key: cord-0035198-n30sog21 authors: Hidalgo, Jorge; Arriaga, Pedro; Rodriguez-Vega, Gloria M. title: Management of Severe Malaria date: 2019-07-24 journal: Evidence-Based Critical Care DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-26710-0_64 sha: 54ac69b76e89fae6eba56fa7adee8c45992b66fa doc_id: 35198 cord_uid: n30sog21 Imported malaria is the principal, preventable, life-threatening infection among US travelers. Using a case scenario, we discuss the most recent information on the management and treatment of Severe Malaria. world where Plasmodium falciparum, the type intensivists might encounter, may be transmitted [1] . In a returning traveler, fever can be a benign and selflimiting infection, but initially must be considered seriously. Table 64 .1 displays the top illnesses encountered in returning travelers. In order to make a diagnosis a comprehensive history with details regarding places visited, duration, purpose, and activities undertaken. Chemoprophylaxis taken before or while traveling is a critical component of the history for the initial work-up. Knowledge of incubation period and disease risk by geographic are helpful in making a differential diagnosis. Table 64 .2 displays various diseases potentially encountered by the returning traveler by the duration of the incubation period. Patients with severe malaria usually present with a high level of parasitemia or significant signs of organ dysfunction. Populations at the highest risk for severe falciparum malaria are young children, pregnant women, and travelers to endemic areas. In endemic areas, elder children and adults develop partial immunity after repeated infections and are at relatively low risk for severe disease. Travelers to areas where malaria is endemic generally have no previous exposure to malaria parasites and are at high risk for severe disease. Pregnant women are more likely to develop severe P. falciparum malaria than other adults, particularly in the second and third trimesters. Complications such as hypoglycemia and pulmonary edema are more common than in non-pregnant individuals. Maternal mortality can approach 50%, and fetal death and premature labor are common [3] . Patients with severe malaria represent a clinical challenge for the clinician given the complex pathophysiology of the infection involving multiple organ systems. Seizures and severe anemia are relatively more common in children, whereas hyperparasitemia, acute renal failure, and jaundice are more common in adults. Cerebral malaria (with coma), shock, acidosis, and respiratory arrest may occur at any age [3] [4] [5] . Severe malaria is generally defined as acute malaria with high levels of parasitemia (>5%) and/or significant signs of organ dysfunction which may include: From: Wattal and Goel [2] . Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Ltd. The clinician must have a high index of suspicion for malaria in travelers presenting with fever and a history of travel to malaria-endemic regions within the previous year and especially in the prior 3 months. In uncomplicated malaria, apart from fever, patients usually present with nonspecific clinical features. If the diagnosis of falciparum malaria has been delayed, a seemingly well-appearing patient may rapidly deteriorate and present with jaundice, confusion, or seizures and have a high fatality rate. Hence, it is critical to make a rapid and accurate diagnosis when malaria is suspected clinically [4, 5] . Microscopy is the gold standard and preferred option for the diagnosis of malaria. In most cases, the examination of thin and thick blood films will reveal Malaria parasites (Figs. 64.3 and 64.4). Thick films are more sensitive to detect low levels of parasitemia. In general, the higher the parasite density in the peripheral blood, the higher the likelihood that severe disease is present or will develop, especially in immunocompromised patients. Thick smears are more sensitive diagnostically, but the thin smear subsequently helps in determining the malaria species and the level of parasitemia (the percentage of a patient's red blood cells infected with malaria parasites). Most of the time uncomplicated malaria has a good prognosis with a case fatality less than 0.1%. Uncomplicated malaria caused by P. ovale, P. vivax, and P. malariae can usually be managed with oral drugs on an outpatient basis, unless a patient has other comorbidities or is unable to take drugs orally [5, 7] . However, a severe disease requiring ICU admission can occur in patients with P. vivax or P. knowlesi [8] . In one series a higher percentage of patients with P. vivax required ICU admission that P. falciparum and the mortality was higher (22.9% versus 5.6%, p < 0.05)), with ARDS being nearly twice as common in the P. vivax patients (45.7% versus 23.3%, p = 0.06) [9] . In patients with P.vivax respiratory decom- [6] .) pensation may be preceded by administration of antimalarials and progress rapidly [10] . Due