key: cord-0028515-jyl0snbh authors: Melchior, Chloé; Zorniak, Michal title: Young GI angle: UEG Research Fellowship – Two fellows' experiences date: 2022-03-09 journal: United European Gastroenterol J DOI: 10.1002/ueg2.12208 sha: a18c9b6f17b3d86ef0b69d63c1724ba75de8e851 doc_id: 28515 cord_uid: jyl0snbh nan Several motivations drive researchers to leave their current positions and go abroad. 1, 2 It can be a requirement for a job position, a need to perfect skills, a step forward to an international network, or for other reasons, including personal. Whatever are the motivations, it is always a challenging decision and organization. Changing of country, the team, the environment, and no longer being in your habits will challenge you and allow you to grow faster. After this experience, you will become more competent in your domain, with a robust research network, and help raise your research team with your acquired knowledge. Since 2019, UEG has awarded one researcher per year with the UEG Research Fellowship to spend one year with a renowned European principal investigator ( The purpose of this grant is to support both basic and clinical researchers and both medical and non-medical graduates to improve their scientific skills. This grant is an excellent opportunity before establishing research activities in your department. (2) to work in such a stimulating environment. Magnus was a wonderful supervisor, able to give me the freedom needed to progress, and also to provide relevant advice to guide me. Finally, I had the chance to extend my stay for 2 years and I am really grateful to UEG, to all my colleagues in France, that let me go, and to Pr. Magnus Simrén for this amazing experience. I really realize how it has increased my research network and gave me opportunities to collaborate in many interesting projects. What I can conclude is that my experience was wonderful and rich, and if I have to do it again I won't hesitate for a single second. I was particularly happy to be able to have this experience at this stage of my career (i.e. 2 years after my PhD defense) and not earlier, the experience was even better. The UEG Research Fellowship provides one of the best opportunities to spend 1 year with a European leader in your field, with all the necessary safety required. UEG research fellowship-a stairway to science Young GI angle: international research fellowship as a way to foster clinical research at your department -our stories GI fellowship in the time of COVID-19: moving forward. United In memoriam-Philippe Ducrotte How to raise the interest for neurogastroenterology among young gastroenterologists? United Research Award 2019 and 2020. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the content of this manuscript. All authors contributed equally in the conception and writing of this editorial.