key: cord-0712193-fmn80vga authors: Zemirli, Naima; Morel, Etienne; Molino, Diana title: Mitochondrial Dynamics in Basal and Stressful Conditions date: 2018-02-13 journal: Int J Mol Sci DOI: 10.3390/ijms19020564 sha: 61ab8b92a20e33291536d1b0ef49ca4657cd4b43 doc_id: 712193 cord_uid: fmn80vga The historical role of mitochondria resides in converting the energy released during the oxidation of macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) into adenosine tri-phosphate, a major form of chemically stored energy which sustains cell growth and homeostasis. Beyond this role in bioenergetics regulation, mitochondria play a role in several other cellular processes including lipid metabolism, cellular calcium homeostasis, autophagy and immune responses. Furthermore, mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles: as all other cellular endomembranes, they are continuously moving along cytoskeleton, and, most importantly, they constantly interact one with each other by membrane tethering, fusion and fission. This review aims to highlight the tight correlation between the morphodynamics of mitochondria and their biological function(s), in physiological as well as stress conditions, in particular nutrient deprivation, pathogen attack and some human diseases. Finally, we emphasize some crosstalk between the fusion/fission machinery and the autophagy pathway to ending on some speculative hypothesis to inspire future research in the field. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell, generating a large part of cellular ATP content (adenosine tri-phosphate). These organelles are also involved in vital metabolic processes, such as calcium and iron homeostasis, redox signalling, programmed cell death, innate immunity and finally participate in the regulation of various physiological processes [1] . In the past century, advances in live cell imaging revealed the dynamic behaviour of mitochondria (MT) and MT network. Indeed, to maintain their homeostasis, these organelles form elongated tubules that continually divide and fuse. This morphology results from a balance between two opposite processes: fusion and fission. When this equilibrium is broken, mitochondria lose their characteristic shape. Hence, if MT fusion is reduced, the mitochondria become fragmented because of unbalanced fission. Conversely, if MT fission is reduced, the mitochondria become elongated and excessively interconnected because of unbalanced fusion. The molecular machinery that mediates this organelle fission and fusion is thus necessary to maintain MT integrity and is tightly regulated by post-translational modifications and protein-protein interactions [2] . In mammals, MT-fusion events are mediated by mitochondrial proteins belonging to the family of -related GTPases: Mitofusin 1 (MFN1), Mitofusin 2 (MFN2) and OPtic Atrophy 1 (OPA1). As mitochondrion is a double-membrane organelle, this fusion occurs in a two-step process: MFN1 and MFN 2 ensure first the fusion of the outer mitochondrial membranes (MOM) [3] while OPA1 spirals that mediate constriction and scission of the mitochondrion. Recently, Voeltz and colleagues [22] have demonstrated that a dynamin family member "Dyn2" is required for scission process. Indeed, Dyn2-depleted cells displayed a hyperfused mitochondrial network that was similar to mitochondria in Drp1-depleted cells. The authors proposed that Drp1-mediated constriction facilitates Dyn2 assembly, which induces membrane fission to complete division [22] . Int colleagues [22] have demonstrated that a dynamin family member "Dyn2" is required for scission process. Indeed, Dyn2-depleted cells displayed a hyperfused mitochondrial network that was similar to mitochondria in Drp1-depleted cells. The authors proposed that Drp1-mediated constriction facilitates Dyn2 assembly, which induces membrane fission to complete division [22] . More investigation in fission mechanism allowed to highlight the involvement of MT-ER-Actin nexus in the induction of initial membrane curvature on mitochondria to mark specific sites for the recruitment of DRP1 and hence trigger fission process [23, 24] . The regulation of DRP1 properties, like GTPase activity, mitochondrial translocation and assembly is critical. Thus, regulation of Drp1 and/or its partners by post-translational modifications is important for DRP1 cycling between the cytosol and mitochondria. One of the most studied post translational modifications of DRP1 is phosphorylation, which occurs at several sites and is regulated by various kinases and phosphatases. In general, DRP1 phosphorylation at Ser637 inhibits its activity, while phosphorylation at Ser616 is mostly associated with DRP1 activation. cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylates Ser637 of human DRP1 and this modification inhibits mitochondrial fission through the inhibition of GTPase activity and eventually mitochondrial recruitment of DRP1 [25] , as during cardiac ischemic injury model [26] and starvation (as detailed later). A kinase anchoring protein 1(AKAP1, also known as Rab32), is a scaffold protein localized on the MOM and involved in the mitochondrial recruitment of DRP1. The PKA/AKAP1 complex regulates the phosphorylation of DRP1 on Ser637 to preserve mitochondrial network integrity and cell survival [27] . Calcineurin dephosphorylates Drp1-Ser637(P) and stimulates DRP1 translocation to the mitochondria [28] . Surprisingly, phosphorylation at the same residue could have Mitochondrial dynamics: machinery and context. Mitochondria continuously undergo two membrane related opposite processes: fission and fusion. According to cell context and circumstances, the equilibrium between fission and fusion could be altered and the balance leans towards one of these two processes. When cells are subjected to mild stresses, mitochondria form an elongated and interconnected network, they resist mitophagy and increase ATP production to adjust to cellular stresses as nutrient deprivation. Conversely, in the case of severe stresses, mitochondria present a fragmented form. Failure of any of these pathways to maintain homeostasis, results in elimination of the entire mitochondria via mitophagy, or, if stress is prolonged, via apoptosis. More investigation in fission mechanism allowed to highlight the involvement of MT-ER-Actin nexus in the induction of initial membrane curvature on mitochondria to mark specific sites for the recruitment of DRP1 and hence trigger fission process [23, 24] . The regulation of DRP1 properties, like GTPase activity, mitochondrial translocation and