key: cord-0040002-y3n391tc authors: nan title: Interferon alpha: recently approved in a number of countries for use in hairy cell leukaemia and/or Kaposi's sarcoma date: 2013-02-19 journal: nan DOI: 10.1007/bf03307505 sha: 3c08c1fe5393e3b6dfa7741853dc29ec62426e9e doc_id: 40002 cord_uid: y3n391tc nan Combination therapy of recombinant human alpha 2 interferon and acyclovir in the treatment of herpes simplex keratitis. Meurs PJ, van Bijsterveld OP. Antiviral Research 225, 1985 Efficacy of consensus interferon alpha against HSV -2 infections. Fish EN, et al. Antiviral Research 5: 191, 1985 The effect of interferon-alpha A on two cases of Japanese encephalitis in Thailand. Harinasuta Alpba-2-interferontmelpbalanJpredoisone in previously untreated patients with multiple myeloma Rapid improvement in a terminal case of hairy cell leukemia treated with a new human recombinant interferon Efficacy of alpba-2-interferon apinst the common cold Efficacy of alpha-2-interferon qainst the common cold Pilot study of recombinant human a-interferon for chronic type B hepatatis Recombinant a2 interferon for induction and maintenance of remission in hairy cell leukaemia Prevention of natural colds by contact prophylaxis with intranasal atpha2-interferon Prophylactic efficacy of intranasal alpha2-interferon apinst rhinovirus infections in the family setting Recombinant leukocyte A interferon therapy for advanced hairy cell leukemia Recombinant human leucocyte a-interferon Treatment of multiple myeloma with recombinant alpha-interferon