key: cord-0017277-vurldaaa authors: Tavera, Carlos A.; Ortiz, Jesús H.; Khalaf, Osamah I.; Saavedra, Diego F.; Aldhyani, Theyazn H. H. title: Wearable Wireless Body Area Networks for Medical Applications date: 2021-04-24 journal: Comput Math Methods Med DOI: 10.1155/2021/5574376 sha: e4906fca10794f84aa34e5f2ed59004828c01481 doc_id: 17277 cord_uid: vurldaaa In recent times, there has been a significant growth in networks known as the wireless body area networks (WBANs). A WBAN connects distributed nodes throughout the human body, which can be placed on the skin, under the skin, or on clothing and can use the human body's electromagnetic waves. An approach to reduce the size of different telecommunication equipment is constantly being sought; this allows these devices to be closer to the body or even glued and embedded within the skin without making the user feel uncomfortable or posing as a danger for the user. These networks promise new medical applications; however, these are always based on the freedom of movement and the comfort they offer. Among the advantages of these networks is that they can significantly increase user's quality of life. For example, a person can carry a WBAN with built-in sensors that calculate the user's heart rate at any given time and send these data over the internet to user's doctor. This study provides a systematic review of WBAN, describing the applications and trends that have been developed with this type of network and, in addition, the protocols and standards that must be considered. A WBAN is a network built with different intelligent elements such as sensors, nodes, and actuators. This network is designed to work on the human body and its surroundings. The elements that conform the network must be highly reliable, exhibit low consumption, be operational at a high range (maximum 5 m), must be resistant to interference, and must be able to operate within a wide range of transmission speeds [1] . These networks were first incepted in the 90s at Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the hypothesis of being able to attach electrical devices to the human body. Ever since, a high emphasis has been placed on increasing the bandwidth of the devices and consequently, decreasing their scope, consumption, and price. Figure 1 below provides a comparison between a WBAN network and other networks [2] . 1.1. Regulations. The current IEEE 802.15.6 standard for WBAN technologies was published in 2012, and it is "a standard for short-range wireless communication devices" located near or within the human body (although it may not be limited to just human beings). WBAN technologies use existing industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) bands, as well as the different frequency bands endorsed by local doctors or regulatory authorities [3] . This standard considers the effects on portable antennas owing to the presence of a human being (this varies depending on whether it is a man, a woman, whether they are tall, or thin), and the radiation patterns required to reduce specific absorption rates (SAR) in the body and changes from characteristic personal movements. Table 1 below shows the OSI model for a WBAN network [4] . Based on IEEE 802.15.6, the WBAN communication architecture is presented in Figure 2 . Within the regulations, there are some requirements that must be considered, as presented below [5] [6] [7] : (i) Nodes must be removed and inserted into the network in less than 3 s (ii) Each WBAN must support 256 nodes (iii) Even if the person is constantly moving, the nodes must be able to provide stable and reliable communication (iv) System latency should be less than 125 ms for medical applications and less than 250 ms for nonmedical applications. Their fluctuation must be less than 50 ms (v) WBANs on and within the body must be able to coexist within the same range. They must be supported on 10 randomly distributed WBANs and located in a physical layer in a 6 m 3 cube (vi) A WBAN can incorporate the UWB technology with narrow band transmission to cover different environments and support high data rates (vii) They must also incorporate QoS management features to be self-correcting and secure and support priority services (viii) WBANs must also include energy-saving systems that will allow them to operate in power-restricted environments [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] (xi) All equipment must be capable of transmitting at 0.1 mW (−10 dBm). The maximum radiated transmit power must be less than 1 mW (0 dBm). This complies with the specific absorption rate (SAR) that the Federal Communications Commission has established, which is 1.6 W/Kg per each 1 g of body tissue (xii) They must be able to function in an environment where networks of different standards operate with each other to receive information Table 2 below lists the frequency bands designated by the IEEE for WBAN [13, 14] . As applications can be categorized depending on the field in which the WBANs are involved, some applications range from military use to ubiquitous healthcare, training, sports, and entertainment. IEEE 802.15.6 has categorized applications of both medical and nonmedical nature. Table 3 below contains this distribution and provides evidence that the main characteristics of all WBAN applications are aimed at improving user quality of life. Within the existing literature, different WBAN healthcare applications were found. Table 4 below describes some of these findings. The process implemented for searching, filtering, and selecting this information will be described in the methodology section. 