key: cord-0464138-40m5ilrl authors: Mitchell, Lewis; Ross, Joshua V. title: A data-driven model for influenza transmission incorporating media effects date: 2016-09-27 journal: nan DOI: nan sha: 3d66fd6558a7571c5ce5ef17b76258581ca3853b doc_id: 464138 cord_uid: 40m5ilrl Numerous studies have attempted to model the effect of mass media on the transmission of diseases such as influenza, however quantitative data on media engagement has until recently been difficult to obtain. With the recent explosion of"big data"coming from online social media and the like, large volumes of data on a population's engagement with mass media during an epidemic are becoming available to researchers. In this study we combine an online data set comprising millions of shared messages relating to influenza with traditional surveillance data on flu activity to suggest a functional form for the relationship between the two. Using this data we present a simple deterministic model for influenza dynamics incorporating media effects, and show that such a model helps explain the dynamics of historical influenza outbreaks. Furthermore, through model selection we show that the proposed media function fits historical data better than other media functions proposed in earlier studies. A data-driven model for influenza transmission incorporating media effects Lewis Numerous studies have attempted to model the effect of mass media on the transmission of diseases such as influenza, however quantitative data on media engagement has until recently been difficult to obtain. With the recent explosion of "big data" coming from online social media and the like, large volumes of data on a population's engagement with mass media during an epidemic are becoming available to researchers. In this study we combine an online data set comprising millions of shared messages relating to influenza with traditional surveillance data on flu activity to suggest a functional form for the relationship between the two. Using this data we present a simple deterministic model for influenza dynamics incorporating media effects, and show that such a model helps explain the dynamics of historical influenza outbreaks. Furthermore, through model selection we show that the proposed media function fits historical data better than other media functions proposed in earlier studies. Traditional models of epidemics assume static parameter values over the course of an outbreak [1] . As such, they do not allow for changes in human behaviour which in turn are likely to impact the rate of transmission in a population. Such behavioural changes in response to disease outbreaks are well established [2] . This includes self-imposed social distancing during influenza pandemics [3] , and the usage of face masks and changes in travel behaviour during the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak of 2002-2004 [4] . The term prevalence elastic behaviour has arisen to explain voluntary protective behaviour which increases with disease prevalence [5] , as has been observed for both measles [6] and HIV [7] . The close to real-time awareness of disease prevalence in an outbreak is now common due to the relatively recent explosion in mass and social media. The past decade has seen significant growth in studies concerning the interaction of media, human behaviour and infectious disease dynamics, and there now exists a substantial body of work on this topic [2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] . Despite this growth, empirical studies of prevalence elastic behaviour due to mass media have until recently been difficult due to the lack of availability of data directly measuring media engagement and relating it to behavioural change. As such, the vast majority of studies in this area can be broadly classified into two groups, with slightly different motivations. First, pure mathematical models of behavioural change, in which a model is formulated that accounts for how dynamics are influenced by disease awareness or prevalence, typically facilitated through media -these are often either in the form of introducing new states which account for the behavioural status of individuals [15] , by allowing modification to the contact structure [3, 16] , or by allowing modification to the model parameters [17, 18] -and the consequences are then explored. Collinson et al. (2015) model behavioural change due to media by explictly including a compartment for individuals influenced by mass media into an SEIR-type model, also incorporating effects like vaccination and social distancing [13] . This study is of particular interest due to the fact that it incorporates a "media fatigue" effect during the 2009/10 H1N1 pandemic by fitting to news report data collected from newspaper homepages during the pandemic. Second, pure statistical models of media and prevalence are used on large data sets to produce statistical regression models relating some measure of volume of media concerning epidemics to the prevalence of infection [9, 10] or reproductive number [19] . Such models have recently become popular due to the rapid increase in new data streams coming from internet and online social media usage [20, 21] . The study of Signorini