sequence. Table S1 summarizes the final epitope-specific CDR3β sequence data for each fine-tuning dataset. We evaluated the final model using two independent datasets. The first dataset contained 305 COVID-19 S-protein 269-277 T-cell epitope (YLQPRTFLL)-specific TCRβs from a recent study by Shomuradova et al. [37] (hereafter referred to as the Shomuradova dataset) and the same number of negative data points. The second dataset (hereafter referred to as the ImmuneCODE dataset) contained 390 YLQPRTFLL-specific TCRβs from the ImmuneRACE study launched on June 10, 2020, by Adaptive Biotechnologies and Microsoft (, and 328 negative data points (Table S2 ). We fine-tuned the pre-trained model in two rounds, changing the frozen layers between rounds in a progressively specialized manner. In the first fine-tuning round, the model was trained while freezing the embedding layer and top two encoding layers, so that the weights of the layers were not updated during the training process. In the second fine-tuning round, freezing was extended to the top six encoding layers. In each fine-tuning round, the training dataset was split into 80% training and 20% validation subsets, and training-validation was repeated for up to 200 epochs. The training and validation losses were measured for each epoch; the training process was stopped early at the epoch in which the validation loss had not been decreased for 15 consecutive epochs [38] . We used the Adam optimizer [39] with a learning rate of 0.0001 and batch size of 128, in all epochs. The PyTorch deep learning library( was used to implement the model. We evaluated the final finetuned model using the Shomuradova and ImmuneCODE datasets and quantified its predictive performance using the area under a receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) score. To identify the critical amino acid positions in both the SARS-CoV-2 epitope (YLQPRTFLL) and CDR3β sequences, which potentially contribute greatly to TCR recognition of the epitope, we investigated the output attention weights of our model for the YLQPRTFLL-CDR3β sequence pairs predicted as a binder in the Shomuradova and ImmuneCODE datasets. We selected CDR3β sequences with the most common lengths of 13(n=159), 16(n=62), and 11(n=35) from the Shomuradova dataset, and 13(n=162), 14(n=60), and 16(n=58) from the ImmuneCODE dataset were selected. The output attention weights have the dimension (L, N, H, S, S), where L is the number of encoding layers, N is the number of YLQPRTFLL-CDR3β sequence pairs, H is the number of attention heads, and S is the fixed-length of the sequences. The attention weights were marginalized into a one-dimensional vector of length of S. A value of the vector at the position m, A m is given by the following equation: a(i, j, k, l, m) is an attention weight. The final validation accuracies were 0.793 and 0.934 in two fine-tuning rounds, respectively ( Figure 3 ). In first fine-tuning round used a more general training dataset and more trainable encoding layers, the validation accuracy was lower and the difference between training and validation accuracies was higher. In contrast, in the second fine-tuning round used a more specific training dataset and fewer trainable encoding layers, the validation accuracy was markedly high and the difference between the training and validation accuracies was smaller. Fine-tuning the pre-trained model in this progressively specialized manner has the potential to generate a final model with high predictive performance for a specific task while avoiding model overfitting. The final fine-tuned model was evaluated using two external test datasets containing the SARS-CoV-2 epitope (YLQPRTFLL)-specific CDR3β sequences. Figure 4 shows the ROC curves for the two datasets. The AUROC scores were significantly high, at 0.981 and 0.983 for Shomuradova and ImmuneCODE datasets, respectively. Our model outperformed the recent Gaussian process-based method, TCRGP [19] , which produced an AUROC score of 0.895 for the ImmuneCODE dataset. To identify critical amino acid positions in both YLQPRTFLL and CDR3β sequences, we investigated the output attention weights of our model for the YLQPRTFLL-CDR3β sequence pairs predicted as a binder from the Shomuradova and ImmuneCODE datasets ( Figure 5) . For the Shomuradova dataset, the proline at the position 4 (P4) in the epitope has a relatively high attention weight, indicating that P4 may have a critical contribution to TCR recognition of the epitope ( Figure 5A) . A recent experimental study [40] of SARS-CoV-2 variants found that CD8 + T-cells from a cohort of convalescent patients, comprising more than 120 different TCRs, failed to respond to the P272L variant corresponding to P4. Furthermore, sizable populations of CD8 + T cells from individuals immunized with the currently approved COVID-19 vaccines failed to bind to the P272L reagent. In the CDR3β sequences, the attention weights at the central positions 5-8 were higher than those at both ends, indicating that the TCR amino acids at the positions may interact relatively well with the proline at P4 of the epitope, thereby contributing substantially to TCR recognition of the epitope. Very similar attention weight patterns were observed for the ImmuneCODE dataset ( Figure 5B ), for both the epitope and CDR3β sequences: there were relatively high attention weights at P4 in the epitope and the central positions 6-9 in the CDR3β sequences. Interestingly, our attention-based results differed from those of the MSA-based approaches, which consider conserved positions to be highly relevant to epitope-specific TCR recognition. In contrast, our findings suggest that the variable amino acid positions in the CDR3β sequences contribute substantially to TCR recognition of the epitope ( Figure S1 provides the sequence logos [41] of MSAs of the CDR3β sequences). We developed a BERT-based model employing self-supervised transfer learning to predict SARS-CoV-2 epitope-specific TCR recognition. The predictive model was generated by finetuning the pre-trained TAPE model using epitope-specific TCR CDR3β sequence datasets in a progressively specialized manner. The fine-tuned model demonstrated a markedly high predictive performance for two evaluation datasets containing the SARS-CoV-2 S-protein 269-277 epitope (YLQPRTFLL)-specific CDR3β sequences, and outperformed the recent Gaussian process-based model, TCRGP, for the ImmuneCODE dataset. In particular, the output attention weights of our model suggest that the proline at P4 in the epitope may contribute critically to TCR recognition of the epitope. A recent experimental study of SARS-CoV-2 variants demonstrated that CD8 + T-cells failed to respond to the P272L variant corresponding to P4. Further, CDR3β-sequence amino acids at the central positions, rather than at both ends, may contribute to the TCR recognition of the epitope. Our attention-based approach, which can capture all motifs in both the epitope and CDR3β sequences in epitope-specific TCR recognition, may be more useful for predicting immunogenic changes in T-cell epitopes derived from SARS-CoV-2 mutations than MSA-based approaches which depend entirely on TCR sequences. In further studies, sequence data related to interactions between TCRα chains and MHC molecules will be integrated into our framework to predict global interaction patterns in TCR recognition of peptide-MHC complexes. We anticipate that our findings will provide new frameworks for constructing a reliable data-driven model for predicting the immunogenic T cell epitopes using limited training data and help accelerate the development of an effective vaccine for the response to SARS-CoV-2 variants, by identifying critical amino acid positions that are important in epitope-specific TCR recognition. 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Neural Networks: Tricks of the trade A Method for Stochastic Optimization Emergence of immune escape at dominant SARS-CoV-2 killer T-cell epitope. medRxiv Seq2Logo: a method for construction and visualization of amino acid binding motifs and sequence profiles including sequence weighting, pseudo counts and two-sided representation of amino acid enrichment and depletion The authors would like to thank Dr. G. Kim and W. Jeon for helpful discussions and comments. YH designed the method, developed the software, conducted the experiments, and wrote the manuscript. AL supported the experiments and writing. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The authors declare that they have no competing interests.