key: cord-0173950-lrdsa5ul authors: Khanal, Sarthak; Traskowsky, Maria; Caragea, Doina title: Identification of Fine-Grained Location Mentions in Crisis Tweets date: 2021-11-11 journal: nan DOI: nan sha: 56aca8daa848ceaa3932fe8441090f9c5e9aa005 doc_id: 173950 cord_uid: lrdsa5ul Identification of fine-grained location mentions in crisis tweets is central in transforming situational awareness information extracted from social media into actionable information. Most prior works have focused on identifying generic locations, without considering their specific types. To facilitate progress on the fine-grained location identification task, we assemble two tweet crisis datasets and manually annotate them with specific location types. The first dataset contains tweets from a mixed set of crisis events, while the second dataset contains tweets from the global COVID-19 pandemic. We investigate the performance of state-of-the-art deep learning models for sequence tagging on these datasets, in both in-domain and cross-domain settings. We have witnessed a large number of crisis situations in recent years, from natural disasters to man-made disasters and also to deadly animal and human health crises, culminating with the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis. Affected individuals often turn to social media (e.g., Twitter or Facebook) to report useful information, or ask for help (Sakaki, Okazaki, and Matsuo 2010; Vieweg et al. 2010; King 2018) . Information contributed on social media by people on the ground can be invaluable to emergency response organizations in terms of gaining situational awareness, prioritizing resources to best assist the affected population, addressing concerns, and even saving lives (King 2018) . Many recent studies have focused on identifying informative tweets posted by individuals affected by a crisis, and classifying those tweets according to situational awareness categories useful for crisis response and management (Imran et al. 2015) . However, for situational awareness information extracted from social media to be actionable, knowing the corresponding geographic location is of key importance. For example, location information enables responders to perform fast assessment of the damage produced by a natural disaster (Villegas, Martinez, and Krause 2018) , or to respond to requests for help coming from affected individuals or institutions (e.g., hospitals or schools). In the case of COVID-19 health crisis, location information can also be used to identify trends by locations (e.g., stance of a community towards various health recommendations) (Mutlu et al. 2020; Miao, Last, and Litvak 2020) , and subsequently em-ploy that information to prevent dissemination of misinformation and rumors, and resurgence of the novel coronavirus. Unfortunately, only a very small percentage of tweets are geotagged (Mahmud, Nichols, and Drews 2012) . Furthermore, even when geolocation information is available, that location may not be the location mentioned in the tweet text (Ikawa et al. 2013 ). According to Vieweg et al. (2010) , the location in the tweet text is usually the location needed for monitoring and/or responding to an emergency. Table 1 shows several examples of tweets posted during recent hurricanes (first three tweets) and during the COVID-19 crisis (last three tweets). As can be seen, locations are mentioned at different levels of granularity, from region and landmark to city, state and country. Furthermore, the same location name, in our COVID-19 examples -New York, can be associated with different location types, such as city (tweet 4) and state (tweet 6). Information about the tags of the ambiguous entities can be used to disambiguate the corresponding locations and link them to physical locations. Therefore, tools for identifying fine-grained locations directly from the texts of crisis tweets are greatly needed. Location identification has been frequently addressed as part of the broader named entity recognition (NER) task (Goyal, Gupta, and Kumar 2018; Li et al. 2020) . Some studies have focused specifically on the task of identifying generic location mentions (without considering the type of location) in tweet text (Hoang, Moriceau, and Mothe 2017) , and even disaster tweet text (Kumar and Singh 2019) . Other studies have focused on identifying fine-grained points-ofinterest (POI), useful for location-based services (Li and Sun 2014; Malmasi and Dras 2015; Ji et al. 2016; . To the best of our knowledge, there are no publicly available, manually annotated datasets that can facilitate progress on the task of identifying fine-grained locations (including, city, state, country, region, landmark) in crisis tweets, despite the benefits provided by the use of social media data in monitoring and responding to a crisis. To address this need, we have assembled two datasets for identifying fine-grained locations in crisis tweets. The first dataset, called MIXED, consists of tweets crawled during five crisis events, specifically, Nepal Earthquake, Queensland Floods, Srilanka Bombing, Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Florence. The second dataset, called COVID, consists of a set of coronavirus-related tweets crawled between February (Li et al. 2020) , we use different state-of-the-art models to establish baseline results on the dataset. In summary, the contributions of this work are as follows: • We create two datasets of tweets from a mixed set of crisis events and from COVID-19, respectively. The tweets are manually annotated with fine-grained