key: cord-0064523-e9z0j6yr authors: Apostolopoulos, Nikolaos; Ratten, Vanessa; Petropoulos, Dimitrios; Liargovas, Panagiotis; Anastasopoulou, Eleni title: Agri‐food sector and entrepreneurship during the COVID‐19 crisis: A systematic literature review and research agenda date: 2021-03-10 journal: nan DOI: 10.1002/jsc.2400 sha: 645d224bf53cddc7fe275f5d8f7259a0d9e94fe8 doc_id: 64523 cord_uid: e9z0j6yr The related literature highlighted the impact of COVID‐19 on agri‐food entrepreneurship, the government measures and support on agri‐food entrepreneurship, and the shift of agri‐food entrepreneurship towards digitization, innovative ideas, and new market solutions. Agri‐food entrepreneurship faces numerous challenges, but at the same time, the crisis can generate opportunities. The studies made so far indicate that COVID‐19 can cause transformational changes to agri‐food entrepreneurship, although further research is needed to clarify open issues. When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, agri-food entrepreneurship was greatly affected by the pandemic crisis on food secure and food adequacy. Governments worldwide have been forced to take restrictive measures in global food supply chains, transport and labor force movement to reduce the disease's spread (Mishra et al., 2021) . In particular, under these measures, in the first weeks of the pandemic, there was a considerable decline in labor productivity, higher labor and transportation costs, significant loss of income for farmers, food shortages and an increase in vulnerable products' prices such as vegetables and fruit for consumers (Ibidem). These measures have influenced and continue to strongly influence the structure of demand (Mastronardi et al., 2020) and, consequently, the entrepreneurial activity. Coordinated agricultural policy and programs are now needed so that the path to sustainable development is based on fair, green and healthy agri-food systems (Blay-Palmer et al., 2020) . In recent years there has been growing research interest in agrifood enterprises since the economic and monetary crisis of 2008. Although the economic crisis and the pandemic are not the same, they have equally affected income and demand. The pandemic has focused on agri-food security issues, such as good agricultural practices in the production of food that respects consumers' health and reduces the environmental footprint (Mishra et al., 2021) , food processing and consumption worldwide as well as business models for the adoption of innovative technologies (Di Vaio et al., 2020) . The pandemic has prompted us to reconsider the role of agriculture, how essential it is to the life on the planet and how it can continue to be, while at the same time improving the environment, climate and contributing to sustainable development. A feature of the pandemic has been a switch from face-to-face to digital connections (Phillipson et al., 2020) . Research by Mastronardi et al. (2020) has shown that online sales have increased significantly. The share of sales, which has been lost due to the closure of Farmers' Market (FM), has been replaced by an equal amount sold to nonprofit organizations, such as episcopal curia, at reduced prices. However, this is difficult to implement in areas with weak internet and mobile devices and leads to further marginalization of rural citizens and communities (Phillipson et al., 2020) . It is the right time to unrevealed the industry revolution 4.0 (4IR) potential, making it centric concerning other aspects (Ciruela-Lorenzo, Del-Aguila-Obra, Padilla-Melendez, et al., 2020) . One of the technologies of 4IR, as mentioned by (Cowie, Townsend, & Salemink, 2020) , is the smart grids that aim to control the practices of distribution generation, storage, consumption and flexible demand. According to sustainable and biological models, improving knowledge for innovation in production methods can guarantee food and nutritional safety and promote ecosystems and water resources (Barcaccia, D'Agostino, Zotti, & Cozzi, 2020) . Technological change will be a fundamental feature for the food supply chain, from agriculture to food processing. Investments will include the use of advanced robotic systems that will dramatically reduce the need for workers and the technologically advanced AFS with a capable workforce (Christiaensen, Rutledge, & Taylor, 2020) . To effectively achieve nutritional goals, it is necessary to adopt a holistic approach to sustainable food systems (Barcaccia et al., 2020; Dupouy & Gurinovic, 2020) . Indeed, entrepreneurship can act as a transformational agent towards sustainability (Apostolopoulos, Al-Dajani, Holt, Jones, & Newbery, 2018) and agrifood entrepreneurship can see the pandemic crisis as an opportunity for continuous improvement. The existing research relating to agri-food entrepreneurship provides limited studies which review the relevant research articles and form a research agenda based on such a review. In light of this, the systematic review, as a methodological approach, was chosen to build upon our existing knowledge by investigating both the theoretical and the empirically based on articles available (Webster & Watson, 2002) , reveal research insights obtained through methodized