key: cord-0711504-j6iyhx3n authors: SUGAWARA, Hirotaka title: On the effectiveness of the search and find method to suppress spread of SARS-CoV-2 date: 2021-01-08 journal: Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci DOI: 10.2183/pjab.97.002 sha: 202ce50fb156f94fbfa085937f4a6c522add5757 doc_id: 711504 cord_uid: j6iyhx3n Search and find methods()) such as cluster tracing(1–6)) or large-scale PCR testing()) of those who exhibit no symptoms or only mild symptoms of COVID-19 is shown by data analysis to be a powerful means to suppress the spread of COVID-19 instead of, or in addition to, lockdown of the entire population. Here we investigate this issue by analyzing the data from some cities and countries and we establish that search and find method is as powerful as lockdown of a city or a country. Moreover, in contrast to lockdown, it neither causes inconvenience to citizens nor does it disrupt the economy. Generally speaking, it is advisable that both social distancing and increased test numbers be employed to suppress spread of the virus. The product of the total test number with the rate of positive cases is the crucial index. We consider first the case of Tokyo to illustrate our method of analysis. In this introductory section, we focus on the number of those who are infected, but the origin of whose infections cannot be traced to a "cluster": The Japanese government has been initially concentrating on "cluster tracing", in which they assumed that the major part of the infections originate from a "cluster". But the subsequent rapid increase in infections without clear origin indicates a weakness of concentrating only on clusters. In later sections we do not distinguish between infections with or without the knowledge of their sources. Both cases are taken into account by a single parameter < to be defined later. "Cluster tracing" increases < by increasing the positivity rate of tests, and large-scale PCR testing increases < by increasing the number of tests. In Tokyo, the daily number of those infected by the virus whose origin of infection cannot be traced, between March 25 and April 4 (https://, is; f13; 22; 20; 22; 24; 7; 50; 40; 38; 59; 80g: ½1 This is depicted in Fig. 1 . We fit the data with a function of the form exp[5x] where 5 is a constant and x is the date variable (Fig. 2) . We note the following: 1. The fitting using Mathematica (least squares method) gives a curve: y F 11.0 exp[0.15x]. 2. This result shows that it takes 5 days for the infection number with unknown sources to double. 5 F 0.15 > 0 during this period between March 25 and April 4. 3. To decrease the number of the infected, we must have 5 < 0. How can we achieve it? Obviously, fitting by a linear polynomial is not sufficient. We develop a model on the following naive considerations and justify it later in Appendix 1 based on the standard model of epidemiology, i.e., the SIR model. 8), 9) We use the following notation and derive a simple formula taking the Tokyo case as an example: 1. N T F the number of infections in Tokyo on the date T; 2. n T F those who were officially recognized among N T and therefore isolated; 3. U T F N T ! n T : those who stay in town unrecognized as infected; 4. 5U T F total increase of number of infected per day (negative 5 means the decrease). Note that those who are officially recognized as infected do not contribute to this number. 5 6. This can be written in the continuous limit as, And it is a solution to, Here we use the continuous variable x instead of m. In the main body of this paper we use x as the time variable henceforth but we use t to signify the time variable in the appendices. 7. The above data shown in Eq. [1] and in Fig. 1 are for dn/dx and not for U. How are they related? Before answering this question, we point out that 5 is composed of three components, as derived in Appendix 1: where K stands for the contribution of the infection rate, < will be defined later in Eq. [6] , and ; stands for the recovery rate. We also note that R t ¼ K &þ' ¼ &þ' þ 1, which is usually called the "effective reproduction number". It depends on time through the time dependence of 5 and <. The parameters K, ; and < in Eq. [5] are explained as follows: K: the infection rate, which can be written as K F 6f 2 with 6 the infection rate at normal "individual contact rate". If we reduce the contact rate by a factor f 6 1 the rate becomes K F 6f 2 . The contact rate of general public can be reduced only by lockdown of the entire city or by an official order to citizens to stay home and/or wear masks and maintain social distancing. We may call f 2 the "herd contact rate". Another way to explain this is the following: The "herd contact rate" is proportional to the square of the entire population N when N is large (contact number is proportional to N(N ! 