assembly is critical. Thus, regulation of Drp1 and/or its partners by post-translational modifications is important for DRP1 cycling between the cytosol and mitochondria. One of the most studied post translational modifications of DRP1 is phosphorylation, which occurs at several sites and is regulated by various kinases and phosphatases. In general, DRP1 phosphorylation at Ser637 inhibits its activity, while phosphorylation at Ser616 is mostly associated with DRP1 activation. cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylates Ser637 of human DRP1 and this modification inhibits mitochondrial fission through the inhibition of GTPase activity and eventually mitochondrial recruitment of DRP1 [25] , as during cardiac ischemic injury model [26] and starvation (as detailed later). A kinase anchoring protein 1(AKAP1, also known as Rab32), is a scaffold protein localized on the MOM and involved in the mitochondrial recruitment of DRP1. The PKA/AKAP1 complex regulates the phosphorylation of DRP1 on Ser637 to preserve mitochondrial network integrity and cell survival [27] . Calcineurin dephosphorylates Drp1-Ser637(P) and stimulates DRP1 translocation to the mitochondria [28] . Surprisingly, phosphorylation at the same residue could have opposite effect on DRP1 activity and mitochondrial morphology: the voltage-dependant Ca 2+ channels (VDCCs)-associated Ca 2+ signalling stimulates DRP1 phosphorylation at Ser637 via the activation of Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase Iα (CaMKIα). In neurons and HeLa cells, this phosphorylation is associated with an increase of DRP1 translocation to mitochondria and thus fission process [29] . On the other hand, during mitosis, the kinase activity of CDK1/cyclin B is stimulated at the mitochondrial membranes and mediates the phosphorylation of human DRP1 on Ser616, leading to its oligomerization and subsequent mitochondrial fission [30] . In neurons, protein kinase Cδ (PKCδ) catalyses the phosphorylation of DRP1 Ser616 leading to mitochondrial fragmentation and impaired mitochondrial function under oxidative stress conditions [31] . During the process of reprogramming to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, somatic cells switch from oxidative to glycolytic metabolism. It has been demonstrated that the phosphorylation of DRP1 at Ser616 by ERK1/2 is an early and necessary step in this process [32] . Other phosphorylation sites have also been described, for example, DRP1-Ser693 which is targeted by GSK3β, leading to the inhibition of DRP1 GTPase activity and the formation of an elongated mitochondrial network in the context of oxidative stress [33] . DRP1 is also subjected to other post-translational modifications. In the context of Alzheimer's disease, β-amyloid protein stimulates NO production to cause S-nitrosylation of Drp1 at Cys644. This modification is associated with enhanced GTPase activity and Drp1 oligomerization, leading to excessive mitochondrial fission in neurons, which causes synaptic loss and neuronal damage in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients [34] . DRP1 is also targeted by ubiquitination. This modification is mainly catalysed by MARCH5, a mitochondrial E3 ligase which ubiquitinates DRP1 on the MOM. The effect of MARCH5 is debated as its knockdown or the overexpression of the mutant form lacking ubiquitin ligase activity, showed opposed effect on mitochondrial morphology [35, 36] . In addition to ubiquitination, DRP1 is also regulated by SUMOylation. Overexpression of SUMO1 (Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1induces mitochondrial fission via the SUMOylation of DRP1 in a Bax/Bak dependent manner during early apoptosis progression [37] . MAPL, a mitochondrial SUMO E3 ligase has also been described as DRP1 regulator and its overexpression stimulates mitochondrial fragmentation [38] . Finally, O-GlucNAcetylation of DRP1 at Thr585 and Thr586 in rat neonatal cardiac myocytes has been described. This modification is associated with increased levels of GTP-bound active DRP1, its mitochondrial translocation and the subsequent induction of mitochondrial fission [39] . A defective mitochondrial dynamic machinery could have important physiological consequences including embryonic lethality and diseases [2] (Table 1 ), suggesting that fission and fusion go far beyond the morphological aspect of mitochondria. Mitochondrial dynamics have been linked to multiple mitochondrial functions. Thus, fusion process allows contents exchange, such as mtDNA, proteins, lipids and metabolites between mitochondria, all necessary for maintaining genetic and biochemical homogeneity within the mitochondrial population. The fusion process is also well known to be important for oxidative phosphorylation activity, particularly through the regulation of mtDNA levels. Fission, on the other hand, ensures the quality control of mitochondria by facilitating the removal of damaged organelles via mitophagy, facilitates their transport along the cytoskeletal network and is essential for separating mitochondria into two daughter cells during cell division [40, 41] . In this review, we emphasize on the profound relationship between MT fusion/fission dynamics and stress conditions, in particular in relation with nutritional stress and pathogen attack. Several studies highlighted the MT dynamics modulation in response to certain types of stress. Depending on stress type and severity, mitochondria adapt their form, either by promoting a fragmented or a fused shape. These changes are part of the cellular adaptation to maintain cell homeostasis and regulate cell survival [42] . Because of the crucial importance of MT fusion and fission, even mild defects in this equilibrium could be associated with diseases. We will thus give an overview of mitochondrial dynamics-associated pathologies to finally conclude with some provocative hypothesis on the bidirectional connection between the autophagic machinery and MT morphodynamics. Under stressful conditions, the cell implements protective mechanisms in the aim to maintain its homeostasis. The established stress response(s) results either in a positive event which opposes the environmental attack, or, in the case of failure, in cell death. In this context and in various cell models, some selective mild stresses including UV irradiation, inhibition of RNA transcription, inhibition of protein translation and moderate nutrient starvation, trigger the so called "SIMH" response, for "Stress-Induced Mitochondrial Hyperfusion response". The SIMH requires the fusion machinery