key: cord-0064131-oe5z615e authors: Javier Silva, L.A.; Rosario Pacahuala, E.A. title: Governments and vaccination against COVID-19() date: 2021-06-09 journal: nan DOI: 10.1016/j.vacune.2021.05.005 sha: d3adf7c5dd794ef7ea734c2a2d06718be0861abd doc_id: 64131 cord_uid: oe5z615e nan V (92%), Novavax (89.3%), Sinopharm (79.34%), AstraZeneca (70%), among others, but the public servants of each country are the ones in charge of approving their admission and application by means of their use policies. In the case of Latin America, governments are the ones charged with procuring vaccines, given their financial capabilities and as part of public health policies. According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 7 suitable distribution should be formulated by means of strategic, informed planning and should be rolled out in various phases, considering healthcare personal, such as physicians, nursing staff, aides, laboratory personnel, administrative staff, safety personnel, and janitorial staff at healthcare and socio-health centres to be priority, followed by seniors and people with underlying diseases that pose a risk of suffering serious complications in the event of infection, and, finally, the rest of the population. This would sidestep situations of apprehension or questioning by the community. Let us not forget that in Latin America, corruption scandals have benefitted from the healthcare emergency, a situation that has alarmed international authorities, such as the United Nations (UN) that has created a regional observatory for medicine prices in Latin America in an attempt to prevent irregularities. In this scenario, we pose the following question, "Will drug procurement be free from this kind of endemic issue?" To avoid possible cases of corruption during the process, negotiations must be transparent, by ascertaining the costs involved in vaccine procurement, as well as the investment in logistic to execute [the program] via different virtual channels from contrasted sources. A policy of effective communication 4 must be established at all times regarding the possible side effects of the process of immunization, thereby generating trust and avoiding fear among the people that are caused by disinformation campaigns. At the governmental level, various processes must be flexible and expedient, such as public supply purchasing, drug and vaccine procurement, through open and transparent contracts, thereby preventing illegal price hikes, in the event that private company participation is chosen. Finally, dialogue between the government and its citizens [is necessary] by means of a communication and participation plan 7 that will enable radio, television, and virtual channels to be used so that people can be informed of this entire process. This will garner people's support in these circumstances as well as in the future, given that in the future, the costs associated with vaccine procurement to care for the common wellbeing will have to be undertaken through budgetary cutbacks and taxes. r e f e r e n c e s Transmission of SARS CoV-2 virus through the ocular mucosa worth taking precautions Epidemic trends of COVID-19 in 10 countries compared with Turkey Actualización Epidemiológica Glycosylation, ligand binding sites and antigenic variations between membrane glycoprotein of COVID-19 and related coronaviruses Structure of the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-binding domain bound to the ACE2 receptor Eficacia y Seguridad de las vacunas en desarrollo contra la COVID-19. Instituto de Evaluación Tecnológica en Salud (IETS)/Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social Vacunas contra la COVID-19: Actividades de comunicación y participación de la comunidad