key: cord-0699477-cz7m1iqk authors: Cheng, Tsung O. title: The current state of cardiology in China date: 2004-03-25 journal: Int J Cardiol DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2003.10.011 sha: 3538f6f61c1057207dc0414ec3b75ae104fe8992 doc_id: 699477 cord_uid: cz7m1iqk Cardiology in China has shown significant changes in the last decade or so. Interventional cardiology, in particular, has shown remarkable advances, especially in the management of coronary artery disease, which, unfortunately, has shown a disconcerting increase in incidence in a country traditionally known for very low incidence of coronary artery disease. Important contributing factors include increasing affluence, westernization of dietary habit and lifestyle, and rampant cigarette smoking. At present, the Chinese population has an annual coronary mortality of one sixth of that reported in the West, an incidence of acute myocardial infarction of one tenth to one eighth, and a mortality of acute myocardial infarction of one eighth. The prevalence of coronary artery disease among the general Chinese population (3–7%) is roughly one quarter of that among the Caucasians in the West, but this will get worse for sure. China still has a lot of catching up to do to reach full modernization. There is a price that every developing country must pay for modernization. However, let the price the Chinese pay not exceed the benefits derived from modernization. Can we achieve a utopian stage in the 21st century in which the modern Chinese retain their ancestral low rates of coronary artery disease while adapting the positive aspects of a modern western lifestyle? I used to return to China to lecture, demonstrate, and exchange scientific and medical information every 1 -2 years since 1972. I have previously reported my observations on several occasions [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] . Due to increasing demand on my time by other countries around the world in the past decade, I have not been back to China as frequently in recent years. The last time I visited China before my latest visit in October 2002 was in 1996. So much changes have taken place that I felt it important to report a few of the more significant ones in modern China. Incidentally, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), the recent epidemic that spread through populous China then spread around the world and posed as a potential threat to China's stability, is said to have originated in the southern China province of Guangdong in the Fall of 2002. Despite the accusations that the Chinese authorities have been underreporting or covering up cases of SARS, I saw no evidence of such an occurrence during my visit in October 2002, which included Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Beijing, and Shanghai. It only came to surface early in 2003 when, according to a good colleague of mine in Guangzhou who apologized for not promptly responding to my correspondences, as he always did over the many years of our acquaintance, his hospital ''had been kept busy with quite a few cases of atypical pneumonia since the Spring Festival,'' another term for the Chinese New Year, which fell on February 1, 2003 . Most cases of atypical pneumonia reported during that period were indeed cases of SARS. As a matter of fact, the Chinese term for SARS is still atypical pneumonia . Personally, I do not believe for a moment that China was underreporting or covering up cases of SARS. China was simply caught offguard by the sudden appearance of this mysterious disease, which, on the surface, resembled common colds or ordinary flu. Because it occurred during the usual flu season, I could empathize with China's initial ''what's the big deal?'' attitude. To me, the most important outcome of this whole incident of SARS is that China's press and news media have now become completely transparent-a sign of Chinese ''glasnost''. Of course, SARS is all history now (Fig. 1 ). As I pointed out in my earlier publications [11] [12] [13] , coronary artery disease, which used to be extremely rare in old China [14] , has increased considerably in prevalence in China in the past several decades. Coronary artery disease in China has climbed from the fifth most common form of heart disease in 1948-1957, to the second most common in 1958 -1968 and 1969 -1979 , and to the most common in 1980 -1989 (Table 1) , where it remains until this date. This changing pattern of heart disease in China was also reflected in the changing etiologies of congestive heart failure in modern China. Whereas rheumatic heart disease used to be the most common cause of congestive heart failure in the 1980s, coronary artery disease took over in the 1990s and 2000 (Table 2 ). Myocardial infarction, which was extremely rare in old China, has been the fifth leading cause of death in modern China [15] . I still recall that when I was a medical student, I saw only one case of acute myocardial infarction during my entire 5 years of schooling. It was such a rarity that the patient became the subject of Medical Grand Rounds, Cardiology Grand Rounds, ECG Conference, Radiology Conference, Physiology Seminar, Pharmacology Round Table, Journal Club, and Research Conference. I felt so sorry for that poor patient who had to be present in each of these didactic conferences. At present, the Chinese population has an annual coronary mortality of one sixth of that reported in the West, an incidence of acute