proteins MFN 1 and OPA1, as well as the MIM protein SLP2 (Stomatin-Like Protein 2). SIMH is thought to be a pro-survival response to stress, since it is associated with increased ATP production and NF-κB transcription factor activation [43, 44] . During starvation, cell survival is mainly dependent on a catabolic pathway called autophagy, which consists on a self-eating process resulting on a degradation of cytoplasmic components to provide energy to cells. Nevertheless, two studies elegantly demonstrate that following starvation, the resulting MT network spared from degradation [45, 46] . Interestingly, starved Opa1-deficient cells are degraded by autophagy, suggesting that MT fusion during nutrient depletion protects them from autophagic degradation [46] . Furthermore, Guedouari and co-authors have recently shown that starvation-induced mitochondrial hyperfusion also depends upon the energy sensor Sirtuin 5 (Sirt5) [47] . Indeed, deletion of Sirt5 induces DRP1 accumulation, mitochondria fragmentation and thus their degradation via autophagy. In summary, while unhealthy mitochondria appear fragmented and are eliminated via mitophagy, a selective form of autophagy [48] , mitochondria become tubular and form extensive and interconnected networks under starvation and are thus protected from autophagic degradation. Altogether these data suggest that the modulation of MT fission/fusion machinery serves to maintain metabolic homeostasis during stress conditions. Indeed, in stress conditions, cells need to maintain their most competent means for ATP production. In yeast, non-fermentable culture conditions that force increased Oxydative phosphorylation activity are accompanied by elongation of the mitochondrial network [49, 50] . This result has also been confirmed in human cells models suggesting that efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation is associated with mitochondrial connectivity; hence highly interconnected network correlates with increased ATP production under different conditions, such as tumour regression, cell cycle progression [51, 52] , as well as different stress stimuli including UV-C radiation, actinomycin D and cycloheximide [43, 45] . Mechanistically, if the main actors of the fusion machinery (OPA1, MFN 1 and to a lesser degree MFN 2) are essential for the starvation-induced mitochondrial elongation, these proteins does not present any obvious modifications justifying the change of mitochondrial shape. Conversely, it has been suggested that MT elongation is mediated via a defect in fission machinery. Indeed, Chang and collaborators showed that the fission protein DRP1 is inhibited through its phosphorylation at Ser637 residue, close to its GTPase domain, this phosphorylation is mainly catalysed by protein kinase A (PKA), which responds to modulation in cAMP/ATP ratio [25] . In the same line, AMPK activation and subsequent mTOR (Mammalian/Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin) inhibition-two major energy and nutrient sensors-have been also shown to induce MT fusion [53] . Thus, phosphorylated DRP1 is sequestered in the cytosol, allowing unopposed fusion process. Dephosphorylation of DRP1 at Ser637 and its subsequent activation is achieved by the Ca 2+ -dependent phosphatase calcineurin and triggers MT fission [28] . Metabolic stimuli associated with calcium levels modulation are thus relayed into alterations in MT general morphodynamics. For example, when Ca 2+ -buffering activity is altered in mitochondria, the cytosolic calcium level will increase and this eventually triggers calcineurin-mediated MT fission. Moreover, calcineurin deficient skeletal muscles in mice exhibit a highly elongated mitochondrial network and increased respiratory chain activity [54] . Otherwise, in the case of severe damages as for example in the case of prolonged nutrient stress, mitochondria are degraded by mitophagy or apoptosis. Before undergoing this fate, mitochondrial fission machinery is activated, leading to the facilitation of these two processes [55, 56] . Mitophagy is a quality control process by which mitochondria are selectively degraded by the autophagosomal pathway. The PINK1 kinase and the Parkin E3 ubiquitin ligase are highly solicited during this process. PINK1 accumulates on the defective mitochondria and recruits Parkin to the MT surface [57] . Parkin catalyses the degradative ubiquitination of many proteins in the MOM including MFN 1, MFN 2 and two mitochondrial proteins involved in organelles trafficking called Miro1 and Miro2 [56] . This degradation step is thought to isolate defective organelles from the mitochondrial population. DRP1 is then recruited to MT surface where it catalyses fission process. Finally, in response to energy-related stress, AMPK plays a critical role in the activation of fission machinery by mediating the phosphorylation and the subsequent activation of the MT receptor of DRP1, MFF [58] . Similarly, another DRP1 receptor, named MiD51, appears to be implicated in stress-induced mitochondrial fission. Indeed, this receptor acts as a sensor for the dinucleotides ADP and GDP levels thanks to its high-affinity binding sites. This binding seems to be essential for the activation of MiD51 [59] . In this case, it is possible that MT fission aims to reduce the size of mitochondria, so that they are more suitable to be engulfed by autophagosome. Beside their role in cell metabolism, mitochondria and mitochondria dynamics have been more recently involved in innate immunity. Upon viral entry, two independent pathways induce cell responses which ultimate in pro-inflammatory cytokines production. The first one, at endosomes, where Toll-like receptor 3 recognizes dsRNA and the second one, starts in the cytoplasm and rapidly involves the mitochondrial membranes and machineries. Briefly either one of the two RNA helicases RIG1 and MDA-5 (respectively retinoic acid-inducible gene I and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5) detect and bind cytoplasmic viral dsRNA and then translocate to the MOM to interact with MAVS (mitochondrial antiviral signalling) protein [60] . Such interaction is essential for a proper immune response, since it was shown that MAVS deletion abolishes the production of type I interferons (IFNs) and inflammatory cytokines, emphasizing the importance of the mitochondria in antiviral innate immunity [61] [62] [63] . MAVS functioning is strictly associated to both MT potential and morphology. For instance, CCCP treatment-a well-known protonophore that dissipates MT potential and induces MT