key: cord-0009673-bid9bbe7 authors: Brandtzaeg, Per; Farstad, Inger Nina; Johansen, Finn‐Eirik; Morton, H. Craig; Norderhaug, Inger Natvig; Yamanaka, Takeshi; Brandtzaeg, Per; Farstad, Inger Nina; Johansen, Finn‐Eirik; Morton, H. Craig; Norderhaug, Inger Natvig; Yamanaka, Takeshi title: The B‐cell system of human mucosae and exocrine glands date: 2006-04-28 journal: Immunol Rev DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-065x.1999.tb01342.x sha: bdf816d79061ded899cce957e56bf3b5970347f2 doc_id: 9673 cord_uid: bid9bbe7 Summary: The mucosae and exocrine glands harbour the largest activated B‐cell system of the body, amounting to some 80–90% of all immunoglobulins (Ig)‐producing cells. The major product of these immunocytes is polymeric (p)IgA (mainly dimers) with associated J chain. Both pIgA and pentameric IgM contain a binding site for the polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR), or secretory component (SC), which is a requirement for their active external transport through secretory epithelia. The pIgR/SC binding site depends on covalent incorporation of the J chain into the quaternary structure of the polymers when they are produced by the local immunocytes. This important differentiation characteristic appears to be sufficient functional justification for the J chain to be expressed also by most B cells terminating at secretory effector sites with IgD or IgG production; they probably represent a ‘spin‐off’ from sequential downstream C(H) switching on its way to pIgA expression, thus apparently reflecting a maturational stage of effector B‐cell clones compatible with homing to these sites. Observations in IgA‐deficient individuals suggest that the magnitude of this homing is fairly well maintained even when the differentiation pathway to IgA is blocked. Certain microenvironmental elements such as specific cytokines and dendritic cells appear to be required for induction of IgA synthesis, but it remains virtually unknown why this isotype normally is such a dominating product of local immunocytes and why they have such a high level of J chain expression. Also, despite the recent identification of some important requirements in terms of adhesion molecules (e.g. integrin α4β7 and MAdCAM‐1) that explain the “gut‐seeking” properties of enterically induced B cells, the origin of regionalized homing of B cells to secretory effector sites outside the gut remains elusive. Moreover, little is known about immune regulation underlying the striking disparity of both the class (IgD, IgM) and subclass (IgA1, IgA2, IgGI, IgG2) production patterns shown by local iinmttnocytes in various regions of the body, although the topical microbiota and other environmental stimuli might be important. Rational design of local vaccines will depend on better knowledge of both inductive and migratory properties of human mucosal B cells. Summary: The mucosae and exocrine glands harbour the largest activated B-cell system of the body, amounting to some 80-90% of all immunoglobulin {Ig)-producing cells. The major product of these immimocytes is polymeric (p)IgA (mainly dimers} with associated J chain. Both pIgA and pentameric IgM contain a hinding site for tbe polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR), or secretory component (SC), which is a requirement for their active external transport through secretory epithelia. The pIgR/SC binding site depends on covalent incorporation of the J chain into the quaternary structure of the polymers when they are produced by the local immunocytes. This important differentiation characteristic appears to be sufficient functional justification for the J chain to be expressed also by most B cells terminating at secretory effector sites with IgD or IgG production; they probably represent a "spin-off' from sequential downstream Qi switching on its way to pIgA expression, thus apparently reflecting a maturational stage of effector B-cell clones compatible witb boming to tbese sites. Observations in IgA-deficient individuals suggest tbai the magnitttde of tbis homing is fairly well maintaitied even wben the differentiation pathway to IgA is blocked. Certain microenvironmental elements such as specific cytokines and dendritic cells appear to be required for induction of IgA synthesis, but it remains virtually unknown why this isotype normally is such a dominating product of local immunocytes and why they have such a high level of J chain expression. Also, despite the recent identification of some important requirements in terms of adhesion molecules (e.g. integrin a4p7 and MAdCAM-1) that explain the "gut-seeking" properties of enterically induced B ceils, tbe origin of regionalized homing of B cells Co secretory effector sites outside the gut remains elusive. Moreover, little is known about immune regulation underlying tbe striking disparity of both the class (IgD, IgM) and subclass (IgAl, IgA2, IgGI, IgG2) production patterns shown by local