key: cord-0027491-pgjfwvc0 authors: Bacsur, Péter; Farkas, Klaudia; Molnar, Tamas title: Area of the IBD Disk Correlated Strongly with Disease Activity Compared with the Conventionally Used IBD Disk Score date: 2021-07-30 journal: J Crohns Colitis DOI: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjab138 sha: 2abed36022942c3ae00e9e91b3f8fd5f8e97f2ea doc_id: 27491 cord_uid: pgjfwvc0 nan We read with great interest the recently published article by Le Berre et al. assessing the validity of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease [IBD] Disk, a self-administered instrument to measure IBD-related disability. 1 It is well known that IBD has a significant burden on all areas of the patients' lives. Quick, simple, and effective questionnaires are needed to reflect the subjective symptoms and functional conditions of the patients both for themselves and for the physicians at regular visits. The Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Disability Index [IBD-DI] is effective, but its daily use is limited by the length of the questionnaire. 2, 3 The VALIDation study verified the usability of the IBD Disk, a simple, visual tool for measuring disability along 10 axes, filled by the patients. This elegant study demonstrated the significant correlations of the IBD Disk score with clinical factors such as gender, physician global assessment, Harvey-Bradshaw Index, and pMayo scores, over and above scores intended to be associated with C-reactive protein [CRP] and fecal calprotectin. Size of the IBD Disk area indicates the severity of the IBD-related disability of the patients, so we hypothesised that the area of the polygon would correlate with clinical factors better than the sum of the item scores. Therefore, we compared the correlation of the clinical characteristics and disease activities of IBD with the area of the IBD Disk polygon and with the sum of the item scores. In The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of telemedical instruments during long-term follow-up among IBD patients. Our study demonstrates that using the area of the IBD Disk polygon could help to apply a treat-to-target approach during the visits more accurately. None VALIDation of the IBD-Disk instrument for assessing disability in inflammatory bowel diseases in a French cohort: the VALIDate study International Programme to Develop New Indexes for Crohn's Disease [IPNIC] group. Development of the first disability index for inflammatory bowel disease based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health Development of the IBD disk: a visual self-administered tool for assessing disability in inflammatory bowel diseases /), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium None. Study design and data analysis, interpretation: PB. KF, and TM. Data collection, writing the letter: PB. Drafting and revision of the manuscript: all authors approved the final version of the submitted manuscript.