key: cord-0009334-ro3ez7y9 authors: nan title: Protein engineering date: 2002-02-25 journal: Curr Opin Biotechnol DOI: 10.1016/s0958-1669(96)80127-3 sha: 91f7fd9966fa43b847dd7b597fc47d695fc7d459 doc_id: 9334 cord_uid: ro3ez7y9 nan This bibliography is compiled by biotechnologists from the journals listed at the end of this publication. It is based on literature entered into our database between 1 st April 1995 and 31 st March 1996 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue. Papers considered by the reviewers to be of special interest e. Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest The number in square brackets following a selected paper, e.g. [7], refers to its Protein folding and structure Detection of Long-lived • Sound Water Molecules in Complexes of Human Dihydrofolate Reductase with Methotrexate and NADPH Ribonuclease A: Revealing Structure-function Relationships with Semisynthesis Mechanism of the Reaction Catalyzed by Mandelate Racemase: Importance of Electrophilic Catalysis by Glutamic Acid 317 Crystal Structure and Mutational Analysis of Human UraciI-DNA Glycosylase: Structural Basis for Specificity and Catalysis Interaction of Tyrl03 and Tyr264 of the RecA Protein with DNA and Nucleotide Cofactors -Fluorescence Study of Engineered Proteins • Measurement of 2 H T 1 and Tlp Relaxation Times in Uniformly C13 Labeled and Fractionally 2 H Labeled Proteins in Solution Water Channel Properties of Major Intrinsic Protein of Lens Roles of Histidine 752 and Glutamate 699 in the PH Dependence of Mouse Band 3 Protain-mediated Anion Transport Chain Unfolding Equilibria of Alpha-tropomyosin Coiled Coils Studied by Small Angle X-ray Scattering The use of Mass Spectrometry to Examine the Formation and Hydrolysis of the Phosphorylatad Form of Phosphoglycerata Mutase Alteration of the • Substrate and Inhibitor Specificities of Blood Coagulation Factor Vlla: Importance of Amino Acid Residue K192 Protein Kinase C: Structure, Function, and Regulation Structural Analysis of Monosacchatide Recognition by Rat Liver Mannose-binding Protein Flexibility and Function in HIV-1 Protaase L Pardi A: Multidimensional Heteronuclear NMR • Experiments for Structure Determination of Isotopically Labeled RNA Structure of Serum • = Response Factor Core Bound to DNA Site-directed Mutagenesis of the Yeast PMA1 H+-ATPese -Structural and Functional Role of Cystaine Residues Factors that Affect the Stabilization of Alpha-helices in Short Peptides by a Capping Box Protein Thermal Denaturation, Side-chain Models, and Evolution: Amino Acid Substitutions at a Conserved Helix-helix Interface Three-dimensional Structure of E-coil Core RNA Polymerase: Promoter Binding and Elongation Conformations of the Enzyme Contribution of a Disulfide Bridge to the Stability of 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase from Bacillus Licheniformis An AIIosteric Hammerhead Ribozyme Synthetic Peptides Corresponding to the Four P Regions of Electrophorus Electricus Na+ Channel: Interaction with and Organization in Model Phospholipid Membranes Solution • Structure of a Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus Tat-TAR Peptide-RNA Complex Tissue Factor Residues Lys165 and • Lys166 are Essential for Rapid Formation of the Quaternary Complex of Tissue Factor Vile with Xa Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor Insight into the Specificity of Thymidylate Synthase from Molecular Dynamics and Free Energy Perturbation Calculations NMR Studies on the Structure of Some Cyclic and Linear Antagonists of Luteinizing Hormone-releasing Hormone (LHRH)./nt Structural Organization of Transcription Termination Factor Rho • Binding of Human Factor Vile to Tissue Factor Induces Cytosolic Ca 2+ Signals in J82 Cells, Transfected COS-1 Cells, Madin-Darby Canine Kidney Cells and in Human Endothelial Cells Induced to Synthesize Tissue Factor Structure of the Catalytic Region of Human Complement Protease C(1)over-bar-s: Study by Chemical Cross-linking and Three-dimensional Homology Modeling Energetic Contributions and Topographical Organization of Ligand Binding Residues of Tissue Factor Purification, Crystallisation and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of the Vanadium-dependent Haloperoxidase from Corallina Officinalis The Crystal Structure of Thermostable Mutants of Chimeric 3-isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase, 2T2M6T Three-dimensional Model of the Alpha-subunit of Bacterial Luciferase Reconstitution of Membrane • Proteins into Lipid-rich Bilayered Mixed Micelles for NMR Studies Biradicals as ESR Probes of Conformations in Model Beta-turn Peptides Cloning and Expression of the UreciI-DNA Glycosylase Inhibitor (UGI) from Bacteriophage PBS-1 and Crystallization of a UraciI-DNA Glycosylase-UGI Complex The Nonexistence of Specially Stabilized Hydrogen Bonds in Enzymes Fermenter Production of an Artificial Fab Fragment, Rationally Designed for the Antigen Cystatin, and Its Optimized Crystallization Through Constant Domain Shuffling A Model for DNA Binding and Enzyme Action Derived from Crystallographic Studies of the Taql N-6-adenine-methyltransferase Comparison of Secondary Structures in Water of Chondroitin-4-sulfata and Dermatan Sulfate: Implications in the Formation of Tertiary Structures Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Analysis of a 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl Dioxygenase from Pseudomonas Sp Strain KKS102 Having Polychlorinatad Biphenyl (PCB)-degrading Activity Probing Sodium Channel Cytoplasmic Domain Structure -Evidence for the Interaction of the RSkM1 Amino and Carboxyl Termini Mapping the Folding Intermediate of Human Carbonic Anhydrase. 2. Probing Substructure by Chemical Reactivity and Spin and Fluorescence Labeling of Engineered Cystaine Residues Structural Basis for the Extreme Thermostability of D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphete Dehydrogenase from Thermotoga Maritima: Analysis Based on Homology Modelling Crystal Structure of S-adenosylmethionine Synthetase Sequestration of the Membrane-targeting Myristoyl Group of Recoverin in the Calcium-free State The Cysteine Residue Responsible for the Release of Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 Resides in a Domain Independent of the Domain for Phosphatidylserine Binding A Three-dimensional Structure Model of the Complex of Glutamyl-tRNA Synthetase and Its Cognate TRNA Vitro Folding of Phage P22 Coat Protein with Amino Acid Substitutions that Confer in Vivo Temperature Sensitivity Mitochondrial Single-stranded DNA-binding Protein from Drosophila Embryos -Physical and Biochemical Characterization Mauk AG: pH, Electrolyte, and Substrate-linked Variation in Active Site Structure of the Trp51Ala Variant of Cytochrome C Peroxidase Three-dimensional Structure of the Lantibiotic Nisin in the Presence of Membrane-mimetic Micelles of Dodecylphosphocholine and of Sodium Dodecylsulphate Effect of the C-terminal Proline Repeats on Ordered Packing of Squid Rhodopsin and Its Mobility in Membranes Crystal Structure of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Catabolic Ornithine Transcerbamoylase at 3.0A Resolution: a Different Oligomeric Organization in the Tr=tnscerbamoylase Family Probing the Structure of Hirudin from Hirudinarie Manillensis by Limited Proteolysis -Isolation, Characterization and Thrombin-inhibitory Properties of N-terminal Fragments Crystal Structure of a Complex Between Interferon-7 and Its Soluble High-affinity Receptor • Carbon Relaxation in Fractionally Randomly 13C-enriched Proteins Internal • Dynamics of Human Ubiquitin by 13C Relaxation Studies of Randomly Fractionally Labeled Protein SH2 Domains -a Question of Independence. Curt BiD Structure-function Analysis of SH3 Domains: SH3 Binding Specificity Altered by Single Amino Acid Substitutions. Mo/Celt BiD Stock AM: Purification, Crystallization, and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Analyses of the Bacterial Chemotaxis Receptor Modifying Enzymes Probing the Roles of Active Site Residues in D-xylose Isomerase Crystal Structure of the Membrane-exposed Domain from a Respiratory Quinol Oxidase Complex with an Engineered Dinuclear Copper Center High • o Resolution Crystal Structure of a Paired [Pax] Class Cooperative Home•domain Dimer on DNA Tetrameric Structure and Cellular Location of Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase Crystal Structure of the Cys2 Activator-binding Domain of Protein Kinase C Delta in Complex with Phorbol Ester Calcium-induced • Conformational Transition Revealed by the Solution Structure of Apocalmodulin Peptide Models of Helical Hydrophobic Transmembrane Segments of Membrane Proteins. 1. Studies of the Conformation, Intrabilayer Orientation, and Amide Hydrogen Exchangeability of Ac-K-2-(LA)(12)-K-2-amide Peptide Models of Helical Hydrophobic Trsnsmembrane Segments of Membrane Proteins Differential Scanning Calorimetric and FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of the Interaction of Ac-K-2-(LA)(12)-K-2-amide with Phosphatidylcholine Bileyers Phospholipase A(2) Engineering. The Roles of Disulfide Bonds in Structure, Conformational Stability, and Catalytic Function Role of Glycine 212 in the AIIosteric Behavior of Phosphofructokinase from Bacillus Stearothermophilus NMR of Enzymaticelly • Synthesized Uniformly 13 C 15 N-labeled DNA Oligonucleotides Cotranslational and post-translational modifications Related review: The structural role of sugars in glycoproteins Towards the Development of Artificial Endocrine Tissues: P-31 NMR Spectroscopic Studies of Immunoisolated, Insulin-secreting AtT-20 Ceils Addition of a 29 Residue Carboxyl-terminal Tail Converts a Simple HMG Box-containing Protein Transcriptional Activator Structural Studies of Human Ribonucleese U s o• and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin e-subunit Glycobiology: Towards Understanding the • Function of Sugars Mechanism of the Reaction Catalyzed by Acetoecetata Decerboxylase. Importance of Lysine 116 in Determining the PK(a) of Active-site Lysine 115 Three Dimensional Structure of • Oligosaccharides Explored by NMR and Computer Calculations A Conserved NPLFY Sequence Contributes to Agonist Binding and Signal Transduction But is not an Internalization Signal for the Type 1 Angiotensin II Receptor Identification of a Domain in Soluble CD14 Essential for Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Signaling But not LPS Binding Correct Post-translational Modification and Stable Vacuolar Accumulation of Phytohemagglutinin Engineered to Contain Multiple Methionine Residues A Novel Serine/threonine Kinase Binding the Ras-related RhoA GTPase Which Translocates the Kinase to Peripheral Membranes Conformational Analysis of the Xylose-containing N-glycan of Pineapple Stem Bromelain as Part of the Intact Glycoprotain Conformations and Internal Mobility of a Glycopeptide Derived from Bromelain Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations and NOESY Analysis Covalent Modification of Human P-glycoprotein Mutants Containing a Single Cysteine in Either Nucleotide-binding Fold Abolishes Drug-stimulated ATPase