fragmentation-blocks the antiviral immune responses as well [64] . Also, Mfn1 −/− and Mfn2 −/− derived MEFs display fragmented MT and are impaired for the production of IFNs and other proinflammatory cytokines in response to viral infection [65] . MAVS seems to localize at MOM but also to other MT subdomains, such as MAMs [66] which are MT membrane regions close associated to the ER and enriched in cholesterol and neutral lipids. Furthermore, MAVS also localizes to other intracellular membranes, peroxisomes for instance [67] . The nature of these different subcellular localizations is unclear but has been suggested to relate to MAVS' function(s) regulation (repression/induction). DsRNAs (expected to mimic viral RNAs) have been shown to promote mitochondrial elongation and furthermore modulation of host Drp1 and Mfns differentially modulates antiviral signalling pathway [68] . For instance, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) induces Mfn1 expression and reduces Drp1 expression promoting so an elongated MT network in infected cells. A similar elongated MT network is induced by Dengue and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) viruses, via inhibition of Drp1 dependent MT fission [69, 70] . Such elongated mitochondrial network from infected cells promotes viral replication, increase cell respiration, inhibits apoptosis and alter MAMs integrity with consequent inhibition of the immune signalling and interferon production [70, 71] . Shi and colleagues [72] have shown that the SARS virus protein ORF-9b bind and induces proteasomal degradation of both DRP1 and MAVS causing both MT fusion and disruption of MAVS downstream signalling, resulting in reduction of the IFN production. However, another study suggest that Dengue virus suppresses mitochondrial fusion via MFNs inhibition [72] . Yu and colleagues [72] revealed that MFN1 is also required in antiviral signalling pathway and a dominant-negative MFN1 mutant which blocks mitochondrial fusion, also reduces antiviral signalling and enhances Dengue infection. Some other viruses, such us Hepatitis B and C virus (HBV and HCV) New Castle Disease virus (NDV) and measles viruses, induce instead mitochondrial fission and mitophagy which also favour viral replication [73] [74] [75] [76] . Also the Influenza A (subtype H1N1) full-length PB1-F2 protein targets MT and causes loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial fragmentation [77] . In contrast, a PB1-F2 variant (C-terminal truncated form) does not alter mitochondrial membrane potential nor induces fragmentation. Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) and HCV impact similarly MT network (increased fission). Inhibition of mitochondrial fission by silencing Drp1 during HCV infection enhanced IFN production indicating that HCV-mediated altered mitochondrial dynamics serves to perturb the antiviral defence [74] . Both CSFV and HCV also stimulates Parkin and PINK1 expression leading to increased mitophagy [75, 78] . The molecular mechanism of how HCV increases Parkin/PINK1 associated mitophagy remains unclear, even if a yeast-two-hybrid assays and immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that the HCV core protein binds to Parkin [79] . Interestingly enough inhibiting MT fission and mitophagy induced by HCV, induces apoptosis [73] . As already mentioned, cells with an elongated MT network display higher resistance to apoptosis. However a fragmented MT network is not always associated with increased apoptosis but on the contrary can also protect cells from apoptotic death [80] . For instance, in HCV-infected cells (with fragmented mitochondria induced by the infection) there is no apoptosis. Furthermore, in infected cell, reduction of mitochondrial fission increased apoptosis [74] suggesting that MT fission in the context of HCV infection rather promotes cell survival. A similar strategy of perturbation of mitochondrial dynamics and attenuation of apoptosis is also used by hepatitis B virus [73] . Interestingly enough, Kim and colleagues also showed that mitochondrial fission correlates with inhibition of HCV secretion. The precise molecular mechanisms underlying the role of MT dynamics in HCV secretion still remain to be elucidated, however inhibition of mitochondrial fission also led to a decline in glycolysis and total cellular ATP levels and accumulation of ROS: such a cellular stress situation may induce damage in endomembranes stability and functions, which are essential for HCV secretion. From all these studies stems out that viruses may modulates MT dynamics and antiviral responses in different (even opposite) way, given the role of mitochondria in innate immune signalling, it is licit but probably too simplistic, to speculate that virus-induced disruption of mitochondrial dynamics is just an evolutionary acquired strategy to impair host innate immune signalling. Apart from being a platform for early cell responses to viral entry, MT and MT dynamics play also roles in other kind of infection and more generally in immune responses. As already mentioned MT dynamics are regulated by several MT membrane-bound GTPases, such as Rho GTPases (MIRO1 and MIRO2), mitofusins (MFN1 and MFN2), DRP1 and OPA1 [81, 82] . Upon Cholera infection, the cellular effector protein VOPE (for Vibrio cholerae Type 3 secretion system effector) was shown to localize to mitochondria and interferes with the function of mitochondrial Rho GTPases MIRO1 and MIRO2 [83] . VOPE co-localizes with DRP1 positive fission sites in transfected CHO cells and impairs MFN1-induced MT fusion suggesting that VOPE modulates MT dynamics including fusion and fission by interacting with the MIRO GTPases. All together these studies suggest that MT shape and fusion/fission machinery are tightly associated to their role in responding to pathogen attack, either viral or bacterial. Upon infection or tissue damage the multiprotein complex known as inflammasome activates an inflammatory cascade which activates caspase-1 and induces secretion of interleukin-1β or -18 to provide host innate immune protection. Beside the fact that inflammasome activation is a key aspect of the innate immunity, several metabolic disorders as well as Alzheimer's disease have been associated to inflammasome deregulation [84] , reason why great efforts in understanding basic mechanisms of inflammasome have been made in recent years. In particular, a member of one kind of inflammasome, NLRP3 has been associated to MT dynamics. Indeed RNA virus infection induces the formation of the NLRP3-MFN2-MAVS complex, which