key: cord-0060432-90n7goir authors: Chalupa, Marek; Jašek, Tomáš; Novák, Jakub; Řechtáčková, Anna; Šoková, Veronika; Strejček, Jan title: Symbiotic 8: Beyond Symbolic Execution: (Competition Contribution) date: 2021-02-26 journal: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72013-1_31 sha: 5cfcbd6d26828caa9362adccc48b9d00247f0493 doc_id: 60432 cord_uid: 90n7goir Symbiotic 8 extends the traditional combination of static analyses, instrumentation, program slicing, and symbolic execution with one substantial novelty, namely a technique mixing symbolic execution with k-induction. This technique can prove the correctness of programs with possibly unbounded loops, which cannot be done by classic symbolic execution. Symbiotic 8 delivers also several other improvements. In particular, we have modified our fork of the symbolic executor Klee to support the comparison of symbolic pointers. Further, we have tuned the shape analysis tool Predator (integrated already in Symbiotic 7) to perform better on llvm bitcode. We have also developed a light-weight analysis of relations between variables that can prove the absence of out-of-bound accesses to arrays. Symbiotic is a program analysis framework that combines fast static analyses with code instrumentation and program slicing to speed up the code verification which is then performed by symbolic executor Klee [3] (or, alternatively, by another supported verification tool). The main improvement in Symbiotic 8 is a new verification technique combining symbolic execution with k-induction [8] that we call KindSE. Symbolic execution with k-induction (KindSE) KindSE applies the idea of k-induction [8] to paths of the control flow graph. The approach can be roughly described by the following three steps. 1. Set k to 1. Let P be the set of all paths in the control flow graph of length k that end in an error location. 2. Use symbolic execution to execute every path π ∈ P . If the symbolic execution says that π is infeasible, remove π from P . If π is feasible and it starts in the initial location, report that the program is incorrect. 3. If P is empty, the control flow graph contains no feasible path of length k (or more) leading to an error location and thus we report that the program is correct. If P is not empty, we replace each path π ∈ P by paths of length k + 1 that have π as its suffix, increase k by one, and go to step 2. To improve the performance, we further extended the algorithm to summarize loop iterations. If we process a program location that is a loop header, we start unwinding the loop backwards. We over-approximate the states that we get in every loop iteration to cover more than one iteration if possible. If we are successful, the summarized loop states form an inductive invariant, which can help to prove that no error location is reachable from the loop header in k steps. Our loop summarization does not handle nested loops (in this case we fall-back to the algorithm without loop summarization) and calls of functions. To fix the latter restriction, we inline all procedures (if possible) before running KindSE. KindSE is implemented in our prototype tool Slowbeast [1] which we integrated into Symbiotic 8. The tool now supports only the unreach-call property. Slowbeast can also work as a standard symbolic executor (without kinduction), but it is noticeably slower than Klee and it has some limitations. However, it supports symbolic floating point arithmetics, which Klee does not. Workflow of Symbiotic 8 As the first step, a given program is translated to llvm [6] . If the program contains a call to pthread create, Symbiotic returns unknown as it cannot handle parallel programs. The rest of the workflow then depends on the verified property, as indicated in Figure 1 . For unreach-call property, we call slicer to remove instructions that have no influence on the property and run Klee. If Klee does not decide in 222 seconds, we run KindSE in Slowbeast. If it fails, we run Klee again and if it also fails, we run Slowbeast as a standard symbolic executor. If some tool says that the specified call is unreachable, we return true with the trivial witness. If we detect that the specified call is reachable, we try replaying the error path on the unsliced program. If the replay confirms that the call is reachable, we return false with the error witness generated from the replay. For other properties, we instrument the program with the help of various analyses. For example, when checking memory safety, we use Predator [5] , DG [4] , and a values-relations analysis to detect potentially unsafe instructions. If Predator says that all instructions are safe, we directly return true. Otherwise, we slice