key: cord-0714166-acn0mvax authors: Masselli, Elena; Vaccarezza, Mauro; Carubbi, Cecilia; Pozzi, Giulia; Presta, Valentina; Mirandola, Prisco; Vitale, Marco title: NK cells: A double edge sword against SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-06-13 journal: Adv Biol Regul DOI: 10.1016/j.jbior.2020.100737 sha: a88c6461e7de2bb89dfd5713a1bc5081f1943ce1 doc_id: 714166 cord_uid: acn0mvax Natural killer (NK) cells are pivotal effectors of the innate immunity protecting an individual from microbes. They are the first line of defense against invading viruses, given their substantial ability to directly target infected cells without the need for specific antigen presentation. By establishing cellular networks with a variety of cell types such as dendritic cells, NK cells can also amplify and modulate antiviral adaptive immune responses. In this review, we will examine the role of NK cells in SARS-COV2 infections causing the ongoing COVID19 pandemic, keeping in mind the controversial role of NK cells specifically in viral respiratory infections and in inflammatory-driven lung damage. We discuss lessons learnt from previous coronavirus outbreaks in humans (caused by SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-COV). As discussed above, NK cells are involved in viral infection control in animal models 177 and humans (Waggoner et al., 2016) . However, to the best of our knowledge, the interplay 178 between NK cells and SARS has been scarcely described. Critical role of natural killer cells in lung 318 immunopathology during influenza infection in mice Interleukin-15 and natural killer and NKT cells play a critical 320 role in innate protection against genital herpes simplex virus type 2 infection Differential responses of immune cells to type I interferon 324 contribute to host resistance to viral infection Severe herpes virus infection in an adolescent without 326 natural killer cells Imbalanced Host Response 329 to SARS-CoV-2 Drives Development of COVID-19. Cell, in press Host-viral infection maps 332 reveal signatures of severe COVID-19 patients Efficacy and safety of tocilizumab in severe COVID-19 patients: a 336 single-centre retrospective cohort study 338 Impact of low dose tocilizumab on mortality rate in patients with COVID-19 related pneumonia Porcine innate and adaptative immune responses to 341 influenza and coronavirus infections 343 Clinical and Immunological Features of Severe and Moderate Coronavirus Disease Inhibition 346 of natural killer cell cytotoxicity by interleukin-6: implications for the pathogenesis of macrophage 347 activation syndrome Natural killer Cells in the Lungs Off-label Use of Tocilizumab in Patients with 351 SARS-CoV-2 Infection Reduction and Functional Exhaustion of T Cells in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 354 2019 (COVID-19) Dendritic cell editing by natural killer cells Complex Immune Dysregulation in COVID-19 Patients with Severe Respiratory Failure. Cell Host 362 Microbe Role of type I interferon 364 receptor signaling on NK cell development and functions Nasal priming by a murine coronavirus provides protective immunity against lethal 367 heterologous virus pneumonia 369 Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan Recruited inflammatory monocytes stimulate antiviral 372 Th1 immunity in infected tissue 2020.T cell subset counts in 374 peripheral blood can be used as discriminatory biomarkers for diagnosis and severity prediction of 375 COVID-19 COVID-19 cytokine storm: the interplay between inflammation and 377 coagulation Control of human viral infections by natural killer cells Pathogen recognition by the innate immune system Single-cell landscape of bronchoalveolar immune cells in patients with 387 COVID-19 Longitudinal 389 characteristrics of lymphocyte responses and cytokine profiles in the peruipheral blood of SARS-CoV-390 2 A Natural Impact: NK Cells at the Intersection of Cancer and HIV 392 Disease. Front Immunol Dendritic cells prime 394 natural killer cells by trans-presenting interleukin 15 NK cell subset redistribution during the course of viral 396 infections Tocilizumab treatment in COVID-19: A single center 398 experience Bridging innate NK cell functions 400 with adaptive immunity Human Lung Natural Killer Cells Are Predominantly Comprised 403 of Highly Differentiated Hypofunctional CD69−CD56dim