key: cord-0258158-f6pepu8u authors: Afrose, S.; Song, W.; Nemeroff, C. B.; Lu, C.; Yao, D. title: Overcoming Underrepresentation in Clinical Datasets for Accurate Subpopulation-specific Prognosis date: 2021-04-04 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2021.03.26.21254401 sha: 85ecbd9c23ac61bf163a6005d14be92efc12302a doc_id: 258158 cord_uid: f6pepu8u Clinical datasets are intrinsically imbalanced, dominated by overwhelming majority groups. Off-the-shelf machine learning models optimize the prognosis of majority patient types (e.g., healthy class), causing substantial errors on the minority prediction class (e.g., disease class) and minority subpopulations (e.g., Black or young patients). For example, missed death prediction is 36.6 times higher than non-death cases in a mortality benchmark. Racial and age disparities also exist. Conventional metrics such as AUC-ROC do not reflect these deficiencies. We design a double prioritized (DP) sampling technique to improve the accuracy for underrepresented subpopulations. We report our findings on four prediction tasks over two clinical datasets, and comparisons with eight existing sampling solutions. With DP, the recall of minority classes shows 35.4-130.4% improvement. Compared to the state-of-the-arts, DP sampling gives 1.2-58.8 times more balanced recalls and precisions. Our method trains customized models for specific race or age groups, a departure from the one-model-fits-all-demographics paradigm. As underrepresented groups in clinical medicine are a daily occurrence, our contributions likely have broad implications. Researchers have trained machine learning models to predict many diseases and conditions, including Alzheimer's disease 1 , heart disease 2 , risk of developing diabetic retinopathy 3 , cancer risk 4 and survivability 5 , genetic testing for diseases 6 , hypertrophic cardiomyopathy diagnosis 7 , psychosis 8 , PTSD 33 , and COVID-19 9 . Neural network powered automatic image analysis has also been shown useful for fast disease detection, e.g., breast cancer 16 , macular degeneration 38 , lung cancer 39 , prostate cancer 40 , bladder cancer41, at-risk organs 42 , and musculoskeletal disorder 43 . A study showed that deep learning algorithms diagnose breast cancer more accurately (AUC=0.994) than 11 pathologists 16 . Hospitals (e.g., Cleveland Clinic's partnership with Microsoft 10 , John Hopkins hospital partnership with GE) 11 are reported to use predictive analytics for monitoring patients' health status and preventing emergencies 12-15 . However, clinical datasets are intrinsically imbalanced due to the naturally occurring frequencies of data 17 . The data is not evenly distributed across prediction classes (e.g., disease class vs. healthy class), race, age, or other subgroups. One example is pregnant women, who are either excluded from all clinical trials or comprise too small of a sample size to be meaningful. Data imbalance is a major cause of biased prediction results 17 . Biased prediction results may have serious consequences for some patients. For example, a recent study showed that automatic enrollment of high-risk patients into the health program favors white patients, although black patients had 26.3% more chronic health conditions than equally ranked white patients 18 . Similarly, algorithmic osteoarthritis pain prediction shows 43% racial disparities 19 . For nonmedical applications, researchers also identified serious biases in high-profile machine learning applications, e.g., a widely deployed recidivism prediction tool [20] [21] [22] , online advertisement system 23 , Amazon's recruiting engine 24 , and face recognition system 25 . The lack of external validation and overclaiming causal effect in machine learning also raise concerns 26 . A well-known approach to the data imbalance problem is sampling. Oversampling, e.g., replicated oversampling (ROS), is to balance dataset by adding samples of the minority class; undersampling, e.g., random under-sampling (RUS), is to balance dataset by removing samples of the majority class 27 . An improvement is K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) classifier-based undersampling technique 28 (e.g., Nearmiss1, Nearmiss2, NearMiss3, Distant) that select samples from majority class based on distance from minority class samples. State-of-the-art solutions are all oversampling methods, including Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) 29 , Adaptive Synthetic Sampling (ADASYN) 30 , and Gamma 31 . All three methods generate new minority points based on existing minority samples, namely using linear interpolation 29 , gamma distribution 31 , or at the class border 30 . However, although existing sampling techniques improve the recall of a minority class, its precision is drastically reduced, e.g., 27 .7% to 78.1% decrease in our test across four minority demographic subgroups. In addition, existing sampling studies are only evaluated based on the accuracy of prediction classes (e.g., death vs. survival). How well sampling solutions improve predictions on minority demographic groups (e.g., Black or young