key: cord-0704882-ynonikl3 authors: Lee, Jinkyung; Kwon, Ki Han title: Recognition and development of customized cosmetics for military trainees in 20s and 30s in Republic of Korea date: 2021-08-06 journal: Health Sci Rep DOI: 10.1002/hsr2.334 sha: 7fdfbe7248cd462c7e9afcb4b952498d5200ac38 doc_id: 704882 cord_uid: ynonikl3 BACKGROUND: For the health of the skin, social standards have been changed to increase the public's interest in achieving perfect skin. With the diversification of consumer needs, the reorganized core market for demand pursues the attributes of customization that bring the individual ego and product image to match through aggressive consumer needs. OBJECTIVES: Therefore, in this study, we conducted a questionnaire to 450 men in their 20s and 30s, Chuncheon City, Gangwon‐do, Republic of Korea, focused on the fact that customized cosmetics drive individuals and optimization. METHODS: Statistical processing of materials collected by the data analysis method is analyzed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) WIN25.0 statistical package program through the process of data coding and data cleaning. RESULTS: As a result, “I think I need customized cosmetics for me.” 3.91 (SD = 1.19), and it seems that the number of custom cosmetics used will increase in the future. “3.99 (SD = 1.06) It was the highest in terms of points. Also, I would like to use PX's men's custom cosmetics when they are released.” The average was 4.34 (SD = 0.91), which was the highest. Comprehensive research results of P <0 .001 and above suggested the possibility of developing customized cosmetics for men. CONCLUSION: Therefore, this requires continuous research on personalized bespoke cosmetics according to work and usage characteristics, and PX custom products for future soldiers should be developed. In the future, the researcher plans to continue to study the recognition and development potential of customized cosmetics for female military personnel in South Korea in subsequent research. about matching and paying attention to typical customized products and cosmetics drive personalization and optimization based on consumer experience. The types of custom-made cosmetics centered on strategic experience modules and the purpose of the study was to provide more efficient strategic mechanisms and practical suggestions by examining alternative cases. 2 Kim et al states that customized cosmetics made in the field by consumers and sellers have some safety issues and require a proactive approach to safety management. 3 However, Lee et al states, the demand for skin care products is increasing, and dermatologists must provide appropriate information for skin health to prevent side effects of skin care products. 1 Ratsyborynska-Poliakova et al has investigated the characteristics of actual behavior to guarantee this. 4 Fors Brandebo et al states that constructive and destructive leadership has an impact on soldiers' job satisfaction. 5 McKeon et al also emphasized important opportunities for the development of military medicine through future research for traumatic brain injury and sleep disorders in combat-exposed soldiers. 6 Van Baarle et al indicated that safety is threatened in the case study of safety dynamics for military ethics education in the process of training. In the process of military ethics training, serious incidents and safety epidemics are investigated. It shows that safety paradoxes associated with tensions between other perspectives and the opening of value may occur. 7 Also, for a study of perceptions and responses to conservative treatment for back pain in soldiers during initial immigration training, Schoonover et al state that due to the constraints of military training (2019), it is difficult to find treatment and apply treatment strategies. 8 Military Summary Standards ensure that soldiers can maintain a good appearance to meet their professional needs (Weiss et al). However, according to these criteria, various skin disorders of the head and neck can be screened or exacerbated. It highlights some of the more common obstacles resulting from military grooming standards, including discussions on underlying etiology and management considerations. 9 British military studies of tropical skin diseases have focused on the most serious tropical skin diseases that have occurred in British soldiers in the last few years. [10] [11] [12] [13] In the study of these specialized characteristics and the reliability and purchasing behavior of Lee et al made-toorder cosmetics, while showing interest in the cosmetics market, we grasped the characteristics by age and suitability for that age group. The establishment of various marketing strategies acts as an important factor and is expected to become a new area in line with trends. 