to little immunity against these infections, P. falciparum infections in travelers can rapidly progress to severe illness or death in as little as 1-2 days, so rapid assessment and initiation of antimalarial therapy is essential. Patients should be evaluated with attention to findings consistent with malaria as well as additional and/or alternative causes of presenting symptoms. Of primary importance in the treatment of malaria is the provision of prompt, effective therapy and concurrent supportive care to manage lifethreatening complications of the disease. Supportive measures, such as fluid management, oxygen, ventilatory support, cardiac monitoring, and pulse oximetry, should be instituted as needed. During this time, intravenous access should be obtained immediately. Point-of-care testing can be used for rapid determination of hematocrit, glucose, and lactate. Parasitemia can also be determined quickly but requires a microscope. Additional tests can be done if/when indicated: electrolytes, full blood count, type and cross, blood culture, and clotting studies. Unconscious patients should have a lumbar puncture to rule out concomitant bacterial meningitis in the absence of contraindications (i.e., papilledema). These tasks should overlap with an institution of antimalarial treatment as well as other ancillary therapies as needed (including anticonvulsants, intravenous glucose and fluids, antipyretics, antibiotics, and blood transfusion) [11, 12] . Repeat clinical assessments should be performed every 2-4 h for timely detection and management of complications in an intensive care setting, if possible. If the Glasgow Coma Score (or in children the Blantyre coma score [see Table 64 .3]) decreases after initiation of treatment, the investigation should focus on the possibility of seizures, hypoglycemia, or worsening anemia. Repeat laboratory assessments of parasitemia, hemoglobin/hematocrit, glucose, and lactate should be performed in 6-h intervals. A flow chart summariz-ing the vital information may be used to guide management decisions [11] [12] [13] . Significant independent predictors for fatality among African children with severe malaria include acidosis, impaired consciousness (coma and/or convulsions), elevated blood urea nitrogen, and signs of chronic disease (lymphadenopathy, malnutrition, candidiasis, severe visible wasting, and desquamation). Clinical features previously identified as being poor prognostic features that did not correlate with mortality in this study included age, glucose level, axillary temperature, parasite density, and Blackwater Fever [14] [15] [16] . Careful observation and thoughtful responses to changes in clinical status are the most critical elements in looking after patients with severe malaria. Patients can make remarkable recoveries, and the time and effort to address the components of clinical care described in the following sections can reap tangible rewards in a relatively short period of time. Clinical evaluation includes a full physical exam, a complete neurologic examination, calculation of Glasgow or Blantyre coma score (Table 64. 3), and funduscopic evaluation. Malarial retinopathy is pathognomonic for cerebral malaria in patients who satisfy the standard clinical case definition ( Fig. 64.5 ). Patients with altered sensorium should undergo a lumbar puncture (in the absence of contraindications) to exclude concomitant bacterial meningitis. If clinical instability or papilledema on ocular fundus examination preclude lumbar puncture, presumptive antibiotic therapy for bacterial meningitis should be initiated. Parasitemia should be monitored during treatment to confirm adequate response to therapy. The CDC recommends daily repeat blood smear to document declining parasite density until negative or until treatment day 7 (if discharged before complete parasitemia clearance). During treatment of severe malaria, parasite density should be monitored every 12 h during the first 2-3 days or until negative; some recommendations suggest switching from parenteral to oral therapy as tolerated after parasitemia falls below 1% [15, 16] . Hypoxemia and rales are not common in the setting of severe malaria; the presence of either should raise suspicion for a concomitant lower respiratory tract infection. Pulmonary edema may develop, particularly in the settings of renal impairment or severe malarial anemia. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can also complicate severe malaria. Deep breathing (Kussmaul respirations) is a clinical indicator of metabolic acidosis and is associated with a worse outcome in patients with falciparum malaria [15, 16] . The standard clinical case definition of cerebral malaria includes the following criteria: 1. Blantyre coma score ≤ 2 2. P. falciparum parasitemia (any density) 3. No other identifiable cause of coma (e.g., hypoglycemia, meningitis, or a post-ictal state) The histologic hallmark of cerebral malaria is cerebral sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes. Establishing whether retinopathy is present is an essential marker for cerebral malaria. In the absence of this finding, alternative causes for coma (such as bacterial infection) should be pursued and treated, even in the presence of established malaria infection [16, 18] . Seizures occur in up to 70% of children with severe malaria; subclinical seizures occur in 15-20% of cases. Seizures may be generalized or focal, and the clinical signs may be subtle (nystagmus, irregular respirations, hypoventilation, or a drop in the Blantyre coma score). It is also essential to evaluate for causes of seizure besides cerebral malaria (e.g., hypoglycemia, fever) and to treat accordingly as outlined in the following sections. Benzodiazepines are useful first-line agents for seizure treatment. Diazepam (0.4 mg/kg) can be administered intravenously or per rectum; lorazepam (0.1 mg/kg) can be administered intravenously or intraosseously. These doses can be repeated once if seizures do not cease within 5 min of the initial dose. Benzodiazepines should not be combined due to the risk of respiratory depression. If seizures are not controllable with benzodiazepines, other options include phenobarbitone (phenobarbital 15-20 mg/kg, slow IV push) or phenytoin (18 mg/kg diluted in 100 mL normal saline, infused over 20 min). If seizures recur, repeat single doses of a benzodiazepine may be administered. Alternatively, maintenance doses of phenobarbital (5-15 mg/kg/day, administered orally, via NG tube, or via slow IV push in divided doses every 12 h) or phenytoin (10 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 12 h) may be initiated. Paraldehyde has been used as an intramuscular injection to treat seizures in the setting of severe malaria (0.2-0.4 mL/ kg); its main advantage is that it does not cause respiratory suppression. The cost of this agent has increased dramatically, and it is therefore out of reach for many formularies in malaria-endemic areas. Patients with severe malaria should not receive routine seizure prophylaxis in the absence of clinical seizure activity [18] [19] [20] . Severe hemolysis, which is mainly extravascular, occurs in hyperparasitemia falciparum malaria. Removal of both infected and uninfected erythrocytes from the circulation, mainly by the spleen, is associated with the rapid development of anemia. Patients with severe anemia may present with or without altered consciousness; in addition, severe Atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone): Treatment as above. Doxycycline: Treatment as above. If patient not able to take oral medication, give 100 mg IV every 12 h and then switch to oral doxycycline (as above) as soon as patient can take oral medication. For IV use, avoid rapid administration. Treatment course = 7 days. Clindamycin: Treatment as above. If patient not able to take oral medication, give 10 mg base/kg loading dose IV followed by 5 mg base/kg IV every 8 h. Switch to oral clindamycin (oral dose as above) as soon as patient can take oral medication. For IV use, avoid rapid administration. Treatment course = 7 days. Artemether-lumefantrine (Coartem ™ ): Treatment as above. Atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone ™ ) Treatment as above. anemia has been associated with long-term neurocognitive impairment. In endemic areas, hemoglobin concentration may decrease gradually throughout repeated malaria infections. As a result, patients can be fully alert with hemoglobin concentrations of 2-3 g/dL (hematocrit < 10%). Evaluation for the pallor of the conjunctivae, nail beds, and palms can provide a rough estimate of the degree of anemia, since blood vessels in these areas are close to the surface. Hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit are routinely measured components of complete blood counts, but this may not be available in resource-limited settings, or the results may not be available promptly. In such circumstances, the hematocrit can be measured on a finger-prick sample of blood collected into a heparinized capillary tube and centrifuged using a mechanical device. Alternatively, the hemoglobin concentration can be determined from fingerprick samples of blood collected into cuvettes. This method is more expensive than manually spinning a hematocrit, but can be performed readily near the bedside. Clinically evident disseminated intravascular coagulation in the setting of severe malaria is rare (<5%), but profound thrombocytopenia is common, and the microcirculation in many organs is occluded by fibrin thrombi [21, 22] . Blood products should be administered in patients with dire prognoses, i.e., patients with altered consciousness, high output heart failure, respiratory distress, a cold periphery, hyperlactatemia, and/or high-density parasitemia. Laboratory parameters of concern include low hemoglobin concentration (≤4-5 g/dL) or low hematocrit (≤10-15%). The