key: cord-0454227-rjbgwfc1 authors: Coulombe, Philippe Goulet title: A Neural Phillips Curve and a Deep Output Gap date: 2022-02-08 journal: nan DOI: nan sha: 001746ab8ab396aa3a7bc6b45ba75f26ec860fa9 doc_id: 454227 cord_uid: rjbgwfc1 Many problems plague the estimation of Phillips curves. Among them is the hurdle that the two key components, inflation expectations and the output gap, are both unobserved. Traditional remedies include creating reasonable proxies for the notable absentees or extracting them via some form of assumptions-heavy filtering procedure. I propose an alternative route: a Hemisphere Neural Network (HNN) whose peculiar architecture yields a final layer where components can be interpreted as latent states within a Neural Phillips Curve. There are benefits. First, HNN conducts the supervised estimation of nonlinearities that arise when translating a high-dimensional set of observed regressors into latent states. Second, computations are fast. Third, forecasts are economically interpretable. Fourth, inflation volatility can also be predicted by merely adding a hemisphere to the model. Among other findings, the contribution of real activity to inflation appears severely underestimated in traditional econometric specifications. Also, HNN captures out-of-sample the 2021 upswing in inflation and attributes it first to an abrupt and sizable disanchoring of the expectations component, followed by a wildly positive gap starting from late 2020. HNN's gap unique path comes from dispensing with unemployment and GDP in favor of an amalgam of nonlinearly processed alternative tightness indicators -- some of which are skyrocketing as of early 2022. Few equations are as central to modern macroeconomics and current monetary policy debates as the Phillips Curve (PC) -and its modern incarnation, the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC). Yet, many problems plague its estimation and thus, our understanding of how increasing economic activity translates into higher pressures on the price level. Similarly, our understanding of how inflation expectations influence current inflation is also compromised. This paper focuses on a predictive Phillips curve -building an equation that uses, among other things, some measure of real activity to forecast inflation. It provides a new solution to an extremely pervasive problem in empirical inflation modeling and economics research in general. Namely, the two key components of the NKPC, inflation expectations (E t ) and the output gap (g t ), are both unobserved. Instantly, this opens the gates to the proxies' zoo. Which gap to choose? Which inflation expectations at what horizon from whom? Those are crucial empirical choices on which theory is practically silent. E t and g t are necessary to produce and understand inflation forecasts, both of which are needed to guide monetary policy action -especially entering 2022. A HEMISPHERE NEURAL NETWORK. Taking a step back, what basic macroeconomic theory tells us, is that two sufficient statistics summarizing different groups of economic indicators should predict inflation reasonably well. More precisely, we know that (i) there should exist some abstract output gap, or in other words, a possibly nonlinear combination of variables related to the state of the economy (labor markets, industrial production, national accounts) that influence inflation, and (ii) some combination of price variables (past CPI values and several others) and other measures of inflation expectations also impact inflation directly. I make this vision operational by developing a new Deep Neural Network (DNN) architecture coined Hemisphere Neural Network (HNN). As the name suggests, the DNN is restricted so that its final inflation prediction is the sum of components composed from groups of predictors separated at the entrance of the network into different hemispheres. The peculiar structure allows the interpretation of the final layer's cells output as key macroeconomic latent states in a linear equation -the NKPC. Moreover, the estimation of time-varying PC coefficients and the key latent states is performed within a single model. While HNN's development is motivated from inflation, its applicability extends to the various problems in economics where the link between "theoretical variables" and "Excel variables" is not crystal clear. Examples include the neutral interest rate, Taylor rules inputs, term premium, and of great interest recently, "financial conditions" in Adrian et al. (2019) 's quantile regressions of GDP growth -a non-trivial and non-innocuous modeling choice (Plagborg-Møller et al., 2020) . This extends to poorly measured observed explanatory variables. Thus, econometrically, this paper develops a new tool, rooted in modern deep learning machinery, to take the mismeasurement error bull by the horns. Obviously, HNN is by no means the first methodology dealing with latent state extraction (Harvey, 1990; Durbin and Koopman, 2012) or attenuation bias (Schennach, 2016) . comparable in size to the 1970s, the components show much less persistence than they did four decades ago-in line with the stop-and-go nature of economic constraints of the Pandemic era. Second, throughout the whole sample and for both architectures, the contribution of the output gap component is shown to be much higher than what is reported from time-varying PC regression with traditional gap measures. Thus, it appears that mismeasuring g t , to no astounding surprise, can severely bias downward its estimated impact on the price level. Conversely, the effect of the expectations component is found to be milder overall, with the notable exception of 2021, where it radically jumps upward while traditional estimates remain flat. Third, the Neural Phillips curve coefficient in HNN-F is found to have decreased sharply in the early 1980s (somehow suggesting a break during Volker disinflation) then experience a revival starting from the 2000s. This contrasts with many traditional PC regressions suggesting the PC was buried in the last decade as a result of a decades-long decline. As a result, HNN-F -through its positive gap and alive-and-well PC coefficient -forecasts the inflation awakening of 2021. A first extension is considered in which an additional "volatility" hemisphere is introduced. By simply altering the loss function in the software, the family of HNN models can deliver both forecasts and the expected precision of those. Estimated conditional volatility showcases the usual Great Moderation pattern, but also volatility blasts in recessions punctuated with rapid movements in oil prices. Accordingly the network signaled ex-ante its cluelessness about 2020Q3 and 2020Q4 but is confident in the upward forecasts of 2021. As mentioned earlier, the HNN paradigm allows more generally for the supervised estimation of any latent indicator related to inflation, beyond E t and g t . To that effect, two extensions are considered. Firstly, HNN-F-4NK extends the latter PC's to include additional hemispheres for "credit conditions" and the central bank's balance sheet, as suggested in Sims and Wu (2019) 's 4 equations NK model. HNN-F-4NK reports that, as derived in Sims and Wu (2019) , favorable credit conditions have a negative marginal impact conditional on other components. In sharp contrast, a simpler approach with time-varying coefficients including the apparently suitable Chicago Fed National Financial Conditions Credit Subindex would suggest no such effect exists, or has the opposite sign. The second extension, HNN-F-IKS, creates, among other things, a supervised composite from a panel of international GDP growth data. It is found that, overall, and except for a few spikes (like some during the pandemic), the international "gap" has limited explanatory power for US inflation. HNN-F-IKS also includes a kitchen sink hemisphere whose variable importance analysis reports extended use of complementary variables that are all forward-looking in nature -in accord with theory suggesting inflation is an expected discounted stream of future marginal costs. OUTLINE. Section 2 introduces HNN, motivates it from the NKPC, and discusses practical aspects. Section 3 links the new proposition to its numerous predecessors. Section 4 conducts the empirical analysis and sections 5 and 6 look at aforementioned extensions. Section 7 concludes. This section discusses the motivation behind the newly proposed network architecture. It all starts with an expectations-augmented PC, or alternatively a NKPC derived from a linearized plain vanilla New Keynesian DSGE model (Galí, 2015) : (1) In (1), θ t and γ t are parameters possibly evolving through time, which have lately appeared to be an empirical necessity (but not in the textbook derivation) in order to accurately describe inflation in most advanced economies (Blanchard et al., 2015) , and ν t is noise. Defining expectations less stringently as E t and acknowledging that empirically, commodity prices c t (energy in particular) can matter a lot, and may impact π t directly (Hazell et al., 2020) , we get Ultimately, we want those components to forecast inflation. Thus, let us turn (2) into the s-steps ahead predictive problem Essentially, this is a 3-factor model where we can define h t,E = θ t E t , h t,g = γ t g t , and h t,c = ζ t c t . Thus, let H g , H E , and H c be the expectations, real activity, and commodities prices hemispheres, respectively. 1 To make this operational, we impose some restrictions on a fully connected NN so that its h t 's will carry economic meaning A shallow and narrow (for visual convenience) HNN architecture for the three hemispheres case is displayed in Figure 1 . Some remarks are in order. First, HNN's architecture is trivially extendable to more than 3 hemispheres. This makes it convenient for splitting some hemispheres in sub-hemispheres (like expectations into short-run vs. long-run). It also makes it a flexible testing ground for theories claiming the NKPC should be augmented with something, but that something is not clearly defined in terms of what is in our actual databases. Such extensions are considered in Section 6. Second, HNN does not give us g t nor γ t , but their product h 1,g . This is not the neural network's doing, but rather the design of the problem. With g t and γ t both unobserved and possibly time-varying, they cannot be separately identified without additional assumptions on how g t and γ t should or should not evolve through time. Those assumptions are common but not harmless. One, implicit to the approaches reviewed in Section 3.1, is to obtain g t from assumptions on its time series properties and its composition (typically GDP or unemployment) and then treat it as given in subsequent regressions. Another would be to assume γ t = γ ∀t which would deliver g t identified up to a scaling constant. Less radically, one could posit that γ t is only a function of certain things (like t) excluding what g t is made of, then write some modified HNN where the output of two hemispheres multiplies one another in the last layer -the PC layer. HNN-F, developed and motivated in Section 2.2, will leverage this restriction to separate the Siamese twins g t and γ t . 2 Of course, there are many such restrictions, some more credible than others.The point being made is that HNN provides h t,g as the most sensible output given the econometric conditions, but nothing prevents a researcher from splitting it in g t and γ t using whichever assumptions he or she deems reasonable. Nonetheless, for policy purposes, a crucial use of g t is to inform us on how real activity contributes to π t -and that what HNN spits out directly. Finally, this does not prevent from comparing HNN results with other methodologies since their gap's contribution to inflation can easily be calculated from the PC regression (see Section 4). Third, a comment on the "separability assumption", which is, for all intents and purposes, the only binding assumption in HNN. Precisely, by separability, it is meant that h t,j 's are the product 2 However, it is noteworthy that uncertain remains surrounding the fact the PC coefficient -using observed (or simple transformations of) economic data as regressions -is simply driven by exogenous time variation (Stock and Watson, 2008; Lindé and Trabandt, 2019; Goulet Coulombe, 2020a) . HNN-F will work by putting apart nonlinearities that are of fixed structure through time (the gap), and those that are exogenously evolving. of mostly non-overlapping (they share t in common) groups of predictors. of course, it is possible that the interaction of the prices group and the real activity group influences inflation. 3 On the other hand, some level of separability is what gives interpretability in this high-dimensional environment: h t,j 's in a fully connected network are essentially meaningless. 