is required for activation of NLRP3 inflammasome, suggesting that MT fusion is favourable to NLRP3 inflammasome assembly [85] . On the other hand, Wang and collaborators showed that RNA viral infection promotes DRP1 phosphorylation, followed by DRP1-dependent MT fission and subsequent activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome [86] . Finally, a third study proposed that defect in MT fission results in the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome in LPS/ATP and LPS/Nigericin stimulation context [87] . Thus, authors suggested that decreased expression of the fission protein Drp1 causes MT elongation and this MT conformation somehow creates a favourable context for NLRP3 inflammasome activation in an ERK-dependent manner, thereby leading to diseases associated with deregulated inflammation. From all these studies, it appears that the MT fusion/fission machinery is tightly connected to the MT role in cell immune responses and this opens important perspectives for new drug discoveries against pathogens. Mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in MT fusion/fission machinery land severe pathologies, especially correlated with muscles, brain and nervous system symptoms. This is expected considering that both Drp1 and Mfn2 are essential for proper brain development [80, 88, 89] . Some human pathologies that have been associated with different mutations in the same gene are summarized in Table 1 . It is clearly established that mutations in fusion/fission machinery cause disorders and, vice versa, several disorders such as neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes are associated with dys-regulation of MT fusion/fission complexes. A putative link between neurodegenerative disorders and Drp1 has been found. For example, some forms of Parkinson disease are caused by mutation in either Parkin or Pink1 and cause aberrant accumulations of DRP1 in neuron which associate with increased MT fission, oxidative stress and reduced ATP production in neurons [90, 91] . PINK1 and Parkin, as already described, target damaged mitochondria for elimination via mitophagy [92] . More recently, both proteins have been described to participate in a new vesicular pathway consisting in mitochondrial-derived vesicles involved in mitochondrial antigen presentation [93] . This novel endolysosomal pathway is specifically inhibited by PINK1-and Parkin-dependent mitophagy and is independent from autophagy, which on the contrary was shown to enhance antigen presentation [94] . This new discovery by Mathheoud and co-authors not only represents an important step forward in understanding the aetiology of Parkinson Disease but also highlights a new link between MT dynamics and autoimmune mechanisms. Another neurodegenerative disorder characterized by defect in MT dynamics is Alzheimer's disease. Fibroblasts from patients show elongated mitochondria associated with reduced DRP1 expression levels [95] . In addition, the same study indicates that β-amyloid accumulation triggers this reduction in Drp1 expression. Finally, the mutant form of huntingtin protein, involved in Huntington disease, interacts with DRP1 increasing MT fission in fibroblasts derived from patients [96] . If in one side it is clear that Drp1 defect mainly associates with brain disorders, on the other hands, Mfn2 mutations rather cause metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and obesity. Indeed, MT size is reduced in the skeletal muscle of obese and type 2 diabetic patients, in association with altered expression level of Mfn2 [97, 98] . It is also known that Mfn2 loss of function alters cell respiration and MT potential [99] , suggesting that the link between MT fusion and diabetic condition may pass by loss of proper MT respiration and glucose consumption and thus possibly associates with insulin resistance. Physiologically, MT network appears greatly fragmented during mitosis to assure equal distribution in daughter cells upon cell division. Furthermore, during asymmetric cell division MT are inherited unequally. For instance, stem cells can divide asymmetrically to generate a new stem cell (mother) and a progenitor cell (daughter). This latest will eventually undergo to differentiation process, essential for organogenesis and thus development but also for cancer aggressiveness. Daughter cell acquires healthier MT, while stem-like mother cell keeps the aged and damaged ones. Inhibition of mitochondrial fission disrupted mitochondria segregation and caused loss of stemless traits in the progeny, suggesting the essential role of fission components also in asymmetric cell division [100] . Interestingly DRP1 has been suggested to directly interact with apoptosis related proteins to block MT fission, leading to long interconnected organelles as well as a delay in cell death [101, 102] . MT network has been found altered in different kind of cancer, which is not surprisingly, considering that MT dynamics are essential for cell division and cell death, process that appear defective in cancerous cells. In general, the majority of studies that have explored MT morphology in tumour cells suggest a great association of cancerous state with MT fission [103] . Enhanced fission or reduced fusion are linked to several cancer-related phenotypes including cell cycle progression and resistance to apoptosis; conversely Drp1 inhibition or Mfn2 overexpression promotes cell cycle arrest [104] and increases spontaneous apoptosis [105] . Mitochondrial fragmentation also enhances glycolysis, limits ROS accumulation and also protect cancer cells from cytotoxic therapies [106] . Interestingly, while the mitochondrial network appear fragmented in cancer cells, changes in glucose availability [52] , as well as treatment with anticancer drugs such as MAPK-or PI3K-inhibitors induced an elongated MT network [107] [108] [109] . Thus, the balance of fission/fusion into the MT network may play a key role in the control of cell fate and targeting of MT dynamics it is an interesting target for anti-cancer therapy. Fibroblasts from autosomal-recessive CMT4A patients display reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and reduced fission and GSH levels [112] DRP1 Abnormal brain development fibroblasts obtained from the patient showed defective mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission [113] LETM1 The Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome, monoallelic deletion Fragmentation of the mitochondrial network. [114] DNM1L forming aggregates in the cytoplasm and on highly tubulated