key: cord-0010669-yefxrj30 authors: Yelverton, Elizabeth; Lindsley, Dale; Yamauchi, Phil; Gallant, Jonathan A. title: The function of a ribosomal frameshifting signal from human immunodeficiency virus‐1 in Escherichia coli date: 2006-10-27 journal: Mol Microbiol DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.1994.tb00310.x sha: 325e50e217cb21ebe9e8b3899f1e3d5f1d8f7650 doc_id: 10669 cord_uid: yefxrj30 A 15‐17 nucleotide sequence from the gag‐pol ribosome frameshift site of HIV‐1 directs analogous ribosomal frameshifting in Escherichia coli. Limitation for leucine, which is encoded precisely at the frameshift site, dramatically increased the frequency of leftward frameshifting. Limitation for phenylaianine or arginine, which are encoded just before and just after the frameshift, did not significantly affect frameshifting. Protein sequence analysis demonstrated the occurrence of two closeiy related frameshift mechanisms. In the first, ribosomes appear to bind leucyl‐tRNA at the frameshift site and then slip leftward. This is the 'simultaneous slippage’mechanism. In the second, ribosomes appear to slip before binding amlnoacyl‐tRNA, and then bind phenylaianyl‐tRNA, which is encoded in the left‐shifted reading frame. This mechanism is identicai to the‘overlapping reading’we have demonstrated at other bacterial frameshift sites. The HIV‐1 sequence is prone to frame‐shifting by both mechanisms in E. coli. Ribosomes normaiiy maintain a constant reading frame from AUG to the finish, but they are capabie of slipping into an alternative reading frame at an average frequency of the order of 10 " (Atkins etai, 1972; J. A. Gallant etai, unpubiished) . In certain special cases, much higher frequencies of ribosome frameshifting occur. These cases include production of polypeptide release factor 2 of Escherichia coli, which depends upon a rightward frameshift within the coding sequence (Craigen et at.. 1985; Craigen and Caskey, 1987; Weiss et ai, 1987; Curran and Yarus, 1988) ; translation of the reverse transcriptase of the yeast Ty element, which also depends upon a rightward frameshift (Clare ef ai, 1988) ; and translation of the RNA of severai retroviruses, which express gag-pol and gag-pro-pol polyproteins by means of leftward frameshifts (reviewed by Hatfield and Oroszlan, 1990; Cattaneo, 1989) . Ribosomal frameshifting in both rightward and leftward directions has also been shown to occur at certain 'hungry' codons whose cognate aminoacyi-tRNAs are in short supply (Gallant and Foley, 1980; Weiss and Gailant, 1983; 1986; Gallant et ai, 1985; Kurland and Gallant, 1986) . Not all hungry codons are equally prone to shift: in a survey of 21 frameshift mutations of the rllB gene of phage T4, Weiss and Gallant (1986) found that oniy a minority were phenotypicaily suppressible when challenged by limitation for any of several aminoacyl-tRNAs. The context njies governing ribosome frameshifting at hungry sites are under investigation, and have been defined in a few cases (Weiss et al., 1988; Gallant and Lindsiey, 1992; Peter et ai. 1992; Koior ef a/., 1993; Lindsiey and Gallant, 1993) . So far these sequences do not resembie any of the naturally occurring shifty sites summarized in the first paragraph above, in order to find out whether these two categories of ribosome frameshifting are mechanisticaliy reiated, we have tested the susceptibility of a well-studied retroviral frameshift site to manipulation by aminoacyl-tRNA limitation in E. coli We have directed our analysis to the shifty site at the gag-pol junction of HIV-1 both because of its clinical interest, and because certain features render it convenient for analysis. In some viral systems, baroque secondary structures in the mRNA downstream of the frameshift site are required to augment frameshifting levels (Jacks et ai, 1988b; Brierley et ai, 1989) . In the case of HIV-1, however, although a stem-loop structure might exist downstream of the frameshift site (Jacks et ai, 1988a) , direct modification or elimination of the stem-loop sequence has little effect on the rate of frameshifting (Madhani et ai, 1988; Weiss etai. 1989) . Moreover, Wilson etal. (1988) demonstrated that a short (21 nucleotide) sequence of HIV-1 without the stem-loop was sufficient to direct a high level of frameshifting in heterologous in vitro systems. The site of ribosomal frameshifting at the siippery sequence U-UUU-UUA has been directly established by amino acid sequencing of frameshifted proteins (Jacks et ai., 1988b) , and the participation of certain aminoacyl-tRNAs has been clearly implicated by mutagenesis of the monotonous tract of uridines (Jacks et ai, 1988b; Wiison et ai, 1988) . Our purpose was to discover whether the ribosomal frameshifting directed by a very short sequence in HiV-1 could be reproduced by E coli ribosomes in vivo, and, if so, whether we could alter the rate of frameshifting by regimens that change the relative abundance of key aminoacyl tRNAs encoded at or near the frameshift site. Weiss etal. (1989) have also reported that a 52 nucleotide fragment from HIV-1 is sufficient to direct ribosomal frameshifting in an E. coli system. In this report we present evidence that a much shorter 15-17 nucleotide sequence derived from HIV-1 is sufficient to direct the same ribosomal frameshift event in E. coli as in eukaryotes. We also show that in E. coli the rate of ribosomal frameshifting