key: cord-0694991-5ef2no83 authors: Deiab, S.; Mazzio, E.; Messeha, S.; Mack, N.; Soliman, K. F. A. title: High-Throughput Screening to Identify Plant Derived Human LDH-A Inhibitors date: 2013 journal: European J Med Plants DOI: nan sha: 7d8f6f7c012e065e971832e990bcf5b9b5bc6928 doc_id: 694991 cord_uid: 5ef2no83 AIMS: Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)-A is highly expressed in diverse human malignant tumors, parallel to aggressive metastatic disease, resistance to radiation/chemotherapy and clinically poor outcome. Although this enzyme constitutes a plausible target in treatment of advanced cancer, there are few known LDH-A inhibitors. STUDY DESIGN: In this work, we utilized a high-throughput enzyme micro-array format to screen and evaluate > 900 commonly used medicinal plant extracts (0.00001-.5 mg/ml) for capacity to inhibit activity of recombinant full length human LDHA; EC . METHODOLOGY: The protein sequence of purified enzyme was confirmed using 1D gel electrophoresis- MALDI-TOF-MS/MS, enzyme activity was validated by oxidation of NADH (500μM) and kinetic inhibition established in the presence of a known inhibitor (Oxalic Acid). RESULTS: Of the natural extracts tested, the lowest IC(50)s [<0.001 mg/ml] were obtained by: Chinese Gallnut (Melaphis chinensis gallnut), Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus), Kelp (Laminaria Japonica) and Babul (Acacia Arabica). Forty-six additional herbs contained significant LDH-A inhibitory properties with IC(50)s [<0.07 mg/ml], some of which have common names of Arjun, Pipsissewa, Cinnamon, Pink Rose Buds/Petals, Wintergreen, Cat’s Claw, Witch Hazel Root and Rhodiola Root. CONCLUSION: These findings reflect relative potency by rank of commonly used herbs and plants that contain human LDH-A inhibitory properties. Future research will be required to isolate chemical constituents within these plants responsible for LDH-A inhibition and investigate potential therapeutic application. Human lactate dehydrogenase is a tetrameric enzyme [1] highly expressed in smooth muscle. The LDH subtype A is up-regulated in diverse tumor tissues [2] including lung [3] , pheochromocytoma, paraganglioma [4] , esophageal squamous cell carcinoma [5] , breast [6] , endometrial adenocarcinoma, ovarian cystadenocarcinoma [7] , hereditary leiomyomatosis renal carcinoma [8] and colon carcinoma [9] [10] [11] . Unlike normal differentiated cells where lactate accumulation occurs anaerobically, cancer cells readily convert glucose into lactate aerobically, a phenomenon termed the Warburg effect [12] . Elevated protein expression or enzyme function of LDH-A is a contributor to not only accumulated lactate, but also aggressive tumor growth [13] , advanced progression [14] , metastasis [15] [16] [17] , acidity [18] , and subsequent resistance to radiation and chemotherapy [19] [20] [21] [22] . LDH-A knockdown, or lowering the functional capacity of LDH-A can suppress tumor growth and metastasis [23] , indicating that this enzyme could serve as a novel targeted cancer therapy strategy. In this study, we elucidate LDH-A inhibitory effects of commonly used medicinal herbal extracts rom around the world. Hanks Balanced Salt Solution, (4- Plant and herbal extracts were macerated, diced, chopped and homogenized in 100% ethanol at 50mg/ml. Samples were placed on a rocker shaker for 24 hours and stored in air tight containers at −20°C in the dark. All serial dilutions were made using a diluent consisting of HBSS with 10mM HEPES adjusted to a pH 7.4. Recombinant full length Human LDHA (amino acids 1-332) with N terminal His tag; 352 amino acids with tag, MW 38.8 kDa: Enzyme Commission (EC) Number (BRENDA | IUBMB) (Abcam, Cambridge, MA) was utilized. The protein was validated by proteomic analysis using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI) Mass Spec (MS/MS) and analyzed by Mascot ID. Briefly, pure enzyme was solubilized, denatured and subjected to 1 D SDS page gel electrophoresis using a 5-20% Tris-HCL gradient gel with a running buffer 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, 0.1% SDS at 200 V for 35 minutes. High intensity bands for LDH-A at 38 KD were visualized with G-Biosciences' LabSafe GEL Blue ™ stain, then excised, followed by in gel digestion of peptides with trypsin, followed by reduction/alkylation with DTT and iodoacetamide, respectively. Samples were analyzed using MALDI MS/MS (Applied Biosystems) and protein sequence identified by Mascot analysis. A continuous LDH-A assay was used to conduct high-throughput screening (HTS). Briefly, a buffer consisted of HBSS + calcium and magnesium pH adjusted to 7.0. LDH-A enzyme (final concentration .02 Units/ml) was added to treatments of tier one, with concentrations of .5 mg/ml. After addition of β-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, Reduced Form Solution (β-NADH) (final working concentration of 500μM) a pre-reading @ 340nm was established and the reaction was started with a solution of substrate pyruvate (final concentration = 3mM). A rapid screening model was used based on works previously described [24] . An enzyme micro-array format was adapted to where a 96 well plate contained a known concentration of enzyme, and treatments of equal concentration dissolved in buffered HBSS and β-NADH. After addition of the substrate (pyruvate) a curve for time dependent NADH oxidation was monitored continuously over 75 minutes @340nm. A first tier investigation was established at a final working concentration of 0.5 mg/ml for each herbal extract. All compounds that inhibited LDH-A with in the first tier screen below 50% of control, were then placed in a second tier (final concentration = 0.25 mg/ml), third tier (final concentration =0.1 mg/ml) and fourth tier (final concentrations with extended range at 0.006, 0.03 and 0.16 mg/ml). Extracts were ranked for potency, and the most potent were further evaluated over a minimum of 6 concentrations from 1mg/ml to less than 0.00001 mg/ml to establish an IC 50 . The enzyme micro-array format was rapid, reproducible and repeatedly corroborated by a four-tier evaluation process. Statistical analysis was performed using Graph Pad Prism (version 3.0; Graph Pad Software Inc. San Diego, CA, USA) with significance of difference between the groups assessed using a one-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey post hoc means comparison test, a two way ANOVA or Student's t test. IC 50 s were determined by regression analysis using Origin Software (OriginLab, Northampton, MA). Method validation was established by monitoring continuous NADH oxidation initiated by addition of the substrate pyruvic acid (3mM) in the presence of varying enzyme concentration/time (Fig. 1a) A screening validation process was established using 0.02 U/ml LDH-A over 75 minutes (Fig. 1b ) ± a known inhibitor; oxalic acid ( Fig. 1c) . The data shows a slow but steady rate of reaction, resulting in time dependent O.D. decay over 65-70 minutes with high signal/noise ratio. Although the enzyme used in this screening, was described as a recombinant full length Human LDHA (amino acids 1-332) with N terminal His tag; 352 amino acids with tag, MW 38.8 kDa: Enzyme Commission (EC) Number (BRENDA | IUBMB) (Abcam, Cambridge, MA), we confirmed the identity of the enzyme using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation (MALDI) Mass Spec (MS/MS) and analysis by Mascot ID (Fig. 2) . Fig. 2 (Top panel) shows the 1 D SDS page gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme at three concentrations (right), along with a molecular marker standard (left). The gel band was excised, digested and analyzed by MSMS for peptide sequence and protein identify (Bottom Panel). The data showed a positive hit for human LDH-A with a 95% confidence interval for peptide/sequence mass. A high throughput enzyme micro-array model was used in this work. Over 900 extracts of equal concentration (0.5 mg/ml) were dissolved in buffered HBSS and incubated with the enzyme, for 5 minutes prior to start of the reaction. After addition of the substrate, a curve for time dependent product formation was monitored continuously over 75 minutes. Fig. 3 represents the 75 minute reading taken from the original screening with values for each compound sorted according to inhibitory potency. Of the initially tested extracts, only 115 inhibited LDH-A within the first tier below 50% of control, denoted by red dotted line --- (Fig. 3) . These plant extracts were then subject to a second tier screenings (final concentration = 0.25 mg/ml), third tier screenings (final concentration =0.1 mg/ml) and fourth tier screenings (final concentrations with extended range at 0.006 to 0.16 mg/ml) to which regression analysis was used to calculate IC 50 s. Of the 115 retested, 46 extracts showed an IC 50 <0.077 mg/ml Table 1 as listed by potency rank. Full inhibitory dose response curves are shown for the top four inhibitors (Fig. 4) . Table 1 Human LDH-A inhibitors by potency. Extract IC 50 s are listed by both mg/ml and μg/ml for inhibiting NADH oxidation on .02U/ml of LDHA. In this HTS study, we investigated the ethanol extract of 905 natural products to identify those with human LDH-A inhibitor properties. Our results show Melaphis chinensis gallnut, also known as Rhus chinensis (RC) nut, to be the most potent and within a therapeutic range. Rhus chinensis belongs to family Anacardiaceae and genus Rhus. This family, consists of 250 species found in China [25] and many other locations around the world. Numerous traditional Chinese herbalists recommend RC for ailments such as chronic cough due to lung deficiency, chronic diarrhea and for clearing toxins. Unfortunately, these claims are not based