key: cord-0689039-x0myqhoa authors: Yuan, Neal; Wu, Stephanie; Rader, Florian; Siegel, Robert J. title: Determining which hospitalized COVID-19 patients require an urgent echocardiogram date: 2021-04-01 journal: J Am Soc Echocardiogr DOI: 10.1016/j.echo.2021.03.010 sha: 4e2bc516d25513d0ff5c441b6e703d2afa034f40 doc_id: 689039 cord_uid: x0myqhoa Background Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 infection often have abnormal transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) findings. However, while not all TTE abnormalities result in changes in clinical management, performing TTEs in recently infected patients increases disease transmission risks. It remains unknown whether common biomarker tests, such as troponin and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), can help distinguish in which COVID-19 patients a TTE may be safely delayed until infection risks subside. Method Using electronic health records data and chart review, we retrospectively studied all patients hospitalized with COVID-19 infection at our multi-site healthcare system from 2/27/2020-1/15/2021 who underwent a TTE within 14 days of their first positive COVID-19 test and had a BNP and troponin measured before or within 7 days of TTE. The primary outcome was presence of ≥1 urgent echocardiographic finding defined as left ventricular ejection fraction ≤35%, wall motion score index ≥1.5, ≥moderate right ventricular dysfunction, ≥moderate pericardial effusion, intracardiac thrombus, pulmonary artery systolic pressure >50mmHg, or ≥moderate-severe valvular disease. We conducted stepwise logistic regression to determine biomarkers and comorbidities associated with the outcome. We evaluated the performance of a rule for classifying TTEs using troponin and BNP. Results We included 434 hospitalized and 151 ICU COVID-19 patients. Urgent TTE findings were present in 105 (24.2%) patients. Troponin and BNP were abnormal in 311 (71.7%). Heart failure (OR (95%CI) 5.41 (2.61-11.68)), troponin >0.04ng/mL (4.40 (2.05-10.05)), BNP >100pg/mL (5.85 (2.35-16.09)) remained significant predictors of urgent TTE findings after stepwise selection. 95.1% of all patients and 91.3% of ICU patients with normal troponin and BNP had no urgent TTE findings. Conclusions Troponin and BNP were highly associated with urgent echocardiographic findings and may be used in triaging algorithms for determining which patients may safely delay their TTE studies until after their peak infectious window has passed. Ba ckground 23 P a tie nts hos pita lize d with COVID-19 infe ction ofte n ha ve a bnorma l tra ns thora cic 24 e choca rdiogra m (TTE) findings . Howe ve r, while not a ll TTE a bnorma litie s re s ult in 25 cha nge s in clinica l ma na ge me nt, pe rforming TTEs in re ce ntly infe cte d pa tie nts 26 incre a s e s dis e a s e tra ns mis s ion ris ks . It re ma ins unknown whe the r common bioma rke r 27 te s ts , s uch a s troponin a nd B-type na triure tic pe ptide (BNP ), ca n he lp dis tinguis h in 28 which COVID-19 pa tie nts a TTE ma y be s a fe ly de la ye d until infe ction ris ks s ubs ide . 29 Us ing e le ctronic he a lth re cords da ta a nd cha rt re vie w, we re tros pe ctive ly s tudie d a ll 31 pa tie nts hos pita lize d with COVID-19 infe ction a t our multi-s ite he a lthca re s ys te m from 32 2/27/2020-1/15/2021 who unde rwe nt a TTE within 14 da ys of the ir firs t pos itive COVID-33 19 te s t a nd ha d a BNP a nd troponin me a s ure d be fore or within 7 da ys of TTE. The 34 prima ry outcome wa s pre s e nce of ≥1 urge nt e choca rdiogra phic finding de fine d a s le ft 35 ve ntricula r e je ction fra ction ≤35%, wa ll motion s core inde x ≥1.5, ≥mode ra te right 36 ve ntricula r dys function, ≥mode ra te pe rica rdia l e ffus ion, intra ca rdia c thrombus , 37 pulmona ry a rte ry s ys tolic pre s s ure >50mmHg, or ≥mode ra te -s e ve re va lvula r dis e a s e . 38 We conducte d s te pwis e logis tic re gre s s ion to de te rmine bioma rke rs a nd comorbiditie s 39 a s s ocia te d with the outcome . We e va lua te d the pe rforma nce of a rule for cla s s ifying 40 100 pg/mL had no urgent TTE findings with a false negative rate of 5.7% (Figure 2A) . 177 When applying this same rule to 151 patients admitted to the ICU during their TTE, we 178 found that the negative predictive value was 91.3% and the false negative rate was 12.1% 179 ( Figure 2B ). 