4 It is the separation, as suggested by the (linearized) NKPC, which gives h t,j 's their interesting economic meaning. While there is nothing sacred about linearized NKPCs, it is noteworthy that the proposed separation is not new to HNN at all. It is inherent to almost any linear PC estimation (there is a block of lags, and an output gap, all separated and typically non-interacting). As a side note, some overlap between the contents of H's is absolutely possible if the definition of h t,j 's calls for it. Finally, h t,j need not be orthogonal since they are obtained from supervised learning procedure which dispenses with most of the traditional identification problems inherent to unsupervised learning (like factors models estimated by PCA, Stock and Watson (2002) ). Lastly, HNN's architecture, beyond the uncommon separation, is rather plain. It is not excluded that, in future work, some extensions of it could further improve its predictive performance and ability to retrieve latent states. Such extensions, as it often the case in deep learning model building, would consist in new modules behind inserted into the feed-forward architectures. Two obvious things come to mind. First, one could bring in "variable selection networks" (Lim et al., 2021) within each hemisphere to do what its name suggests. Second, one could bring back some of the older state space paradigm goodies, like a law of motion for g t (which we will obtain from HNN-F in Section 2.2) by considering recurrent units for neurons outputs entering the PC layer. This could favor a more persistent estimate of the gap, which may be desirable in certain contexts. However, all empirical results in Section 4 point out that estimates are reasonably smooth and that extra smoothness may not be warranted -like when modeling the pandemic era. The baseline estimation is at the quarterly frequency using the dataset FRED-QD (McCracken and Ng, 2020). The latter is publicly available at the Federal Reserve of St-Louis's website and contains 248 US macroeconomic and financial aggregates observed from 1960Q1. The target considered main analysis is CPI Inflation (thus π t+1 = ∆log(CPI t+1 )). Forecasting and some robustness checks on g t are conducted using core inflation (s = 1, s meaning steps ahead) and year-over-year (YoY) headline CPI four quarters ahead (s = 4). The transformations to induce stationarity for predictors are indicated in McCracken and Ng (2020) . Our empirical baseline model comprises 4 hemispheres. It consists in the 3 described in Section As a consequence of sparing HNN from the numerous assumptions typically associated with output gap extraction, the procedure only produces h t,g , the gap's contribution to inflation, rather than g t itself. It was discussed that splitting h t,g into g t and γ t can be done if the researcher is willing to assume more about g t and γ t . One possible factorization is γ t = h γ (t) and g t = h g (H g \ t). 6 The factorization coerces the PC coefficient to move exogenously and slowly -like what is assumed by random walk coefficients in Chan, Koop, and Potter (2016) (henceforth CKP) and many others. This is merely an interpretation device because what we can say of g t and γ t depends perfectly on what we assume they can be. For instance, a convex PC is ruled out by γ t = h γ (t) but residual "convexity" will be mechanically relegated to g t . Nonetheless, what HNN-F provides is a g t which composition function of real activity data that is constant through time, up to a slow-moving scaling coefficient (γ t ) -which can be assumed fixed for short-and medium-run forecasting horizons. is easy within HNN and the PyTorch (Python) or Torch (R) environments. First, an additional hemisphere containing only t is created. Then, in the final layer, rather than summing 3 or 4 h t,j 's as in Figure 1 , some last layer outputs will be multiplied 5 For instance, in the case of DNNs, early-stopping has been associated with ridge regularization (Raskutti et al., 2014) and dropout with the spike-and-slab prior (Nalisnick et al., 2019) . Goulet Coulombe et al. (2021)'s observation is that encoding inputs as moving averages change the implicit prior from shrinking every lag coefficient to 0 to shrinking each of them to one another. In this paper's application, it also provides the network with inputs where different frequency ranges have been accentuated. 6 Note that H j \ k means variable k is excluded from the set of predictors included in the hemisphere j. together. Namely, the output of the hemisphere containing only t will be multiplied with that of H g \ t and the product will be added to the rest of the sum constituting the neural PC. For consistency, this intuitive factorization is forced on each component. Thus, using the notation established in (3), the final layer in HNN-F (F for factorized) will bê Clearly, the various h t 's of (4) are not identified, except for h E LR (t) since it is not multiplied with any other component. To identify the relevant h t 's, time-varying coefficient hemisphere outputs θ t , γ t and ζ t are all forced to be non-negative by feeding them forward through an absolute value layer before they enter the final layer above. This prevents the gap from being the symmetrical opposite of what it is expected to be. 7 A concern that has often been raised with Phillips Curve estimation is how much the chosen g t can influence results. Obviously, if and σ 2 error t is time-varying (e.g., higher in the last decades and lower in the early years), we have a time-varying attenuation bias which can easily create pervasive illusions about the collapse/resurgence of the PC. While certainly a valid theoretical worry, most authors have deemed it to be of limited empirical relevance. Recently, Stock and Watson (2019) considers a variety of (largely cross-correlated) classical slack measures in turn and find homogeneously pessimistic results about PC's current health. In a similar vein, Del Negro et al. (2020) argue that the decline cannot be attributed to increased measurement error since the co-movements between key slack indicators and marginal cost proxies are very alike pre-and post-1990, whereas the unemployment-inflation relationship on both subsamples clearly differ. But this was in a very different modeling environment, mostly grounded in linear econometric modeling with limited data. Moreover, it implicitly assumes that mismeasurement was inexistent or negligible prior to the 1990s -which if true, makes, for instance, filtered unemployment adequate for that era. HNN-F turns the problem on its head. By estimating g t flexibly (e.g., not imposing it to be an autoregressive process of some order) and allowing for γ t to vary exogenously through time, HNN-F allow for an investigation of the declining link between real activity and inflation with a lessened worry that a declining γ t be solely due to a mismeasured g t . Within each H, we have a standard feed-forward fully connected network. We set layers = 5 and neurons = 400. For HNN, we maximize efficiency by enabling weight sharing (Nowlan and Hinton, 1992; Bender et al., 2020) across hemispheres. In other words, nonlinear processing parameters are forced to be identical across hemispheres. In HNN-F, we relax that constraint and the states hemispheres are given neurons = 400 and layers = 3 while the coefficients hemispheres (with only input being t) have neurons = 100 and layers = 3. 8 The maximal number of epochs (optimizer steps) is fixed at 500. The activation functions are all ReLU (ReLU(x) = max{0, x}) and the learning rate is 0.005. 85% of the training sample is used to estimate the parameters and the MSE of the remaining 15% is used to determine when to optimally stop optimization -early stopping being known to perform a form a ridge regularization on network weights (Raskutti et al., 2014) . This random shuffling of data is done through shuffling blocks of 6 quarters for quarterly data. The batch size is the whole sample and the optimizer is Adam. For forecasting, I do 50 random 85-15 allocations of data and ensemble resulting predictions. This is beneficial in two aspects. First, it stabilizes the optimal early stopping point choice. Second, it is known that ensembling overfitting ("interpolating") networks can give a performance similar to that of very large yet computationally costly networks, by among other things, integrating out noise coming from network weights initialization (d' Ascoli et al., 2020) . Finally, I perform a mild form of dropout by setting the dropout rate to 0.2. For HNN, we normalize each predictor to have mean 0 and variance 1, which is standard in regression networks. For HNN-F, since there is no weight sharing, we ought to be more careful in order not give implicitly some hemisphere a higher prior weight in the network. This could occur, for instance, if some H has a much larger number of inputs than another. With early stopping performing a type of ridge regularization, it entails the prior that each variable should contribute but in a mild way. If the real activity group contains 40 times more regressors than the commodities one, then going for the standard normalization gives a much larger prior weight to its resulting component by construction. To avoid this scenario, and give equal a priori importance to h t 's, we divide each standardized X t,k ∈ H j by card H j (the square root of the number of variables in that hemisphere). The intuition for using such a denominator comes from the fact that if all variables are mutually uncorrelated and each given a weight of one or minus one (i.e., no learning beyond what ridge prescribed has taken place), then the variance of the simplistic (linear) component h t,j is card H j . Thus, dividing each member of that group by the square root of it sets each h t,j 's a priori variance to be 1. Ensembling requirements are higher to conduct inference on h t,j 's and other HNNs' byproducts. First, we need more bootstrap replicas. Second, block-subsampling is used to avoid breaking the serial dependence properties of Z t = [y t X t ]. Blocks of 1.5 years are used. A refined version of a cross-section analog to this strategy has been popular to assess uncertainty surrounding DNN's predictions (Lakshminarayanan et al., 2017). 9 In this application, we will be looking at inference on h t,j 's -functionals of X t and the network's weights -which are arguably much more economically meaningful than predictions themselves. B, the total number of bootstraps, is set to 300 when looking at h t,j 's and their derivatives. This takes an hour to run on an M1 MacBook Air. Forecasting necessitates fewer bootstraps -typically less than 40 -for the prediction to stabilize, so HNN is absolutely amenable to recursive pseudo-out-of-sample exercises where it needs to be re-estimated many times. Since any DNN can easily fit the training data much better than it actually does on the test data (more on this below), it is wiser to opt for an out-of-bag strategy in order to calculate h t,j 's in-sample as well as their quantiles. More precisely, the calculations proceed as follows. Assume we have a sample of size 100. We estimate HNN using data points from 1 to 85, and project it "out-of-bag" on the 15 observations not used in training. This gives us h 85:100,b for a single allocation b while h 1:85,b are still NAs. By considering many such random (block) allocations where "bag" and "out-of-bag" roles are interchanged, I obtain the final h t,j 's by averaging over B at each t such that This constitutes an approximation to a Block Bayesian Bootstrap by replacing the posterior tree functional T in Goulet Coulombe (2020a) by HNN. Thus, h t,j,b draws can be used to compute credible regions. This relies on the connection between Breiman (1996)'s bagging and Rubin (1981) 's Bayesian Bootstrap, as originally acknowledged by Clyde and Lee (2001) , and put forward for random forest by Taddy et al. (2015) . More recently, Newton et al. (2021) Bootstrap, derive theoretical guarantees, and show its applicability to deep learning. This machinery is typically used to conduct inference (in the statistical sense) on a model's prediction. Goulet Coulombe (2020a) and this paper make it even more useful by focusing on economically meaningful functionals, like h t,j 's. How should we think of the statistical adequacy of HNN's key outputs? There are a number of proofs of DNN's nonparametric consistency for generic architectures -for instance Farrell et al. (2021) . HNN and HNN-F are restricted DNNs, or, alternatively, semiparametric models. If restrictions are approximately true (like the separability in HNN, and the factorization in HNN-F), then we can be confident our h t,j 's are close to true latent states. Those restrictions can be implicitly tested by fitting a fully connected DNN with the same data and comparing predictive performance out-of-sample or out-of-bag. Thus, if HNN increase bias much less than it curbs variance, it will supplant the plain DNN. It is interesting to note that the restrictions' benefits are twofold: they reduce variance and provide interpretability. Another requirement, in addition to the validity of HNN's restrictions, is for h t,j to be exempt from overfitting. This is specifically why out-of-bag h t,j ' are used. Given that HNN also uses dropout to a mild extent and is optimally early-stopped to maximize hold-out sample performance, this additional precaution may not appear necessary at first sight. For instance, one would not bother to do so with an optimally tuned ridge regression (even if it has more parameters than observations). However, it is the object of a burgeoning literature of its own that best-performing DNNs out-of-sample can very well overfit in-sample (Belkin et al., 2019) . This obviously complicates things for in-sample analysis of the selected model, and considering out-of-bag estimates is the hammer solution to that problem. 10 I now review in greater detail current approaches, how HNN expands on them, and how, by doing so, it addresses key empirical issues. There exists many methods to estimate g t , but by far the most popular is to filter either GDP or unemployment. A significant problem is that those methods perform poorly in real-time. The final g t estimate can be very far from the g t one had at time t (Orphanides and Norden, 2002; Guay and St.