key: cord-0548978-wlmkz1ag authors: Ni, Jianmo; Qu, Chen; Lu, Jing; Dai, Zhuyun; 'Abrego, Gustavo Hern'andez; Ma, Ji; Zhao, Vincent Y.; Luan, Yi; Hall, Keith B.; Chang, Ming-Wei; Yang, Yinfei title: Large Dual Encoders Are Generalizable Retrievers date: 2021-12-15 journal: nan DOI: nan sha: 9f2cf7b35224aad3a8d261e4456fe2d65a5f5d3e doc_id: 548978 cord_uid: wlmkz1ag It has been shown that dual encoders trained on one domain often fail to generalize to other domains for retrieval tasks. One widespread belief is that the bottleneck layer of a dual encoder, where the final score is simply a dot-product between a query vector and a passage vector, is too limited to make dual encoders an effective retrieval model for out-of-domain generalization. In this paper, we challenge this belief by scaling up the size of the dual encoder model {em while keeping the bottleneck embedding size fixed.} With multi-stage training, surprisingly, scaling up the model size brings significant improvement on a variety of retrieval tasks, especially for out-of-domain generalization. Experimental results show that our dual encoders, textbf{G}eneralizable textbf{T}5-based dense textbf{R}etrievers (GTR), outperform %ColBERT~cite{khattab2020colbert} and existing sparse and dense retrievers on the BEIR dataset~cite{thakur2021beir} significantly. Most surprisingly, our ablation study finds that GTR is very data efficient, as it only needs 10% of MS Marco supervised data to achieve the best out-of-domain performance. All the GTR models are released at Typical neural retrieval models follow a dual encoder paradigm (Gillick et al., 2018; Karpukhin et al., 2020) . In this setup, queries and documents are encoded separately into a shared fixed-dimensional embedding space where relevant queries and documents are represented in each other's proximity. Then, approximated nearest neighbor search (Vanderkam et al., 2013; Johnson et al., 2021) is applied to efficiently retrieve relevant documents given an encoded input query. While dual encoders are popular neural retrievers, the expressiveness of the model is limited by a bottleneck layer consisting of only a simple dotproduct between query embeddings and passage 1 All the GTR models are released at https://tfhub. dev/google/collections/gtr/1. embeddings. Several papers (Lu et al., 2021; Khattab and Zaharia, 2020) have discussed that the simple dot-product (or cosine similarity) between the embeddings might not be powerful enough to capture semantic relevance. Thakur et al. (2021) studied whether the retriever models can generalize to other domains and conclude that dual encoder models have "issues for out-of-distribution data", and showed that models with more interactions between queries and documents have better generalization ability. In this paper, we challenge this belief by scaling up the dual encoder model size while keeping the bottleneck embedding size fixed. Note that scaling up a dual encoder is different from scaling up pretrained language models such as BERT and T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) because of the presence of the bottleneck layer. While increasing the model size can greatly increase the capacity of the model, for dual encoders, where the embedding size is fixed, the interactions between queries and documents are still limited by a simple dot-product. In order to test this hypothesis, we take advantage of the existing T5 model architecture and checkpoints, which allows us to build encoders The research question we ask is: can scaling up dual encoder model size improve the retrieval performance while keeping the bottleneck layers fixed? Only the encoder is taken from the pre-train T5 models, and the question tower and document tower of the dual encoder share parameters. of up to 5 billion parameters while keeping the bottleneck embedding dimension of 768 in all configurations, as illustrated in Figure 2 . Following , we build dual encoders by taking the encoder part of T5. For effectively using the power of large models, we collect roughly two billion community question-answer pairs as generic pre-training data. By combining pre-training using generic training data and fine-tuning using MS Marco (Nguyen et al., 2016) , we are able to train large-scale dual encoder retrieval models. We call the resulting models Generalizable T5-based dense Retrievers (GTR). We evaluate the zero-shot performance of GTR on the BEIR benchmark (Thakur et al., 2021) , which consists of 18 selected information retrieval tasks across 9 domains. 2 Our results show that, surprisingly, scaling up of dual encoders leads to better generalizability despite the fixed bottleneck embedding dimension. Second, pre-training on community question-answer pairs and fine-tuning on human curated data are both important to fully utilize the power of the scaled up model. In addition, with scaling and pre-training, we found GTR to be highly data efficient in terms of human annotated queries, as it only needs to use 10% of MS Marco to match the overall out-of-domain performance. 