14 In the present study, we investigated the characteristics of each occupation regarding the recognition and development potential of customized cosmetics for trainees in their 20s and 30s in the Republic of Korea, and various types according to their age group and user characteristics. A store that accurately grasps the needs of men in their 20s and 30s for customized cosmetics and sells food and daily necessities to soldiers and authorized personnel. A military service agency that generally sells goods at tax-free prices and provides men's cosmetics activation plans and marketing strategy formulation materials for a special market called PX, which is generally in the form of a supermarket. This study was conducted offline for 2 weeks from November 1 to November 15, 2020, targeting military trainees in their 20s and 30s in Chuncheon City, Gang-won-do, Republic of Korea, for a total of 500 people. Finally, the responses of 450 people were collected, excluding 50 dishonest respondents. Statistical processing of materials collected by the data analysis method was analyzed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) WIN25.0 statistical package program through the process of data coding and data cleaning. First, we recognized customized products and conducted Descriptive Statistics and Reliability Analysis to see the development potential of PX male customized products, and the average and standard deviation of each question. Second, we performed an independent sample t-test and a one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) to recognize customized cosmetics and examine the differences in the potential of PX to develop male custom cosmetics. Third, Pearson's Correlation Analysis was performed to recognize customized cosmetics and to investigate the correlation between PX's male customized cosmetics development potential. Fourth, a simple multiple regression analysis was performed to recognize customized cosmetics and to investigate the relationship between the effects of PX on the development potential of military trainees' customized cosmetics. In this study, we verified under the significance levels P < .05, P < .01, and P < .001. Intervening studies involving animals or humans, and other studies that require ethical approval, must list the authority that provided approval and the corresponding ethical approval code. The results of descriptive statistics and reliability analysis of the customized cosmetics recognition scale are shown in Table 1 . The average of "The number of custom cosmetics used is expected to increase in the future" is the highest at 3.99 (SD = 1.06), and the average of "I have used custom cosmetics" is 1.41 (SD = 0.90). It became the lowest. Cronbach's calculated for reliability verification appeared at 0.760 with a reference value of 6 or more, and the degree of internal agreement between each question item was very high. Table 2 shows the results of descriptive statistics and reliability analysis of PX's feasibility scale for developing men's customized cosmetics. The average of "I would like to use men's custom cosmetics for PX when they are released" is the highest at 4.34 (SD = 0.91), and men's customized cosmetics for PX and customized cosmetics for general men need to be differentiated. The average of "Military trainee-tailored cosmetics for PX and regularmale customized cosmetics need to be differentiated" was the lowest at 3.39 (SD = 1.35). Cronbach's calculated for reliability verification appeared at 0.829 with a reference value of 6 or more, and the degree of internal agreement between each question item was very high. The preferences according to the change in use of cosmetics are shown in Table 3 92 people (20.4%), and cleansing products 69 people (15.3%), sunscreen 50 people (11.1%), color cosmetics 10 people (2.2%), and the most preferred men's customized cosmetic price for PX was 242 people (53.8%) with between 20 000 won and 30 000 won. The most frequent, was followed by 154 (34.2%) with less than 10 000 won, 34 people (7.6%) with between 30 000 and 40 000 won, and 20 people with more than 40 000 won (4.4%). 3.4 | Differences in perception of custom-made cosmetics according to the characteristics of the survey subjects Table 4 shows the results of an independent sample t-test and a member placement ANOVA to investigate the difference in perception of custom-made cosmetics according to the characteristics of the survey subjects. For ages 24 to 27, the average was 2.90 (SD = 0.87), which was higher than 2.84 (SD = 0.78) for 20 to 23, but there was no significant difference before enlistment. The average income of 3.5 million won or more was the highest at 3.07 (SD = 1.09), and the average income of less than 1 million won was the lowest at 2.80 (SD = 0.71), and there was no significant difference. When the pre-enlistment occu- (t = 2.938, P < .01), The 2.89 (SD = 0.79) points were higher than 2.67 (SD = 0.75) points without drinking, and there was a significant difference (t = 2.454, P < .05). 3.5 | Differences in the possibility of developing PX male customized products according to the characteristics of the survey subjects The results of an independent sample t-test and a member placement ANOVA to investigate the difference in the development potential of PX male customized products according to the characteristics of the survey subjects are shown in Table 5 . For ages 24 to 27, the average Table 6 as below. Private skin care behavior and usage (r = .530, P < .01), private cosmetics purchasing behavior (r = .448, P < .01), military skin care behavior (r = .460, P < .01), customized cosmetic recognition (r = .468, P < .01), PX male customized product development potential (r = .391, P < .01), skin awareness and interest and attention were increased for static (+). It was found that there is a correlation between the related variants. Table 7 shows the results of a simple regression analysis to investigate the effects of skin awareness and interest on the perception of cus- The results of a simple regression analysis to investigate the effect of skin awareness and interest on the development potential of PX men's custom cosmetics are shown in Table 8 . interest. However, post-traumatic growth (PTG) is a new construct, and relatively little is known about its expression and development. Appreciating life, reassessing a sense of purpose, improving an individual's human qualities, bonding and connecting with others, integrating into society, and a legacy will be supported in the future. Self-esteem and a sense of worth to society must be managed. 