Activity Glycosylation Changes of IgG Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis can Activate Complement Via the Mannose-binding Protein Stabilization of Proteins • by Glycosylstion Examined by NMR Analysis of a Fucosylated Proteinase Inhibitor Residue Replacements of Buried Aspartyl and Related Residues in Sensory Rhodopsin h D201N Produces Inverted Phototaxis Signals Ubiquitin-mediated Processing of NF-keppa B Transcriptional Activator Precursor P105 -Reconstitution of a Cell-free System and Identification of the Ubiquitin-carrier Protein, E2, and a Novel Ubiquitin-protain Ligase, E3, Involved in Conjugation Both Extracellular Immunoglobin-like Domains of CDaO Contain Residues Critical for Binding T Cell Surface Receptors CTLA-4 and CD28 Factors Determining Specificity of Signal Transduction by G-protein-coupled Receptors -Regulation of Signal Transfer from Receptor to G-protein beta(l)-and Beta(3)-class Integrins Mediate Fibronectin Binding Activity st the Surface of Developing Mouse Pert-implantation Blast•cysts -Regulation by Ligand-induced Mobilization of Stored Receptor Sigal E: Conversion of Human 15-1ipoxygenese to an Efficient 12-1ipoxygenase: the Side-chain Geometry of Amino Acids 417 and 418 Determine Positional Specificity Angiotansin n Receptor Endocytosis Involves Two Distinct Regions Ef the Cytoplasmic Tail -a Role for Residues on the Hydrophobic Face of a Putative Amphipathic Helix Efficient Catalysis of Disulfide Formation During Protein Folding with a Single Active-site Cysteine Conformation and Function of the N-linked Glycen in the Adhesion Domain of Human CD2 Composition and • Sequence Specific Resonance Assignments of the Heterogeneous N-linked Glycen in the 13.6 KDa Adhesion Domain of Human CD2 as Determined by NMR on the Intact Glycoprotein Kinetic Analysis of the Folding of Human Growth Hormone -Influence of Disulfide Bonds Enhanced Folding and Processing of a Disulfide Mutant of the Human Asialoglycoprotein Receptor H2b Subunit Thiol-specifi¢ Biotinylation of the Insulin Receptor in Permeabilized Cells Enhances Receptor Function Folding of Protein G B1 Domain • Studied by the Conformational Characterization of Fragments Comprising Its Secondary Structure Elements Folding Intermediates are Involved in Genetic Diseases? The Antitumor Action of Seminal Ribonuclease and Its Quaternary Conformations Acid and Thermal Denaturation • • of Barnase Investigated by Molecular Dynamics Simulations Contribution of the FAD Binding Site Residue Tyrosine 308 to the Stability of Pea Ferredoxin-NADP(+) Oxidoreductase Structure of a Hyperthermophilic Tungstopterin Enzyme Size of Hirudin Sequence Required to Fold into an Active Core Domain Does the Folding Type of a protein Depend on Its Amino Acid Composition? FEBS Left Sequence Space, • • Folding and Protein Design Modeling Unfolded States of Peptides and Proteins Conformational Pathway of the Polypeptide Chain of Chymotrypsin Inhibitor-2 Growing from Its N Terminus in Vitro. Parallels with the Protein Folding Pathway Thermodynamic Role of the Pro Region of the Neurophysin Precursor in Neurophysin Folding: Evidence from the Effects of Ligand Peptides on Folding Folding and Unfolding Kinetics of the Proline-to-alanine Mutants of Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease A Interaction of Urea with an Unfolded Protein -the DNA-binding Domain of the 434-repressor Salt-stabilized • -Globular Protein Structure in 7 M Aqueous Solution Local Moves: an Efficient Algorithm for Simulation of Protein Folding Mitochondriel Presequonces can Induce Aggregation of Unfolded Proteins Structure end Dynamics of Self-assembling Peptide Nanotubes and the Channel-mediated Water Organization and Self-diffusion. A Molecular Dynamics Study Optimization of Rates of Protein Folding: the Nucleation-condensation Mechanism and Its Implications Perfect Temperature for Protein Structure Prediction and Folding Progress in Fold Recognition Formation of an Extremely Stable Polyalanine Beta-sheet Macromolecule Influence of Protein Conformation on Disulfide Bond Formation in the Oxidative Folding of Ribonuclease T-I Helix Packing in the Sucrose Permeese of Escherichia Coil: Properties of Engineered Charge Pairs Between Helices VII and XI Folding of Chains with Random and Edited Sequences: Similarities and Differences Folding of a Nascent Polypeptide Chain in Vitro: Cooperative Formation of Structure in e Protein Module Prevention of in Vitro Protein Thermal Aggregation by the Sulfolobus Solfataricus Chaperonin -Evidence for Nonequivalent Binding Surfaces on the Chaperonin Molecule Is Burst Hydrophobic Collapse Necessary for Protein Folding? High Helical • Propensity of the Peptide Fragments Derived from Bets-lactoglobulin, a Predominantly Beta-sheat Protein Recurring Local Sequence Motifs in • Proteins Global Properties of the Mapping • • from Local Amino Acid Sequence to Local Structure in Proteins HerscNag D: RNA Chaperones and the RNA Folding Problem Stopped-flow NMR Spectroscopy: Real-time Unfolding Studies Of 6-F-19-tryptophan-labeled Escherichia Coil Dihydrofolate Reductsse Ligand-independent and -dependent Functions of Thyroid Hormone Receptor Isoforms Depend Upon Their Distinct Amino Termini Fold Recognition and ab Initio • • Structure Prediction Using Hidden Markov Models And I~-strand Pair Potentials The Crystal Structure of the GroES Co-chaperonin at 2.8 A Resolution PROMOTIF-a Program to • Identify and Analyze Structural Motifs in Proteins Multiple Native-like Conformations • Trapped Via Self-association-induced Hydrophobic Collapse of the 33-residue ~,-sheet Domain from Platelet Factor 4 • Search for Nucleation Sites in Smaller Fragments of Chymotrypsin Inhibitor 2 Successful Protein Fold Recognition by Optimal Sequence Threading Validated by Rigorous Blind Testing Kinetic Folding and Unfolding of Staphylococcal Nuclease and Its Six Mutants Studied by Stopped-flow Circular Dichroism Polymathylene Spacer Linked Bis(Ala) Peptides Form Modified Beta-sheat Structures -Crystal Structure and Self-assembly Pattern of Adipoyl and Suberoyl Analogues Peptide Design. Structural Evaluation of Potential Nonhelical Segments Attached to Helical Modules Theoretical Studies of Protein Folding • and Unfolding Cyclodextrins as Protein Folding Aids Glycine-15 in the Bend Between Two Alpha-helices can Explain the Thermostability of DNA Binding Protein HU from Bacillus Stearothermophilus Rein R: Finding the Global Minimum: a Fuzzy End Elimination Implementation Kinetic Traps in Lysozyme Folding A Thermostable Mutation Located at the Hydrophobic Core of AIl~ha(1)-antitrypsin Suppresses the Folding Defect of the Z-type Variant -28) Peptide Fragment Explored Using Molecular Dynamics Engineered Turns of a Recombinant Antibody Improve Its in Vivo Folding Enzyme Assembly after De Novo Synthesis in Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate Involves Molecular Chaperones and Immunophilins Atomic and Residue Hydrophilicity in the Context of Folded Protein Structures Retsrgeting of CTL by an Efficiently Refolded Bispecific Single-chain Fv Dimer Produced in Bacteria High Level Expression and Refolding of Mouse Interleukin 4 Synthesized in Escherichia CoIL Interaction of GroEL with a Highly Structured Folding Intermediate: Iterative Binding Cycles do not Involve Unfolding The Peptide Backbone Plays a Dominant Role in Protein Stabilization by Naturally Occurring Osmolytes A Buried Polar Interaction Imparts Structural Uniqueness in a Designed Hetarodimeric Coiled Coil Detection of a Stable Intermediate in the Thermal Unfolding of a Cysteine-free Form of Dihydrofolate Reductase from Escherichia CoIL Biochemistry Correlation of Antiviral Activity with Beta-turn Types for V3 Synthetic Multibranched Peptides from HIV-1 Functional Reconstitution of the Purified Mannose Phosphotransferase System of Escherichia Coil into Phospholipid Vesicles Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy of Three Tyrosine-to-phenylalanine Substitutions of Fd Gone 5 Protein Assessment of a protein Fold Recognition Method that Takes into Account Four Physicochemicel Properties: Side-chain Packing, Solvation, Hydrogen-bonding, and Local Conformation Views of Helical Peptides: a Proposal for the Position of 3(10)-helix Along the Thermodynamic Folding Pathway Mutations in the B-domain of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Influence the Oxidative Folding to Yield Products with Modified Biological Properties Previously Identified Protein of Uncertain Function is Karyopherin Alpha and Together with Karyopherin Beta Docks import Substrate at Nuclear Pore Complexes The Hydrophobic-staple • Motif and a Role for Loop-residues in ~-helix Stability and Protein Folding Structure of Bam HI Endonuclease Bound to DNA: Partial Folding and Unfolding on DNA Binding Folding Topologies of Human Intarleukin-6 and Its Mutants as Studied by NMR Spectroscopy Submillisecond Events in Protein Folding Architectures of Class-defining and Specific Domains of Glutamyl-tRNA Synthetase A Possible Role of ER-60 Protease in the Degradation of Misfolded Proteins in the Endoplesmic Reticulum Protein engineering Modelling, design, sequence homology and structure prediction Side-chain Determinants of Beta-sheet Stability Natural Catalytic Antibodies: Peptide-hydrolyzing Activities of Bence Jones Proteins and V-L Fragment Ab Initio Structure Prediction for • Small Polypeptides end Protein Fragments Using Genetic Algorithms Unfolding Simulations • of the 95-102 p-hairpin of Barnase Independence of the Chaperone Activity of Protein Disulfide Isomersse from Its Thioredoxin-like Active Site Rapid Refolding Studies on the Chaperone-like Alpha-crystallin -Effect of Alpha-crystallin on Refolding of Beta-end Gamma-crystallins Vlvo Assembly of Rhodopsin from Expressed Polypeptide Fragments Is the Continuity of the Domains Required for the Correct Folding of a Two-domain Protein? Probing the Structure of Influenza B hemagglutinin Using Site-directed Mutagenesis Are Database-derived Potentials Valid for Scoring Both Forward and Inverted Protein Folding? Sadana A: Protein Refolding and Inactivation During BioseparaUon: Bioprocessing Implications -Review Sasai M: Conformation, Energy, and Folding Ability of Selected Amino Acid Sequences Muitidomsin Architecture of Beta-glycosyl Transfereses: Implications for Mechanism of Action Molecular Mapping of Functional Antibody Binding Sites of Alpha 4 Integrin Structure/function Studies on Cytoskeletal Proteins in Dictyostelium Amoebae as a Paradigm From Structure to Function: Possible Biological Roles of • New Widespread Protein Family Binding Hydrophobic Ligands and Displaying a Nucleotide Binding Site Purification, Properties and Structural Aspects of a Thermoecidophilic Alpha-amylase from Alicyclobacillus Acidocaldarius ATCC 27009 -Insight into Acidostability of Proteins Kinetics of the Unfolding-folding Transition of Bacillus Subtilis Levansucrase Precursor The C-terminal Sequence of the Chaperonin GroES is Required for Oligomerization Structure and Function of Transcription-repair Coupling Factor. 1. Structural Domains and Binding Properties Structure and Function of Transcription-repair Coupling Factor. 