key: cord-0683465-oq2cynn4 authors: Banik, Gouri Rani; Durayb, Bandar; King, Catherine; Rashid, Harunor title: Antimicrobial Resistance Following Prolonged Use of Hand Hygiene Products: A Systematic Review date: 2022-01-04 journal: Pharmacy (Basel) DOI: 10.3390/pharmacy10010009 sha: 0a640b45bff05e2e91f757739a01e17dbdd02b70 doc_id: 683465 cord_uid: oq2cynn4 Background: This systematic review aimed to establish whether antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs following prolonged use of antimicrobial hand hygiene (HH) products, and, if so, in what magnitude. Methods: Key bibliographic databases were searched to locate items on HH use and AMR development from database inception to December 2020. Records were screened and full texts of all potentially eligible articles were retrieved and checked for inclusion. The following data from the included studies were abstracted: type of HH product used, including the name of antimicrobial agent, study setting, country, study year, duration of use and development of AMR including the organisms involved. Quality assessment was done using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). Results: Of 339 full-text articles assessed for eligibility, only four heterogeneous United States (US) studies conducted in the period between 1986 and 2015 were found eligible, and included. One hospital-based study showed evidence of AMR following long term use of HH products, two studies conducted in household settings showed no evidence of AMR, and another experimental study showed partial evidence of AMR. The overall certainty of the evidence was moderate. Conclusion: Prolonged use of HH products may cause AMR in health care settings, but perhaps not in other settings. Microbes have become increasingly resistant to common antimicrobial agents. This soaring antimicrobial resistance (AMR) makes it not only harder to treat and prevent infections but has serious cost-implications for public health [1] . Non-judicious use of antimicrobial agents is believed to be the most important trigger for the development of AMR [2] . The fundamental underlying principle is that microbes are able to adapt to defeat stress in their environment, and when repeatedly exposed to traces of antimicrobial agents, they may overcome the pharmacological effects of the agents [3, 4] . Antiseptic and antibacterial hand hygiene (HH) products often contain bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal products, prolonged use of which may lead to development of AMR. HH refers to the act and process of keeping hands clean and free from germs. HH is considered an essential means of preventing nosocomial infection in healthcare settings [5, 6] . HH products usually contain detergents with/or without alcohol, however some manufacturers add antimicrobial compounds with the aim of making the product more effective against pathogens [7] . The use of antimicrobial soaps and other hand washing products is widespread [8, 9] ; this is especially so following the emergence of Pharmacy 2022, 10, 9 2 of 8 SARS-CoV-2 [10] , with HH practice being strongly recommended to prevent acquisition and transmission of infection. Active compounds used in HH products vary by brand. While ethanol is predominantly used in most products, synthetic compounds like triclosan, a phenoxyphenol that has microbicidal effects, have also been used [9, 11, 12] . Triclosan has been widely used in consumer liquid hand soaps to inhibit the growth of both grampositive and gram-negative bacteria in situ with varying degrees effectiveness. This stresses the microorganisms and may lead to the evolution of a subgroup of microorganisms that are resistant to the antimicrobial compounds that are used in HH products. There is a concern that antimicrobial or antiseptic HH products may lead to the development of AMR, especially if used for prolonged periods and repeatedly [13, 14] . Experiments that evaluated the effects of long-term exposure of bacteria to antibacterial agents used in HH products indicated that acquired or intrinsic resistance is possible [15] [16] [17] ; however, there is no focussed systematic review to quantify the magnitude of development of AMR following prolonged use of antimicrobial compounds in HH products. Therefore, we have undertaken a systematic review to establish whether AMR occurs following prolonged use of antibacterial hand washing products, and, if so, with what magnitude of effect. Key bibliographic databases were searched by an experienced medical information specialist (CK) to locate items on hand sanitiser use and AMR. The databases searched in- Search terms included thesaurus terms such as 'Hand', 'Hand hygiene', 'Anti-Infective Agents, Local', 'Surface-Active Agents', 'Drug Resistance, Microbial' as well as relevant associated textword terms. Truncation was used to ensure variant endings of textwords. To minimise bias, no publication date and language limits were used. The systematic review was prospectively registered in PROSPERO (ID: CRD42017070054) at York University, United Kingdom (UK) [18] . Hand searching of the included articles and relevant reviews was carried out to identify additional potential studies. The participants of interest were any individuals who use hand washing products containing an antimicrobial agent for a long time. These included community dwellers, household members, health care workers (HCWs) and travellers. Additionally, any in-vitro study looking at the study question, and observational and interventional studies that reported AMR development following the use of specified HH products in household, work, community and healthcare settings were considered. Long-term use was defined as HH use of more than a month. This was decided based on experimental evidence. It is reported that resistance may develop as early as in 10-12 days of microbes' exposure to antimicrobial agents [19] , so a limit of up to one month was considered prolonged for the purpose of our systematic review. The studies that used/analysed hand washing products for very short duration (1 year) of HH products led to triclosanadapted cross-resistance among community dwellers. Additionally, compared to plain soap, triclosan did not provide added benefit in reducing infectious disease symptoms or bacterial counts on hands [14] . Similarly, in one of our included studies, the minimum inhibitory concentrations of triclosan was reported to increase several times after exposure of S. aureus to triclosan [22] and another study showed the emergence of AMR following the using of chlorhexidine-containing soap [21] . Decreased susceptibility of triclosan against Mycobacterium smegmatis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, Aranicola proteolyticus and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in various clinical samples has been reported in some studies [23, 24] . Exposure of bacteria to triclosan can trigger AMR by making its membrane impermeable to triclosan and slowing down of the biochemical processes in microbes by triclosan [25] . As a result, subsequent