key: cord-0041866-8fgjd4rs authors: Dharne, C. G. title: Taxonomic Investigations on the Discomycetous Genus Lachnellula Karst. date: 2008-05-01 journal: J Phytopathol (1986) DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0434.1965.tb02194.x sha: 41d33e38ab189d7987a6afb4994acd7c40c56267 doc_id: 41866 cord_uid: 8fgjd4rs nan A. INTRODUCTION The fungus genus Lachnellula Karsten comprises a small number of species of the inoperculate Discomycetes belonging to the order Helotiales. Though some species of the genus have been well known for many years in Europe and North America as a cause of Larch canker, the taxonomy of this natural group is still in an unsatisfactory condition. The literature on the subject has become much more confused by the variety of names and inadequate descriptions of the species. This fact alone has led to the erection of many uncalled-for new species even by careful workers. Recently DENNIS (1962) united two genera, namely Tric/:7O5C3^p/;e//iJ Nannf. and Lachnellula Karst. under the latter generic name. These two genera were kept separate by earlier workers only on the basis of their ascospore form. This has unfortunately changed the names of a few fungi of economic importance. DENNIS in 1962 transferred the entire tribe Trichoscyphelloideae and treated it as a tribe of the Hyaloscyphaceae. He has also extended the scope of the Phytopath.?.., Bd. 53, Heft 2 g genus Lachnellula to include some of the species growing on non-coniferous hosts and with septate ascospores. But there still remains doubt regarding DENNIS' conclusions. In view of the economic importance of the genus Lachnellula Karst. it seemed desirable that the taxonomy of the genus Lachnellula Karst. should be fully studied. The systematic study of the Discomycetes has undergone more or less steady and progressive development in the past (GROUAN et CROUAN 1867 , BouDiER 1879 , 1885 ,SACCARDO 1892 ,REHM 1896 .Later workers,namely STARBACK (1895), DURAND (1900) , LAGARDE (1906) , VON HOHNEL (1902 and GAUMANN (1926 GAUMANN ( , 1949 expressed the opinion that the apothecial anatomy will prove to be a useful criterium for classifying this vast and divergent group of fungi. A more recent attempt is that of NANNFELDT (1932) who based his system of classification on a similar hne. NANNEELDT'S system provides a more compact and convenient ordering of these fungi. NANNFELDT (1932) proposed six families of Helotiales namely Dermateaceae, Phacidiaceae, Orbiliaceae, Hyaloscyphaceae, Helotiaceae and Geoglossaceae. NANNFELDT (1932) accepts the heterogenous nature of the various families of the Helotiales and mentions in his work that some of the families deserve more than family rank. Later workers (TERRIER 1942, VON ARX and MiJLLER 1954) removed the Phacidiaceae and raised it to the rank of a separate order. Similarly, WHETZEL (1945) recognized the importance of stromatic structure and other characters and he formed the new family Sclerotiniaceae which corresponds to NANNFELDT'S Ciborioideae. Since then much detailed work has been done by DENNIS (1949 DENNIS ( , 1956 DENNIS ( , 1961 and some additional work of monographic nature on some of the genera has been published by different authors (WHITE 1941 , WHETZEL 1943 , 1945 , KoRF 1951 , HOTTER 1958 , SCHUEPP 1959 which showed the need of modifying NANNFELDT'S system of classification. KORF (1958) placed the Stossmayroideae and the Leotioideae in the Helotiaceae. In 1962 KORF proposed the new subfamily Hemiphacidiaceae under the Helotiales to include some needle blight fungi of conifers. But in the same paper he has expressed that the genera included in the Hemiphacidiaceae need more reinvestigation. So at present the validity of the subfamily Hemiphacidiaceae is rather