key: cord-0335019-8ylqt8uq authors: Zhao, Sijia; Brown, Christopher A.; Holt, Lori L.; Dick, Frederic title: Robust and efficient online auditory psychophysics date: 2022-04-10 journal: bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2021.07.17.452796 sha: fa48755ced8912ffbc1f9307ae8c0b0304c4fb26 doc_id: 335019 cord_uid: 8ylqt8uq Most human auditory psychophysics research has historically been conducted in carefully controlled environments with calibrated audio-equipment, and over potentially hours of repetitive testing with expert listeners. Here, we operationally define such conditions as having high ‘auditory hygiene’. Hereof, conducting auditory psychophysical paradigms online presents a serious challenge, in that results may hinge on absolute sound presentation level, reliably estimated perceptual thresholds, and sustained motivation and attention. We introduce a set of procedures that address these challenges and facilitate auditory hygiene for online auditory psychophysics. First, we establish a simple means of setting sound presentation levels. Across a set of four level-setting conditions conducted in person, we demonstrate the stability and robustness of this amplitude setting procedure in open air and controlled settings. Second, we test participants’ tone-in-noise thresholds using widely adopted online experiment platforms and demonstrate that reliable threshold estimates can be derived online in approximately one minute of testing. Third, using these amplitude and threshold setting procedures to establish participant-specific stimulus conditions, we show that an online implementation of the classic probe-signal paradigm can be used to demonstrate frequency-selective attention on an individual participant basis, using a third of the trials used in recent in-lab experiments. Finally, we show how threshold and attentional measures relate to well-validated assays of online participants’ in-task motivation, fatigue, and confidence. This demonstrates the promise of online auditory psychophysics for asking new auditory neuroscience questions quickly, efficiently, and with more diverse samples. Code for the tests is publicly available through Pavlovia and Gorilla. Test implementations of the amplitude setting (Expt 1) are available in JavaScript Much of what we know about the function of the auditory system is due to a half-century of auditory psychophysical behavioral paradigms in human listeners. Auditory psychophysics tends to rely on strongly sound-attenuated environments, finely calibrated equipment, and small numbers of expert or highly trained listeners who are motivated and compliant with task demands. This high level of what we term 'auditory hygiene' is important: seemingly minute differences in stimulus delivery and timing, background noise levels, or participant engagement during attention-demanding paradigms for measuring perceptual thresholds can dramatically affect experimental results (D. M. Green, 1995; Manning, Jones, Dekker, & Pellicano, 2018; Rinderknecht, Ranzani, Popp, Lambercy, & Gassert, 2018) . The COVID pandemic taught us the utility of online testing and challenged how we maintain auditory hygiene when lab facilities are inaccessible; the need to include more diverse and representative participant samples has also driven a move toward more inclusive experimental environments (Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan, 2010; Rad, Martingano, & Ginges, 2018) particularly using online experimentation services (Anwyl-Irvine, Massonnié, Flitton, Kirkham, & Evershed, 2020; Buhrmester, Kwang, & Gosling, 2011; Peirce et al., 2019, p. 2; Sauter, Draschkow, & Mack, 2020) . As highlighted by a recent report by the ASA Task Force on Remote Testing ( human auditory researchers have created a number of methods to maintain high standards using out-oflaboratory testing. For instance, several groups have created tests for ensuring participants are using headphones rather than speakers (Milne et al., 2020; Woods, Siegel, Traer, & McDermott, 2017) , and that they are engaging with the experimental task, rather than haphazardly pressing buttons (Bianco, Mills, de Kerangal, Rosen, & Chait, 2021; Mok et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2019) . Such innovations notwithstanding, uncontrolled online experimental situations are particularly challenging for auditory paradigms that deliver stimuli within a range of sound pressure levels, or that require sustained vigilance to respond consistently to an ever more difficult-to-perceive target sound. Control of the range of sound pressure levels is important for ensuring participants' wellbeing, making sure they are not exposing themselves to overly loud sounds. Sound pressure level is also important because neuronal responses from the cochlea to cortex are known to differ as a function of overall level. For instance, subpopulations of auditory nerve fibers differing in spontaneous firing rates respond at different acoustic stimulation levels (Horst, McGee, & Walsh, 2018; Taberner & Liberman, 2005) . Across the peripheral and central auditory systems, single neuronal responses tend to be level-dependent, with frequency selectivity typically broadening with increasing sound amplitude levels (Bizley, Nodal, Nelken, & King, 2005; Schreiner, Read, & Sutter, 2000) . Behaviorally derived auditory filter widths have also been shown to be level-dependent (Glasberg & Moore, 2000; Pick, 1980) . This is particularly important for experiments that aim to compare perceptual versus attentional auditory filters, such as in the classic 'probe-signal' paradigm presented below (Anandan, Husain, & Seluakumaran, 2021; Borra, Versnel, Kemner, van Opstal, & van Ee, 2013; Botte, 1995; Dai, Scharf, & Buus, 1991; Dai et al., 1991; T. J. Green & McKeown, 2001; Greenberg & Larkin, 1968 , 1968 Macmillan & Schwartz, 1975; Moore, Hafter, & Glasberg, 1996; Scharf, Quigley, Aoki, Peachey, & Reeves, 1987; Scharf et al., 1987; Tan, Robertson, & Hammond, 2008) . Many auditory experiments, including the probe-signal paradigm, typically ask listeners to perceive stimuli at or near their perceptual thresholds for hearing out a stimulus in quiet or in a masking noise or background. These thresholds can differ considerably across individuals, so often experimental sessions will begin by running adaptive psychophysical paradigms to estimate the individual's relevant perceptual thresholds. Obtaining reliable auditory psychophysical thresholds can be challenging, even in laboratory conditions with experienced and motivated adult listeners. For example, quiet thresholds have been shown to be affected by the duration of time spent in a 'quiet' environment (Bryan, Parbrook, & Tempest, 1965; Steed & Martin, 1973) such as an audiometric booth. Even supra-threshold detection tasks performed by experienced listeners can be affected by presentation level (Williams, Elfner, & Howse, 1978) . Determining reliable psychoacoustical thresholds may be especially hard with inexperienced listeners (Kopiez & Platz, 2009) or in the presence of distracting events (Ruggles, Bharadwaj, & Shinn-Cunningham, 2011) typical of a home environment. Especially for online studies where participants are in their home environments, reduced levels of engagement and vigilance due to listeners' motivation, fatigue, and confidence can inject additional noise and bias (general discussion in Elfadaly et al., 2020) . This is particularly true when paradigms required to set perceptual levels for the actual experiments of interest are themselves potentially tedious and unrewarding (reviewed in Jones, 2019) . Multiple long thresholding tracks also add considerable expense to online experiments, which tend to rely on shorter experimental sessions with larger numbers of participants to compensate for participant variability. A number of investigators have optimized psychophysics techniques for measuring perceptual thresholds in different populations. For instance, Dillon et al. (Dillon, Beach, Seymour, Carter, & Golding, 2016) used Monte Carlo simulations to create an efficient adaptive algorithm for telephone-based speech-in-noise threshold measurement. Others have designed 'participant-friendly' procedures for pediatric psychoacoustics testing (for example, Halliday, Tuomainen, & Rosen, 2017 ) that manipulate different stepping rules, for instance changing reversal rules once a first error has been made (Baker & Rosen, 2001) . Nonetheless, lapses in attentive listening in repetitive and challenging tasks like the staircase threshold setting procedures described above can dramatically impact experimental results. Thus, concern that anonymous, online participants may be less motivated to perform to