key: cord-0067559-bt3z8gyh authors: nan title: Announcements date: 2021-09-13 journal: Med Sci Educ DOI: 10.1007/s40670-021-01398-5 sha: 873dc6d0498b5a0f149434a6befb6419243b52bf doc_id: 67559 cord_uid: bt3z8gyh nan The Generalists in Medical Education welcome basic scientists, clinicians, and other educators interested in medical education. We are educators who teach, conduct research, and provide support services in all areas of predoctoral, postdoctoral and continuing medical education and health professions education. Specific areas of interest include curriculum and faculty development, testing and evaluation, and student services. At each annual conference, we exchange ideas and knowledge to enhance our professional growth. Each conference offers opportunities to develop understandings of the latest initiatives and innovations in medical education and to explore solutions to educational problems. For more details see https:// thege neral ists. org/ confe rence/. Virtual Event, November 8-10, 2021 Learn Serve Lead brings together diverse communities within medical education, patient care, and research so that academic medicine professionals may learn from one another, find common ground, and build organizational capacity. As the AAMC's signature learning and networking event, Learn Serve Lead unites professionals from across the country to discover new ideas, discuss emerging innovations, and share in an incredibly meaningful experience. See https:// www. aamc. org/ profe ssion al-devel opment/ events/ learn-serve-lead for details. Virtual Event, January 12-16, 2022 The text Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) will be held on January 12-16, 2022. The event will be hosted virtually by Universiti Malaya, together with the National University of Singapore and our local partners, the International Medical University and the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia. As we continue to prepare for an irrevocably altered future, we look to our past for lessons and inspiration. Hence the theme "Our Heritage, Our Future: Future proofing healthcare professionals-Trends. Issues. Priorities. Strategies" is fitting as we seek to adapt in response to these new challenges. Over 5 days, a variety of workshops and symposia, addressing teaching and learning, assessments, continuing medical education, and leadership, will provide a structured platform for engaging discussions with leading medical educationalists and other healthcare professionals from diverse cultures and backgrounds. For more details visit https:// medic ine. nus. edu. sg/ cenmed/ apmec 2022/ index. html. The 2022 conference of the American Dental Education Association, "Lifting as We Rise-the 2022 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition", inspires and challenges us to lean in on the pathways that position the next wave of oral health educators. Dental education is based upon a sequential process of learning, training and developing as we move from students to providers, from residents to educators, from faculty to administrators. We focus on individual goals that propel us from one rung on the career ladder to the next. Join us on March 19-22, 2022 in magnificent and multicultural Montreal-Canada's second largest city-for Lifting as We Rise, a program designed to foster the growth and collegiality among dental educators. For more information see https:// www. adea. org/ 2022/. The Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME) is the premier medical education conference in Canada. It hosts the largest annual gathering of medical educators in the country. We also welcome our international colleagues and other partners including students, other health educators, health education researchers, administrators, licensing and credentialing organizations and governments, to come and share their experiences in medical education across the learning continuum (from undergraduate to postgraduate to continuing professional development). The purpose of the CCME is to highlight, and allow participants to benefit from, developments in medical education and to promote academic medicine by establishing an annual forum for medical educators and their many partners to meet and exchange ideas. For details please visit http:// meded confe rence. ca/. April 27-29, 2022, Nashville (TN), USA (Tentative) The abstract submission period for Educating Leaders 2022, the AACOM Annual Conference, is now open! Present with us and have your work recognized during the nation's premier osteopathic medical education event, from April 27 to 29, 2022, both onsite in Nashville, Tennessee, and online from anywhere in the world. While we hope that conditions will allow us to hold our annual conference with an in-person component, please note that the location and timing are subject to change based on local, state and federal guidelines around COVID. This year's conference has five distinct audience tracks. Audience tracks include: Admissions, UME-Pre-Clinical Education, UME-Clinical Education, Transition to GME (Advising), and Graduate Medical Education Faculty. Current medical students and trainees are also encouraged to submit abstracts for Educating Leaders 2022! For mere information visit https:// www. aacom. org/ educa tingl eader s2022. Applications are being accepted for the Academy of Pharmacology Educators. The purpose of the Academy of Pharmacology Educators is to provide a means to recognize senior and mid-career individuals who have made exemplary contributions to pharmacology education in the following areas: student-teacher interaction, innovative contributions, scholarly endeavors, and professional development and service. Applications are also encouraged from ASPET members who may be more junior in rank, but who have chosen to focus career goals on the education mission. Applications are now open, application deadline is Friday, January 14, 2022. Please see the link below for application instructions and evaluation criteria. Any questions should be directed to Katharina Brandl, chair of the Division for Pharmacology Education (DPE). https:// www. aspet. org/ aspet/ membe rship-commu nity/ divis ions/ divis ion-for-pharm acolo gy-educa tion-(dpe)/ acade my-ofpharm acolo gy-educa tors. The Stanford Faculty Development Center for Medical Teachers offers the online teaching improvement course: "Mastering Medical Teaching." The course provides practical approaches for improving teaching practice among medical teachers including clinicians, basic scientists, and postdoctoral scholars. The course takes a non-prescriptive approach that you can apply, regardless of the teaching philosophy you use, to a broad range of learners, content areas, and instructional settings. You will strengthen your ability to establish a positive learning climate and communicate goals. You will master effective techniques to promote understanding and retention, give feedback and evaluate learners, and promote self-directed learning. For more information see the Course page https:// online. stanf ord. edu/ cours es/ som-xche0 018-maste ring-medic al-teach ing and the course Trailer