key: cord-0026071-k9m94xbp authors: KABIR, Md. Humayun; MIYAOKA, Yu; HASAN, Md. Amirul; YAMAGUCHI, Makiko; SHOHAM, Dany; MURAKAMI, Harumi; TAKEHARA, Kazuaki title: Synergistic effects of quaternary ammonium compounds and food additive grade calcium hydroxide on microbicidal activities at low temperatures date: 2021-10-29 journal: J Vet Med Sci DOI: 10.1292/jvms.21-0275 sha: c8985099583379fe7211bd915270e155bb35eede doc_id: 26071 cord_uid: k9m94xbp The microbicidal activities of mixtures of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) and food additive grade calcium hydroxide (FdCa(OH)(2)) were evaluated in a suspension test at −20°C using an anti-freeze agent (AFA) containing methanol, or at 1°C, with varying contact time, toward avian influenza virus (AIV), Newcastle disease virus (NDV), fowl adenovirus (FAdV), avian reovirus (ARV), Salmonella Infantis (SI) and Escherichia coli (EC). At −20°C, the mixtures could inactivate AIV and NDV within 30 min, FAdV and ARV within 5 sec, and SI and EC within 3 min, respectively. AFA did not inactivate viruses and bacteria within 30 min and 10 min, respectively. At 1°C, the mixtures inactivated FAdV and ARV within 30 sec, AIV within 10 min, and NDV within 30 min. A mixture of slaked lime (SL) and QAC could inactivate FAdV and ARV within 30 sec, but could not inactivate AIV and NDV even after 60 min at 1°C. SL could not substitute FdCa(OH)(2) in order to exert the synergistic effects with QAC. Thus, QACs microbicidal activities were maintained or enhanced by adding FdCa(OH)(2). It is hence recommended to use QACs with FdCa(OH)(2), especially in the winter season. The synergistic virucidal and bactericidal activities at 2°C were also shown in the suspension and carrier tests [1, 2] . It was also demonstrated that FAdV and ARV were inactivated within 5 sec by FdCa(OH) 2 regardless of the presence or absence of organic matter and temperature conditions (25°C and 2°C) [4] . Guan et al. showed that preparations of disinfectant supplemented with methanol (MeOH) as anti-freeze agent could be effectively applied at temperatures as low as −20°C against AIV for disinfection [10] . Quite recently, in the evaluation of disinfectants, it has become clear that some disinfectants could inactivate pathogens in suspension tests, but not in carrier tests [21, 22] . For the evaluation of disinfectants, the suspension test is the first screening and the carrier test is the second screening for the field usages [22, 25] . Slaked lime (SL), an inorganic compound containing >65% Ca(OH) 2 and a strong alkaline substance was also used to inactivate pathogens [35] . In Japan, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) recommends to livestock farmers to spread SL powder for standby sterilization [29] . Livestock farmers tend to use SL powder as a disinfectant for foot baths to inactivate viruses and bacteria on their boots during freezing season, or try to use it in combination with QACs in the hope of replacing FdCa(OH) 2 (Takehara, personal communication). However, it takes 3 to 6 hr for the SL powder to inactivate pathogens [12] , and its synergistic effects with QACs has not been demonstrated at saturated conditions. It is very important to keep disinfectants efficacies even in cold conditions. In the present study, the synergistic efficacies of QACs with alkaline agents such as FdCa(OH) 2 and SL were examined at low temperatures. It is also important to perform the experiments at the indicated temperature, for example, using aluminum racks to maintain the exact temperature as shown in Fig. 1 . Otherwise, the temperature will become high and will not get the correct data. We evaluated the synergistic microbicidal efficacies of the mixtures of FdCa(OH) 2 and QACs or SL and QAC toward several viruses and bacteria, especially at low temperatures during the winter season for proper selection and dose maintaining of the disinfectants. Suspension tests were conducted with these disinfectants and evaluated for several contact times for both viruses and bacteria. For the experiments at −20°C, anti-freezing agent was mixed with equal volume of disinfectant solutions to avoid freezing. After disinfectants treatments, the remained viruses or bacteria were titrated. A commercially available window washer, Kaihyo Super washer solution ® made by KOGA Chemical Mfg Co., Ltd. (Saitama, Japan), contains 51-53wt % MeOH along with surfactants, chelator and antiseptic agents was purchased at a local market and used as the anti-freeze agent (AFA) that lowers the freezing point of a water-based liquid. In this study, for the experiments at −20°C, QACs were diluted 1:250 with 0.34% FdCa(OH) 2 and mixed with AFA in equal amounts. QACs, Rontect ® containing didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride and Pacoma ® containing trimethyl ammonium chloride were purchased from Scientific Feed Laboratory Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan) and Meiji Seika Pharma Co. (Tokyo, Japan), respectively. FdCa(OH) 2 powder with average particle diameter 10 µm was kindly supplied by Fine Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). Rontect ® and Pacoma ® were diluted 500 times with 0.17% FdCa(OH) 2 (thereafter, Rox500 and Pax500, respectively). For −20°C experiments, these QACs were diluted 1:250 with 0.34% FdCa(OH) 2 and mixed equally with AFA (finally 1:500 dilution for QACs and 0.17% FdCa(OH) 2 : thereafter, Rox500-20 or Pax500-20, respectively). As negative control, AFA mixed with phosphate buffer saline (PBS) in equal amount was prepared and designated as AFA-PBS-20. SL of 70% calcium hydroxide, 70.0 Slaked lime ® (made in China, imported by Kumamoto Bussan Co., Kumamoto, Japan), with particle diameter less than 150 µm was purchased. Virucidal efficacies of QAC with 0.24% SL (solid SL 0.24 g and 200 µl Rontect ® added in 100 ml dW 2 defined as Ron+SL) and single 0.24% SL (solid SL 0.24 g added in 100 ml dW 2 designated as saturated SL) were also evaluated. For the experiments at 1°C, all solutions and viruses were kept on ice for around 1 hr until the solution's temperature became 1°C before starting the experiments as shown in Fig. 1 . For experiments at −20°C, all solutions containing 50% AFA were kept at −20°C freezer for at least 1 hr until the temperature became −20°C before starting the experiments. These solutions temperatures were confirmed with a bar thermometer and during the experiment, all microtubes were placed in aluminum racks and temperature was strictly controlled (Fig. 1 ). Chemical neutralizer, namely a blocking solution for virus (thereafter BSV) containing 30% fetal bovine serum (FBS) in 0.7 M 4-(2-hydroxyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (pH 7.2), was prepared for neutralizing the virus inactivation efficacy of solutions right after the given disinfectant contact time [1] . Another blocking solution for bacteria (thereafter BSB) containing 30% FBS in 0.7 M Tris-HCl (pH 7.2) to stop the bacterial inactivation reaction was prepared and used right after the selected contact time of disinfectant application [2] . A low pathogenic AIV, A/duck/Aomori/395/04 (H7N1) [16] and virulent NDV strain Sato [31] as enveloped viruses, and FAdV strain Ote and ARV strain Uchida [4] as non-enveloped viruses were prepared and titrated in the form of 50% tissue culture infective dose (TCID 50 )/ml [15] in primary chicken kidney (CK) cells. Salmonella Infantis (SI), Escherichia coli (EC) were grown in Luria Bertani (LB) medium and titrated on DHL agar as colony forming units (CFU)/ml as described [2] . In the present study, two reaction temperatures (−20°C and 1°C) and several contact time points were used for investigating the inactivation process of the above-mentioned viruses and bacteria in the aqueous phase using the suspension test. For −20°C experiment with viruses and bacteria, all microtubes containing 400 µl of disinfectants were kept at −20°C freezer for 1 hr. And for the 1°C investigation, all microtubes containing 400 µl of disinfectants were kept on ice for around 1 hr. Four hundred microliters of Rox500-20, Pax500-20 or AFA-PBS-20 were mixed separately with 100 µl of each virus, then incubated for indicated times at −20°C. In parallel, 400 μl of Rox500-20 or Pax500-20 were mixed with 500 μl of BSV in a microtube and then was added 100 μl of each viral solution to the microtube, to evaluate the blocking solution's effect (shown as 0 sec treatment and contact time). At 1°C, microtubes containing 400 µl Rox500, Pax500, Ron+SL or saturated SL were mixed with 100 µl of each virus, and then incubated for the indicated times, in parallel with 0 sec. After the process of incubation, the virus inactivation efficacy of each solution was stopped by adding 500 of BSV. The remaining viable virus titer in each sample, including the positive control that 100 µl of each virus was mixed with 200 µl of PBS, 200 µl of AFA and 500 µl of BSV and then kept at 1°C for 1 hr, was titrated (log TCID 50 /ml) by inoculating it on CK cells in 96-well tissue culture plates (four wells per dilution, 200 µl final volume in each well) after making serial 10-fold dilutions. For bactericidal evaluation, 400 µl of Rox500-20 or AFA-PBS-20 was mixed with 100 µl of each bacterial solution, and then incubated at −20°C for 3 or 5 min for Rox500-20 and for 5 or 10 min for AFA-PBS-20. After incubation, the bactericidal efficacy of the tested solution was blocked by adding 500 µl of BSB. At last, bacterial viable counting in each sample