iinmttnocytes in various regions of tbe body, althougb tbe topical microbiota and otber environmental stimuli migbt be important. Rational design of local vaccines will depend on better knowledge of both inductive and migratory properties of human mucosal B cells. Secretory immunity is the best characterized part of the mucosal immune system, although the regulation of B cells forming its hasis is poorly understood. The interest in adaptive local immunity increased in the 1960s when it was reported hy several lahoratories that the predominant immunoglohulin (Ig) class in external hody fluids is IgA rather than IgG (1) . The secretory IgA (SIgA) molecule was found to be unique (2), both because of its polymeric structure and association with the secretory component (SC). This epithelial glycoprotein was initially termed "transport piece" to suggest that it might facilitate the entry of IgA into epithelial cells (3) -an interesting suggestion that would turn out to be true in an even more intricate manner than anticipated. At about the same time, Crabbe et al. (4) demonstrated an isotype distribution of intestinal Ig-produdng immunocytes (B-cell blasts and plasma cells) strikingly different from that in peripheral lymphoid organs; mucosal IgA cells were reported to he at least 20 times more frequent than IgG cells. Despite the absence of a satisfactory immunoregulatory explanation, a general dominance of IgA immunocytes at all secretory effector sites has now been well established for a couple of decades (5) . Moreover, the first direct evidence showing that these cells are pecuhar in that they produce polymeric {p)IgA (mainly dimers) rather than monomeric IgA, was provided by our laboratory in the early 1970s (6) ; but again the mechanism(s) driving this additional characteristic of mucosal B cells remains elusive. The J chain pla/s a key role in secretory immunity In the late 1960s we found that not only pIgA but also pentameric IgM is enriched in exocrine body fluids because of active external transport (7). This secretory IgM (SIgM) was subsequently shown to be associated with SC and to follow the same intracellular route through secretory epithelia as SIgA (8, 9), Therefore, an epithelial transport model common for pIgA and pentameric IgM was proposed by our laboratory in 1973-74 (6, 10, 11) . A few years earlier, the "joining" or J chain had been identified as a unique polypeptide of approximately IS kDa shared by the two Ig polymers (12, 13). Only the heavy chains of IgA and IgM have the extra 18 amino-acid tailpiece containing a penultimate cysteine residue employed for covalent bonding of the J chain (14). Over the next decade, we obtained evidence suggesting that the J chain and transmembrane SC represent the "lock and key" in receptor-mediated external translocation of pIgA as well as pentameric IgM (15), a notion that has recently been firmly established (16-18). Because of its affinity to both ligands, transmembrane SC is now often referred lo as the polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR). A key role for J chain in secretory immunity accords well with the fact that B cells subjected to terminal differentiation at secretory effector sites show prominent J chain expression regardless of concurrent Ig class production (19, 20) . In teleological terms, one would like to think that the intricate cooperation between the mucosal B-cell system and secretory epi-thelia has developed during phylogeny and is preserved in mammals because secretory antibodies are necessary for survival of the species. The latter view is challenged by the fact that approximately two-thirds of suhjects with selective deficiency of IgA remain healthy -apparently even when living under poor hygienic conditions (21) -and gastrointestinal infections are more common in patients with generalized B-cell deficiency than in those with a selective IgA defect (22, 23). Therefore, non-specific innate defence mechanisms together with T-cell-mediated immunity and serum antihodies often afford sufficient mucosal protection (24). In addition, a compensatory SIgM response is regularly seen in the gut when IgA is lacking (22, 25). However, the absence of SIgA antibodies does predispose to recurrent upper airway infections, allergic disorders, autoimmunity, certain gastrointestinal infections and coeliac disease (22, 23, 26) . Also, a strikingly increased frequency of Crohn's disease has recently been observed in selective IgA deficiency (L. Hammarstrom, personal communication). Altogether, it is difficult to evaluate the clinical role of secretory antibodies at mucosal surfaces. This is true also in subjects with a completely normal immune system, because a superimposed protective effect of concurrent systemic cellular and humoral immunity must always be considered (27, 28). We have now generated a pIgR/SC knockout mouse that completely lacks secretory immunity to better evaluate its overall role in