patients with age < 30) has not been reported. For imbalanced datasets, conventional metrics such as overall accuracy and AUC-ROC could be seriously misleading. We examine clinical prediction benchmark 14 on MIMIC III and cancer survival prediction 5 on SEER cancer dataset. Both training datasets are imbalanced, in terms of the gender, race, or age distribution. For example, for the in-hospital mortality (IHM) prediction with MIMIC III, 70.6% data represents White patients, whereas only 9.6% represents Black patients. MIMIC III and SEER also have data imbalance problems among the two class labels (e.g., death vs. survival). For the IHM prediction, 86.5% data belongs to patients who did not die in ICU, whereas only 13.5% of data belongs to the patient who died in hospital. These data imbalances result in prediction biases. A typical neural network based machine learning model 14 that we tested correctly predicts 98.1% of non-death cases, but only 30.5% for death cases. Meanwhile, overall accuracy (computed over all patients) is 0.90 and AUC-ROC is 0.86, as a result of the overwhelmingly good performance in the majority class. These high overall scores are misleading. We present a new oversampling technique, double prioritized (DP) sampling. DP sampling improves the prediction accuracy of specific minority demographic groups. DP differs from state-of-theart sampling methods in two main aspects. First, when duplicating minority class samples, it prioritizes specific underrepresented groups, as opposed to sampling across the entire patient population. Second, DP uses metrics to incrementally identify the optimal amount of sample duplication, as opposed to arbitrarily forcing the class ratio to be 1:1. Our experiments show that DP improves minority class recalls without substantially impacting precisions. We also define a new metric dual-class divergence, which captures the tradeoff between precision and recallsmaller divergence values indicating more balanced precision and recall. DP's dual-class divergence is 1.2-58.8 times lower than the state-of-the-art sampling methods in the mortality prediction task. Coupled with comparable recall values, these results suggest that DP sampling is more effective at correcting data imbalance for clinical machine learning. Our findings have broad implications in clinical practice, as underrepresented groups in clinical medicine are a daily occurrence. Our work suggests the strong feasibility of training customized prediction models for specific subpopulations, an improvement over the one-model-fits-all-demographics paradigm. The results highlighting racial data imbalance and model specificity also have implications in genetics, because of differences in the frequency of common genetic variants in ethnic groups. Double prioritized (DP) sampling. DP prioritizes a specific demographic subgroup (e.g., Asian) that suffers from data imbalance by only replicating minority prediction class (C1) cases from this group (e.g., Asian in-hospital death). In contrast, existing oversampling methods are designed for the whole population by generating more C1 cases across all demographic subgroups without differentiation. Another feature of DP sampling algorithm is its ability to gradually and dynamically identify the optimal class ratio, as opposed to simply making the class ratio reach 1:1. DP sampling incrementally increases the number of duplicated units and chooses the optimal unit number based on resulting models' performance. Figure 1 shows the machine learning workflow with DP sampling. Bias testing examines the ratio among different demographic subgroups (e.g., gender, ethnicity, age) and ratio among different prediction classes (e.g., death vs. survival). If a group has a relatively low number of samples, sampling is required. DP sampling replicates minority class samples in the training dataset for a target demographic group up to n times. n is pre-defined. Using DP, we obtain n+1 sets of training datasets (including the original one). Each dataset is used to train and generate a machine learning model. Model selection is to identify the optimal machine learning model among the n+1 models. We evaluate model performance using a test dataset and choose a final model M* as follows. For each model, we compute its balanced accuracy and PR_C1 metrics on the unsampled test dataset. We identify the top three models with the highest balanced accuracy values and select the model that has the highest PR_C1. No sampling is applied to the test dataset. Prediction applies model M* to new patients' records and obtains a binary class label. Machine learning models and metrics. Following Harutyunyan et al, 14 for the clinical prediction tasks, patients' data is preprocessed into time-series records and fed into LSTM models. Cancer survivability prediction utilizes a multilayer perceptron (MLP) model, following Hegselmann et al. 5 The model parameters remained constant in different sampling techniques (supplementary table 1) . Sampling techniques are applied on training datasets before feeding the data into the model. Evaluation metrics include