mitochondrial network, whereas neither structural difference of the peroxisome network, nor alteration of the respiratory machinery was noticed [115, 116] SLC25A46 Ataxia, neurodegeneration Impaired mitochondrial fusion [117] WBSCR16 Williams-Beuren syndrome, multigene deletion Mice heterozygous for the mutation are shown to have neuronal mitochondria with reduced membrane potential and increased susceptibility to mitochondrial fragmentation in response to excitotoxic stress. Implications of the data are discussed [118] OPA The maintenance of a functional MT networking is crucial for overall cell health and homeostasis. Unhealthy MT are mostly degraded by mitophagy: in response to stimuli that induce mitophagy, certain MT fragment and these are so "eaten." Conversely, during macroautophagy (induced by several stressful conditions), mitochondria hyperfuse to escape autophagosome engulfment and so sustain cell survival. It has been suggested that MT dynamics may function as a quality control mechanism that governs mitochondrial turnover [119] . To sustain this hypothesis, authors demonstrate that fusion triggers fission and this cycle of fusion/fission segregates less active mitochondria for degradation via mitophagy. Indeed, inhibiting the occurrence of cycles of fusion and fission by Fis1 RNAi or the overexpression of a dominant negative form of Drp1 causes accumulation of damaged mitochondrial material via inhibition of autophagy. DRP1-dependent fission goes along with increased respiration and ROS production in high glucose conditions, a condition that may ultimate in apoptosis when long lasting [120] . Besides, OPA1 processing is induced by the dissipation of MT membrane potential [16] . These observations overall suggest that MT fusion is a protective and necessary state to promote MT functioning in bioenergetics, while fragmentation rather associates with stressful states (Figure 1) . Despite the several studies describing the important function(s) of MT dynamics in cellular stress situations, it is important to highlight the fact that most of these studies were conducted in in vitro models, thus not integrating the complex surrounding environment of cells in vivo and the geometric constrain found in tissues. For instance, in skeletal muscles the dynamic of MT interactions are limited, here mitochondria appear globular and densely packed into the narrow space left by myofilaments, a condition that physically restrain MT dynamics. However, inhibition of fusion cause dysregulation of calcium oscillations during prolonged stimulation and impair excitation-contraction cycles, underlining the importance of MT fusion proteins in muscles, in vivo [121] . Furthermore, some discrepancies in the morphology of the mitochondria of the same cell lines, described by different laboratories, have been observed and may result from different culture conditions [122] . When there is limited damage, MT can also repair itself by eliminating damaged materials via mitochondrial-derived vesicles (MDVs) that bud off and then fuse with lysosomes [123] . More recently Hammerling and collaborators described another pathway for MT elimination, by which MT are sequestered into Rab5-positive early endosomes via the ESCRT-machinery (Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport) in a Parkin-dependent manner [124] . Although this endosomal pathway is activated by stress that also activates mitophagy, endosomal-mediated mitochondrial clearance seems to initiate before autophagy. Furthermore, for clearance of mitochondria by Parkin in Atg5 −/− MEFs, DRP1-mediated mitochondrial fission is not required. From all these studies stem out that MT turnover is extremely complex and that on the base of the intensity of the stress and MT damage first MDVs are generated, later on endosomal-mediated mitochondrial clearance is induced and finally MT fission and then mitophagy may occur, thus mitophagy seems to represent rather the ultimate answer of cells in response to stress, probably right before cell death. It was suggested that MT (especially ER/MT contact sites) supply membranes for autophagosomes biogenesis [125] . Later on, it emerged that the ER/MT relationship more generally controls autophagic process. Indeed tightening ER-MT contacts by overexpression of proteins involved in ER-MT contact sites such as VAPB or RMDN3 (Vesicle-associated membrane protein-Associated Protein B and Regulator of Microtubule Dynamics protein 3 respectively), impairs rapamycin-and Torin1-induced autophagy and not autophagy induced by starvation [126] . The mechanism by which the VAPB-RMDN3 tethers regulates autophagy seems to be related to their role in facilitating ER-MT Ca 2+ exchanges but also correlating with MT dynamics [127] . One of the most complete molecular context describing the connection between MT morphology, ER-MT contacts and autophagy is probably the hypoxia induced mitophagy: in this context FUNDC1 integrates MT fission and mitophagy at the ER-MT contacts by working in concert with DRP1 and calnexin [128] . It stems out from several lines of evidence that a tight bidirectional regulation between the autophagic machinery and mitochondria morphodynamics exists. Interestingly enough, a function of ER-MT contacts in viral responses have been described [129] and as already said MAVS protein localizes at MAM. Autophagy is also known to play complex and unclear roles in virus replication [130] . It is thus possible to speculate that the profound relationship between MT and viral responses also involves autophagy. To further confirm the tight link between autophagy process and MT dynamics, in patients with dominant optic atrophy, as already said associated with Opa1 mutations, the severity of the symptoms seems to be controlled by autophagy [131] . Another example of this association is in hepatocellular carcinoma; here Ca 2+ increase promotes MT fission by up-regulating expression of Drp1 and Fis1 [132] . Moreover, such feedback loop significantly promotes also autophagy by Ca 2+ /CAMKK/AMPK pathway (Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein Kinase Kinase/AMP-activated protein kinase. This suggest that fission/fusion of MT, Ca 2+ signalling and autophagy may work in concert, also during tumorigenesis. Finally, a profound relationship exists between neurological disorders and autophagy underlining once again that autophagy and MT shaping work together in similar pathological context. In these latest examples, the possible role of ER-MT contacts sites was not explored, it remains thus to be clarified if