key: cord-0034310-ehb3l96n authors: McIntosh, Kenneth title: Reply to van der Hoek and Berkhout date: 2005-07-15 journal: J Infect Dis DOI: 10.1086/430798 sha: 13c38a33f9c7a34d27297b4d17dfc79bc9718980 doc_id: 34310 cord_uid: ehb3l96n nan specific guidelines to address the issues of nomenclature and categorization of potentially closely related viruses that have been identified independently [5, 6] . Undoubtedly, this will continue to be an issue as new viral pathogens are identified. We disagree with van der Hoek and Berkhout that the naming of HCoV-NH "needlessly complicates the HCoV literature" [4] . Rather, we believe that the identification of HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-NL by cell culture and genome amplification techniques and the identification of HCoV-NH by use of molecular probes exemplify the recent advances in methods to identify previously unrecognized viruses. As the full genomes of these viruses are described, the clarification of the nomenclature will follow. We believe it is important to attempt to replicate in different populations our finding of the association between HCoV-NH infection and Kawasaki disease, and we appreciate the letters from Ebihara et al. [7] and Belay et al. [8] . We would be interested to know whether proper controls were included to demonstrate the integrity of the RNA that was used in the amplification assays by Ebihara et al. We agree with Belay et al. that the timing of sample collection and the type of sample screened (nasal vs. pharyngeal) may explain the discrepancy in results between their study and ours. Furthermore, more than one etiological agent may be linked to Kawasaki disease. Nonetheless, we are intrigued by the study by Graf that suggests the presence of a peptide, corresponding to the spike protein of HCoV-NL63, in tissue from individuals with Kawasaki disease [9] . These findings further support the association between HCoV-NH and Kawasaki disease. To the Editor-In my Editorial Commentary [1] , I certainly did not intend to detract from the novelty and importance of the findings by van der Hoek et al. [2] in early 2004. As I pointed out clearly, Esper et al. [3] were unaware of van der Hoek et al.'s discovery of the Netherlands strain of human coronavirus (HCoV-NL63) when they designed their polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and apparently also when they first found the HCoV they designated the "New Haven coronavirus" (HCoV-NH). I described the methodology used by Esper et al. for finding the virus as "logical, intelligent, and highly original" (p. 489)-as was, in fact, the different methodology used by van der Hoek et al.-and the development of this methodology seemed to me at least as notable an accomplishment as the discovery of a "new" virus. In my Editorial Commentary, I also stated that HCoV-NH appeared to be similar to, and quite possibly (although not certainly) the same as, HCoV-NL63. The published sequence of HCoV-NH, which covered only a portion of a single gene from this very large genome, did not seem to be adequate to make a final decision on this point, however. Regardless of whether HCoV-NH turns out to be, from a taxonomic viewpoint, the same as HCoV-NH63, the findings by Esper et al. are exciting and extend our knowledge of respiratory HCoVs, particularly in relation to pediatric disease. In addition, broader application of their PCR methodology offers to us the hope that we will find additional members of this family of viruses. Identification of a new human coronavirus A previously undescribed coronavirus associated with respiratory disease in humans Evidence of a novel human coronavirus that is associated with respiratory tract disease in infants and young children Questions concerning the New Haven coronavirus [letter Emerging issues in virus taxonomy The 7th ICTV report Lack of association between New Haven coronavirus and Kawasaki disease [letter Kawasaki disease and human coronavirus San Diego: American Heart Association's Scientific Councils on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young Coronaviruses in the limelight Identification of a new human coronavirus Evidence of a novel human coronavirus that is associated with respiratory tract disease in infants and young children Boston, and Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts