key: cord-0015330-qi0y438c authors: Marya, A.; Venugopal, A. title: Further safeguards date: 2021-02-12 journal: Br Dent J DOI: 10.1038/s41415-021-2678-8 sha: 4d3ceba45088feb18e4f002fd827da9e106d5276 doc_id: 15330 cord_uid: qi0y438c nan brings shivers to many practitioners. However, with a pair of gloves and a simple trick, it can help alleviate nerves, desensitise young patients and has improved my success rate in administering local anaesthesia in children. Firstly, the child chooses whether they would prefer a chicken or an elephant. Both animals are made by inflating a glove, with the air spray, and tying the end (Fig. 1) . If the child chooses an elephant, the index and middle finger and the ring finger and little finger of the inflated glove should be tied together. This forms two pairs of legs and a thumb as a trunk (pictured). A quick line and a dot (with a bit of imagination) represent a mouth and an eye! The child should then be asked: 'if I place this [syringe] into the chicken or elephant, what do you think will happen?' Usually they will answer with 'it will pop!' If the needle is inserted gently, it slides in and nothing happens. When it is removed, a tiny hole appears, which is not noticeable. This unexpected result allays the child's fear and helps reduce catastrophisation. The use of topical anaesthetic prior to insertion of the needle removes the initial 'pinch'; in addition, anaesthetic delivered slowly reduces tearing of tissues and painful stimuli. I liken the liquid to Queen Elsa's magic powers or Frozone's ice powers from Disney's Frozen and The Incredibles movies. This allows the child to relate to the procedure and accept that it will be painless. I hope readers will give it a try! I. George, Bristol, UK National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) and Department of Health (DH) PHE) and Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) (FGDP[UK]). Guidance notes for dental practitioners on the safe use of x-ray equipment Faculty of General Dental Practice. Selection criteria for dental radiography. 9.2 Ideas for audit -developing local guidelines Teledentistry safeguards COVID-19: Guidance for the use of teledentistry