mucosal defence (29). Induction of secretory immunity and its critical role in infancy Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) appears to be of central importance to the induction, unique regulation and special disseminatioti that take place for mucosal B cells (30). In the upper aerodigestive tract, the best known such organized lymphoepithehal structures are the tonsils. In the gut. MALT includes particularly the aggregated lymphoid foUicles of the ileal Peyer's patches (Fig. I) but also solitary follicles which are especially numerous in the appendix and distal large bowel (31). The mesenteric lymph nodes are sometimes considered to be part of the gut-associated lymph tissue (GALT) as well, and this may be justified because they do to some extent mirror the B-cell biology of Peyer's patches as discussed helow. The appearance of secretory antibodies in breast milk is a reflection of the MALT-mammary gland axis of B-cell migration (32, 33), and the protective value of breast-feeding is highlighted in relation to infections in the newborn period, particularly in the developing countries. Mucosal pathogens are now a major killer of children below the age of 5 years, being responsible for more than 14 million deaths of children annu- Fig, 1 . Human Peyer's patches. A. Patches in the terminal ileimi of a 10-year-old girl. A specimen has been excised from one of the patches (*). B. Histology of normal hnman Peyer's patch (haematoxylin-eosin staining) containing several activated lymphoid follicles (F) with germinal centres beneath the specialized follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) that lacks villi. Magnification: x22. ally Diarrhoeal disease alone claims a coll of 5 miUion children per year, or about 500 deaths every hour These sad figures document the need for mucosal vaccines to enhance surface defence against common infectious agents, in addition to advocating breast-feeding. Convincing epidemioiogical documentation suggess that the risk of dying from diarrhoea is reduced 14-24 times in nursed children (34, 35) . Indeed, exclusively breast-fed infants are better protected against a variety of infections (34, 36), atopic allergy (34, 3 7) and coeliac disease (38). Moreover, recent experiments in neonatal rabbits strongly suggest that SIgA is a crucial protective component of breast milk (39). This review wili focus on the functional characteristics of B cells induced in human MALT, and on the role they play in human secretory immunity by co-operating with plgR/SCexpressing epitheha. A brief outline of the complex interac-tions that take place between the various elements of the adaptive mucosal defence system will first be given as a basis for subsequent in-depth discussions. Humoral defence of mucosae Immune exclusion is a term coined for non-inflammatory surface protection mediated by antibodies in co-operation with innate non-specific factors and thus refers to the "first line" of mucosal defence (Fig. 2) . This mechanism has a formidable task because the mucosal surface area is approximately 400 m-in an adult human, and is mostly covered by a vulnerable monolayered epithelium. Antihody activities in the epithelial mucus layer and serous secretions are mainly provided by SIgA and SIgM, hut there may he some contribution by serum-derived or views 171 / J 999 locally produced monomeric IgA and IgG (40), which can reach the surface quite rapidly by paracellular diffusion through the epithelium, particularly after some sort of mucosal irritation (41). In fact, this passive external antibody transfer most likely plays an important protective role at surfaces where there is little proteolytic degradation of antibodies, such as in the respiratory (32, 42) and female genital (43) tracts. In addition, secretory antibodies might reinforce immune exclusion by capturing antigen during their pIgR/SC-mediated transport through epithelial cells. Thus, while continuously monitoring the vulnerable surface monolayer, pIgA and pentameric IgM could neutralize viruses intracellularly and carry the pathogens and their products back to the lumen, thus avoiding any damage to the epithelium through cytolysis (44-47). Regtilation of mucosal immunity takes place hoth in the organized inductive MALT structures (Fig. 2) and at the diffuse secretory effector sites of the mucosae such as the intestinal lamina propria and epithehum (on the right in Fig. 2 ). Particulate and infectious antigens appear to be primarily taken up by MALT through the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) which contains "membrane" (M) cells particularly designed for sampling and inward transport of luminal material (27, 48) . By cognate interactions with antigen-presenting cells (APCs), naive T and B lymphocytes are primed to become memory and effector cells for subsequent dissemination ("homing") to effector sites (30, 33). After intracellular processing to provide immimostimulatory