location types, including city, state, country, region, landmark. • We use state-of-the-art models including a contextual encoder coupled with a tag decoder in a multi-task learning setting, and a model based on contextualized word and entity representations, combined with entity-aware selfattention to establish baseline results for our datasets. • We perform extensive experiments on the MIXED and COVID datasets, respectively, in both in-domain and cross-domain settings to understand the usefulness of the data from the domain of interest, as well as the transferability of the models from one domain to another. Given this introduction, we proceed with a discussion of related work in the next section, followed by the description of the datasets constructed, and then background and approaches, experimental setup, results and error analysis, and finally, conclusions and an ethics statement. We organize the related work based on several categories relevant to the research in this paper. Specifically, we first briefly discuss the location mention identification as a specific task in the area of NER. Subsequently, we review works on fine-grained location types, followed by approaches used for identifying locations, and finally, other existing and relevant location datasets. 1 NER is a well-researched problem in natural language processing (NLP) (Goyal, Gupta, and Kumar 2018; Li et al. 2020) . Text-based location identification has been traditionally addressed as part of the broader NER task, although some works focus specifically on location identification (Lingad, Karimi, and Yin 2013; Han et al. 2014; Kumar and Singh 2019; Magge et al. 2019 ). Most of the works that identify locations simply tag location mentions, as opposed to identifying fine-grained location types (Li et al. 2020) . For example, Lingad, Karimi, and Yin (2013) aim to identify mentions of locations (including geographic locations and points of interest) in disaster tweets, by using standard NER taggers (pre-trained or retrained), and report best performance using retrained Stanford NER (Finkel, Grenager, and Manning 2005) . Also in the context of emergencies, Kumar and Singh (2019) use a convolutional neural network (CNN) approach to identify location references in crisis tweets, regardless of their specific types. Some recent works have considered fine-grained location types, such as city, state, country (Inkpen et al. 2015; Anand, Awekar et al. 2017; Lal et al. 2019; Qazi, Imran, and Ofli 2020) . While focused on COVID-19 tweets, Qazi, Imran, and Ofli (2020) use a gazetteer approach to infer the geolocation of tweets, based on user and tweet information. Closest to our goal of identifying fine-grained locations in disaster tweet texts, Inkpen et al. (2015) propose a CRFbased approach to identify countries, states/provinces and cities using a Twitter dataset annotated according to guidelines provided in (Mani et al. 2010) . They make use of handcrafted features, including gazetteer features, to train a CRF model. As opposed to (Inkpen et al. 2015) , we use a larger set of location types and approaches that preclude the need for manually crafted features and gazetteers. Other works on fine-grained location focus on identifying point of interests locations, such as restaurants, hotels, parks, etc. and linking them to pre-defined location profiles (Li and Sun 2014; Ji et al. 2016; . Li and Sun (2014) build a POI inventory (which can be seen as a noisy version of a gazetteer), and a time-aware POI tagger. The time-aware POI tagger is a CRF trained to extract and disambiguate fine-grained POIs. Ji et al. (2016) extend the POI tagger in Li and Sun (2014) by proposing a joint framework that achieves POI recognition and linking to pre-defined POI profiles simultaneously. Xu et al. (2019) address the same problem of identifying fine-grained POIs and linking them to location profiles. However, they use a deep learning model (specifically, BiLSTM-CRF) to avoid the need for manually designed features, and subsequently use a collection of location profiles to perform the linking. The definition of finegrained POI tagging is different from our definition of finegrained location tagging -we aim to assign specific types/tags to location entities, as opposed to identifying generic (yes/no) POI tags, and then linking the tags to pre-defined profiles, as in prior works (Li and Sun 2014; Ji et al. 2016; . Moreover, we want to avoid the use of gazetteers to ensure that the models are resilient to the informal nature of the language used in tweets. Similar to (Xu et al. 2019), we also want to avoid the need for manually designed features, and thus focus on deep learning approaches. State-of-the-art approaches for NER, in general, and location identification, in particular, are sequence labeling type approaches based on deep learning language models (Li et al. 2020 ). More specifically, competitive architectures consist of three components: distributed representations of the input, a context encoder model, and a tag decoder model. Both character-level and word-level embeddings (or their combination) have been used to represent the NER input in recent works (Goyal, Gupta, and Kumar 2018) , with BERT (Devlin et al. 2018 ) contextual embeddings being among the most successful (Li et al. 2020) . In terms of context encoders and tag decoders, recurrent neural networks, most often, BiLSTM networks (short for Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory) (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber 1997) , and CRF (short for