key: cord-0261641-zt68q7zs authors: Hong, Ye; Flinkman, Dani; Suomi, Tomi; Pietilä, Sami; James, Peter; Coffey, Eleanor; Elo, Laura L. title: PhosPiR: An automated phospho-proteomic pipeline in R date: 2021-09-15 journal: bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2021.09.14.460225 sha: 6b9d63358499fb0e11efd9b7f1bfef425a867ebc doc_id: 261641 cord_uid: zt68q7zs Large-scale phospho-proteome profiling using mass spectrometry (MS) provides functional insight that is crucial for disease biology and drug discovery. However, extracting biological understanding from this data is an arduous task requiring multiple analysis platforms that are not adapted for automated high-dimensional data analysis. Here, we introduce an integrated pipeline that combines several R packages to extract high-level biological understanding from largescale phosphoproteomic data by seamless integration with existing databases and knowledge resources. In a single run, PhosPiR provides data clean-up, fast data overview, multiple statistical testing, differential expression analysis, phospho-site annotation and translation across species, multi-level enrichment analyses, proteome-wide kinase activity and substrate mapping and network hub analysis. Data output includes graphical formats such as heatmap, box-, volcano- and circos-plots. This resource is designed to assist proteome-wide data mining of pathophysiological mechanism without a need for programming knowledge. Protein phosphorylation is a reversible post-translational modification (PTM) catalyzed by protein kinases of the transferase class [1] . Since its discovery in 1932, numerous studies have highlighted the importance of phosphorylation as a central regulatory process in cells [2] . High numbers of often tightly interconnected phosphoproteins participate in cell signaling and all aspects of cellular function from proliferation and differentiation to metabolism and neurotransmission, to name a few [3] [4] [5] . Phosphorylation is the most abundant "signaling" post-translational modification exceeding ubiquitination, methylation, and acetylation [6] . To understand how complex phosphorylation changes, especially shifts introduced by pathophysiological states coordinate function, systems-level phosphoproteomics study becomes necessary [6] . Advanced mass spectrometry methods enable high throughput measurement of phosphoproteomes [7] , however traditional downstream analysis does little beyond phosphopeptide identification and quantification. Recent developments in R packages have taken advantage of protein phosphorylation databases and annotation advances, thereby supporting the creation of an analysis tool that can better exploit phosphopeptide data. Here we introduce PhosPiR, a pipeline which takes advantage of available opensource tools for a complete downstream analysis of mass spectrometry-derived data after phosphopeptide identification. No programing knowledge is required to run the pipeline. Our workflow consists of peptide quality control, data overviewing with histogram, boxplot, heatmap, and PCAs, data annotation utilizing UniProt and Ensembl database, differential expression analysis including four statistical test options and post-hoc testing, phospho-site translation across species, four enrichment analyses for phosphoproteins, PTM-SEA (post translational modification set enrichment analysis) for phosphopeptide, kinase analysis, network analysis and hub analysis (Figure 1 ). The pipeline is accompanied by video tutorials and we exemplify the functionality of the tool using previously published largescale phosphoproteomic study of circadian clock changes in synaptoneuroscomes [8] . PhosPiR accepts output files directly from MaxQuant or preprocessed files from similar MS data processing platforms that provide peptide sequence identification and intensity data on post-translational modifications (PTMs) [9] . The input file for PhosPiR is "Phospho (STY)Sites.txt" from the "combined/txt" folder within MaxQuant. In case another spectra analysis tool is preferred instead of MaxQuant, such as Progenesis, Spectronaut, openMS, or PEAKS, PhosPiR has an "Other" option for input file. The following steps are all outlined in the user support video found at our GitHub page. The data input should follow the following format: 1. File format should be .csv. 2. The first 6 columns should contain information as follows. Column 1 contains the UniProt protein ID, column 2 contains the protein description, column 3 displays gene name, column 4 shows the phosphorylated amino acid residue, column 5 records the phosphorylation site position within the protein, and column 6 shows the sequence window. The sequence window should have the phosphorylation site in the center position and extend in both directions by at least 7 amino acids. The order of the columns is crucial and should not be randomized. 3. Column 7 onward should contain sample intensity values. Each column corresponds to 1 sample, and each row corresponds to 1 phosphorylation pattern. Intensity values should not be in log scale. 4 . Missing values should be written as "NA" or 0. Intensity columns should be numeric columns. Supplementary Table 1 . PhosPiR also supports proteomics data with the "Other" option for non-phospho proteomics data. In this case, when following the above format, column 5 and 6 should be marked "NA" for every row. To start the workflow, simply run the "run.R" script in R program. R can be downloaded from Filtering and normalization steps are implemented as data quality control. It is important to understand the data and make educated choices here to bring forth the most reliable result. Filtering removes outlier rows and/or columns with excess missing values. The user can always choose not to filter. For normalization, there are 3 choices, normalize and impute, only normalize, or neither. proBatch package [10] and MSImpute package [11] are utilized for normalization and imputation, respectively. Median normalization is performed when "only normalize" is chosen. Quantile normalization and low-rank approximation imputation is performed when "normalize and impute" is chosen. These normalization methods were chosen as they have proven successful with phosphoproteomics [8, 10, 12] . Imputation requires at least 4 non-missing values per row, if the input data does not satisfy this requirement, the user will be forced to choose one of the other two options. Organism information, sample group information, and comparison information needed to be setup by the user. PhosPiR provides a prompt window accompanied by a guide for the setup process. For organism selection, the user should highlight an organism from the organism list, or if the organism is not available from the list, select "Other" from the list, then input the scientific name of the source organism. A few analysis steps are only available for human, mouse, or rat data. For sample group information, the user will be asked how many group classifications are found in the data, for each classification, a brief description is entered e.g. treatment or genotype, followed by group order. The group order is entered by providing a single number for each sample that represents its group classification, separated by a comma. For example, if a dataset contains 10 samples, the first 5 from a patient group designated "1" and the other 5 from a healthy group designated "0", the user would enter "1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0" in the prompt, and so on for additional groups. Multiple group comparisons can also be setup. In this case, the user chooses the group classification first, and then enters e.g. "1,2" to specify the groups that should be compared against each other. The process can be repeated for as many group comparisons are wished. Lastly, the user can select whether to run all analysis steps, or only annotation/overview figure step. After setup, PhosPiR will run the analyses automatically, however, between analyses, step-specific choices will be given to the user, and the pipeline will not continue until the user has responded. Several figures will be plotted automatically in order to provide an overview of the data distribution. Boxplot and histograms are suitable visuals for comparing sample distributions. Heatmaps, PCA with k-means clustering, and 3D PCA plots will automatically display the results from unsupervised clustering of the data, providing informative biological patterns from the data. Log 2 intensity values are automatically generated and used for overview figures. A few packages are utilized for this step. Boxplot and histogram are plotted with "ggplot2" [13] ; heatmap is plotted with "pheatmap" [14] ; PCAs and 3D PCA are plotted with "rcdk" [15] , "fingerprint" [16] , "vegan" [17] , "rgl" [18] , "FactoMineR" [19] , "factoextra" [20] , "plot3D" [21] , and "magick" [22] . A data annotation step utilizes information from all organisms found in the Ensembl database to identify for example reviewed accession and phosphorylation site position, Entrez ID, genome position of the protein, human ortholog genome position, accession, identify score and sequence alignment, protein pathology, expression, posttranslational modifications, subcellular location, and links to publications containing information on the protein in question. For each unique protein i.d., this information is extracted from both the Ensembl and Uniprot database. For nonhuman organisms, the human ortholog information is also included for comparison. Due to the long run time, the user has the choice to opt out of UniProt and human ortholog information mining. Non-human organism data usually has many unreviewed accessions within the dataset. Some databases such as PhosphoSitePlus, host site information based on Swiss-Prot accessions, and does not include unreviewed accessions. This results in difficulties matching the input phospho-site identity to the database's information. PhosPiR solves this issue by identifying the Swiss-Prot accession for the protein and aligning the sequences to generate the equivalent reviewed phospho-site position. This reviewed site information can be used for database searches by data annotation tools, thereby maximizing the identification of associated biological information. Human ortholog information allows for direct comparison of model organism data to human information. Pairwise alignment to human ortholog protein sequences allows the user to identify orthologous phosphorylation sites in human for any site of interest identified in their organism. Sequence alignment should only serve as a reference. While it should be accurate for alignments with high identity scores, its practicality decreases as sequence identify score decreases. The following packages are utilized for this step: "biomaRt" [23] , "Biostrings" [24] , "GenomicAlighments" [25] , "protr" [26] , and "UniprotR" [27] . Statistical tests are performed based on the group comparison setup. The user selects whether or not the data is paired in the given comparison and is offered a choice of statistical tests. For two group comparisons, fold change is automatically calculated. The fold change direction is determined by the group number, where the group with the larger number is the numerator. Group numbering should therefore take this into account. Four statistical tests T-test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, reproducibility-optimized test statistic (ROTS) and rank product test can be chosen. T-test should not be chosen for nonparametric data. All tests can be selected if desired. Each test will yield a p-value and an FDR value for each data row. For a multiple group comparison, ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey HSD Test will be performed if the groups are not paired, and linear mixed effect modeling (LME) is performed if groups are paired. Next, the user can set thresholds based on p-value or FDR for example. The significant lists will then be used as input for enrichment and network analyses. The user can choose volcano plots to visualize the statistical results. Multiple comparisons (maximum 4) can be plotted together. Based on the selected statistical cut-off, significant entries in the plot will be labeled if the number of significant changes is less than 60 in total. ROTS analysis utilizes the "ROTS" package [28] , "RankProd" [29] performs the rank product analysis, "multcompView" [30] , "lsmeans" [31] , and "nlme" [32] are ultilized for LME modeling. "ggrepel" [33] and "gridExtra" [34] are utilized in addition to "ggplot2" for volcano plots. Enrichment analysis is performed on both phospho-protein intensity data and phospho-site data. Protein level enrichment utilizes the "clusterProfiler" package [35] . Phospho-site enrichment utilizes the "PTM-SEA" (PTM-signature enrichment analysis) tool and its library PTMsigDB [36] . PTMsigDB curates detailed posttranslational modification (PTM) information based on perturbation-induced site-specific changes, such as the direction of phosphorylation change upon a signaling event, and the affected signature sets that are collectively regulated. PTM-SEA analysis is performed on the entire dataset for all group comparisons. It is available for human, mouse, and rat. A kinase-substrate relationship analysis is performed with the "KinSwingR" package [37] , on each group comparison. It predicts a kinase-substrate interactome based on a library of motifs, and then integrates the fold change direction and P-value from the statistical results, to calculate a normalized swing score. The score resembles a zscore which predicts kinases' activity changes. The P-value is calculated to determine the significance level based on a permutation test. PhosPiR utilizes the latest kinase information from the PhosphoSitePlus human, mouse, and rat data for customized kinase library [38] instead of the kinase dataset included in KinSwingR, which has become outdated and is only available for human. A kinase-substrate network Circos plot is automatically created with the "circlize" package [39] which shows the top 250 significant substrates. Kinases are connected with edges to their specific substrate sites with phosphorylation sites grouped by phosphoprotein. The phosphoprotein network is built using the "STRINGdb" package [40] . The STRING tool uses its own protein:protein interaction database which is used in PhosPiR to build an interaction network from each significant data list. Only interactions with greater than 0.4 confidence score (ranging from 0-1) are included in the STRING network figure (e.g. Supplementary Figure 1 ). The user can choose to identify hubs from within each network, and a hub interaction-enrichment score is also calculated. Hub phosphoproteins represent highly connected proteins within the network and are therefore likely to be functionally informative. The