1.3. WBAN Challenges. WBAN nodes are characterized by limited memory, processing, and power resources. Energy management is, as a matter of fact, considered an important challenge. As batteries are small and node power is limited, the energy consumption of the different devices needs to be reduced to secure a long battery life [30] . WBANs are important in the communication functionalities provided in medical applications and other application of smaller scope. Owing to their characteristics, some existing challenges and issues are discussed below. Although WBANs allow a ubiquitous connection to the global network, they not only require support from the network infrastructure but also from different software implementations, such as remote procedures, database processing, and a user interface. Still, these implementations must feature low consumption and have little impact on the routing process [31] . Standards are still required for high-level data formats and which may also support using the user interface through social networks. The method and format used to deliver information outside the network are not usually implemented. Hence, the developer is responsible for the manner in which data are delivered to certain applications, implying that interoperability may be generated depending on the different solutions proposed [32, 33]. As part of the eligibility criteria, to conduct this systematic review, the following research question was taken into consideration: What are the different medical applications in which wearable WBAN technology is involved? Bearing in mind this research question, the objective of this study was defined: to describe the different medical applications in which WBAN technology is involved. Search sources: the bibliographic sources that were used to conduct this research are listed below: Search: having selected the topic and the databases, the systematic search was conducted, implementing the different keywords and their respective logical connectors. The keywords used and the ideal combination of logical connectors for subsequent implementation in the databases are listed below: (1) Sensor AND health AND WBAN (2) Sensor AND health AND "wireless body area network" (3) Sensor AND health AND (disease AND monitor AND microcontroller) 2.1. Selection. In this section, the different inclusion and exclusion criteria that were considered to filter the information are mentioned. Inclusion criteria: the articles that should mainly be on the selected list are those that meet the following characteristics: (1) They must be in Spanish, English, or Portuguese (2) Articles must have publication dates no older than five years (2015-2020). (3) These must be downloadable articles [16] It uses Bluetooth communication to measure body temperature, heartbeats, and possible falls. It implements power by solar energy. x [17] It uses a GSM module to send heartbeat and body temperature information. Optical sensor. x [18] Maintains constant measurement of different medical patient parameters. System with first aid assistance instructions. x [19] It uses an ARM7 to determine the patient's heart condition. Uses the android platform to communicate the system with the doctor. x [20] It measures the person's heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and breathing. It uses a GSM modem to send the information to the doctor. x [21] Assesses patient vibrations to determine whether the patient suffers from Parkinson's disease (PD). The system makes it possible to determine the evolution of the disease. x [22] It uses sensors on the cellular phone to analyze the patient's gait and determine if the patient suffers from PD. Implement a smartphone, database, and web application. x [23] It measures the kinematics of the patient's gait to determine if they have PD. Implement sensors in the lower limbs and upper body. x [24] Sensors placed on the soles of the feet to determine whether the patient suffers from PD. Mobile application was implemented to monitor the patient. x [17] Sensors in the lower body to determine whether the patient suffers from PD. It uses ZigBee technology and protocols. x [25] Implementation of inertial sensors to determine whether the patient suffers from multiple sclerosis. x [26] EEG sensor for assessing different brain activities. Uses ensemble classifier for epileptic seizure detection for imperfect EEG data. x [27] System for real-time detection of epilepsies. The sensor medium access control (SMAC) protocol is used to reduce delays in the time for sending information. x [28] Clock sensor for detecting epilepsies in real time. x [29] Clock sensor for monitoring seizures in real time. Implement communication through the cloud. x Implantable WBANs and nonmedical applications were not considered. Exclusion criteria: articles whose information are as follows: (1) Is not considered accurate or the author has not solved the research problem (2) The applications in which the WBAN is involved are not medical, but this technology is used as hobbies, laboratory practices, or to measure information that is not related to health Bearing in mind this methodology, we started the exploration process, which lasted 31 days, and engaged the participation from three engineers. One of them is currently pursuing a Master's of computer science, and two of them hold PhDs in engineering. This consolidates the experience of the researchers to conduct the said research, with an odd number of researchers, for the correct choice of articles. Table 5 shows the result of the different filters applied in the review. As a result, Table 6 presents the wearable applications involving WBANs in health, the sensors used, and the characteristics considered by the authors. In later sections, the results obtained from this exploration are presented. From Table 7 , a trend inclining toward the use of communication devices such as low-energy Bluetooth and WIFI can be observed owing to their great standardization and ability to connect to a mobile hub, such as those available in most smartphones. This can be attributed to the fact that most of the applications found used a hub, such as those available in most smartphones, because it allows the information to be directly loaded to a cloud service if necessary. In addition, at the research level, there is a tendency to better guarantee the reliability of the data obtained through the sensors, as well as improving the consumption of the devices developed using techniques for energy saving, power generation, or even dedicated FPGA chips. Conversely, aspects such as security, communication reliability, and real time are less approached, and on the contrary, more challenges are generated for existing protocols for improvement or new models are constantly being proposed. It was found that 66% of WBAN wearable applications used Bluetooth, 17% WIFI, and only 3.5% ZigBee or NFC. The most common problems noted were heart problems and respiratory