Conditional Random Fields) (Lafferty, Mc-Callum, and Pereira 2001) , respectively, contribute to some of the best results on benchmark NER datasets (Luo, Xiao, and Zhao 2019; Baevski et al. 2019; Liu et al. 2019; Jiang et al. 2019) . Given these successful architectures for the NER task, one of our baseline models consists of three components: BERT, BiLSTM and CRF, for the input representation, context encoder and tag decoder, respectively. As another strong baseline, we investigate a recent state-of-the-art architecture, called LUKE, (Yamada et al. 2020 ), based on a bidirectional transformer architecture pre-trained to output both word and entity contextualized representations. LUKE uses an entity-aware self-attention to identify entities. Most previous works on location identification in tweet texts are focused on general tweets (Liu, Vasardani, and Baldwin 2014; Inkpen et al. 2015 ) with a few notable exceptions of works focused on crisis tweets (Lingad, Karimi, and Yin 2013; Kumar and Singh 2019; Qazi, Imran, and Ofli 2020) . However, the datasets used in these works are not all available (Lingad, Karimi, and Yin 2013; Kumar and Singh 2019) . Even when available, the datasets focus on identifying location mentions without specifically identifying the fine-grained type of the location mentions (Liu, Vasardani, and Baldwin 2014) . Qazi, Imran, and Ofli (2020) used a gazetteer-only approach to annotate tweets with geolocations, and the resulting annotations are not very accurate. While not specifically focused on crisis tweets, the dataset published by Inkpen et al. (2015) is the closest to our dataset in terms of fine-grained location types used (which include city, country, state or province, etc.). However, most locations in their dataset are not mentioned in the tweet, but are inferred from auxiliary information. Specifically, only about 3% of the tweet texts in their dataset have location entities, for a total of only 220 different location entities. Furthermore, they also used a gazetteer approach to annotate most of the tweets, and performed manual annotations just for a small subset of their dataset. Given the above-mentioned differences between existing datasets and our datasets, it is not possible to directly use the existing datasets to transfer information to our tasks in a cross-domain setting. One main contribution of our work is to construct two benchmark datasets for identifying fine-grained locations (see Table 2 ) useful for crisis monitoring and response. The datasets cover events that are different in nature, to enable studies in both in-domain and cross-domain settings. The first dataset, called MIXED, contains tweets posted during four natural disasters and one man-made disaster that happened in specific geographical regions. The second dataset, called COVID, contains tweets posted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and thus has worldwide coverage. More specifically, the tweets in the MIXED dataset were crawled during the following events: Nepal Earthquake, Queensland Floods, Srilanka Bombing, Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Florence. The tweets from Nepal Earthquake and Queensland Floods were obtained from (Alam, Joty, and Imran 2018) . Tweets from Srilanka Bombing, Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Florence were crawled locally using the Twitter streaming API. A random sample of unique English tweets was included in the MIXED dataset that was annotated using AM. More than 133 million tweets from COVID-19 pandemic were also crawled locally between February 27th and April 7th, 2020. A random sample of unique English tweets was included in the COVID dataset for AMT annotation. The keywords used to crawl the tweets and the final number of tweets included in the dataset for each event are provided in the appendix Unlabaled tweets. In addition to the MIXED and COVID datasets that are annotated as part of this work, we also used a large number of unlabeled mixed crisis and COVID-19 tweets to pre-trained BERT (Devlin et al. 2018 ) models and obtain crisis-specific embeddings. In particular, to pretrain the BERT model for the MIXED dataset, we collected a larger set of tweets pertaining to various crisis events from Table 2 : Location types and their descriptions, together with type distribution (as raw numbers # and percentages %) in the MIXED and COVID datasets, respectively. prior works (Imran, Mitra, and Castillo 2016; Nguyen et al. 2017; Alam, Ofli, and Imran 2018; Alam, Joty, and Imran 2018; Olteanu et al. 2014; Olteanu, Vieweg, and Castillo 2015) in addition to the locally crawled tweets. For the COVID dataset, however, we only used the locally crawled tweets to pre-train the BERT model. To prepare the tweets for annotation, the following preprocessing was performed. User mentions were anonymized by replacing them with a generic user keyword, and links were removed from the tweet text. Special characters, including -= !