peptides, antigen is usually presented to CD4+ T helper (Th) lymphocytes by professional APCs, either macrophages or more speciahzed dendritic cells (DCs). In addition, luminal immtmogenic peptides might be presented directly to sub-and intraepithelial T lymphocytes by epithelial cells (49). In the human gut, mucosal APCs, the FAE of GALT outside the M cells, and the small intestinal villous epithelium express surface determinants encoded by loci present in the class II region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). particularly HLA-DR (27, 30). and also classical and non-classical MHC class I molecules (49). To elicit specific immune responses, these gene products are required for appropriate antigen presentation. Class Il-positive B lymphocytes that abound close to the M cells, may also present antigens efficiently to T cells in cognate inununostimulatory or downregulatory interactions (30). T cells subjected to stimulation in MALT express co-stimulatory molecules and release mediator substances (cytokines) which act on other lymphocytes in the microenvironment. Most adjacent B cells primed by such "first signals" migrate rapidly via lymphatics to regional lymph nodes where they may be subjected to further stimulation; they then mostly reach [mmunologicd Reviews 171/1999 Fij. 3, Schematic depiction of two major adaptive inuniine mechanisms indnced in the gut. (I) Immune exclusion limits epilhelial colonization of pathogen.s and inhibits penetration of harmful foreign material. This first line of defence is principally mediated by secretory antibodies of the IgA (and IgM) class in co-operation with various nonspecific innate protective factors (not shown). Secretory immunity is preferentially stimulated by particulate antigens and pathogenic infectious agents taken up through M cells as indicated (see Fig. 2 ). (2) Penetrating solnble dietary antigens (magnitude of uptake indicated) and thc normal microbial flora are less stimulatory for secretory Immunity (broken arrows) but induce, instead, suppression of proinflammatory humoral immune responses (IgG and IgE antibodies) as well as delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) mediated by activated T helper cells (CD4*) of the interferon-7-producing Th 1 subset. This complex and poorly defined phenomenon is called oral tolerance: ii may exert down-regulatory effects botli locally and in the periphery. peripheral blood and are finally seeded into distant secretory effector sites such as the intestinal lamina propria where they develop into Ig-producing immunocytes (30, 33). This terminal differentiation requires "second signals" that are modulated by available cognate antigen, various local cell types expressing MHC class II molecules and regulatory T lymphocytes (Fig. 2) . Most B cells that home from MALT, apparently belong to memory or effector clones of an early maturation stage; this is indicated by their proneness to express cytoplasmic J chain regardless of concomitant isotype production, althotigh the IgA class is normally predominant (30). J chain-containing pIgA and pentameric IgM are finally translocated to the lumen as SIgA and SIgM by a regulated receptor-mediated (plgR/SC-dependent) epithelial transport mechanism (see below). Immune elimination and mucosal tolerance Multiple mechanisms are involved in removal of foreign material that has penetrated the epithelial barrier. Such immtine elimination represents a "second line" of mucosal defence and depends partly on serum-derived or locally produced antibodies of various isotypes. probably often operating in comhination with antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), T cells, nattiral killer (NK) cells, and various phagocytes and DCs (Fig. 2) . As discussed below, clearance of antigens from the lamina propria may be performed by a non-inflammatory pIgR/SC-dependent mechanism, but is likely to be enhanced by a variety of non-specific biological amplification systems of innate immunity. Thus, if satisfactory immune elimination is not rapidly achieved, inflammation and immunopathology may develop, thereby giving rise to clinically overt mucosal disease (27). Such "frustrated" immunological antigen clearance is apparently part of the evolving pathogenesis of various chronic disorders, including coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The purpose of the secretory immune system is to avoid this adverse development, particularly hy excluding infectious agents (Fig. 3 ). Mucosally induced tolerance is another strategy employed by the immune system to avoid hypersensitivity reactions against innocuous soluble antigens that gain access to the subepithelial compartment (50. 