key: cord-0057663-6uqeb4g8 authors: Alqahtani, Hamed; Sarker, Iqbal H.; Kalim, Asra; Minhaz Hossain, Syed Md.; Ikhlaq, Sheikh; Hossain, Sohrab title: Cyber Intrusion Detection Using Machine Learning Classification Techniques date: 2020-06-08 journal: Computing Science, Communication and Security DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-6648-6_10 sha: 150c0388b73376924492eedf161f64c9731478dc doc_id: 57663 cord_uid: 6uqeb4g8 As the alarming growth of connectivity of computers and the significant number of computer-related applications increase in recent years, the challenge of fulfilling cyber-security is increasing consistently. It also needs a proper protection system for numerous cyberattacks. Thus, detecting inconsistency and attacks in a computer network and developing intrusion detection system (IDS) that performs a potential role for cyber-security. Artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning techniques, has been used to develop a useful data-driven intrusion detection system. In this paper, we employ various popular machine learning classification algorithms, namely Bayesian Network, Naive Bayes classifier, Decision Tree, Random Decision Forest, Random Tree, Decision Table, and Artificial Neural Network, to detect intrusions due to provide intelligent services in the domain of cyber-security. Finally, we test the effectiveness of various experiments on cyber-security datasets having several categories of cyber-attacks and evaluate the effectiveness of the performance metrics, precision, recall, f1-score, and accuracy. In recent days, cyber-security and protection against numerous cyber-attacks are becoming a burning question. The main reason behind that is the tremendous growth of computer networks and the vast number of relevant applications used by individuals or groups for either personal or commercial use, specially after the acceptance of Internetof-Things (IoT). The cyber-attacks cause severe damage and severe financial losses in large-scale networks [25] . The existing solutions like hardware and software firewalls, user's authentication, and data encryption method are not sufficient to meet the challenge of upcoming demand, and unfortunately, not able to protect the computer network's several cyber-threats. These conventional security structures are not sufficient as safeguard due to the faster rigorous evolution of intrusion systems [13, 26, 27] . Firewall only controls every accesses from network to network, which means prevent access between networks. But it does not provide any signal in case of an internal attack. So, it is obvious to develop accurate defense techniques such as machine learning-based intrusion detection system (IDS) for the system's security. In general, an intrusion detection system (IDS) is a system or software that detects infectious activities and violations of policy in a network or system. An IDS identifies the inconsistencies and abnormal behavior on a network during the functioning of daily activities in a network or system used to detect risks or attacks related to network security, like denial-of-service (DoS). An intrusion detection system also helps to locate, decide, and control unauthorized system behavior such as unauthorized access, or modification and destruction [12, 31] . There are different types of intrusion detection systems based on the user perspective. For instance, they are host-based and network-based IDS [25] . These are in the scope of single computers to large networks some extend. In a hostbased intrusion detection system (HIDS), it lies on an individual system and keeps track of operating system files for inconsistency and abnormalities in the activity. In contrast, the network intrusion detection system (NIDS) investigates and scans connections in the network for unwanted traffic. On the other hand, there are two approaches based on detection, one is signature-based, and another one is anomaly-based detection [25, 18] . Signature-based IDS explores the byte patterns in the path of the network. One can treat it as malicious instruction sequences used by malware. It arises from antivirus software referred to the groups or patterns as signatures detected in it. Signature-based IDS cannot detect attacks, for which there is no pattern available before. An anomaly-based IDS, it examines the behavior of the network and finds patterns, automatically creates a data-driven model for profiling the expected behavior, and thus detects deviations in the case of any anomalies [18] . The merit of this anomaly-based IDS is to trace current, latest, and unseen inconsistencies or cyber-attacks like denial-of-services. For developing computational methods to identify various cyber-attacks, it needs to analyze different incident patterns, and eventually predict the threats utilizing cybersecurity data. It is known as a data-driven intelligent intrusion detection system [25] . To build a data-driven intrusion detection model, the knowledge of artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning techniques, is essential. However, the prediction of cyber-attacks using machine learning algorithms is problematic due to the several identifications of multiple classifiers results in different contexts depending on data characteristics [23] . For this reason, we analyze several machine learning algorithms on intrusion detection systems for utilizing cyber-security data. For this purpose, we employ various popular machine learning classification techniques, such as Bayesian Network (BN), Naive Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF), Decision Tree (DT), Random Tree (RT), Decision Table (DTb), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), for providing intelligent services in the domain of cyber-security, particularly for intrusion detection. Finally, the effectiveness is tested by conducting numerous experiments on cyber-security datasets consisting of several categories of cyberattacks, and evaluates the effectiveness by measuring the performance metrics precision, recall, f1-score, and accuracy for these machine learning-based IDS models. The remaining part of the paper arranges as follows. Section 2 depicts background and related works. Data-driven intrusion detection modeling is incorporated in Sect. 3. Section 4 presents experimental analysis and results followed by the conclusion in Sect. 5. In this section, we first define cyber-security, represents the systems or software of protection of data, program, connections among computers from several unwanted attacks such as unauthorized attacks, modification, fabrication [2] . As conventional security systems are not enough for detecting network security [13, 26, 27] , we