180 181 Six (5%) patients had urgent abnormal echocardiographic findings despite negative 182 troponin and BNP levels ( Table 3) . All patients had either significant LV or RV 183 dysfunction. In two of these patients, the findings were already known from TTEs prior 184 to COVID-19 diagnosis and in one patient the urgent diagnosis (pulmonary embolism) BNP screening rule also performed well amongst ICU patients, although with a slightly 232 lower negative predictive value of 91% likely due to the higher pre-test probability for 233 cardiac abnormalities in critically ill patients. We considered a range of other 234 comorbidities and laboratory tests as screening criteria, but after stepwise predictor 235 selection, troponin and BNP were the two markers that persisted as the main predictors 236 of urgent echocardiographic findings. Heart failure was also a significant predictor, 237 which is not surprising given that many of the echocardiographic abnormalities we 238 considered urgent are found with high frequency at baseline in heart failure patients. We 239 did not include heart failure in our screening criteria given that it did not substantially 240 add to the performance of the screening rule when using troponin and BNP alone. In recently infected COVID-19 patients, the benefits of performing echocardiograms 291 must be weighed against the risks of COVID-19 exposure and transmission. After 292 evaluation of multiple comorbidities and biomarkers, we found that troponin and BNP 293 were highly sensitive for echocardiographic abnormalities. More than 95% of patients 294 with a normal troponin and BNP had no urgent echocardiographic findings. We thus 295 propose that troponin and BNP may be used as part of a simple triaging tool for 296 determining which patients may safely delay their TTE studies until after their peak 297 infectious window has passed. 298 299 J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f World He a lth Orga niza tion. WHO corona virus dis e a s e (COVID-19) da s hboa rd 320 Ra na rd LS Approa ch to Acute Ca rdiova s cula r Complica tions in COVID-19 Infe ction The Va rie ty 326 of Ca rdiova s cula r P re s e nta tions of COVID-19. Circula tion the e ye of the s torm: the right ve ntricle in COVID-329 19. P ulm Circ. 2020 S e p Globa l 331 e va lua tion of e choca rdiogra phy in pa tie nts with COVID-19. Eur He a rt J Ca rdiova s c 332 Ima ging Me rdle r I Ca rdia c Ma nife s ta tions in COVID-19: A S ys te ma tic Echoca rdiogra phic S tudy. 335 Circula tion AS E S ta te me nt 337 on P rote ction of P a tie nts a nd Echoca Nove l Corona virus Outbre a k: Endors e d by the Ame rica n Colle ge of Ca rdiology. J 339 Am Coll Ca rdiol Author Corre ction: Te mpora l 341 dyna mics in vira l s he dding a nd tra ns mis s ibility of COVID-19. Na t Me d Te mpora l 344 profile s of vira l loa d in pos te rior oropha rynge a l s a liva s a mple s a nd s e rum a ntibody 345 re s pons e s during infe ction by S ARS -CoV-2: a n obs e rva tiona l cohort s tudy Clinica l cours e a nd ris k fa ctors for 348 morta lity of a dult inpa tie nts with COVID-19 in Wuha n, China : a re tros pe ctive cohort 349 s tudy. La nce t Fa ctors a s s ocia te d with hos pita l a dmis s ion a nd critica l illne s s a mong 5279 pe ople 352 with corona virus dis e a s e 2019 in Ne w York City: pros pe ctive cohort s tudy 355 Characterization of Myocardial Injury in Patients With COVID-19 Comorbidity measures for use with 358 administrative data. Med Care Modern Applied Statistics with S Indications for 363 and Findings on Transthoracic Echocardiography in COVID-19 Echocardiographic 366 Findings in Patients with COVID-19 with Significant Myocardial Injury Echocardiographic Comparison of COVID-19 Patients with or without Prior 370 Biochemical Evidence of Cardiac Injury after Recovery Echocardiographic Features of COVID-19 Illness and Association with 374 Cardiac Biomarkers B-type 376 natriuretic peptide: a novel early blood marker of acute myocardial infarction in 377 patients with chest pain and no ST-segment elevation Troponin and BNP are markers for subsequent non-ischaemic congestive heart 381 failure: the Caerphilly Prospective Study (CaPS) Novel Biomarkers of Subclinical 383 Cardiac Dysfunction in the General Population. Curr Heart Fail Rep Evaluation and 386 management of the cardiac amyloidosis Troponins and brain natriuretic peptides for the prediction of cardiotoxicity in cancer 390 patients: a meta-analysis