2 We focus on evaluating the performance on the 18 BEIR (Thakur et al., 2021) tasks other than MS Marco and we did not use in-domain training data or question generation . Classic retrieval models such as BM25 (Robertson and Zaragoza, 2009 ) relies on lexical overlap, term frequency heuristics, inverse document frequency and document length. This type of retrieval models does not require any training and can generalize reasonably well due to its emphasis on lexical match. However, these retrieval models fall short of finding documents that are only semantically related to the query and have low lexical overlap. This is where the dense retrieval models come into play. The retrieval process is dense because both queries and documents are embedded into lowdimensional dense representations, in contrast to the high-dimensional sparse representations used in lexical based retrieval functions. Such an encoding process is often accomplished by a dual encoder architecture, with one of the encoders tailored to the queries and the other to the documents. Matching using dense representations enables dense retrieval models to go beyond lexical overlap to retrieve semantically similar documents. This powerful capability of semantic matching, however, often requires relatively large amounts of training data. Another critical challenge for dual encoder models is that the performance is possibly bounded by the dot-product similarity function. As such, there is growing interest in applying lightweight interaction layers to replace the single dot-product function. On the one hand, Luan et al. (2020) pro-poses a multi-vector encoding model, which represents each document as a fixed-size set of multiple vectors, and calculate the relevance scores as the maximum inner product over this set. This model combines the efficiency of dual encoders with some of the expressiveness of attention based architectures. On the other hand, ColBERT (Khattab and Zaharia, 2020) proposes to learn embeddings for each token and then use a "MaxSim" operation to select the best candidate. These models achieve significant improvement but also introduce a large latency overhead. In this paper, we take a step back and aim to empirically study how to improve the performance of single dot-product based methods. Specifically, we study whether simply scaling up the model capacity can lead to better fixed embeddings to improve the performance of single dot-product retrievers. For evaluation in this paper we use BEIR, a heterogenous benchmark for zero-shot evaluation of information retrieval models. The BEIR zero-short evaluation suit contains 18 information retrieval datasets 3 across 9 domains, including Bio-Medical, Finance, News, Twitter, Wikipedia, StackExchange, Quora, Scientific, and Misc. The majority of the datasets have binary relevancy labels indicating whether a document is relevant to a given query or not. A small part of the datasets have 3-level or 5-level relevancy judgements. We refer readers to the original BEIR paper (Thakur et al., 2021) for more details. 3 Generalizable T5 Retriever We use the dual encoder framework to train dense retrieval models. We follow prior work (Xiong et al., 2020; Hofstätter et al., 2021) to initialize dual encoders from pre-trained language models. In this work, we found convenient to use the pretrained T5 model family as our backbone encoder because the T5 model family provides off-the-shelf pre-trained models (e.g. T5, mT5, byT5) with a wide range of model capacity from millions to billions of parameters (Raffel et al., 2020; Xue et al., 2020 Xue et al., , 2021 . The architectures of our models are illustrated in fig. 2 . 3 MS Marco is excluded from the zero-shot comparison as many baseline model used it as training data. Let paired examples D = {(q i , p + i )} be the training set, where q i is an input question and p + i is a related passage (e.g., a semantically relevant passage to the question). Following , we encode the question q i and passage p + i into embeddings by feeding them to the T5 encoder and taking the mean pooling of the encoder as output. In all outr experiments, we fix the output embeddings to be of size 768. We train the model using an in-batch sampled softmax loss (Henderson et al., 2017) : where the similarity scoring function sim is the cosine similarity between the embeddings of q i and p + i . B is a mini-batch of examples and τ is the softmax temperature. Additional negatives p − j can be given for input question q. The loss is computed by including them in the denominator: We also apply a bi-directional in-batch sampled softmax loss, where we compute losses for both question to document matching and document to question matching. As shown in fig. 3 , we use a multi-stage dual encoder training approach to achieve generalizable retrieval models. The training process includes a pre-training stage on a web-mined corpus and a fine-tuning stage on search datasets. The web-mined corpus provides a large amount of semi-structured data pairs (such as question-answer pairs and conversations), which can provide rich semantic relevance information. It is easy to collect but it is often not well annotated, if at all. The search datasets are often annotated by humans, and the queries and documents are also authored by humans. These datasets are of high quality but costly to collect. In this work, for dual encoder pre-training, we initialize the dual encoders from the T5 models and train on question-answer pairs collected from the Web. Recently, Sentence-T5 explored different ways to extract strong text embeddings and achieved remarkable performance on SentEval and Sentence Textual Similarity tasks. We follow that setting to encode queries and passages via mean pooling from the T5 encoders and focus on the dense retrieval