the best of their abilities, as compared to more traditional in-person expert listeners has contributed to reticence in moving auditory investigation online. In a set of three experiments, we address the challenges of sound level setting, psychophysical threshold estimation, and participant motivation, engagement and vigilance in online auditory psychophysics experiments. To this end, we test new online versions of level setting and threshold-in-noise paradigms, as well as a short-duration online version of the aforementioned probe-signal paradigm. We also evaluate whether results are potentially modulated by participants' motivation and fatigue levels. In Experiment 1, we assess a method for controlling the range of experimental stimulus amplitude levels (within ± 10 dBA SPL) in online testing conducted in uncontrolled environments. To do this, we have participants act as a 'self-calibrated audiometer' by listening to a white or pink noise stimulus with a particular root-mean-square (RMS) voltage amplitude (RMSv), then adjusting the volume setting on their own computer to a justdetectable threshold 1 . To assess the validity of this approach, participants take part in the online amplitude setting task in uncontrolled and several laboratory environments. In Experiment 2, we incorporate the amplitude setting paradigm introduced in Experiment 1, then ask whether small adjustments to standard thresholding procedures for a classic psychophysical task (tone detection in white noise) will permit fast (2-3 minute) and reliable estimation of thresholds among participants recruited and tested online. Specifically, we evaluate three factors. One, we test the reliability of estimates over three short (40-trial) staircase-based thresholding tracks. Two, we examine whether a simple estimator of psychophysical threshold -the statistical mode of levels across a thresholding track (e.g., the most frequently visited level) -is as robust or more robust at estimating threshold as traditional estimators based on staircase reversals. Three, we determine whether and how online psychophysical thresholds are related to established assays of participant fatigue, apathy, and task confidence. In Experiment 3, we use the online tone-in-noise thresholding procedure from Experiment 2 to set participants thresholds for a new online version of the probe-signal paradigm (Botte, 1995; Dai et al., 1991; Greenberg & Larkin, 1968; Moore et al., 1996; Scharf et al., 1987) . After completing the online threshold-setting procedure of Experiment 2, the same online participants heard continuous noise in which an above-threshold tone was followed by two listening intervals. Participants reported the interval in which a near-threshold tone was embedded in the noise, with the tone frequency matching the cue on 75% of trials and mismatching the cue at one of four other frequencies on 25% of the trials. We sought to determine whether patterns of frequency-selective attention: 1) can be replicated in uncontrolled online testing environments with naive listeners; 2) are evident in the short testing sessions necessitated by online testing; 3) change and develop over testing trials; and 4) are related to established assays of participant fatigue, apathy, and task confidence. We provide code for each of these approaches to facilitate improved 'auditory hygiene' in online experiments, and to demonstrate the possibilities for asking new questions in auditory science with classic, yet challenging, online psychophysical paradigms. Our goal is to test and validate procedures for good 'auditory hygiene' in less controlled environments so that online studies can be as rigorous as (and directly compared to) in-lab studies. In the four conditions of Experiment 1a-d (see Table 1 ), we ask whether we can control the range of experimental stimulus amplitude levels in online testing conducted in different environments. Our approach involves playing a reference white or pink noise segment and having young adult online participants with healthy hearing adjust the volume setting on the computer to just-detectable levels. Rather like the "biological check" employed daily to confirm (though not adjust) level calibration in most audiology clinics, this procedure allows for each participant to use their normal hearing thresholds to adjust for their unique testing equipment and acoustic environment. The RMSv amplitude of the white noise stimulus used for setting this detection threshold is then used as a reference value for setting the amplitude of subsequent experimental stimuli during the same session. In Experiment (henceforth Expt) conditions 1a and 1b, we tested different members of the general public outdoors using a pulsed band-passed white noise; given the level of distraction and background sound, these experiments provide initial real-world tests of the level setting paradigm. In condition 1c, we tested a group of Carnegie Mellon University affiliates to assess the reliability of the level setting paradigm over different listening conditions by having the same participants complete the task outdoors and in an anechoic chamber. Finally, in condition 1d, we tested another group of Carnegie Mellon University affiliates with bandpass-filtered white and pink noise to ask how level setting might be affected by spectral shape; to assess consistency across headphones, the same participants were also tested with white noise only using two different headphones as well as a popular brand of earbuds. Because the SPL of the stimulus at the lowest volume settings was below this noise floor, the white noise stimulus was digitally increased in amplitude by 10 and 20 dB, and SPL values were then recorded at all volume settings for these two more intense stimuli, as well as for the original stimulus used during testing. The SPL-Volume setting functions generated using the more intense stimuli were then used to extrapolate the same function from the quieter stimulus below the noise floor (See Figure 1 ). Volume setting adjustments were determined to be linear on the MacBook Pro used in the amplitude setting experiment, e.g., a given increment in volume setting generated a relatively consistent change in dBA SPL at both high and low overall levels. This result gave us confidence that we could extrapolate downward to and below the noise floor. The results of this acoustic analysis indicated that the highest volume setting (100%) produced a stimulus presentation level of 55 dBA SPL, and the lowest (6%) corresponded to 19.3 dBA SPL. Figure 1 shows dBA SPL values for the band-passed white noise stimulus at various levels (original level used during testing, and +10 and +20 dB) at each volume setting. In order to deliver sound levels near detection threshold via standard laptops and headphones, the RMSv of the white noise audio file needed to be very low (0.00039), raising the possibility that the signal would be distorted due to low bit depth, and would also fall below the noise floor of the sound card. To test this, we digitally recorded the headphone jack output of a MacBook Pro as well as an older Asus Windows laptop, and compared the power spectrum of line noise alone to that of the white noise stimulus at the laptop volume settings corresponding to the range of participants' reported thresholds (See Supplemental Materials and Figure S1 for full details). Power across stimulated frequencies was consistently above noise floor for all volume settings reported as white noise thresholds (from ~+5dB to +~14dB for MacBookPro volume setting 18 to 44%), did not change appreciably in spectral shape, and floor noise levels are consistent across volume settings. We also tested the pink noise thresholding stimulus with same RMS as the white noise (used in Expt 1d below); as would be expected, at lower frequencies (< ~1 kHz) there was a greater difference in power between the pink noise stimulus and noise floor than with the white noise (see Supplemental Materials). For all experimental conditions, sounds were presented with the (Peirce et Participants set their "just detectable" levels, an estimate of the audibility threshold, by choosing volume settings that were between 19 -50%, a range that corresponds to 22.3 -35.6 dBA SPL, with a mean dBA SPL setting of 29.43 (standard deviation (SD) 3.95, Figure 2A ). Participants' white noise perceptual thresholds were somewhat broader than in Expt 1a. Volume settings were between 19 and 76%, a range corresponding to 22.3 -45.0 dBA SPL, and a mean dBA SPL of 33.05 (SD 5.62, Figure 2B ). As with the previous experiments, participants' white noise detection thresholds were converted from the MacBook Pro percent volume setting to dB SPL using the data and