degree of anemia and the level of parasitemia may be useful parameters for predicting the need for a blood transfusion and for determining the volume of blood to transfuse. In general, 10 mL/kg of packed red blood cells or 20 mL/kg of whole blood transfused over 2-4 h is appropriate. Blood should be typed and crossmatched before infusion. Blood transfusions are generally well-tolerated in the setting of severe malaria since patients are relatively hypovolemic; diuretics are rarely needed. Monitoring of hemoglobin concentration or hematocrit should continue until the parasitemia clears, since repeat transfusion may be required [22] . Defined as blood glucose <40 mg/dL or <2.2 mmol/L), hypoglycemia is a common complication of malaria and a marker of severe disease. It should be suspected in any patient who is comatose or who deteriorates suddenly. The pathogenesis of hypoglycemia is not fully understood; it may be related to parasite glucose consumption and/or impaired host gluconeogenesis. Malnutrition, adrenal insufficiency, and hyperinsulinemia are not likely causes of hypoglycemia. In addition to primary hypoglycemia, administration of quinine or quinidine (insulin secretagogues) can cause iatrogenic hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia with artesunate therapy is less common than with quinine or quinidine. Patients presenting with normoglycemia can develop hypoglycemia during treatment. When determining intravenous maintenance fluids, the clinician should consider the possibility of hypoglycemia and use glucose-containing solutions. In addition, those managed promptly for hypoglycemia at presentation can have subsequent recurrent hypoglycemia. Therefore, blood glucose should be monitored closely during illness with prompt management as outlined above. Patients with recurrent hypoglycemia should receive 10% dextrose. Ten percent dextrose can be prepared quickly by withdrawing 100 mL from a one-liter bag of a 5% dextrose solution and replacing it with 100 mL of a 50% dextrose solution [21] [22] [23] . Adults with malaria appear to be more vulnerable to fluid overload than children. There is a fine line between under hydration, and thus worsening renal impairment, and overhydration, risking pulmonary and cerebral edema. Hence, fluid requirements should be assessed on an individual basis, using commonly employed tools such as delayed capillary refill, low central venous pressure, and low urine output. Deep breathing, reflecting lactic acidosis, may also be a reasonable indicator of hypovolemia [22, 23] . Nutritional supplementation should be provided by nasogastric tube (NG) for patients with prolonged coma who are unable to eat and drink within 24-48 h. High fevers (>38.5 °C) are frequent in the setting of malaria infection and may reflect the host response to endogenous pyrogens released at the time of schizont rupture. The optimal approach to the treatment of fever is uncertain, although the use of antipyretics in patients with high fever is appropriate given the association between high fever and convulsions. Dynamic temperature control may help reduce long-term neurologic outcomes in pediatric patients with retinopathy-positive cerebral malaria. Paracetamol (acetaminophen); 15 mg/kg every 6 h; maximum dose 1000 mg) is a reasonable antipyretic agent; oral therapy can be used for patients able to swallow. Otherwise, suppository formulations are acceptable. If fever persists, ibuprofen (10 mg/kg every 6 h; maximum dose 1200 mg per day) can be administered (orally, via nasogastric tube, or intravenously) alone or on an alternating schedule with paracetamol every 3 h [23] [24] [25] . A concomitant bacterial infection is an essential contributor to morbidity and mortality in the setting of severe malaria, and severe anemia has been implicated as a primary risk factor for non-typhoidal Salmonella septicemia. The bacterial infection should be suspected in patients with severe anemia together with signs or symptoms of sepsis (hypotension, cold extremities, delayed capillary refill, hyperlactatemia). In such cases, blood cultures should be obtained, and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy with activity against gram-negative bacilli should be initiated [24, 25] . A significant drawback of light microscopy is that the efficiency of the test depends on the type and quality of the smear, skill of the technician, parasite density, and time spent on examining the smear. In addition, mixed infections with P. malariae or P. ovale are often missed, because their densities are often low in comparison to that of P. falciparum. These problems may occur more frequently in non-endemic areas where malaria microscopy is performed infrequently. Quantitative buffy coat (QBC) is fluorescent microscopy based on the principle of concentrating the red blood cellcontaining parasites within a narrow zone by centrifugation of blood in capillary tubes and staining of malarial parasite