51). In the gut, this suppressive regulatory mechanism is best known as "oral tolerance" against dietary proteins, which are prohably mainly taken up throtigh the extensive epithelial surface covering the mucosal effector tissue (Fig. 3) , Mucosally induced tolerance is poorly understood and might involve several immunological events, although rapid removal of penetrating antigens from the lamina propria by poorly stimulatory DCs appears to be one important facet (50, 52-55). Chronic mucosal disorders such as coeliac disease and IBD are considered to reflect abrogation of oral tolerance to gluten and certain components of the indigenous microbiota, respectively (56, 57), Excessive local production of IgA and IgG antibodies to innocuous luminal antigens occurs in both conditions, but the relationship between secretory immunity and mucosal tolerance remains elusive (50). Distribution of B lymphocytes and ig-producing immunocytes All normal secretory effector sites in adult humans contain a remarkable preponderance of IgA-producing immunocytes, including B-cell blasts and plasma cells (Fig. 4) . This is particu- Paired immunofluorescence in situ staining showed that the small naive B lymphocytes were mainly derived from the follicular mantle-zone population (CD19"^CD20*sIgD"^IgM+) surrounding the germinal centres (Fig, 6) . Conversely, most small lymphoid cells in the lamina propria were T lymphocytes, and with IgA on the snrface and/or in the cytoplasm (Table I) IgG-, IgD-and IgE-producing cdls IgG immunocytes constitute 3-4% in normal adult intestinal inucosa, but a considerably larger contribution is found in gastric and nasal mucosa (Fig. 4) , which often shows some low- Expression of / chain and cyiopJosmic SC offinity IgA immunocytes at secretory effector sites clearly differ from those found iu lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow by showing a much more prominent synthesis of pIgA than of monomeric IgA (6, 20) . The presence of pIgA in their cytoplasm becomes immunobistochemically apparent by incubating tissue sections with purified free SC (Fig. 9 ). The SG binding site (and therefore the polymeric Ig structure) can thu's be shown to be generated at tbe cytoplasmic level by incorpora- Altogether, therefore, no conclusive information exists with regard to the proportion of monomers actually secreted by the intestinal pIgA-producing immunocytes. Tbere are likewise discrepant opinions as to the nature of intracellular IgA in the mucosal immunocytes. We have maintained that the diffuse cellular in vitro binding of free SC (Fig. 9 ), together with the immunohiscochemical requirement for unmasking of cytoplasmic J chain (Fig. 10) , constitutes direct as a target for IL-2 and IL-5 regulation, thereby contributing to tbe induction of J chain mRNA and Ig production (129). In addition to IL-2 and IL-5, IL-6 has also been suggested to contribute to murine J chain upregulation (130, 131), whereas IL-4 appears to have an opposing effect (132). A specific enhancer sequence was recently identified 7-8 kb upstream of the start site of the gene, and inductive interactions were shown to depend on an IL-2 signal; this event triggered opening of the enhancer chromatin, allowing binding of activated STAT5 to a specific DNA element (133), Human studies Our immunohistocbemical observations suggest that also the human J chain production increases as a function of plasmacell differentiation. However, molecular information concerning the regulation of J chain expression during B-cell develop-ment in humans has been obtained mainly from leukaemic and EBV-transformed cell lines. Contrary to tbe situation in mice, these studies have suggested that transcription of the human J chain gene is initiated during early .stages of B-lineage differentiation, even before Ig production takes place (134-137). More recent data on normal cells have supported the apparent difference in J chain regulation between the two species. Thus, J chain RNA could be detected in human foetal liver hefore (i chain expression (]38), This result was confirmed and extended with haematopoietic subpopulations from human foetal and adult tissues (139) , In the bone marrow, transcripts for J chain were detected at all B-lineage stages, including the progenitor (CD19-CD34+)-and pro-B (CD19+CD34+)-cell subsets. Interestingly, J chain RNA was also detected during human fetal thymocyte development, including the double-negative (CD4-CD8-) and single-positive (CD4+ or CD8^) subpopulations, but the transcription was turned off in peripheral CD3+ T cells from both foetal and adult samples examined with the same molecular method (139) , Similar studies have apparently not been performed on the various inductive MALT compartments. Altogether, therefore, much remains to be learned about the regulation of the human J chain gene. Mucosal immune responses are helieved to be generated primarily in organized MALT structures which lack afferent lymphatics but, instead, are designed to sample antigens from mucosal surfaces (Figs! &.2). In mechanistic terms, the best studied such inductive sites are the GALT structures of experimental animals, including the ileal Peyer's patches and the