key: cord-0700717-mht80e9y authors: Berté, Roberto; Arsié, Elena; Penagini, Roberto title: Safe esophageal function testing during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A modified surgical mask for patients date: 2020-08-28 journal: Neurogastroenterol Motil DOI: 10.1111/nmo.13979 sha: 9b69a95f697159bc0f3f9bbcffb224988ce69913 doc_id: 700717 cord_uid: mht80e9y nan Dear Editors, We read with interest both the survey on impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on functional investigations in Europe 1 and the ESNM recommendations to be applied in the recovery phase of the pandemic. 2 Besides complying with the ESNM recommendations, we felt reasonable to devise a modified surgical mask to be worn by the patient during esophageal manometry and pH (impedance) catheters positioning, two potentially aerosol-generating procedures. In order to adapt surgical masks for functional esophageal tests, two holes are made using a scalpel ( Figure 1A ): a smaller one Figure 1B . At the end of the test, once the catheter has been removed, the mask is replaced with a standard one. If pH (impedance) needs performing after manometry, the modified mask is not removed and is positioned covering the mouth only. Intubation is performed while the nurse helps giving water through hole B, as shown in Figure 1C . Once the catheter is in place and secured with tape, the mask is removed and the patient is fitted with a standard one. Please note hole A (thin arrow) and hole B (thick arrow). B, Rapid drink challenge during high-resolution esophageal manometry with the use of the modified mask. Please note the manometry catheter passing through hole A and the straw through hole B. C, pH impedance catheter positioning with the use of the modified mask. Please note the adaptor of the syringe through hole B A survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on motility and functional investigations in Europe and considerations for recommencing activities in the early recovery phase European Society for Neurogastroenterology and Motility recommendations for conducting gastrointestinal motility and function testing in the recovery phase of the COVID-19 pandemic Is topical lidocaine beneficial before catheter insertion in esophageal manometry and ambulatory pH monitoring? Practice guidelines on the use of esophageal manometry -A GISMAD-SIGE-AIGO medical position statement