2. Catalytic Properties Conserved Residues and the Mechanism of Protein Folding Protein-induced Folding of a Group I Intron in Cytochrome B Pre-mRNA Lattice Model for Rapidly Folding Protein-like Heteropolymers Interactions Contributing to the • , Formation of • p-hairpin-like Structure in a small Peptide Dirichlet Mixtures: a Method for Improving Detection of Weak But Significant Protein Sequence Homology Guidelines for Protein Design: the • , Energetics of Beta Sheet Side Chain Interactions Greek Key Jellyroll Protein Motif Design: Expression and Characterization of a First-generation Molecule LINUS: a hierarchic Procedure • • to Predict the Fold of a Protein Effects of Cavity-creating Mutations on Conformational Stability and Structure of the Dimeric 4-alpha-helical Protein ROP: Thermal Unfolding Studies Involvement of Tyr24 and Trpl08 in Substrata Binding end Substrate Specificity of Glycolate Oxidase Characterization of a Novel Protein-binding Module -the WW Domain Kinetics of Folding and Membrane Insertion of a Beta-barrel Membrane Protein Trp-145 is Essential for the Binding of 25-hydroxyvitamin D-3 to Human Serum Vitamin D-binding Protein Aspartate-bond Isomerization Affects the Major Conformations of Synthetic Peptides Stability of the Asymmetric Escherichia Coil Chaperonin Complex -Guanidine Chloride Causes Rapid Dissociation Recognition of Nonpalindromic DNA Sequence by • Peptide Hetarodimer with Artificial Dimerization Module Prolyl Isomerase as a probe of Stability of Slow-folding Intermediates Evidence for a Molten Globule-like Transition State in Protein Folding from Determination of Activation Volumes The Order of Secondary Structure Elements Does not Determine the Structure of a Protein But Does Affect Its Folding Kinetics Conformational Analysis of • Peptides Corresponding to 13-hairpins and s 13-sheet that Represent the Entire Sequence of the c~-spectrin SH3 Domain Experimental Analysis of the • Schellman Motif Solvent Polarity-dependent Structural Refolding: a CD and NMR Study of a 15 Residue PepUde Three-dimensional Architecture of the Skeletal Muscle Rysnodine Receptor Binary Patterning of Polar and • Nonpolar Amino Acids in the Sequences and Structures of Native Proteins The D-helix in Myoglobin and in the Beta Subunit of Hemoglobin is Required for the Retention of Heine Differential Effects of Molecular Chaperones on Refolding of Homologous Proteins Inverse Protein Folding by the Residue Pair Preference Profile Method: Estimating the Correctness of Alignments of Structurally Compatible Sequences Biomolecular Folding in Vecuolll An Analysis of Side Chain Interactions and Pair Correlations Within Antipsrellel Beta-sheets: the Differences Between Backbone Hydrogen-bonded end Non-hydrogen-bonded Residue Pairs Periodicity • of Polar end Nonpolar Amino Acids is the Major Determinant of Secondary Structure in Self-assembling Oligomeric Peptides Structure of a Conformationally Constrained Arg-Gly-Asp Sequence Inserted into Human Lysozyme Folding Pathway of Escherichia Coil Ribonuclease HI: a Circular Dichroism, Fluorescence, and NMR Study Conformetionsl Properties of Four Peptides Spanning the Sequence of Hen Lysozyme Refolding and Reassembly of Active Chaperonin GroEL after Denaturation Folding Proteins with a simple Energy • . Function and Extensive Conformstionel Searching Peptide Models of Helical Hydrophobic Transmembrane Segments of Membrane Proteins. 1. Studies of the Conformation, Intrabilayer Orientation, and Amide Hydrogen Exchangeability of Ac-K-2-(LA)(12)-K-2-amide Peptide Models of Helical Hydrophobic Transmembrane Segments of Membrane Proteins Differential Scanning Calorimetric and FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of the Interaction of Ac-K-2-(LA)(12)-K-2-amide with Phosphatidylcholine Bilayers Probing the Folding Mechanism of a Leucine Zipper Peptide by Stopped-flow Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy Simple Model of Protein Folding Kinetics Helical Fold Prediction for the Cyclin Box Detection of Creatinine by a Designed Receptor A Motif Conserved Among the Type I Restriction-modification Enzymes and Antirestriction Proteins: a Possible Basis for Mechanism of Action of Plasmid-encoded Antirestriction Functions The Cytidylyltransferase Superfamily: Identification of the Nucleotide-binding Site and Fold Prediction Optimal Protein Structure Alignments by Multiple Linkage Clustering: Application to Distantly Related Proteins Protein Molecules as Computational Elements in Living Cells Insights into Thermal Stability from a Comparison of the Glutamate Dehydrogenases from Pyrococcus Furiosus and Thermococcus Litoralis How are Close Residues of Protein Structures Distributed in Primary Sequence? Role of the Evolutionarily Conserved Cytochrome B Tryptophan 142 in the Ubiquinol Oxidation Catalyzed by the Bc(1) Complex in the Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Structure and Internal Dynamics of the Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor in Aqueous Solution from Long-time Molecular Dynamics Simulations WoLynes PG: Funnels, Pathways, and the Energy Landscape of Protein Folding: a Synthesis Protein Design: a Hierarchic Approach Modeling the Role of Disulfide Bonds in Protein Folding: Entropic Barriers and Pathways Sequence and Structural Homologies Between M.tuberculosis Chaperonin 10 and the MHC Class I backslash II Peptide Binding Cleft A Novel Approach to Predicting Protein Structural Classes in a (20-1)-D Amino Acid Composition Space Predicting Human Immunodeficiency Virus Protease Cleavage Sites in Proteins by a Discriminant Function Method A Sampling Problem in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Macromolecules Geometric Parameters in Nucleic Acids: Nitrogenous Bases Protein Structure-based Combinatorial Chemistry: Discovery of Non-peptide Binding Elements to Src SH3 Domain Structural and Dynamic Properties of a Beta-hairpin-forming Linear Peptide. 1. Modeling Using Ensemble-averaged Constraints The Folding of CreEL-bound Barnase as a Model for Chaperonin-mediated Protein Folding Designing Human Consensus Antibodies with Minimal Positional Templates Alignment of 3 (but not 4) DNA Strands Within a RecA Protein Filament Interactions Responsible for the PH Dependence of the Beta-hairpin Conformational Population Formed by a Designed Linear Peptide Hyperthermostable Mutants of Bacillus Licheniformis Alpha-amylase: Multiple Amino Acid Replacements and Molecular Modelling Evaluation of Current Techniques for ** ab Initio protein Structure Prediction A Catalytic Mechanism for the Dual-specific Phosphatases Computer-assisted, Structure-based Prediction of Substrates for Cytochrome P45O(cam) Generation of Analogs Having Potent Antimicrobial and Hemolytic Activities with Minimal Changes from an Inactive 16-residue Peptide Corresponding to the Helical Region of Staphylococcus Aureus 6-toxin Assignment and Secondary-structure Determination of Monomeric Bovine Seminal Ribonuclease Employing Computer-assisted Evaluation of Homonuclear Three-dimensional H-1-NMR Spectra Nonpeptidic Inhibitors of Human Neutrephil Elastase. 7, Design, Synthesis, and in Vitro Activity of a Series of Pyridopyrimidine Trifluoromethyl Ketones Local Moves: an Efficient Algorithm for Simulation of Protein Folding Molecular Mimicry: Histene H3 and Mycebacterial Protein Epitopes Two-dimensional Order and Protein Thermal Stability: High Temperature Preservation of Structure and Function Design of Four-helix Bundle Protein as a Candidate for HIV Vaccine The Flavin Reductase Activity of the Flavoprotein Component of Sulfite Reductase from Escherichia Coil -a New Model for the Protein Structure Consensus Preferred Hydration Sites in Six FKBP12 Drug Complexes Why do Protein Architectures have Boltzmann-like Statistics? Proteins A Geometry-based Suite of Molecular Docking Processes A 3D Sequence-independent Representation of the Protein Data Bank Three-dimensional Structure Prediction of the NAD Binding Site of Proton-pumping Transhydrogenase from Escherichia Coll Structural Model of the Photosynthetic Reaction Center of Rhodobacter Capsulatus Structure-energy Analysis of the Role of Metal Ions in Phosphodiester Bond Hydrolysis by DNA Polymerase I Structural and Dynamic Properties of a Beta-hairpin-forming Linear Peptide. 2. C-13 NMR Relaxation Analysis Knowledge-based Protein Secondary Structure Assignment Molecular Modelling of Xylose Isomerase Catalysis: the Role of Electrostatics and Charge Transfer to Metals Prediction of the Antigenic Sites of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Protein by Molecular Modelling Molecular Recognition of the inhibitor AG-1343 by HIV-1 Pretense: Conformationally Flexible Docking by Evolutionary Programming Geometric Parameters in Nucleic Acids: Sugar and Phosphate Constituents A Consensus Prediction of the Secondary Structure for The 6-phospho-beta-D-galactosidase Superfamily The Volume of Atoms on the Protein Surface: Calculated from Simulation, Using Vorenoi Polyhedra Modular Design of Biotinylated Photoaffinity Probes: Synthesis and Utilization of a biotinylated Pepstatin Photoprobe Determinants of Helix-loop-helix Dimerization Affinity -Random Mutational Analysis of SCL/taI Amino Acid Residue: is it Structural or Functional? The Heat Capacity of Proteins Optimal Local Propensities for Model Proteins Molecular Modeling Based Mutagenesis Defines Ligand Binding and Specificity Determining Regions of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Hydration in Myoglobin Repacking Protein Cores with Backbone Freedom: Structure Prediction for Coiled Coils Site-directed Mutagenesis of Varicella-zoster Virus Thymidylate Synthase -Analysis of Two Highly Conserved Regions of the Enzyme Analysis of Six Protein Structures Predicted by Comparative Modeling Techniques Use of Designed Metal-binding Sites to Study Helix Proximity in the Lactose Permease of Escherichia CoIL 1. Proximity of Helix VII (Asp237 and Asp240) with Helices X (Lys319) and XI (Lys358) Use of Designed Metal-binding Sites to Study Helix Proximity in the Lactose Permease of Escherichia CoIL 2. Proximity of Helix IX (Arg302) with Helix X (His322 and Glu325) Conserved Catalytic Machinery and the Prediction of a Common Fold for Several Families of Glycosyl Hydrolases Classical Electrostatics in Biology and Chemistry Second-generation Octarelins: Two New De Nero (1~7)8 Polypeptides Designed for Investigating the Influence of 13-residue Packing on the c~/~-barrel Structure Stability Detection of Internal Cavities in Globular Proteins Computational Approaches to Study Protein Unfolding: Hen Egg White Lysozyme as a Case Study Spatial Organization Versus Total Surface Area as a Predictor of Protein Hydrophobicity. The Hydrophobicity of the Concanavalin a binding Site A Continuum Model for Protein-protein Interactions: Application to the Docking Problem Rational Design of Aromatic Polyketide Natural Products by Recombinant Assembly of Enzymatic Subunits The Role of Water • Molecules in the Structure-based Design Of (5-hydroxynorvaline)-2-cyclosporin: Synthesis, Biological Activity, and