categorically organized literature review (Armitage & Keeble-Allen, 2008 ) and the generating of interrelations between the thematic areas of published studies (Thorpe, Holt, MacPherson, & Pittaway, 2005) . The articles investigated here are extracted only from peer-reviewed journals on the assumption that the application of this criterion excludes sanctioned studies (Jones, Coviello, & Tang, 2011; Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Bachrach, & Podsakoff, 2005) . The most widespread databases for searching the literature were EBSCOt, Emerald, Proquest, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science and Wiley. We used different keywords variously combined among them and in line with the aims of our research. Specifically, we combined "agri/agro-food entrepreneurship" OR "agri/agro-food enterprises" OR "agri/agro-food businesses" OR "agri/agro-food sector" AND "COVID-19." The AND and OR operators were used to make the research more comprehensive. All authors compared their results from the analysis and wrote the sections of this paper. Following the F I G U R E 1 Screening and selection process of the research studies [Color figure can be viewed at] process presented in Figure 1 and after screening the results' reliability in terms of their significance for the literature review (Xiao & Watson, 2019) , the final count was 49 relevant studies. Following these studies' selection, they were subjected to content analysis to investigate them in depth (Weber, 1990) and based on the evidence provided by the investigated studies (Phillips, Lee, Ghobadian, O'Regan, & James, 2015) to support a subsequent thematic analysis (Table 1) . Nineteen studies were collected under the AGRI1 category of studies highlighting the impact of COVID-19 on agri-food entrepreneurship (Aday & Aday, 2020; Ambrozek & Beatty, 2020; Béné, 2020; Billah, Rahman, & Hossain, 2020; Bochtis et al., 2020; Bruno, Sexton, & Sumner, 2020; Dai, Feng, et al., 2020; Douwe van der Ploeg, 2020; Elleby et al., 2020; Ghadge, Kara, Mogale, et al., 2020; Hobbs & Jill, 2020; Lakuma, Sunday, Sserunjogi, Kahunde, & Munyambonera, 2020; Mahajan & Tomar, 2021; Mastronardi et al., 2020; Mastronardi, Romagnoli, Mazzocchi, et al., 2019; Mishra et al., 2021; Phillipson et al., 2020; Shahidi, 2020; Yang, 2020) . COVID-19 has brought changes in the general view on agri-food and not only in consumers' attitude towards food. Four essential changes are gradually becoming apparent in agri-food, which has a more significant impact on the structure than on the volume of demand: consumer preferences (Aday & Aday, 2020; Lakuma et al., 2020; Mishra et al., 2021; Béné, 2020; Yang, 2020; Billah et al., 2020; ) income (Béné, 2020; Phillipson et al., 2020) logistics barriers (Aday & Aday, 2020; Béné, 2020; Dai et al., 2020) and uncertainty (Lakuma et al., 2020; Phillipson et al., 2020) . This outcome should not come as a surprise, as agricultural production is inherently inelastic in the face of such external shocks, which have affected demand and distribution channels more (Elleby et al., 2020) than primary production. Disruptions in supply and demand have reduced a company's turnover, with a significant financial impact on affiliated companies and affiliated households, as it cannot provide its products to the latter (Phillipson et al., 2020) . Out-of-home food consumption (e.g., restaurants) has been significantly affected, with businesses in this market-facing acute cash flow issues and staff layoffs (Phillipson et al., 2020) . The impact on local rural economies depends on the extent to which businesses can reorient their activities from consumption out-of-home to in-home consumption (e.g., a switch from restaurants to home delivery) (Ibidem). During the quarantine, despite the contraction of agricultural activity, there was a sharp increase in food sales, as investigated in five central Italy farms. In particular, Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) and local marketing channels not only proved to be more resilient but also had a significant boost (Mastronardi et al., 2020) . After the ban on eating out-of-home food, there was an increase in sales, particularly of transformed products such as flour, eggs, oil, mozzarella, but even fresh products, as they now consumed more homemade food (Ibidem). It was very positive that farmers did not increase their agricultural products' prices, in contrast to the big supermarket chains, which led to a further increase in demand. Augmented direct sales, mainly to Solidarity Purchasing Groups (SPGs), ensure the liquidity required to carry on the business (Ibidem). In this respect, COVID-19 has benefited local markets and short supply chains and highlighted new forms of social innovations, including farm networking and cooperation between producers and T A B L E 1 Classification and characteristics of agri-food entrepreneurship during the COVID-19 period (2020) consumers and between farms and non-profit organizations (Ibidem). The most affected are agricultural enterprises due to the low access to inputs arising from transport restrictions (Lakuma et al., 2020) . Thus, companies' inputs have become relatively cheaper due to a lack of demand and a shift from fresh agricultural