extrapolation shown in Figure Figure 2C shows that participants' noise detection thresholds in anechoic and outdoor conditions were highly correlated (Pearson r = 0.82, p < 0.001, verified using nonparametric Spearman rho = 0.70, p < 0.001). There was a modest average increase of 4.66 dBA SPL in the threshold values from anechoic to outdoor settings ( Figure 2D ). This mean increase in threshold seems reasonable despite the relatively large difference in ambient noise levels (31 dBA SPL indoors, and 57 dBA SPL outdoors). An inspection of the relative power spectral densities (see Supplementary Materials Figure S2 ) shows that while there are large differences at low frequencies, those differences are smaller near the upper end of the frequency band of the test stimulus (indicated by the shaded area). It may also be that the outdoor noise sources are relatively localizable, and thus more easily segregated from the stimulus during testing. Because participant age can interact with both pure-tone hearing thresholds as well as listening in noise, we assessed the potential effects of age on estimated thresholds in outdoor settings by combining data from Expts 1b and 1c ( Figure 3A ). Using a regression analysis including age in years as well as cohort (participants in Expt 1b or Expt 1c), the overall model was significant (ANOVA, F(2,45) = 4.87, p < 0.0121), with no significant effect of cohort (t = 1.60, p = 0.12), and a significant moderate effect of age (t = 2.84, p = 0.0067, slope estimate 0.204). There were two people who had relatively high thresholds (45 dBA SPL); one participant (age 40) mentioned they occasionally wore hearing aids. Across Expts 1a-1c (N=72 total participants tested outdoors, Figure 3B ), the median noise (Park, Yoo, Baek, Kim, & Cho, 2016) ; this assumes that assessment of auditory thresholds with different pure tone frequencies and 80 Hz -8000 Hz bandpass-filtered white noise are comparable, an assumption with limited evidence, to our knowledge (Carrat, Thillier, & Durivault, 1975) . We first compared levels set using white and pink noise while participants wore the Beyer Dynamics D-150 headphones in quiet conditions. Participants' white noise thresholds ranged between 25-44% volume setting (25.4-32.6 dBA SPL) and were very highly correlated with their pink noise thresholds (Spearman's rho = 0.83, p < 0.0001, see Figure 4A ). There was a significant offset, where levels set with pink noise were on average one volume increment higher compared to white noise (Wilcoxon signed-rank, S=100, p < 0.0001), corresponding to a ~2dB difference. Next, we compared white noise thresholds set when using the Beyer Dynamics D-150 versus the Sennheiser HD206 and Apple AirPods. Thresholds set with the Beyer Dynamics D-150 were significantly correlated with those set with the Sennheisers (Spearman's rho = 0.65, p = 0.0021; Figure 4B ), and with the AirPods (Spearman's rho = 0.69, p = 0.0008; Figure 4C ). Threshold volume settings were on average reliably but just slightly (0.75 volume control increments) higher with the Beyer Dynamics (mean = 33.2%) than with the Sennheisers (mean = 28.5%, Wilcoxon signed-rank, S=82.5, p < 0.001). By comparison, threshold volume settings were an average of 3.05 higher with the AirPods (mean volume setting = 52%, Wilcoxon signed-rank, S=105, p < 0.0001). As would be expected given the relatively young (18-37-year-old) cohort in this condition, there were no significant correlations between age and amplitude setting threshold (all p > 0.1). AirPods (x-axis). In sum, Expt 1 establishes the feasibility of having participants act as their own reference for setting sound levels, even under worst-case listening conditions in public outdoor spaces. Although the approach is quite a departure from the high level of control typical of laboratory studies, it presents a practical alternative for online auditory psychophysical paradigms in which stimulus amplitude must fall within a constrained range of audibility. Experiment 2 makes use of the noise detection threshold setting procedure, validated in Expt 1, to set stimulus levels for a classic psychophysical task --tone detection in noise -among online participants. We first ask if reliable, well-behaved psychophysical threshold tracks can be obtained online. Second, we examine whether small adjustments to traditional threshold-setting procedures might permit fast (1-3 minutes) and reliable threshold estimates online. Given the risk of reduced participant vigilance and attentiveness during online studies, minimizing the amount of time devoted to establishing a psychophysical threshold is particularly important. Thus, the first goal of Expt 2 is to investigate the minimum number of trials needed to derive a reliable threshold estimate. Modern online testing platforms also make the study of human psychophysics available to a wide cross-section of would-be researchers, including students and other non-experts. In this light, another goal of Expt 2 is to determine whether the standard method of estimating a threshold --the mean across a set number of reversals --can be simplified while still upholding high psychophysical standards. We examine whether a simple estimate of the mode across all levels encountered in the staircase procedure is as robust or more robust at estimating threshold as traditional estimators based on staircase reversals. This adds to previous efforts to optimize the efficiency and precision of auditory threshold setting techniques (e.g., Dillon et al., 2016; Gallun et al., 2018; Grassi & Soranzo, 2009) . A third goal of Expt 2 is to ask whether individual differences in threshold levels might be influenced by online participants' arousal, engagement, or fatigue (Bianco et al., 2021; Libera & Chelazzi, 2006; Shen & Chun, 2011) . To this end, we surveyed these characteristics at multiple timepoints during the threshold setting procedures. Participants were selected from a large pool of individuals from across the world. The experiment was implemented using PsychoPy v2021. minimize the variance in latency caused by differences among browsers and devices. Operating system was not restricted. Before the start of the online experiment, participants were explicitly reminded to turn off computer notifications. Participants first followed the amplitude setting procedure described for Expt 1. As described above, this brief (<2 min including form-filling) procedure had participants adjust the volume setting on their computer so that the stimulus was just detectable, thereby serving as their own level reference. After that, we screened for compliance in wearing headphones using the dichotic Huggins shifted 180° over a narrow frequency band centered at 600 Hz (±6%), was presented to the right ear to create a Huggins Pitch percept (Chait, Poeppel, & Simon, 2006; Yost & Watson, 1987) . Participants were instructed that they would hear three noises separated by silent gaps and that their task was to decide which noise contained a faint tone. Perfect accuracy across six trials was required to begin the main experiment. Participants were given two attempts to pass the headphone check before the experiment was terminated. The procedure took approximately 3 minutes to complete. To get an overall idea of attrition, we counted how many participants returned the test on Two simple acoustic signals comprised the stimuli for the adaptive threshold setting procedure. A 250-ms, 1000-Hz pure tone with 10-ms cosine amplitude onset/offset ramps was generated at a sampling rate of 44.1kHz (16-bit precision) in the FLAC format using the Sound eXchange (SoX, sound processing software. This tone served as the target for detection in the threshold setting procedure. A 300-sec duration white noise with 200-ms cosine on/off ramps served as a masker; this was generated using the same procedure as described for Expt 1, except that it was adjusted in intensity to 0.0402 RMSv rather than 0.000399 RMS as in the amplitude setting The noise masker was continuous, with onset commencing as soon as participants began the threshold procedure and looping through the end of the experiment. At the end of each five-minute loop, there was a slight 'hiccup' as the noise file reloaded which occurred at different times for each participant, as several the experimental parts were self-paced. Simultaneous presentation of a long masking sound -or indeed any long continuous soundis challenging for experimental drivers, particularly online. However, transient noise onsets and offsets -for instance, starting and stopping the noise mask for each trial -can have surprisingly large effects on perception (e.g., Dai et al., 1991; Franosch et al., 2003) . The staircase threshold