#$%ˆ&*()+[]{};\':"|<>?, and non-printable ASCII characters were also removed. The tweet text was tokenized to enforce annotation at the token level and avoid accidental annotation of token fragments. Tweet tokens were annotated with six location types using the BIO scheme (where B stands for Beginning, I stands for Inside and O stands for Outside of a location entity). The location types together with their brief descriptions are shown in Table 2 . Examples of annotated tweets are shown in Table 1 , where the first three tweets are representative of the MIXED dataset, and the last three are representative COVID. We used feedback from a local annotator to iteratively develop and improve a custom annotation tool for our task. The tool was subsequently deployed to AMT. Annotators were provided with definitions of the location types included in our study, together with precise instructions for annotation, and examples of annotated tweets, such as those in Table 1. Each tweet was annotated by at least 3 annotators. Only entities where two or more annotators agreed were included in the final datasets. The Cohen's Kappa scores that we obtained for inter-annotator agreement were 0.63 and 0.62, and the average pairwise F1-scores for inter-annotator agreement were 68.87 and 65.86 for the MIXED and COVID datasets, respectively. According to Cohen (1960) , these scores represent substantial agreement. The distributions of the location entities over the six location types included in our study are shown in Table 2 , As can be seen, the annotated entities are more evenly distributed over the types considered in the MIXED dataset, while more than half of the entities are of type country in the COVID dataset. The datasets also show differences in terms of the number of entities per tweet, with the MIXED dataset containing a majority of tweets with one or two entities (and a small number of tweets with more than two entities), and COVID containing mostly tweets with one entity (and a small number of tweets with two or more entities). Such differences emphasize specific characteristics and challenges in the two domains, and are useful in studying the transferability of the models from one domain to another. To enable progress on fine-grained location identification in crisis tweets, and facilitate comparisons between models developed for this task (in-domain and cross-domain), we created benchmark datasets by randomly splitting our MIXED and COVID datasets into training (train), development (dev) and test (test) subsets, respectively. We use the training subset to train our models, the development subset to select hyperparameters and the test subset to evaluate the final performance of the models. Statistics for the MIXED and COVID datasets in terms of number of tweets, tokens, entities in the train, test and dev subsets, respectively, are shown in Table 3 . The benchmark datasets, together with the pre-processing script, will be made publicly available upon publication of this work. More specifically, to comply with Twitter's Developer Agreement and Policy 2 , the datasets will be made available as pairs of tweet ID and corresponding locations. The locations will be specified as a list of location-type tags corresponding to the to-kens in the tweet as shown in Table 1 (i.e., a list of tags such as B-ctc, I-ctc, B-sta, O, etc. -one tag for each tweet token). Given that the pre-processing script will also be made available, the index of the location tags should precisely match the index of the tweet tokens. In addition to the location annotated datasets of tweets, the IDs of the unlabeld tweets that are used to pre-trained BERT will also be made available for both mixes crises and COVID-19 health crisis. The task of identifying fine-grained locations in tweet text can be formulated as follows: Given a set of (X, Y ) pairs, where X = {x 1 , · · · , x n } is a text sequence/tweet with n tokens, and Y = {y 1 , · · · , y n } is a tag sequence with n location tags/types (in BIO format) corresponding to the tokens in the sequence X; our sequence tagging task is to find a mapping f θ : X → Y (with parameters θ) from input sequences to output sequences of fine-grained location types. Feature-Engineered Baseline. Stanford NER (Finkel, Grenager, and Manning 2005) uses an arbitrary order linear chain CRF model over a set of predefined word and character level features extracted from the input. The model has been used as a strong baseline for many NER models. We retrain the model with both MIXED and COVID datasets, respectively, to learn fine-grained location types. Character and Word Embedding Baselines. One model architecture in this category consists of a distributed representation layer learning the embeddings at character and word level followed by an LSTM-based context-encoder layer and a CRF tag-decoder. The model is referred as CNN-GloVe-BiLSTM-CRF in what follows. Considering the recent success of transformer-based models, we also experiment with a similar model where BERT is used as the embedding layer instead of CNN+GloVe. We call this model BERT-BiLSTM-CRF. For both CNN-GloVe-BiLSTM-CRF and BERT-BiLSTM-CRF models, we employ a multitask learning approach (Caruana 1997) , in which the main task of fine-grained location tagging is learned simultaneously with the auxiliary task of a generic yes/no location tagging (see Appendix for more details). We refer this model using the -MTL suffix in what follows. Word and Entity Embedding Baseline. In addition to using contextualized word embeddings learned from a transformer-based language model, LUKE (Yamada et al. 2020 ) also learns contextualized entity embeddings and subsequently uses an entity-aware self-attention mechanism to perform tasks such as entity typing, relation classification, NER, etc. The LUKE approach has achieved state-of-theart results on standard NER datasets (among others). We fine-tune the pre-trained LUKE-base model with the COVID and MIXED datasets, respectively. The LUKE model selects candidate entity spans before making the entity type category predictions, a task that is comparable to the auxiliary task in the MTL models