on scientific grounds, yet the interest in this herb continues to increase for its numerous scientifically based findings. There is an abundance of research on the biological and pharmacological benefits of RC. For example, it was shown to be very effective in harmful intestinal and periodontal bacterial growth inhibition by a mechanism mediated in parts by its constituent's gallic acid and gallotaninns [26] [27] [28] . As an antiviral, RC ethyl acetate extract has inhibitory effects against hepatitis carcinoma virus [29, 30] and severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus [30] . Penta-1,2,3,4,6-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose (PGG) isolated from RC shows promising hepatoprotective properties [31] and the anticancer effects of RC are believed to involve inhibition of dcd25A phosphotase activity [32] or gallic acid as one of the bioactive components in RC [26, 33, 34] which directly induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cells [35] . PGG was also shown by Huh et al, to be a constituent in RC with ability to inhibit angiogenesis and stimulate apoptosis [36] . In addition, PGG reduced cancer cell viability [37] as well as suppressed prostate cancer, bone metastasis [38] and caused cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase [39] . The findings in this study, while broad show that a number of natural products have the ability to inhibit LDH-A, which may adversely affect cancer cell survival. We present evidence for LDH-A inhibitory properties of a number of commonly used herbs and spices with previously reported anti-cancer properties including bladderwrack [40] , kelp [41] , cinnamon [42] , cats claw bark [43] , arjun [44] , polygonum multiflorum [45] and witch hazel [46] . Future research will be required to evaluate if LDH-A inhibition is a contributing factor to tumoricidal or anti-proliferative properties of these herbs on diverse human cancer cells. Fig. 1a . Human LDH-A Activity-time and enzyme concentration dependent NADH oxidation in the presence of 3mM pyruvate. The data represent μM NADH reduced from 0-75 minutes (incubation at RT) and are presented as the Mean ± S.E.M, n=4. Significance of difference for product formation between Time 0 vs Time 15 -75 minutes were determined using a two-way ANOVA.* p< 0.05 Fig. 1b. Human LDH Activity at .02 Units/ml with time dependent NADH oxidation in the presence of 3mM pyurvate. The data represent μM NADH and are presented as the Mean ± S.E.M, n=4. Significance of difference for product formation between Time 0 vs Time 75 minutes was determined using a one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey post hoc test. * p<0 .05 Fig. 1c . Human LDH Activity -Inhibitor Control. The data represent % Enzyme Activity @ 75 Minutes and are presented as the Mean ± S.E.M, n=4. Significance of difference for enzyme activity between the control and oxalic acid (0.9-11.3 mM) was determined using a one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey post hoc test. * p<0 .05 A high-throughput enzyme experimental micro-array design. 905 extracts were evaluated for capacity to inhibit Human LDH-A. A first tier screening was conducted at a final working concentration of 0.5 mg/ml for each herbal extract. Enzyme activity was continuously monitored over a 75 min period. Extracts demonstrating an IC 50 <0.5 mg/ml (red dotted line -----) were screened through subsequent tier evaluations Most Potent Herbal Extract Inhibitors of Human LDH-A activity. The data represent LDH-A activity as % control in the presence or absence of extracts and are presented as Mean ± S.E.M., n=4. IC 50 concentrations were established from a sigmoidal fit dose-response equation and significance of difference between the controls vs. treatment was determined using a one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey post hoc test. * p<0.05 Table 1 Natural source aqueous extracts with human LDH-A inhibitory potency by rank Inhibition of lactate dehydrogenase A induces oxidative stress and inhibits tumor progression Lactic Dehydrogenase in Human Neoplastic Tissues Efficacy of circulating plasma DNA as a diagnostic tool for advanced non-small cell lung cancer and its predictive utility for survival and response to chemotherapy Warburg effect's manifestation in aggressive pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas: insights from a mouse cell model applied to human tumor tissue LDHA is necessary for the tumorigenicity of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Mitochondrial and plasma membrane lactate transporter and lactate dehydrogenase isoform expression in breast cancer cell lines Serum and tissue LDH levels in patients with breast/gynaecological cancer and benign diseases UOK 262 cell line, fumarate hydratase deficient (FH-/FH-) hereditary leiomyomatosis renal cell carcinoma: in vitro and in vivo model of an aberrant energy metabolic pathway in human cancer Mouse genetics suggests cell-context dependency for Myc-regulated metabolic enzymes during tumorigenesis PDK1 inhibition is a novel therapeutic target in multiple myeloma Prognostic and predictive role of lactate dehydrogenase 5 expression in colorectal cancer patients treated with PTK787/ZK 222584 (vatalanib) antiangiogenic therapy. Clinical cancer research: an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research On the origin of cancer cells Phosphorylated pVEGFR2/KDR receptor expression in uveal melanomas: relation with HIF2alpha and survival Expression profiling in progressive stages of fumarate-hydratase deficiency: the contribution of metabolic changes to tumorigenesis Serum lactate dehydrogenase levels and glycolysis significantly correlate with tumor VEGFA and VEGFR expression in metastatic CRC patients Identification of a geneexpression signature for predicting lymph node metastasis in patients with early stage cervical carcinoma Acidity generated by the tumor microenvironment drives local invasion The emerging "hallmarks" of metabolic reprogramming and immune evasion: distinct or linked? Cancer research Glycolytic metabolism and tumour response to fractionated irradiation. Radiotherapy and oncology: journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Free radical scavenging and antioxidant effects of lactate ion: an in vitro study The anti-oxidant capacity of tumour glycolysis Journal of nuclear medicine: official publication Society of Nuclear Medicine Knockdown of lactate dehydrogenase A suppresses tumor growth and metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma High throughput Screening to Identify Natural Human Monoamine Oxidase B Inhibitors Phylogenetic and biogeographic diversification of Rhus (Anacardiaceae) in the Northern Hemisphere. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution Growth-inhibitory effects of Galla Rhois-derived tannins on intestinal bacteria Gallotannins inhibit growth, water-insoluble glucan synthesis, and aggregation of mutans streptococci Inhibitory effect of methyl gallate and gallic acid on oral bacteria Antiviral compounds from traditional Chinese medicines Galla Chinese as inhibitors of HCV NS3 protease Small molecules blocking the entry of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus into host cells Phenolic constituents of galla Rhois with hepatoprotective effects on tacrine-and nitrofurantoin-induced cytotoxicity in Hep G2 cells Screening the active constituents of Chinese medicinal herbs as potent inhibitors of Cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase, an activator of the mitosis-inducing p34cdc2 kinase Anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of herbal medicines Antibacterial activity of methyl gallate isolated from Galla Rhois or carvacrol combined with nalidixic acid against nalidixic acid resistant bacteria Autoxidation of gallic acid induces ROS-dependent death in human prostate cancer LNCaP cells Penta-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose suppresses tumor growth via inhibition of angiogenesis and stimulation of apoptosis: roles of cyclooxygenase-2 and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways Oenothera paradoxa defatted seeds extract containing pentagalloylglucose and procyanidins potentiates the cytotoxicity of vincristine Penta-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose suppresses prostate cancer bone metastasis by transcriptionally repressing EGF-induced MMP-9 expression Anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and other pharmacologic and biological activities of penta-galloyl-glucose Fucoidan from seaweed Fucus vesiculosus inhibits migration and invasion of human lung cancer cell via PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathways A glycoprotein from Laminaria japonica induces apoptosis in HT-29 colon cancer cells 3 rd Review of complementary and alternative medicine and selected nutraceuticals: background for a pilot study on nutrigenomic intervention in patients with advanced cancer. Alternative therapies in health and medicine Antiproliferative activity of various Uncaria tomentosa preparations on HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells Cytotoxic agents from Terminalia arjuna Anti-proliferative effect of an extract of the root of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb, on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and the possible mechanisms Hamamelitannin from witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) displays specific cytotoxic activity against colon cancer cells This research was supported by a grant from NIH NCRR RCMI program (G12RR 03020) and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, NIH (8G12MD007582-28 and 1P20 MD006738-01).