key: cord-0696763-zdkntuay authors: Marot, Stéphane; Malet, Isabelle; Jary, Aude; Leducq, Valentin; Abdi, Basma; Teyssou, Elisa; Soulie, Cathia; Wirden, Marc; Rodriguez, Christophe; Fourati, Slim; Pawlotsky, Jean-Michel; Boutolleau, David; Burrel, Sonia; Calvez, Vincent; Marcelin, Anne-Geneviève title: Neutralization heterogeneity of United Kingdom and South-African SARS-CoV-2 variants in BNT162b2-vaccinated or convalescent COVID-19 healthcare workers date: 2021-03-05 journal: bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2021.03.05.434089 sha: f594236633ba1b3e5bb5eb6ddf808a87d113e153 doc_id: 696763 cord_uid: zdkntuay There are concerns about neutralizing antibodies (NAb) potency against the newly emerged VOC202012/01 (UK) and 501Y.V2 (SA) SARS-CoV-2 variants in mRNA-vaccinated subjects and in recovered COVID-19 patients. We used a viral neutralization test with a strict 100% neutralizing criterion on UK and SA clinical isolates in comparison with a globally distributed D614G SARS-CoV-2 strain. In two doses BNT162b2-vaccinated healthcare workers (HCW), despite heterogeneity in neutralizing capacity against the three SARS-CoV-2 strains, most of the sera harbored at least a NAb titer ≥ 1:10 suggesting a certain humoral protection activity either on UK or SA variants. However, six months after mild forms of COVID-19, an important proportion of HCW displayed no neutralizing activity against SA strain. This result supports strong recommendations for vaccination of previously infected subjects. ABSTRACT 23 There are concerns about neutralizing antibodies (NAb) potency against the newly emerged 24 VOC202012/01 (UK) and 501Y.V2 (SA) SARS-CoV-2 variants in mRNA-vaccinated subjects 25 and in recovered COVID-19 patients. We used a viral neutralization test with a strict 100% 26 neutralizing criterion on UK and SA clinical isolates in comparison with a globally distributed 27 D614G SARS-CoV-2 strain. In two doses BNT162b2-vaccinated healthcare workers (HCW), 28 despite heterogeneity in neutralizing capacity against the three SARS-CoV-2 strains, most of 29 the sera harbored at least a NAb titer ≥ 1:10 suggesting a certain humoral protection activity 30 either on UK or SA variants. However, six months after mild forms of COVID-19, an important 31 proportion of HCW displayed no neutralizing activity against SA strain. This result supports 32 strong recommendations for vaccination of previously infected subjects. UK and 501Y.V2 for SA) [3, 4] . The spreading of these variants has increased rapidly in other 50 countries and recent observations suggests that they are significantly more transmissible than 51 previously circulating variants. It is still not fully known if the pathogenicity is either increased, Written informed consent for participation in this study was obtained from all participants. Virus neutralization test 95 The neutralizing activity of the various serum specimen was assessed with a whole virus 96 replication assay as previously describe (9). Microscopy examination on day 4 to assess the 97 cytopathic effect (CPE). Neutralization antibody (NAb) titers are expressed as the highest 98 serum dilution displaying 100% inhibition of the CPE. A same known positive control serum 99 was added to each experiment to assess the reproductivity. All the serum samples were tested for their neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2 D614G, (13/25) of HCW harbored neutralizing activity with a NAb titer ≥ 1:5 against the D614G strain, 117 24% (6/25) were neutralizing against the UK strain and only two (8%) had detectable NAbs 118 against the SA strain (Figure 1 A, Table S1 ). Seven days after the booster immunization, all but I7 10 5 0 I8 10 20 5 I9 20 20 5 I10 40 20 5 I11 80 80 20 I12 40 40 0 I13 20 20 5 I14 80 20 10 I15 160 40 20 290 Mutated COVID-19 may foretell a great risk for mankind in the future Tracking Changes in SARS-CoV-2 Spike: Evidence that D614G rapid spread of a new severe acute respiratory syndrome-related 198 coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) lineage with multiple spike mutations in South Africa | 199 medRxiv Preliminary genomic characterisation of an emergent SARS-CoV-2 lineage in the UK 201 defined by a novel set of spike mutations -SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus / nCoV Covid-19: New UK variant may be linked to increased death rate, early 206 data indicate Neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 spike 69/70 deletion, E484K and N501Y variants by