1)/2 / N 2 if N is large). We regard f / N ! N join , where, when the lockdown is started, N join denotes the number of individuals locked down. In our model, the entire population is not locked down right away. In later analysis we use the following fact: the joining population N join is a function of time x and analytically it can be written as, As the first approximation we take only the first term, which is correct for small x, but may not be correct when x gets larger. Interestingly, the fit to the daily infection by an exponential of a polynomial will be found later to be sufficient if we take a polynomial up to the third order, thus indicating that 5 can be well fitted by a second order polynomial and justifying the approximation N join F ax. ;: Natural recovery and/or cure rate of COVID-19. It is not known accurately so far but we can estimate it as will be shown later. <: Rate of finding the infected among the symptomatic individuals. The infected found must be separated from the public and included in n T . < can be defined and estimated as follows: ' ¼ number of tested individuals per day  positivity rate of the test number of infections : In the following analysis we use only the fact that < is proportional to the product of the number of tests and the positivity rate. < can depend on time in general. The effective efficiency of the test is usually called the "positivity rate". "Tested individuals" in Eq. [6] refers in practice to individuals tested by PCR, for which the efficiency is discussed in Appendix 6. To increase the value of < there are at least two distinct approaches, since it is proportional to number of tests and to the positivity rate of the test. For example, China and South Korea adopted the policy of increasing the number of tests while Japan instead opted to increase the positivity rate by tracing the "clusters". Either way, they were relatively successful in suppressing the initial outbreak of the COVID-19 compared to other countries. We must aim at Usually, the reproduction rate is expressed as R t F 6f 2 /; (2 O/.) in SIR model parameters that appear in Appendix 1. The appearance of < in the denominator of Eq. [7] is the feature of our model that leads to the effectiveness of the "search and find method" in suppressing the spread of virus. Incidentally, although the parameter R t is the most commonly used and convenient parameter to discuss the spread of virus, other parameters have been proposed in the literature as described in Appendix 4. 8. Rough estimation of ;: Here we use the data from the cruise ship Diamond Princess (https://www. that harbored in Yokohama with infected passengers. The total number of those infected, and who remained in Japan and disembarked early March, is 672. Among them, 638 recovered by March 19. This proportion exceeds the conventional estimate of about 80%, but we adopt the value above. Then we obtain 638/20 : 32 as the number of those cured per day. Therefore, we get, To see the implication of this value, suppose 5 F 0.15, < F 0 and f F 1 in the formula, Then we get Next, we calculate how much smaller we should make the individual contact rate f to make 5 6 0, under the assumption of < F 0. Then, Many governments around the world are trying to achieve this individual contact rate by locking down the cities and/or by ordering their citizens to stay home. This is rather difficult although not impossible. Moreover, 5 > !0.05 in the case of < F 0, and it takes a long time (months) to reduce the infection. Therefore, it is important to have a non-zero <. 9. From the above definition of < we can answer the question "how are U and dn/dx related?", namely, When < is constant i.e., independent of time, the daily new infection dn/dx depends on < as I or R. Therefore, we can safely put, Then the above equations become linear, (2) Modification. In SIR model it is usually assumed that O and . are independent of time. But O depends on the social distancing, for example, and therefore depends on time. . can be time dependent through increasing medical effort although natural recovery power is independent of time. We can think of O as follows: it can be written as 6f 2 where 6 is the infection rate at certain time and f is the contact rate of all the members of the population we consider. Both parameters can depend on time. The other contribution comes from the test. 2.2) More important modification is the following: We divide I into two parts: one is the infected but not recognized so and is at large. We write this as I u . The other one is the infected and segregated. I h is well protected and will not contribute to the first equation. The equations become: dS=dt ¼ À I u ; ½1.9 dI=dt ¼ I u À I; ½1.10 The second of this set of equations is important and the first and third equations are just the definitions of S and R. I h comes out of I by the PCR test, and assuming test capacity can cover the entire symptomatic population, we have This is equivalent to Eq. [12] of section 2. Equation dI/dt F O I u ! .I becomes, Substituting Eq. [1.12] to Eq. [1.13], we get, We have the integro-differential equation for the I u . When we can ignore the last term, we reach the equation: This is what was used in the above analysis (Eq. [4] with Eq. [5] of section 2). The last term in Eq. [1.14] turned out to be small because of the small value for . but should be taken into account eventually. One can include the effect of herd immunity ('something else that prevents infection) by assuming S º N as follows: where m i F number of those who acquired herd immunity or are protected from infection by some unspecified mechanism. Then the equation for I becomes, Therefore, we must change our O to, This leads to, ð À ' À Þ ! ð 0 À ' À Þ ¼ ðð1 À 0Þ À ' À Þ: This simply reduces the effect of O up to 14.9% according to the NY data. The time dependence of the herd immunity is given by the first equation of the SIR model: This leads to, The last equation comes from our model: This shows that the herd immunity increases just like the total infection n. Appendix 2. The effect of lag between the infection and onset of symptoms (This appendix is written in collaboration with Koichi Yazaki.) Here we discuss how to incorporate the interval of time subsequent to infection until onset of symptoms. We use t as the time variable instead of x. We start with, This means that the time of testing when a patient presents with symptoms is "t later than the time when that patient was actually infected. "t is supposed to be around two weeks. Then the equation, must be changed to, dUðtÞ=dt ¼ ðtÞ UðtÞ ¼ ðK À ÞUðtÞ À 'Uðt À ÁtÞ ¼ UðtÞ À 'ðUðt À ÁtÞ À UðtÞÞ: ½2.3 We solve this perturbatively, We get, Then, ½2.6 and, To see the behavior of this contribution at large t (t > "t) we approximate this in the following way: Fitting the left hand side by the right hand side can be done with, Following analysis was performed by Koichi Yazaki. We start from Eq. [2.3]: dUðtÞ=dt ¼ UðtÞ À 'ðUðt À ÁtÞ À UðtÞÞ: ½2.10 Suppose we expand U(t ! "t) and take only up to the first order in "t, we get, ð1 À 'ÁtÞdUðtÞ=dt ¼ UðtÞ: ½2.11 Then, We get, 0 ðt À ÁtÞ ¼ dF ðt À ÁtÞ=dt dP ðtÞ=dt: ½2.16 Then we obtain, Alternatively we have, We must also shift the date by "t backward because what happened in dn/dt happened in U "t days before. This correction was pointed out in section 5. We can also continue to use 6, a, ., < rather than 6 "t , a "t , . "t , < "t in our formula. We list the values of these parameters in the form of table created by Koichi Yazaki (Tables 3.a and 3.b). Here we discuss a model which is in sharp contrast to our model described above: Herd immunity model. This model asserts that acquiring herd immune of the entire population is the best way to stop the spreading of the virus. The policy was loosely taken in Sweden based on this model and, as was shown above, it is not a big success at least up to now. If Sweden will continue this policy remains to be seen. Here we describe this model and its hidden or explicit assumptions. First, we point out that, when we justified our model starting from standard SIR model, we assumed that the susceptible population S is large compared to I (infected) or R (recovered). The herd immunity model asserts that S can be reduced substantially by the herd immunity in sharp contradiction with our model assumption. We explain the model based on a recent paper by a Kyoto group 10) : The points they are making are summarized as follows: 1. There are two types of SARS-CoV-2 virus Stype and L-type as found by Chinese researchers. S-type is the original type and L-type is the mutated type (in replicase/ transcriptase) and the latter is more preferred for translation. 2. Initially the S-type was spread, and a sizable population got the herd immunity against the virus. 3. This sizable population can resist against the powerful L-type when it comes up due to acquired herd immunity. 4. The calculation goes as follows: Assume reproduction number R t is 2.2 for Stype and 2.17 for L-type. Then we get 1 ! 1/R t F 0.55 for L-type and 0.54 for S-type. This means that 54% of the population is infected for S-type and 55% of the population is infected by the L-type. But if the S-type infection comes first and get the herd immunity, they claim, since 0.55 ! 0.54 F 0.01 (more precisely 0.006), only 0.6% will be infected by L-type. 5. Initial spread of S-type can be measured by its negative correlation against the yearly influenza spread. Children are the source of S-type spread. 6. It is important to perform antibody test to large population to find out the scale of herd immunity. Here is the summary of assumptions made in the above analysis. 