key: cord-0651168-2wjvgsff authors: Li, Haoxiang; Fabbris, G.; Said, A. H.; Pai, Y. Y.; Yin, Q. W.; Gong, C. S.; Tu, Z. J.; Lei, H. C.; Sun, J. P.; Cheng, J.-G.; Wang, Ziqiang; Yan, Binghai; Thomale, R.; Lee, H. N.; Miao, H. title: Conjoined Charge Density Waves in the Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 date: 2022-02-28 journal: nan DOI: nan sha: ed7d91c995f5d1c7415bbb97d11719499e79c999 doc_id: 651168 cord_uid: 2wjvgsff The intricate interplay between novel lattice geometry and spontaneous symmetry-breaking states is at the forefront of contemporary research on quantum materials. Recently, the observation of unconventional charge and pairing density waves in a kagome metal CsV3Sb5 brings out a new showcase for intertwined orders. While electronic instabilities in CsV3Sb5 are widely believed to originate from the V 3d-electrons residing on the 2-dimensional kagome sublattice, the pivotal role of Sb 5p-electrons for 3-dimensional orders is yet to be understood. Here, using resonant tender x-ray scattering and high-pressure X-ray scattering, we report a rare realization of conjoined charge density waves (CDW) in CsV3Sb5. At ambient pressure, we discover a resonant enhancement at Sb L1-edge (2s-5p) at the 2$times$2$times$2 CDW wavevectors. The resonance, however, is absent at the 2$times$2 CDW wavevectors. Applying hydrostatic pressure, we find the CDW transition temperatures to separate, where the 2$times$2$times$2 CDW emerges 4 K above the 2$times$2 CDW at 1GPa. Our results establish the coexistence of the 2$times$2 CDW and the 5p-electron assisted 2$times$2$times$2 CDW in CsV3Sb5. The evolution of the conjoined CDWs under pressure suggests the joint importance of electronic and phononic fluctuations for the double dome superconductivity. transcend the phenomenology that could be derived from a sole V kagome sublattice near van Hove filling, and hence provides key information to understand the enlarged complexity of novel symmetry-breaking phases in CsV3Sb5. We start by proving the different electronic origin of the 2´2 and 2´2´2 CDWs using resonant elastic x-ray scattering (REXS). As depicted in Fig. 2a , by tuning the photon energy to atomic absorption edges, orbital-resolved valence electrons that are involved in the CDW will be enhanced 3 . In the cuprate high-Tc superconductors, CDW intensity resonates at both O K-edge (1s ® 2p) 27 and Cu L3-edge (2p ® 3d) 28 Fig. 3a . Figure 3b shows the integrated CDW intensity at P=0. 5 (SoD) or inverse-SoD patterns 16, 30, 31 . First principles calculations showed that the inverse-SoD is energetically favored at zero temperature but nearly degenerate with the SoD pattern at high temperature 32, 33 . In the presence of Sb sublattices, both the kinetic energy (pz-pz bonding) and Coulomb repulsion between 5p-electrons are sensitive to the lattice distortions. Figure Single crystals of CsV3Sb5 were grown from Cs ingot (purity 99.9 %), V powder (purity 99.9 %) and Sb grains (purity 99.999 %) using the self-flux method 34 . The mixture was put into an alumina crucible and sealed in a quartz ampoule under partial argon atmosphere. The sealed quartz ampoule was heated to 1273 K for 12 h and soaked there for 24 h. Then it was cooled down to 1173 K at 50 K/h and further to 923 K at a slowly rate. Finally, the ampoule was taken out from the furnace and decanted with a centrifuge to separate CsV3Sb5 single crystals from the flux. The obtained crystals have a typical size of 2´2´0.1 mm 3 . CDW transition is clearly observed in specific heat measurement as shown in the inset of Fig. 1d . Resonant single crystal X-ray diffraction was performed at the 4-ID-D beamline of the Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). The X-rays higher harmonics were suppressed using a Si mirror and by detuning the Si (111) monochromator. Diffraction was measured using a vertical scattering plane geometry and horizontally polarized (s) X-rays. The incident intensity was monitored by a He filled ion chamber, while diffraction was collected using a Si-drift energy dispersive detector with approximately 200 eV energy resolution. The probed absorption edges are close in energy (4.1-5.5 keV); thus, the use of this detector is key to reject the fluorescence background. The sample temperature was controlled using a He closed cycle cryostat and oriented such that X-rays scattered from the (001) surface. High-pressure single crystal x-ray diffraction was also measured at the 4-ID-D beamline of the APS, ANL. High pressure was generated using a modified Merrill-Bassett-type diamond anvil cell 35 fitted with a pair of Boehler-Almax anvils of 800 µm culet diameter. A stainless-steel gasket was indented to 70 µm and a sample chamber of 400 µm diameter was laser cut. 4:1 methanol:ethanol was used as pressure media. Diffraction was measured in the transmission geometry in which X-rays penetrate through both diamond anvils and sample. The sample was cut into approximately 80´80´40 µm 3 and oriented such that the c-axis is parallel to the X-ray direction when q = 0 degree. Temperature was controlled using a He closed cycle cryostat. Pressure was calibrated as a function of temperature using the Au lattice constant 36 and controlled in-situ using a He gas membrane. X-ray energy of 20 keV was used to minimize the diamond anvil attenuation. The incident intensity was measured using a N2 filled ion chamber, and diffraction was collected using a NaI scintillator. High-precision X-ray scattering measurements shown in Fig. 1c ,d was taken at 30-ID-C (HERIX), where the highly monochromatic X-ray beam of incident energy Ei = 23.7 keV (l= 0.5226 Å) was focused on the sample with a beam cross section of 35´15 µm 2 (horizontal´vertical). The total energy resolution of the monochromatic X-ray beam and analyzer crystals was DE~1.5 meV (full width at half maximum). The measurements were performed in transmission geometry. 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