focus on developing an intrusion detection system (IDS) to explore and detect the system's security. Intrusion defines as an unauthorized activity that causes damage to an information system [10] . That means any attack that could pose a possible threat to information confidentiality, integrity, or availability is considered an intrusion. Presently firewalls, access control, and cryptography are the main defensive mechanisms deployed against intrusions used for detecting internal attacks [5] . However, intrusion detection systems are used for detecting internal as well as external attacks. Despite detecting known attacks on signature-based IDS discussed above, in this work, we aim to focus on an anomaly-based intrusion detection model [10] . An anomaly is a state of deviation from familiarized behavior. Profiles are the general or wanted behaviors extracted from tracking activities of users, network connections, and hosts during a fixed time [11] . Anomaly-based intrusion detection model is also called the behavior-based model and represented as a dynamic approach [11] . The fundamental merit of an anomaly-based intrusion detection model is to detect zero-day attacks because it is not reliable to acknowledge the unwanted users' activity in the signature database [3] . Further, another technique exists, and it is a hybrid detection [28] technique or protocol analysis [11] detection techniques. The hybrid technique has the advantage of a high detection rate in the misuse detection and high potentiality of inconsistency detectors in recognizing the latest attacks. It expands the rate of detection of previously known intrusions and to decrease the false-positive rate of undefined attacks [31] . This work focuses on an intrusion detection model constructed in machine learning techniques utilizing cyber-security data. Machine learning uses to make decision using computers [8, 29] . It is a part of artificial intelligence and further related to computational statistics. Classification refers to supervised learning that predicts the cyber-attack class labels of samples from training security data [8, 23] . Thus, we analyze various popular classification techniques that include Bayesian approach [17, 22] , Tree-based model [14, 20, 24, 18] , Artificial Neural Network based model [23] that are used frequently in predictive analytics [8, 16, 29, 30] , to develop a fruitful data-driven IDS predictive model for providing intelligent services of cyber security. In this paper, we employ various popular machine learning classification techniques, such as Bayesian Network (BN), Naive Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF), Decision Tree (DT), Random Tree (RT), Decision Table (DTb), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for classifying cyber-attacks and make a comparative analysis with experiments. This section presents our data-driven IDS model of numerous machine learning techniques. It incorporates several steps: dataset exploration, data processing, and machine learning-based security modeling. It has been discussed these steps chronologically, as below. Datasets represent a collection of information records that consist of several attributes or features and related facts related to the cyber-security model [25] . So, it is essential to realize the nature of cyber-security data containing various types of cyber-attacks and relevant features. The reason is that raw security data collected from relevant cyber sources could be used to analyze the various patterns of security incidents or malicious behavior, to build a data-driven security model to achieve our goal. In this work, KDD'99 cup data has been used [1] to develop predictive models for differentiating the relationship between intrusions or several attacks. This dataset contains 4898431 instances with 41 attributes. In Table 1 , we have shown the features of KDD'99 cup datasets [1] . In this dataset, attacks are classified into four main groups: We first prepare the dataset, including these attack categories and available attributes for developing machine learning-based IDS models. There are four types of features used in this dataset; they are Basic features, Content Features, Time-based Traffic Features, and Host-based Traffic Features. Feature-based attributes are extracted from TCP/IP connections. Traffic features are computed by window interval. It divides into two groups; one is 'same host features' and another one is 'same service features.' They are both called time-based features. Sometimes, in the case of probing, there is a slower scan than 2 s. To solve this problem, 'same host features' and 'same service features' are recomputed by the connection window. Then it is called connection based features. DoS and probing may have several connections to a host/s during a period. In Table 2 , we have summarized these categories of attacks. In contrast to that, Root to Local (R2L) and User to Root (U2R) attacks generally require a single connection. Content-based features have been used to detect these attacks. Then process these features according to the requirements and design the target machine learning-based IDS model. This data-driven pattern-based decision analysis plays a useful role in providing data-driven intelligent cyber-security services. Classification is a supervised learning technique and popularly used to model cyber intrusions based on multi-category of attacks. In supervised learning, data is always labeled previously. In the training phase, the classifier learns the labels so that in the test phase, it can predict correctly for unseen data. In our analysis, we implement the popular machine learning techniques used for various purposes. Several techniques summarize as below: -Bayesian Network and Naive Bayes: A Bayesian Network, breaks up a probability distribution based on the conditional independencies, while Bayesian inference is used to infer a marginal distribution given some observed evidence [29] . Bayesian Network is used to detect, diagnose, and reasoning. Naive Bayes is a kind of Bayesian network and is a commonly used machine learning algorithm. [9] . It is a basic probabilistic based technique that calculates the probability to classify or predict the cyber-attack class in a given dataset. This method assumes each feature's value as independent and considers the correlation or relationship between the features [8] . Naive Bayes includes two probabilities; one is the conditional probability, and another one is class probability. Class probability is determined by dividing the frequency of each class instance by total instances. Conditional probability is the ratio of the occurrence of each attribute for a given class, and