Crystallographic Analysis with Cyclophilin A Neural Network System for the Evaluation of Side-chain Packing in Protein Structures Identifying the Physiological Electron Transfer Site of Cytochrome C Peroxidase by Structure-based Engineering An Automated Method for Dynamic Ligand Design A Reliable Sequence Alignment Method Based on Probabilities of Residue Correspondences Seeking Significance in Three-dimensional Protein Structure Comparisons Computer Modeling of Protein Folding: Conformational and Energetic Analysis of Reduced and Detailed Protein Models Specificity of Ligand Binding in • a Buried Nonpolar Cavity of T4 Lysozyme: Linkage of Dynamics and Structural Plasticity A Critical =. Assessment of Comparative Molecular Modeling of Tertiary Structures of Proteins A Large-scale Experiment to Assess Protein Structure Prediction Methods Analysis of I,i+5 and I,i+8 I-hydrophobic Interactions in a Helical Model Peptide Bearing the Hydrophobic Staple Motif A Designed Heterotrimeric Coiled Coil Rigid Domains in Proteins: an Algorithmic Approach to Their Identification Architectures of Class-defining and Specific Domains of Glutamyl-tRNA Synthetase Computer Modelling of the Alpha-helical Coiled Coil: Packing of Side-chains in the Inner Core Chen 9 XD: Structure-based Sequence Alignment of Three AdoMet-dependent DNA Methyltransferases Increase of the P-1 Lys/Leu Substrate Preference of Carboxypeptidase Y by Rational Design Based on Known Primary and Tertiary Structures of Serine Carboxypeptidases Transplanting Two Unique Beta-glucanase Catalytic Activities into One Muitienzyme, Which Forms Glucose Thermodynamic Genetics of the Folding of the B1 Immunoglobulin-binding Domain from Streptococcal Protein G. Proteins Toward an Outline of the Topography of a Realistic Protein-folding Funnel Desk-top Analysis of the Structural Stability of Various Point Mutations Introduced into Ribonuclease H Use of Structural Comparisons to Select Mutagenic Targets in AspartatF.-betasemialdehyde Dehydrogenase. B/ochemlstry Dramatic Differences in the Motions of the Mouth of Open and Closed Cytochrome P450BM-3 by Molecular Dynamics Simulations Model Assembly Study of the Ligand Binding by P-hydroxybenzoate Hydroxylase: Correlation Between the Calculated Binding Energies and the Experimental Dissociation Constants Rationally Designed Helix-turn-helix Proteins and Their Conformational Changes Upon DNA Binding The Blocks Database -a System for Protein Classification Free Energy Simulations of the HyHEL-10/HEL Antibody-antigen Complex AF-6/cno: Neither a Kinesin Nor a Myosin, But a Bit of Both High-affinity, and Achiral P-I'/P-2' Ligand with a Unique Pattern of in Vitro Resistance. Importance of a Conformationally-restricted Template in the Design of Enzyme Inhibitors A De Nero Designed Protein Mimics the Native State of Natural Proteins Prediction of Hypervariable CDR-H3 Loop Structures in Antibodies Protein Design: Novel Metal-binding Sites The Number of Nucleotide Binding Sites in Cytochrome C oxidsse Automatic identification of Discrete Substates in Proteins: Singular Value Decomposition Analysis of Time-averaged Crystallographic Refinements Structure of the Catalytic Region of Human Complement Protease C(t)over-bar-s: Study by Chemical Cross-linking and Three-dimensional Homology Modeling Progress of 1D Protein Structure Prediction at Last Sternber 9 MJE: Structure Prediction: How Good are We? Curt B/el Accurate General Method for Lattice Approximation of Three-dimensional Structure of a Chain Molecule Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure by Combining Nearest-neighbor Algorithms and Multiple Sequence Alignments Evaluation of Comparative Protein Modeling by MODELLER Confronting the Problem of Interconnected Structural Changes in the Comparative Modeling of Proteins Relationship Between in Vivo Activity and in Vitro Measures of Function and Stability of a Protein A Model for DNA Binding and Enzyme Action Derived from Crystallographic Studies of the Taql N-6-adenine-methyltransferase The HSSP Database of Protein Structure Sequence Alignments Conservation of Salt Bridges in Protein Families Drueckhammer DG: A Simple Method for Determining the Relative Strengths of Normal and Low-barrier Hydrogen Bonds in Solution: Implications to Enzyme Catalysis Comparison of Secondary Structures in Water of Chondroitin-4-sulfate and Dermatan Sulfate: implications in the Formation of Tertiary Structures The Effect of the Protein Matrix Proximity on Glycan Reactivity in a Glycoprotein Model Considerations on the Folding Topology and Evolutionary Origin of Cadherin Domains Lattice Model for Rapidly Folding Protein-like Heteropolymers Interactions Contributing to the Formation of a Beta-hairpin-like Structure in a small Peptide Computer Determination of Peptide Conformations in Water: Different Roads to Structure Microscopic Dielectric Properties of Cytochrome C from Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Aqueous Solution Guidelines for Protein Design: the Energetics of Beta Sheet Side Chain Interactions Analysis of Main Chain Torsion Angles in Proteins: Prediction of NMR Coupling Constants for Native and Random Coil Conformations L3 Loop-mediated Mechanisms of Pore Closing in Porin: a Molecular Dynamics Perturbation Approach Modeling the Quinone-B Binding Site of the Photosystem-II Reaction Center Using Notions of Complementarity and Contact-surface Between Atoms Domain Libraries: Synthetic Diversity for De Novo Design of Antibody V-regions LINUS: a hierarchic Procedure to Predict the Fold of a Protein Empirical Evaluation of the Influence of Side Chains on the Conformational Entropy of the Polypeptide Backbone Zinc Binding in Proteins and Solution: a Simple But Accurate Nonbonded Representation Design of a Monomeric 23-residue Polypeptide with Defined Tertiary Structure Molecular Docking Programs Successfully Predict the Binding of a Bets-iactamase Inhibitory Protein to TEM-1 A Genetic Algorithm that Seeks Native States of Peptides and Proteins A Continuum Theory for the Prediction of Lateral and Rotational Positioning of Alpha-helices in Membrane Proteins DNA Recognition by a bets-sheet DNA Recognition Code of Transcription Factors Structural Basis for the Extreme Thermostsbility of D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase from Thermotoga Maritima: Analysis Based on Homology Modelling Site-directed Mutsgenesis as a Tool for Molecular Modeling of Cytochrome P450 2B1 The Catalytic Domain of a Bacterial Lyric Transglycosylase Defines a Novel Class of Lysozymes Protein Conformational Landscapes: Energy Minimization and Clustering of a long Molecular Dynamics Trajectory Templates in Protein De Novo Design Protein Docking for Low-resolution Structures The Essential Dynamics of Thermolysin: Confirmation of the Hinge-bending Motion and Comparison of Simulations in Vacuum and Water V&squez M: Modeling Side Chain Conformation. Corr • Opin Struct BiD/1996 Empirical Free Energy Calculations of Ligand-protain Crystallographic Complexes. 1. Knowledge-based Ligand-protein Interaction Potentials Applied to the Prediction of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Mean Field Model of Ligand Protein Interactions: implications for the Structural Assessment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Protaase Complexes and Receptor-specific Binding Method for Predicting the State of Association of Discretized Protein Models. Application to Leucine Zippers Knowledge-based Modeling of the D-lactate Dehydrogenase Three-dimensional Structure Scorpion Toxins as Natural Scaffolds for Protein Engineering Packing Constraints of Hydrophobic Side Chains in (alpha/beta)(8) Barrels LIGPLOT: a Program to Generate Schematic Diagrams of Protein Ligand Interactions Properties of N-terminal Tails in G-protein Coupled Receptors: a Statistical Study Insulin and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors Contain the Cysteine Repeat Motif Found in the Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Composition Analysis of Alpha-helices in Thermophilic Organisms Sugar Specificity of Human Beta-cell Glucokinase: Correlation of Molecular Models with Kinetic Measurements Free Energies for Folding and Refolding of Four Types of Beta Turns: Simulation of the Role of D/L Chirality Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Rubredoxin from Ciostriduum Pastaurianum: Changes in Structure and Electrostatic Potential During Redox Reactions. Proteins A Common Topology of Proteins Catalyzing ATP-triggered Reactions A Method for Probing the Topography and Interactions of Proteins: FootprinUng of Myoglobin A New Approach to the Evaluation of Protein Secondary Structure Predictions at the Level of the Elements of Secondary Structure Metalloproteins Related review: Metalloprotein design Enzyme-catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis: Kinetic Resolution of Racemic Hydroperoxides by Enantioselective Reduction to Alcohols with Horseradish Peroxidase Engineered Cupredoxins and Bacterial Cytochrome C Oxidases have Similar Cu-A Sites: Evidence from Resonance Raman Spectroscopy Characterization of a 214Fe-4S] Ferredoxin Obtained by Chemical Insertion of the Fe-S Clusters into the Apoferredoxin II from Rhodobacter Capsulatus 6-pyruvoyl Tetrahydroptarin Synthase, an Enzyme with a Novel Type of Active Site Involving Both Zinc Binding and an Intersubunit Catalytic Triad Motif; Site-directed Mutagenesis of the Proposed Active Center, Characterization of the Metal Binding Site and Modelling of Substrate Binding Complete Amino Acid Sequence of the Aa6 Subunit of the Scorpion Androctonus Australis Hemocyanin Determined by Edman Degradation and Mass Spectrometry Engineering of Electron Transfer Properties of Metsllo-proteins The 3-D Structure of a Zinc Metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacillus Cereus Reveals a New Type of Protein Fold Entropic Stabilization of Cytochrome C Upon Reduction Spectroscopic Studies on the Designed Metal-binding Sites of The 43C9 Single Chain Antibody Structure of Metal Site in Cd-substituted His117Gly Mutant of Azurin with and Without Addition of Imidazole Derivatives Determination of The [Fe4S4]Cys(4) Cluster Geometry of Desulfovibrio Africanus Ferredoxin I by H-1 NMR Spectroscopy Crystallographic Analysis of Reversible Metal Binding Observed in a Mutant (Asp153->Gly) of Escherichia Coil Alkaline Phosphatase 3-D Structure of the D163G Mutant of Escherichia Coil Alkaline Phosphatase: an Enzyme with Weaker Magnesium Binding and Increased Catalytic Activity Structural Domains of P450-contsining Monooxygenase Systems Investigation of the Dinuclear Fe Center of Methane Monooxygenase by Advanced Paramagnetic Resonance Techniques: on the Geometry of DMSO Binding Evidence that Aspartic Acid 301 is a Critical Substrate-contact Residue in the Active Site of Cytochrome P450 2D6 Molecular Modelling of Xylose Isomerase Catalysis: the Role of Electrostatics and Charge Transfer to Metals Preparation and Characterization of a Truncated Form of Phthalate Dioxygenase Reductase that Lacks an Iron-sulfur Domain The Effect of Salt and Site-directed Mutations on the Iron(lll)-binding