et al. (2011) is an exception to this trend: whilst it is a pure statistical model, it includes an investigation of the relationship between "tweets" on Twitter and public sentiment with respect to H1N1 [11] . The FluOutlook platform [14] is also particularly interesting; by using a variety of data sources, including Twitter, to initialise a global agent-based epidemiological model it is able to produce real-time forecasts of an evolving influenza season. Here our focus is on simple models for incorporating behavioural changes from awareness of disease prevalence, through modification to the effective transmission rate parameter. We measure disease dynamics through influenza incidence data from the United States over the period 1998/99-2014/15, and human behaviour through social media data collected from Twitter over the period 2009/10-2014/15. Modification to the effective transmission rate is via a so-called media function. Three distinct media functions have been introduced, and recently compared, in the literature [22] . A potential criticism of pure mathematical model based studies, as described above, is that the usefulness of the model when analysing real data is uncertain. In fact, as we will show here, some of these models have only very limited use in describing data coming from historical influenza outbreaks. On the other hand, whilst pure statistical models of media and prevalence are potentially of use for detecting and tracking disease incidence, they are subject to typical criticisms of "big data" analyses [23] as containing biases and tending towards overfitting. As such, their usefulness for understanding potential mechanisms of impacts, as is the focus of model-based analyses, is limited. We propose a data-driven approach that couples these existing paradigms: through a statistical analysis of data on media engagement and disease prevalence we develop a mathematical model of behaviour change which may then be validated against data. Our approach uses online social media data from Twitter alongside surveillance data on influenza to inform the form of the media function. The motivation is that by using both sources of data we have some empirical justification for the form of the chosen media function and can also better describe real observations. By using model selection criteria, we show that the media function proposed here fits historical surveillance data better than other media functions proposed in earlier studies. The structure of the remainder of this paper is as follows: in Section 2 we describe the data set and model used, in Section 3 we show results comparing our proposed model with surveillance data, and then conclude with a discussion in Section 4. In order to measure media engagement we use a corpus of over 2.9 million geolocated, flu-related tweets collected from the contiguous United States between September 2009 and July 2015. This sample was provided by the Computational Story Lab at the University of Vermont, and is a subset of Twitter's "garden hose" feed, representing roughly 10% of all public messages posted to the platform. In the present study we consider only tweets which contain one or more of the strings 'flu', '#flu', 'influenza' or '#influenza'. Furthermore, we will focus on "retweeted" messages, where an individual has opted to reshare a tweet originally authored by someone else with their own followers by means of a retweet button within the Twitter interface or by appending the string 'RT' to the beginning of the original message. Such messages account for approximately 30% of the corpus and are mainly resharings of flu-related articles from major news outlets, but can also contain retweets of messages authored by regular Twitter users. We use a deterministic SEEIIR-M model (susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered with media, with two compartments for exposed and infected individuals) to model the transmission of influenza under the influence of media effects:Ṡ = −βf (I)SI (2.1) where S, E 1 , E 2 , I 1 , I 2 and R represent the proportions of the population in each compartment, S + E 1 + E 2 + I 1 + I 2 + R = 1, β represents the effective transmission rate in the absence of media effects, 1/σ represents the average latent period, 1/γ represents the average infectious period, and f (I) is the so-called media function which represents the reduction in transmission of the disease through the influence of mass media. Consequently, 0 ≤ f (I) ≤ 1 with f (I) ≡ 1 implying no effect of media upon transmission, and we will assume f (I) is monotonically decreasing in I. Setting f (I) ≡ 1 recovers the standard SEEIIR model. As f (0) = 1 for each media function, the basic reproduction number R 0 = β γ , which is independent of f (I). The two compartments for the exposed and infectious periods mean that these periods have underlying Erlang-2 distributions with mean exposed and infectious periods 1/σ and 1/γ respectively, which have been shown to more accurately represent the shape of observed distributions [24] . We found similar results using standard SEIR-type models; these results are presented in the Appendix. Note that we have not included vaccination in our model, for two reasons: firstly, for comparison with media models from previous studies (see below) which use SEIR-type models without vaccination; and secondly, because vaccination coverage in adults has remained approximately constant since 2010 [25] and the Twitter data we will study primarily relates to media reporting around the peak of the influenza season rather than the earlier peak of the vaccination season. Our model therefore can essentially be considered as a model for influenza dynamics in the unvaccinated portion of the population. Previous studies have postulated a number of different forms for f (I); see [22] for a recent review. In particular, [26] set within an SEI model, [27] used within an SIR model to account for the psychological effects of a large population infected with SARS, and many authors (for example [28, 29] ) set to account for various effects including media coverage. To compare the model outputs with real data we use influenza surveillance data provided by the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) [25] . Specifically, we fit models to the nation-wide percentage of new laboratory-confirmed influenza cases per week. We find best fits for the free model parameters to the surveillance data by minimising least-square error between model solutions and surveillance data using a limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS-M) method [30] , implemented in Python. To ensure the numerical stability of the numerical optimisation routine, we constrain R 0 to be between 1 and 2, the mean infectious period 1/γ to be between 1 and 5 days, and the mean exposed time 1/σ to be between 1 and 3 days. To perform model selection we use the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) with finite sample size correction. We use the act of sharing a message pertaining to influenza as a proxy for an individual engaging with media about an influenza outbreak. While this act of sharing does not necessarily imply that the individual will change their behaviour, it does suggest that the individual is at least somewhat concerned by the media surrounding the influenza outbreak. Figure 1 shows the relationship between proportion of US-based tweets which were retweets concerning influenza (that is, number of retweets containing one or more of the strings 'influenza', 'flu", '#influenza', or '#flu' divided by the total number of tweets) and the number of ILI cases per week for the 2009/10 to 2014/15 influenza seasons, expressed as a percentage of the total number of visits to sentinel providers. The data on weekly counts of ILI activity and retweeting rates used can be found in the Electronic Supplementary Material. We chose to fit to ILI activity rather than laboratory-confirmed influenza incidence because we expect individuals to tend to share flurelated information on social media upon feeling ill, rather than strictly once they are confirmed to have influenza. The 2009/10 pandemic (plotted in the lower left subplot) stands out as having the largest number of both ILI cases and retweet activity. We observe strong Pearson correlations between retweets and influenza activity for 3 out of the 6 years plotted -in 2009/10, 2012/13 and 2013/14 (p < 0.01). Importantly, while the relationship between media engagement and flu activity is small, it is roughly linear for most flu seasons plotted. Using AIC to test linear and quadratic models for the data, we found that the linear model was selected in all seasons apart from 2009/10. We show linear and quadratic fits for this season as well as 2014/15 in the subplots below the main figure. In 2014/15 the linear model was slightly preferred with a relative Akaike weight of 0.58 to 0.42 for the quadratic model, while in 2009/10 the quadratic model was slightly preferred with a relative Akaike weight of 0.55 to 0.45 for the linear model. Note that as demonstrated by the model fits in the two subfigures, the Akaike weights indicate that there is substantial support in the data for both the linear and quadratic models. Indeed, we found that the relative likelihood of the quadratic model increased with the total number of ILI cases per season (see Appendix), suggesting that nonlinear media effects may become increasingly relevant during more severe outbreaks. We also present residual plots for the linear and quadratic models for all years in the Appendix, showing no obvious non-random patterns for the model fits, along with further details of the AIC model selection and a table of relative Akaike weights for all years. Note also that we observed similar-looking relationships between media engagement and influenza activity when using the number of comments on flu-related articles in the New York Times between 2001 and 2013 as our metric for media engagement. However, due to the smaller amount of data we could only find a statistically significant correlation between the two during the 2009 pandemic. Based upon these observations and for simplicity in comparing models, we propose the following simple linear media function to describe the reduction in transmission due to media effects: where pm is a parameter (to be fitted) describing the reduction in actual transmission transmission due to concern from media coverage. Yorke and London applied a similar function in a different context, to model exposure rates for seasonal measles outbreaks [31] . Note that in order to assure that 0 ≤ fm(I) ≤ 1 it will be necessary to constrain pm such that 0 ≤ pm ≤ 1, as I ≤ 1 always. This is in contrast to the media functions (2.7)-(2.9), for which the parameters can take on any value p 1 , p 2 , p 3 ≥ 0. We remark that while an obvious extension for larger outbreaks would be to use a quadratic media function fm(I) = 1 − p m1 I − p m2 I 2 , for ease of comparison with existing media functions we will only consider the one-parameter model ( We show an example of the effect of the media function fm upon the dynamics in Figure 2 , where we have set pm = 0.05, R 0 = 1.5, γ = 1/2 (days) −1 , σ = 1/2 (days) −1 and have plotted E = E 1 + E 2 and I = I 1 + I 2 . The media function reduces the total number of infected persons (i.e., the final size of the epidemic) and size of the peak, while not noticeably changing the timing of the peak. The slower rate of depletion of susceptibles means that the infection dies out slightly slower in the model with media effect. To investigate how well the various transmission models, both with and without media effects, describe real influenza outbreaks, we fit (2.1)-(2.6) with f (I) ≡ 1 as well as (2.7)-(3.1) to weekly laboratory-confirmed influenza incidence data for the 1998-2013 flu seasons using least squares. Note that unlike social media engagement which can be reasonably expected to relate to ILI, it is appropriate to fit models of the underlying disease dynamics to confirmed influenza incidence data only. Using the L-BFGS-B method, we find parameter values R 0 , σ, γ, and media parameter pm which best fit the data. The best-fitting parameters for each model for the 2013/14 flu season are shown in Table 1 , and for all other seasons are shown in the Appendix. We fit observations from 4 weeks before the peak to 12 weeks after the peak. Also shown in Table 1 are the average conditional probabilities for each model, as obtained from the normalised Akaike weights for each model across all flu seasons between 1998/99 and 2014/15 in which a non-zero media function was found. In Figure 3 we show example fits to observations of the percentage of new laboratoryconfirmed influenza cases per week (blue) for the model with no media effect (red) and media functions given by fm (green), f 1 (cyan), f 2 (magenta) and f 3 (yellow) for the 2013/14 influenza season. As with the ILI data, the laboratory-confirmed case data is expressed as a percentage of the total number of visits to sentinel surveillance providers. The inset plot shows the corresponding While the media function fm(I) was derived based upon Twitter data, our intention in focussing on news-sharing behaviours is to model the effects of mass media more generally. Indeed, we might expect that population-level engagement with other forms of mass media show a similar monotonically decreasing relationship between media coverage and transmission. To that end we now apply the proposed media function to all influenza seasons we have incidence data for, and find similar results for most seasons between 1998/99 and 2014/15. Table 2 shows the average conditional probability of selecting each model, where the average is taken over all years in which a media function is required at all. Also shown are the 95% confidence intervals for each average conditional probability. No media functions of any kind were required to describe the 2003/04 flu season, f 2 gave the best fit to observations in 2006/07 only, and f 1 gave the best fit in 2009/10 only. We next examine how well models with and without media function estimate the complete epidemic curve, as well as the peak timing and severity. Figure 4 shows boxplots of (a) RMS error, (b) peak timing error, and (c) final epidemic size error, for the model with no media effect as well as media functions as defined in (2.7)-(3.1) over the 1998/99-2014/15 seasons. The proposed media function fm significantly outperforms all other models with or without media effects at fitting the epidemic curve, with the distribution of RMS errors significantly less spread and centred closer to 0 than all other models. All models with media effect are significantly better than the standard model at matching the observed peak timing of an outbreak (Mood's median test, p = 0.05), although there is no significant difference between the four models. Similarly, there is no significant difference across models in explaining the observed final epidemic size, in fact the median error for the standard model without media effect is slightly lower than that for the models with media functions (however, this difference is not significant). We remark that much of the improvement made by the media function fm comes from better describing the post-peak period. The no media (i.e., f (I) ≡ 1) model becomes preferable as more of the data leading up to the peak of each season is used to fit the models. In Figure 5 we show the average conditional probability of selecting each model as a function of the number of weeks of data used before the peak. The no media and fm models