key: cord-0045329-qnmqflpa authors: Andresen, Sabine; König, Julia; Sultan, Aysel title: Editorial to the Second Issue of Childhood Vulnerability Journal date: 2020-06-15 journal: Childhood Vulnerability DOI: 10.1007/s41255-020-00012-x sha: c78d2209d2f05813ace6aee661d3aecd6f62c338 doc_id: 45329 cord_uid: qnmqflpa nan to reduce childhood vulnerabilities tend to underestimate individual household characteristics. Their study demonstrates the importance of nuance-based approach, unique traits, needs, and diversity among different vulnerable populations in the example of rural Uganda. Meanwhile, research on child maltreatment as a form of childhood vulnerability is rising exponentially. Drawing on 104 articles from the period between 2010 and 2015, Barnetz and Levin (2020) systematically evaluate the gap in existing child maltreatment literature. Drawing on Facet Theory, authors map the selected studies across three dimensions of knowledge, perspective, and system demonstrating the merits of Facet Theory when arguing for a better research effort. The findings suggest that gaps in child welfare system are made visible through disentanglements between theory-focused technical knowledge and client-focused phenomenological knowledge. In her powerful analysis of aboriginal film director Ivan Sen's Toomelah, Joanne Faulkner (2020) analyses structural and cultural discrimination of Indigenous children in Australia. Arguing against the colonial legacy of a society where children of non-Indigenous Australians have better chances to "thrive", Faulkner discusses ways of acknowledging this injustice, if the Australian government is to succeed in decolonisation and better welfare. Finally, in a biographical analysis of a young woman who, as a child, was taken from a Namibian refugee camp and sent to the German Democratic Republic, Schmitt et al. (2019) carefully trace this historical account to show how adverse childhood experiences can become central determinants in adult life. The article compliments the culturally diverse interpretations of childhood vulnerability by offering an alternative reading of history. All this leads to a point of acknowledgement that childhood vulnerability can be investigated and understood in endless accounts, while research has a strong potential to undermine harmful practices in ways human societies tell history, design interventions, and undertake scientific practices. Childhood vulnerability: Systematic, structural, and individual dimensions Erfahrungen und Perspektiven von jungen Menschen während der Corona-Maßnahmen: Erste Ergebnisse der bundesweiten Studie JuCo Critical, Habermasian examinations of research on child maltreatment: a review of the literature Failure to thrive"? Imagining precarity, sensing agency, through Ivan Sen's Toomelah Sleep deprivation and risk for cognitive vulnerability in schoolgoing adolescents: Does the biopsychosocial correlates have a significant role over sleep behavioral practices? Childhood Vulnerability Vulnerability and Oral History. The Biography of a 'GDR-Child of Namibia' as a Narrative of Being Hurt Child and household social-economic vulnerability: Determinants transition from moderate and critical vulnerability levels in rural Uganda