accuracy, balanced accuracy, AUC-ROC score, precision, recall, AUC-PR, and F1 of minority and majority prediction classes, whole population, and various demographic subgroups, including gender (male, female), ethnicity (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian), and 8 age groups. We also define a new metric divergence to capture the disparity between precision and recall. Equation 1 shows the dual-class divergence computation for both classes C1 and C0. Single-class divergence for C1 or C0 can also be computed (supplementary equations [10] [11] . Clinical datasets studied. We use MIMIC III 14,32 and SEER 35 cancer datasets, both collected in US. We test existing machine learning models in a clinical prediction benchmark 14 for MIMIC III and cancer survival prediction 5 for SEER. We study a total of four binary classification tasks, in-hospital mortality (IHM) prediction and decompensation prediction from the clinical prediction benchmark, 14 5-year breast cancer survivability (BCS) prediction, and 5-year lung cancer survivability (LCS) prediction. In what follows, we denote the minority prediction class as Class 1 (or C1) and the majority class as Class 0 (or C0). Figure 2B shows the percentages of different subgroup sizes for training dataset used in BCS prediction. The BCS training set contains 199,000 samples, of which 87.3% are in Class 0 (i.e., patients diagnosed with breast cancer and survived more than 5 years) and 0.6% are males. The majority race group (81%) is White. When categorizing by age, 70% of the patients are between 40 and 70. The LCS training dataset (of size 164,443) follows similar imbalanced distributions (supplementary figure S3B ). Figure 2D shows the composition of IHM training data, which contains 14,681 time-series samples from MIMIC III. The majority of the records (86.5%) belong to Class 0 (i.e., patients who do not die in hospital). The rest (13.5%) belong to Class 1 (i.e., the patients who die in hospital). 70.6% of the patients are White and 76% belong to the age range [50, 90). The training set contains insufficient data for the young adult population. Distributions of the decompensation training dataset (of size 2,377,768) are similar (supplementary figure S3D ). Other sampling techniques compared. The eight existing sampling approaches being compared include four undersampling techniques (namely, random undersampling, NearMiss1, NearMiss3, distant method), and four oversampling techniques (namely, replicated oversampling, SMOTE, ADASYN, Gamma). Undersampling balances the distribution of the two prediction classes by selecting only a subset of the majority class cases. Oversampling balances the dataset by populating the minority class. Accuracy disparity between C0 and C1 without sampling. Without any sampling, the original machine learning model demonstrates substantial accuracy disparity between the majority prediction class C0 and the minority prediction class C1. Figure 2A shows the 5-year breast cancer survivability (BCS) prediction results for various subpopulations. For the [30, 40) age group, the recall, precision, and AUC-PR for C0 are all over 0.9, while for C1 merely 0.41, 0.69, and 0.57 are observed, respectively. A similar trend is . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint observed for the in-hospital mortality (IHM) prediction with the MIMIC III dataset (figure 2C). For example, 1.9% of non-death cases (class C0) in IHM prediction are wrong, whereas the missed mortality prediction (class C1) is 69.5%, 36.6 times. For Black patients, while recall, precision, and AUC-PR are all above 0.9 for C0, C1 recall is 0.18, which means that for every 100 black patients who die in hospital, the model would mispredict 82 of them. The overall accuracy and AUC-ROC combine the results of both C0 and C1 classes. These values are consistently high (> 0.85 in most cases) across all tasks and subgroups, even when C1 recalls are dismal ( figure 2) . These values are dominated by the overwhelmingly high precision and recall (> 0.9 in most cases) of the majority prediction class C0. Thus, these commonly used metrics in prediction do not reflect the minority class performance under data imbalance. Accuracy disparity across demographic subgroups without sampling. Besides disparity between prediction classes, the original model also shows disparity across demographic subgroups. For the BCS task (figure 2A), the disparity among age subgroups is severe. The C1 recall of age group <30 (0.29) is only 39% of that of the 90+ age group (0.75), resulting in a large 0.46 gap. This young group's C1 recall (0.29) is also significantly lower than the whole population's (0.50). <30 group also has the lowest C1 precision, 0.20 lower than [80, 90) population. Racial disparity is relatively low, as the largest C1 recall difference is 0.13 between Asian (0. Both gender groups perform similarly in both tasks, despite the fact that male patients only account for 0.6% of the samples in the SEER dataset for BCS prediction (figures 2B). Young patients in the <30 age group account for only 0.6% and 4% in SEER (figures 