procedure followed the headphone check. The threshold procedure trial design is shown in Figure 5 . Each trial was a three-interval forced choice: the 1000-Hz signal tone could appear during any one of the three 250-ms intervals (250-ms ISI) with equal probability. The intervals were labelled with the digits '1', '2' and '3' displayed visually at the center of a screen and participants responded using their computer keyboard by pressing the number corresponding to the interval in which they heard the signal. All symbols and instructions were presented as black text on a white background. The intensity level of the signal relative to noise that was required to produce 79.4% correct detection was determined using an adaptive 'three-down, one-up' staircase procedure (Levitt, 1971 ). The procedure started at a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of -13.8 dB (calculated as dB difference in RMS between the background white noise and pure tone). Each track began with an initial descent to approximate threshold, with every correct response leading to a decrease in signal intensity by 1.5 dB with the decrement reducing to 0.75 dB once the level fell below -22.75 dB SNR or after the first incorrect response. At this juncture, the threedown, one-up staircase procedure started. (1, 2, or 3) contained the signal, a 250 ms, 1 kHz pure tone. As practice before the first of three adaptive threshold staircase tracks, participants completed six trials with the signal presented at -13.8 dB SNR (i.e., the easiest level) and with performance feedback provided ("correct" or "wrong" shown for 1 sec on-screen after each response). The average performance of this practice block was 92.78% correct (SD = 13.85%) with 41 out of 60 participants (68%) making no mistakes. Each of the subsequent three adaptive staircase threshold tracks consisted of 40 trials. Tracks were completed consecutively, with the opportunity for a short break between tracks. However, most participants did not take a break (mean break duration = 9.03 s, SD = 11.68 s). To keep participants engaged throughout the procedure, progress was shown on the top left of the screen ("Progress: x/40", where x is the index of the current trial To measure lack of motivation (apathy), we presented the Apathy Motivation Index (AMI) questionnaire before the experiment. This 18-question survey is subdivided into three apathy subscales: emotional, behavioral and social apathy ( First, we asked whether we could obtain good-quality and stable tone-in-noise thresholds online. As an initial qualitative approach, we examined the three 40-trial tracks for each participant. We found that they were generally well-behaved in terms of reaching a stable plateau with multiple reversals after the initial descent to the first error. (All threshold tracks are available at To estimate threshold distribution and reliability across tracks, we calculated the mean and range of thresholds for each participant, based on the last six reversals for each of the three tracks unless that track had fewer than six reversals. (Mean reversals across tracks was 7.8. Sixteen participants had one track with fewer than 6 reversals: 2 tracks with 3 reversals, 1 track with 4 reversals, 13 tracks with 5 reversals). The mean SNR threshold was -19.54 (SD = 1.39), with the distribution of mean thresholds slightly skewed toward lower SNR levels (see Figure 6A ). The mean range of estimated thresholds across the three tracks was 1.71 dB (see Figure 6B ); with a 10 th and 90 th percentile range of 0 We compared four different methods of deriving a threshold from psychophysical data collected in the 3-down/1-up adaptive staircase procedure. The goals were: 1) to determine whether reliable threshold estimates could be obtained using fewer trials; 2) to examine whether the statistical mode is a viable alternative to the standard approach (the mean across a predetermined number of reversals). One approach to establishing a threshold is to average values at the last six reversals in each of three tracks, and to compute a grand mean threshold for each participant from these three-track means (green violin in Figure 6C ). Another is to estimate a threshold from the psychometric function reconstructed from all 120 trials using maximum likelihood procedures carried out in the psignifit toolbox in MATLAB (Schütt, Harmeling, Macke, & Wichmann, 2016; pink violin plot in Figure 6C ). We also calculated the statistical mode for all 40 trials in each of the three tracks per participant, and generated a grand mean from these three modal values for each participant (orange violin in Figure 6C ). The rationale for using the mode is that it can be thought of as a measure of the 'dwell time', e.g., how long a participant spends at a particular level in the adaptive staircase procedure. Finally, we computed the mode from the first 20 trials in each participant's first track in order to assess the goodness of a modebased threshold estimate from a single short track (purple violin in Figure 6C ). On average, the number of reversals when the 20 th trial was reached in the first track was 3.5 (SD = 1.0). We compared these four metrics using a Bayesian repeated measures ANOVA in JASP (JASP Team, 2020; Morey and Rouder, 2015; Rouder et al., 2012) , which revealed a very low Bayes factor compared to the null hypothesis (BF 10 = 0.592), as would be expected given the ≤ 0.2 dB SNR mean difference between any of the four metrics. This suggests that there is little, if any, significant bias in using either modal measure versus the more standard approaches. However, a potentially more consequential difference between obtaining a single 20-trial threshold track estimate versus using the three-track 40-trial 6-reversal-based estimate would be unacceptably high variability in the former case. To quantify the degree of variability associated with the number of trials used to calculated the threshold, we compared the distributions of differences between the 3-track grand average and singletrack thresholds calculated using the mode of 1) the first 20 trials; 2) or 30 trials; 3) all 40 trials; or 4) the mean of last six reversals. Each participant contributed 3 difference scores (one per track) to each distribution. Figure 7 shows the range of deviation from the goldstandard that is observed when using mode-based estimation. As would be expected, dispersion decreases as more trials are used to calculate the threshold. Fig 7a), 30 (Fig 7b) , and all 40 trials (Fig 7c) We also assessed the adequacy of single-track mode-based threshold estimates using the initial 20, 30, or all 40 trials. To do so, we examined the correlation of each mode-based threshold with the 3-track threshold across participants, and then statistically compared the difference in correlations. As tested using the r package cocor using the Hittner et al. and Zou tests (Diedenhofen & Musch, 2015; Hittner, May, & Silver, 2003; Zou, 2007) , the fit between the gold standard and mode-based thresholds differed across tracks 2 (Figure 8 , rvalues shown in figure) . Here, the correlations between each mode-derived threshold from first thresholding track and the gold standard threshold were all significantly (p < 0.05) lower compared to when the same measure used data from the second thresholding track. Correlation differences between the first and third tracks were in the same direction, but 'marginal' using the Hittner et al. tests (p < 0.08). The less-robust thresholds obtained in the first track suggest that at least some psychophysics-naive online participants had not quite acclimated to the threshold setting procedure until later on in the track. Using the same difference-in-correlation-based comparison method (and with the same statistical caveats), we also found that the relative reliability of mode-based thresholds derived from 20 or 30 versus 40 trials changed across tracks. In the first and second tracks, thresholds based on the first 20 trials were significantly less correlated with the gold standard than were those based on 40 trials (p < 0.05) but did not differ in the last track; correspondingly, first-track thresholds based on the first 30 trials were significantly less correlated with the gold standard than were those based on 40 trials (p < 0.05), but this difference was no longer significant in the second or third tracks. In addition, the overall deviation of mode-derived scores from the gold-standard approach (the standard deviation of the threshold differences; SD in upper-right corner of each panel in Figure 7 ) decreases with increasing number of trials, indicating a convergence of the mode-based threshold approaches toward the gold standard. A reasonable explanation