on that sequence can be increased by limitation for leucine, the amino acid encoded at the frameshift site. Protein sequence analysis of the product indicates the occurrence of two siightiy different mechanisms of shifting. The strategy behind the construction of our assay system for ribosomai frameshifting may be understood with reference to Fig. 1 . When eukaryotic ribosomes decode the HIV mRNA sequence . . . UUUUUUAGGG . . ., shown as nucleotides 1-10 in Fig. 1A , the adenine at position 7 appears to be read twice: first, as the third position of a leucine codon (UUA) and then again as the first position in the overlapping arginine codon (AGG Ratner et al. (1985) . In a heterologous mammalian in w/ro translation system, most of the frameshift product has the amino acid sequence . . . Asn-Phe-Leu-Arg (Jacks et al., 1988b) , where Leu is encoded by positions 5-7 and Arg is encoded by positions 7-9. Some mutations that result in increased or decreased expression of frameshift products in a heterologous test system are shown above and below the nucleotide sequence, respectively (Wilson ef a/., 1988) . 'N' signifies a mutation to any non-U base. Double underlines at positions -10 and +16 mark the boundaries of a fragment that directs the synthesis of a frameshift protein product in a heterologous yeast system (Wilson et at.. 1988) . The singly underlined G at position -6 is the 5' boundary of a fragment that directs the synthesis of a frameshift protein product in a mammalian iri vitro system (Jacks e( al., 1988b) . B. and C. A portion of &ie mRNA sequences expressed from tecZframeshift alleles HIV13, HIV13-A3, HIV201, and HIV201-U7 are depicted. Numbers above the nucleotide sequence correspond to analogous positions of the HIV-1 gag-po/junction. Doubly underlined nucieotides mark the twundaries of sequence thai is consen/ed with respect to HIV-1. Synthesis of p-gaiactosidase from the alleles requires a leftward frameshift. Amino acids are shown for the mature protein, afler in vivo cleavage of the initiating W-terminal fomiyl-met residue. Constructs pHIV13 and pHIV201. and their variants pHIV13-A3 and pHIV201-U7, are described in Fig. 1 . (The sequence of the critical heptanucleotide at the frameshift site is shown in parenthesis after each construct's designation.) All constructs were transformed into a derivative of CP79 {relA2 thr' leu his ~ arg~ thi~) carrying a complete deletion of lacZ. Methods of cultivation, and enzyme and protein assay were as described previously Peter etal., 1992) . Cells were grown into exponential phase in M63-glucose medium supplemenled with all required amino acids plus He and Val. The lac promoter was induced (2mM IPTG and 2.5mM cAMP) for about one doubling. Data are reported ± standard error of the mean, with the number of replicate induced cultures in parentheses. These values include all the unstarved control cultures from the various starvation experiments. to take place in about 10% of ribosomal transits (Jacks etai. 1988b) . in HiV-1, the outcome of the leftward ribosomal frameshift is the successful production of the gag-pol fusion protein, in the assay system we have devised, the outcome of an analogous ieftward frameshift by E coli ribosomes wiii be the successful production of the enzyme p-galactosidase from genetically frameshifted alleles of the /acZ gene. We have previousiy used an assay system of similar design to demonstrate that lysyl-tRNA starvation can amplify ribosomai frameshifting in either direction at iysine codons, given certain context ruies (Gailant and Peter etai. 1992; Lindsiey and Gailant, 1993 ). Aileles to be tested were constructed by the ligatlon of paired complementary oligonucleotides into the H/ndlll-BamH\ site of pBWHOO, as described in Galiant and Lindsiey (1992) . Figure 1 shows the sequence of the translated strand from the region of our constructs that reproduces the gag-pol frameshift signal from HIV-1. The /acZ frameshift alieles carried on plasmids pi^iV13 and pHIV201 are constructed so that a shift to the left by one base, as in the expression of the gag-po/fusion of HIV, is required to generate active enzyme. The two constructs both carry a short sequence identical to the region around the frameshift site in the gag-po/overlap of HiV-1 for 15 nucleotides in pHIV13 and 17 nucleotides in pHIV201 (see Fig. 1 ); they differ slightly from one another severai bases downstream of the frameshift site. Host ceils carrying either of these piasmids produce active enzyme at about 1% of the efficiency of cells carrying a control lacZ* plasmid (Table 1) . This basal value is close to the value (1.8%) observed by Weiss et al. (1989) for frameshifting on a much longer HIV-derived sequence in a similar p-galactosidase reporter. It is also much higher than the frequency of leftward frameshifting (0.03-0.2%) we observed previously at sequences unrelated to HIV (Gailant and Lindsiey, 1992) . The presence of the HIV sequence in our reporter thus leads to an unusually high frequency of leftward frameshifting. Modification of the critical heptanucieotide sequence from U UUU UUA to U UAU UUA in plasmid pHIV13-A3 decreased frameshifting about fivefold, while modification of the heptanucleotide to U UUU UUU in pHIV201-U7 increased frameshifting by two-to threefold (Tabie 1). These genetic resuits are analagous to earlier findings in other reporter systems (Jaci