user can also choose from two cut-offs for defining hubs: the top 10% highest interactions, or an interaction count of one standard deviation above the mean. The hub interaction enrichment is calculated by generating 1000 control networks for each hub and comparing hub interactions in control networks to the query network. Both p-value and FDR are presented in the result. To demonstrate the functionality of PhosPiR, we analyzed synaptoneurosome phosphoproteome data from Brüning et al., 2019 [8] . In the original study, the authors studied the phosphorylation changes over time in synaptic terminals (otherwise known as synaptoneurosomes) from sleep-deprived mice and control mice. Here, we compared the overall differences in synaptoneurosome protein phosphorylation from mice while awake or asleep under control or sleep-deprived conditions. The original study processed the synaptoneurosome phosphopeptide data with the EasyPhos platform. The sleep wake cycles were controlled as follows: mice were kept in a light:dark 12 hours cycle, synaptoneurosomes were taken every 4 hours (n=4) in a single day for sleep-deprived mice and baseline mice, totaling to 48 samples [8] . For the re-analysis of this data, we downloaded the raw MS files from the PRIDE database with identifier PXD010697. Taking the original data preparation as a reference [8] , we preprocessed the raw data in a similar fashion using MaxQuant [9] and Perseus [41] (Supplementary Table 1 ). When inputting the preprocessed data into PhosPiR, "Neither" was selected for normalization and imputation, as it is done outside of the pipeline. Examples of motif diagrams and kinase swing score output can be found in Figure 3 and Supplementary Table 6 , respectively. The Network folder provides interaction figures of kinases to substrates spinning off from kinase analysis (Figure 4) , also provides output from the STRING database network analysis and hub significance analysis. Examples are shown in Supplementary Figure 1 and Figure 5 . The Annotation folder includes important ID information, UniProt database information, human homolog information and sequence alignment for all proteins as well as phosphorylation sites from the dataset. An example of human homolog ID information and UniProt database information can be found in Supplementary Table 7 and 8, respectively. The MS data used here [8] , incorporated intensity data for 13,634 phosphosites from Table 11 ). Interestingly, the proteins with significantly altered phosphorylation between wake and sleep time were enriched for changes on the dopaminergic synapse pathway, as shown in Figure 2B . Thus, significant phosphopeptide changes were identified for voltage gated ion channels VGCC, VSSC and Cav2.1/2.2, and for signaling proteins PLC, PKC and CamKII ( Figure 2 ). In the phosphosite-centric enrichment analysis, the signature set "rapamycin" was 40% downregulated and the "mTOR" signature set was 14% upregulated, in sleepdeprived synaptoneurosomes ( Figure 2C ), consistent with known negative regulation of mTOR by Rapamycin [42] . This demonstrates the utility of the PhosPiR pipeline to make functionally accurate predictions as the mTOR pathway is known to regulate sleep-deprivation induced responses [43, 44] . Moreover, as the PhosPiR identifies specific phosphorylation sites from these signature sets, as well as their regulatory function, where documented (Supplementary Table 12) , far more detailed mechanistic insight can be gained using PhosPiR's integrated approach than would be possible with a stand-alone phospho-site analysis. This is further supported by the PhosPiR kinase activity analysis, which uses the KinSwingR package to predict kinase activity changes (Figure 3, Supplementary Table 13 ). Examples of identified kinase substrates that undergo altered phosphosphorylation at synapses during wake verses sleep hours, or following sleep-deprivation, are shown in the Circos plots in Figure 4A and B. In Figure 4A The hub analysis of protein phosphorylation in synaptoneurosomes during wake time verses sleep time has identified that the NMDA receptor subunit GRIN2B was a highly significant signaling hub ( Figure 5A ). This is consistent with several reports pointing to NMDAR in sleep regulation especially in the context of autoimmune encephalitis-induced sleep disturbance [45, 46] . Similarly, SHANK3 was highly connected to the changing phosphoproteins, consistent with its reported action in the control of circadian rhythm [47] . Synapsin I (SYN1), a neurotransmitter release regulatory protein, was also highly networked with the wake cycle phospho-proteins. SYN1 has previously been associated with synaptic changes following sleep deprivation [48] . Conversely, in sleep-deprived mice, there were fewer hubs overall consistent with the finding of Bruning et al, which showed that phosphorylation cycling was reduced upon sleep deprivation [8] . Nonetheless, synapsin I, neurofilament (NEFM) and MAPT