for this effect is that online participants acclimated to the threshold setting procedure across the three tracks, and performance became more stable and consistent after a few minutes of practice. Nevertheless, as shown previously (Figure 8 ) even tone-in-noise thresholds based on the first 20 trials in the first track are reasonably accurate estimates of a participant's 'true' threshold. Here, we asked whether estimated thresholds might in part reflect the personal motivation of online participants. To this end, we used a common self-report for a personality trait-like component of motivation among healthy populations (apathy in the AMI questionnaire, Ang et al., 2017) . We also examined the dynamic change of motivation ratings across our task, measured before the first threshold track and again after the third threshold track. Participants' tone-in-noise thresholds from did not correlate with any aspect of the motivation trait measured by the AMI questionnaire. Neither behavioral (rho = .055, p = .68), emotional (rho = .079, p = .55), nor social apathy (rho = .053, p = .69) dimensions were related to tonein-noise thresholds. Self-reported motivation across the course of the staircase thresholding procedure also did not account for threshold level either before (rho = -0.15, p = 0.29) or after (rho = 0.007, p = 0.96) the threshold procedure. To assure that this lack of correlation was not due to a faulty instrument, we tested whether there was a correlation between the trait motivation/apathy score and the in-experiment motivation ratings. Indeed, the behavioral dimension of the apathy questionnaire was associated with the post-experiment motivation level (rho = -0.37, p = 0.010) and this relationship remains significant after controlling for the threshold level (partial correlation, r = -0.39, p = 0.006). This indicates that more apathetic individuals reported feeling less motivated after the threshold session regardless of their behavioral performance, although no relationship was observed prior to the experiment. The absence of a link between motivation and task performance was further confirmed by a repeated measures general linear model on the tone-in-noise threshold level with fixed effects of the total score of the apathy questionnaire, the pre-threshold and the postthreshold motivation ratings. The thresholds could not be predicted by apathy traits (F(1,41) = 0.022, p = 0.88), or motivation ratings either pre-experiment (F(1,41) = 0.93, p = 0.34) or post-experiment (F(1,41) = 0.15, p = 0.71). Moreover, there were no three-way or two-way interactions (all p > 0.32). In sum, online participants' motivation did not contribute significantly to their tone-in-noise thresholds. Threshold level was also not significantly related to confidence measured either before (rho = 0.074, p = 0.61) or after the experiment (rho = -0.12, p = 0.40), suggesting that participants showed quite limited metacognitive awareness of their performance. Finally, we investigated the relation of self-reported fatigue to thresholds. Here, the threshold level did positively and moderately correlate with fatigue ratings both before (rho = 0.31, p = 0.027) and after (rho = 0.32, p = 0.025) the experiment, consistent with higher (poorer) thresholds among fatigued participants. In all, Expt 2 demonstrates that it is possible to quickly and reliably estimate a classic auditory psychophysics threshold online. Moreover, a very simple --and easily automatized --estimate of the level at which participants dwell for the most trials across the adaptive staircase procedure (the mode) is highly reliable, and as robust at estimating threshold as traditional estimators based on staircase reversals. We outline potential usage cases regarding the number of tracks and trials to use in the Discussion. Finally, online participant motivation level is not a significant moderator of tone-in-noise perceptual threshold (at least within the range of motivation levels and task difficulty we measured here), whereas fatigue was associated with somewhat poorer tone-in-noise detection. Experiment 3 tests an online version of the classic probe signal paradigm to measure frequency-selective auditory attention (Borra et al., 2013; Dai et al., 1991; T. J. Green & McKeown, 2001; Greenberg & Larkin, 1968; Macmillan & Schwartz, 1975; Moore et al., 1996; Scharf et al., 1987) . We ask 1) whether the Expt 2 online tone-in-noise threshold-setting procedure is sufficient for setting the SNR level to achieve a specific target accuracy in the 2AFC tone detection task used in the probe signal paradigm. We then ask 2) whether this paradigm can be replicated online in relatively uncontrolled environments; 3) if frequencyselective attention effects can be observed on an individual basis within a single short online testing session (circa 30 minutes); and 4) if these effects change across the course of a testing session. As with Expt 2, we finally ask 5) whether psychophysical thresholds and frequency-selective attention are related to well-established measures of fatigue, apathy, and task confidence before, during, or after testing. All participants from Expt 2 also took part in Expt 3. Like Expt 2, Expt 3 was implemented using PsychoPy v2021. After completing the Amplitude Setting, Headphone Check, and Threshold Setting of Experiment 2, participants completed a classic probe-signal task (Anandan et al., 2021; Botte, 1995; Dai et al., 1991; Greenberg & Larkin, 1968; Scharf et al., 1987; Tan et al., 2008) . Continuous broadband noise was present throughout all trials, as described for the threshold setting procedure. As shown in Figure 9 , each trial began with a 1000-Hz, 250-ms cue tone followed by 500 ms of silence. At this point, the first of two listening intervals was indicated by a black '1' presented at central fixation on the white computer screen for 250 ms. The '1' disappeared during a 250-ms silent interval at which time a black '2' was presented at fixation to indicate a second listening interval. A 250-ms tone was presented with equal probability in either the first or the second listening interval; participants reported which interval contained the tone with a keypress. Signal trials involved a tone that matched the 1000-Hz cue frequency; these trials comprised 75% of the total trials. Another four probe tones with 800, 920, 1080, and 1200 Hz frequencies were presented with equal probability across the remaining 25% of trials (6.25% likelihood for each tone frequency). To assure that the full sample did not perform at ceiling, we adjusted each individual's probesignal SNR threshold slightly, lowering it by one step size (0.75 dB SNR) from the threshold estimated in Expt 2. The signal and probe tones were always presented at the adjusted threshold level; the preceding cue tone was suprathreshold, set at 14 dB SNR above the adjusted threshold SNR level. Participants first completed five practice trials with suprathreshold signal and probe tones presented at -13.8 dB SNR. Immediately thereafter, another five practice trials involved signal and probe tones at the adjusted individual threshold. Performance feedback ('correct' or 'wrong') was provided on-screen for one second following each response to a practice trial. Each of the subsequent 12 blocks consisted of 32 trials (384 trials total), with 24 signal trials (1000-Hz tone) and 2 probe trials at each of the other frequencies (8 probe trials total) in random order. Blocks were completed consecutively, with the opportunity for a short break between blocks (mean break duration = 10.44 s, SD = 22.44 s). There was no feedback for these trials. Participants were informed that if their overall accuracy across the 12 blocks surpassed 65%, they would earn a bonus of £1.00 at the end of the experiment. In all, 63% of participants earned the bonus. We first asked how effective the online tone-in-noise threshold measurement was in setting the SNR level for the probe signal task. The adaptive staircase procedure (3-down, 1-up) was designed to set the threshold to detect a 1000-Hz tone in noise at 79.4% accuracy. However, to retain additional 'head room' for accuracy in the probe signal task we lowered the actual SNR level by 0.75 dB for each individual (as noted above). In order to map how changes in tone-in-noise SNR levels mapped to changes in 2AFC tone-in-noise detection accuracy, we ran a small study and found that each 0.75 dB increment in SNR corresponded to a detection accuracy change of 4.2%. Thus, if the Expt 2 online threshold setting functioned correctly, Expt 3 participants should achieve tone-in-noise detection of 75.2%. As shown in Figure 10A , average signal detection accuracy was 72.45% (SD = 8.86), just slightly (2.75%) yet significantly lower than the predicted accuracy (t(59) = 62.67, p < 0.01, BF > 10 50 ). If the Expt 2 mode-derived threshold adequately estimated tone-in-noise thresholds, then a participant's tone-in-noise detection accuracy in Expt 3 should be independent of their tonein-noise threshold. In other words, even if two participants have very different tone-in-noise thresholds, their accuracy on the 2AFC probe-signal task should be more or less equivalent. Indeed, probe-signal detection accuracy was not correlated with the mode-derived threshold level (Spearman rho = -0.08, p = .544; Pearson r = -.01, p = .929). As shown in Figure 10B , online participants detect the high-probability 1000-Hz signal at levels that are approximately at the predicted target accuracy (72.45% (SD = 8.86), Figure 10A and 10C), whereas tones with less-probable frequencies are much less accurately detected (53.59% (SD = 5.36), Figure 10C ). Figure 10C plots a direct comparison of what is visually apparent in Figure 10B . The signal tone was detected significantly more accurately than were probe tones (t(59) = 13.82, p < .00001, BF > 10 17 ; Figure 10C ). This classic pattern of frequency-selective auditory attention is echoed in faster reaction times for the 1000-Hz signal tone compared to the probe tones (t(59) = 6.77, p < .00001, BF>10 6 ; Figure 10E , 10F). These results replicate the frequency-selective attention effects that have been documented in laboratory studies for decades (Anandan et al., 2021; Botte, 1995; Dai et al., 1991 ; T. J. Green & McKeown, 2001; Greenberg & Larkin, 1968; Moore et al., 1996; Scharf et al., 1987; Tan et al., 2008) using a naive online sample of participants who utilized variable consumer equipment in uncontrolled home environments. This effect was notably robust even at the individual participant level: 56 of the 60 participants (93.33%) showed at least a 5% detection advantage for signal versus probe frequencies. are plotted against the block index, with their difference shown in the right panel. Here we asked how probe-signal effect may change as participants become more practiced over time. As in the literature, we calculate the probe-signal effect as the difference between accuracy for the most probable frequency (the 'signal') and average accuracy for the least probable frequencies (the 'probes' in Figure 11A ). A linear mixed-effect model (LMM) using block index as a fixed effect and participants as a random effect showed that the probesignal effect diminished slightly as the task progressed (F(1,718) = 7.87, p = .0052). This result was mirrored in RTs ( Figure 11B ); although response times to both signal and probes decreased over time, the difference between the two was overall smaller at the end of the experiment (LMM, effect of block index: F(1,711) = 10.75, p = .0011). During the 12-block probe-signal task, participants were instructed to rate how well they felt they performed, how motivated they were, and how tired they felt at the end of each block. This allowed us to examine how the probe-signal effect evolves along with individuals' dynamics of confidence, fatigue and motivation. As would be expected given the difficulty of the probe signal task, confidence remained low throughout ( Figure 12A ). An LMM on confidence rating showed that as the task progressed, confidence decreased slightly, but not significantly so (F(1,595) Finally, to investigate the effect of motivation and fatigue on the probe-signal accuracy effect, we ran an LMM with block index, motivation rating and fatigue rating as fixed effects and participants as a random effect 3 . While fatigue did not show an influence on the probe-signal effect (F(1,594) = 0.067, p = .80), the probe-signal effect decreased over blocks (F(1,594) = 5.54, p =.019) and increased slightly with motivation (F(1,594) = 5.61, p = .018). This suggests that a larger probe-signal effect is predicted by high motivation, but not low fatigue. Here, we developed and tested new approaches to making auditory psychophysical methods viable for online studies with psychophysics-naive participants. We first showed that the problem of limiting the range of stimulus sound levels can be addressed by using each participant as their own reference for setting stimulus levels at a given dB RMSv above their noise detection threshold. We then showed that online participants' perceptual tone-innoise thresholds could be reliably estimated, not only by combining data from multiple tracks as is classically done, but also with a single short staircase track with a simple mode-based analysis that is easily implemented even by novice researchers. Individual differences in online participants' apathy, confidence, and motivation did not significantly influence their perceptual thresholds, although those who were more fatigued tended to show somewhat less-sensitive thresholds. Online tone-in-noise thresholds also were reasonably reliable in setting the desired accuracy level for a new online version of the classic probe-signal task (Dai et al., 1991; Greenberg & Larkin, 1968; Moore et al., 1996; Scharf et al., 1987) . Moreover, despite using only a third of the trials of a recent and efficient in-lab version 3 An LMM was used to investigate the effects of the current block's fatigue rating, the previous block's confidence rating, and task progression on motivation loss. Unsurprisingly, longer time on the task (ߚ = -0.41, F(1,544) = 7.78, p = 0.0055) and higher fatigue (ߚ = -0.29, F(1,544) = 66.08, p < 10 -14 ) were associated with sharper motivation loss. Confidence, on the other hand, appeared to exert a restorative effect on motivation loss (ߚ = 0.249, F(1,544) = 31.31, p < 10 -7 ). Adding the questionnairederived apathy index to the LMM revealed that apathy counteracted the restorative effect of confidence (ߚ = -0.0078, F(1,521) = 10.22, p = 0.0015). That is, in motivated individuals' high confidence more strongly prevented motivation loss over time, while in apathetic people this effect was diminished. (Anandan et al., 2021) , we found a robust frequency-selective auditory attention effect overall, and in 93% of individual participants. This compares well with results from studies with few participants each undergoing thousands of trials. Indeed, the probe signal effect itself could be clearly detected at a group level from the first block of trials ( Figure 11A ). The magnitude of the attentional probe-signal effect decreased somewhat as the task proceeded; this decrease was slightly ameliorated by higher motivation, and was not significantly associated with overall participant fatigue, or with changes in fatigue ratings over time. In sum, these experiments show that using such vetted 'auditory hygiene' measures can facilitate effective, efficient, and rigorous online auditory psychophysics. The human auditory system is capable of successful sensing signals across a remarkable range of acoustic intensity levels, and many perceptual and cognitive phenomena are robust to level changes (Moore, 2013) . However, a lack of control over auditory presentation levels -as is often the case in online experiments -is far from desirable on several grounds. Hearing safety is of course a potential concern for online experiments, particularly when presenting punctate sounds for which onset times are considerably faster than the ear's mechanical protective mechanisms can respond. Sounds presented at different absolute levels evoke responses in distinct auditory nerve fibers, which can be selectively affected by pathological processes (Schaette, 2014; Verhulst, Altoè, & Vasilkov, 2018) . As noted above, the frequency selectivity of subcortical and cortical auditory neurons can vary systematically as a function of sound pressure level (Moore, 2013; Schreiner et al., 2000) . Of course, absolute sound pressure level is not the only factor to consider: individual participants with normal hearing will show thresholds with a range of up to 30 dB HL, and therefore a fixed absolute amplitude level can result in quite different perceptual experiences for participants who lie at one end or the other of this hearing range. In Expts 1a-d, we found that community-recruited participants could very quickly adjust levels via the computer volume setting to estimate their hearing threshold using diotic pulsed white noise. The 20-25 dBA SPL range accords well with that of normal hearing (Park, Yoo, Baek, Kim, & Cho, 2016) ; and the extrapolated threshold levels are highly consistent across the outdoor settings of the three experiments. Expt 1c and Expt 1d showed that participants' thresholds indoors and outdoors were highly correlated; this not only shows excellent reliability (albeit in a