-Amant, 2005) . This problem is known under different names: two-sided vs. one-sided estimation, filtering vs. smoothing, or simply the boundary problem when taking the view that flexibly detrending a series is a nonparametric estimation problem with t entering the kernel. Fortunately, there have been many recent contributions providing reliable real time g t , either by developing more adequate filtering methodologies (Hamilton, 2018; Quast and Wolters, 2020) or by incorporating more (timely) information (Berger et al., 2020; De Carvalho and Rua, 2017) . The objective is clearly defined: if g t can be extracted from some frequency range of an observed variable, then we can obtain it, and we want that estimate of g t to be usable at time t -essentially a nowcasting problem for a transformed variable. Taking a step back, there is the deeper question of whether this filtered g t (or that of CBO or the Fed's Greenbook) is what we should be after at all, especially that its explanatory power for inflation seems to be vanishing quickly (Blanchard et al., 2015) . From an ML perspective, all the above approaches can be considered "unsupervised learning" . That is, the gap is typically constructed based on some assumed structure, without consulting inflation. A datarich unsupervised approach would be a factor model (à la Stock and Watson (1999) or a dynamic one like in Barigozzi and Luciani (2018) ), or going nonlinear with the now-popular autoencoders (Goodfellow et al., 2016; Hauzenberger et al., 2020) . A fundamental problem plaguing them is that these methods seek to create latent factors that summarize X regardless of whether they will be of any relevance to the dependent variable. With a very large X, like one gets from McCracken and Ng (2020)'s distilled quarterly FRED database, it is unlikely that an unsupervised approach stumbles upon the "real" output gap by serendipity. In short, most often, statistical factors will lack explanatory power for inflation, economic meaning, or both. There are exceptions to the reign of unsupervised learning in output gap estimation (Kichian, 1999; Blanchard et al., 2015; Chan et al., 2016; Hasenzagl et al., 2018; Jarociński and Lenza, 2018) . But then, again, there are some stringent assumptions being made on how g t moves through time and its composition. Output need not be GDP, and the labor market need not be the unemployment rate. Jarociński and Lenza (2018) dispense with (most of) the need to choose by considering a dynamic factor model specification. 11 However, in their application, g t is defined as an AR (2) process 12 , and such an assumption, while endemic to the state-space paradigm, is not benign. 13 In contrast, HNN takes a fully supervised approach that does not force g t into some tight parametric law of motion and does not restrict g t to be made of a single variable somehow chosen wisely. Rather, HNN constructs an implicit deep output gap from writing a nonlinear model where a basket of real activity variables can be processed and transformed, so that a sufficient statistic h t,1 made from them explains some share of inflation dynamics. It be would naive, however, to think that HNN, being a neural network with the "universal approximation" property, is completely devoid of a priori statistical structure within hemispheres. Indeed, in an environment with little training data, regularization, network structure, and associated priors all enter the estimates to some extent. This is why careful network design has always been a staple of deep learning practice, even with vast amounts of data (Goodfellow et al., 2016) . In the case of HNN, that structure, while fully estimable, is that of successive layers of activation functions. 14 As anything in this business, the merits of one structure over another will be proportional to its predictive abilities on the out-of-bag samples, and ultimately, on the hold-out sample. At first sight, a simpler (and more traditional) supervised approach could be some intricate form of partial least squares. But this imposes that variables within H j enter linearly in h t,j , which rules out, among many other things, the HP-filtered GDP which is itself a nonlinear transformation of the original data. Augmenting that approach with a kernel could, at a conceptual level, retrieve nonlinearities. However, kernel approaches and large X t (or H j in this paper's setup) do not mix well, both computationally and statistically. In contrast, the HNN approach can easily deal with high-dimensional data on both fronts -through highly optimized yet adjustable software and the various regularization mechanisms available in DNNs. There is an ever-growing literature on the flattening PC -either structural or reduced form, which was originally sparked from the surprisingly immaterial disinflation during and following the Great Recession (GR). Standard approaches typically imply one of the following two assumptions (and sometimes both). First, that the output (or unemployment) gap can be properly extracted by some form of filtering (Blanchard et al., 2015; Hasenzagl et al., 2018) and second, that the decline in the gap coefficient can be captured by either slowly moving time-varying parameters (Blanchard et al., 2015; Galí and Gambetti, 2019) or a well-situated structural break(s) (Stock and Watson, 2019; Del Negro et al., 2020) . However, the true g t may look very different than what filtering suggests -be it from HP-filtering, Hamilton (2018) filtering, or assuming potential GDP growth rate is a random walk (or variations on it) within a state-space model (Kichian, 1999; Blanchard et al., 2015; Chan et al., 2016 Chan et al., , 2018 Hasenzagl et al., 2018) . In fact, all those statistical methods embed similar assumptions about the time series properties of g t , and unsurprisingly so, often report very similar gaps (at least, ex-post). Using one prototypical slack measure or another, all filtered in the same fashion, also deliver lookalike slack measures (Stock and Watson, 2019) . Clearly, if the economic slack proxy is a poor approximation of reality for some period of time -say, recently -including it in a subsequent regression model will naturally give the impression of a suddenly dormant PC. The second assumption, that of a slowly and exogenously declining PC, inherent to most "second stage" regressions taking the output gap measure as given, can also be problematic. For instance, there are theoretical reasons to believe the reduced-form PC is convex (Lindé and Trabandt, 2019) . Additionally, Goulet Coulombe (2020a) documents, using a machine learning approach, that the coefficient on HP-filtered unemployment (very close to Blanchard et al. (2015) 's gap) is declin- 14 Results are mostly unchanged from changing ReLu to Selu, a softer activation function, and adjusting the learning rate accordingly. ing slowly and exhibit pro-cyclical behavior. In HNN, no restrictive time series and composition assumptions are made on whether the gap or its attached coefficient -we are simply positing that there be must be some sufficient statistic of economic activity, be it what it may, having explanatory power for inflation. Thus, it will be possible to quantify how much of the reported PC decline is attributable to certain methodological choices or to a fundamental decline of the link between economic activity and inflation. In HNN-F, some of those assumptions are brought back to split "contributions" into a gap and a coefficient. However, unlike traditional methods, residual nonlinearity will be captured within g t , making it nonlinear in the original economic variables space. Nonetheless, comparing HNN and HNN-F results will be informative on how costly it is to assume an exogenously varying γ t (and thus, a factorization) when g t is estimated rather than (mostly) assumed. On the inflation forecasting front, things are even murkier. Evidence in favor of PC-based inflation forecasting is at best very weak, with minor or inexistent improvements over simpler benchmarks like plain autoregressions (Atkeson and Ohanian, 2001; Stock and Watson, 2008; Wright, 2012; Faust and Wright, 2013; Kamber et al., 2018; Quast and Wolters, 2020) . Recent extensive evaluations for the Euro area (Banbura and Bobeica, 2020) suggest there is a case for some cautious hope with specifications allowing for flexible trend inflation and an endogenously estimated gap (still with the aforementioned drawbacks, however). Despite all the evidence on its uneven empirical potency, PCs are still widely used to forecast and understand inflation (Yellen, 2017) , mostly because they are rooted in some basic form of macroeconomic theory. This paper -by suggesting a particular deviation from econometric practice inertia -investigates whether there is more statistical backing for the practice to be found. Most of the current discussion has been so far focused on the gap and its coefficient. I now turn to inflation expectations. Galı and Gertler (1999) Galı and Gertler (1999) originally found strong evidence in favor of using the marginal cost as a forcing variable rather than the unemployment/output gap. Mavroeidis et al. (2014) finds that adding a few years of data to Galı and Gertler (1999) 's original model overturns this finding, with gaps and marginal costs giving very similar results. Obviously, this sort of dilemma falls within the scope of problems of HNN can deal with. Finally, it is also reported that the chosen GMM estimation method, the selected instruments, and the number of inflation lags all can greatly influence results (Ma, 2002; Guay and Pelgrin, 2004; Dufour et al., 2006; Mavroeidis et al., 2014) . This leads Mavroeidis et al. (2014) to conclude that research energies would be better spent on radically different approaches (like moving past macro data) than minor tweaks within the unpromising (mostly) GMM-based paradigm. Given the ever-accumulating challenges of GMM estimation and other empirical limitations, proxying directly for inflation expectations with survey-based data emerged as a popular alternative to the rigid fully rational expectations (Coibion et al., 2018) . 15 Obviously, the downside is that theory provides little to no guidance about what expectations from who should be used (Yellen, 2016) . Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015) provide regression evidence on consumers' expectations better approximating firms' expectations than professional forecasters. Binder (2015) reports that certain demographic groups' expectations have more predictive power for future inflation than others. Meeks and Monti (2019) use a functional principal component approach to summarize the distributional aspect of the expectations from the Michigan survey of consumers (among others) and finds that the additional information annihilates the role of inflation persistence. It is noteworthy that these papers almost universally take the unemployment/output gap as given. Lastly, a recurrent finding from approaches opting for empirical expectations is that deploying an instrumental variable approach or going for a plain regression typically does not alter results in any appreciable way (Mavroeidis et al., 2014; Coibion and Gorodnichenko, 2015) . Thus, we can be cautiously confident that HNN should not suffer in any cataclysmic fashion from relying on least squares estimation. 16 This paper, for simplicity and to maximize the length of the historical period being studied, opts for very standard series of inflation expectations as inputs, like the average expectations from professional forecasters and consumers surveyed by the University of Michigan. As we will see in Section 4.2, a nonlinear mixture of those indeed does matter. From a methodological and practical standpoint, nothing prevents the inclusion of a much richer and heterogeneous set of beliefs -these would-be additional regressors in H E SR . By construction, the HNN procures the optimal "summary statistic" of such expectations because the nonlinear information compression parameters are estimated in a supervised fashion. Thus, HNN could easily digest larger expectations information sets (like the whole cross-section dimension of a survey, or many quantiles of it) and provide a nonlinear nonparametric approximation to the "distributional" component entering the Phillips curves discussed in Meeks and Monti (2019) without the need for manual choices in how to summarize the distribution. Given that the processing of expectations has become as thorny of an empirical question as is the choice of the gap (Yellen, 2016) , HNN provides a convenient generalization of previous approaches that can convincingly deal with g t and E SR t problems within one consistent data-driven framework. The application of AI methods, and more particularly deep neural networks, has not generally, until now, delivered game-changing results when applied to macroeconomic data. At the same time, a careful reading of the deep learning literature reveals that it is the construction of deep neural networks (DNNs) architectures specialized for a given problem that gives the phenomenal results that have contributed to its great popularity (Goodfellow et al., 2016) . In stark contrast, most of the literature in macroeconomic forecasting typically uses architectures already available (and developed for other tasks such as image or language recognition), with typically limited forecasting gains and even more limited interpretability. The origin of NNs in macroeconomic forecasting can be traced back, at least, to Kuan and White (1994) , Swanson and White (1997) , and other works by Halbert White. A small literature follows in the 2000s (e.g., Moshiri and Cameron 2000; Nakamura 2005; Medeiros et al. 2006; Marcellino 2008) . With DNN recent successes in many fields, there is a resurgence of interest in using for macroeconomic forecasting. Most focus on using plain NNs (Choudhary and Haider, 2012; Goulet Coulombe et al., 2019) , or refined architectures like CNNs (Smalter Hall and Cook, 2017) and various forms of recurrent NNs (Almosova and Andresen, 2019; Verstyuk, 2020; Paranhos, 2021) . Some develop architecture inspired by accounting relationships within aggregates (Barkan et al., 2020) . Others have used autoencoders to estimate nonlinear (unsupervised) factors models -see Andreini et al. (2020) and many others, like Hauzenberger et al. (2020) applying it to inflation forecasting. Outside of the direct vicinity of the macroeconomic forecasting literature, there is a growing interest in generalizing the older generation of time series models to the deep learning framework (see Sezer et al. (2020) and the many references therein). Two