products to dried (Ibidem). On the other hand, the prices of manufacturing companies' inputs have become relatively expensive due to the disruption of global supply chains (Lakuma et al., 2020) . Survey data by Ghadge et al. (2020) examining the internal and external barriers of small and mediumsized cheese companies in the United Kingdom found that operating costs, including increased investment costs and increased product costs, are critical to business sustainability. Besides, internal barriers such as management and external barriers such as government regulations also significantly affect the implementation of sustainability practices (Ghadge et al., 2020) . In the first lockdown in February, 80% of SMEs in China closed temporarily due to logistics blocks, labor shortages and declining demand (Dai et al., 2020) . Between February and May, the lack of demand has become the most critical challenge, especially for export companies (Ibidem). The consequence of the lack of demand for some products is a reduction in suppliers, retailers, and producers' income and profitability (Béné, 2020) . Prices on European markets fell, suggesting a possible increase in imports. Elleby et al. (2020) research show the reduction of international meat prices by 7-18% in 2020, dairy products by 4-7% and a sharp decline in the price of biofuels, followed by their primary raw materials, maise and oily seeds. Hobbs (2020) and Bruno et al. (2020) show that the prices of some products in Canada and California have not changed. Ambrozek and Beatty (2020) show that food insecurity in the US has increased while Mahajan and Tomar (2021) suggest that in India, the supply of fruit, vegetables and oil has decreased by 10% with minimal impact on their prices. Although local supply chain disruptions and the income losses have led to increased food insecurity in many developing countries, global food consumption has remained largely unaffected due to the inelastic demand for most agricultural products (Elleby et al., 2020) . The demand for products that strengthen the immune system (Mishra et al., 2021) , are quality certified such as halal products (Billah et al., 2020) or the animal welfare products (Yang, 2020) , has increased. However, as income insecurity increases, home consumption is also likely to be adversely affected with consequent impact on all businesses (Phillipson et al., 2020) . The survey (Bochtis et al., 2020) showed that 54% of workers' annual income of employees and 50% of the agricultural workforce are moderate to high risk. Seasonal workers or migrants working mainly in planting, sorting, harvesting, processing, or transporting crops to markets are absent from work due to travel restrictions or sickness (Aday & Aday, 2020) . The most affected farms depend on seasonal/migrant labor, notably fruit and vegetable production (Mishra et al., 2021) , horticulture and garden nurseries (Phillipson et al., 2020) . The research by Lakuma et al. (2020) reports that micro and small businesses halted operation due to the inability to apply Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), such as providing on-site accommodation to employees. On the other hand, a study from Uganda reports a reduction of about three-quarters of surveyed companies in the number of employees (Lakuma et al., 2020) . The measures to increase the sustainability and resilience of the agri-food sector are replacing seasonal migrant labor with domestic workers, implementing stringent sanitary measures to welcome seasonal migrant labor and regularizing irregular migrants (Bochtis et al., 2020) . In Britain, its "Pick for Britain" campaign aimed to find 70,000 British to work in the field and during the harvest (Aday & Aday, 2020) . Restrictions on movement among regions and social distancing policies affect the food supply chain's operation through short-run shocks to supply and demand in agricultural and food markets (Mishra et al., 2021) . Logistic barriers further weaken high-value goods due to their short shelf life (Shahidi, 2020) . There are many reports where farmers have been forced to destroy their crops or leave their fields due to restrictive measures (Aday & Aday, 2020 The export ban caused a reduction in world GDP to 13% in the first half of 2020, which suggests that the global food supply is affected by the exchange rate (Ma et al., 2020) . The World Bank has stated that COVID-19 pandemic disrupts the domestic supply chain while the global supply chain remains unaffected (Ibidem). Domestic food supply was significantly affected by labor shortages, disruption of distribution systems, loss of income (Savary et al., 2020; Singh et al., 2020) as well as the massive loss of agricultural products that were impossible to transfer due to restrictive measures imposed by governments (Ma et al., 2020) . For example, the food demand shocks in Southeast Asia were huge due to disruptions in the food supply chain, equivalent to a 1.4% decrease in GDP (Gregorioa & Ancog, 2020 pandemic and, at the same time, opened a new path to innovation and sustainable business development, although with lack in specific details of supporting a techno-socio-economic ecosystem that will lead F&D companies beyond the COVID-19 pandemic (Rowan & Galanakis, 2020) . Selected areas will focus on climate action, digitization, manufacturing, sustainable food production, security, and waste mitigation (Rowan & Galanakis, 2020) . Undoubtedly ing state funding to overcome the problems of agri-food SMEs and farm households in these countries (Popovic et al., 2020) . Besides, to address the adverse effects of COVID-19, Russia has taken measures to support entrepreneurship, particularly farmers, agricultural engineers and enthusiasts of the digital economy, who have proven their effectiveness in times of crisis (Alekseev et al., 2020) . From 1 April to June 30, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture implemented a series of measures to limit cereals' export, except cereal grains. In particular, a quota of 7 million tonnes was set to export wheat and meslin, rye, barley, and corn (Alekseev et al., 2020) . Hossain ( (Hossain, 2020) . The Canadian Community Health Survey reports that COVID-19 pandemic is an "income shock" for the population, increasing household food insecurity (Deaton & Deaton, 2020) . This survey found that reinvestment in Canadian farms and food processing will boost the local rural economy and self-sufficiency. Another issue being discussed again above is the capacity of capital to flow smoothly to farmers. The Bank of Canada reduces interest rates while the federal government's base to Farm Credit Canada provides a flexible extension of credit to farmers, allowing them to defer loans to ensure production stability. Indeed, the Nutrition North Program ensures food availability at reduced prices in remote areas but depends on air transport (Ibidem). Some features for a seed security action are the support of all seed systems farmers might use, the diagnosis of problems and learning from the intervention, the evaluation of efficiency and the prediction of future trends, the digital innovation and the policies of strengthening seed systems (Sperling et al., 2020) . On November 28, 2019, the EU Parliament announced that climate change is a global emergency (Barcaccia et al., 2020) . A few months later, COVID-19 pandemic occurred, and so now there are two global emergencies that we are called upon to deal with immediately (Ibidem). The pandemic may have created huge problems worldwide in the agri-food industry and beyond. However, it is now time to take action to create a more resilient and sustainable food system in future crises and perhaps even mitigate such crises that affect agriculture, food, health and climate at the same time. Achieving this requires a coordinated policy and cooperation of all actors at global, national, regional, municipal and local levels. First, we need to rethink our dependence on global food supply chains and move to short and local food supply systems to boost the incomes of rural families and small farmers, and at the same time to build agro-ecology awareness in agricultural production and the solidarity with these communities Initially, goal 2 is to eradicate world hunger (Kennedy et al., 2020; Mausch et al., 2020) . sentiments (Mausch et al., 2020) we have to consider global food security as "moral imperative" (Fanzo et al., 2020) , in order to find solutions such as the Fairtrade voluntary redistribution mechanism, which boosts the incomes of participating producers through consumers who are willing and able to afford it (Mausch et al., 2020) . Thirteen studies were collected under the AGRI3 category (Butu, Brum a, Tanas a, Rodino, et al., 2020; Ciruela-Lorenzo et al., 2020; Cowie et al., 2020; Cristobal-Fransi et al., 2020; Di Vaio et al., 2020; Fabeil, Pazim, & Langgat, 2020; Kumar et al., 2020; Liverpool-Tasie et al., 2020; Lucaci & Nastase, 2020; Morris & Bowen, 2020; Quayson et al., 2020; Tasnim, 2020; Yadav, Luthra, Garg, et al., 2021) . The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect, as mentioned above, on people's lives and business activities in rural areas. In particular, agricultural enterprises have had a significant impact on rural areas' development due to the socio-economic contribution through employment, suppliers, customers and business competitors. The role of agricultural enterprises in Europe's prosperity and preserving the regions' cultural heritage is huge (Lucaci & Nastase, 2020) . It is, therefore, necessary to reconsider the business models that will revise the following dimensions: environmental, economic, technological, educational and social (Di Vaio et al., 2020) . The key to the necessary changes is agricultural market reforms and digital solutions to connect farmers to markets, create safety nets and ensure reasonable working conditions and decentralized food systems, especially for vulnerable communities . That is why the UN Agenda The continued support of e-commerce and delivery companies can ensure the continuity of agricultural supply chains . On the contrary, Butu et al. (2020) identified the percentage of consumers who ordered fresh vegetables directly from producers in the Suceava region of Romania after enforcing the state in an emergency. Shortly before the restrictive measures were imposed, 12% of respondents chose the online purchase of fresh vegetables directly from producers. After that, 60% have