was calculated (log 10 CFU/ml) by plating 25 µl portions on DHL agar plates after making serial ten-fold dilutions in PBS, followed by 24 hr incubation at 37°C. In the case of positive control, 100 µl of bacteria were separately mixed with 200 µl of PBS, 200 µl of AFA and 500 µl of BSB kept at 1°C for 1 hr, and then ten-fold serial dilutions were made. The tested solution was evaluated in triplicate, and the titers were shown as mean ± SE. Inactivation was considered to be effective if ≥3 log 10 reduced organism titers were obtained, indicating a more than 1,000 times viral or bacterial titer reduction [18, 30, 33] . Table 1 shows the virucidal activities of Rox500-20, Pax500-20 and AFA-PBS-20 toward AIV, NDV, FAdV and ARV at −20°C. Rox500-20 was able to reduce the titers of enveloped viruses, namely AIV and NDV within 30 min and of non-enveloped viruses, namely FAdV and ARV, within 30 sec. Pax500-20 was almost as effective as Rox500-20, but slightly inferior. No viral inactivation was detected at 0 sec, where neutralizing solution was added before virus addition, compared to the control viruses. AFA-PBS-20 had no virucidal effectiveness toward AIV, NDV, FAdV and ARV within 30 min at −20°C. Table 2 shows the virucidal activities of Rox500, Pax500, Ron+SL, and saturated SL towards AIV, NDV, FAdV and ARV at 1°C. Rox500 and Pax500 were able to inactivate FAdV, ARV within 30 sec, AIV within 10 min and NDV within 30 min, respectively at effective level (≥3 log 10 TCID 50 /ml). Ron+SL and saturated SL could not inactivate AIV and NDV even after 60 min. However, Ron+SL could inactivate FAdV and ARV within 30 sec. Table 3 shows the bactericidal activities of Rox500-20 and AFA-PBS-20 towards SI and EC at −20°C. Rox500-20 was able to inactivate EC to undetectable level (<2.6 log 10 CFU/ml) within 3 min and SI in effective level (≥3 log10 CFU/ml) within 3 min and to undetectable level within 5 min. AFA-PBS-20 had no significant bactericidal effectiveness toward SI and EC even after 10 min. Disinfection is essential for breaking down the infection chain of pathogens by reducing the risk of cross-contamination. Disinfectants are used for disease prevention and control [20] . The efficacies of most chemical disinfectants are affected by the presence of organic materials, low temperatures, and time of contact with pathogens [9, 17, 19] . QACs are common disinfectants widely used in livestock farms and food processing industries, and their weakness, the decrease in inactivation activity at low temperature, has been overcome by the synergistic virucidal and bactericidal activities generated through the addition of FdCa(OH) 2 at 2°C [1, 2, 14] . Thus, we evaluated changes in the efficacies of combined disinfectants used in this study under different contact times, at very low temperature (−20°C), and at low temperature (1°C). In the present study, the QACs and FdCa(OH) 2 mixtures with the MeOH based AFA namely Rox500-20 and Pax500-20, showed synergistic activity even at −20°C, as described previously for 2°C [1, 2, 14] . Pacoma ® is the 2nd and Rontect ® is the 3rd generations of QACs [9] , however as shown in Table 1 , their virucidal activities with FdCa(OH) 2 were not much different (Pacoma ® was slightly inferior). When the slaked lime powder was added to QAC in order to reach a saturated (0.17%) solution; so while the original slaked lime has 70% Ca(OH) 2 (and not 0.17g), 0.24 g slaked lime powder was added to 100 ml of 1:500 diluted Rontect ® to make 0.17% saturated solution−instead of FdCa(OH) 2 at 1°C-the synergistic effects were not demonstrated with QAC ( Table 2 ). The mixture with Rontect ® and Pacoma ® with FdCa(OH) 2 , namely Rox500 and Pax500 inactivated AIV in 10 min and NDV in 30 min, respectively ( Table 2 ). The differences between FdCa(OH) 2 and the slaked lime were purity of Ca(OH) 2 and particle size; the Ca(OH) 2 content of FdCa(OH) 2 was 98% and that of the slaked lime was about 70%, and the particle size of the powder was 10 µm for FdCa(OH) 2 and less than 150 µm for the slaked lime as shown in MATERIALS AND METHODS. Particle size seems to be important for inactivation activity as previously described [34] . The mixture with Rontect ® , FdCa(OH) 2 , namely Rox500-20 could inactivate EC and SI at −20°C as shown in Table 3 . AFA itself as AFA-PBS-20, with the final MeOH concentration about 26%, did not decrease titers in 30 min and 10 min toward the above viruses and bacteria, respectively as shown in Tables 1 and 3 . Guan et al. showed that MeOH as the cryoprotectant had no adverse effects and that treatment with 20% MeOH alone for up to 30 min did not kill AIV [10] . It is recommended for enhancing farm biosecurity to use FdCa(OH) 2 for synergistic and broaden spectrum of QACs