relatively small sample given the strictures of working during the COVID pandemic), but also demonstrates the robustness of this method to different acoustic environments. Given the ~30 dB difference in average ambient sound levels, we suspect that this is due in part to participant strategy in listening in gaps, averaging in time, or in-stream segregation of the pulsed white noise versus more variable background signals. We plan a larger-N follow-up when in-person studies in indoor environments are more feasible than at the time of writing. For experimenters who need to present auditory stimuli within a given range of intensities or at a particular level above perceptual threshold, the presentation level can be referenced to the RMSv level of the white noise stimulus used in the amplitude setting procedure. For instance, if it is expected that stimulus presentation will be in somewhat noisy households at (e.g., 26 + 30 = 56 dB RMSv) to ensure that stimuli are sufficiently audible to the vast majority of participants. Of course, individuals will have different laptops with different sound card characteristics, different quality headphones etc. Although we chose to use a band-limited noise as our stimulus to help mitigate these potential confounds, this does not ensure that there are no differences across subjects. Within the selected band, however, the frequency response of each participant's setup will be constant between the amplitude setting procedure and the psychophysical test of interest, which renders across-subject differences in technology less critical, especially when common-sense steps are taken in designing each online experiment. For example, avoiding both narrow-band stimuli like tones as well as stimuli that are not band-limited like broadband noise will limit the effects of across-subject hardware frequency response differences on results. Ensuring that subjects are working at SPLs that are reasonably above threshold will help ensure that audibility is not a confound. Better still would be to design studies in which the experimental SNR ensures that stimulus noise levels are likely to overwhelm the levels of environmental noise sources. Asking participants to avoid using open-back headphones, and instead to use closed-back or insert phones with soft rubber or latex tips will likely help alleviate the intrusion of environmental noise on psychophysical data. To establish the potential amount of insertion loss that might be expected from closed back headphones like those used here, we placed an acoustic manikin (Knowles Electronics Manikin for Acoustic Research) in the anechoic chamber, and presented the band-limited white noise stimulus from approximately 2m away and directly in front. Recordings were made from KEMAR's microphones with and without the Beyer Dynamics DT150 headphones used in the study, in position. We then compared the RMSv levels of each recording and found that the headphones provided about 9 dB of attenuation. We re-ran this analysis with various other headphone models that were readily available to us (as well as 3M foam ear plugs as a reference) to determine the degree of variability. These data are shown in Supplementary Materials Figure S2 . Among the circumaural phones we tested, the AKG K271's provided the least amount of attenuation, at about 6 dB, while the Beyer Dynamics used in the study provided about 9 dB of attenuation. The two sets of supra-aural phones we tested -RadioEar DD45 and TDH-49 -provided the poorest attenuation, along with the Apple AirPods, which is not surprising given their nonpliable hard plastic shell. While far from exhaustive, this analysis suggests that even inexpensive circumaural closed-back headphones (Sennheiser HD201 phones are currently available for about $20 US, and in our opinion are not particularly comfortable or well-fit), will provide at least 6 dB or so of attenuation. We used the 'amplitude-setting' method of Expt 1 with all Expt 2 participants. Based on this, the online continuous white noise masker played during both parts of Expt 2 was set to 40 dB above each participant's white noise detection threshold, resulting in an average of 66 dBA SPL (SD = 4.3). Using a standard staircase technique to estimate tone-in-noise thresholds, we were able to obtain stable threshold estimates in online participants ( Figure 6 ), not only by using the traditional method of averaging the means of the last six reversals from three staircase threshold tracks, but also using an easy-to-calculate and robust mode of the SNR levels from the first 20, 30, or all 40 trials (Figure 7) . We also found that it was possible to obtain a reliable threshold from a single track of 20 trials (Figure 8 ), entailing about a minute of online testing. If a psychophysical task takes about 3 sec per trial, then a standard thresholding track of 40 trials would take two minutes, and three tracks would take 6 minutes excluding time between tracks. Using the same assumption, the mode-of-20-trials approach would take about one minute to generate a threshold, a significant reduction in testing time. This streamlined threshold setting approach may be very attractive for online testing settings, as the vigilance of participants might not be as high as it would be during in-person testing, where experienced participants can typically be expected to generate reliable data for 1.5 hours or more. This fact places a premium on time-to-threshold for online studies. However, further investigation is needed into estimation with multiple modes, with multiple tracks, or more disperse SNRs. Although in more traditional psychophysical testing scenarios, this reduced thresholding time would not be worth the corresponding increased variability associated with the mode-based approaches described here, online testing easily offers larger sample size from a more diverse population than traditional in-person testing on the university campus. Thus, it is suggested that the streamlined thresholding approach described here, along with shortened online testing sessions, and increased sample sizes can yield better, more reliable outcomes when testing online. There are other issues to consider in maximizing the efficacy of online testing using streamlined thresholding. For example, psychophysical tasks that require participants to work near or at their quiet thresholds are likely not suitable, because overall ambient sound level is less controlled in online studies (as described in Expt 1), which raises signal audibility as an issue. This adds more uncertainty by the participant to the task, which makes short, 20-trial tracks less reliable. In a similar way, tasks in which the required perceptual decision is based on subtle cue differences like those that are often categorized as timbral may not be good choices for online study, again because bad tracks are more likely. Generally, it is recommended to choose psychophysical tasks that are easy for novice listeners to understand and 'hear out,' and to implement a training regimen that is carefully designed to clarify the perceptual task for listeners to avoid bad tracks, which are more difficult to discern with streamlined threshold setting procedures. Finally, another potential advantage of the mode-based approaches might lie in their ease of computation. It is undeniable that online platforms such as and make psychophysical testing accessible to many, including students and other non-experts. These novice psychophysicists may have valid and interesting scientific questions. However, they may not have algorithms at-the-ready to estimate thresholds from staircase reversals using traditional approaches, a limitation that should never be a barrier to entry into the field. The probe-signal paradigm (Borra et al., 2013; Dai et al., 1991; T. J. Green & McKeown, 2001; T. Green & McKeown, 2007; Greenberg, Bray, & Beasley, 1970; Greenberg & Larkin, 1968; Macmillan & Schwartz, 1975; Moore et al., 1996) would not seem to be a promising target for online research. Classic and more recent psychophysical studies have both recruited highly experienced participants for multi-day experiments with extensive tone-inthreshold measurement, multiple practice sessions, and thousands to tens-of-thousands of trials in the primary experiment, all conducted with specialized equipment in acoustically isolated laboratory settings (Borra et al., 2013; Dai et al., 1991; T. J. Green & McKeown, 2001 ; T. Green & McKeown, 2007; Greenberg et al., 1970; Greenberg & Larkin, 1968; Howard, O'toole, Parasuraman, & Bennett, 1984; Macmillan & Schwartz, 1975; Mondor & Bregman, 1994; Moore et al., 1996; Tan et al., 2008; Wright & Dai, 1994) . Here, Expt 3 violated each of these experimental