stated that they intend to adopt this purchase system from short food supply chains (SFSCs) following the COVID-19 crisis. The trend towards the digital transformation of SFSCs seems to provide a viable solution to the pandemic as conventional agricultural production's reliability has been called into question (Ibidem). In developing countries, the recovery strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises is quite tricky. Fabeil et al. (2020) such alternatives, to support agricultural businesses and promote local agri-products, such as creating online platforms (Lucaci & Nastase, 2020) . However, as Cristobal-Fransi et al. (2020) shows, using online platforms is more problematic with fruits than with oil and wine products due to their vulnerability and sensitivity to temperature, storage and transport. Although these cooperatives are aware of the value of their online presence, they need to enhance and promote Internet interaction, connectivity, and users' ability to share content and knowledge through Web 2.0 techniques (Ibidem). Yadav et al. (2021) claim that the management of the globalized sustainability is based on the cooperation of multi-tier system with government mechanisms but also with non-profit organizations (NGOs) based on various IoT technologies (Blockchain, Robotics, Big data analysis and Cloud computing). Initiatives such as RFID and BDA technology will help managers predict crop yields and demand pattern (Yadav et al., 2021) . Besides, partially or wholly dependent on paperbased work must implement planning software such as SAP to enhance, among other things, collaboration, communication, and visibility of all supply chain partners (Tasnim, 2020) . This configuration will help administrators set up policies for maintaining quality products, improving packaging standards, minimizing transaction costs, and reducing inventory and waste (Tasnim, 2020; Yadav et al., 2021 (Quayson et al., 2020) , contributes to the redefinition of the agri-food business model, and leads to their distancing as it affects the social dimension and consequently achieving some SDGs (Di Vaio et al., 2020) . Key steps in agri-food development and prevention of future crises are encouraging farmers to join in companies and organizations in order to guide digital and direct marketing solutions and encouraging agri-tech startups to cope with FPCs, FPOs and smallholders in order to jointly improve input and output supply chains . According to Kumar et al. (2020) Impacts of COVID-19 on food supply chain Improving government support for small agribusiness due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic Agroecology and the reconstruction of a post-COVID-19 agriculture US nutrition assistance program responses to COVID-19. University of California Giannini Foundation of Entrepreneurship and the sustainable development goals Undertaking a structured literature review or structuring a literature review: Tales from the field. The Electronic Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 on the Italian agri-food sector: An analysis of the quarter of pandemic lockdown and clues for a socio-economic and territorial restart Resilience of local food systems and links to food security -A review of some important concepts in the context of COVID-19 and other shocks Factors influencing Muslim and non-Muslim consumers' consumption behavior: A case study on halal food Post COVID-19 and food pathways to sustainable transformation. 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Case study: The quarantined area of Suceava County Viewpoint: The future of work in agri-food Digitalisation of agri-cooperatives in the smart agriculture context Smart rural futures: Will rural areas be left behind in the 4th industrial revolution Rural cooperatives in the digital age: An analysis of the internet presence and degree of maturity of agri-food cooperatives' e-commerce The impact of COVID-19 on small and medium-sized enterprises: Evidence from two-wave phone surveys in China Food security and Canada's agricultural system challenged by COVID-19 Sustainability transitions in the context of pandemic: An introduction to the focused issue on social innovation and systemic impact Artificial intelligence in the agri-food system: Rethinking sustainable business models in the COVID-19 scenario Sustainable food systems for healthy diets in Europe and Central Asia: Introduction to the special issue Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global agricultural markets. 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Results from a A scoping review of market links between value chain actors and small-scale producers in developing regions European rural businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic: Designing initiatives for current and future development COVID-19 pandemic in the lens of food safety and security Here today, gone tomorrow: COVID-19 and supply chain disruption Diversified farms facing the COVID-19 pandemic: First signals from Italian case studies Understanding consumer's motivations and behaviour in alternative food networks Colliding paradigms and tradeoffs: Agri-food systems and value chain interventions. 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