ER-MT contacts sites play role at the interface of the relationship between MT shape and autophagy in pathological context. All these discoveries offered new lines of research and disclosed new targets for directed drug discovery. A better understanding of all these processes and all these intricate relationships likely will lead to a better understanding of the regulation of MT dynamics and a great improvement in human health. The authors declare no conflict of interest. The rise of mitochondria in medicine Mitochondrial Dynamics in Mitochondrial Diseases Mitofusins Mfn1 and Mfn2 coordinately regulate mitochondrial fusion and are essential for embryonic development Differential expression of the Drosophila mitofusin genes fuzzy onions (fzo) and dmfn Mitochondrial fusion in yeast requires the transmembrane GTPase Fzo1p Mitofusin 2 tethers endoplasmic reticulum to mitochondria Mfn2 is critical for brown adipose tissue thermogenic function Structural basis of mitochondrial tethering by mitofusin complexes OPA1, encoding a dynamin-related GTPase, is mutated in autosomal dominant optic atrophy linked to chromosome 3q28 Mitofusins and OPA1 mediate sequential steps in mitochondrial membrane fusion Loss of OPA1 perturbates the mitochondrial inner membrane structure and integrity, leading to cytochrome c release and apoptosis The i-AAA protease YME1L and OMA1 cleave OPA1 to balance mitochondrial fusion and fission Regulation of mitochondrial morphology through proteolytic cleavage of OPA1 Stress-induced OMA1 activation and autocatalytic turnover regulate OPA1-dependent mitochondrial dynamics Inducible proteolytic inactivation of OPA1 mediated by the OMA1 protease in mammalian cells Proteolytic processing of OPA1 links mitochondrial dysfunction to alterations in mitochondrial morphology Regulation of mitochondrial morphology and function by O-GlcNAcylation in neonatal cardiac myocytes Mitochondrial remodeling following fission inhibition by 15d-PGJ2 involves molecular changes in mitochondrial fusion protein OPA1 SIRT3 deacetylates and activates OPA1 to regulate mitochondrial dynamics during stress Dynamin-related protein Drp1 is required for mitochondrial division in mammalian cells Determinants and functions of mitochondrial behavior Multiple dynamin family members collaborate to drive mitochondrial division ER tubules mark sites of mitochondrial division An actin-dependent step in mitochondrial fission mediated by the ER-associated formin INF2 Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation of Drp1 regulates its GTPase activity and mitochondrial morphology Fine-tuning of Drp1/Fis1 availability by AKAP121/Siah2 regulates mitochondrial adaptation to hypoxia Rab32 is an A-kinase anchoring protein and participates in mitochondrial dynamics Dephosphorylation by calcineurin regulates translocation of Drp1 to mitochondria CaM kinase I alpha-induced phosphorylation of Drp1 regulates mitochondrial morphology Mitotic phosphorylation of dynamin-related GTPase Drp1 participates in mitochondrial fission Aberrant mitochondrial fission in neurons induced by protein kinase C{delta} under oxidative stress conditions in vivo Early ERK1/2 activation promotes DRP1-dependent mitochondrial fission necessary for cell reprogramming GSK3beta-mediated Drp1 phosphorylation induced elongated mitochondrial morphology against oxidative stress S-nitrosylation of Drp1 mediates beta-amyloid-related mitochondrial fission and neuronal injury The mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase MARCH5 is required for Drp1 dependent mitochondrial division MARCH-V is a novel mitofusin 2-and Drp1-binding protein able to change mitochondrial morphology Sumo1 conjugates mitochondrial substrates and participates in mitochondrial fission MAPL is a new mitochondrial SUMO E3 ligase that regulates mitochondrial fission Modulation of dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1) function by increased O-linked-beta-N-acetylglucosamine modification (O-GlcNAc) in cardiac myocytes Molecular mechanisms and physiologic functions of mitochondrial dynamics Mitochondrial disorders as windows into an ancient organelle Staying cool in difficult times: Mitochondrial dynamics, quality control and the stress response SLP-2 is required for stress-induced mitochondrial hyperfusion Mitochondrial hyperfusion promotes NF-kappaB activation via the mitochondrial E3 ligase MULAN During autophagy mitochondria elongate, are spared from degradation and sustain cell viability Together we are stronger: Fusion protects mitochondria from autophagosomal degradation Sirtuin 5 protects mitochondria from fragmentation and degradation during starvation Fast 100-nm resolution three-dimensional microscope reveals structural plasticity of mitochondria in live yeast Spatial and temporal dynamics of budding yeast mitochondria lacking the division component Fis1p A hyperfused mitochondrial state achieved at G1-S regulates cyclin E buildup and entry into S phase Energy substrate modulates mitochondrial structure and oxidative capacity in cancer cells Pharmacological activation of AMPK prevents Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission and alleviates endoplasmic reticulum stress-associated endothelial dysfunction The role of dynamin-related protein 1, a mediator of mitochondrial fission, in apoptosis Proteasome and p97 mediate mitophagy and degradation of mitofusins induced by Parkin Mechanisms of mitophagy AMP-activated protein kinase mediates mitochondrial fission in response to energy stress The mitochondrial fission receptor MiD51 requires ADP as a cofactor Identification and characterization of MAVS, a mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein that activates NF-kappaB and IRF 3 Hepatitis C virus protease NS3/4A cleaves mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein off the mitochondria to evade innate immunity The specific and essential role of MAVS in antiviral innate immune responses Disruption of innate immunity due to mitochondrial targeting of a picornaviral protease precursor Mitochondrial membrane potential is required for MAVS-mediated antiviral signaling Disruption of fusion results in mitochondrial heterogeneity and dysfunction Mitochondrial-associated endoplasmic reticulum membranes (MAM) form innate immune synapses and are targeted by hepatitis C virus Peroxisomes are signaling platforms for antiviral innate immunity Mitochondrial dynamics regulate the RIG-I-like receptor antiviral pathway Dengue virus induces mitochondrial elongation through impairment of Drp1-triggered mitochondrial fission