obvious examples are the autoregression (DeepAR, Salinas et al. 2020 ) and the factor model (deep factors, Wang et al. 2019) . In comparison, HNN is tailored for inflation by incorporating minimal "theoretical' restrictions which allow the last layer's outputs to be understood as economic states -rather than, for instance, the notoriously hard to interpret (deep or not) statistical factors. As a statistical model, HNN (not HNN-F) is a generalized additive model (Hastie and Tibshirani, 2017) where more than one regressor is allowed to enter each linearly separated nonparametric function, and all functions are learned simultaneously through a gradient-based approach (as opposed to sequential model building through a greedy algorithm). In that sense, HNN fits within what Hothorn et al. (2010) defines as structure-based additive models. HNN-F could be seen to be on the fringe of it, with its multiplicative effects that would certainly be an odd modeling choice without a time-varying unobserved components regression in mind. Closely related, Agarwal et al. (2020) , O'Neill et al. (2021) , and Rügamer et al. (2020) all develop an architecture inspired from generalized additive models to enhance interpretability in deep networks for generic tasks. While these articles certainly tackle some of the opacity issues coming from nonparametric nonlinear estimation with deep learning, none address those that are inherent to any non-sparse high-dimensional (even linear) regression-i.e., that analyzing partial derivatives of 200 things that typically co-move together unfortunately borders on the meaningless. In macroeconometrics, the dominant solutions have been factor models and sparsity (either explicit or implicit). The former is not-so-interpretable in the end because most factors are nameless and their unsupervised extraction comes with a series of untestable identification restrictions. The latter can be wrong for various reasons already mentioned in this text. HNN and HNN-F core innovation is the observation that grouping variables in hemispheres and combining their outputs according to "theory" opens a gateway to interpret the high-dimensional nonlinear black box as a sparse linear unobserved components model. As starting point, h t 's are displayed in Figure 2 for a training sample ending in 2019Q4. Figure 16 (appendix) reports largely unchanged estimates from using a training sample ending in 2007. First, we observe large positive contributions of h t,g to π t in 1970s and 1980s which have been much more muted since then, in line with the declining PC narrative (this will be formally assessed when looking at γ t in Figure 5 ). But that was before the pandemic. HNN-F and HNN ( Figure 15 ) both report an extremely high positive contribution from g t to π t+1 starting from late 2020as projected from a fixed structure estimated up until 2019. As a result, HNN-F's (and HNN as well) are forecasting annualized headline inflation consistently above 4.5 starting from 2020Q4 (see Figures 4b and 7b ). While this finding lends support for the view that inflation's comeback was rooted in economic fundamentals (and potentially caused by a cocktail of expansionist policies, Blanchard 2021; Goodhart and Pradhan 2021; Gagnon 2021), it is not entirely inconsistent -at least statistically -with the possibility of the inflation surge ending rapidly. Indeed, contribution and gaps estimates in the Pandemic era move up and down at a much faster rate than that of previous recessions (along, among other things, public health policies), and it seems possible (statistically, at least) that g t closes as fast as it opened. However, as of 2021Q3 data (i.e., excluding the Omicron surge), g t seems now firmly stationed in positive territory. Moreover, HNN's estimation of h t,g support the growing evidence that the PC is highly nonlinear in traditional economic indicators space and that the steep part of it has simply been unsolicited in recent decades (Lindé and Trabandt, 2019; Goulet Coulombe, 2020a; Forbes et al., 2021) . h t,g estimates of the last 2 years cast some doubts on methodologies forcing smoothness through laws of motion. Those typically require potential output to trend upward slowly (a random walk, or local-level process) whereas it has been subject to important and rapid downward or upward swings due to "COVID-19 shocks" (Blanchard, 2021) . Among other things, there are constraints on production that did not exist in 2019 and many Americans have exited the workforce in 2020-2021 not to return just yet. This trend has a name -the Great Resignation -and can be seen in the participation rates as of late 2021. Capturing the conjunction of these phenomena statistically using data through 2019Q4, HNN's g t is reported in section 4.2 to heavily use a nonlinearly processed Help-Wanted Index-which has hit all-times highs in recent quarters. Further reinforcing the view that g t is as positive as HNN estimates it to be, coming from the demand side, reallocation shocks puts some sectors are under considerable stress for increased production. Also, a significant amount of resources is now dedicated to producing new goods and services (vaccines, tests, etc.) which are partly procured free of charge by governments and do not appreciably crowd out private spending -which itself has been galvanized by fiscal and monetary policies. Thus, private consumption has caught up with its pre-pandemic trend while government expenditures are magnitudes larger than they were back in 2019, making for the total of the two largely surpassing pre-pandemic levels. The purposes of this discussion is not to review every aspect of inflation commentary in 2021 and early 2022, but to highlight that there are plausible economic arguments rationalizing HNN's seemingly unusual findings -in addition to the plethora of statistical ones reported in this work. Contribution of the E SR t component was extremely strong during the 1970s and has been literally shut down since the beginning of Paul Volker's chairmanship -at least, until early 2021. The hibernating h E SR ,t woke up, and captures nicely the consequences of supply chain disruptions and the general sentiment in the media and population that inflation could be back. By doing so, it procures relatively accurate inflation forecasts for the turbulent 2021. This will be further discussed in Section 4.1. It appears that the main reason why inflation forecasts did not climb to 1970s levels in late 2021 is h E LR ,t , which despite its earlier spike, shows much less persistence than 4-5 decades ago. Said differently, expectations are still relatively well-anchored, by not deviating persistently from the long-run ones. Additionally, gentle upward spikes are observed post-GR which lend some support to Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015)'s point that higher expectations following the financial crisis can explain the missing disinflation puzzle. In Figure 19 (from ablation studies in Appendix A.2), this nonlinear pattern is even more apparent from dropping some of the more volatile inputs from H E SR . Finally, the commodity group (with oil being naturally its most influential member) contributed strongly, to nobody's surprise, from the first oil crisis of the 1970s, through the second oil shock, and ends after the second of the twin recessions. Finally, h E LR ,t is found to be slowly decreasing, as expected. Note that the overall level of h E LR ,t is not identified separately from h E SR ,t and here it was set by normalizing the other three components to have mean zero over the sample. Since gaps themselves rather than contributions are what is typically reported, Figure 3 reports contributions from a canonical PC regression for comparison purposes. In the case of "CBO", those are constructed from a traditional PC specification (including 2 lags of π t and the gap) with time-varying coefficients obtained from Goulet Coulombe (2020b) two-steps ridge regression approach. 17 Contributions are interesting in their own right because, unlike gaps and coefficients, they are completely identified and expressed in "inflation units". The difference between HNN-F and alternatives is striking for h t,g , with the latter giving real activity much less weight in driving inflation than what the former reports. This is especially true in the 1970s and 1980s, but also from recent years. From an ocular spectral analysis standpoint, it is clear that h HNN t,g includes much higher frequencies than what traditional gaps/contributions do. h HNN t,g is prone to rapid spikes that the alternatives completely forego (e.g., the mid-1980s, the years preceding the 1990s recession,and the mid 1990s). It is worth remembering the reader that the frequency range for classical estimators is not an outcome but an assumption -which is explicit in the case of band-pass filters (Guay and St.-Amant, 2005) . HNN's current estimates differ even more dramatically from that of standard techniques. CKP's gap in Figure 5 behaves like most unemployment filtering methods do. It reports strong overheating in the late 2010s 18 and a gently positive gap in late 2021. As we will see in the forecasting results of section 4.1, this will be largely insufficient as upward forcing to obtain well-centered forecasts during that period. This is no surprise: this approach yields an output gap which is mostly negative throughout the Pandemic and the PC coefficient is small. Berger et al. (2020) 's multivariate approach reports online a positive gap as of January 12th 2022 that is comparable in size to that of the end of the last two expansions (unlike HNN which sees mostly unprecedented inflationary pressures starting from 2020Q4). Also, Hazell et al. (2020) (and their updated estimates here) utilize an extremely persistent ARMA(2,1) output gap (looking very much like filtered unemployment), which allegedly pushes the model to explain the data with an energy price cycle. As per Figure 2 (and eventually even clearer in Figure ? ?), the direct role of commodity prices has become more muted in recent years -a finding likely due to HNN allowing for a more flexible g t . This debate is important: different decompositions imply different policy recommendations. While HNN h t,g 's unequivocally calls for a tightening of monetary policy, during times of sectoral reallocation, the divine coincidence is broken, leading to an "optimal" level of inflation that is easily above the target (Guerrieri et al., 2021) . Obviously, letting inflation sit for a while above the target range comes at the risk of disanchoring expectations which were anchored at great cost long ago. In Figure 3b , it is striking that, unlike Figure 3a , HNN and its altered version form a cluster. This suggests that the information contained in H E beyond lags of π t only seldom makes a difference -although it makes all the difference for latest inflation upswing. It is also obvious that HNNs allocated a much smaller fraction of inflation to expectations, which is particularly visible from the 1970s inflation spirals (mostly the second) and the 1980s. One way to explain this is that a mispecified g t led to put an excessive burden on explanation on π t lagged values. Figure 4 reports inflation shares in two ways. In Figure 4a , the decline of the overall influence of E SR t in favor of E LR t , with the emergence of trend inflation dominance in the mid-1990s. E SR t peak contributions are with the 3 inflation spirals of the 1970s, and to a lesser extent the mild increase from the end of the 1980s. The share of h t,g is much more stable than what typically reported by PC regressions although it appears to be milder (in a very subtle fashion) starting from the 2000s. The effect of energy and commodity prices appears stable. Figure 4b makes clear that key historical increases are always due in large part to E LR t , including that of 2021. A key pattern is an initially mild positive contribution from g t followed by a large and lasting upswing in the blue component. HNN successes and failures in forecasting post-2019 inflation can be easily understood from Figure 4b . The "overkill" downswing is entirely due to the real activity component, and the increase in first half of 2021 is due to a pattern very similar to the 1970s being replicated, that is, a gentle positive impulse from g t followed by a sizable upward pressure from E SR t . A noteworthy observation is that E SR t appeared dormant until 2021, like in the "PC reg" and "HNN (only lags)" specifications of Figure 3b , while it truly was not. Its spectacular awakening from nearly 3 decades of hibernation, most likely due to unsolicited nonlinearities now being useful, is what makes HNN forecasts of 2021 on point whereas other PC-based forecasts fail -their coefficients are so weak that resulting forecasts often look close to straight lines. So far, the focus has been on h t,g . As discussed in Section 2.2, HNN-F allows for a separate inspection of g t and γ t . Figure 5 reports them for the estimation ending in 2019Q4. Unlike recessions that preceded it, the GR is characterized by a rapid yet incomplete closing of the gap. Interestingly, this mildly negative gap lasting for a decade coincides in part with the so-called missing inflation era. This observation -a rapidly closing gap followed by a long slightly negative one -is found whether we estimate the model using data up to today, or end estimation in 2007. Thus, HNN-F is not reverse engineering a g t to fit the post-GR inflation data. Moreover, the rapid closing of g t following the GR is not observed for the early 1990s and 2000s recessions. This distinction is even clearer when using the less volatile Core CPI as supervising variable in Figure 9 . Thus, what is observed for g t in the early 2010s is not due to it always closing faster, perhaps in a mechanical way. What about γ t , the widely studied evolving coefficient of the PC? The evidence in Figure 5 is in partial agreement with the recent literature on the matter (Blanchard, 2016; Galí, 2015; Del Negro et al., 2020) in the sense that the exogenously time-varying γ t has been decreasing. However, there are many notable differences. First, there seem to be a break around 1980, in the midst of Volker disinflation, where γ t 's decline substantially accelerates. Second, unlike results from standard approaches, γ t is not found to decline further following 2008, but rather to increase gently. Results including COVID-19 data suggests an even stronger pickup of HNN-F's γ t in the last 12 years. These observations are in sharp contrast with Blanchard (2016)'s findings using a (supervised) filtered unemployment gap. They report a slowly decaying γ t that gets even closer to 0 following the GR, which is very close to CKP-based results (the red line) obtained in Figure 5 . Stock and Watson (2019) report very similar results for a plethora of slack measures (albeit all of them being strongly correlated with each other), with coefficients being all in the vicinity of 0 for the 2000-2018 period. Also using unemployment as real activity indicator but identifying γ t with crosssectional variation (US States), Hazell et al. (2020) also find a small PC coefficient. Given how different HNN-F's g t is with respect to traditional detrended GDPs, filtered unemployment, and other neighboring alternatives, γ HNN t atypical vivacity is not entirely surprising. All in all, HNN-F results suggest that, yes, there exist a measure of slack which effect on π t+1 has been appreciable and mostly stable over the last 4 decades -and that is not filtered unemployment. A relevant statistical question is whether HNN could be prone to rewriting history -because many of the gap estimation methods based on plain filtering are (Orphanides and Norden, 2002; Guay and St.