appendix (27, 48, 140). The chief function of GALT is to provide adaptive immune protection for the gut, but its primed effector cells also migrate to other exocrine tissues such as the upper airway mucosae and the lacrimal, salivary, and lactating mammary glands (33). Additional immune responses are presumably elicited in bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT), palatine tonsils and other parts of the Waldeyer's pharyngeal ring in humans, including nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) -particularly the nasopharyngeal tonsil, also called adenoids (124, 141, 142). Vaccine development can only to some extent be based on the functional integration of the so-called "common" mucosal immune system, hecause accumulating evidence suggests that regionahzed regulation and homing properties of B ceUs must also be considered (30, 33). ImmunoiogicoJ Reviews 171/1999 patches of mice (160) and humans (Fig, 14 ). This regional difference migbt be involved in GALT recruitment of memory B and T cells with bigh levels of tbe counter-receptor integrin a4p7 (the so-called "mucosal homing receptor", or LPAM-1), whereas a dominance of VCAM-1 in normal tonsils and peripheral lymph nodes could favour localization of a4|il'" (predominantly a4p7'") ceUs (Fig. 15) . Alternatively, such differential (191) . Also, the increased number of y/S IBLs in coeliac disease (56) migbt explain the significantly enlarged population of pIgA-produciiig immunocytes in the lesion (192) . Additional region-specific differences could exist, for example microenvironmental levels of IL-7, a cytokine mainly produced by goblet cells in tbe gut and known to be a growth factor for human intestinal lymphocytes (193) . As discussed above, the various MALT structures are considered to be the chief inductive sites of the secretory immune system in wbich recirculating virgin B lymphocytes arriving from the bloodstream are initially stimulated (on the left in Fig. 15 ). Gertain adhesion molecules are more strongly expressed on the naive than on the primed (memory/effector) subsets, and viceversa, and some are relatively tissue specific in their function. show tissue specificity (194). Thus, in GALT and mesenteric lymph nodes, but not in peripheral lymph nodes, higb endothelial venules (HEVs) abundantly express MAdCAM-1 (Fig. 14) , CDl la/CD18) that binds to ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 (CD120) on the endotbelium (Fig, 17) , Exit of primed B cdls from The interfollicular zones of GALT are not only the site of entrance for lymphoid cells, but also where they exit through draining microlymphatics (on the left in Fig. 15 ). 'We identified these vessels in human Peyer's patches and appendix as thin- Our studies suggested that the a4p7''' subsets identified at exit in GALT, reflect the first homing step to furnish mucosal effector sites with primed lymphoid cells (Fig. 15 ). Relatively would not be expected to adhere to PNAd and only subsidiarily to VCAM-1; they were therefore most likely destined primarily Anti-o4[^7 (red), anti-CD38 (green), anti-cytokeratin (blue) for the intestinal lamina propria (Fig, 15) , Characteristics of lamina propria effector cells After antigen-induced activation, proliferation and partial differentiation in GALT, it is assumed that primed lymphoid cells go rapidly to mesenteric lytnph nodes, from which (after some further differentiation) they follow the lymph inlo the bloodstream (Fig. 2) . in experimental animals, it has been directly shown that IgA-expressing plasmablasts mature as they tnigrate from Peyer's patches via mesenteric lymph nodes and the thoracic duct to the intestinal lamina propria (222); the relative fraction of cells containing cytoplasmic IgA was shown to increase from initially around 2% through 50% and 75% to 90%, respectively (223). In mice, peritoneal B cells are composed of a special B-1 (CD5+) subset that can repoptilate the gut with IgA-producing immunocytes (224). Kroese and co-workers have determined that approximately 5 0% of the murine intestinal lamina propria plasma cells are derived from this subset. It is generally believed that B-1 cells produce so-called natural or polyreactive antibodies encoded by unmutated (germline) IgV region genes, but murine CD 5* B cells often show hypermutation as a sign of selection (224), Human intestinal plasma cells from the duodenum. Ueum and colon have highly mutated igV region genes, suggesting ihal their BCR is sliaped by persistent antigenic challenge in germinal centres (22S), This is true of both the IgA and IgM immunocytes (226), thus documenting that SIgM antibodies may be part of a secondary intestinal immune response. Also interestingly, sequences of igVH region genes from Peyer's patch germinal centre B cells are reported to be clonally related to those of ileal plasma cells (227) , which substantiates the presumed intestinal homing pattern of GALTderived primed B cells (Fig. 15) , Altogether, despite the presence of polyreactive SIgA antibodies in human exocrine secretions (see below). there is no evidence that these antibodies are produced by plasma cells originating from the peritoneal cavity (228), As mentioned above, homing of primed lymphoid cells to the intestinal latiiina propria appears to be determined mainly by their high levels of c(4p7 in the absence of L-selectin (Fig, 17B) . This phenotype can bind to unmodified MAdCAM-i expressed on the lamina propria microvasculature (33. 