2B) and MIMIC III datasets (figure 2D), respectively. Their predictions are consistently poor. Despite the large disparity in C1 performance, C0 precisions and recalls are consistently high for all subgroups, with most values above 0.90. Despite small sample sizes, some minority demographic groups (e.g., 90+ groups in BCS prediction) have high prediction accuracies even without sampling. Tradeoff between C1 precision and recall. The eight existing sampling methods improve the recall of the minority class C1, while drastically decreasing the precision of C1, i.e., introducing more false positives (figure 3). For example, for Black patients in the BCS prediction, the C1 recall increment ranges from 28.3% (NearMiss3) to 72.0% (NearMiss1) when compared to the original model after applying existing sampling methods (figure 3A). Although this tradeoff between precision and recall is expected, the decrease in precision is rather significant for some existing sampling methods, e.g., 65.3% reduction for NearMiss1. For patients in age 90+ group in the IHM prediction, C1 recall in sampled models shows 180.2% (RUS) to 280.6% (NearMiss1) increase, compared to the original model ( figure 3B ). It means that more mortality cases are correctly predicted. In the meantime, existing sampling methods show . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint 27.7% (SMOTE) to 51.0% (Distant) decrease in C1 precision, compared to the original, giving more false positives. Among the eight existing sampling methods, three undersampling methods (namely, NearMiss1, NearMiss3, and distant method) perform worse than the others, in terms of C1 AUC-PR (figure 3). In all cases, sampling does not substantially impact majority class C0 performance. AUC-PR C0 scores of all sampled models are comparable to that of the original model. Similar trends are observed for age group [30, 40) for BCS prediction and Black patients in IHM prediction (supplementary figure S1). DP increases C1 recall while balancing precision. DP differs from existing sampling methods in that it increases the original model's C1 recall without substantially sacrificing C1 precision (figures 3, 4). For example, DP increases C1 recall by 130.4% for age 90+ group in IHM prediction, while showing higher C1 precisions than all other sampling techniques (figure 4B). Compared with state-of-the-art solutions (e.g., Gamma, ADASYN, SMOTE), DP sampling offers a substantially more balanced performance for minority class C1. We further measure them based on the divergence metric next. In terms of both dual-class and Cl divergences, DP produces lower scores than state-of-the-art sampling solutions (e.g., Gamma, ADASYN, SMOTE) (figure 4 top). Lower divergence indicates more balanced recall and precision. While producing recall values comparable to state-of-the-arts, DP gives balanced C1 precisions and recalls (figure 4 bottom). For BCS prediction, existing sampling techniques show 1.33 (SMOTE) to 4.62 (NearMiss1) times higher dual-class divergence than DP for Black ( figure 4A ). For IHM prediction, existing samplings show 24.4 (RUS) to 58.8 (NearMiss1) times higher dualclass divergence than DP for 90+ patients (figure 4B). Similar trends are observed for [30, 40) group in BCS prediction (the exception of NearMiss3) and Black patients in IHM prediction (supplementary figure S2 ). Individually optimized subgroups with DP sampling. We use DP to optimize the 6 underrepresented demographic subgroups separately, which generates 6 different machine learning models for each prediction task. Each model is specifically trained to predict for the target population. We show the C1 percentages in the training datasets within subgroups before and after applying DP sampling in both BCS and IHM predictions (supplementary tables 2-3). Compared to the original model, DP sampling significantly increases the recalls of most subgroups in both SEER and MIMIC III (figure 5). C1 precision is reduced compared to the original model without any sampling, consistent with earlier observations. For Asian and <30 age group in the IHM prediction, DP does not improve the original models' C1 recalls, partly due to missing attributes and different feature representations in the very small number of test samples. For example, the test dataset only has 3 deceased patients in the <30 age group and 9 deceased Asian patients. We repeat all the above experiments for the other two tasks, namely 5-year lung cancer survivability (LCS) prediction in SEER and decompensation (i.e., deterioration after 24 hours) prediction in MIMIC III and observe similar patterns (supplementary figures S3-S8). Model specificity evaluation. In our cross-group experiments, we use the DP model trained for group A (e.g., Black) to predict group B (e.g., Hispanic). This cross application aims to evaluate the specificity of machine learning models with respect to race and age. We perform both cross-race and cross-age-group . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint experiments for BCS prediction (figure 6) and IHM prediction (supplementary figure s9). In most cases, the C1 recall and balanced accuracy are the highest when the race or age group of patients being predicted on matches the race or age group that the DP model is designed for. BCS model's race specificity is obvious. For example, when predicting Asian patients' breast cancer survivability, the DP Asian model (0.769) outperforms the DP Black model (0.439), DP Hispanic model (0.364), and the original model without DP (0.439) in terms of C1 recall (figure 6A). A similarbut-less-pronounced trend is observed in the IHM prediction for Hispanic and Black, i.e., DP models specifically trained for them outperform other models when being used to predict Hispanic or Black patients, respectively (supplementary figure S9A, B) . These observations indicate DP models' specificity with respect to race, also confirming the need for training specialized machine learning models for individual underrepresented ethnic groups. Model specificity is distinctively observed for the 90+ age group, as the C1 recall on 90+ patients is the highest when its specific DP model is used in the BCS prediction (figure 6C) and IHM prediction (supplementary figure S9C ). When making BCS prediction on 90+ years old patients, DP 90+ model The model specificity between [30, 40) and < 30 age groups is weak. For example, when predicting BCS on age group <30, the DP [30, 40) model outperforms the DP <30 model, suggesting possibly merging the two age groups during training in the future (figure 6C). The overall age specificity in the IHM prediction (supplementary figure S9C) is weaker than that of BCS prediction. Because underrepresentation is prevalent in clinical medicine, our findings likely have broad implications beyond the specific datasets and minority groups studied. Fully understanding the accuracy gaps associated with imbalanced data helps reduce life-threatening mistakes. A key first step is to identify the minority prediction class and minority demographic groups in the training dataset. Vast disparity exists between minority C1 and majority C0 classes and among demographic subgroups. For example, young patients under 40 are underrepresented in SEER and MIMIC III and consistently exhibit low C1 recalls. Our results suggest that prioritized oversampling is highly effective for improving C1 recalls of minority demographic groups. DP's main feature is maintaining the balance between C1 recall and precision (i.e., low divergence), while improving C1 recall. By duplicating specific minority demographic C1 samples, as opposed to the entire C1 population (as in all existing sampling methods), DP improves the model's specificity for that subgroup. Conventional machine learning prognoses follow a one-model-fits-all-demographics paradigm. In contrast, DP sampling enables one to train models for specific underrepresented age or racial groups, not having to use the same model for the entire patient population. Our age model specificity results strongly suggest training a specific machine learning model for the oldest-old age group (typically defined as . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint 85+) 36 , a growing population in the US 37 . Our experiment also suggests that machine learning prognosis models need to recognize racial heterogeneity, as we find that a model optimized for one race (e.g., White) may not predict well on another race. This trend is consistent in both the SEER and MIMIC III datasets, indicating the existence of unique racial features. Models from adjacent age groups, e.g., <30 and [30, 40) , exhibit some compatibility. DP's ability to support heterogeneity in machine learning design is also potentially useful for prediction problems where diverse patterns are expected, e.g., distinct posttraumatic stress responses in subpopulations 34 . Model specialization still needs to rely on the whole group samples. Training a model solely based on particular subgroup samples (e.g., Black patients) gives poor results (Supplementary Discussion), worse than the original model on almost all metrics, due to small sample sizes. This result suggests the importance of involving all samples in training, which forms a necessary starting point for further model optimization. The whole population training takes the full advantage of shared evolutionary features before subsequent model specialization. Existing sampling practices artificially force the class ratio to reach 1:1, which does not necessarily benefit the minority class performance. In contrast, DP gradually identifies the optimal units of duplicated samples based on metrics. We observe that after a certain number of units, further increase may lead to plateaued recall but substantially decreased precision in C1. This observation shows the importance of dynamically monitoring the minority class performance during sampling. When training and testing machine learning models, using multiple metrics (e.g., balanced accuracy, separate metrics for C1) is crucial. Commonly used metrics (e.g., AUC-ROC, accuracy) are heavily influenced by the majority class and fail to reflect minority performance, when used on imbalanced datasets. Our new divergence metric is useful for capturing the tradeoff between C1 recall and precision. We envision that DP oversampling is universally applicable to all medical datasets, given their intrinsic data imbalance characteristic. Future directions include exploring how data underrepresentation impacts the quality of medical image analysis, as well as mutation-based evolutionary computation 44 . Data Sharing. The MIMIC III and SEER data used in this study are not publicly downloadable but can be requested at their original sites. Parties interested in data access should visit the MIMIC III website ( and the SEER website ( to submit access requests. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint Divergence represents the difference in precision and recall score. A low divergence score with a high recall is desirable. Original represents the original machine learning without any sampling. (A) Divergence scores (top) and C1 precision and recall (bottom) for Black patients in the BCS prediction. (B) Divergence scores (top) and C1 precision and recall (bottom) for age group 90+ in the IHM prediction. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint Figure 6 : Minority class (C1) recall and balanced accuracy results from cross-group experiments where DP models trained for a specific demographic group is applied to patients of other groups in the 5-year breast cancer survivability (BCS) prediction. DP trained for Black represents the machine learning model for Black patients that is obtained using the double prioritized sampling method, similarly for Hispanic and Asian. Performance of the original machine learning model without DP or any sampling is also shown. C1 recalls and balanced accuracies of four trained machine learning models being applied to three races for the BCS prediction are shown in (A) and (B), respectively. Similarly, cross-age-group results for the BCS prediction are shown in (C) and (D). In all DP rows (except <30), highest values are where the race/age group of patients being predicted on matches the race/age group that the DP model is designed for. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. Hidden layers (20, 20) . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. For random undersampling technique, we randomly select the majority samples for three times and build models from these three training datasets. We use soft voting ensemble technique to average the result from the models. For SEER dataset, 80% is used for training and 10% for testing. Following Hegselmann et al. 5 F1-Score C0 = 2 * 0 * 0 0 + 0 . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint Prediction results from the original model (left) and different sampling models (right) for age group [30, 40) in the BCS prediction with the SEER dataset. Class 1, representing death 5 years after breast cancer diagnosis, is the minority prediction class. Class 0, representing survival after 5 years, is the majority class. (B) Prediction results from the original model (left) and different sampling models (right) for Black patients in the IHM prediction with the MIMIC III dataset. Class 1, representing death after staying 48 hours in intensive care units at the hospital, is the minority prediction class. Class 0, representing survival after staying 48 hours in intensive care units, is the majority prediction class. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint Divergence represents the difference in precision and recall score. A low divergence score with a high recall is desirable. Original represents the original machine learning without any sampling. (A) Divergence scores (top) and C1 precision and recall (bottom) for age group [30, 40) in the BCS prediction. (B) Divergence scores (top) and C1 precision and recall (bottom) for Black patients in the IHM prediction. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. (2, 377, 768) , we have to exclude the sampling methods that require expensive pairwise distance computation. Divergence represents the difference in precision and recall score. A low divergence score with a high recall is desirable. (A) Divergence scores (top), C1 precision and recall (bottom) for Black patients. (B) Divergence scores (top), C1 precision and recall (bottom) for 90+ age group. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) Figure S9 : Minority class (C1) recall and balanced accuracy results from the crossgroup experiment where DP models trained for a specific demographic group is applied to patients of other groups in the in-hospital mortality (IHM) prediction. DP trained for Black represents the machine learning model for Black patients that is obtained using the double prioritized sampling method, similarly for Hispanic and Asian. Performance of the original machine learning model without DP or any sampling is also shown. C1 recalls and balanced accuracies of four trained machine learning models being applied to three races for the IHM prediction are shown in (A) and (B) , respectively. Similarly, cross-agegroup results for the IHM prediction are shown in (C) and (D). . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) Results of the 5-year lung cancer survivability (LCS) prediction on SEER dataset and decompensation prediction on MIMIC III dataset are consistent with earlier observations. In the LCS prediction, the minority Class 1 represents patients who survive lung cancer for at least 5 years after the diagnosis. For LCS, the recall, precision, AUC-PR are all above 0.93 for Class 0, while the values for Class 1 are only 0.60, 0.72, and 0.73, respectively (Supplementary Figure S3A) . Regarding the disparity among demographic subgroups, the original model misses only 15% of survival cases in the age [30, 40) group, while it misses a significant amount of them in age [70, 80) and age [80, 90) subgroups. For decompensation prediction, the minority Class 1 represents patients whose health condition deteriorates after 24 hours. We also observe the accuracy disparity among Class 1 and Class 0. For example, C1 recall is merely 0.13, while C0 recall is near perfect (Supplementary Figure S3C) . The disparity also exists among demographic subgroups, e.g., C1 precision is 0.91 for Asians and only 0.35 for Hispanics, which means the model incorrectly predicts only 9% of Asian patients whereas the model provides incorrect predictions for 65% of Hispanic Patients in the test dataset. For LCS prediction, sampling results for two minority demographic groups, namely Asian and age group [30, 40) are shown in Supplementary Figure S4 . Because of the class distribution in the [30, 40) subgroup is more balanced (33% Class 1, Supplementary Table 4) , the original C1 precision and recall are rather good (0.85 for both). After applying DP, both slightly increase by 2.5%. Results of other sampling methods in LCS prediction (Supplementary Figure S4) follow the similar pattern as the BCS prediction. For the decompensation prediction, we apply two most commonly used sampling techniques, random undersampling (RUS) and replicated oversampling (ROS). We have to exclude other sampling techniques as their pairwise quadratic distance computation is expensive for 2,377,768 patients' time series training dataset. Overall, RUS performs the worst in terms of both C1 recall and precision (Supplementary Figure S5) as RUS discards around 94% of data (decompensation C1 is 2%) which contributes to a huge loss of information. ROS shows a higher recall with a low precision rate than DP. When applying ROS sampling on Black patients, C1 recall increases 320.2%, whereas C1 precision decreases 88.9% compared to the original model. Consistent with other prediction tasks, DP shows low divergence between precision and recall ( Supplementary Figures S6 and S7 ). In the LCS prediction, for Asian patients, other sampling techniques show 1.07 (SMOTE) to 7.90 (NearMiss1) times dual-class divergence compared to DP's (Supplementary Figures S6A) . For age [30, 40) patients, DP shows perfectly balanced precision and recall (0 divergence). For the decompensation prediction on Black patients, the DP model improves C1 recalls by 158% and shows 3.5 times lower divergence score compared to the original model (Supplementary Figure S7A ). Supplementary Table 5 shows the number of additional units of specific C1 subgroup samples in DP for the decompensation prediction. For all subgroups in the LCS and decompensation predictions, DP increases C1 recalls while balancing C1 precisions (Supplementary Figure S8) , consistent with earlier observations. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint Comparing DP with Subgroup-only Training. For comparison, we conduct a subgroup-only experiment, where we train a machine learning model on the much smaller demographic-specific dataset. The training data only contains samples of a specific subgroup, e.g., Black patients, excluding all other races. In the IHM prediction task, there are 1,407 Black patients out of 14,681 records. Learning parameters stay the same. No sampling is done. We observe that training a model solely based on particular subgroup samples (e.g., Black patients) gives poor results, much worse than the original model or DP on almost all metrics, due to small sample sizes. In IHM prediction for Black patients, the subgroup training approach shows 40.2% decrease in C1 recall from the original model (without sampling) and 66.7% decrease from the DP model. For BCS prediction, C1 recall and precision of most minority race subgroups are lower than the original model, e.g., 12.9% decrease for Hispanic C1 recall and 6.7% for Black C1 precision. These findings suggest the importance of training the initial machine learning model from the entire dataset covering the whole patient population, as DP does. . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted April 4, 2021. ; doi: medRxiv preprint Disease prediction using graph convolutional networks: application to autism spectrum disorder and Alzheimer's disease Prediction of heart disease using k-means and artificial neural network as Hybrid Approach to Improve Accuracy Predicting the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy using deep learning. 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