-Amant, 2005) . Figure 6 suggest that HNN-F's estimation of g t 's to be rather stable, with the qualitative patterns observed in Figure 5 being completely intact. There are some mild quantitative disagreements between the 2000 version and the remaining four, especially for the positive h t,g preceding the crisis. As for the aftermath of the crisis and the 2010s, there are some mild quantitative disagreement but the pattern -strikingly different from those of traditional methods -is the same across specifications. That is, we get a major but short-lived dip following the crisis, a brief comeback to 0, then a long mildly negative phase up until 2018. All estimations agree on economic pressures on inflation increasing from the mid 2010s up until the Pandemic., with a slight disagreement on the overall level of g t . Historical results are robust to the inclusion/exclusion of wild pandemic observations and g t movements are rather similar whether they are projected out-of-sample from 2019 or using all the data up until today. The quantitative discrepancy between the 2019 and the full-sample versions is obviously larger during 2020, but so is estimation uncertainty. The 2020-2021 data has the effect of dampening the gaps movement in the last 2 years because the algorithm attempts to minimize (now in-sample) the large forecast error for 2020Q3, an observation that should be in fact discarded with dummies. Overall, results with training ending in 2019Q4 were preferred as benchmarks since COVID-19 observations have an extremely high level of volatility attached to them and one simple way to statistically account for that is to drop them Schorfheide and Song, 2020) . Moreover, it allows to evaluate whether a statistical model that has not seen 2021. Many ingredients enter HNN for it to deliver the gap and expectations reported in this section. Dispensing with some of them helps in understanding the respective contribution of each. In Appendix A.2, I conduct an ablation study where HNN is deprived, in turns, of the large data set and the nonlinear supervised processing. In short, the combination of both appears essential. For instance, one could wonder if the use of a data set partly populated by growth rates -rather than levels or deviations from them -could have been a factor behind HNN's success that has little to do with HNN itself. It turns that no: the linear unsupervised processing of the same data set produces a g t that remains below 0 or in the vicinity of it throughout 2021. The pseudo-out-of-sample period starts in 2008Q1 and ends 2021Q3. I use expanding window estimation from 1961Q3. HNNs are re-estimated and tuned every 4 quarters. Following standard practice, the quality of point forecasts is evaluated using the root Mean Square Error (MSE). For the out-of-sample (OOS) forecasted values at time t for s ∈ {1, 4}: Three targets are considered. First, CPI(s = 1), which is the supervisor in the benchmark HNN specifications. Additionally, the alternative supervisors eventually studied in Section 4.3 -CPI average inflation from t to t + 4 (π t:(t+4) = ∑ 4 s =1 π t+s ) and Core CPI(s = 1) -are considered. Performance results are reported including and excluding 2020 observations. 19 As we will see in Section 5, while NNs in general provide erroneous forecasts for 2020Q3 and 2020Q4, an extended HNN-F which models both the conditional mean and the conditional variance predicts unprecedented levels of imprecision for those two forecasts. In contrast, HNN-F is as confident as it gets for the 2021 projections. Thus, using that timely information, a forecaster would have discarded 2020 forecasts ex-ante (but not those of 2021) in a similar fashion to what the barplots of this section are doing ex-post. A few obvious benchmarks from both sides of the aisle are considered. On the ML side, there is a fully connected neural network with the same hyperparameters as HNN (DNN) and a random forest (RF) with default tuning parameters (typically hard to beat). They all use the exact information set as HNN (variables and aforementioned transformations). Then, there are inflationspecialized econometric benchmarks of increasing sophistication. First, we have the AR(4) which will stand as the generic numeraire of reported MSEs. Then, two rolling means are considered, the one-year mean à la Atkeson and Ohanian (2001) (1y Avg) and a longer-run one (10y Avg). Bringing in real activity information in, I consider a PC regression (PC, two lags of π t and the CBO gap) estimated on a rolling window of 15 years to allow for time-varying parameters. Note that this PC reg is given a handicap by using the latest CBO gap which may have been substantially revised ex-post -and after observing inflation, the forecasting target. Additionally, an identical PC regression augmented with two lags of oil prices and survey expectations (PC+) is considered to match some of the information set in HNN, and more generally specifications inspired from Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015) . Phillips curve model (CKP) where g t is extracted in a supervised fashion from unemployment by assuming the natural rate of unemployment to follow a random walk. Key coefficients also follow random walks. This approach was reported to have sporadic success in forecasting euro area inflation (Banbura and Bobeica, 2020) and could be seen as the state-of-the-art Bayesian method to forecast inflation based on some form of gap. All those non-NN methods are re-estimated every quarter. I now report the forecasting performance of HNNs for the three targets and look at their forecasts. In Figure 7a , HNN and HNN-F are shown to perform well -when excluding the aberrant 2020 observations. In Figure 7b , we understand that HNN's relative success is due in part to capturing with reasonable accuracy the recent upswing in inflation. Of course, this achievement is counterbalanced (within all of out-of-sample) by overly pessimistic forecasts following the dip of 2020. On the other hand, HNN was not communicated of an unprecedented government-induced economic shutdown, and a careful use of the model would have discarded the downward spike. For the 3 targets, HNN and HNN-F forecasts are very close to one another throughout the outof-sample. Notable exceptions are the 4 recent quarters for CPI(s = 1) and Core CPI(s = 1) where HNN delivers very accurate forecasts and HNN-F performance lives somewhere between that of HNN and PC+. Nonetheless, both models predict π t+1 being above the target range starting from 2021Q1. While a certain potency during 2021 is common to all deep networks, DNN's predictions (unreported), while broadly getting the upward "trend" right, are volatile and are either too high or too low. During the same period, PC+ visibly acts as an autoregression, pushing the forecast upward according to previous positive shocks. Additionally, it wrongly calls for largest immaterial deflation in the aftermath of 2008, which is, in effect, a classic failing of regression models predicting inflation with an output gap. HNN and HNN-F are not completely exempted from this failing for CPI(s = 1) but avoid this predicament CPI(s = 4) and Core CPI(s = 1). One explanation is the rapid closing of HNN's gap, for all three supervising variable (see Figure 9 and its discussion in Section 4.3). The other emerges from Variable Importance results of Section 4.2. Another modern approach is CKP, based on a Bayesian bivariate state-space model of trend inflation and the gap. Its reliance on unemployment appears fatal in two historical episodes. First, its forecasts are consistently too low for most of 2008-2012. Second, its forecasts remain significantly below realizations for all of 2021. The reason for this is self-evident from Figure 5 : de-trended unemployment rate, the forcing variable, is negative for most of 2021. Thereby, if it forces in any direction, it is downward, not upward. Turning to Core CPI, we again see that, leaving out 2020 data, HNNs have the lowest MSEs. It is noteworthy that the extent of the "2020 forecasts demise" is much smaller for core inflation. HNN captures reasonably accurately what is, at least since the 1990s, a rise in Core CPI that is unprecedented in both speed and magnitude. Similarly to headline CPI results, CKP forecasts are again too low. For one-year ahead forecasts, Figures 7e and 7f reveal that HNN and HNN-F provide the best PC-based forecast in the lot, again, when excluding 2020. As mentioned earlier and explored in detail in section 5, this exclusion can alternatively be motivated from an augmented HNN itself recognizing that its forecasts are very likely unreliable. Unlike PC+ in Figure 7f , HNN-F and HNN are not lured into predicting long-lasting disinflation (or even deflation) following the GRbecause HNN-F's gap is closing as fast as that of the benchmark CPI(s = 1) estimation and γ t is moderately small (see Section 4.3). This, however, does not prevent HNNs from displaying the Phillips curve relationship in all its vivacity when needed. While NN-based forecasts are more dispersed for this target, they agree on one thing, an average CPI inflation of 4% from 2020Q4 to 2021Q3 inclusively, which is well above target. In contrast, PC+ calls for a timid 2.5% and CKP expects inflation to be below the target. The closest competitor is the atheoric 10 years mean. While their associated MSEs are relatively close, forecasts differ substantially, with HNN-F channeling information about real activity whereas the rolling mean does what a rolling mean does, i.e., a semi-flat line. Unsurprisingly, yearly results for 2020 and most of 2021 are not great for any real-activity-based forecasts, including HNN. In a similar fashion to what reported in Figure 7b , this is due to HNN and PC regressions not being informed that this is no ordinary recession and that extraordinary governmental programs have been implemented to life support the economy. This limitation has even stronger consequences when forecasting π t:(t+4) since the medium-run dynamic transmission mechanism itself is certainly quite different during the Pandemic than for previous recessions. In other words, due to an imminent structural break, it is not shocking that HNNs or PC regressions are over-pessimistic in the initial and most of the subsequent response of π t:(t+4) the COVID-19 shock. On top of that, one-year ahead inflation is particularly subject to the various pandemic plot twists which can occur within four quarters. Overall, barplots of Figure 7 show improvements ranging from 10% to 25% when excluding (Yellen, 2017) . Thus, all in all, HNNs fare well by providing reliable forecasts that have economic soundness and can predict that π t will exit the target range before it does. Unlike simpler data-poor g t estimates -where the modeler decides which variables matter exante -or data-rich linear ones -where nonlinearities are typically pre-specified (e.g., trend-cycle decomposition) and we can look at the factor model's loadings -that of HNN needs additional computations to understand what it is made of. By construction, g t and E SR t are combinations of thousands of parameters nonlinearly processing many regressors. Consequently, looking at network weights by themselves is inherently meaningless. More productively, I investigate which X t,k ∈ H g seems to matter most by designing a variable importance (VI) exercise very much inspired from what Goulet Coulombe (2020a) studied for "generalized time-varying parameters" in a random forest context -which is itself inspired from traditional variable importance measures for tree ensembles predictions. I focus on groups of variable k, meaning we will evaluate the overall effect of all transformations and lags of variable k (as mentioned in section 2.1, we include 4 lags of each and moving averages of order 2, 4 and 8). The variable importance procedure to evaluate the relevance of variable k to h t,j can be summarized as follows. VI j k , for a variable k ∈ H j , works in three steps. First, we shuffle randomly variable k (and all its attached transformations, i.e., lags and MARXs). Second, we recompute (but do not re-estimate) the component h j (X t ) (using the shuffled data for k and the original data for all other variables). Third, we calculate its distance to the real component estimate h j (X t ). Formally, the standardized VI j k , in terms of % of increase in MSE, is Intuitively, randomizing important variables will push h t,j further from its original estimate than randomizing useless ones. this not the whole story: nonlinear neural processing of HWIx seems essential as reported in the ablation study (Appendix A.2). In Figure 18 (Appendix), we see that, at times, the unemployment rate and HWIx were closely related, like during 1990s and the 2000s. But other times they were not, like the 1970s and in a very striking fashion, right now. Moreover, their acceleration rate can differ in key recession and expansion episodes. By putting its money on some transformation of HWIx , HNN leveraged historical patterns to avoid relying on less potent forcing variables. As we now know, those are directly responsible for the failure of traditional PC forecasts in 2021 ( Figures 5 and 7) . Remaining variables that are marginally more important than the rest are typically related to employment levels in different sections. Third, GDP and associated measures seem unimportant, so is the unemployment rate. The only traditional gap measure making an appearance in VI g 's top 25 is total capacity utilization (TCU), which, interestingly, is also the one among them delivering (after some filtering) the fastest closing of the gap following the great recession in Stock (Binder, 2015; Coibion and Gorodnichenko, 2015; Coibion et al., 2018; Meeks and Monti, 2019) . It also completes the explanation as to why HNN-F forecasts did not call for lasting disinflation following the GR. That is, as suggested by Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015) , proxying expectations using survey expectations rather than, say, lags of the CPI, procures more accurate post-2008 predictions. HNN learned that prior to 2007 by putting a high weight on inf_mich. Nonetheless, VI E SR suggests mixing in expectations from different economic agents and formulated for different horizons seems more appropriate, which is in line with recent results for simpler regression models in Banbura et al. (2021) . There is also a minor role for "backwardlooking expectations" or "inflation persistence" as characterized by the presence of lags of the CPI (Ylag) in the top 4. Lastly, we see the overall producer price index (PPIACO) and the PPI for crude materials for further processing (WPSID62) being marginally more important than the remaining variables. These contribute information about cost-push shocks that producers will eventually pass in part to consumers. These enter the model in second-differences of the log (following the transformation suggested in McCracken and Ng (2020)) and thus represents "acceleration rates". 21 Looking at those time series reveals that the highest acceleration on record (since 1960) was recorded for both variables in the third quarter of 2020. Consequently, the visually obvious spike (that is not necessarily unique to those two series) is arguably what is driving the flash disanchoring of E SR t . 20 In unreported results, a traditional HP-filtered unemployment and the CBO gap were included within H g . The estimate of g t did not budge and the two gaps were excluded from the VI's top 25. In more traditional econometric analysis, Berger et al. (2021) report that the unemployment rate may dilute the cyclical information ones wishes to extract for g t , making alternatives measures attractive for output gap estimation. 21 Longer-run information is not completely discarded for those series as moving average terms (which use is motivated from Goulet Coulombe et al. (2021)'s MARX argument) are in fact partial sums of lags. The deep output gap and associated results from HNN have been learned through supervision with headline inflation. Changing supervisors could alter results. For instance, it has been reported recently and less recently that alternative measures of inflation -typically stripped-down version of the CPI designed to be less volatile -can deliver different results, for instance, about the strength of the PC (Morel et al., 2013; Ball and Mazumder, 2019; Stock and Watson, 2019; Luciani, 2020) . Making a deep dive in the pool of alternatives CPI is left for future work, but investigating trivial alternatives can be informative on the robustness of g t and the mechanics of HNN. In this section, I report g t 's and γ t 's obtained from HNN-F with two alternative supervisors that were introduced in the forecasting experiment (Section 4.1). The first is Core CPI (headline minus food and energy). The second is the average inflation rate over the forthcoming year. Tuning and architecture details remain intact from Section 2.3, except that dropout is turned off for these two less noisy targets. Estimation results reported in Figure 9 are suggestive that there is such a thing as a unique real activity latent state driving future inflation for various horizons. 22 All g t 's follow a clear common pattern, with that of yearly inflation showing larger amplitudes than one quarter ahead π t up to 1990, and that Core CPI being slightly less. All gaps close relatively slowly following the early 2000s recession (with Core CPI's gap closing the slowest of the 3) and all close extremely fast following the GR. They also share a common arc-shaped mildly negative gap from 2011 to the onset of the COVID-19 era. During the pandemic, the general pattern is again common to all three but magnitudes differ substantially, in line with the wide uncertainty of the last two years. For instance, g t obtained from CPI (benchmark) is dissenting from those of CPI Core and YoY CPI by calling for a negative gap in 2021Q2 . The other two g t 's remain (very) positive from the end of 2020, which is the basis for their respective upward forecasts in 2021 reported in Figure 7 . In terms of coefficients (γ t 's), those are typically lower for both alternatives supervisors, and so is their revival in the 2000s, with that of γ Core t being practically non-existent. Credible regions suggest slack's contribution to inflation is similar for the CPI at s = 1 and s = 4. γ Core t 's overall level suggests a slightly lower passthrough from real activity to core inflation. Nevertheless, the main message from the previous section stands still: there is a nonlinear measure of real activity which still impacts inflation greatly and drives current (mostly on-point) forecasts -much more than what one may obtain from a plethora of classical gaps. In Appendix A.3, a more radical departure from the benchmark specification is conducted with the federal fund rate replacing inflation as supervisor. Accordingly, this last gap is extracted from a Taylor rule rather than a PC and will represent the g t the Fed "has in mind". Interestingly, the resulting gap looks more like a traditional filtered one, suggesting there may a gap between the monetary authority's view of economic slack (in line with typical econometric estimates used by economists) and what can rationalize the inflation record. In comparison to trademark AI applications like image recognition and machine translation, the signal-to-noise ratio is low for most economic applications. This means that a predictive algorithm is fallible to an extent where it becomes useful to also predict volatility -i.e., when it is more likely to miss its target by larger margins. Econometricians know that all too well and have proposed a suite of models for conditional heteroscedasticity which have been used extensively in macroeconometrics and financial econometrics, with stochastic volatility (SV) and (G)ARCH being respectively the leading paradigms (Engle, 1982; Jacquier et al., 2002) . In the case of inflation, the unobserved components model with stochastic volatility (UC-SV) has been popular for forecasting purposes (Stock and Watson, 2007) and the time-varying parameter vector autoregression with SV for structural analysis (Primiceri, 2005) . An important roadblock is that those options are not readily implementable without deviating significantly from the highly-optimized software environments that make HNN computations trivial. SV requires Bayesian computations and appears restrictive in the kind of variation it allows for, especially when compared to the conditional mean function. As a result of it being essentially a trend-filtering problem for squared residuals, it is unequipped to detect future volatility spikes in the target series-although it can be adjusted to deal with outliers after the fact Carriero et al. (2021) . Implementing GARCH-like volatility within HNN would be similarly daunting given that the MLE estimation of simple GARCH models is already challenging in itself (Zumbach, 2000; Zivot, 2009) . Approaches alternating the fit of the conditional mean and the conditional variance until convergence -à la iterated weighted least squares -are also highly impractical. First, the DNN residuals within the training sample can easily be reduced to dust (Belkin et al., 2019) , making them an unusable target in a secondary conditional variance regression. Second, it is sometimes difficult to get a single DNN to converge, so alternating between two of them will unlikely deliver. Lastly, the many bells and whistles of gradient descent (like the Adam optimizer) can make a sizable difference. Thus, there is great statistical and computational cost in deviating from the current implementation of HNN or DNNs in general. Would not it be nice if it were possible to merely create an additional volatility hemisphere, and carry HNN estimation practically as is? As it turns out, it is -and only requires changing HNN's loss function. The key insight is that Spady and Stouli (2018)'s simultaneous mean-variance linear regression can be generalized by a HNN with a marginally more sophisticated loss function (Goulet Coulombe, 2022) . For the current application, the least squares problem is replaced by where w m are network weights associated with the mean equation, w v those of the volatility hemisphere. h t,v is the conditional standard deviation of shocks andπ is the conditional mean function with the hemispheric structure laid out in (4). Spady and Stouli (2018)'s implementation requires concentrating out the conditional mean coefficients by leveraging that linear regression coefficients have a closed-form solution given the volatility parameters. This severe limitation to the broad applicability of the method is directly remedied by (8), which can be solved directly by any DNN software after specifying a hemispheric structure. From an optimization point of view, (8) is expected to be well behaved given that, in the linear special case, Spady and Stouli (2018) show the above problem is globally convex. This, of course, does imply that such qualities are directly transferable to the HNN version. Nevertheless, it is suggestive that such an optimization problem should not be considerably harder than what has been considered up to now. The remaining details are those pertaining to the structure of the function h v . To account for both slow changes in the volatility process and rapid changes based on observed data, h v is given a factorized structure similar to the components of HNN-F. More precisely, ) is enforced and h v 2 is given 3 layers of 100 neurons. 23 The restriction on h v 1 is to co-constrain the long-run movements in the volatility level with that of the influence of the 3 non-exogenous components of the conditional mean. Note that all h t 's In the first panel, the dashed line is the beginning of the out-of-sample. In the second, it is the 2% inflation target. The Conditional Volatility plot is limited above at 10 for visibility. Gray bands around the predictions are ±1 h t,v as estimated by HNN. Gray bands around h t,v is the usual 68% credible region obtained from the bootstrap. are estimated simultaneously so this constraint will affect the resulting time-varying coefficients of the conditional mean as well. In unreported results, they are largely unchanged compared to the benchmark HNN-F specification. Thus, h v 1 accounts for variations that random walk SV models could capture while h v 2 deals with abrupt changes that a nonlinear GARCH model with many exogenous regressors could perhaps provide. This last association comes from noting that h v 2 could, at least in theory, create ν 2 t−1 by nonlinearly processing its inputs (whose includes π t−1 ). This observation hints at further developments for sharing parameters across the mean and variance networks, like havingπ as a direct input to h v 2 . These considerations are evidently beyond the scope of this paper and are studied in ongoing work (Goulet Coulombe, 2022) . Figure 10 have a capped y-axis because, as one could expect, the out-of-sample volatility forecast skyrockets following the first 2020 economic shutdown. In accord with most SV estimations, we get a significant decline in the volatility level at "rest" during the Great Moderation. Volatility in the last decade has been comparable to that of non-recession periods of the 1970s. It appears that the most appropriate "classical" specification of the volatility process would be a 2-or 3-state switching process based on observables, combined with a slow-moving component. Conveniently, this augmented HNN-F had learned those patterns nonparametrically using data through 2019Q4. The highest pre-pandemic volatility peaks -the two inflation spirals of the 1970s -are topped by a huge margin for the 2020Q3 and 2020Q4 forecasts. As is clearly visible in the second panel of Figure 10b , HNN-F knows its forecasts are highly uncertain following the unprecedented variations in macroeconomic indicators. In fact, the bands simply reveal that the network, being handed only macroeconomic data and