discussed earlier. Hence, we do not use the multitask learning setting for LUKE. In this section, we discuss the metrics used in the evaluation, implementation details and experiments performed. We use standard metrics, including precision (Pr), recall (Re) and F1-measure (F1), to evaluate the performance of the models trained. We performed a grid-search with 5 trials and used the development subsets to identify best-overall hyperparameter values (see the Appendix for details on the values included in the grid and best-overall values).We used the best-overall values in the experiments. We used the Glorot uniform initializer (Glorot and Bengio 2010) to initialize the model weights. The optimization was performed using the AdamW optimizer (Loshchilov and Hutter 2019) , with a learning rate of 1e − 3, weight decay of 1e − 2, and gradient clipping with max norm of 5. We used a dropout of 0.5 and mini-batch size of 32 in all the experiments. We set a patience of 5 epochs on the development F1-measure, as early stopping of training. All experiments are run on NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU. We conducted experiments in two settings, in-domain and cross-domain. In the in-domain setting, models were trained and tested on the same dataset (e.g., models were trained on MIXED-train, tuned on MIXED-dev, and tested on MIXED-test). The goal was to study: 1) the performance of the deep learning models by comparison with the traditional Stanford NER model; 2) the effect of the auxiliary task in the MTL framework; 3) the effect of different types of embeddings. In the cross-domain setting, we used the best indomain model to investigate several ways to perform transfer of information between domains: 1) a zero-shot transfer setting, where models trained on one dataset were tested on the other dataset (e.g., models trained on MIXED-train, tuned on MIXED-dev and tested on COVID-test); 2) an embedding-level transfer, where the transformer block finetuned on one dataset (e.g., MIXED) was used as a starting point for the transformer block of the model trained/tuned/tested on the other dataset (e.g., COVID); 3) a modellevel transfer, where the model trained/tuned on a dataset (e.g., MIXED-train, MIXED-dev) is used as the starting point of the model for the other dataset (e.g., COVID-train, COVID-dev, COVID-test, respectively). We first present and discuss the in-domain results, followed by the cross-domain results. In addition, we also perform error analysis and discuss the robustness of the models. Table 4 shows the in-domain results of the models. As can be seen in Table 4 , the entity-embedding based LUKE model is the best overall in terms of F1-measure for both MIXED and COVID datasets, with a relatively high recall compared to most of the other models. Specifically, the F1-measure is 76.71% for the MIXED dataset and 74.66% for the COVID dataset. While the Stanford NLP has the highest precision overall, we argue that in the context of disaster monitoring and response, recall is more important than precision, as the final results will be reviewed by humans before any action is taken. Comparing the results for the MIXED and COVID datasets, we can see that the models have slightly better performance on the MIXED dataset. While this dataset contains a variety of crisis events, the events are relatively localized to specific geographical regions, which may make it easier for the models to identify the locations. As opposed to that, the COVID dataset has a big variety of locations as it covers a global pandemic. Nevertheless, the F1 score of the LUKE model on COVID is 8.3% higher than the score of the Stanford NLP model, which uses manually designed features for training. We can also observe that the contextualized word and/or entity embeddings obtained from transformer architectures are better than both the engineered features in Stanford NLP and the character/word-embeddings in the CNN-GloVE-BiLSTM-CRF models. Finally, when comparing the BERT-BiLSTM-CRF-MTL model (with auxiliary task) to its BERT-BiLSTM-CRF variant (without the auxiliary task), the results show that the auxiliary task can help improve the F1-measure, especially in the case of COVID. However, for CNN-GloVe-BiLSTM-CRF, the addition of the auxiliary task decreases the F1-measure. This suggests that the transformer allows for a richer transfer of knowledge between similar tasks as compared to the CNN/GloVe architectures. Table 5 shows the results of the BERT-BiLSTM-CRF-MTL and LUKE models (which give the best overall results in the in-domain setting) in the cross-domain setting. Specifically, we compare three transfer styles, zero shot, embeddinglevel, and model-level, when COVID is used as source and MIXED as target, and the other way around. As expected, the model-level transfer style gives the best results overall, while . This is probably due to the diversity in the COVID dataset, which enables more accurate locations to be identified in the MIXED dataset. As opposed to that, the transfer from MIXED to COVID causes more specific locations to be identified, which improves the recall but negatively affects the precision (and the overall F1-measure). We performed error analysis of the model-level transfer from Table 5 for both BERT-BiLSTM-CRF-MTL and LUKE (specifically, model-level transfer from COVID to MIXED and from MIXED to COVID). The analysis is based on the framework proposed by Ribeiro et al. (2020) , where a model is tested for a capability using three tests: minimum functionality test (MFT), invariance test (INV) and directional expectation test (DIR). We performed the tests on the model's capability to generalize the concept of a location entity. In our case, MFT is the model's performance on the original MIXED or COVID test set, respectively. For INV, the location entities in the original test set were replaced with other randomly selected location entities of the same type from the test set. Finally, for DIR, the original location entities were replaced with randomly selected location entities of different types from the test set. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 6 . The MFT score serves as a baseline for the other two tests. As can be seen, in both cases, the performance degrades when the locations are mixed uptests INV and DIR as compared with the test MFT -suggesting that the model captures correlations between locations and their context. However, the F1 score for INV is better than the F1 score for DIR, which shows that the model expects a particular type of location in a given context. tity of type ctc is followed by a location entity of type sta, which is the general convention for specifying a city, state location. However, for the DIR test, when the entities are replaced with others in reverse order of the type as compared to the original tweet (i.e., sta, ctc instead of ctc, sta), the model incorrectly, but not surprisingly, predicts sta as ctc and vice versa. In the second example, for the MFT test, the model correctly predicts Sri Lanka as a country (i.e., con). However, when Sri Lanka is replaced with South Africa in the case of the INV test, the model predicts it as reg. This is probably because Africa as a continent is a location of type reg, and also because cardinal directions are commonly associated with reg locations. Hence, without any external knowledge about South Africa as a country, reg is the next best prediction. In this paper, we introduced two new crisis tweet datasets manually tagged with specific fine-grained location types. These are the first manually annotated datasets for finegrained location identification in crisis tweet texts, and can foster research in this area of great importance for crisis monitoring and response. The two datasets are different in nature, with one of them focused on mixed natural and manmade crisis events, which are generally localized to specific regions, and the second one focused on the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The different nature of the two datasets enables studies on location identification for localized and global events, as well as studies on the transferability of information between localized and global events. In addition to introducing these datasets, we reported baseline results for the fine-grain location identification task using state-of-the-art models based on different embedding styles. Our results suggest that the entity-embedding style of the LUKE model gives the best results. We also used MTL to incorporate an auxiliary task in one of the models and showed its effectiveness in transferring information between datasets. As part of future work, we plan to improve the results of the models by including other crisis-related tagging The dataset that we plan to share will not provide any personally identifiable information, as only the tweet IDs and human annotated location tags (i.e., tags such as B-ctc, I-sta, O, etc., but not specific locations) will be shared. Thus, our dataset complies with Twitter's Developer Agreement and Policy 3 in terms of privacy. Furthermore, in compliance with the Twitter's Developer Agreement and Policy, Section III.E, the location information is used only in conjunction with the tweet content, and, as allowed by Twitter, we "only use such location data and geographic information to identify the location tagged by the Twitter Content." In terms of impact, the research enabled by this dataset has the potential to help officials and health organizations identify actionable information useful for fast response during a crisis situation, or facilitate the health organizations to aggregate information relevant to COVID-19 by locations (which in turn can be useful in preventing a serious resurgence of the novel coronavirus in a particular region). However, we want to emphasize that we do not use any of the information in Twitter content, in particular the location information, to infer any sensitive information about the user, and most importantly our models do not infer any information about users' health 4 . The models are simply trained to identify location tags in tweets (as explicitly allowed by Twitter) and nothing more. Also important, our pre-processing script removes any user mentions from the tweet content before feeding the tweets to the models for training. Search space Fine-tuned BERT layers 9, 10, 11 Auxiliary task layer (AL) None, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Auxiliary loss factor 0.2 Hidden size of BiLSTM 64, 128, 256, 512 Figure 2: BERT-BiLSTM-CRF based MTL model. The model can be seen as an MTL model, with two objective corresponding to two tasks. The primary task (right) is to predict fine-grained location tags, while the auxiliary task (left) is to predict generic location tags. BERT is used to get a distributed representation of the input for both models. The primary task is linked to the last BERT layer, while the auxiliary task is linked to a lower layer (AL). BiLSTM and CRF models are used as context encoders and tag decoders for both tasks. 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