the occurrence of samples for that class. Naive Bayes is faster than other classifiers. -Decision Tree and Decision Table: Decision tree is one of the most popular classification and prediction algorithms in machine learning [14, 23] . ID3 proposed by J. R. Quinlan [14] is a common top-down approach for building decision trees. Based on this, the C4.5 algorithm [15] , and later BehavDT approach [20] , IntruDTree model [18] have been constructed to generate the decision trees. Decision Tree is a tree-like structure, in which an internal node represents attributes, and branches represent the outcome, and leaf represents a class label. These algorithms generate decision rules to predict the outcome for unseen test cases. These algorithms provide high accuracy and better interpretation. The Decision Tree can work with both continuous and discrete data. A Decision Table illustrates the complex decision rules representing a tabular form consists of rows and columns [8, 29] . -Random Forest and Random Tree: Random Forest is a classifier comprising of decision trees operated as an ensemble learning [7] . Breiman et al. propose it. The reason is that it combines both the different set of data called bootstrap aggregation [6] and also numerous features selection [4] , to predict the outcome. Similarly, Random Trees are essentially the combination of single model trees with Random Forest ideas, where each node contains k randomly chosen attributes in tree [29] . So, it increases the accuracy of Random Forest than that of a single tree. -Artificial Neural Network: In addition to the above classical machine learning techniques, we also take into account a neural network learning model. The most commonly used form of neural network architecture is the Multilayer Perceptron that has an input layer consisting of several inputs, one or more hidden layers that typically use sigmoid activation functions and one output layer to predict the attack. This approach uses backpropagation to build the network [8, 29] . We discuss our machine learning-based intrusion detection model that carries out on four main components: -Attack Class Label: All the diverse threats have been counted as different distinct class labels to put them into model intrusion detection systems. For instance, different types of attacks such as DoS, U2R, R2L, PROBE shown in Table 2 are represented as distinct classes; Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4 respectively. -Security Features or Attributes: These are used independently to predict the above cyber threats. These are also known as features such as protocol type, service, duration, and error-rate. shown in Table 1 , on which the cyberattacks class levels are dependent. -Training and Testing Dataset: The dataset is categorized into two; one is a training dataset, and another one is the test dataset. The training data set is used to train the IDS model, and the testing dataset is used to evaluate the generalization of that IDS model. We use a large amount of the cybersecurity data mentioned above for developing the IDS model and the rest for testing purposes. This section defines the performance metrics in terms of intrusion detection and discusses the outcome by conducting experiments on cybersecurity datasets with different categories of attacks. If TP denotes true positives, FP denotes false positives, TN denotes true negative, and FN denotes false negatives, then the formal definition of below metrics are [30] : In To test the IDS model, we use the 10-fold cross-validation on the dataset. 10-fold cross-validation evaluates models by breaking the data into ten different sets of samples. From them, nine partitioned sets are trained, and the remaining one is tested. It continues ten times and then takes the average accuracy. To compare the potentiality of models, precision, recall, f1-score, and accuracy, are calculated as defined above. To evaluate the performances of each classifier based IDS model, Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show the comparison of accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score, respectively. For evaluation, we use the same set of train and testing data in each classification based IDS model. Fig. 2 . Performance comparison results with respect to precision, recall, f1-score for numerous machine learning classification based IDS model. From Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 , we find that Random Forest classifier based IDS model consistently performs better than other classifiers for detecting intrusions. In particular, the Random Decision Forest gives the best results concerning the accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score. The reason behind it is that the Random Forest classifier at first originates several decision trees and thus deduces a set of rules in the forest. Every tree in a Random Forest Model behaves as a different machine learning classification technique, and thus it generates more logic rules by taking into account the majority voting of these trees while producing the outcome. For this reason, the Random Forest Model performs better in precision, recall, f1-score, and accuracy. Overall, the machine learning classifier based IDS model discussed above is fully data-oriented that reflects the behavioral patterns of various cyber-attacks. Although we consider data-driven prediction according to the patterns available in a given dataset using machine learning techniques, a recencybased model [19] could be more effective in developing a data-driven intrusion detection system. Moreover, incorporating contextual information and their analysis [21, 16] could play an important role to build smart intrusion detection system. The potentiality and fruitfulness of a machine learning-based intrusion detection modeling is a great concern for IT personals, e-commerce, and application developers for security purposes. Generally, a cyber-security data set consists of different categories of cyber attacks with relevant features. Hence, some classifiers may not perform well in terms of accuracy and their actual prediction rate based on diverse categories of attacks and a variety of features. In this paper, we have discussed the effectiveness of the data-driven intrusion detection model by taking into account popular classification techniques in machine learning. We have evaluated various performance metrics like precision, recall, f1-score, and overall accuracy. In the future, we extend the cyber-security datasets and have a plan to design a data-driven intrusion detection system for providing automated security services for the cyber-security community. 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