no additional information, sees everything as possible. This is not surprising given how reliant on extrapolations such forecasts are -many inputs exited their usual range with an unprecedented vigor. HNN completely comes back to its senses in 2021Q1 and appears confident in its forecasts, whose ±1 h t,v bands effectively exclude the inflation target. In terms of the quality of point forecasts, those reported in 10a are comparable to those of Figure 7b for the most part. However, while plain HNN-F predictions in Figure 7b are slightly below the late 2021 realizations, the above version including the volatility hemisphere produces well-centered forecasts for the tumultuous period. From an econometric point of view, it appears that this "augmented" HNN can aptly predict the likelihood of its own demise. This is a highly desirable feature. While providing a strikingly erroneous forecast for 2020Q3 in Figure 7b , it communicated its user that, based on historical patterns, this particular forecast is extremely uncertain. This further motivates the exclusion of 2020 observations in the barplots of Figure 7 -and based on estimation set in stone in 2019Q4. Observing the disturbing volatility predictions, a user would look for modeling alternatives such as heuristic forecasts. In Figure 10b , we see a similar (yet much more moderate) pattern for the 2008 recession and its aftermath. That is, forecasts are too low for first two quarters of 2009, but the bands widen in a timely manner to include the realized values. This section is merely a first step in the direction of time-varying uncertainty prediction within a single network. Its purpose is to show that yes, HNN can conveniently and flexibly model inflation volatility while retaining its original advantages. With typical PC regressions often being only mildly supported by the data, there has been a business of proposing augmented PCs. Often times, the newly proposed component is either suggested from formal theory or common sense economic arguments. In both cases, there can be a disconnect between what is in the database and what comes out of the theory, again compromising the proper evaluation of the potency of such augmentations. By adding new hemispheres dedicated to the newcomers, HNN can palliate this problem. Sims and Wu (2019) introduce a four-equation New Keynesian model that skillfully blends the tractability (and the derivation of an explicit Phillips curve) of the canonical 3-equation model (Galí, 2015) and relevance for analyzing the effects of quantitative easing (QE). As a result of incorporating, among other things, financial intermediaries, bonds of different terms, and credit market shocks, their Phillips curve includes two additional variables beyond those of (1): the real market value of the monetary authority's long-term bond portfolio and credit conditions. While the former is rather clearly defined in terms of observed variables, the latter needs to be proxied, and ambiguity reigns as to which financial market variable will adequately proxy for "credit conditions". The HNN solution is now obvious: create a H with a myriad of indicators containing information on the health of credit markets. The expected signs for coefficients, as derived from theory, is that keeping the output gap fixed, favorable credit conditions bring inflation downward, and so does an expanding positive central bank balance sheet. Those signs are obviously those of marginal effects, i.e., when controlling for the output gap. In this section, I augment HNN-F with two additional hemispheres inspired from Sims and Wu (2019)'s model. Then, results regarding the effect of credit conditions are compared to a much simpler model -a PC regression with time-varying parameters that is augmented with oil prices, the reserves of depository institutions (total and non-borrowed), and, most importantly, the Chicago Fed National Financial Conditions Credit Subindex. Figure 11 reports, among other things, the contribution of credit conditions and the Fed expanding balance sheet to π t+1 as estimated from HNN-F. The four original components are largely unchanged, largely because the additional two are of limited relative importance. Figure 12 reports results from augmented PC regressions with time-varying parameters. The NFCI is found to have a negligible impact on π t+1 , whereas the credit index created endogenously by HNN-F from the credit group of variables in FRED-QD (see McCracken and Ng (2020) for the complete list) has an appreciable effect during certain historical episodes. For instance, there is mild upward pressure on prices due to tightening credit conditions before and after the early 1990s recession, as well in running up to the GR. Also, loose credit conditions and an ever-expanding Fed balance sheet are credited for very light (direct, not indirectly through the gap) downward pressure on prices during the mid 2010s. This is, obviously, the direct marginal effect, keeping the gap fixed. In Figure 12 , the HNN credit conditions index shares some peaks and troughs with NFCI-Credit and mostly overall NFCI, but, all in all, they are only mildly correlated. As a result, compared to a more traditional test of the 4-NK model, we get a much larger (and correctly signed 24 ) coefficient for credit conditions in HNN. This is explained by HNN's index being active during certain periods while either NFCI-Credit is essentially flat (from the early 1980s on, excluding the GR) or has the opposite sign (for almost all of the 1970s). Thus, unlike classical methods, HNN finds a mild positive contribution of tightening credit conditions from the mid 1980s until the early 1990s, an era punctuated by the 1987 stock market crash and a general credit slowdown from 1989-1992 (Akhtar et al., 1994) . Additionally, HNN finds easy credit conditions from 1995 until 2005, with the exception of a small peak following the collapse of the Dotcom bubble. Overall, the credit conditions index created by "inflation supervision" is suggestive of a much less persistent behavior and much more action during the Great Moderation than what can be seen from the NFCI-Credit. Finally, the coefficient on credit index is found to be declining exogenously through time starting from 1980s but then experience a revival in the 2010s. However, there is wide uncertainty surrounding the coefficient estimates of the last decade. From a methodological standpoint, the takeaway message is the following. If one chooses the NFCI-Credit, arguably a very legitimate proxy for credit conditions as they enter Sims and Wu (2019)'s PC, literally no empirical support is found for the new model. In contrast, HNN, by constructing a credit index supervised by π t+1 , finds some evidence for the PC as derived by Sims and Wu (2019) . This contribution of credit conditions -albeit light when compared to that of the original four components -is nontrivial. The same cannot be said of the Fed's reserves, which have a limited direct effect on π t+1 . But this could be due to the limited length of the "QE sample". The connectedness of the world economy suggests inflation can be influenced by non-domestic factors, like the vigor of the trading partners' economy. There is cross-sectional and time series evidence on the matter (Borio and Filardo, 2007; Laseen and Sanjani, 2016; Bobeica and Jarociński, 2019) and it is not infrequent to see proxies of international economic or inflation conditions enter PC regressions (Blanchard et al., 2015) . The 2021 inflation experience, with many countries reporting historically high YoY inflation rates simultaneously, does not negate the importance of a global component either. As always, the question is how to properly construct a global measure of slack that may or may not influence US inflation, when controlling for its own gap. To create a global gap (excluding the US), I construct a hemisphere where the inputs are quarterly GDP growth rates from 1970 for OECD members and potential member states, which data is available here. Country aggregations (like G7, to avoid overlap with domestic variables) are excluded, and so are countries which data starts post-1960. 25 Since this specification is not motivated from any tight theory (as it was the case in Section 6.1), I also indulge in adding a Kitchen Sink hemisphere, which, as the name suggests, will include all the variables in FRED-QD that are not already included in our four benchmark hemispheres. This will provide yet another robustness check on the path estimated for key components like g t and E SR t . This can also point, via the VI analysis, to variables that could eventually deserve their own hemispheres in extensions of this work. The resulting specification is referred to as HNN-F-IKS, namely, HNN-F with an international component and a kitchen sink. The international output gap seems to be of limited importance compared to other components -its contribution is typically contained within the -0.5 to 0.5 range and the bands often times includes 0. This statement, of course, does not apply to the Pandemic era where massive swings similar to those of g t are observed. Notable recent episodes are a flash negative contribution circa the GR and a gently negative one in the mid-2010s, corresponding to the missing inflation period. 26 25 Exceptions are made for China and India. China's data is replaced with that available FRED that starts in the mid-1990s (with residual seasonality filtered out with dummies) and the interpolated yearly series of the World Bank is spliced in before that. OECD data is kept for India post-1996 and interpolated yearly data from the World Bank is used prior to that. Transformations mentioned in section 2.1 are carried with the new data. 26 Laseen and Sanjani (2016) also report on the informativeness of external factors for the 2008-2015 period in a In Figure 13 , it is found that g t and E SR t are qualitatively unchanged, but one can notice an overall weakened effect (with respect to Figure 2 ) of both components especially in the 1970s. The major reason for that last observation is arguably the commanding presence of the kitchen sink, which contribution entertain some important highs in the 1970s, as well as three intriguing bumps before the 1990, 2001, and 2008 recessions. Importantly, it is worth remembering that its very inclusion changes the definition of g t and E SR t are per the network structure. Thus, their reported dampening should be taken with a grain of salt. (Stock and Watson, 1989; Estrella and Mishkin, 1998) . Their link to inflation seems thinner (Stock and Watson, 2008) in linear PC regressions but Goulet Coulombe (2020a) finds that their link to inflation appears to be highly nonlinear (using a newly developed random forest approach). HNN also can deal with the necessary nonlinearities. Finally, SPCS20RSA (S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Home Price Index) and ACOGNOx (Manufacturers' New Orders for Consumer Goods Industries) are both leading indicators within their own economic sectors. Overall, there is a clear push from forward-looking variables during the periods that precede economic downturns. This large weight accorded to variables inputting information about future economic outcomes is not surprising, as the latter is directly related to expectations about future marginal costs (and so are unit labor costs 27 , entering at positions 10 and conditional BVAR exercise. However, results from HNN, which dispenses with many assumptions from BVAR and related methods (but comes with some its own, in all fairness), points out this effect to be mild. 27 In fact, in a well-known paper, Galı and Gertler (1999) showed that proxying for marginal costs directly with the labor share gives a significant Phillips curve slope coefficient whereas using some form of output gap does not. However, Mavroeidis et al. (2014) mostly overturn this result by noting few differences between the results of the two 11 in Figure 14 ) -solving forward the NKPC yields that π t is a function of expected future marginal costs. 