the program with respect to potentially unsafe instructions and call Klee. The rest of the process is identical to the previous case. All components of Symbiotic 8 use llvm 10 [6] . Scripts that call and control the components according to a given configuration are written in Python. Instrumentation module is written in C++. In Symbiotic 8, we have newly integrated a values-relations analysis as a plugin into instrumentation. This analysis is able to prove valid some accesses into arrays. We have also improved llvm frontend of Predator [5] to perform similarly well as the gcc frontend. Program slicing module is written in C++ and is build around the library DG [4] . This year, we sped up the slicer by using more efficient data structures in pointer analysis and by using function summaries in data dependence analysis. We use our own fork of Klee [3] that differs from the upstream Klee mainly in using segment-offset pointer representation which allows for better handling of symbolic pointers and symbolic-sized allocations. This year, we mended handling of symbolic pointers and added support for comparison of symbolic addresses. Tool Slowbeast [1] is written in Python. Both, Klee and Slowbeast use Z3 [7] as the SMT solver. Symbolic execution may be very efficient in finding bugs but suffers from the path explosion problem which may prevent it from fully analyzing programs with high level of branching. We alleviate this problem by using program slicing. However, in the presence of unbounded loops or infinite execution paths, program slicing does not help unless it removes the unbounded computation from the program. Indeed, classical symbolic execution is unable to verify such programs at all. To fight the inability of symbolic execution to verify unbounded programs, we use KindSE. However, its implementation in Slowbeast is still not fully matured and it handles only a very restricted set of programs. Results of Symbiotic 8 in SV-COMP 2021 Symbiotic 8 won MemSafety and SoftwareSystems categories [2] . In the MemSafety category, we lost many points in the new MemSafety-Juliet subcategory. These benchmarks contain threads and Symbiotic immediately answered unknown due to the syntactic check mentioned in Section 1. However, most of these benchmarks actually do not spawn any thread and thus Symbiotic could analyze them. The victory in SoftwareSystems category is mainly due to the dominance on the new uthash benchmarks. This year, over 500 correct answers produced by Symbiotic were not confirmed. Some of these cases must be accounted to the fact that Symbiotic generates only trivial correctness witnesses. However, there are also unconfirmed answers because of missing witnesses, which turned out to be a bug in Slowbeast integration. Unfortunately, these include all 99 benchmarks that were newly proved correct by KindSE, from which 85 were in the ReachSafety-Loops subcategory. We had also many unconfirmed witnesses for non-termination violation that still need to be investigated. Symbiotic had 16 incorrect answers: 14 incorrect true in Termination category and 2 incorrect false in ReachSafety-Floats. All of them were caused by last-minute commits that were fixed shortly after the submission deadline. Because of these mistakes, Symbiotic ended up on the 4th place instead of on the 2nd in the Termination category. In the Overall meta-category, Symbiotic traditionally took the 4th place as every year since 2018. The archive is available at Run Symbiotic as: The option --prp sets the verified property and --32 tells Symbiotic to assume 32-bit architecture (64-bit architecture is assumed by default). Symbiotic 8 for SV-COMP 2021 has been developed by Marek Chalupa, Tomáš Jašek, Jan Novák, and AnnaŘechtáčková under the supervision of Jan Strejček. VeronikaŠoková provided a valuable help with adjusting Predator modifications. Symbiotic is available under the MIT license. All the external components that the tool uses are also available under open-source licenses that comply with SV-COMP's policy for the reproduction of results. The source code of Symbiotic can be found at: Software verification: 10th comparative evaluation (SV-COMP 2021) KLEE: Unassisted and automatic generation of high-coverage tests for complex systems programs DG: analysis and slicing of LLVM bitcode Predator: A practical tool for checking manipulation of dynamic data structures using separation logic LLVM: A compilation framework for lifelong program analysis & transformation Z3: an efficient SMT solver Checking safety properties using induction and a SAT-solver ), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the chapter's Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use