Cells Memory CD4 T cell-derived IL-2 synergizes with viral infection to exacerbate lung 407 inflammation Exogenous hydrogen sulfide induces functional inhibition and cell death of cytotoxic 410 lymphocytes subsets Activated human NK and CD8+ T cells express both TNF-related apoptosis-inducing 413 ligand (TRAIL) and TRAIL receptors but are resistant to TRAIL-mediated cytotoxicity The 416 yin-yang of the interaction between myelomonocytic cells and NK cells Off-label use of tocilizumab for the treatment of SARS-422 Activating receptors and coreceptors involved in human natural killer cell Natural killer cells and dendritic cells: rendez-vous in abused tissues Dynamics of Sendai Virus Spread Immunotherapeutic Efficacy after Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Imaged 430 Noninvasively in Mice Immunomodulation of 432 the Natural Killer Cell Phenotype and Response during HCV Infection Interleukin 18 (IL-18) in synergy with IL-2 induces lethal lung injury in 436 mice: a potential role for cytokines, chemokines, and natural killer cells in the pathogenesis of 437 interstitial pneumonia A Dynamic Immune Response Shapes COVID-19 Progression. Cell Host 440 Microbe Requirement for natural killer cell-produced 442 interferon gamma in defense against murine cytomegalovirus infection and enhancement of this 443 defense pathway by interleukin 12 administration Natural killer cell education and tolerance Fatal COVID-19 infections: Is NK cell dysfunction 447 a link with autoimmune HLH? Role of CREB 449 transcription factor in c-fos activation in natural killer cells IL-12 451 and IL-15 induce activation of nuclear PLCbeta in human natural killer cells Pathogenesis of chronic viral hepatitis: differential roles of T cells and NK cells Interleukin 2 and interleukin 15 differentially predispose natural killer cells to apoptosis mediated by 456 endothelial and tumour cells Monocytes 458 activate natural killer cells via inflammasome-induced interleukin 18 in response to hepatitis C virus 459 replication Corona (COVID-19) time musings: Our involvement in COVID-19 pathogenesis, 461 diagnosis, treatment and vaccine planning 2020 Characteristics and prognostic factors of 464 disease severity in patients with COVID-19: The Beijing experience Susceptibility of CCR5-deficient mice to genital herpes 466 simplex virus type 2 is linked to NK cell mobilization The many faces of the anti-COVID immune reponse HIV-1 matrix protein p17 enhances the proliferative activity of natural killer cells 471 and increases their ability to secrete proinflammatory cytokines 474 NK-active cytokines IL-2, IL-12, and IL-15 selectively modulate specific protein kinase C (PKC) 475 isoforms in primary human NK cells Interleukin 2 activates nuclear phospholipase Cbeta by mitogen-activated 478 protein kinase-dependent phosphorylation in human natural killer cells The impairment of 480 natural killer function in the healthy aged is due to a postbinding deficient mechanism Functions of natural killer cells Innate or adaptive immunity? The example of natural killer cells Roles of natural killer cells in antiviral 488 immunity Monocyte/Macrophage: NK Cell Cooperation-Old Tools for New 490 Functions 492 Characteristics of Peripheral Lymphocyte Subset Alteration in COVID-19 Pneumonia 495 Immune cell profiling of COVID-19 patients in the recovery stage by singlecell sequencing WHO, 2020. Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports The Involvement of Natural Killer Cells in the 502 Pathogenesis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Am Transcriptomic characteristics of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and peripheral blood mononuclear 505 cells in COVID-19 patients Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab NK cells 510 and cancer Identification of a 512 NCR+/NKG2D+/LFA-1(low)/CD94(-) immature human NK cell subset IFN-γ production by human natural killer cells in 514 response to HCV-infected hepatoma cells is dependent on accessory cells Viral and host 517 factors related to the clinical outcome of COVID-19 Functional exhaustion of 520 antiviral lymphocytes in COVID-19 patients A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Heightened Innate Immune Responses in the Respiratory Tract of COVID-19 Patients. Cell 528 Host Microbe 530 A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China