myocardial infarction of one tenth to one eighth, and a mortality of acute myocardial infarction of one eighth [16] . The prevalence of coronary artery disease among the general Chinese population (3-7%) is roughly one quarter of that among the Caucasians in the West [16] . But this will change for the worse in the years to come. Part of the reason for this changing pattern is, of course, relative due to more accurate diagnosis, less people dying from malnutrition and infectious diseases, and more people living to an older age. But most of the increases are really due to the following contributing factors. Modern Chinese love the atherogenic fast food and devour them at an ever-faster rate. The huge success of the world's two of the best known fast-food giants, McDonald's ( Fig. 2) and Kentucky Fried Chicken, also known as KFC (Fig. 3) , is the result of a change of Chinese lifestyles, which are becoming more geared to speed, convenience, and choice. Although most of the Chinese do not like the taste of either hamburgers (Chinese prefer pork to beef) or cheeseburgers (Chinese compare cheese to vomitus), they possess enough curiosity to try them. Furthermore, consumers in China are buying at McDonald's and KFC because they are fashionable in the West, not because they represent [19] . More than one third of adults in China and over half of adults in China's urban areas consume over 30% of their energy from fat [20] . As a consequence of the recent change in the dietary habits in China, the normal plasma cholesterol values in modern China have shown a steady increase. In 2003, the upper limit of normal was 6.0 mmol/l or 232 mg/dl, and the mean value was 5.06 mmol/l or 196 mg/dl [21] . These ''normal'' values, which were very similar to those reported recently from another study of 1211 retirees in Beijing [22] and the Chinese MONICA project involving 5 million Chinese from 16 provinces [23] , were considerably higher than the normal values in China published in 1958 (155 mg/ dl) [24] , 1981 (191 mg/dl) [24] , and 1997 (200 mg/dl) [25] . In a country known traditionally for its low plasma cholesterol values, low incidence of coronary artery disease, and lean body build, this upward adjustment of the so-called ''normal'' values in modern China represents an alarming trend that deserves special attention. This assumes an even greater significance in view of the recent report that blood cholesterol concentration is directly related to mortality from coronary artery disease even in those with-what was, by western standards-a ''low'' cholesterol concentration [26] . In addition to the recent fast-food onslaught, there is also a new craze in China for milk. China is starting to consume more milk, a basic change in the national diet that reflects an upward shift in the expanding Chinese middle class. In old China, milk was considered a luxury, costing more than water or tea. With the improvement of living standards, near doubling of milk production during the last 5 years [27] , and the fitness craze sweeping across the country, Chinese are drinking more milk in record numbers-25% increase from 2001 to 2002 (Q.Y. Ge, personal communication, April 2, 2003) . China's annual milk production has finally caught up with that of its grain alcohol [27] . So, instead of ''Gan Bei'' (''bottoms up'') with the traditional Mao-tai at most of the state banquets, Chinese hosts are now holding up glasses filled with milk. Unfortunately, while the older generations of Chinese have benefited from a diet high in vegetables and fruits and low in saturated fats, a move to too much milk undoubtedly would accelerate the development of atherosclerosis in modern China. Such changes in China's dietary intake will have a great influence on the coronary artery disease burden, as was supported by the recently reported Singapore experience in which the higher consumption of dietary saturated fat is associated with a higher serum cholesterol and higher coronary artery disease mortality in Singaporean Chinese compared with the Chinese in Hong Kong and mainland China [28] . China used to be known for her slender people. I never saw a fat person in China until recent years (Fig. 4 ). Now China is fighting obesity, especially childhood obesity, which is as high as 28% [29] as the rest of the world [30] . Excessive caloric intake from fast food [31] ; insufficient exercise from increasing availability of, and increased reliance on, automobiles [13] ; and the popularization of television result in weight gain. The effect of television viewing on pediatric obesity has recently been documented: each hourly increment of TV viewing is associated with a 1-2% increase in the prevalence of obesity in urban China [32] . The prevalence of obesity continues its upward trend in China as the rest of the world. By the end of 2000, the obesity rate of male students in Beijing reached 15%, doubling that of 1990 and approaching that of developed countries [29] . Traditionally, a fat child in China meant a healthy child, one who was likely to survive the rigors of undernourishment and infections. This misconception still prevails today in many parts of China, which, unfortunately, is a participant in an international epidemic of childhood obesity [33, 34] . Fat children grow up to be fat adults. Overweight in China [body mass index (BMI) z 25] has shown a progressive increase in both men and women over the past two decades (Table 3 ) [35] . It is estimated that