Site of Human Serum Transtarrin Protein engineering RNA engineering as Probed by EPR Spectroscopy The Stoichiometry of the Cytochrome P-45O-catalyzed Metabolism of Methoxyflurane and Benzphetamine in the Presence and Absence of Cytochrome B(5) Mutation of the Aspartic Acid Residues of the GDD Sequence Motif of Poll•virus RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase Results in Enzymes with Altered Metal Ion Requirements for Activity The Free Radical Site in Pea Seedling Copper Amine Oxidase Probed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and Generated by Photolysis of Caged Substrate Engineering a Metal Binding Site Within a Polytopic Membrane Protein, the Lactose Permease of Escherichia CoIL Biochemistry Role of the MoFe Protein Alphe-subunit Histidine-195 Residue in FeMo-cofector Binding and Nitrogenase Catalysis A Heme-conteining Ascorbete Oxidese from Pleurotus Ostreatus • • Novel Metal-binding Proteins by Design. Nat Struct Bio11995 Characterization of Metal Binding • by a Designed Protein: Single Ligand Substitutions at a tetrahedral Cys2His 2 Site Gold MH: The Manganese Binding Site of Manganese Peroxidase: Characterization of an Asp179Asn Site-directed Mutant Protein DNA Binding and Dimerization of the Fe-S-containing FNR Protein from Escherichia Coil are Regulated by Oxygen Metallopeptide DNA Interactions: Site-selectivity Based on Amino Acid Composition end Chirality Enzyme-catalyzed Dehalogenation of Pentachloroethane: Why F87W-cytochrome P450cam is Faster Than Wild Type Chiral Recognition in Mediated Electron Transfer in Redox Proteins The Involvement of Threonine 160 of Cytochrome B of Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Cytochrome Bc(1) Complex in Quinone Binding and Interaction with Subunit IV Laser Photolysis Behavior of Ferrous Horseradish Peroxidase with Carbon Monoxide end Cyanide: Effects of Mutations in the Distal Hem• Pocket Horseradish Peroxides• Phe(172)->Tyr Mutant -Sequential Formation of Compound I with a Porphyrin Radical Cation and a Protein Radical Direct Measurement of the Reduction Potential of Catalytically Active Cytochrome C Peroxides• Compound h Voltammetric Detection of e Reversible, Cooperative Two-electron Transfer Reaction PF: A Nonsynchronous Concerted Mechanism for Cytochrome Site-directed Mutagenesis of Lys(36) in Human Thioredoxin: the Highly Conserved Residue Affects Reduction Rates end Growth Stimulation But is not Essential for the Redox Protein's Biochemical or Biological Properties Activation of Myosin Light Chain Kinase and Nitric Oxide Synthase Activities by Engineered Calmodulins with Duplicated or Exchanged EF Hand Pairs Synthesis of a Metal Binding Protein Designed on the Alpha/beta Scaffold of Charybdotoxin./nt Circular Oichroism and Magnetic Circular Dichroism Studies Of the Fully Reduced Binuclear Non-hem• Iron Active Site in the Escherichia Coil R2 Subunit of Ribonucleoside Diphosphate Reductase Toward the Synthesis of a Photosynthetic Reaction Canter Maquette: a cofecial Porphyrin Pair Assembled Between Two Subunits of a Synthetic Four-helix Bundle Multiheme Protein Characterization of Redox Proteins from Extreme Thermophilic Archaebacteria: Studies on Alcohol Dehydrogenase end Thioredoxins Metalloantibody Design Escherichia Coil K-12 Copper-containing Monoamine Oxidase: Investigation of the Copper Binding Ligands by Site*directed Mutagenesis, Elemental Analysis and Tope Quinone Formation Characterization by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of the Interactions of L-arginine and L-thiocitrulline with the Heme Cofactor Region of Nitric Oxide Synthase Enzyme Mimic Displaying Oscillatory Behavior. Oscillating Reduction of Manganese(ri0 Porphyrin in a Membrane-bound Cytochrome P-450 Model System Role of Acidic Residues in the Interaction of NADPH-cytochrome P450 Oxidoreductase with Cytochrome P480 and Cytochrome C. J B/o/Chem 1995, 270:274?5-2?480 Zinc Binding in Proteins and Solution: • Simple But Accurate Nonbonded Representation Site-directed Mutagenesis as a Tool for Molecular Modeling of Cytochrome P450 2B1 Control of Crystal Forms of Apoferritin by Site-directed Mutagenesis Total Synthesis of a Simple Metalloprotein -Desulforedoxin. B/ochem Biophys Bes Commun Metal Coordination as a Method for Templeting Peptide Conformation Iron(ll) Oxidation by H Chain Ferritin: Evidence from Site-directed Mutagenesis that a Transient Blue Species is Formed at the Dinuclear Iron Center Mauk AG: pH, Electrolyte, and Substrete-linked Variation in Active Site Structure of the Trp51Ala Variant of Cytochrome C Peroxidese Glyoxal Oxidase from Phenerocheete Chrysosporium is • New Radical-copper Oxidase Catalysis by Hamster Dihydroorotase: Zinc Binding, Site-directed Mutagenesis, and Interaction with Inhibitors Perturbation of the Cu-A Site in Cytochrome-c Oxidase of Peracoccus Denitrificena by Replacement of Met227 with Isoleucine Catalytic Role of • 2'-hydroxyl Groups Within a Group II Intron Active Site A Secondary-structure • Model for the Self-cleaving Region of Neurospora VS RNA Synthesis of 2'-modified NucleoUdes and Their Incorporation into Hammerhead Ribozymes A DNA Enzyme with Mg 2+ Template-directed Ligation of Peptides to Oligonucleotides Isolation of a ribozyme with • • 5"-5'Ligase Activity. Chem Bio11995 Novel System for Analysis of Group I 3' Splice Site Reactions Based on Functional Trens-interaction of the P1/P10 Reaction Helix with the Ribozyme's Catalytic Core Ribozymes as Human • Therapeutic Agents Frequent use of the Same Tertiary • -Motif by Self-folding RNAs A DNA Metalloenzyme with • . DNA Ligase Activity Cleavage of • • an Amide Bond by a Ribozyme In Vitro Selection of RNA Ligands for the Ribosomal L22 Protein Associated with Epstein-Berr Virus-expressed RNA by Using Randomized and CDNA-derived RNA Libraries Structurally • e Complex and Highly Active RNA Ligases Derived from Random RNA Sequences Diversity of • Oligonucleotide Function Efficient Trans-cleavege of • e Stem-loop RNA Substrate by a Ribozyme Derived from Neurospora VS RNA RNA Chaperones and the RNA Folding • Problem Re-creating the RNA World Similar Cleavage Efficiencies of an Oligoribonucleotide Substrate and an Mdrl MRNA Segment by a Hammerhead Ribozyme • • AminoacyI-RNA Synthesis Catalyzed by an RNA Effects of Circular Permutation on the Cis-cleavage Reaction of a hepatitis Delta Virus Ribozyme: Application to Trans-actin 9 Ribozyme Design Peptide • Conjugation to an in Vitro-selected DNA Ligand Improves Enzyme Inhibition A Synthetic, Chemically Modified Ribozyme Eliminates Amelogenin, the Major Translation Product in Developing Mouse Enamel in Vivo Conversion of a Group II • Intron into a New Multiple-turnover Ribozyme that Selectively Cleaves Oligonucleotides: Elucidation of Reaction Mechanism and Structure/function Relationships Infectious RNA Transcribed from an Engineered Full-length CDNA Template of the Genome of a pestivirus • Relative Orientation of RNA Helices in a Group I ribozyme Determined by Helix Extension Electron Microscopy Probing of Tertiary Interactions in RNA: 2'-hydroxyl-base Contacts Between the RNase P RNA and Pre-tRNA Accurate General Method for Lattice Approximation of Three-dimensional Structure of a Chain Molecule PCR-based Production of a Ribozyme to Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-l An Improved • Version of the Hairpin Ribozyme Functions as a ribonucleoprotein Klu 9 A: The Crystal Structure of • • an AII-RNA Hammerhead Ribozyme: a Proposed Mechanism for RNA Catalytic Cleavage Protein-induced Folding of a Group I Intron in Cytochrome B Pre-mRNA Structure-function Relationships of Hammerhead Ribozymes: from Understanding to Applications. Trends Biotechno Minor Groove Recognition of the *• Conserved G-U Pair at the Tetrahymena Ribozyme Reaction Site Identification of Melanoma Inhibitory Activity and Other Differentially Expressed Messenger RNAs in Human Melanoma Cell Lines with Different Metastatic Capacity by Messenger RNA Differential Display Efficient Protein-facilitsted Splicing • of Yeast Mitochondrial BI5 Intron Protein Facilitation of Group • I Intron Splicing by Assembly of the Catalytic Core and The 5' Splice Site Domain In Vitro Evolution of a • • Self-alkylatin9 Ribozyme Synthesis, Deprotection, Analysis and Purification of RNA and Ribozymes A Novel Approach to Introduce Site-directed Specific Cross-links Within RNA-protein Complexes -Application to the Escherichia Coil Threonyl-tRNA Synthetase/translational Operator Complex A Group II Intron RNA is a Catalytic Component of a DNA Endoribonuclease Involved in Intron Mobility Mutational analysis and engineering Related review: Interactions between Ras proteins and their effectors Expression of Bovine Heart Fructose 6-phosphate,2-kinase:fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase and Determination of the Role of the Carboxyl Terminus by Mutagenesis Differential Structural Requirements for Interaction of Ras Protein with Its Distinct Downstream Effectors Involvement of the C-terminal Tail in the Activity of Drosophila Alcohol Dehydrogenase -Evaluation of Truncated Proteins Constructed by Site-directed Mutsgenesis Properties of a Single-chain Antibody Containing Different Linker Peptides Direct Electrochemistry and EPR Spectroscopy of Spinach Ferredoxin Mutants with Modified Electron Transfer Properties Identification of a Putative Target for Rho as the Serine-threonine Kinase Protein Kinase N Structure-function Relationships of Cation Translocation by Ca2+-and Na+,K+-ATPases Studied by Site-directed Mutagenesis Drastic Reduction of Antimicrobial Activity by Replacement of Om Residues with Lys in Cyclized Amphiphilic Beta-structural Model Peptides Site-directed Replacement of the Coaxial Heme Li9ands of Bacterioferritin Generates Heme-free Variants Amino Acid Substitutions in the Poliovirus Maturation Cleavage Site Affect Assembly and Result in Accumulation of Provirions Mutsgenesis of Specificity and Toxicity Regions of a Bacillus Thuringiensis Protoxin Gene Helical Stability of De Novo Designed Alpha-aminoisobutyric Acid-rich Peptides at High Temperatures Switching Recognition of Two TRNA Synthetases with an Amino Acid Swap in a designed Peptide Site-directed Mutsgenesis of Histidine Residues in the Delta 12 Acyl-lipid Desaturase of Synechecystis Improvement of Thermal Stability of Subtilisin J by Changing the Primary Autolysis Site Designing Subtilisin BPN' to Cleave Substrates Containing Dibasic Residues Role of the Active-sits Carboxylats in Dihydrofolate Reductase: Kinetic and Spectroscopic Studies of the Aspartats 26->Aspasagine Mutant of the Lactobacillus Casei Enzyme Mutational Effects on the Spectroscopic Properties and Biological Activities of Oxidized Bovine Adrenodoxin, and Their Structural Implications The • Ran/TC4 GTPase-binding Domain: Identification by Expression Cloning and Characterization of a Conserved Sequence Motif Reaction Mechanism of Thioredoxin: 3'-phospho-adenylylsulfats Reductsse Investigated by Site-directed Mutsgenesis Functional Analysis of Isolated CpnlO Domains and Conserved Amino Acid Residues in Spinach Chloroplast Co-chaperonin by Site-directed Mutagenesis