194). and fits with the predominant adhesion molecule profile of specific antibody-producing cells present in hitman peripheral blood after intestinal stimulation (229-231). Conversely, circulating specific B cells generated by systemic immunization show preferential expression of L-selectin but relatively low a4p7 levels (229-231), At present, interactions of human MAdCAM-1 with Lseleciin have apparently not been explored to the same extent as for the murine counterpart. Nevertheless, the virtual absence of lymphoid ceUs bearing the latter adhesion molecule in human intestinal lamina propria (Table i) . strongly suggests that MAdCAM-1. when expressed ouiside organized GALT structures, does not bind L-seiectiii (33). Many large B cells retain high levels of a4p7 after extravasation in the human intestinal lamina propria, despite abundant coexpression of CD38 (Fig. 18) and cytoplasmic IgA as signs of terminal maturation (Fig. 15) Lictle is known about factors triggering terminal B-cell differentiation a: various secretory sites (Fig. 2) , althSa and sequential Sn-»Sy, Sy-^Sa DNA recombination Compartmeiitahzation of ihe human mucosai immune system, A tonsiiiar B-cei! subset (sIgD+IgM-CD38-) homes to regional effector sites but not to the gut [Abstract |, Scandjlmmunol i998:47 A model for the differentiation of B iymphocytes wilh implications for the bioiogicai role of IgD Brandtzaeg P Gluten-specific, HLA-DQ restricted T cells from coeliac mucosa produce cytokines with Th 1 or ThO profile dominated by interferon Aanesen JP Brandtzaeg P Piienotypic distribution of T ceiis in human nasai mucosa differs from that in the gut Brandtzaeg P Secretory immunity in ceiiac disease: ceiiuiar expression of immunogioi:)uhn A subclass and joining chain Human mucosai addressin ceil adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1) demonstrates structurai and functionai simiiarities to the a4j37-integrin binding domains of murine MAdCAM-1, but extreme divergence of mucin-iike sequences Brandtzaeg P Topographic distribution of homing receptors on B and T ceiis in iiuman gut-associated iympiioid tissue, Reiation of Lseiectin and integrin 0(4(57 to naive and memory piienotypes Mice lacking expression of secondary lymphoid organ ciiemokine Iiave defects in iympiiocyte homing and dendritic cell localization Sanchez-Madrid F. dc Landazuri MO, (x4P7 integrin mediates B ceii binding to fibronectin and vascular ceil adhesion moiecuie-i: expression and function of K4 integrins on human B lymphocytes Siiaw S, Cords, channels, corridors and conduits: critical ardiicectural elements facilitating cell interactions in the iymph node cortex Distribution of lymphatics in human palatine tonsiis; a study by enzyme-histochemistry and scanning electron microscopy of lymphatic corrosion casts HubE, Rot A, Binding of RANTES, MCP-l, MCP-3, and MlP-la to celis in human skin Lymphocyte migration into tissue: the paradigm derived Irom CD4 subsets A fundamental subdivision of circulating lymphocytes defined by adhesion to mucosai addressin ceii adhesion moiecuie-1, Comparison with vascular ceii adhesion moiecuie-i and correlation with |57 integrins and memory differentiation Intraperitorieal immunization of human subjects with tetanus toxoid induces specific antibody-secreting cells in the peritoneal cavity and in the circulation, but fails to ehcit a secretory IgA response Antitoxic ciiolera immunity in mice: infiuence of antigen deposition on antitoxin-containing ceiis and protective immunity in different parts of tile intestine Cellular kinetics of the intestinal immune response to cholera toxoid in rats A recomhinant Salmonella typiiimurium vaccine induces locai immunity by four different routes of imm.unization Differences in immune responses induced by oral and rectal immunizations with Salmonelia typiii Ty2 la: evidence for compartmentalization within the common mucosai immune system in humans The roie of non-B ceiis in locahzing an IgA plasma ceii response in tiie intestine, Reg lmmunoi i990-9l:3:336-340, 251, McDerniottMR, Bienenstock J, Evidence for a common mucosal immunologic system. I, Migration ofB immunoblasts into intestinai, respiratory, and genitai tissues Contribution of antibody-secreting celis induced in mucosai iympiioid (issues of pigs inocuiated with respiratory or enteric strains of coronavirus to immunity against enteric coronavirus chaiienge Differential expression of homing