key: cord-0481732-cro1xjnw authors: Hua, Cheng; Institute, Wang Dandan Sport Science; Psychology, Lingnan Normal University Department of; University, Guangdong medical title: Biological, Family and Cultural Predictors of Personality Structure analysis based on personality prediction models constructed by open data source date: 2022-01-20 journal: nan DOI: nan sha: 32fb26f08be73c808e5ecf8a33c1d37082dfccdf doc_id: 481732 cord_uid: cro1xjnw Objective: This study takes further step on understanding personality structure in order to cope with the mental health during the COVID-19 global pandemic situation. Methods: Categorized the independent variables into biological, family and cultural predictors according to the datasets of the Big-5 personality survey online. And established multiple regression prediction models and exhaustive CHAID decision tree model of each personality trait. Results: Females are different from males in personality. The personality changes when growing. One-handed dominants are less agreeable and open than those who use both hands. Different sexual orientation does have variety personality. Native language used and education attainment is significantly related to personality accordingly. Marriage did help shaping personality to be more extroverted, less neurotic or agreeable and more conscientious and open. People raised in urban are more agreeable and open. Neurotic and open people often come from small families. person participated in voting are more extroverted, conscientious and open but less neurotic and agreeable. Different religions and races have different characteristics in each dimension of personality and there is no clear pattern have been found. Conclusion: Personality traits are indeed affected by multiple confounding factors. but the exploration on multiple cultures predictors still needed more details (1) In this formula, is the total score of the trait factor; stands for 5 traits factors, which are E, N, A, C and O. is the score of each item. = 1~9. The total number of factor entries in this category is 10. Secondly, the independent variables are classified and assigned values in hierarchical order, and all missing variables are assigned as zero. Then extract and classify to biological, family and culture factor variables in the data set(see Tab.1). (1) small (1~3) ;(2) medium (4~10) ;(3) large (>=11) a : "hand" means dominant hand. i.e., Response to "What hand do you use to write with?" b : "urban" means environment of being raised. i.e., Response to "What type of area did you live when you were a child?" c : "engnat" is short for English native speaker. i.e., Response to "is English your native language?" d : "hand" means dominant hand. i.e., Response to "What hand do you use to write with?" e : "voted" is the answer to "Have you voted in a national election in the past year?" The third step is to integrate data with the same variables from data sets 1 and 2 to form a new data set in order to reduce the error between data sets. The dependent variables are continuous variable and the independent variables are categorical variables in the new data set (see Tab. 2). Tab To answer the question how to predict on the basis of or to describe how continuous variables depends on the categorical variables , multiple linear regression analysis was applied to accomplished the questions of interest in this study. = 0 + 1 1 + ⋯ + In Equ.2, 0 is intercept. 1 Factors' prediction models were constructed also by applying Exhaustive CHAID. Exhaustive CHAID is an improved algorithm of Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector method based on the 2 test as the criterion. The decision tree growth process is divided into merging steps and splitting steps in method. The merging process is to first perform a 2 test on the correlation between each independent variable and the dependent variable, examine the differences between all levels, and finally form two large levels, and then group the two large levels to form a difference level group. The splitting process examines the correlation between the reclassified independent variables and the dependent variables, and determines the order in which the independent variables enter the decision tree. The correlations are entered from high to low until there are significant differences and no need to continue splitting. The total participants' count of three samples are Sample 1 (N=19708), sample 2 (N=3874), and sample 3 (N=874434 Take the sample 3 for example, it is a dataset of composed of 874434 valid participants from 225 countries. The differences in the ̅ ± SD of every big-5-structure of personality trait are statistically significant (all P=0.00) from one country to another (Fig.1 ). For example, compare cases between Canada (country=CA) and the United States (country=US). Although there are large differences in the calculation of participants, the ̅ ± SD scores of each trait factor are relatively different and statistically significant (P=0.00). The profile of the factor distribution graph is similar (Fig.2 ). score increase and , decrease. Under the same conditions, females scored higher in , , and than males, while males scored higher in and than females. People who are accustomed to one-handed score higher on the , and ; those who are accustomed to both hands score higher on the and . The relationship between other personality trait factors and biological parameters can be derived in the same way. All factor regression models are statistically significant (P=0.00) (See Tab In Equ.8, the estimated mean increase in increase 0.71 if increase one unit, while other predictors remain constant. It can be inferred that the predictive effect of the regression coefficient of each other predictor variable on the regression model. This set of regression equations suggest that as the level of education increases, the scores of personality dimensions in the , , and will increase, and the scores in the and will decrease. it can be Explained that