overweight is present in 50 -60% of northern Chinese and 20% of the total Chinese population [35] . Obesity (BMI z 30) is present in 10% of the population in northern China and 5% in southern China; the total number of obese people in China is now estimated to be 30-40 million [35] . The Chinese have a lower baseline BMI to begin with (baseline value = 21 [36] ; mean = 18.5-23.9 [37] ), and it takes less increment to reach an obese level, so that a BMI of 24 -27.9 is considered as overweight and z 28 as obese [37] . It takes smaller increments to increase the risk of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and type II diabetes in the Chinese population [36, 38, 39] . China is in the midst of an obesity epidemic [40] . Obesity in China has reached such a serious stage that the Chinese government has started a national campaign against it [41] . Furthermore, the Chinese Medical Association just convened its first national symposium on the prevention and treatment of obesity on March 15, 2003 in Suzhou [42] . The recent report that obesity significantly raises cancer risk [43] will undoubtedly add impetus to China's war against obesity because of the Chinese's inordinate fear of cancer. China is the greatest producer and consumer of cigarettes in the world [44] . One of every three cigarettes manufactured in the world is consumed in China (Fig. 5 ). Even more alarming is the prevalence of teenage smoking in China (Fig. 6) ; three of every five Chinese smokers begin smoking at the age of 15 -20 years [45] . Although cigarette smoking is far less common among the Chinese women than men [46] , women smoke almost as much as men in the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia. Cigarette smoking becomes the only pastime for both men and women who are housebound by the inclement weather in the winter in the Inner Mongolia grasslands (Fig. 7) . As the Chinese saying goes, ''women uphold half of the sky''; therefore, women smoke as much as the men in Inner Mongolia [47] . Countries such as China, with its 300 million smokers, are being targeted by the tobacco industry as stricter control on tobacco began to bite in the United States. The young smokers in China not only like to smoke foreign brands of cigarettes but also name brands. Next to Coca Cola and Mickey Mouse, Marlboro is the third most well-known American name in China. Advertisements in the form of billboards are conspicuously shown in every major city in China (Fig. 8) . Despite health hazard warnings on the cigarette packs as required by the Ministry of Public Health and uncontroversial evidence that cigarette smoking is a major cause of death in China [48] , a direct cause of coronary artery disease in China [49] , and an indirect cause of coronary artery disease by causing hypertension [50] and diabetes [44] , many Chinese continue to smoke, including medical professions. On each China visit, I always inquired why so many Chinese continue smoking despite the health hazards. They always pointed out to me that the late Chairman Mao Zedong smoked (Fig. 9 ) and the late Chairman Deng Xiaoping also smoked (Fig. 10 ). Mao and Deng were China's two greatest leaders in the 20th century and are still revered throughout China. So I believe that example-setting is very important. Furthermore, despite the recent unanimous approval of the global antitobacco treaty by all 192 countries in the World Health Organization [51] , of which China is a member, China is still not enforcing the ban, claiming that ''individuals' rights should be respected.'' Since the introduction of selective cine coronary arteriography into China in 1973 [6] , the field of interventional cardiology has been growing by leaps and bounds and is now an established discipline in China (Table 4 ). Selective coronary arteriography is now routinely performed in every major medical center throughout China with a very respectable complication rate. As was recently reported from the Fu Wai Hospital and Cardiovascular Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing [52] , where I performed China's first selective cine coronary arteriogram in 1973 [6] , in an analysis of 9196 cases from October 1987 to December 2000, death, myocardial infarction, stroke, serious arrhythmias, peripheral vascular complications, and allergic reactions to the contrast media were 0.02%, 0.01%, 0.01%, 0.29%, 0.26%, and 0.04%, respectively, as compared to 0.10%, 0.06%, 0.07%, 0.47%, 0.46%, and 0.23% in an analysis of 222,553 cases between 1984 and 1987 from the Registry of the Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions [53] . Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) was first performed in Xian, China, in 1984. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is growing rapidly in China ( Fig. 11) at an annual rate of increment of around 40% [54, 55] . In 2001, 16,345 procedures were performed with a success rate of 97% [54, 55] . This, of course, is rather a small number as compared with the United States where, in 1999, 601,000 procedures were performed [56] . Similar to the trend in the western world, the Chinese cardiologists have also become more aggressive in the management of acute coronary syndromes. According to a recent report of a study, which is a part of the international multicenter registry, selective coronary arteriography was carried out in 35% of these patients, in half of whom (or 17%) PTCA was performed; thrombolytic therapy was carried out in only 3% of the patients and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in 4% [57] Coronary stenting has also rapidly expanded in number; according to the Third National Coronary Intervention Registry, published at the end of 2002, over a 3-year period from 1999 to 2001, stents were implanted in 81% (43,304 of 53,695) of PCIs with a success rate of 99% [55] . The number of PCIs has surpassed that of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty, which used to be the most frequently performed interventional cardiologic procedure in China [58 -60] . This reversal in trend reflects the change in the etiologies of heart diseases in modern China over the past two decades, namely, an increase in coronary artery disease and a decline in rheumatic heart disease ( Table 1) . Chinese cardiologists learn fast. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was an unfamiliar diagnosis in China until I introduced selective coronary arteriography in 1973 [6] ; 3 of 11 patients catheterized because of exertional chest pain were found to have normal coronary arteriograms but hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy with a significant systolic gradient across the left ventricular outflow tract and a typical angiographic appearance. This disease entity is encountered more and more often now in China. As a matter of fact, the interventional cardiologists in China have also become quite aggressive in treating these patients with the percutaneous technique of transluminal septal myocardial ablation with alcohol, with one center alone having performed such a procedure in 119 patients with excellent short-and long-term results [61] . According to the Chinese national registry, over 400 such procedures have been performed among 20 hospitals in China by the end of 2002. The Chinese cardiologists have also been actively engaged in laboratory investigations to determine whether it is the volume of the alcohol injected, or the rate of alcohol injection into the first septal perforator of the left anterior descending coronary artery during septal ablation that is important. It was concluded that the size of the iatrogenically induced myocardial infarct in piglets is directly related to the volume of intracoronary alcohol injection, rather than the rate of alcohol injection [62] . Frequent symposia on interventional cardiology are held regularly at both national and local levels to keep the cardiologists abreast of the latest developments in interventional cardiology. These meetings are usually supported by foreign pharmaceutical companies or/and device manufacturers, which also take care of the travel expenses of Chinese cardiologists going overseas to attend international cardiologic meetings. Unlike the United States where such practices are now forbidden, many Chinese cardiologists who otherwise would not be able to afford such international trips on their meager salaries 1 are able to attend these cardiologic meetings in both Europe and North America. Upon returning to China from such meetings, they promptly report the highlights of such meetings in national or local medical journals in China. Such practices serve to educate the rest of the cardiologists in China who otherwise would not have an opportunity to keep abreast of the recent advances in cardiology due either to lack of 1 Despite frequent gifts from their grateful patients, which may range from a chicken from a farmer to a Mercedes Benz automobile from a wellto-do businessman. financial means to go overseas, or to unfamiliarity with the English language. China's first CABG operation was performed in October 1974 at Beijing's Fu Wai Hospital where China's first selective coronary arteriogram was performed in June 1973 [6] . It was a single-vessel saphenous vein graft to the left anterior descending coronary artery in a 40-year-old male patient who survived for 8 years (Zhu Xiaodong, MD, Fu Wai Hospital, personal communication, August 1, 1997 Table 4) . One of the patients in Harbin, China, has survived for more than 10 years now following the heart transplantation. As is the case with the rest of the world, the principal limiting factor in heart transplantation is scarcity of donors. The latter factor was further complicated in China by the traditional Buddhist teaching that a dead person must be buried with all the organs intact to ensure the spirit's happiness. There exist rumors that hearts and other organs from executed prisoners in China have been harvested as donor organs without the explicit consent of their family members. But I am unable to confirm such rumors. However, such practices provide a useful donor source in Taiwan where the condemned prisoners voluntarily initiated the process of organ donation [63] . Pulmonary embolism used to be thought of as rare in China [4] . But this is no longer the case. In a recent analysis of 37 documents of Chinese language case studies involving misdiagnoses of pulmonary embolism published from January 1980 to June 2001 and identified by searching the Chinese Biomedical Literature Database [64] , 310 patients with misdiagnosed pulmonary embolism were identified. The five commonest misdiagnoses were coronary artery disease in 20%, pneumonia in 14%, primary pulmonary hypertension in 10%, cardiomyopathy in 7%, and pleurisy in 6% [64] . China is launching a campaign to increase awareness on this disease, as evidenced by several recent publications in major medical journals in China [64 -66] . There are several explanations for underdiagnosing or misdiagnosing pulmonary embolism in China: (1) Traditional teaching by such authorities as Snapper (Fig. 12) , who was highly regarded in old China as one of the most astute diagnosticians, was that pulmonary embolism was rare in China. He did not even mention it in his book ''Chinese Lessons to Western Medicine'' [14] . (2) Even as recent as 1970s, pulmonary embolism was thought to be rare in China [4] The rarity of pulmonary embolism was even more remarkable when one considered the widespread use of birth control pills among the Chinese women of child-bearing age [4] . Perhaps the use of acupuncture anesthesia [2,7 -9] , which permitted early ambulation after major surgery, accounted for the low incidence of postoperative pulmonary embolism in China. Because acupuncture anesthesia is seldom employed in modern China, this protective factor is no longer operative. (3) More accurate in vivo diagnosis of pulmonary embolism is now possible because of improved diagnostic techniques. The publishing industry in China has shown an extraordinary growth in recent years. In 1978, China published 14,987 books; 20 years later, the number was 130,613-a little more than twice that of the United States [67] . Similarly, exponential growth took place for magazines (from 930 to 7999) and newspapers (from 186 to 1035) over the same period [67] . By comparison, the United States published 14,707 magazines in 1999 and 1489 newspapers in 1998 [67] . This publishing explosion was mirrored in medical publishing as well. Not only the quantity but also the quality of medical books showed a great deal of improvement within a relatively short period of time. Some textbooks in cardiology that were originally published as a single volume (Fig. 13A ) had to be published in a twovolume set because of increased pages required to cover all the latest advances (Fig. 13B) . Other books, such as the one on congestive heart failure, which originally appeared as monographs (Fig. 14A) , later were expanded to become textbooks (Fig. 14B) . The Chinese medical doctors are thirsty for new knowledge; because attendance at national and international medical meetings was restricted by financial constraints, they have to rely mostly on books and journals for their postgraduate medical education. China published some 700 medical journals in 1994 [68] (Table 5 ) [69] . The top five journals represented nearly one third of the citations. This list is somewhat reminiscent of the omnipotent Science Citation Index impact factors of these journals. According to the Chinese Scientific and Technological Journal Citation Reports 2001, which was published in 2002, impact factor and total citation frequency for the Chinese Journal of Cardiology ranked 9th and 21st, respectively, among 2000 Chinese scientific and technological journals (Y.M. Jiang, Chinese Journal of Cardiology, personal communication, June 17, 2003) . A word about international access to the Chinese medical literature through MEDLINE: Users doing author searches may have difficulties with common Chinese surnames, especially if only one given name initial is used [70] . The difficulty may be further compounded by the fact that Chinese authors customarily spell their last names first and first names last [71 -76] . China, in both basic research and clinical investigation in cardiology, has made significant improvements and advances over the years in the following several broad areas. (217), and other countries. The growth in the number of participants from China reflects an increased interest in biomedical collaboration between US and Chinese scientists. Over a 10-year period from 1992 to 2002, the number of abstracts submitted from China increased from 34 to 85, and the number accepted for presentation showed a parallel increase from three to eight (Table 6) . A similar trend was noticed for the American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Meetings. Such increases in contributions of our Chinese colleagues to these national heart meetings are quite impressive. China is a huge country with its 1.3 billion population; one of every five persons on Earth lives in China. China's unique environment, therefore, constitutes a tremendous opportunity for intervention trials. Ethnic, demographic, and cultural diversities make it easier to conduct major epidemiologic studies in China. Because the Chinese population is more compliant than the western population, high participation rates are certain. Because the Chinese population is more stable than the western population, follow-up is easier and more complete. Finally, the studies are much cheaper to carry out, ''practically nothing compared to what a similar trial will cost in the United States,'' as noted by fraumeni of NIH according to Mervis [77] . Besides participating in many international trials, China also conducts several national trials on her own [e.g., Tissue plasminogen activator/Urokinase Comparisons in China (TUCC)] [78] . Some of these trials carry rather cute acronyms [e.g., CAST (Chinese Active Stroke Trial), CAT (Chinese Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor in acute myocardial infarction Trial), CATHAY (Chinese ATHerosclerosis study in the Aged and Young), and STONE (Shanghai Trial Of Nifedipine in the Elderly)], similar to the fascination with the creation of attractive trial acronyms by the western investigators [79 -83] . The use of