showed increased connectivity to the regulated phosphoproteins ( Figure 5B ). MAPT phosphorylation has been shown to increase upon sleep deprivation stress [49] . Thus, PhosPiR automated analysis identified known regulators of sleep/wake cycle and sleep deprivation stress in synaptic terminal preparations from mouse brain. Moreover, PhosPiR provides site-specific and network information that can assist detailed parsing of mechanism. As evident from the results, in addition to kinase-substrate prediction, kinase activity directional changes are also predicted by PhosPiR. Significantly, phosphorylated substrates are linked to kinases that are predicted to change activity, and the enrichment is checked with PTM-SEA. Moreover, as all identified sites are matched to their human homolog with pairwise alignment (Supplementary Table 14) , analysis of pathological implications could be further confirmed from database search of aligned homolog sites. These are some of the highlights of PhosPiR. PhosPiR is an automated pipeline that does not require any coding knowledge from its user. It integrates several new phosphoproteomic analysis tools such as PTM-SEA and KinSwingR into a single pipeline while it simultaneously translates phosphoproteomic data from model organisms to human in order to exploit a range of customized databases that facilitate identification of functionally relevant information. Although all analysis steps are automatic, the pipeline retains flexibility through its setup options. The user is free to fully customize group comparisons. For example, in addition to the examples shown here, a time series analysis can also be included, by choosing the pairwise multi-group comparison option. All user options are presented with textboxes created using the "svDialogs" package [50] creating a straightforward and seamless experience for the user. Although the pipeline can be applied also to non-phospho proteomic data, several of the functions are specific to phospho-proteomics. For example, the ortholog alignment function, PTM-SEA enrichment analysis, kinase substrate analysis and the kinase network figure generation all rely on phosphorylation-site information. Among the unique features is the ortholog alignment tool that provides a human reference site for every single phosphorylation-site from mouse or rat. An important benefit of PhosPiR is that it integrates several packages, such as PTM-SEA that utilize customized, curated libraries that contain up to date information. The integrated "kinase analysis" function in PhosPiR not only predicts which kinases are linked to the input data, but also predicts activity changes based on the generated statistics. The "kinase network" function clearly labels substrate phospho-site position and organizes them by protein, thereby providing a clear visual summary for significant kinase substrate changes. Many important functions of the pipeline come from recently developed, powerful Rpackages, which the pipeline unifies and provides important customizations. For example, most of the included analysis packages require strict input formats and generate diverse output formats. PhosPiR utilizes packages such as "reshape2" [51] , "vroom" [52] , "openxlsx" [53] , "textreadr" [54] , "plyr" [55] and "cmapR" [56] to transform data between analysis steps, so that input requirements are satisfied, and output results are unified. Output figures are expanded from the originals, modified with packages such as "gplots" [57] , "gridExtra" [34] , and "RColorBrewer" [58] to be informative at a glance. Many more packages are utilized and listed within Method section, we wanted to include all of them to offer their functionalities and customizations to a wider audience of non-bioinformaticians. PhosPiR also supports a wide range of organisms. With the exclusion of the disease ontology semantic enrichment analysis (DOSE), kinase analysis and PTM-SEA which search only human data, whereas all other analysis steps support up to 18 organisms. Our pipeline offers unique functionalities compared to even the most recent analysis packages such as PhosR [59] , which provides a kinase analyses toolkit for bioinformaticians working in R coding language. In contrast, the PhosPiR workflow doesn't require coding knowledge and can be performed by non-bioinformaticians. Furthermore, PhosPiR provides automated protein and site annotation from UniProt, Ensembl, and PhosphoSitePlus. The annotation files provide information on functionality and associated pathologies. Scientific references for identified functions are included in the output. Another unique feature of the pipeline is the protein-centric network and hub analysis, which provides aligned sequence information on human homolog when for example the input data is from a model organism. Finally, the annotations accompanying the kinase enrichment function (using the PTM-SEA database) takes into account directionality of phosphorylation change