key: cord-0043827-io5d72lm authors: Amazigh, Amrane; Bedon, Nicolas title: Equational Theories of Scattered and Countable Series-Parallel Posets date: 2020-05-26 journal: Developments in Language Theory DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-48516-0_1 sha: 3e396a4d226be6253bfb2a8c061e36093fcce1f7 doc_id: 43827 cord_uid: io5d72lm In this paper we consider two classes of posets labeled over an alphabet A. The class [Formula: see text] is built from the letters and closed under the operations of series finite, [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] products, and finite parallel product. In the class [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] products are replaced by [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] powers. We prove that [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are freely generated in their respective natural varieties of algebras [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], and that the equational theory of [Formula: see text] is decidable. In his generalization of the algebraic approach of recognizable languages from finite words to ω-words, Wilke [22] introduced right binoids, that are two-sorted algebras equipped with a binary product and an ω-power. The operations are linked together by equalities reflecting their properties. These equalities define a variety of algebras. This algebraic study of ω-words have since been extended to more general structures, such as for example partial words (or equivalently, labeled posets) or transfinite strings (long words). In [8] , shuffle binoids are right binoids equipped with a shuffle operation that enables to take into consideration N-free posets with finite antichains and ω-chains instead of ω-words. In [3, 5] , the structure of right binoids in two parts is modified in order to enable products to extend over ω, ie. small ordinals (≤ ω n , n ∈ N) and countable ordinals. The latter algebras are enriched in [10, 11] with operations such as for example reverse ω-power in order to take into account countable linear orderings (scattered in some cases). Some of the previous algebraic enrichments were also applied to shuffle binoids [4, 12] . The motivations in [3] [4] [5] 10, 11, 17, 22] are mainly the study of the links between automata, rational expressions, algebraic recognition and monadic second-order logic. In [7] [8] [9] 12, 22] the authors focus essentially on varieties of algebras; for example, free algebras are characterized in the corresponding varieties, and decisions algorithms for equivalence of terms are provided. Let us denote by ω the reverse ordering of ω. In this paper we focus on algebras equipped with a parallel product, series product, and either ω and ω products or ω and ω powers. For example, the class SP (A) of N-free posets in which antichains are finite and chains are scattered and countable orderings lies in this framework. In [2, 6] this class has been studied from the point of view of automata, rational expression and logic. We prove here that SP (A) is the free algebra in a variety V of algebras equipped with a parallel product, series product, and ω and ω products. By removing the parallel product, it follows that A , the class of scattered and countable words over A, is also a free algebra in the corresponding variety. We also consider the class ω SP (A) where the ω and ω products are replaced by ω and ω powers, and show that it is freely generated in the corresponding variety V . Relying of decision results of [2] we prove that the equality of terms of V is decidable. We let |E| denote the cardinality of a set E, and [n] the set {1, . . . , n}, for any non-negative integer n ∈ N. Let J be a set equipped with a strict order <. The ordering J is linear if either j < k or k < j for any distinct j, k ∈ J. We denote by J the backward linear ordering obtained from the set J with the reverse ordering. A linear ordering J is dense if for any j, k ∈ J such that j < k, there exists an element i of J such that j < i < k. It is scattered if it contains no infinite dense sub-ordering. The ordering ω of natural integers is scattered as well as the ordering ζ of all integers (negative, 0 and positive). Ordinals are also scattered orderings. We let N , O and S denote respectively the class of finite linear orderings, the class of countable ordinals and the class of countable scattered linear orderings. We also let 0 and 1 denote respectively the empty and the singleton linear ordering. We refer to [20] for more details on linear orderings and ordinals. A poset (P, <) is a set P partially ordered by <. For short we often denote the poset (P, <) by P . The width of P is wd(P ) = sup{|E| : Eis an antichain of P } where sup denotes the least upper bound of the set. In this paper, we restrict to posets with finite antichains and countable and scattered chains. Let (P, < P ) and (Q, < Q ) be two disjoint posets. The union (or parallel composition) P ∪Q of (P, < P ) and (Q, < Q ) is the poset (P ∪Q, < P ∪ < Q ). The sum (or sequential composition) P + Q is the poset (P ∪ Q, < P ∪ < Q ∪ P × Q). The sum of two posets can be generalized to a J-sum of any linearly ordered sequence ((P j , < j )) j∈J of pairwise disjoint posets by j∈J P j = ( j∈J P j , ( j∈J < j ) ∪ ( j,j ∈J, j 0. Let j∈J P j and j∈J P j be some non-trivial J-and J -factorizations of P where J, J ∈ {ω, ω}. Then J = J . Proof. Assume by contradiction that J = J . Assume wlog that J = ω and J = ω. Let L = j≤k P j and R = k 0, h α,i (P ) does not depend on the factorization of P . Thus, we have proved that h α,i is well-defined for sequential posets of rank (α, i) ∈ O×N. In addition, the irreducible parallel factorization is unique modulo the commutativity of . Thus h α,i is well-defined for all posets of rank (α, i), for all (α, i) ∈ O × N. Furthermore, proving that h α,i commutes with all the operations in X α,i can be done by induction on r(P ) too. The arguments are very similar to those used to prove that h α,i is well-defined. It follows that h is a homomorphism of V-algebras. In addition, since h relies on h then h is unique. The proofs of the following theorems rely on the same arguments. It suffices to restrict h to the operations of the corresponding variety. In