Stabilization of Type-I Bets-turn Conformations in Peptides Containing the NPNA-repeat Motif of the Plasmodium Falciparum Circumsporozoits Protein by Substituting Proline For (S)-alpha-methylproline Alanine Scanning Muts9enesis of the Alpha-helix 115-123 of Phage T4 Lysozyme: Effects on Structure, Stability and the Binding of Solvent Effects of the Tyr64 Substitution on the Stability of Cytochrome C(553), a Low Oxidoreduction-potsntial Cytochrome from Desulfovibrio Vulgaris Hildenborough Recognition by a solubilized Receptor: Hydrogen Bonding, Solvophobic Interactions, and Solvent Engineering Inside Micelles Site-directed Mutagenesis of the Redox-active Cysteines of Trypanosoma Cruzi Trypanothione Reductase Role of Asp(274) in Lac Repressor: Diminished Sugar Binding and Altered Conformational Effects in Mutants Site-directed Mutagenesis of Tyrosine-71 to Phenylalanine in Citrobscter Freundii Tyrosine Phenol-lyase: Evidence for Dual Roles of Tyrosine-71 as a General Acid Catalyst in the Reaction Mechanism and in Cofactor Binding Deletion Analysis of the Starch-binding Domain of Aspergillus Glucoamylase A Signature of the Oxygenase Intermediate in Catalysis by Ribulose-bisphosphate Carboxylase Oxygenase as Provided by a Site-directed Mutant A Single Amino Acid Substitution in Zinc Finger 2 of Adrlp Changes Its Binding Specificity at Two Positions in UASI Probing the Mechanism of CRP Activation by Site-dlrected Mutegenesis: the Role of Serine 128 in the AIIosteric Pathway of CAMP Receptor Protein Activation Random and Directed Mutagenesis to Elucidate the Functional Importance of Helix II end F-989 in the C-terminal Secretion Signal of Escherichia Coil Hemolysin Functional Analysis of the High Affinity, Ne+-dependent Glutamate Transporter GLAST-t by Site-directed Mutagenesis Active Site Mapping of the Catalytic Mouse Primase Subunit by Alsnine Scanning Mutagenesis Repositioning of a Domain in a modular Polyketide Synthase to Promote Specific Chain Cleavage Regulatory Changes in the Control of Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase Induced by Truncation and Mutagenesis of the AIIosteric Binding Domain Site-directed Mutation of the Putative Catalytic Residues of Endoglucanase CenA from Cellulomonas Fumi Hyperthermostable Mutants of Bacillus Licheniformis Alpha-amylase: Multiple Amino Acid Replacements and Molecular Modelling Context Dependence of Phenotype Prediction and Diversity in Combinatorial Mutagenesis Engineering Ribonuclease A: Production, Purification and Characterization of Wild-type Enzyme and Mutants at Gin11 Mapping Sites of Interaction of P47-phox and Flavocytochrome B with Random-sequence Peptide Phage Display Libraries Mutation of Residues in the C3dg Region of Human Complement Component C3 Corresponding to a Proposed Binding Site for Complement Receptor Type 2 (CR2, CD21) Does not Abolish Binding of IC3b or C3dg to CR2. J /mmuno/1995 Rac • = GTPase Interacts with GAPs and Target Proteins Through Multiple Effector Sites Mutational Analysis of Cell Cycle Arrest, Nuclear Localization, and Virion Packaging of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Vpr A Family of Ran • Binding Proteins that Includes Nucleoporins The Roles of Arginine 41 and Tyrosine 76 in the Coupling of DNA Recognition to Phosphodiester Bond Cleavage by DNase h a Study Using Site-directed Mutsgenesis Rholp, a Yeast Protein at the Interface Between Cell Polarization and Morphogenesis Proposed Active Site Domain in Estrogen SuIfotransferese as Determined by Mutational Analysis Mutational Analysis of Conserved Amino-acid Motifs in EcoKI Adenine Methyltransferese Role of Asperegine 152 in Catalysis of Beta-lactam Hydrolysis by Escherichia Coil AmpC Beta-lactamase Studied by Site-directed Mutagenesis Engineering Nitrile Hydratase Activity into a Cysteine Protease by a Single Mutation Evidence for Two Catalytically Different Magnesium-binding Sites in Acetohydroxy Acid Isomeroreductase by Site-directed Mutagenesis Indoleglycerol Phosphate Synthase-phosphoribosyl Anthranilate Isomerase: Comparison of the Bifunctional Enzyme from Escherichia Coil with Engineered Monofunctional Domains The Catalytic Core of Peptidyfglycine Alphe-hydroxylating Monooxygenase: Investigation by Site-directed Mutagenesis, Cu X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, and Electron Paremagnetic Resonance Recombinant Calpain Ih Improved Expression Systems and Production of a 105A Active-site Mutant for Crystallography Solution Structure of the Ras-binding Domain of C-Raf-1 and Identification of Its Ras Interaction Surface Structure and Function of Mutant Arg44Lys of 4-hydroxybenzoate Hydroxylase -Implications for NADPH Binding Mapping Receptor Binding Sites in Interleukin (IL)-I Receptor Antagonist and IL-1 Beta by Site-directed Mutagenesis o Identification of a Single Site in IL-lra and Two Sites in IL-t Beta Substitutions of Isoleucine Residues at the Adenine Binding Site Activate Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase Investigation of the Active Site Cysteine Residue of Rat Liver Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase by Site-directed Mutagenesis Swedber 9 G: Sulfonamide Resistance in Neisseria Meningitidis as Defined by Site-directed Mutagenesis Could have Its Origin in Other Species Targeted Deletion of 5'HS2 of the Murine Beta-globin LCR Reveals that it is not Essential for Proper Regulation of the Beta-globin Locus Analysis of the Role of the KMSKS Loop in the Catalytic Mechanism of the Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase Using Multimutant Cycles Selection of Mutations Altering Specificity in Restriction-modification Enzymes Using the Bacteriophage P22 Challenge-phage Systems Saturation Mutagenesis of His(114) of EcoRI Reveals Relaxed-specificity Mutants Mutational Analysis of the Roles in Catalysis and Substrate Recognition of Arginines 54 and 305, Aspartic Acid 309, and Tryptophan 317 Located at Subsites 1 end 2 in Glucoamylase from Aspergillus Niger Helix Packing in the Sucrose Permease of Escherichie Coil: Properties of Engineered Charge Pairs Between Helices VII and Xl Hen-egg-white Lysozyme Modified with Histamine -State of the Imidazolylethyl Group Covalentiy Attached to the Binding Site and Its Effect on the Sugar-binding Ability Cytosine Methyitrsnsferase from Escherichie Coil in Which Active Site Cysteine is Replaced with Serine is Partially Active Stability of Wild-type and Temperature-sensitive Protein Subunits of the Phage P22 Capsid Site-directed Mutagenesis of Lys(600) in Phosphoenolpyruvete Carboxylase of Flaveria Trinervia: Its Roles in Catalytic and Regulatory Functions Preparation and Characterization of a Truncated Form of Phthalate Dioxygensse Reductase that Lacks an Iron-sulfur Domain Mutation-deletion Analysis of a Ca2+-dependent Phospholipid Binding (CaLB) Domain Within P120 GAP, a GTPase-activating Protein for P21 Ras Substrate-inducad Inactivation of a crippled Beta-glucosidase Mutant: Identification of the Labeled Amino Acid and Mutagenic Analysis of Its Role Leun 9 LLK: Conversion of Thrombin into an Anticoagulant by Protein Engineering Elimination of the Sensitivity of L*aspertase to Active-site-directed Inactivation Without Alteration of Catalytic Activity Decreasing the Basicity of the Active Site Base, Lys-258, of Escherichia Coil Aspartate Aminotransferase by Replacement with Gemma-thialysine Of Site-directed Mutagenesis and Alternative Substrates to Assign the Prototropic Groups Important to Catalysis by Escherichia Coil Aspartate Aminotransferase Examining the Structural and Chemical Flexibility of the Active Site Base, Lys-258, of Escherichia Coil Aspartate Aminotransferase by Replacement with Unnatural Amino Acids Determinants of Helix-loop-helix Dimerizstion Affinity -Random Mutational Analysis of SCL/tal Changing the Reaction Specificity of a pyridoxal-5'-phosphata-dependent Enzyme Site-directed Mutagenesis in the Catalytic Center of the Restriction Endonucleese EcoRI Molecular Modeling Based Mutagenesis Defines Ligand Binding and Specificity Determining Regions of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors Selectable Insertion and Deletion Mutagenesis of the Human Cytomegalovirus Genome Using the Escherichia Coli Guanosine Phosphoribosyl Transferase Functional Role of Arginine-11 in the N-tarminal Helix of Skeletal Troponin C: Combined Mutagenesis and Molecular Dynamics Investigation A Novel Method for Efficient Amplification of Whole Hepatitis B Virus Genomes Permits Rapid Functional Analysis and Reveals Deletion Mutants in Immunosuppressed Patients Regulation of Proteolytic Activity by Engineered Tridentate Metal Binding Loops Oxygenation Mechanism of Ribulose-bisphosphata Carboxylase/Oxygenase. Structure and Origin Of 2-carboxytetritol 1,4-bisphosphate, a Novel O-2-dependent Side Product Generated by a Site-directed Mutant Site-directed Mutagenesis of Varicells-zoster Virus Thymidylata Synthase -Analysis of Two Highly Conserved Regions of the Enzyme A Ran-binding Motif in Nuclear • Pore Proteins An Oligodeoxyribonucleotide-directed Dual Amber Method for Site-directed Mutagenesis Chemical Modification and Site-directed Mutagenesis Studies of Rat 3-hydroxyisobutyrate Dehydrogenase Introduction of Lysine Residues on the Light Chain Constant Domain Improves the Labelling Properties of a Recombinant Feb Fragment RapfA and R-Ras with the Putative Effector Molecules Raf-kinase and Ral-guenine Nucleotide Exchange Factor Structure of a G-protein-coupling Domain of a Muscarinic Receptor Predicted by Random Saturation Mutagenesis Site-directed Mutants of the Beta Subunlt of Protein Kinase CK2 Demonstrate the Important Role of Pro-58 Improved Specificity Toward Substrates with Positively Charged Side Chains by Site-directed Mutagenesis of the L-lactate Dehydrogenase of Bacillus Stearothermophilus Insights into the Catalytic Mechanism and Active-site Environment of Comamonas Testostaroni Delta('5)-3-ketosteroid Isomerase as Revealed by Site-directed Mutagenesis of the Catalytic Base Aspartate-38 Isolation and Characterization of a highly Attenuated Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine Candidate by Mutagenesis of the Incompletely Attenuated RSV A2 Ts-1 NG-1 Mutant Virus. Vaccine Expression and Site-directed Mutagenesis of Mouse Prostaglandin E(2) Receptor EP(3) Subtype in Insect Cells Studies on the Structure and Function of the Carp Gonadotropin Alpha Subunit by Site-directed Mutagenesis Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags from a Fetal Human Heart CDNA Library High-level Production, Chemical Modification and Site-directed Mutagenesis of a cephalosporin C Acylase from Pseudomones Strain N176 The Small GTP-binding Protein Rho Binds to and Activates a 160 KDa Ser/Thr Protein Kinase Homologous to Myotonic Dystrophy Kinase Altering the Regiospecificity of Androstanedione Hydroxylase Activity in P450s 2e-4/5 by a Mutation of the Residue at Position 481 Mutation of the Aspartic Acid Residues of the GDD Sequence Motif of Poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase Results in Enzymes with Altered Metal Ion Requirements for Activity Site-directed Mutegenesis and