education shapes the personality to become more extroverted, more conscientious and more open to experience, but less neurotic and agreeable to some extent. Children who grew up in urban might probably get higher scores in , , and , and lower and . They are more extorverted, agreeable and conscientious but less neurotic and open. Native English speakers have higher scores on the , , , and and lower scores on the than non-native English speakers. That is, native English speakers are more extraverted, neurotic, conscientious and open, but their personality is not as agreeable as non-native English speakers. Heterosexuals score higher in the and dimensions, and asexuals score higher in the , , and . ,, 0~7 Females at their late adulthood (Node 9, ̅̅̅ = 32.46) are more extroverted while males of youth (Node 7, ̅̅̅ = 29.07)are not so much extroverted, regardless of which dominant hand (Fig.3-A) . Females of youth (Node 4, ̅̅̅ = 32.59 ) are neurotic while males of late adulthood and old age (Node 7, ̅̅̅ = 30.53) get less score in Neuroticism (Fig.4-A) . Native English speaker with the education of less than high school (Node 7, ̅̅̅ = 32.95)are more neurotic. And person with graduate degree in education (Node 4, ̅̅̅ = 31.16) are less neurotic regardless of their language. (Fig.4-B) . Religious people Atheists, Christians (Catholic & Mormon), Jewish and Agnostic not voted (Node 3, ̅̅̅ = 32.58) are more neurotic. people who have voted regardless of their religion or race (Node 2, ̅̅̅ = 31.53) have lower scores on neurotic traits (Fig.4-C) . Both-handed dominants of youth males (Node 13, ̅ = 27.07) are more agreeable. Females of late adulthood and old age (Node 5, ̅ = 20.42)are not that agreeable in personality (Fig.5-A) . Non-native English speaker with high school or less than high school (Node 3, ̅ = 25.39) in education are more agreeable. And native English speakers with university degree or graduate degree in education who currently married or previously married (Node 12, ̅ = 21.09 ) are less agreeable in personality ( Fig.5-B ). The Atheist (Node 1, ̅ = 25.42) are more agreeable in personality. In the other hand, the religious people of Christians (Protestant, Other, Mormon) from the race of Indigenous, Australian, Native American or White who have voted (Node 10, ̅ = 21.18) are less agreeable (Fig.5-C) . People are more conscientious at their late adulthood and old age (Node 3, ̅ = 34.62) regardless the gender while less conscientious at youth, especially males of youth (Node 7, ̅ = 31.05) (Fig.6-A) . Person of heterosexual or asexual orientation who currently married or previously married (Node 5, ̅ = 35.07) are more conscientious. Bisexual or asexual orientation that never married and with only high school or less than high school in education (Node 11, ̅ = 29.31) are less in conscientiousness of personality ( Fig.6-B Females of both-handed dominants at their adulthood and old age (Node 9, ̅̅̅ = 38.40) are more open while single handed dominants at their youth (Node 10, ̅̅̅ = 36.05)are less open in personality (Fig.7-A) . Bisexual orientation person with education of university degree who come from small size family (Node 15, ̅̅̅ = 38.88) are more open in personality. While person with only high school education without specific sexual orientation (Node 6, ̅̅̅ = 34.75) scored less in openness trait (Fig.7-B) . Religious person of Atheists, Christians (Protestant), Jewish, Agnostic and Sikhs who voted (Node 5, ̅̅̅ = 37.46) scored higher on the openness dimension. Muslims (Node 3, ̅̅̅ = 35.04) score low on the openness dimension whether they vote or not (Fig.7-C) . Gender differences related personality does exist based on statistic. Females are more extroverted, neurotic and conscientious. And males are more agreeable and open. The evidence on gender differences in variance suggested that both genders gravitate towards their traditional roles just like the other research 8, 9 . Cultural expectations about gender roles might form the stereotypes about gender differences 10 . Furthermore, in social role development theories, gender roles perception, gender socialization and sociostructurally power differentials are assumed to be the main reasons of gender differences. The fact that men and women are more similar than different in genetic, physical and psychological aspects is undeniably true. Scientists believed that transgender differences in personality exist partially from evolved psychological adaptations 11, 12 . Cross-age differences in personality traits are substantial. The statistical evidence shows that persons at late adulthood and old age scored higher in Extroversion than early adulthood, and even much higher than youth. The youth scored higher in neuroticism than early adulthood, and those of early adulthood scored higher than late adulthood and old age. Same happened in the scoring of agreeableness dimension. People grow more extraverted but less neurotic when aging. People at late adulthood and old age are more conscientious than at early adulthood, and much more than at youth. In the openness dimension, scored at adulthood and old age are higher than youth. They become less agreeable but more conscientious as grow older and become more open in personality since adulthood and stay open through the rest time of their lifespan. The continuity and change in the course of life consistent with the results of the Dutch participants of 7 years of assesment 13, 14 . Mechanisms of hand preference shaping personality still need to be further explored. Dominant hand does not determine a person's extraversion, neuroticism, or conscientiousness according to the statistical results of this study. But people who are accustomed to one-handed (left-handed or right-handed) are less agreeable and open in personality than those who use both hands. Previous studies have proved left and right-handers have differences in the cerebral functional organization and neural substrate 15 . Cooperative hand movements are controlled by