key: cord-0049623-w8agvg9g authors: Davido, Benjamin; Seang, Sophie; Barizien, Nicolas; Tubiana, Roland; de Truchis, Pierre title: Possible therapies of Post-COVID-19 chronic symptoms() date: 2020-09-06 journal: Clin Microbiol Infect DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2020.09.001 sha: 5afad641dc064870c3f58c706e5c6c7f6ecef63a doc_id: 49623 cord_uid: w8agvg9g nan responsible for dysautonomia in patients with persistent symptoms following acute SARS-23 COV2 infection. Physicians must keep in mind that COVID-19 is not only a disease 24 responsible for lung injury and its sequel but may affect other organs as olfactory and 25 gustatory dysfunction and as such, should inform the general audience, especially young 26 individuals that are the most concerned [2] . Actually, we did not state that these symptoms of autonomic impairment do not require 28 specific treatment, but we believe it must be a case by case management depending on the breathing/hyperventilation syndrome in adults Efficacy of 68 Therapies for Postural Tachycardia Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-69 analysis