are always preferred over the other media function models (i.e., using f 1 , f 2 and f 3 ), with the fm model being preferred up until around 10-12 weeks before the peak. When fitting data earlier than 12 weeks before the peak the no media model is preferred, suggesting that the effect of media coverage becomes more important later in the season. Furthermore, neither model is able to reliably predict the peak of the infection in terms of either size or timing based upon data from before the peak only. This suggests that in order to make accurate predictions and estimate parameters rather than explain an existing data set when only small amounts of data are available, we must use a more advanced methodology such as data assimilation [32] . Mass media is clearly an important tool for changing peoples' behaviour during disease outbreaks. A better understanding of the relationship between media coverage of outbreaks and subsequent behavioural change can aid mathematical modelling efforts, as well as the development of public policy around the best use of this resource to inform the public and control the spread of a disease. By using data collected from Twitter, we have proposed a new, simple media function to describe the reduction in disease transmission due to media effects. When incorporated into a deterministic SEEIIR model, this media function describes incidence data better than a model relationship between outbreak size and media awareness, with a quadratic model becoming more likely as the final size of the outbreak increased. This suggests that the relationship between media coverage and infection rates is nonlinear, especially in more severe seasons. Future extensions to the media function could incorporate extra reductions in disease transmission due to factors such as early media coverage, pre-existing immunity, or seasonality. Public awareness campaigns could lead to an increase in early-season social media activity and sharing of news articles, and could be implemented in the current model via a time lag. Indeed, we observed such an effect for the 2014/15 season where changes in retweeting activity preceded ILI rates by a number of weeks. Mass media campaigns have been shown to increase flu-related hospital visits [33] and vaccination rates [34, 35] . It is further possible that any potential reduction in transmission in one season due to the effects of mass media could decrease pre-existing immunity for the next season, an effect which could be modelled by conditioning the media function on the total amount of media engagement from the previous season. Identifying any such potential process is of course confounded by the presence of multiple influenza strains circulating in any particular season with differing levels of pre-exisitng immunity; modelling such a hierarchy of time-lagged effects requires a more sophisticated strategy and is left for future work. The interplay between mass media, social network influence, human behavioural change, and disease transmission is complex, and this work merely scratches the surface of the processes which could be modelled using this framework. Further extensions could build upon efforts to incorporate interactions between social and contact network structures into the model [36] by inferring the mass media effect directly from social network data. There is also an emerging body of work around using open data to infer human behaviours such as mobility patterns [37] and voluntary avoidance [38] . The same data used here to track media engagement could potentially be exploited to quantify such effects, as well as to develop a proxy for real-time surveillance on practices such as vaccination, which we aim to incorporate into future refinements of this model. A critical assumption made in this work is that the population is homogeneously mixing and not age-stratified. This is of course far from being the case for Twitter users -indeed, it is wellknown that the demographics of Twitter use in the United States are biased towards adults aged 18-29, African-Americans, and urban residents [39] , and word usage has been shown to correlate with a number of socioeconomic and health characteristics [40, 41] . Despite these biases, the roughly 10% of American adults who are estimated to use Twitter represents a far larger sample size than those of traditional surveys. Furthermore, for simplicity and because the keywords we used were sufficiently specific, we did not filter tweets for relevance. Manual examination of a sample of tweets indicated that an insignificant number of tweets were misclassified as being about influenza, however constraining the tweet corpus may lead to further improvements in the results. This work fits into a growing field of research on disease prediction using open data [42] , particularly from social network usage. Great advances have already been made on algorithms to predict rare and seasonal diseases, especially in the computer science literature [43] . Our results represent a first attempt at incorporating this emerging data stream into more traditional modelling efforts, and hopefully at better understanding the interactions between media and disease dynamics. Table 4 shows