neural coupling which involve the respective ipsilateral hemispheres 16 . But yet more evidences are needed to interpretate the link between personality trait and the and neural substrate. Sexual Orientation and variety in personality. Heterosexuals are more extroverted than homosexual/bisexual, while homosexual/bisexual persons are more extroverted than asexual. Sexual orientation does not determine the neurotic aspect of personality. But in the agreeableness dimension, bisexual/asexual persons scored higher than heterosexual/homosexual ones. The bisexual/asexual people are not as good as those heterosexual/homosexual ones in the conscientious dimension. And the bisexual/homosexual persons are more open than heterosexual/asexual ones. Variety in personality of different sexual orientation person are assumed to relate to their experienced different social realities and developmental origins of sexual orientation 17,18 . Researches focusing on genes, anatomy and hormonal influences on psychosexual development still can't explain the controversy origins of sexual orientation 19 . As the important components of sexuality and sexual health, sexual orientation has proven theoretically predicted by personality 20 .This might help professionals developing services to promote sexually healthy. Native language. According to the big 5 inventory survey, English native speakers are more extroverted and neurotic but are less agreeable than non-native English speakers. Besides, English native speakers are more conscientious and open. Personality is significantly related to native language used. This is very similar to previous research that concluded personality traits correlated with linguistic variables significantly 21 . Language interacts with personality constantly 22 . Personality differences will affect language learning 22 .Individuals' personality may significantly influence their verbal production 24 . In turn, individuals develop personality through natural language 25 . Educational Attainment and Personality. The statistics of this study show that people who have received university/graduate degrees are more extroverted than those received less than high school/high school degrees. The score on the neurotic dimension tends to decrease as the level of education received increases: less than high school>high school>university>graduate degree. But those who have received less than high school/high school degree are more agreeable in personality than those received university/graduate degree. In the conscientiousness and openness dimensions, the scores increase with the level of education received, and the data show that it is less than high schoolmedium>large family. Family size has no distinguishing effect on extroversion and agreeableness dimensions of personality. Documentation reveals children from small families tend to accrue advantages in many developmental areas, especially intelligent 30 . Neuroticism and openness of dimensional personality might contribute to the growth advantage based on statistic results of this study. Religion. Some research revealed that cultural adaptation of agreeableness and conscientiousness can be partly explained individual differences in religiousness 31 . unlike these results, the influence between personality and religiousness in our study is not yet clear. But Jewish are more extroverted, neurotic and open, but less agreeable in personality. And the Atheist are less extroverted and conscientious, but more neurotic, agreeable and open in personality in this study. More to explore in the religiousness as a culture factor that could ultimately shape the personality. Political participant. Voting is a participatory patterns individual engage in politics. Scientists have found that personality affiliates with particular type of political participant 32 . In this study, people who have participated in voting are more extroverted, conscientious and open but less neurotic and agreeable in personality than those who have not participated in voting. According to some social psychologist that personality traits potentially influence person's behavior by activating and stimulating people in interaction with the social environment. Interracial differences. Races of Asian and Black scored higher than the Indigenous, Australian, Native American / White and Arab in the personality dimension of Extroversion. Based on our statistic, races of Indigenous, Australian, Native American/White, Arab are more neurotic than Asian and Black. When it comes to Agreeableness in personality, Arab and Asian scored more than Indigenous, Australian, Native American/White and Black. The racial factor cannot distinguish the Conscientiousness dimension in this study. But in Openness dimension, Indigenous, Australian, Native American/White, Arab and Black scored higher than Asian. Although we know the characteristics of the various dimensions of racial personality, the pattern of personality differences between races still needs more evidence. This study analyzes and verifies through the analysis of data from three large-scale online big-5 personality questionnaires that the establishment of personality structure is not only affected by biological parameters internally, but also affect by external factors such as family and culture factors. Large-scale data is more conducive to help researchers see subtle and meaningful differences. Statistical analysis also supports the hypothesis that differences exist in general. Therefore, there is no doubt that personality traits are affected by multiple confounding factors. The exploration on multiplies cultures related religion, politics and race still needs more evidence. Nevertheless, this study has not found the which key factors that are crucial to the process of shaping of personality traits for specific populations. Future research directions should point to exploring more details of these meaningful influencing factors. 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