disorders. Real-time applications were less widely used, commonly using protocols such as ZigBee. They have the disadvantage that they are limited to a local environment because switching to an internet protocol increases their latency. However, although wearable WBAN applications do not commonly use real time, information processing is performed through artificial intelligence to diagnose risk conditions and generate early medical alerts. Bioimpedance and capacitance analysis were used as support in the diagnosis and monitoring of different pathologies because they analyze the body sections composition, evaluating in a general way the hydration status, lean, and fat mass. Even so, there are other applications that also involve this technique, for example, to make 3D images of internal organs to track diabetic patients. Conversely, inertial and ECG sensors were the most used in the different systems, being deemed as user-friendly sensors owing to their many user modules. It is expected that with the development of new technological products such as smart watches and wireless Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine headphones, which currently have a great impact on society, they will continue to improve the hardware related directly to the technologies used for WBAN. These devices have encouraged the improvement of technologies such as Bluetooth (Bluetooth 5.2) and low-power processors, improving the ability to connect to multiple nodes, reducing energy consumption, and ability to preprocess sensor data according to medical models, helping to guarantee the security and reliability of communications, as well as the improvement of transmission speeds, and in addition, to achieve future applications in real-time outside a local environment, through the development of technologies such as 5G and tactile internet. WBAN technology is increasingly being used in applications where people and their well-being are involved, increasing the presence of technologies in patients' health. WBAN devices not only provide constant information about patients and their pathology but can also diagnose diseases and facilitate treatments and constant medical involvement. It is important to continue advancing in the continuous reliability improvement of the information obtained using the WBAN, as well as device autonomy. This will allow the creation of new robust models, through techniques such as artificial intelligence that can provide permanent diagnosis and monitoring for diseases affecting a large part of the population, while taking advantage of the constant improvement of technologies such as tactile internet and personal gadgets. The data is available in gambit4.shtml?gclid=Cj0KCQiAx9mABhD0ARIsAEfpav THRH-mpys3ZJQbOuSmjUcvhz-wV5kl4-2l6-t5WQwF2D acULvftCgaAvXqEALw_wcB. The Faculty of Engineering did not have a role in the conduct of the study, in the collection, management, analysis, interpretation of data, or in the preparation of the manuscript. The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. 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An initial functional validation A simple, low-cost and efficient gait analyzer for wearable healthcare applications An overview on wireless sensor networks and finding optimal location of nodes Urban water resource management for sustainable environment planning using artificial intelligence techniques A wearable healthcare system with a 13.7 $μ$ A noise tolerant ECG processor A low power cardiovascular healthcare system with cross-layer optimization from sensing patch to cloud platform A low noise capacitive electromyography monitoring system for remote healthcare applications Automated detection of symptomatic autonomic dysreflexia through multimodal sensing A novel signal acquisition system for wearable respiratory monitoring A smart inertial system for 24h monitoring and classification of tremor and freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease Remote health monitoring system for detecting cardiac disorders Technology development for simultaneous wearable monitoring of cerebral hemodynamics and blood pressure An ultra low power personalizable wrist worn ECG monitor integrated with IoT infrastructure Energy efficient routing and reliable data transmission protocol in WSN An adaptive intelligent alarm system for wireless sensor network High sensitivity portable capacitive humidity sensor based on In 2 O 3 nanocubes-decorated GO nanosheets and its wearable application in respiration detection Development of smart health monitoring system using Internet of Things A new algorithm on application of blockchain technology in live stream video transmissions and telecommunications A wireless, real-time respiratory effort and body position monitoring system for sleep Map matching algorithm: real time location tracking for smart security application Telemedical wearable sensing platform for management of chronic venous disorder A novel acquisition platform for long-term breathing frequency monitoring based on inertial measurement units A wearable wireless ECG monitoring system with dynamic transmission power control for long-term homecare Home monitoring of motor fluctuations in Parkinson's disease patients Wearable wireless sensors network for ECG telemonitoring using neural network for features extraction Smartphone-assisted monitoring of masticatory muscle activity in freely moving individuals A portable wireless device based on oximetry for sleep apnea detection Deep learning and holt-trend algorithms for predicting covid-19 pandemic PD_Manager: an mHealth platform for Parkinson's disease patient management An automatic useradapted physical activity classification method using smartphones Passive wearable skin patch sensor measures limb hemodynamics based on electromagnetic resonance Efficient dual-cooperative bait detection scheme for collaborative attackers on mobile ad-hoc networks Synchronization phenomena investigation of a new nonlinear dynamical system 4d by gardano's and lyapunov's methods Optimization of wireless sensor network coverage using the bee algorithm This research has been funded by Dirección General de Investigaciones of Universidad Santiago de Cali under call No. 01-2021. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Santiago de Cali.