1. The value of reproduction number R t may have been bigger than the current value but the value 2.2 for L-type and 2.17 for S-type, especially the difference of these two numbers, is almost an assumption. The current value of R t is already below 1 (0.9) in case of Japan as shown in section 6 consistently with the government report. This can provide us with how the herd immunity ratio behaves as a function of time. 2. Admitting the negative correlation between influenza and the COVID-19, how can this lead to the value of 54% infection of Stype? As for the item 6, we already have some data from New York and Santa Clara county in California: New York gives 14.9% ( and Santa Clara ( Pages/covid19) gives 2.8 to 4.2%, far below the value 55% adopted in the above paper. I interpret the importance of these numbers not by excluding the entire herd immune population from those susceptible but rather by including a part of them in the unidentified infection (U in my notation). This part still keeps the virus inside together with the antibody. The ratio of this part to the entire herd immunity is not known and the combined test of antibody and PCR is a way to find out the ratio. In conclusion, both New York data and Santa Clara data justify our assumption of assuming the susceptible > the infected or recovered up to 10% level. The effect of reduction of susceptible parameter due to herd immunity is included in our scheme as discussed at the end of Appendix 1. Appendix 4. Some parameters other than R t 11) Some authors 11) use different indices to characterize the dynamics of COVID-19. For example, some researchers suggest as a possible index (time variable is t in the following): We have positive dN/dt (daily new infection). It is obvious that this number is between 0 and 1. This non-local (in time variable) index may have its own meaning. Here we compare this index with commonly used indices as follows: We observe that the dangerous character of COVID-19 is that dN/dt seems to behave like exp[polynomial] and the polynomial is higher than the first order. It increases rapidly and decreases rapidly, too. The indicator must clearly show how this polynomial is changing as a function of time. The above expression integrates over this exp [polynomial] and obscures the contribution of the exponentiated term, although it may reflect some other feature of COVID-19. Suppose dN/dt F exp P and, instead of the above expression, we use, ½4.2 This is equal to, In our model, ½4.4 Our model also asserts that, Another index widely used is, although this expression itself is unique to our model. Japanese government decided that the measure of exit from the emergency is, Z d dÀ7 dn dt dt 0:5  10 À5 N: ½4.7 In our model we have, where N is the total population of the target area, Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, or Japan etc. This can be written using the K d discussed above: ½4.9 Here n(d)/N is the ratio of total visible infection on d-th day divided by the population. Clearly K d is between 0 and 1 but n(d)/N is not guaranteed to be larger than 0.5 # 10 !5 . Anyway, the point here is that, in terms of K d the criterion is dependent on the target area we consider. The question is whether to take K d as a universal index or a target dependent parameter. We have unidentified infections (U in our notation; see for example https://www.fukuishimbun., http://www.kansensho.or. jp/uploads/files/topics/2019ncov/covid19_casereport_ 200409_5.pdf (both in Japanese)). There are two kinds among them: those officially with symptoms and those officially without. The latter can be further divided into two groups. One kind is those who have infection with symptoms too mild to satisfy the official criterion for testing. It depends on the strictness of the criteria for testing. For example, Japan had a very strict criterion such as 4 consecutive days of body temperature higher than 37.5°C. Under such a strict criterion we have large number of individuals belonging to U who don't contribute to n(t), the group of officially identified infections. Another kind is the infection of those who have developed the immunoglobulin against the SARS-CoV-2 but harbor the virus transiently before completely eliminating it or maintaining it permanently in the body. According to the data from New York and a part of California there are at least several percent of the population who belong to this category. It is possible that they transmit the virus to large numbers of people before they are no longer infectious. We take two examples to estimate the number of unidentified symptomatic infections that is designated as U in our model: Japan and Tokyo. We use t as the time variable. (1) Japan case. We calculate < "t F F ; 1 D < 1 . This case corresponds to the assumption that those without symptoms have much stronger resistance to the infection due to stronger personal immunity which may also result in faster recovery. In this case we have, Search and find method for COVID-19 No. 1] : ½5.16 During the lockdown K may be small (K F 6f 2 ) and we have, ½5.17 But after opening the lockdown K is no longer small and if it is larger than ; 2 , we get, In this case we have, % K À & 1 À ' 1 : during lockdown; ½5.20 % 2K À & 1 À ' 1 : after opening lockdown: ½5.21 (2) If natural recovery does not change very much between U 1 and U 2 , as was shown in at least some results of the study (https://www., http://www. casereport_200409_5.pdf (both in Japanese)), we may put, ½5.22 Then we have, This formula also describes the situation at the time of reopening