SARS-coronavirus open reading frame-9b suppresses innate immunity by targeting mitochondria and the MAVS/TRAF3/TRAF6 signalosome Dengue Virus Perturbs Mitochondrial Morphodynamics to Dampen Innate Immune Responses Dengue Virus Impairs Mitochondrial Fusion by Cleaving Mitofusins Hepatitis B virus disrupts mitochondrial dynamics: Induces fission and mitophagy to attenuate apoptosis Hepatitis C virus triggers mitochondrial fission and attenuates apoptosis to promote viral persistence Hepatitis C virus induces the mitochondrial translocation of Parkin and subsequent mitophagy Mitophagy promotes replication of oncolytic Newcastle disease virus by blocking intrinsic apoptosis in lung cancer cells Influenza virus PB1-F2 protein induces cell death through mitochondrial ANT3 and VDAC1 CSFV induced mitochondrial fission and mitophagy to inhibit apoptosis Hepatitis C virus core protein suppresses mitophagy by interacting with parkin in the context of mitochondrial depolarization Mitochondrial dynamics in mammalian health and disease Moving mitochondria: Establishing distribution of an essential organelle Mitochondrial fusion and fission in cell life and death Vibrio cholerae T3SS effector VopE modulates mitochondrial dynamics and innate immune signaling by targeting Miro GTPases Inflammasomes and metabolic disease Mitochondrial protein mitofusin 2 is required for NLRP3 inflammasome activation after RNA virus infection RNA viruses promote activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome through a RIP1-RIP3-DRP1 signaling pathway Defective mitochondrial fission augments NLRP3 inflammasome activation Mitochondrial fusion protects against neurodegeneration in the cerebellum Mitochondrial fission factor Drp1 is essential for embryonic development and synapse formation in mice Loss of PINK1 function promotes mitophagy through effects on oxidative stress and mitochondrial fission Loss of parkin or PINK1 function increases Drp1-dependent mitochondrial fragmentation The roles of PINK1, parkin, and mitochondrial fidelity in Parkinson's disease Parkinson's Disease-Related Proteins PINK1 and Parkin Repress Mitochondrial Antigen Presentation Endogenous MHC class II processing of a viral nuclear antigen after autophagy Dynamin-like protein 1 reduction underlies mitochondrial morphology and distribution abnormalities in fibroblasts from sporadic Alzheimer's disease patients Mutant huntingtin binds the mitochondrial fission GTPase dynamin-related protein-1 and increases its enzymatic activity Expression of Mfn2, the Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 2A gene, in human skeletal muscle: Effects of type 2 diabetes, obesity, weight loss, and the regulatory role of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-6 Mitofusin-2 determines mitochondrial network architecture and mitochondrial metabolism. A novel regulatory mechanism altered in obesity The Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2A gene product, Mfn2, up-regulates fuel oxidation through expression of OXPHOS system Asymmetric apportioning of aged mitochondria between daughter cells is required for stemness Dynamin-related protein Drp1 is required for Bax translocation to mitochondria in response to irradiation-induced apoptosis Bax/Bak promote sumoylation of DRP1 and its stable association with mitochondria during apoptotic cell death Mitochondrial dynamics and cancer Inhibition of mitochondrial fission prevents cell cycle progression in lung cancer Depletion of mitochondrial fission factor DRP1 causes increased apoptosis in human colon cancer cells Survivin enhances aerobic glycolysis and drug resistance by altered regulation of the mitochondrial fusion/fission machinery PI3K therapy reprograms mitochondrial trafficking to fuel tumor cell invasion Erk2 phosphorylation of Drp1 promotes mitochondrial fission and MAPK-driven tumor growth Mitochondrial division is requisite to RAS-induced transformation and targeted by oncogenic MAPK pathway inhibitors Nuclear gene OPA1, encoding a mitochondrial dynamin-related protein, is mutated in dominant optic atrophy Mutations in the mitochondrial GTPase mitofusin 2 cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 2A Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease CMT4A: GDAP1 increases cellular glutathione and the mitochondrial membrane potential A lethal defect of mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission LETM1, deleted in Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is required for normal mitochondrial morphology and cellular viability Mutations in DNM1L, as in OPA1, result indominant optic atrophy despite opposite effectson mitochondrial fusion and fission Postnatal microcephaly and pain insensitivity due to a de novo heterozygous DNM1L mutation causing impaired mitochondrial fission and function Loss of SLC25A46 causes neurodegeneration by affecting mitochondrial dynamics and energy production in mice WBSCR16 Is a Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor Important for Mitochondrial Fusion Fission and selective fusion govern mitochondrial segregation and elimination by autophagy Mitochondrial fission mediates high glucose-induced cell death through elevated production of reactive oxygen species Mitochondrial fusion is frequent in skeletal muscle and supports excitation-contraction coupling Dynamics of mitochondrial morphology in healthy cells and during apoptosis A vesicular transport pathway shuttles cargo from mitochondria to lysosomes A Rab5 endosomal pathway mediates Parkin-dependent mitochondrial clearance Mitochondria supply membranes for autophagosome biogenesis during starvation ER-mitochondria signaling regulates autophagy Regulation of Mitochondrial Dynamics and Autophagy by the Mitochondria-Associated Membrane FUNDC1 regulates mitochondrial dynamics at the ER-mitochondrial contact site under hypoxic conditions Access of viral proteins to mitochondria via mitochondria-associated membranes Autophagy Proteins in Viral Exocytosis and Anti-Viral Immune Responses Autophagy controls the pathogenicity of OPA1 mutations in dominant optic atrophy Mitochondrial fission forms a positive feedback loop with cytosolic calcium signaling pathway to promote autophagy in hepatocellular carcinoma cells This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license We thank Patrice Codogno for critical reading and useful suggestions on the manuscript. We thank ENYO Pharma for financial support to Diana Molino. Work in Patrice Codogno lab is supported by institutional funding from INSERM, CNRS and University Paris-Descartes.