tasks. For fine-tuning, our aim is to adapt the model to retrieval using a high quality search corpus so the model can learn to better match generic queries to documents. In this paper, we consider two datasets for fine-tuning: MS Marco (Nguyen et al., 2016) and Natural Questions (Kwiatkowski et al., 2019) . Community QA. In order to leverage most of the power from the large scale models, we collect input-response pairs and question-answer pairs from online forums and QA websites including Reddit, Stack-Overflow, etc. This results in 2 billion question-answer pairs that we use to pre-train the dual encoder. MS Marco. We consider the MS Marco dataset (Nguyen et al., 2016) , which includes 532K query and document pairs, as search data for finetuning. The dataset is sampled from Bing search logs, which covers a broad range of domains and concepts. Most of the neural models compared in (Thakur et al., 2021) are trained on MS Marco, including DeepCT (Dai and Callan, 2020) , DocT5Query (Nogueira, 2019) , ANCE (Xiong et al., 2020) and ColBERT (Khattab and Zaharia, 2020) . Some of these models have shown great generalization with comparable or even better performance relative to BM25. Natural Questions. In the fine-tuning stage, we also consider the Natural Questions dataset (Kwiatkowski et al., 2019) , which has been widely used in the dense retrieval literature (Karpukhin et al., 2020; Xiong et al., 2020) . It consists of 130k query and passage pairs which are also humanannotated. We implement GTR models in JAX 4 and train them on Cloud TPU-V8. We consider different sizes of the T5 transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) architecture including Base, Large, XL and XXL. Their number of parameters are listed in table 1. Note that we only use the encoder portion of the T5 models and thus the number of parameters are less than half of the full model size. We use the offthe-shelf checkpoints as the initial parameters and use the same sentencepiece vocabulary model. 5 During pre-training and fine-tuning, we set the batch size to 2048 and use a softmax temperature τ of 0.01. We use Adafactor optimizer (Shazeer and Stern, 2018) and set the initial learning rate to 1e-3 with a linear decay. We train the model for 800K steps and 20K steps for the pre-training and fine-tuning stages, respectively. For fine-tuning, we use the hard negatives released by RocketQA (Qu et al., 2021) when finetuning with MS Marco data and the hard negatives release by (Lu et al., 2021) for Natural Questions, which were proven to lead to better retriever performance. By default, we use the complete MS Marco dataset and the NQ dataset for fine-tuning. When evaluating on the BEIR benchmark, we use sequences of 64 tokens for the questions and 512 for the documents in all datasets except Trec- News, Robust-04 and ArguAna. In particular, we set the document length to 768 for Trec-News and Robust-04 while setting the question length to 512 for ArguAna, in accordance to the average query and document lengths in these datasets. We consider various baselines, including sparse retrieval models: BM25, DocT5Query, and dense retrieval models: DPR, ANCE, TAS-B, and GenQ (Thakur et al., 2021) . We conduct experiments on four different sizes of our GTR models (GTR-Base, GTR-Large, GTR-XL, and GTR-XXL). We consider three different settings for GTR to investigate the scaling up effect for different training stages: • GTR. This is the full GTR model that conducts both pre-training and fine-tuning. • GTR-FT. This is a fine-tune only version of GTR where the T5 dual encoders on the MS Marco dataset. • GTR-PT. This is a pre-training only version of GTR where the T5 dual encoders is only pre-trained on the CommunityQA dataset. We evaluate baseline and our models on the BEIR generalization task (Thakur et al., 2021) as discussed in section 2.2,. We consider two main retrieval metrics: NDCG@10 and Recall@100 following BEIR (Thakur et al., 2021) . Due to space limitations, we report NDCG@10 in the main section of the paper and include Recall@100 results in appendix A. We present three groups of experiments to study the a) in-domain performance of the GTR models on MS Marco, b) their out-of-domain generalization performance on BEIR, and c) their data efficiency. We first analyze in-domain performance based on the evaluation results on MS Marco. As show in table 3, with scaling up, the models achieve consistent improvement on NDCG@10. We observe similar improvements on other evaluation metrics including MRR@10 and Recall@1000 and reported the numbers in table 7 of appendix A. This shows that increasing model capacity leads to better indomain performance. The next set of experiments investigates the effect of increasing model capacity on out-of-domain (OOD) performance. As shown in model already outperforms the previous best dense retrieval model TAS-B as well as the best sparse model DocT5Query. Scaling up to GTR-XXL leads to another jump in retrieval performance. Similar improvements are found on Recall@100 as shown in the Appendix's table 8. On average, the scaling up process demonstrates an encouraging ascending trend that eventually outperforms all baseline methods on all evaluation metrics. This confirms that scaling up is a valid path towards generalizability. Previously, dual encoders failed to match the performance of BM25 for tasks that require better lexical matching capabilities. Thus, we