after lockdown: During the lockdown when < 1 > K, we have, In this case of ; 1 9 ; 9 ; 2 , and < 1 > ; > K, contrary to the above case (1), we have a quite different situation: U 2 /U 1 > 1, after some time. This means the number of asymptomatic infections will be much larger than the symptomatic ones later. This may be important to take into consideration to estimate the second wave of COVID-19. showing that the contribution of < 1 does not appear in this formula unlike the case (1). The actual situation could be something in between with a mixture of case (1) and case (2) . Also, the transition time of reopening after lockdown and the time lag between infection and expression of symptoms must be taken into account. Here we considered extreme cases to demonstrate the importance of asymptomatic infections. This result means two things: (1) During the opening of the lockdown it is important to find those infected but without symptoms by combining the antibody test, antigen test and PCR test; (2) It is also important to loosen the criteria for PCR test as the Japanese government accepted. Otherwise, we will be forced to the lockdown status again and again. There exist large number of studies on this subject. For example, there is a report from FDA (Food and Drug Administration) entitled, "Accelerated Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Summary Covid-19 RT-PCR Test (Laboratory Corporation of America)" ( download). On the subject we refer to a few which serve for our purpose. (1) Research in vitro. The main purpose of this research is to determine the minimum number of SARS-CoV-2 "molecules" per µL that can be detected by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. It depends on which part of the RNA sequence of the virus is used and how much of the complementary primer is used. It also depends on the duration of the polymerase chain reaction that multiplies copies of the sequence. Here we quote one study from the abovementined FDA report, which claims that 6.5 copies of RNA/µL can be detected. (2) Statistical analysis. Sensitivity in the field is significantly different from the above studies in vitro. It depends on where the swab is taken: nasal, throat or sputum. It also depends crucially on the time when the test is performed: how many days after onset of symptoms. Statistical research by the Oxford group 12) based on 298 tests across 30 patients (150 nasal and 148 throat swabs) shows the following: (i) Positive test probability declines significantly as time passes from the onset of symptoms: 94.39% on day 0 to 67.15% on day 10 for nasal swab and similarly for the throat. This indicates that the amount of virus de-creases with this percentage either in nasal or throat. (ii) False-negative probability is maximal (:18%) 4 days after symptom onset. This suggests that the sensitivity of the PCR test in the field is above 80%. (iii) From this result we may conclude that the PCR test is 80% sensitive within 10 days from the outset of symptoms and the power of test and also that of transmission declines significantly after approximately 10 days from symptom outset. Clustering and superspreading potential of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Hong Kong Public health response to the initiation and spread of pandemic COVID-19 in the United States Clusters of coronavirus disease in communities High SARS-CoV-2 attack rate following exposure at a choir practice -Skagit County Cluster of coronavirus disease associated with fitness dance classes There is also a theoretical support for the existence of super spreaders in the framework of network model of social connection Analysis of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Japan by SIQR model A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics Prediction of infectious disease outbreak with particular emphasis on the statistical issues using transmission model Epidemiological tools that predict partial herd immunity to SARS coronavirus 2 (preprint) Novel indicator of change in COVID-19 spread status (preprint) Estimating the false-negative test probability of SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR (preprint) I appreciate greatly a friend of mine Jiro Arafune (former director general of Institute for Cosmic Ray Research of the University of Tokyo) for discussions and suggestions. I also thank Professor Toshimichi Ikemura who was one of my colleagues at The Graduate University for Advanced Studies and an expert of virus research. I would also like to express my deep appreciation to Nobuhiro Go and Koichi Yazaki both of whom are highly recognized scientists and classmates of mine from the Physics Department of the University of Tokyo. They gave me excellent advice and constructive guidance. Other classmates, Yasushi Arai, Reiji Sano and Yuko Tokieda, encouraged me strongly for which I express my sincere gratitude. Finally, I would like to thank Jonathan Miller of OIST for his various useful comments and his suggestion to publish the draft paper.