nucleic acid with acridine dyes. The sensitivity of QBC almost equals that of Giemsa-stained films. The advantage of QBC is ease of interpretation and rapidity. Species identification and quantification are complicated, however, with this technique and, therefore, thick and thin blood film examination is still required. This technique requires the use of expensive fluorescent microscopy equipment for the inter-pretation of results. This is a significant limitation especially in the poor resource countries [25] . Antigen detection RDTs detect malaria antigen in blood by an immunochromatographic test with monoclonal antibodies directed against the target parasite antigen, which is impregnated on a test strip. The result is usually obtained in 5-20 min. Currently, different combinations of immunochromatographic tests are commercially available, targeting different genus-specific or species-specific antigen for malaria diagnosis. Some of the commonly used antigens in RDTs are HRP-2 (P. falciparum-specific), aldolase (panspecific), Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) (P. falciparum-specific), pLDH (P. vivax-specific), and pLDH (panspecific) [25, 26] . Serology detection of antibodies against malaria parasites, using either indirect immunofluorescence assay or ELISA, does not indicate current infection but rather measures past exposure. Therefore, it has no role in the diagnosis of acute infections. Serology may be used to screen donors to prevent transfusion-related malaria, however, and to confirm the diagnosis of malaria in recently treated cases in which the diagnosis could not be confirmed previously [25] [26] [27] . Molecular technologies have been developed to improve the diagnosis of malaria by detecting specific parasite nucleic acid. The advantage of molecular methods is their exquisite sensitivity down to the level of 5 parasites/mL or 0.0001% parasitemia [26, 27] . Exchange transfusion has been proposed as a means of removing infected red blood cells from the circulation, thereby lowering the parasite burden and replacing with unparasitized cells. There is no evidence supporting the efficacy of exchange transfusion as adjunctive therapy in severe malaria, and there is no consensus on the indications, approach, benefits, or risks of this procedure. The CDC no longer recommends exchange transfusion for treatment of severe malaria, based on a review that demonstrated no differences in outcome among patients who underwent exchange transfusion; previously, the CDC recommended exchange transfusion for patients with parasite density of >10% with end-organ complications. The WHO guidelines indicate that it is not possible to make any recommendations regarding the use of exchange transfusion based on the available evidence. The American Society for Apheresis (ASFA) supports exchange transfusion as adjunctive therapy for patients with >10% parasitemia, although its consideration of adverse events associated with exchange transfusion for malaria is limited [25] [26] [27] . High-risk areas for malaria Infectious disease emergencies in returning travelers: special reference to malaria, dengue fever, and chikungunya Guidelines for the treatment of malaria. Geneva: World Health Organization Intervention in infectious disease emergencies DPDx -laboratory identification of parasitic diseases of public health concern The treatment of malaria Intensive care in severe malaria: report from the task force on tropical diseases by the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine Mortality in Malaria: Intensive Care (MIMIC) Are respiratory complications of Plasmodium vivax malaria and underestimated problem? Malaria in children Analysis of immunity to febrile malaria in children that distinguishes immunity from lack of exposure Malaria surveillance -United States Risk factors for severe disease in adults with falciparum malaria The relationship between age and the manifestations of and mortality associated with severe malaria Standardized data collection for multi-center clinical studies of severe malaria in African children: establishing the SMAC network Diagnosis and management of the neurological complications of falciparum malaria Predicting the clinical outcome of severe falciparum malaria in African children: findings from a large randomized trial Artesunate versus quinine in the treatment of severe falciparum malaria in African children (AQUAMAT): an open-label, randomized trial Artesunate versus quinine for treating severe malaria Artemether for severe malaria Artesunate for the treatment of severe falciparum malaria New medication for severe malaria available under an investigational new drug protocol The complete drug reference World Health Organization. Management of severe malaria: a practical handbook Part 3: alternatives for pregnant women and treatment of severe malaria Treatment of malaria: exchange transfusion for the treatment of severe malaria no longer recommended