key: cord-0016133-tzrm8og4 authors: Pirsig, Wolfgang title: Zur internationalen Vernetzung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie date: 2021-03-17 journal: HNO DOI: 10.1007/s00106-021-01013-4 sha: 2488c36e41787c5e87dabda25dc4e773502cc62a doc_id: 16133 cord_uid: tzrm8og4 In order to obtain a partial overview of the integration of the German Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DGHNO-KHC) in worldwide networks, the frequencies of its annually announced contacts with international otorhinolaryngologic societies between 1976 and 2020 were collected based on the meetings listed in the journal HNO Informationen. Of the 534 international meetings, 388 took place within and 146 outside Europe. These contacts have increased significantly to date, even in very distant countries. Furthermore, honorary and corresponding members of the DGHNO-KHC were counted. Up until 2020 there were 210 honorary members, 53 living honorary members from European countries and 19 from non-European countries. Among the deceased honorary members (1951–2019), 125 were from Europe and 13 from non-European countries. Up until 2020, 140 living and 72 deceased corresponding members from 212 countries were counted, 143 from European and 69 from non-European countries. Several subject-related subspecialties and otorhinolaryngologic umbrella organizations, particularly Europe, are also addressed. The last section concerns international cooperations of the former German Democratic Republic from 1950 to 1989. Overall, a dense worldwide networking of the DGHNO-KHC has been present during the past five decades. Überall auf der Erde durchströmen Flüsse die Länder und bringen Geröll aus den Bergen in die Meere. Dabei nehmen sie Wasser und Geröll kleinerer Flüsse aus anderen Ländern auf und formen zusammen neues Land in ihren Mündungsdeltas. Ein solcher Strom mit seinen vielen Nebenflüssen ist wie das Bild der heutigen DGHNO-KHC, die seit 1976 ihre Geschäftsstelle in Bonn am Rhein hat. Gegründet wurde ihr erster Vorläufer, die Gesellschaft Deutscher Hals-, Nasen-und Ohrenärzte, 1921 in Nürnberg. Nach dem Krieg fand 1949 in Karlsruhe die Neugründung der Gesellschaft Deutscher Hals-Nasen-Ohrenärzte statt. Im Jahr 1968 wurde diese in Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf-und Hals-Chirurgie umbenannt. Dieser Bericht versucht vom geografischen Aspekt her etwas über die Herkunft der "Nebenflüsse" zu erfahren, die den heutigen "Strom" DGHNO-KHC mit Quellen aus vielen Ländern der Welt vernetzen und bereichern. Auf die Aktivitäten der zahlreichen Gesellschaften während ihrer Kontakte wird nicht eingegangen. Die Soziale Netzwerkanalyse · Medizinische Gesellschaften · Berufsorganisationen · Gesundheitssystembezogene Ökonomie und Organisationen · Europa In order to obtain a partial overview of the integration of the German Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DGHNO-KHC) in worldwide networks, the frequencies of its annually announced contacts with international otorhinolaryngologic societies between 1976 and 2020 were collected based on the meetings listed in the journal HNO Informationen. Of the 534 international meetings, 388 took place within and 146 outside Europe. These contacts have increased significantly to date, even in very distant countries. Furthermore, honorary and corresponding members of the DGHNO-KHC were counted. Up until 2020 there were 210 honorary members, 53 living honorary members from European countries and 19 from non-European countries. Among the deceased honorary members (1951-2019), 125 were from Europe and 13 from non-European countries. Up until 2020, 140 living and 72 deceased corresponding members from 212 countries were counted, 143 from European and 69 from non-European countries. Several subject-related subspecialties and otorhinolaryngologic umbrella organizations, particularly Europe, are also addressed. The last section concerns international cooperations of the former German Democratic Republic from 1950 to 1989. Overall, a dense worldwide networking of the DGHNO-KHC has been present during the past five decades. Zur Geschichte der Gesellschaft für Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie und zervikale Chirurgie der DDR Vivat Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum HNO Informationen (2006) 1. Jahrgang 1976 bis 31. Jahrgang History of otorhinolaryngology (ORL) in different European countries between 1880 and 1920