wanted to investigate what kind of tasks can get improved by scaling up the model size. Figure 4 presents a detailed comparison of all sizes of GTR models against the BM25 baseline. For tasks like NQ where dual encoders have been previously shown to be more effective than BM25, increasing the model size continues to advance the performance of dual encoders. This suggests scaling up can further boost the head start of dense models over sparse models on these datasets. For tasks like BioASQ and NFCorpus, where dual encoders previously struggled to match the performance of BM25 for inherent reasons, we discovered that scaling up consistently improves the retrieval performance. In particular, for NFCorpus, our Base model under-performs BM25 but the To better understand the data efficiency for large dual encoders, we trained models using different portions of the MS Marco dataset during finetuning. In particular, we sampled a subset of the training data by keeping only 10% of the training queries as well as their relevant (positive) passages and irrelevant (hard negative) passages. As shown in table 4, using 10% of training data reduces the in-domain performance of the GTR models on MS Marco. For the GTR-FT (finetuning only) models, using 10% of the data leads to a mixed result of out-of-domain performance. On the other hand, for full GTR models, using 10% of the MS Marco dataset is sufficient for finetuning. In particular, the GTR-Large, XL and XXL models achieve comparable or even better OOD performance than fine-tuning on the complete MS Marco dataset. This might suggest that GTR models have the benefit of data efficiency and could use less training data for domain adaptation. In this section we present ablations and analysis to further understand the effects of scaling up, the impact of fine-tuning and pre-training, and the trends of the GTR model on different experimental conditions. The first ablation study aims to investigate how scaling up effects dual encoder pre-training and fine-tuning. Results are listed in table 5. For fine-tuning only models, scaling up benefits both in-domain and out-of-domain performance. For pre-training only models, the improvement on in-domain performance is not obvious; meanwhile for out-of-domain tasks, scaling up also improves the generalization. Finally with both pre-training and fine-tuning, GTR models consistently improve over GTR-FT models of all sizes. This shows the power of combining scaling up and a generic pretraining stage. In table 5, we compare GTR and GTR-PT on the BEIR benchmark to understand the importance of fine-tuning on MS Marco. The table shows that there is a clear gap between GTR models before and after fine-tuning. The result shows the necessity of leveraging a high quality dataset (e.g. search data) to fine-tune the dual encoders. In table 6, we compare fine-tuning GTR on NQ instead of MS Marco. Compared to MS Marco, NQ only covers Wikipedia documents and is much smaller in size, which allows us to investigate the performance of GTR when fine-tuned on a less generalizable dataset. In addition, fine-tuning on NQ can give us a fair comparison with DPR. As shown in tuned on NQ outperforms the original DPR model, which uses a BERT-Base model as the encoder backbone. This demonstrates the effectiveness of our pre-training on the Web dataset as well as the hard negatives introduced from Lu et al. (2021) for NQ. Fine-tuning on NQ leads to inferior performance compared to fine-tuning on MS Marco, which is consistent with prior work (Thakur et al., 2021) . However, importantly, scaling up GTR size improves zero-shot performance on BEIR when fine-tuning on NQ. This shows that the benefit of scaling up holds for different fine-tuning datasets. Furthermore, when scaling from Large to XL, we observe a larger gain when fine-tuning with NQ than with MS Marco, indicating that scaling up helps more when using weaker fine-tuning data. Previously, BEIR has shown that models trained with cosine similarity prefer short documents while those trained with dot-product prefer long documents (Thakur et al., 2021) . We investigate whether scaling up affect this observation. Specifically, we compute the median lengths (in words) of the top-10 retrieved documents for all queries. Results are shown in fig. 5 . Though all GTR models are trained using cosine similarity, we found that scaling up the model size has influence over the lengths of retrieved documents. We observe an increasing trend of document length for DB-Pedia, Fever, HotpotQA, Signal-1M, Trec-News, and Web-Touche2020 with scaling up. In particular, for Web-Touche2020, the lengths of the retrieved documents grow drastically as the models scale up: The largest GTR-XXL retrieves documents that are on average twice as long compared with the smallest GTR-Base. This plays in our favor since Thakur et al. (2021) show that the majority of relevant documents in Web- Touche2020 are longer. On the other hand, the only exception we observe is the Trec-Covid dataset, where GTR-XXL model retrieves much shorter documents than those retrieved by the smaller size counterparts. This may explain the inferior performance of GTR-XXL on Trec-Covid shown in table 3 and table 8 . We leave it as future work to explore the effects of using the dot-product as similarity function for large dual encoders. Neural information retrieval. Document retrieval is an important task in the NLP and information