16 29 Purchasing customized cosmetics also has an impact on cosmetics consumption motivation in research through purchasing motives, which are very important factors influencing the purchase of customized cosmetics. Contributions to revitalizing the cosmetics market for "customized marketing" have been made by clarifying and verifying that the motivation for purchasing cosmetics can explain the relationship between the desire to consume cosmetics and the intention to purchase custom cosmetics. In the future, for more detailed marketing research for customized cosmetics, we proposed an analytical study of the influence relationship of each sub-factor of parameters and effect verified cosmetic purchase motives. 30 This requires continuous research on personalized bespoke cosmetics according to work and usage characteristics, and PX custom products for future soldiers should be developed. However, the limitation of this study is that we did not conduct a questionnaire to female soldiers in the Republic of Korea, who are a little closer to cosmetics. In addition, the population parameter of male soldiers is also weak. As a result, the researcher plans to continue to study the recognition and development potential of customized cosmetics for female military personnel in the Republic of Korea in subsequent research. Therefore, this requires continuous research on personalized bespoke cosmetics according to work and usage characteristics, and PX custom products for future soldiers should be developed. In the future, the researcher plans to continue to study the recognition and development potential of customized cosmetics for female military personnel in South Korea in subsequent research. All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript. Jinkyung Lee had full access to all of the data in this study and takes complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. The lead author affirms that this manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study being reported; that no important aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as planned (and, if relevant, registered) have been explained. The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Skin health and skin care products awareness and behavior: a survey for visitors to skin health Case study by type of customized cosmetic-focused on strategic experiential modules (SEMs) product culture design research Risk factors influencing contamination of customized cosmetics made on-the-spot: evidence from the national pilot project for public health Specialized assistance as a social phenomenon and the system of medical care (review) The impact of constructive and destructive leadership on soldier's job satisfaction Traumatic brain injury and sleep disturbances in combat-exposed service members and veterans: where to go next? The safety paradox in ethics training: a case study on safety dynamics within a military ethics train-the-trainer course Perceptions and response to conservative treatment of Low Back pain in soldiers during initial entry training: a convergence mixed Methods study Military grooming standards and their impact on skin diseases of the head and neck Behavioral health leadership: new directions in occupational mental health Mental health service utilization in the U Association between baseline psychological attributes and mental health outcomes after soldiers returned from deployment Tropical skin diseases in British military personnel Reliability and purchasing behavior of customized cosmetics-focusing on women in their 20s and 50s in Gwangju Is prevention better than cure? A systematic review of the effectiveness of well-being interventions for military personnel adjusting to civilian life Posttraumatic growth in (ex-) military personnel: review and qualitative synthesis Dermatological conditions in military conscripts Unusual presentations of cutaneous larva migrans in British military personnel Prevalence of common skin diseases and their associated factors among military personnel in Korea: a crosssectional study Adherence to acne treatment guidelines in the military environment-a descriptive, serial cross-sectional study The impact of aeroallergens on military readiness: a case report Leishmaniose cutanée au cours du déploiement militaire en Irak Unusual skin infections in military personnel Baumann skin type in Korean male population Recognition and the development potential of Mobile shopping of customized cosmetic on Untact coronavirus 19 period: focused on 40's to 60's women in Seoul, Republic of Korea Occupational skin diseases in national servicemen and military personnel in Singapore Dermatology in the military field: what physicians should know? Prevalence of skin diseases in civilian and military population in a Turkish military hospital in the Central Black Sea region Personal custom cosmetics and beauty devices consumer awareness/preference survey model study The effect of cosmetics consumption desire on the purchase intention of customized cosmetics-purchasing motivation as a mediating effect Recognition and development of customized cosmetics for military trainees in 20s and 30s in Republic of Korea This research does not have Acknowledgements. This research received no external funding. The authors declare there is no conflict of interest.