the best-fitting parameters for the SEEIIR and SEEIIR-M models for all seasons 1998/99-2014/15, analogously to Table 1 in the main text. For completeness we also present results where we have used a standard SEIR model with only one exposed and infectious compartment each. Table 5 is an analog of Table 2 of the percentage of new laboratory-confirmed influenza cases per week for the SEIR and SEEIIR-M models, similarly to Figure 3 in the main text. In terms of model fitting, the confidence intervals in Table 5 show no significant difference in the likelihood of selecting each media model. Figure 8 suggests that in 2013/14 the media functions f 1 , f 2 and f 3 fit the data slightly worse using an SEIR model than with an SEEIIR model, while the f (I) ≡ 1 and fm fit describe the data essentially as well using an SEIR model than with an SEEIIR model. Figure 3 from the main text.) Modeling infectious diseases in humans and animals Modelling the influence of human behaviour on the spread of infectious diseases: a review Coupled contagion dynamics of fear and disease: mathematical and computational explorations Public health interventions and SARS spread Rational epidemics and their public control Private vaccination and public health : an empirical examination for U.S. measles. The Journal of Human Resources Integrating behavioral choice into epidemiological models of AIDS Towards detecting influenza epidemics by analyzing Twitter messages Tracking the flu pandemic by monitoring the social web The use of Twitter to track levels of disease activity and public concern in the U.S. during the influenza A H1N1 pandemic Separating fact from fear: tracking flu infections on Twitter The effects of media reports on disease spread and important public health measurements Social data mining and seasonal influenza forecasts: the FluOutlook platform Vaccinating behaviour, information, and the dynamics of SIR vaccine preventable diseases Awareness programs control infectious disease -multiple delay induced mathematical model The impact of information transmission on epidemic outbreaks Media impact switching surface during an infectious disease outbreak Ebola Outbreak: Media Events Track Changes in Observed Reproductive Number Predicting flu trends using Twitter data National and local influenza surveillance through Twitter: an analysis of the 2012-2013 influenza epidemic Modelling the effects of media during an influenza epidemic The parable of Google Flu: traps in big data analysis Appropriate models for the management of infectious diseases CDC Influenza (flu) reports (online);. Accessed: 2016-02-25 The impact of media on the control of infectious diseases Global analysis of an epidemic model with nonmonotone incidence rate An SIS infection model incorporating media coverage The impact of media coverage on the transmission dynamics of human influenza Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B: Fortran subroutines for large-scale bound-constrained optimization Forecasting seasonal outbreaks of influenza Impact of mass media on public behavior and physicians: an ecological study of the H1N1 influenza pandemic Influenza vaccinations of young children increased with media coverage in 2003 Effects of mass media coverage on timing and annual receipt of influenza vaccination among medicare elderly The talk of the town: modelling the spread of information and changes in behaviour Happiness and the patterns of life: a study of geolocated tweets Measured voluntary avoidance behaviour during the 2009 A/H1N1 epidemic The demographics of social media users -2012 The geography of happiness: connecting Twitter sentiment and expression, demographics, and objective characteristics of place The Lexicocalorimeter: gauging public health through caloric input and output on social media Enhancing disease surveillance with novel data streams: challenges and opportunities Flu gone viral: syndromic surveillance of flu on Twitter using temporal topic models Model Based Inference in the Life Sciences The authors wish to thank PS Dodds and CM Danforth from the Computational Story Lab at the University of Vermont for use of the Twitter Gardenhose feed for this study. Does not apply. Does not apply. Does not apply. Data will be available via Dryad: We have no competing interests. LM and JVR conceived of the study; LM performed data analysis and simulations; LM and JVR wrote the manuscript. In Figure 6 we show the residuals from linear (blue circles) and quadratic (red crosses) leastsquare fits to the retweet-infected data from Figure 1 of the main text, for all seasons 2009/10-2014/15 considered in this study. Table 3 shows the relative Akaike weights for the linear and quadratic models for each year, where the relative weights p i are given byand AIC i are the AIC values for each model, AIC min is the minimum value of AIC i . These weights represent the probability that the ith model minimises the information loss in describing the data, relative to the best-fitting model [44] . Figure 7 shows relative Akaike weight of the quadratic model as a function of final outbreak size, suggesting that nonlinear effects will increasingly come into play for more severe outbreaks and pandemics.