Structure Function Studies of Casein Kinase II Correlate Stimulation of Activity by the Beta Subunit with Changes in Conformation and ATP/GTP Utilization Stability Study of Rhodobacter Capsulatus Ferrocytochrome C(2) Wild-type and Site-directed Mutants Using Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange Monitored by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Bar-Sagi D: Stimulation • of Membrane Ruffling and MAP Kinase Activation by Distinct Effectors of RAS Site-directed Mutagenesis Studies on the Lima Bean Lectin -Altered Carbohydrate-binding Specificities Result from Single Amino Acid Substitutions Mechanism of the Reaction Catalyzed by Mandelata Racemase: Structure and Mechanistic Properties of the K166R Mutant Replacement of Tryptophan Residues in Haloalkane Dehalogenase Reduces Halide Binding and Catalytic Activity Activation of Recl, RhoA, and Mitogen-activated Protein Kineses is Required for Ras Transformation A Thermostable Mutation Located at the Hydrophobic Core of Alpha(1)-antitrypsin Suppresses the Folding Defect of the Z-type Variant Correct Post-translational Modification and Stable Vacuolar Accumulation of Phytohema9glutinin Engineered to Contain Multiple Methionine Residues Engineered Turns of a Recombinant Antibody Improve Its in Vivo Folding Catalytic Consequences of Experimental Evolution: Catalysis by a 'third-generation' Evolvant of the Second Beta-galactosidase of Escherichia Coil, Ebg(ebcde), and by Ebg(abcd) a 'second-generation' Evolvant Containing Two Supposedly ' Silent' Mutations Studies on Human Aldose Reductase -Probing the Role of Arginine 268 by Site-directed Mutagenesis Substitution of Charged Residues into the Hydrophobic Core of Escherichia Coil Thioredoxin Results in a Change in Heat Capacity of the Native Protein Mechanistic Studies on CDP-6-deoxy-L-threo-D-glycero-4-hexulose 3-dehydrase: Identification of His-220 as the Active-site Base by Chemical Modification and Site-directed Mutagenesis Methotrexate-resistant Variants of Human Dihydrofolate Reductase with Substitutions of Leucine 22 -Kinetics, Crystallography, and Potential as Selectable Markers Tryptophan 250 on the Alpha Subunit Plays an Important Role in Flavin end Aldehyde Binding to Bacterial Luciferase. Effects of W->Y Mutations on Catalytic Function Long-range, Small Magnitude Nonaddltivity of Mutational Effects in Proteins A One-step Polymerase Chain Reaction Site-directed Mutagenesis Method for Large Gene-cassettes with High Efficiency, Yield, and Fidelity Stabilizing Amino Acid Replacements at Position 52 in Yeast Iso-l-cytochrome C: in Vivo and in Vitro Effects Site Specific Combinations of Stabilizing and Destabilizing Amino Acid Replacements in Yeast Cytochrome C: in Vivo and in Vitro Effects The Zinc-binding Site of Escherichia Coil Glutamyl-tRNA Synthetase is Located in the Acceptor-binding Domain -Studies by Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, Molecular Modeling, and Slte-directed Mutagenesis Phospholipese A(2) Engineering. Probing the Structural and Functional Roles of N-terminal Residues with Site-directed Mutagenesis, X-ray, and NMR A Novel Chemoenzymatic Glycosyletion Strategy: Application to Lysozyme Modification Probing a Potassium Channel Pore with an Engineered Protonatable Site Mutagenic Structure/function Analysis of the Cytoplasmic Cysteines of the Insulin Receptor Functional Linkage Between the Active Site of Alpha-lytic Protease and Distant Regions of Structure: Scanning Alanine Mutagenesis of a Surface Loop Affects Activity and Substrata Specificity Mutation at a Single Acidic Amino Acid Enhances the Helophilic Beheviour of Malate Dehydrogenase from Haloarcula Marismortui in Physiological Salts Crystallographic Analyses of NADH Peroxidase Cys42Ala snd Cys42Ser Mutants: Active Site Structures, Mechanistic Implications, and an Unusual Environment of Arg 303 Shkl, a Homolog of the Saccharomycas Cerevisiae Ste20 and Mammalian P65PAK Protein Kinases, is a component of a Ras/Cdc42 Signaling Module in the Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces Pombe Rapid and High Efficiency Site-directed Mutsgenesis by Improvement of the Homologous Recombination Technique Effects of C-terminal Deletions on the Conformational State and Denaturation of Phosphoglycerate Kinase Protein Kinase Byr2 is a Target of Rasl in the Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces Pombe Kinase, as a putative Target for the Small GTP Binding Protein Rho Exploring the Energy Surface of Protein Folding by Structure-reactivity Relationships and Engineered Proteins: Observation of Hammond Behavior for the Gross Structure of the Transition State and Anti-Hammond Behavior for Structural Elements for Unfolding Folding of Barnase Heperin Binding to Platelet Factor-4 -an NMR and Site-directed Mutsgenesis Study: Arginine Residues are Crucial for Binding Engineering Disulfide-linked Single-chain Fv Dimers [(sFv')2] with Improved Solution and Targeting Properties: Anti-digoxin 26-10 (sFv')2 and Anti-c-erbB-2 741F8 (sFv')2 C-terminal Cysteinyl Peptides Contributions of Tryptophan 24 and Glutamate 30 to Binding Long-lived Water Molecules in the Ternary Complex of Human Dihydrofolete Reductase with Methotrexate and NADPH Studied by Site-directed Mutsgenesis and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Enhancement of the Endo-beta-l,4-glucanase Activity of an Exocellobiohydrolase by Deletion of a Surface Loop Amino Acid Substitutions in the Yeast Pichia Stipitis Xylitol Dehydrogenase Coenzyme-binding Domain Affect the Coenzyme Specificity Mutations in the B-domain of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Influence the Oxidative Folding to Yield Products with Modified Biological Properties Thermostsbilization of Lactate Oxidase by Random Mutsgenesis Site-directed Mutsgenesis of Active Site Glutamate-217 in Mouse Adenosine Deaminase Mossing Me: Core Packing Defects in an Engineered Cro Monomer Corrected by Combinatorial Mutagenesis Chemical Modification of Leukotriene A(4) Hydrolase. Indications for Essential Tyrosyl and Arginyl Residues at the Active Site Inhibition of Mouse Erythroid Band 3-mediated Chloride Transport by Site-directed Mutagenesis of Histidine Residues and Its Reversal by Second Site Mutation of Lys 558, the Locus of Covalent H(2)DIDS Binding Hydrophobicity Engineering to Increase Solubility and Stability of a Recombinant Protein from Respiratory Syncytial Virus Chemical Modification of the N-10 Ribityl Side Chain of Flavins -Effects on Properties of Flavoprotein Disulfide Oxidoreductases Site-directed Mutagenesis of Histidine Residues in Clostridium Perfringens Alpha-toxin Site-directed Mutagenesis and Sugar-binding Properties of the Wheat Germ Agglutinin Mutants Tyr73Phe and Phe116Tyr The Glutsmine Hydrolysis Function of Human GMP Synthetase -Identification of an Essential Active Site Cysteine Rafl in Complex with RaplA and a GTP Analogue Expression of Wild-type and Mutated Rabbit Osteopontin in Escherichia Coli, and Their Effects on Adhesion and Migration of P388D1 Cells Alteration of the Substrate and Inhibitor Specificities of Blood Coagulation Factor Vlla: Importance of Amino Acid Residue K-192 A Downstream Target of RHO1 Small GTP-binding Protein is PKCt, a Homolog of Protein Kinase C, Which Leads to Activation of the MAP Kinase Cascade in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Active Site Peptides with CXXC Motif on Map-rosin can Mimic Protein Disulfide Isomerase Activity Molecular Engineering of Horseradish Peroxidase: Thioether Sulfoxidation and Styrene Epoxidation by Phe-41 Leucine and Threonine Mutants Analysis of CYS3 Regulator Function in Neurospora Crassa by Modification of Leucine Zipper Dimerization Specificity High-level Production of Spinach Glycolate Oxidase in the Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia Pastoris: Engineering a biocetslyst Analysis of Second-site Revertants of a Murine Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Deletion Mutant and Construction of Nuctaocapsid Protein Mutants by Targeted RNA Recombination Site-directed Mutations in Tyrosine 195 of Cyclodextrin Glycosyitransferase from Bacillus Circulsns Strain 251 Affect Activity and Product Specificity Structure of the Sodium Channel Pore Revealed by Serial Cysteine Mutagenesis The Gly74->Ser and Ser3->-Ala Mutations in Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Y Thioredoxin -Effects on Active Site Reactivity and Protein Interaction Co-crystallization of an ETS Domain (PU.1) in Complex with DNA -Engineering the Length of Both Protein and Oligonucleotide Site-directed Mutsgenesis of Intersubunit Boundary Residues in Histidine Decarboxylese, a PH*dependent AIIosteric Enzyme Studies on the Kinetic Mechanism of Pig Kidney D-amino Acid Oxidsse by Site-directed Mutsgenesis of Tyrosine 22~ end Tyrosine 228 Engineering Specificity for Foists into Dihydrofolate Reductase from Escherichia CoIL Biochemistry Amino-acid Substitutions in a Surface Turn Modulate Protein Stability Identification of Yeast Rholp GTPase as a Regulatory Subunit of 1,3-13-glucen Synthase An o= Essential Role for Rac in Ras Transformation Site-directed Mutsgenesis of Conserved Charged Residues in the Helical Region of the Human C5a Receptor -Arg206 Determines High-affinity Binding Sites of C5a Receptor Replacing a Surface Loop Endows Ribonuclease a with Angiogenic Activity Stability of Native and Covalently Modified Papain Mutational Analysis of the Alpha Subunit of the Human Interleukin-3 Receptor Stability of TEM Beta-lactamase Mutants Hydrolyzing Third Generation Cephalosporins Mapping Domains in Proteins: Dissection and Expression of Escherichia Coil Adenylyl Cyclase Rhotekin, a New Putative Target for Rho Bearing Homology to a serine/threonine Kinase, PKN, and Rhophilin in the Rho-binding Domain Proton Transfer by Histidine 67 in Site-directed Mutants of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II1 Probing the Details of the HIV-1 Rev-Rev-responsive Element Interaction: Effects of Modified Nucleotides on Protein Affinity and Conformational Changes During Complex Formation Site-directed Mutsgenesis of Human Glutathione Transfersse P1-1 -Mutation of Cys-47 Induces a positive Cooperstivity in Glutsthione Transferase P1-1 Binding Analysis of Antibodies Produced by Precursor and Branchpoint Intermediates of an Anti-influenza Hemagglutinin B Cell Clone -Parallel Replacement Mutations do not Confer Increased Avidity for Hemagglutinin Evidence that the F-x Domain in Photosystem I Interacts with the Subunit PseC: Site-dirocted Changes in PsaB Destabilize the Subunit Interaction in Chlamydomonas ReinhardtiL Biochemistry Escherichia Coil K-12 Copper-containing Monoamine Oxidase: Investigation of the Copper Binding Ligands by Site-directed Elemental Analysis and Tope Quinone Formation Structure Effects of Double D-amino Acid Replacements: a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Circular Dichroism Study Using Amphipathic Model Helices Chemical Reconstitution of a Chloride Pump Inactivated by a single Point Mutation Biogenesis of the Yeast Vacuole (lysosome) -the use of Active-site Mutants of Proteinase YscA to Determine