when identifying pathology and regulatory signatures. These many exclusive features enable users to study their data from multiple angles and distinguishes PhosPiR from existing phospho-proteomic data analysis software. The current pipeline marks version 1.0. New functionalities are already in development. We aim to provide an automated result report in the next version and provide direct input support for results generated from more spectra analysis tools. The most time-consuming step of comparison setup will also be further optimized. We hope PhosPiR provides an opportunity for users with limited programming knowledge to experience great R packages for comprehensive functional prediction analysis with statistical support, from their phosphoproteomics data. Cellular regulation by protein phosphorylation The origins of protein phosphorylation Integration of conventional quantitative and phospho-proteomics reveals new elements in activated Jurkat T-cell receptor pathway maintenance Multilayered proteomics reveals molecular switches dictating ligand-dependent EGFR trafficking Phosphorylation Is a Central Mechanism for Circadian Control of Metabolism and Physiology Protein phosphorylation from the perspective of systems biology Rapid and site-specific deep phosphoproteome profiling by data-independent acquisition without the need for spectral libraries Sleep-wake cycles drive daily dynamics of synaptic phosphorylation MaxQuant enables high peptide identification rates, individualized p.p.b.-range mass accuracies and proteome-wide protein quantification Computational challenges in biomarker discovery from high-throughput proteomic data msImpute: Imputation of label-free mass spectrometry peptides PaDuA: A Python Library for High-Throughput (Phospho)proteomics Data Analysis ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis pheatmap: Pretty Heatmaps Chemical Informatics Functionality in R fingerprint: Functions to Operate on Binary Fingerprint Data vegan: Community Ecology Package rgl: 3D Visualization Using OpenGL FactoMineR: A Package for Multivariate Analysis factoextra: Extract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analyses plot3D: Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data magick: Advanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R Mapping identifiers for the integration of genomic datasets with the R/Bioconductor package biomaRt Biostrings: Efficient manipulation of biological strings Software for Computing and Annotating Genomic Ranges protr/ProtrWeb: R package and web server for generating various numerical representation schemes of protein sequences UniprotR: Retrieving and visualizing protein sequence and functional information from Universal Protein Resource (UniProt knowledgebase) ROTS: An R package for reproducibility-optimized statistical testing RankProd 2.0: a refactored Bioconductor package for detecting differentially expressed features in molecular profiling datasets multcompView: Visualizations of Paired Comparisons Least-Squares Means: The R Package lsmeans nlme: Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models ggrepel: Automatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with 'ggplot2 gridExtra: Miscellaneous Functions for Grid Graphics clusterProfiler: an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters A Curated Resource for Phosphositespecific Signature Analysis KinSwingR: KinSwingR: network-based kinase activity prediction PhosphoSitePlus: a comprehensive resource for investigating the structure and function of experimentally determined posttranslational modifications in man and mouse circlize implements and enhances circular visualization in R STRING v11: protein-protein association networks with increased coverage, supporting functional discovery in genome-wide experimental datasets Perseus: A Bioinformatics Platform for Integrative Analysis of Proteomics Data in Cancer Research Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibition Moving to the Rhythm with Clock (Circadian) Genes, Autophagy, mTOR, and SIRT1 in Degenerative Disease and Cancer Cellular Clocks: Coupled Circadian and Cell Division Cycles NMDAR activation regulates the daily rhythms of sleep and mood Sleep disorders in autoimmune encephalitis Shank3 modulates sleep and expression of circadian transcription factors Widespread changes in synaptic markers as a function of sleep and wakefulness in Drosophila Sleep Deprivation Affects Tau Phosphorylation in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid SciViews-R Reshaping Data with the reshape Package vroom: Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly openxlsx: Read, Write and Edit xlsx Files textreadr: Read Text Documents into R The split-apply-combine strategy for data analysis cmapR: CMap Tools in R gplots: Various R Programming Tools for Plotting Data RColorBrewer: ColorBrewer Palettes PhosR: A set of methods and tools for comprehensive analysis of phosphoproteomics data