retrieval (IR) communities. The goal is to find the relevant document from a large corpus given a query. Traditionally, lexical based approaches trying to match the query and document based on term overlap, such as TF-IDF and BM25 (Robertson and Zaragoza, 2009 ), have achieved great success in this task. Recently, neural based approaches, which go beyond the simple term matching, are being quickly adopted by the community and achieve state-of-the-art performance on multiple retrieval tasks, such as passage retrieval (Karpukhin et al., 2020) , question answering (Ahmad et al., 2019) , conversational question answering (Qu et al., 2020) and bitext retrieval (Feng et al., 2020) . Dual encoders for neural retrieval. Dual encoders have demonstrated to be one type of neural retrievers that can achieve great performance compared to traditional sparse models such as BM25 for a wide range of retrieval tasks (Karpukhin et al., 2020; Gillick et al., 2018) . One key aspect to their success is the adoption of pre-trained language models, which enables the dual encoders to have backbone contextual embeddings to initialize from. Other techniques such as negative mining (Xiong et al., 2020; Lu et al., 2021; Sachan et al., 2021) and large training batch sizes (Qu et al., 2021) have also shown great effectiveness. However, few of the previous works have discussed the effect of the backbone model's capacity. Zero-shot neural retrieval. Recent works have shown great improvement under the zero-shot setting for dual encoders by leveraging distillation and synthetic data generation (Thakur et al., 2021; Hofstätter et al., 2021; Ma et al., 2020) . Both of these techniques, and scaling up backbone models, are effective ways to close the gap between dual encoders and the upper bound of the singleproduct approaches with fixed-dimension embeddings. On the other hand, multi-vector approaches introduce more interactions between dense embeddings, which could also benefit from scaling up the backbone multi-vector encoders. We hope that our observation about scaling up model sizes for single dot-product based methods can be combined with these techniques and further push the frontier of neural retrieval models. One caveat for scaling up model size is the increment in the latency overhead. We investigate the inference speed in terms of microseconds (ms) for all GTR models with batch size 1 and input length 128. We found the latency increases from 17 ms, 34 ms, 96 ms to 349 ms. The GTR-Base model has close latency compared to TAS-B while the largest GTR-XXL model has a similar latency to the re-ranking models (Thakur et al., 2021) . With the recent work towards making large models efficient from angles such as sparsity, distillation and prompt-tuning, we hope the inference time for large dual encoders can be significantly reduced in the future. This paper presents the Generalizable T5 Retriever (GTR), a scaled-up dual encoder model with a fixed-size bottleneck layer. We show that scaling up the model size brings significant improvement on retrieval performance across the board on the BEIR zero-shot retrieval benchmark, especially for out-of-domain generalization. The GTR-XXL model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the BEIR benchmark, outperforming many models that use earlier interactions between queries and documents. This sheds light on the research direction to keep improving the single vector representation model through better backbone encoders. The findings here are also complementary with other recent works that improve the dual encoder training, including distilling from a ranker / scorer model, using a better contrasting pre-training objective and scaling up the encoders for multi-vector retrieval models. Table 7 shows the comparisons of GTR models and the baselines. Note that the best RocketQA model used additional augmented data other than MS Marco to improve the model performance while all others do not. Our best GTR-XXL models outperforms RocketQA on both MRR and recall. In a concurrent work (Anonymous, 2022) , researchers proposed to conduct contrastive learning (CL) pre-training for improving the generalizability of neural retrievers. The paired data for contrastive training is constructed from C4 and Wiki dataset in an unsupervised way. In particular, they construct pairs by randomly choosing two spans from a single document and conduct word deletion or replacement to each span. We compare the performance of our GTR models to their models to gain insights into different pretraining strategies for dual encoders. As shown in Figure 6 , on over half of the datasets, models with our pre-training approach under-perform CL-Pretrain with the base size; while as the model size increases, GTR-Large and -XXL models show significant gains over CL-Pretrain. The best GTR-XXL model achieves 0.49 for NDCG@10 on average while CL-Pretrain achieves 0.46. This demonstrates that scaling up can mitigate the disadvantage of the potentially inferior pre-training approach. Note that our pretraining is additive to CL-Pretrain and we can leverage the pre-training on C4 and Wiki to further improve the results. We leave this exploration as future work. (2022) with contrastive learning on C4 and Wiki while others denote our GTR models with different sizes. Note that they only report results on 15 datasets of the BEIR benchmark. 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