questionable. A comprehensive survey of the apothecial structure of the Helotiales discloses the differences which helped NANNFELDT (1932) to formulate various families and tribes. As regards the Helotiaceae and the Hyaloscyphaceae the differences can be clearly stated: Hyaloscyphaceae 1. Mainly saprophytes 2. Apothecia mostly sessile, stalk if present rather short 3. Excipulum a few cell layers thick and of "textura prismatica" type. The cells of the ectal excipulum thin walled, hyaline, or seldom few cells with coloured walls 4. The inner layers of the medullary excipulum is made up of thin walled hyaline parenchymatous cells, except in the case of Arachnopezizae where the medullary excipulum though reduced in nature is of "textura lntricata" type. In some cases the hyphae are thick walled 5. Paraphyses mostly lanceolate, if filiform mostly with acute apices Helotia Synonyms: Dasyscypha calycina Auct. non (Schum. ex Fr.) Fuckel. -Symb. Myc Lachnella hahniana Seaver. -North Am Lachnellula hahniana (Seaver) Dennis. -Persoonia Larix sibirica Ledeb., and Pinus montana Mill. Material examined: On Larix occidentalis Nutt. -Canada: From National Fungus collection on way to Lai da Rims, 18.7.1963, leg. C G. DHARNE (--ETH Pure Culture Collection No. 4748). -On Larix leptolepis Murr Synonyms: Dasyscypha arida Laclmella arida (Phill.) Seaver. -North Am Matrix: On dead branches of on way to Lai da Rims, 18. 7.1963, leg. C. G. DHARNE (= ETH Pure Culture Collection No. 4741). -On Pinus cembra L MULLER (-= ETH Pure Culture Collection No. 4732). -Kt. Wallis, Grachen, on way to Hannig Alp, 3.6.1963, leg. C. G. DHARNE (= ETH Pure Culture Collection No. 4703). -On Picea cxcelsa Link Anatomy of the apothecium: The outermost layer of the ectal excipulum consists of compactly arranged thin walled hyphal cells, two or three cell layers wide, rather yellowish brown in colour. These hyphae go out to form long cylindrical hairs. The layer above is formed of "textura oblita" type. The outer cells of this layer are yellowish in colour. The medullary excipulum is of "textura intricata" type formed of loosely interwoven thin walled hyphae Size 7-12 ^--4-5.2 //. Paraphyses: Filiform overtopping the asci, with yellow to orange yellow oil globules. Size, 70 to 88X1.5//. Hairs: Cylindrical, finely granulated, yellow to yellowish brown in colour, reaching the diameter 4-5 /< with generally obtuse ends. Cultural characters: On 2 % Malt extract agar the fungus forms white cottony mycelium which with age changes into buff, brownish tinge. Microconidia: Microconidia are formed in brownish or rather dark brown cavities, either solitary or in groups. Conidia: Hyaline, continuous, ellipsoidal oblong, borne on verticillately branched subulate sporophores Geographical distribution: Many earlier workers confounded Lachnellula arida (Phill.) Dennis with Lachnellula flavovirens and all the records must be carefully scrutinized. Its presence in Switzerland and France has been confirmed Lachnellula fuscosanguinea (Rehm) Dennis Persoonia2(l) Synonyms: ? Trichopeziza fuscosanguinea Lamb. -Myc. Belg. U Seewis Pr Scesaplanahaus SAC, 15. 8. 1962, leg. E. MULLER (= ETH Pure Culture Collection No. 4682). -Kt. Graubunden, Swiss National Park, 30.6.1963, leg. C. G. DHARNE ( = ETH Pure Culture Collection No. 4727). -Kt. Graubunden, Munstertal, Sta. Maria, on way to Lai da Rims, 18.7.1963, leg. C. G. DHARNE {= ETEI Pure Culture Collection No. 4746). Kt. Graubunden at first globose urn shaped expanding under the moist condition, covered externally with yellowish brown hairs. The margins of the apothecia are enrolled inside concealing the disc when they are dry. Anatomy of the apothecium: The outermost layer of the ectal excipulum is composed of regularly