28 The empirical importance of considering forward-looking expectations about the marginal costs has been highlighted before, mostly from a structural model perspective (Del Negro et al., 2015) . Nonetheless, it is worth remembering that VI results for the kitchen sink are more dispersed than those of Figure 8 It is shown that the HNN framework can be extended in many directions. One is to test more sophisticated Phillips Curve specifications by creating hemispheres for theoretical additions that are not well defined in terms of actual variables. Another is to predict inflation volatility directly within the same model without any significant alteration to the code or computations. From a general econometric standpoint, this work calls into question the quasi-hegemony of filtering methods when it comes to latent states extraction in macroeconomics. In fact, it appears that alternative routes leveraging larger databases, modern machine learning techniques, and cutting-edge computing environments can contribute to economic debates in ways their predecessors could not. different specifications 28 In unreported results, unit labor costs were included in the baseline HNN-F specification, which is a legitimate enterprise in itself if we wish to extract mc t directly rather than g t . The estimates of the gap (or mc t ) did not budge but unit labor costs ranked highly in VI. This suggests that, while unit labor costs carry pertinent information, it was already proxied for by a nonlinear combination of real activity variables already contained in H g . HNN involves many ingredients, like the use of many economic indicators and nonlinear supervised processing. In this section, I conduct a brief inspection of what happens when dispensing with one or the other. Table 2 . Essentially, more fine-grained data on prices and any real activity indicator except for unemployment have been liquidated (with respect to Table 1 ). Unemployment is now in levels and aforementioned transformations (lags and moving averages) are kept. The idea is to have the neural network filter unemployment itself by nonlinearly interacting it with t, analogously to what unsupervised filtering does. In this context, for identification reasons (detrending unemployment and estimating a trending coefficient on it), HNN (not HNN-F) results are reported in Figure 19 and the focus is kept on contributions. Here are key observations from Figure 19 . The contribution of real activity is much smaller in absolute terms throughout the sample than it it is for baseline specifications, highlighting the importance of diversified real activity indicators. The bands include 0 much more often starting from the 2000s, in line with traditional results using filtered unemployment. Speaking of, the extracted h t,g looks much more like filtered unemployment, albeit smaller λ (Hodrick-Prescott smoothing parameter) than what is typically used. Lastly, and rather not unexpectedly, h t,g is negative all Pandemic long (as of 2021Q3) making it rather unequipped to force its inflation forecast upward during the last 3 quarters. All in all, the inclusion of many real indicators in H g seems vital for a more proactive characterization of real activity. This is not an unfamiliar conclusion (Stock and Watson, 2002) . The expectations component is more alike what reported throughout the paper (e.g., Figures 2 and 15 ). This is not surprising given the high importance accorded to survey expectations and lags of the CPI by HNN, as reported by VI calculations in Figure 8b . However, in 19 their nonlinear processing is even more evident: the component is drastically shut down starting from 1990, and only wakes up for one obvious spike during the Great Recession. The contribution, however, excludes the 2021Q2 very noticeable peak, which makes the forecast takes off (Figure 4b ) from the historical mean. Thus, dispensing with the vast number of price series originally included in HNN leads to missing key abrupt changes in the short-run expectations component that go under the radar of traditional aggregated measures. The second ablation study exercise maintain the data-rich environment, but dispense with nonlinearities and supervision (in part). Figure stems from the often reported finding that the first factor extracted from broad macroeconomic panels looks very much like a real activity factor (McCracken and Ng, 2020). Findings are as follows. In Figure 20a , PCA extractions, except for the weighted version, form a cluster throughout. For the period spanning from 2000 to the Pandemic era, that cluster seemingly includes g HNN t . However, during periods of overheating, differences are manifest and no linear method seem to approximate g HNN t . This is true of the 1970s, and also of the current period ( Figure 20b )), with two linear extractions signaling no overheating at all, and two others showing a rather quaint or short-lived one. Weighted PCA Real Activity is mostly far away g HNN t from the pack, suggesting nonlinear processing of important variables (such as the Help-Wanted Index, which trend is clearly visible in Weighted PCA Real Activity) cannot be dispensed with. Nevertheless, this "mildly supervised" PCA extraction is the only one pointing to a widening positive gap in 2021 -as does g HNN t . Differences between PCA extracts and HNN-F's own E SR are very apparent in Figure 20c . For instance, HNN-F's E SR essentially consists in being resting around 0 or having important positive peaks -i.e., there is no important downward pressure from expectations as suggested by either PCA or its weighted version (for instance 2008, or after the 2nd 1980s recession). Obviously, the non-symmetrical behavior of E SR is possible due to nonlinear processing through the network. This behavior is also noticeable in Figure 20d , with PCA and the mildly supervised PCA mostly being indicators of current inflation, whereas E SR does not dip following the flash recession (like prices themselves), but exhibit an abrupt peak a few quarters later. Thus, nonparametric nonlinear processing seems to be vital in extracting E SR from price and expectations data that is actually forward-looking. Overall, results from the Ablation studies suggest that both using vast amounts of data and nonlinear supervised processing of it are essential to obtain the desirable g t and E SR delivered by HNN-F. This section explores a curiosity which can be understood as a more radical change of supervisors than what reported in Section 4.3. From an econometric point of view, it showcases yet one of the many potential applications of HNN beyond inflation and Phillips curves. Inflation is retired in favor of the federal funds rate and the supervision relationship becomes an empirical Taylor rule. That is, we are extracting the contribution of the gap and inflation to the monetary policy instrument values. An interesting economic question is whether h FFR t,g looks remotely like h CPI t,g . In other words, does the "fed view" of the gap -assuming the Taylor rule is a valid approximation to its behavior -coincides with what the inflation record suggests? There are two important changes with respect to the baseline specification. First, π t+1 is replaced by the federal fund rate next period (r t+1 ). Second, the energy/commodities group is re-placed by the "Smoothing" group which includes lags of r t+1 . This inclusion is typical of empirical Taylor rules and statistically accommodates for the fact that the monetary authority avoids drastic changes in r t . In Figure 21 , h FFR t,g looks much more like what one would obtain from traditional filtering-based gap except for the Pandemic episode. First, there is a certain persistence to it that is characteristic of specification assuming autoregressive laws of motion. Second, albeit remaining cyclical, the contribution is mostly negative starting from the 2000s, whereas it was roughly symmetrical around 0 beforehand -which is reminiscent of many unemployment-related measures of slack (Stock and Watson, 2019) . Third, it mostly exhibits a slow climb back to 0 starting from 2008, like one would obtain from, e.g., the CBO gap. There are 3 episodes where predictions (unreported) from this model can be off for a few quarters. First, the two ZLB episodes, where this Taylor rule prescribes interest rates going below zero-not inconsistent with the deployment of quantitative easing following the GR and during the Pandemic period. Interestingly, the third episode is right now, with h FFR t,g asking for much higher rates than those currently in effect. In other words, if the Fed was consistent with how it responded to slack/overheating (as extracted by HNN-F) during the last decades, rates should be higher than they are right now. Two grains of salt on this statement are that (i) the Fed changed its approach to inflation targeting in 2020, and (ii) Pandemic era slack is different from previous recessions slack (like the distributive aspects of it) and addressing it more upfront will have different (likely higher) costs on other dimensions of economic well-being. A formalization of this view is that, in times of sectoral (or structural) reallocation, the divine coincidence is broken, leading to an "optimal" level of inflation that is above the target (Guerrieri et al., 2021) . However, an important drawback of deviating from the HNN-based Taylor Rule is the risk of disanchoring expectationswhich for now appears mild since economic agents can allegedly differentiate between what one should expect from normal and Pandemic economic times. The evident wedge between h FFR t,g and h CPI t,g reported throughout the paper hints that there may be a gap between the monetary authority's view of economic slack and what matches the inflation record. Nonetheless, this application is meant as illustrative about HNN versatility, and to understand further how supervision affect g t . A comprehensive assessment of "neural Taylor rules" is material for future work. 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Inflation dynamics and the new keynesian phillips curve: an identification robust econometric analysis Time series analysis by state space methods Double trouble in double descent: Bias and variance (s) in the lazy regime Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity with estimates of the variance of united kingdom inflation Predicting us recessions: Financial variables as leading indicators Deep neural networks for estimation and inference Forecasting inflation Low inflation bends the phillips curve around the world The elements of statistical learning Greedy function approximation: a gradient boosting machine The role of expectations and output in the inflation process: an empirical assessment Inflation fears and the biden stimulus: look to the korean war, not vietnam. Petersen Institute for International Economics Monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle: an introduction to the new Keynesian framework and its applications Has the us wage phillips curve flattened? a semi-structural exploration Inflation dynamics: A structural econometric analysis Deep learning What may happen when central banks wake up to more persistent inflation The macroeconomy as a random forest Time-varying parameters as ridge regressions To bag is to prune One network to estimate them all: Simultaneous conditional mean and variance deep learning How is machine learning useful for macroeconomic forecasting? Macroeconomic data transformations matter The us new keynesian phillips curve: an empirical assessment Do the hodrick-prescott and baxter-king filters provide a good approximation of business cycles? Monetary policy in times of structural reallocation Why you should never use the hodrick-prescott filter Forecasting, structural time series models and the kalman filter A model of the fed's view on inflation Surprises in high-dimensional ridgeless least squares interpolation Generalized additive models Real-time inflation forecasting using non-linear dimension reduction techniques The slope of the phillips curve: evidence from us states Model-based boosting 2.0 Bayesian analysis of stochastic volatility models An inflation-predicting measure of the output gap in the euro area Intuitive and reliable estimates of the output gap from a beveridge-nelson filter Measuring potential output within a state-space framework Artificial neural networks: An econometric perspective. Econometric reviews Simple and scalable predictive uncertainty estimation using deep ensembles Did the global financial crisis break the US Phillips Curve? International Monetary Fund How to estimate a var after Temporal fusion transformers for interpretable multi-horizon time series forecasting Resolving the missing deflation puzzle Common and idiosyncratic inflation Gmm estimation of the new phillips curve A linear benchmark for forecasting GDP growth and inflation Empirical evidence on inflation expectations in the new keynesian phillips curve Fred-qd: A quarterly database for macroeconomic research Building Neural Network Models for Time Series: A Statistical Approach Heterogeneous beliefs and the phillips curve The common component of cpi: An alternative measure of underlying inflation for canada Neural network versus econometric models in forecasting inflation Inflation forecasting using a neural network Dropout as a structured shrinkage prior Weighted bayesian bootstrap for scalable posterior distributions Simplifying neural networks by soft weight-sharing Inflation dynamics: the role of expectations Creating powerful and interpretable models with regression networks The unreliability of output-gap estimates in real time Predicting inflation with neural networks Neural Networks in Economics The relation between unemployment and the rate of change of money wage rates in the united kingdom When is growth at risk? Time varying structural vector autoregressions and monetary policy Reliable real-time output gap estimates based on a modified hamilton filter Early stopping and non-parametric regression: an optimal data-dependent stopping rule New keynesian economics and the phillips curve The bayesian bootstrap. The annals of statistics Assessing nominal income rules for monetary policy with model and data uncertainty Semi-structured deep distributional regression: Combining structured additive models and deep learning Deepar: Probabilistic forecasting with autoregressive recurrent networks Recent advances in the measurement error literature Real-time forecasting with a (standard) mixed-frequency var during a pandemic Financial time series forecasting with deep learning: A systematic literature review The four equation new keynesian model Macroeconomic indicator forecasting with deep neural networks. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Working Paper Simultaneous mean-variance regression New indexes of coincident and leading economic indicators Forecasting inflation Macroeconomic forecasting using diffusion indexes Why has us inflation become harder to forecast Phillips curve inflation forecasts Slack and cyclically sensitive inflation A model selection approach to real-time macroeconomic forecasting using linear models and artificial neural networks Bayesian and empirical bayesian forests Modeling multivariate time series in economics: From auto-regressions to recurrent neural networks Deep factors for forecasting What does monetary policy do to long-term interest rates at the zero lower bound? Macroeconomic research after the crisis: a speech at\" the elusive'great'recovery: Causes and implications for future business cycle dynamics\" 60th annual economic conference sponsored by the federal reserve bank of boston Inflation, uncertainty, and monetary policy Practical issues in the analysis of univariate garch models The pitfalls in fitting garch (1, 1) processes BUSLOANSx