particular, this provides a new proof of Theorem 5. A in V 0 . In the remainder of this section, we prove the freeness of ω SP (A) in V . The arguments are similar to those of the proof of Theorem 6.1 in [12] in which the variety considered is V without ω-power. We need the following result. A and B be two alphabets. Let S ⊆ ω SP (B) such that S is closed under sequential product, ω-power and ω-power. Let f : A → G be some function defined by f (a) = G a ∈ G for some G ⊆ S. Then, the function f : ·, ω , ω , 1) . A in V 0 . Furthermore, if f is bijective, S is generated by G, and G contains only sequentially irreducible posets then f is bijective. Proof. Let u ∈ ω A whose irreducible sequential factorization is j∈J u j for some J ∈ S, where each u j ∈ A. Note that Let v · w, x ω and y ω be some sequential factorizations of u. Then, one can prove easily that relying on the uniqueness of the irreducible sequential factorization of u (Proposition 1). Let us prove now that when f is bijective and S is generated by a set of sequentially irreducible posets then f is bijective. Let u, v ∈ ω A and assume that f (u) = P and f (v) = Q. Let i∈I u i and j∈J v j be the irreducible sequential factorizations of respectively u and v, for some I, J ∈ S, where each u i and v j are in A. By definition of f , P = i∈I P i and Q = j∈J Q j where Then, for all i ∈ I and for all j ∈ J, P i and Q j are sequentially irreducible posets of G. Assume that P = Q. Then I = J and, for all i ∈ I, P i = Q i . We have, for all i ∈ I, u i = v i since f is injective by hypothesis. In addition, as G generates S, each element P of S can be written as j∈J P j where each P j ∈ G, for some J ∈ S. Since f is surjective by hypothesis, for all j ∈ J there exists u j ∈ A such that f (u j ) = P j . Then f ( j∈J u j ) = P . We are now ready to prove the following theorem. -when i = 0, h 0 is defined by → 1; -when i = 1, h 1 is the unique homomorphism of V 0 -algebras ω A → S extending h (Theorem 6); -when i ≥ 2, h i is defined as follows: • on posets P of width lower than i, h i (P ) is h i−1 (P ); • on sequential posets P of width i, h i (P ) is h i (P ); • on parallel posets P of width i, h i (P ) is defined relying on the irreducible parallel factorization j∈[n] P j of P , for some n ∈ N, by: Proving that h is a homomorphism of V -algebras is routine. Furthermore, the uniqueness of h comes from the facts that h extends h and that A is a generating set of ω SP (A). Throughout this section, A denotes an alphabet. The set of terms of some signature over A is the smallest set of finite words built from A using the operations of the corresponding signature. In this section we prove the decidability of the equational theory of V . Let τ be the signature of V -algebras. We start by defining the set of terms in which we are interested. The set of terms T A over A is the smallest set satisfying the following conditions: By equipping T A with the operations of τ , we define a structure called the term algebra T (A) = (T A , ·, , ω , ω , 1) over A. Note that T A can be considered also as the set of trees whose leaves are labeled by A ∪ {1} and whose internal nodes are labeled by the operations of τ where the out-degree of each internal node coincides with the arity of the corresponding operation. Two terms t, t ∈ T A are equivalent if t can be derived from t using the axioms which V satisfy (denoted t ≡ t ). This equivalence relation is actually a congruence. It is well-known that T (A) is absolutely free i.e. it is freely generated by A in the class containing all the algebras of signature τ . In addition, as a consequence of Theorem 7, T (A)/≡ is isomorphic to ω SP (A) (see eg. [1, Theorem 1.3.2] ). This isomorphism can be defined by 1 = and a = a for all a ∈ A. Then we have: As a consequence, proving the decidability of the equational theory of V can be reduced to decide whether t = t . We now give a quick outline of the proof. The terms t and t can be interpreted as particular forms of rational expressions over languages of SP (A), see [6] . By extension of a well-known result of Büchi on ordinals, it is known from [2] that a language of SP (A) is rational if and only if it is definable in an extension, named P-MSO, of the so-called monadic second-order logic. Two P-MSO formulae ψ t and ψ t such that L(ψ t ) = t and L(ψ t ) = t can effectively be built from t and t . We have L(ψ t ∧ ψ t ) = ∅ if and only if t = t . Theorem 8 follows from the decidability of the P-MSO theory of SP (A) [2, Theorem 6] . This decision procedure has a non-elementary complexity. Another proof with an exponential complexity (in the size of t, t ) can be derived from the proof of [12, Theorem 7.6] , in which the ω-power is not considered, by replacing the use of [12, Theorem 7.3] by [9, Corollary 3.19] . Finite Semigroups and Universal Algebra Logic and rational languages of scattered and countable series-parallel posets Automata, semigroups and recognizability of words on ordinals Complementation of branching automata for scattered and countable N-free posets An Eilenberg theorem for words on countable ordinals Series-parallel languages on scattered and countable posets Long words: the theory of concatenation and ω-power Shuffle binoids. RAIRO-Theor Axiomatizing omega and omega-op powers of words. RAIRO-Theor Regular languages of words over countable linear orderings Complementation of rational sets on countable scattered linear orderings Two equational theories of partial words On the construction of free algebras for equational systems The equational theory of pomsets On partial languages Grundzüge einer theorie der geordneten mengen Towards a language theory for infinite N-free pomsets Optimal linear extension by interchanging chains Variations on algebra: monadicity and generalisations of equational theories Linear Orderings The recognition of series parallel digraphs An algebraic theory for regular languages of finite and infinite words An algebraic approach to concurrence We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their comments on this work. One of them pointed out that Theorem 3 can be deduced from Theorem 1 using the theory of categories, and in particular works by Fiore and Hur [13] , Robinson [19] , Adámek, Rosicky, Velbil et al.