desiderata in a single, brief online session with psychophysically naïve participants using their own computers and headphones in uncontrolled home environments. Nonetheless, we observed a probe-signal effect in most participants, with a signal-to-probe accuracy advantage of about 20-25%, on par with the magnitude of frequency-selective attention observed in studies with tens of thousands of trials (Dai et al., 1991; Greenberg et al., 1970; Greenberg & Larkin, 1968; Macmillan & Schwartz, 1975) . Despite the relatively uncontrolled online experimental setting, the probesignal effect was apparent even in response time; participants were faster in noise at detecting the signal, as compared to probe tones. Beyond the convenience of recruiting participants online, there is power in demonstrating psychophysical effects like the probe-signal effect in a diverse sample of psychophysically naïve participants. Rather than rely on highly expert listeners, or even naïve listeners sampled from the relative homogeneity of a university campus, Expts 2 & 3 involved a worldwide sample. Behavioral science is increasingly recognizing that human behavior sampled for convenience only across university populations may be WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic; Henrich et al., 2010) , and therefore not necessarily representative of populations at large. Although there are sound reasons to expect many psychophysical paradigms to generalize beyond WEIRD samples, this assumption has not often been tested (but see McDermott et al., 2016) . The present results demonstrate that, with the right approach, it is indeed feasible to successfully conduct even challenging psychophysical paradigms dependent on thresholds online, and among inexpert participants. This substantially broadens the reach of psychophysics and opens the door to the possibility of large-scale psychophysics. Here, even with modest sample sizes (that nonetheless exceed typical probe-signal samples by an order of magnitude) Expt 3 demonstrated that it is possible to observe the evolution of frequency-selective attention via the probe signal effect from the first block onward, in both accuracy and RTs. Another concern with online experimentation is participants' motivation; low levels may result in high drop-out rates and poor task engagement and performance, in turn affecting the validity of the experimental results (Shen & Chun, 2011) . Compared with online participants, those attending in person might be expected to be more motivated since they have already made the effort to visit the lab, and social evaluative stress caused by the presence of the experimenter can motivate them to some degree (Bianco et al., 2021) , as in the longdocumented Hawthorne effect (McCarney et al., 2007) . Meanwhile, online experiments are normally completely anonymous and without supervision, leading to a common worry that the online population might be more apathetic than in-lab participants. Because of these concerns, we expected that the estimated thresholds might, at least in part, reflect motivation level. However, the estimated thresholds in Expt 2 showed no relation with motivation, neither as expressed by the apathy index (a personality-trait-like component of motivation derived from a well-established apathy questionnaire, Ang et al., 2017) , nor the motivation ratings before and after Expt 2. Similarly, in Expt 3, the selfreported questionnaire-derived apathy index, as well as its subdomains, could not explain the strong probe-signal effects observed. However, we did find a weak but significant effect of in-experiment motivation on the probe-signal effect: blocks in which listeners were more motivated generated a larger probe-signal effect. Interestingly, we also found that in motivated people, high confidence strongly prevented motivation loss over time, while in apathetic people this protective effect was diminished. It is interesting that motivation showed a small influence on the probe signal effect, but not on threshold estimation. One explanation is that the effect of motivation on performance is sensitive to the length of the experiment; the probe signal experiment was longer (around 20 minutes) and was run after the threshold estimation (a length of around 10 minutes). This, with no observed effect of motivation in Expt 2, indirectly suggests an advantage of keeping experiment time shorter. In summary, any generalizations of the motivation-related findings here should be taken carefully. The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health [R01DC017734, to LLH and FD, and R21DC018408 to CAB]. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. Measurements were made by playing each stimulus at each volume setting of the Macbook Pro using the headphones used in Experiments 1a-1c, coupled to an artificial ear. Because the SPL of the stimulus at the RMSv used for testing was below the ambient noise floor at lower volume setting values, the volume-setting functions at +10 and +20 dB were used to extrapolate the test stimulus function. SPL is in dBA. Note that each participant contributes three datapoints (one from each track) to each distribution. Auditory attentional filter in the absence of masking noise. 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A Monte Carlo Evaluation of Tests for Comparing Dependent Correlations Input-output curves of low and high spontaneous rate auditory nerve fibers are exponential near threshold Pattern-directed attention in uncertain-frequency detection Sit still and pay attention: Using the Wii Balance-Board to detect lapses in concentration in children during psychophysical testing The Role of Listening Expertise, Attention, and Musical Style in the Perception of Clash of Keys Transformed Up-Down Methods in Psychoacoustics Visual selective attention and the effects of monetary rewards Probe-signal investigation of uncertain-frequency detection Psychophysics with children: Investigating the effects of attentional lapses on threshold estimates. Attention The Hawthorne Effect: A randomised, controlled trial Indifference to dissonance in native Amazonians reveals cultural variation in music perception An online headphone screening test based on dichotic pitch Psychoacoustics: Hearing Screening, Infrastructure, and Validation Allocating attention to frequency regions An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing: Sixth Edition. In An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing The probe-signal method and auditory-filter shape: Results from normal-and hearing-impaired subjects Normative Hearing Threshold Levels in Koreans with Normal Tympanic Membranes and Estimated Prevalence of Hearing Loss PsychoPy2: Experiments in behavior made easy Level dependence of psychophysical frequency resolution and auditory filter shape Toward a psychology of Homo sapiens: Making psychological science more representative of the human population Algorithm for improving psychophysical threshold estimates by detecting sustained inattention in experiments using PEST. Attention Normal hearing is not enough to guarantee robust encoding of suprathreshold features important in everyday communication Building, Hosting and Recruiting: A Brief Introduction to Running Behavioral Experiments Online Tinnitus in men, mice (as well as other rodents), and machines Focused auditory attention and frequency selectivity Modular Organization of Frequency Integration in Primary Auditory Cortex Painfree and accurate Bayesian estimation of psychometric functions for (potentially) overdispersed data Increases in rewards promote flexible behavior. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics Studies on quiet threshold shift in the absence of noise Response Properties of Single Auditory Nerve Fibers in the Mouse Separate contributions of enhanced and suppressed sensitivity to the auditory attentional filter Computational modeling of the human auditory periphery: Auditory-nerve responses, evoked potentials and hearing loss Auditory temporal resolution: Effects of sensation level Headphone screening to facilitate web-based auditory experiments. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics Detection of unexpected tones with short and long durations Complex spectral patterns with interaural differences: Dichotic pitch and the 'Central Spectrum Rapid Ocular Responses Are Modulated by Bottom-up-Driven Auditory Salience Toward using confidence intervals to compare correlations We thank Christi Gomez, Erin Smith, and Sydney Sepkovic for their assistance in collecting in-person data. We thank Dr. Alessandro Rinaldo, Carnegie Mellon University Department of Statistics and Data Science, for statistical consultation.