moiecuies on recirculating lymphocytes from sheep gut, peripheral, and lung iymph Colonization in the rectum and uterine cervix with group B streptococci may induce specific antibody responses in cervical secretions of pregnant women Expression of endotheiial and leukocyte adhesion molecules interacellular adhesion molecule-1, E-selectin, and vascular ceii adiiesion moiecuie-1 in the bronchiai mucosa in steady-state and aliergen-induced asthma Brandtzaeg P Reguiation ofthe formation and epitheiiai transport of secretory immunogiobuiins IgA is complexed with secretory component (SC) on the surface of human intestinal epitiieiial ceils A transmembrane precursor of secretory component, Tiie receptor for transceiiuiar transport of poiymeric immunogiobuiins Brandtzaeg P Itnmimoliisiocheinicai studies on various aspects of glandular immutioglobuiin transport in man Intestinal secretion of IgA and IgM; a hypothetical model Specific and nonspecific iiumoral defense factors in the epithelium of normal and inflamed gastric mucosa, Immunohistochemical localization of immunogiobuiins. secretory coinponent, iysozyme, and iactoferrin Fine-specificity of ligandbinding domain 1 in the polymeric immunoglobuiin receptor: importance of the CDR2-containing region for IgM interaction Lindh E. Increased risistance of immunogiobulin A dimers to proteoiytic degradation after binding of secretory component Secretory component deiays ihe conversion of secretory IgA into antigen-binding competent F(ah')2: a possibie implication for mucosal defense Brandtzaeg et al • Tbe B-cell system of buman mucosae and exocrine glands 277. BerdozJ, BlancGT,ReinhardtM,Kraehenbuh] JP Corthesy B, in titro comparison ofthe antigen-binding and stability properties of the various molecuiar forms of IgA antibodies assembled and produced in CHO cells Secretion of immunogiobuiins and piasma proteins from tiie colonic mueosa: an in vivo study in man singie ceils from human tonsii Brandtzaeg P Mechanism for eniianced external transfer of dimeric IgA over pentameric IgM, Studies of diffusion, binding to the human polymeric Ig receptor, and epitheliai transcytosis Stimuiation of transcytosis ofthe polymeric immunogiobuiin receptor by dimeric IgA Dimeric and tetrameric IgA are transcytosed equally by the polymeric Ig receptor Secretory component in immunogiobulin deficiency and immun oelectron microscopic study of intestinal epithelium IgM tiie secretory immunoglobulin of reptiles and amphibians Evidence for a cutaneous secretory imm.une system in rainbow trout (Salmogairdneri) Anti-inflammatory activity of human IgA antibodies and their Fab ci fragments: inhibition of IgG-mediated complement activation, EurJImmunoi i989:19 Constitutive and cytokine induced expres,sion of HLA molecuies, secretory component, and interceiiular adhesion moiecuie-1 is modulated by bucyrate in the colonic epithdiai cdl line HT-29 The poiymeric immunoglobulin receptor (secretory component) in a human intestinal epithelial cell line is up-regulated by interleukin-1 Brandtzaeg P Different regulatory pathways employed in cytokine-enhanced expression of secretory component and epithehal HLA dass I genes Brandtzaeg P A composite DNA eiement in the promoter ofthe polymeric immunoglobulin receptor promoter regulates its constitutive expression Characterization ofthe 5'-flanking region ofthe murine polymeric IgA receptor gene Brandtzaeg P Bakiien K, Characterization of the IgA-immunocyte popuiation and its product in a patient witii excessive intestinal formation of IgA Natural polyreactive secretory immunoglobulin A autoantibodies as a possible barrier to infection in humans Protein Fv (Fv fragment binding protein); a mueosai human superantigen reacting with normal immunogiobulins Free secretory component and Iactoferrin ol human milk inhibit the adhesion of ciiterotoxigenic Eschericiiia coii SpsA, a novei pneumococcai surface protein with specific binding lo secretory immunoglobulin A and secretory component Solid phase radioimmunoassay for detection of circuiating food protein antigens in human serum Inhibition of receptordependent and receptor-independent generation ofthe respiratory burst in human neutrophils and monocytes hy human serum IgA SoothilJ JR Transient IgA deficiency and pathogenesis of infantile atopy Some intrinsic and extrinsic factors predisposing lo aliergy Rag weed-specific antibodies in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids and serum before and after segmental lung ciiailenge: IgE and IgA associated with eosinopiiii degranulation Rapid transepithelial antigen transport in rat jejunum: impact of sensitization and the hypersensitivity reaction Do B cells drive the di versification of immune responses? Lack of local suppression in orally tolerant CD8-dericient mice reveals a criiical reguiatory role of CD8' T ceils in the normal gut mucosa Increased jejunai IgA synthesis in vitro during acute infectious non-bacterial gastroenteritis