statistical methods in Chinese medical journals has been improving [84] . According to Wang and Zhang [84] , the percentages of original articles reporting clinical trials, prospective studies, or basic science research increased from 18% in 1985 to 31% in 1995 ( p < 0.001), of articles using statistical methods increased from 40% in 1985 to 60% in 1995 ( p < 0.001), and of those articles using appropriate statistical methods increased from 22% to 46% ( p < 0.001). In both 1985 and 1995, the most commonly used statistical methods in the Chinese medical journals were t tests and contingency tables [84] . According to Wang and Zhang [84] , the most common errors the Chinese authors committed were presentations of p values without specifying the test used, use of multiple t tests instead of analysis of variance, and use of unpaired t tests when paired tests were required. Medical genetic research in China started in the late 1950s [85] . Molecular genetic research started in China in the 1990s [85] . As the Human Genome Project was initiated in the 1990s, China also launched a national Human Genome Project as part of its contribution to international efforts to sequence the human genome [86] . China's contribution in the Human Genome Project could be significant. According to one official from the National Science Foundation of China, ''the Chinese account for over one fifth of the world's population, and the country has 56 ethnic groups. As a result, no databank of human genetic information can be said to be complete without a detailed study of the Chinese human genome'' [86] . The project will have important practical implications, as the Chinese, with their powerful sequencing capacity and capability in the genome project, are expected to contribute vital information that may lead to the early diagnosis and treatment of more than 5000 hereditary diseases [86] . In 1998, China's scientific leaders overcame skepticism from some members of the Human Genome Project to become the only developing country to take a role in sequencing the human genome by contributing 1% of the published sequence-an achievement that is of huge sym- Table 6 American Heart Association scientific sessions abstracts submitted and accepted from China, 1992 China, -2002 China, 1992 China, 1993 China, 1994 China, 1995 China, 1996 China, 1997 China, 1998 China, 1999 China, 2000 China, 2001 China, 2002 Submitted 34 23 14 37 10 25 14 60 56 67 bolic importance [87] . Chinese researchers are now setting up programs in everything from stem cell research, through large-scale efforts to determine protein structures, to population studies to hunt for human disease genes [87] . There is even talk of trying to clone the endangered giant panda [87] . Recently, China presented her new edition of a genetic map illustrating the no. 3 human chromosome, as part of the Human Genome Project [88] . The new completed mapconsidered 99.99% accurate-would help improve medical diagnosis and also aid the discovery of new drugs and new treatments [88] . In the field of cardiology, China has made much progress in research work for gene therapy of hypertension [89] , myocardial infarction [90] , and congestive heart failure [91] . On the long list of organs that should be sequenced, the Beijing Genomics Institute has already started investigations into proteomics and drug discovery, including a project to isolate the active compounds in the herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine [92] . There are many Chinese herbs that are widely used in this country, especially for treatment of coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure. Unfortunately, they tend to interact unfavorably with commonly prescribed western cardiac drugs, including warfarin [93 -98] , digoxin [98 -101] , and hypoglycemic agents [102] . Therefore, the isolation of the active compounds in these herbs will facilitate the understanding of the pharmacodynamics of these herbs and thus avoid their inadvertent adverse interactions with the western medications. Cardiology in China has shown significant changes in the last decade or so. Interventional cardiology, in particular, has shown remarkable advances, especially in managing coronary artery disease, which, unfortunately, has shown a disconcerting increase in incidence in a country traditionally known for its very low incidence of coronary artery disease. Important contributing factors include increasing affluence, westernization of dietary habit and lifestyle, and rampant cigarette smoking. Changes in China Acupuncture anesthesia A view of modern Chinese medicine. Observations by a Shanghai-born physician during his recent visit after 22 years of absence Medicine in modern China China medicine as we saw it. Bethesda: The Fogarty International Center White lecture-Cardiology in People's Republic of China Acupuncture anesthesia for open heart surgery Cardiology in People's Republic of China in 1977 Cardiology in China revisited Barefoot doctors Cardiovascular disease in China Coronary heart disease in China Price of modernization of China Chinese lessons to western medicine Suicide rates in China 1995 -99 Principles and practice of clinical medicine in Asia. Treating the Asian patient. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins China swallows fast food at an ever more rapid rate Risk of having heart disease soars in China Experts differ on healthiness of 'fast' salad A new stage of the nutrition transition in China Extensive association analysis between polymorphisms of PON gene cluster with coronary heart disease in Chinese Han population A long-term followup study of serum lipids and coronary heart disease in the elderly Epidemiologic study of blood lipids in the Chinese population The international textbook of cardiology The textbook of modern cardiology Serum cholesterol concentration and coronary heart disease in population with low cholesterol concentrations New craze seizes China's consumers: a glass of milk The emergence of coronary heart disease in populations of Chinese descent Obesity: a warning to Chinese children The obesity epidemic is a worldwide phenomenon Fast food and obesity in China Effect of television viewing on pediatric obesity JAMA patient page. Obesity Treatment of pediatric and adolescent obesity Advances in research on hypertension and obesity. Program of National Congress on Prevention and Treatment of Obesity Obesity, coronary heart disease risk factors and diabetes in Chinese: an approach to the criteria of obesity in the Chinese population Chinese Medical Association Subsection of Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiological study on obesity and its comorbidities in urban Chinese older than 20 years of age in Overweight is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in Chinese populations An obesity epidemic in modern China What is China doing in policy-making to push back the negative aspects of the nutrition transition? National Conference on Prevention and Treatment of Obesity to be held in Suzhou Overweight, obesity, and mortality from cancer in a prospectively studied cohort of US adults Smoking and diabetes in Chinese men Teenage smoking in China Smoking and health Do photographs lie? Smoking in China Mortality attributable to cigarette smoking in China A review on studies of smoking and coronary heart disease in China and Hong Kong Meta-analysis of risk factors on hypertension in China WHA approves historic tobacco accord Complications in selective coronary arteriography: analysis of 9196 cases Coronary arteriography 1984 -1987: a report of the Registry of the Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions: I. Results and complications Furthering the healthy development of percutaneous coronary interventions in China Section of Interventional Cardiology, Chinese Society of Cardiology, Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Cardiology: A data analysis of the Third National Coronary Intervention Registry Treatment of coronary artery disease in the year 2003 Clinical characteristics of acute ischemic syndrome in China for the Multicenter Study Group. Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty using Inoue technique: a multicenter study of 4832 patients in China Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty by the Inoue balloon technique: the procedure of choice for treatment of mitral stenosis Late results of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty: the Chinese experience Percutaneous transluminal septal myocardial ablation for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. The Chinese experience in 119 patients from a single center Experimental study of relationship between intracoronary alcohol injection and the size of resultant myocardial infarct The gift of life from prisoners sentenced to death: preliminary report An investigation on the misdiagnosis of pulmonary embolism in China Nomenclature and definition of pulmonary thromboembolism Guidelines to the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary thromboembolism The role of the media in a market economy Chinese medical journals; getting in touch. Chinese editors and medical journals have much to offer A preliminary study of reference citations of foreign journals in articles published in the Chinese Journal of Cardiology International access to the Chinese medical literature through MEDLINE The Chinese last name What's in a name-the Chinese name? Word order: oriental or occidental? Chinese name Use of surnames to identify individuals of Chinese ancestry Chinese last name comes first China's unique environment favors large intervention trials A randomized trial confirming the efficacy of reduced dose recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in a Chinese myocardial infarction population and demonstrating superiority to usual dose urokinase: the TUCC trial Acronyms of clinical trials in cardiology-1994 Acronymophilia: the exponential growth of the use of acronyms should be resisted Acronymania, acronymophilia and acronymophobia Acronyms of clinical trials in cardiology-1998 Acronyms of cardiologic trials-2002 Research design and statistical methods in Chinese medical journals The achievements of medical genetic research in China during the past 50 years China launches genome project A great leap forward Genetic map The textbook of modern cardiology Relationship between apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism and myocardial infarction or its action on clinical courses A textbook on congestive heart failure From standing start to sequencing superpower Warfarin danshen interaction Warning about a medicinal herb Herbal remedies Interaction of herbal medicine with coumadin Ginseng -warfarin interaction Comment: drug -herb interaction Herbal interactions with cardiac drugs John's Wort interaction with digoxin Interaction of herbal drugs with digoxin Panax (Ginseng) is not a panacea