arranged rather brownish or dark brown cells. The tissue above the outermost layer is of "textura globulosa" type formed by pseudoparenchymatous polygonal cells. The medullary excipulum is of "textura intricata" type Size 100-120 X 1.5 ,w. Hairs: Brown or yellowish brown, finely granulated, septate, 4-5 // in diameter, and gently tapering at the apices. Cultural characters: On 2 % Malt extract agar the fungus forms white cottony mycelium which with age becomes buff in colour. The imperfect stage does not develop readily in culture. Microconidia: Microconidia are developed in yellow to yellowish brown labyrinthiform cavities. The conidia are hyaline continuous, ellipsoidal or fusoidly ellipsoidal size (Fig. 11 III) Geographical distribution: Distribution of the species is rather limited Synonyms: Lachnella abietis Karst Dasyscypha calyciformis) -details not mentioned. Lachnellula hyalina, Lachnellula minuta und Lachnellula tuberculata wurden als ncu beschrieben und fiir andere Arten die folgenden neuen Kombinationen vorgeschlagen: Lachnellula calyciformis (Willd. ex Fr.) Dharne (Basinym: Peziza calyciformis Willd Aufier mit drei Arten, von denen kein frisches Material erhaltlich war, konnten mit alien anderen Kulturversuche durchgefiihrt werden. Die sich bildenden Konidienformen wurden der Formgattung Nacmospora Pers. zugeschrieben. Zusammen mit den Kulturversuchen wurden auch bei Lachnellula suecica Versuche iiber die Ernahrungsanspriiche vorgenommen. Die gepriifte Art benotigt unbedingt folgende Vitamine: Aneurin, Biotin, Pyridoxin und Inositol fi 1895: Mycologische Mittheilungen aus Siid-Bayern Dasyscypha resinaria causmg cankerous growth on Abies balsamea Die Gattungen der amerosporen Pyrenomyceten 1943: A Dasyscypha following Cronartnim ribicola on Pinus monticola. I. and II Nouvelle classification naturelle des discomycetes diarnus, connus generalement sous le nom de Pezizes 1867: Florule du Finistere Physiology of fungi New and Noteworthy Fungi. IV. Mycologia British cup fungi and their allies, London. 280 p. , 1961: Some inoperculate discomycetes from New Zealand 1719: Cat. PL Grissa The intracellular enzymes of Penicillium and Aspergillus The classification of the fleshy Pezizineae with reference to the structural diaracters illustratmg the basis of their division into families 1822: Systema Mycologicum 2 1869: Symbolae mycologicae. 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Neumann, Neudamm 1S81: Ascomyceten, in getrockneten Exemplaren On the parasitical and saprophytical strains of the larch canker fungus Dasyscypha willkommii (Hartig) Rehni. Vestlandets Forsoksstasjon The assimilation by plants of various forms of nitrogen 1889: Sylloge Fungorum 8. Patavii. , 1892: Sylloge Fungorum 10. Patavii Das Absterben der sibirischen Tanne auf dem Untersuchungen iiber Pseudopezizoideae sensu Nannf The North American Cup Fungi (Inoperculates) Dasyscypha agassizii on Pinus strobus Role of Molybdenum in the utilization of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen by Aspergillus niger Dasyscypha fuscosanguinea Rehm on Western white Pine, Pinus monticola Dougal Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pilzflora Nordamerikas, insbesondere der nordwestlichen Staaten Essai sur la systematique des Phacidiaceac (Fr.) sensu Nannf A Monograph of the genus Rutstroemia A synopsis of the genera and species of Sclerotiniaceae, a family of stromatic inoperculate Discomycetes Notes on new rare British Fungi Florae Berolinensis Prodromus secundum systema Linneanum a Thunbergio emendatum conscriptus Berolini 1. Lachnellula suecica (de By. ex Fuckel) Nannf. Fungi exs. Suec. Praes. Upsal. Fasc. 41-42, 48 (1953) Basinym: Pithya sueciea de By. ex. Fuck. -Jb. Nass. V. Naturk. 29-30, 32 (1876