exposure to triclosan in hand washing products has been seen to have little or no effect on microbial growth [2] . Worryingly, due to the similar regulatory mechanisms involved, microorganisms that have developed resistance to triclosan have also been resistant to antibiotics used to treat infections [26] . HH remains a key component in the suite of preventive measures used against COVID-19, and the World Health Organization (WHO) continues to endorse HH irrespective of vaccination status [27] . AMR due to excessive use of several antimicrobial agents has become one of the major concerns worldwide. Apart from antimicrobials (antibiotics, antivirals and antiparasitic agents) use of surfactants, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxides are also known to cause resistance to microorganisms [28] [29] [30] [31] . For instance, a surveillance study conducted in two major hospitals in Melbourne, Australia over 18 years from 1997 to 2015 showed that Enterococcus faecium isolates resistant to alcohol were 10-fold more common in the recent decade [30] . A rise in other drug-resistant enterococcal infections has been reported from other parts of the world and Australia, and has been attributed to excessive use of alcohol-based hand sanitisers [32] . Though these reports are confined to medical/hospital settings, the role of alcohol in causing AMR in community settings and natural environments cannot be underestimated due to the recent ubiquitous use of HH products to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been already highlighted in another review article [33] . This systematic review assesses for the first time the effect of HH on AMR. This remains a highly under-researched area. Even though the findings of this review are inconclusive, it is important to note that at least one study involving HCWs shows that AMR following HH is a possibility but perhaps not so in household settings. This review has a number of limitations. Despite extensive searching, only four studies were identified to meet the inclusion criteria. A further updated scoping search of MEDLINE in October 2021 revealed no more additional studies. The updated search however revealed two related studies that showed: (1) AMR bacteria still remain susceptible to hydro-alcoholic products [34] , (2) a hand washing sink can also be colonised with an AMR bacterium [35] . The quality of the included studies in this review varied with only two being of good quality. Further, the duration of use of HH products was not precisely stated across the studies. Another important limitation is that there has been no published work on the topic of this review in the last 6 years. The latest of the four included manuscripts was published in 2015; this indicates a serious gap in research in this field. Another possible reason there Pharmacy 2022, 10, 9 7 of 8 has been no further research on this is the US Food and Drug Administration's ruling in 2019 against the use of antibacterial agents including triclosan in consumer HH products. Another limitation is the use of fairly rigid inclusion criteria that resulted in only limited literature to be included. This systematic review of four heterogeneous studies shows that prolonged use of HH products may cause AMR in health care settings, but there is no conclusive evidence that AMR occurs in household settings. The certainty of the evidence is moderate. More studies are required to understand AMR following prolonged use of HH products, and the current COVID-19 pandemic provides a natural experiment to explore the phenomenon. Antimicrobial resistance: A global multifaceted phenomenon Efflux as a mechanism of resistance to antimicrobials in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and related bacteria: Unanswered questions Epidemiology of Drug Resistance: Implications for a Post-Antimicrobial Era Discovery and development of new antibacterial drugs: Learning from experience? Comparative in vitro and in vivo study of nine alcohol-based handrubs Evaluation of the bactericidal efficacy of three different alcohol hand rubs against 57 clinical isolates of S. aureus The significance of infection related to orthopedic devices and issues of antibiotic resistance Back to the basics of infection control A review of effectiveness and safety in health care settings Nosocomial transmission and outbreaks of coronavirus disease 2019: The need to protect both patients and healthcare workers Antibiotic Pollution in the Environment: From Microbial Ecology to Public Policy Emergence of Resistant Staphylococci on the Hands of New Graduate Nurses Acquired resistance to chlorhexidine-Is it time to establish an 'antiseptic stewardship' initiative? Consumer antibacterial soaps: Effective or just risky? Antibacterial Cleaning Products and Drug Resistance Reduced susceptibility to chlorhexidine in staphylococci: Is it increasing and does it matter? Triclosan and Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria: An Overview PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews. Emergence of Antimicrobial Resistance Following Long-Term Use of Hand Washing Products: A Systematic Review Spatiotemporal microbial evolution on antibiotic landscapes Relationship between Triclosan and Susceptibilities of Bacteria Isolated from Hands in the Community Antimicrobial resistance patterns of colonizing flora on nurses' hands in the neonatal intensive care unit Rapid Antibacterial Activity of 2 Novel Hand Soaps: Evaluation of the Risk of Development of Bacterial Resistance to the Antibacterial Agents Risks and benefits of using chlorhexidine gluconate in handwashing: A systematic literature review Prevalence of decreased susceptibility to triclosan in Salmonella enterica isolates from animals and humans and association with multiple drug resistance Triclosan: A widely used biocide and its link to antibiotics Cross-resistance between triclosan and antibiotics in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is mediated by multidrug efflux pumps: Exposure of a susceptible mutant strain to triclosan selects nfxB mutants overexpressing MexCD-OprJ Advice for the Public: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) COVID-19: Eco-friendly hand hygiene for human and environmental safety Review of Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment and Its Relevance to Environmental Regulators Increasing tolerance of hospital Enterococcus faecium to handwash alcohols COVID-19: Critical discussion on the applications and implications of chemicals in sanitizers and disinfectants COVID-19 and frequent use of hand sanitizers; human health and environmental hazards by exposure pathways Bacteria which are highly resistant to antibiotics are not resistant hydro-alcoholic products Colonization of a hand washing sink in a veterinary hospital by an Enterobacter hormaechei strain carrying multiple resistances to high importance antimicrobials Funding: This research received no external funding. Data Availability Statement: Not applicable. The authors declare no conflict of interest.