in all season, as the mixtures can inactivate not only bacteria but also enveloped and non-enveloped viruses. Besides, it is not recommended to use QACs together slaked lime. POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. The authors have nothing to disclose. Virucidal efficacy of a quaternary ammonium compound with food additive-grade calcium hydroxide toward avian influenza virus and Newcastle disease virus on abiotic carriers Bactericidal efficacy of a quaternary ammonium compound with food additive grade calcium hydroxide toward Salmonella Infantis and Escherichia coli on abiotic carriers Bactericidal efficacy of food additive grade calcium hydroxide against Salmonella Infantis on eggshells Virucidal efficacy of calcium hydroxide solution against fowl adenovirus and avian reovirus on poultry farms An evaluation of disinfectants for the sanitation of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus-contaminated transport vehicles at cold temperatures Characterization of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from cormorant and gull species in the United States in 2010 Pathogenicity and transmission of virulent Newcastle disease virus from the 2018-2019 California outbreak and related viruses in young and adult chickens Manual on procedures for disease eradication by stamping out Quaternary ammonium biocides: efficacy in application Enhanced inactivation of avian influenza virus at -20°C by disinfectants supplemented with calcium chloride or other antifreeze agents Aerosol disinfection capacity of slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water towards Newcastle disease virus in the air: an in vivo experiment Accuracy of the evaluation method for alkaline agents' bactericidal efficacies in solid, and the required time of bacterial inactivation Virucidal effect of commercial disinfectants on fowl adenovirus serotype 1 strains causing chicken gizzard erosion in Japan Virucidal activity of a quaternary ammonium compound associated with calcium hydroxide on avian influenza virus, Newcastle disease virus and infectious bursal disease virus Evaluation of human intestinal epithelial differentiated cells (Caco-2) for replication, plaque formation and isolation of avian influenza viruses Haemagglutinin and neuraminidase characterization of low pathogenic H5 and H7 avian influenza viruses isolated from Northern pintails (Anas acuta) in Japan, with special reference to genomic and biogeographical aspects Evaluation of changes induced by temperature, contact time, and surface in the efficacies of disinfectants against avian influenza virus Inactivation of avian influenza virus using common detergents and chemicals In vitro inactivation of two Egyptian A/ H5N1 viruses by four commercial chemical disinfectants Disinfecting poultry production premises Virucidal activity of slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water toward influenza virus and coronavirus with tests simulating practical usage Establishment and utilization of an evaluation system for virucidal activity of disinfectants against a coronavirus with apparent applicability to SARS-CoV-2 Characteristics of three strains of avian adenoviruses isolated in Queensland. II. Biochemical, biophysical, and electron-microscope studies First outbreak of an h5n8 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus on a chicken farm in Japan in 2020 The crucial role of wiping in decontamination of high-touch environmental surfaces: review of current status and directions for the future The survival of avian reoviruses on materials associated with the poultry house environment Lessons learned from Asian H5N1 outbreak control Evaluation of disinfectants commonly used by the commercial poultry industry under simulated field conditions The Manual for Enhancement of Biosecurity at Livestock Farms, Japan Livestock Industry Association Ceramic powder made from chicken feces: anti-viral effects against avian influenza viruses Characterization of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from field cases in Japan Virucidal properties of bioceramic derived from chicken feces pH 13 and its stability in harsh environments Inhibition of infectious bursal disease virus transmission using bioceramic derived from chicken feces Inactivation of avian influenza virus, newcastle disease virus and goose parvovirus using solution of nano-sized scallop shell powder Efficacy of scallop shell powders and slaked lime for inactivating avian influenza virus under harsh conditions The role of rodents in avian influenza outbreaks in poultry farms: a review ACKNOWLEDGMENT. This study was supported in part by Tokyo Metropolitan Government Grant No. 2020-Univ-4 and JRA Livestock Industry Promotion Project 2020.