the Necessity of the Enzyme for Vacuolar Proteinase Maturation and Protainase YscB Stability Reconstitution of a High Affinity Binding Site for Type I Interferons Site-directed Mutagenesis of Putative GTP-binding Sites of Yeast Beta-tubulin: Evidence that Alpha-, Beta-, and Gamma-tubulins are Atypical GTPases Site-directed Mutagenesis of Arginine Reverse Transcriptsse -Catalytic Role and Inhibitor Sensitivity Heparinase I from Flavobacterium Heperinum: the Role of the Cysteine Residue in Catalysis as Probed by Chemical Modification and Site-directed Mutagenesis Deletions at the G-terminus of Interferon Gamma Reduce RNA Binding and Activation of Double-stranded-RNA Cleavage by Bovine Seminal Ribonuclease Redesigning the Active Site of Geotrichum Candidum Lipase Substrata and Product Binding Sites of Yeast Fatty Acid Synthase -Stoichiometry and Binding Kinetics of Wild-type and in Vitro Mutated Enzymes Alteration in Relative Activities of Phenylalanine Dehydrogenase Towards Different Substrates by Site-directed Mutagenesis Mutations in the Cytoplasmic Domain of the Fusion Glycoprotein of Newcastle Disease Virus Depress Syncytia Formation Features of MotA Proton Channel Structure Revealed by Tryptophan-scanning Mutsgenesis Human Cyststin a is Inactivated by Engineered Truncation. The NH2-terminal Region of the Cystaine Proteinase Inhibitor is Essential for Expression of Its Inhibitory Activity Contribution of Antibody Heavy Chain CDR1 to Digoxin Binding Analyzed by Random Mutagenesis of Phage-displayed Feb 26-10 Site-specific Mutagenesis in Entarobacter Agglomerans: Construction of NifB Mutants and Analysis of the Gene's Structure and Function Structure-function Relationships in Staphylokinase as Revealed by "clustered Charge to Alanine Point Mutations in the Hydrophobic C-tarminal Region of Ricin a Chain Indicate that Pro250 Plays a Key Role in Membrane Trsnslocation Site-directed Isotope Labeling and FT-IR Spectroscopy: the Tyr 185/Pro 186 Peptide Bond of Bacteriorhodopsin is Perturbed During the Primary Photoreaction Cant~ey LC: A Single Point Mutation Switches the Specificity of Group III Src Homology (SH) 2 Domains to that of Group I SH2 Domains Formation of Constrained, Fluorescent Peptides Via Tryptophan Dimerization and Oxidation Effects of Cavity-creating Mutations on Conformational Stability and Structure of the Dimeric 4-alpha-helical Protein ROP: Thermal Unfolding Studies ** is a Direct Effector of the Small GTPase Rab5 in Endocytic Membrane Fusion Preparation of Tyr-C-peptide from Genetically Altered Human Insulin Precursor Characterization of DNA Polymerase Beta Mutants with Amino Acid Substitutions Located in the C-terminal Portion of the Enzyme Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein, a Novel Effector for the GTPase CDC42Hs, is Implicated in Actin Polymerization Control of Crystal Forms of Apoferritin by Site-directed Mutagenesis A Thermodynamic Study of Mutant Forms of Streptomyces Subtilisin Inhibitor. 2. Replacements at the Interface of Dimer Formation, Vail3 A Thermodynamic Study of Mutant Forms of Streptomycas Subtilisin Inhibitor Hydrophobic Replacements at the Position of Metl03 A Thermodynamic Study of Mutant Forms of Streptomyces Subtilisin Inhibitor, 3. Replacements of a Hyper-exposed Residue Functional Analysis of Conserved Histidine Residues in Cephalosporium Acremonium Isopenicillin N Synthase by Site-directed Mutsgenesis Vitro Folding of Phage P22 Coat Protein with Amino Acid Substitutions that Confer in Vivo Temperature Sensitivity Stabilization of Lysozyme Against Irreversible Inactivation by Alterations of the Asp-Gly Sequences Mauk AG: pH, Electrolyte, and Substrata-linked Variation in Active Site Structure of the Trp51Ala Variant of Cytochrome C Peroxidase The Arg7Lys Mutant of Heat-labile Enterotoxin Exhibits Great Flexibility of Active Site Loop 47-56 of the a Subunit Conformational Changes and in Vitro Core-formation Modifications Induced by Site-directed Mutsgenesis of the Specific N-tarminus of Pea Seed Ferritin The Environment of [2Fe-2S] Clusters in Ferredoxins: the Role of Residue 45 Probed by Site-directed Mutagenesis Converting Escherichia Coil RNA Polymerase into an Enhancer-responsive Enzyme: Role of an NH2-tarminal Leucine Patch in Sigma(54) Alteration of the Amino Acid Substrate Specificity of Clostridial Glutamate Dehydrogenase by Site-directed Mutagenesis of an Active-site Lysine Residue Protein Kinase N (PKN) and PKN-related Protein, Rhophilin, as Targets of Small GTPase Rho Engineered Four-stranded Coiled Coil Substitutes for the Tetramerization Domain of Wild-type P53 and Alleviates Transdominant Inhibition by Tumor-derived P53 Mutants Identification of Asp(258) as the Metal Coordinate of Pigeon Liver Malic Enzyme by Site-specific Mutagenesis Cysteine Scanning Mutsgenesis of Helix V in the Lactose Permease of Escherichia COIL Biochemistry Changing the Inhibitory Specificity and Function of Cucurbite Maxima Trypsin Inhibitor-V by Site-directed Mutsgenesis Structure-function Analysis of SH3 Domains: SH3 Binding Specificity Altered by Single Amino Acid Substitutions Multiple Ras Functions can Contribute to Mammalian Cell Transformation Stabilization of the Transition State of the Chorismata-prephenate Rearrangement: an Ab Initio Study of Enzyme and Antibody Catalysis Engineered Metal Regulation of Trypsin Specificity Catalysis by Hamster Dihydroorotsse: Zinc Binding, Site-directed Mutagenesis, and Interaction with Inhibitors. Biechemtetry Mapping of an NH2-terminal Ligand Binding Site of the Insulin Receptor by Alanine Scanning Mutagenesis Mutational Analysis of DNase I-DNA Interations: Design, Expression and Characterization of a DNase I Loop Insertion Mutant with Altered Sequence Selectivity Proximity Relationships Between Engineered Cysteine Residues in Chicken Skeletal Myosin Regulatory Light Chain -a Resonance Energy Transfer Study Molecular • Characterization of Sta20p, a Potential Mitogen-activated Protein or Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinase Kinase (MEK) Kinase Kinase from Saccharomycas Cerevisiee Coutavas E: • * Nup356, a Cytoplasmically Exposed Nucleoporin with Peptide Repeats, Ran-GTP Binding Sites, Zinc Fingers, a Cyclophilin a homologous Domain, and a Leucine-rich Region Helix Packing of Lactose Parmesan in Escherichia Coil Studied by Site-directed Chemical Cleavage Solution Structure of a Cellulose-binding Domain from Cellulomonas Fimi by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy O-glycosylation of the Thr70 Residue of Cell-adhesive Lysozyme in Yeast Purification of a Ras-dependent Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase from Bovine Brain Cytosol and Its Identification as a Complex of B-RaY and 14-3-3 Proteins Mutagenesis and the Molecular Modeling of the Rat Angiotensin II Receptor (AT(f)) Effects of Amino Acid Insertions on the Proteolysis of a staphylococcal Protein a Derivative in Escherichia CoIL Location of the Catalytic Site for Phosphoenolpyruvate Formation Within the Primary Structure of Clostridium Symbiosum Pyruvate Phosphate Dikinase. 2. Site-directed Mutagenesis of an Essential Arginine Contained Within an Apparent P-loop A Giant Nucleopore Protein that Binds Ran/TC4 Thermal Stabilization of a Single-chain Fv Antibody Fragment by Introduction of a Disulphide Bond Site-directed Mutagenesis of the Lower Parts of the Major Substrate Channel of Yeast Catalase a Leads to Highly Increased Peroxidatic Activity Site-directed Mutagenesis of Thermus Thermophilus Elongation Factor Tu -Replacement of His85, Asp81 and Arg300 A Novel Approach to Introduce Site-directed Specific Cross-links Within RNA-protein Complexes -Application to the Escherichia Coil Threonyl-tRNA Synthetase/translstional Operator Complex Mutation of Arginine 276 to Methionine Changes Mg2+ Cooperativity and the Kinetic Mechanism of Fructose-l,6-bisphosphatase Enhancement of Protein Stability by the Combination of Point Mutations in T4 Lysozyme is Additive Structure-function Relationships in the Seccharomyces Cerevisiae Poly(A) Polymerase -Identification of a Novel RNA Binding Site and a domain that Interacts with Specificity Factor(s) Mutagenesis at a Highly Conserved Tyrosine in Monoamine Oxidase B Affects FAD Incorporation and Catalytic Activity High-resolution Structure of an Engineered Cro Monomer Shows Changes in Conformation Relative to the Native Dimer Involvement of Serine 96 in the Catalytic Mechanism of Ferredoxin-NADP(+) Reductase: Structure-function Relationship as Studied by Site-directed Mutagenesis and X-ray Crystallography Extracellular Domains of the Bradykinin B2 Receptor Involved in Ligand Binding and Agonist Sensing Defined by Anti-peptide Antibodies Sugar Recognition by a Glucose/galactose Receptor -Evaluation of Binding Energetics from Molecular Dynamics Stimulations Stabilization of Chimeric BR96-doxorubicin Immunoconjugate Solution Structure of Omega-conotoxin MVIIA Using 2D NMR Spectroscopy Design, Synthesis, and Circular Dichroism Investigation of a peptide-sandwiched Mesoheme Flexibility of an Arginine Side Chain at a DNA-protein Interface Molecular Dynamics Study of Glucocorticoid Receptor-DNA Binding Xanthine Oxidase Reactivity in Reversed Micellar Systems: a contribution to the Prediction of Enzymatic Activity in Organized Media Structural Determinants of Protein Dynamics: Analysis of N-15 NMR Relaxation Measurements for Main-chain and Side-chain Nuclei of Hen Egg White Lysozyme Ligand-induced Changes in the Conformational Stability of Bovine Trypsinogen and Their Implications for the Protein Function Inhibition of ICE Family Proteases by Baculovirus Antiapoptotic Protein P35 Second Derivative Infrared Spectroscopy as a Non-destructive Tool to Assess the Purity and Structural Integrity of Proteins Biochemical and EPR Characterization of a High Potential Iron-sulfur Protein in Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans Molecular Recognition of Aqueous Dipeptides by Noncovalently Aligned Oligoglycine Units at the Air/water Interface CH/pi Interaction in the Packing of the Adenine Ring in Protein Structures Development of an Efficient Single-step Freeze-drying Cycle for Protein Formulations Appraisal of the Mass Spectrometry/mass Spectrometry of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans Using New Data Molecular Origins of the Slow Streptavidin-biotin Dissociation Kinetics Measurement of Nucleotide Exchange Kinetics with Isolated Synthetic Myosin Filaments Using Flash Photolysis H-1-NMR and Photo-ClDNP Spectroscopies Show a Possible Role for Trp(23) and Phe(31) in Nucleic Acid Binding by P2 Ribonuclease from the Archaeon Sulfolobus Solfataricus X-ray Structure Analysis of the Iron-dependent Superoxide Dismutase from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis at 2.0 A Resolution Reveals Novel Dimer-dimer Interactions Synthesis and Purification of Soluble Ligand Binding Domain of the Human Vitamin D-3 Chimeric Muscle and Brain Glycogen Phosphorylases Define Protein Domains Governing Isozyme-specific Responses to AIIostaric Activation Cytochrome B(-245) of the Neutrophil Superoxide-generating System Contains Two Nonidentical Heroes -Potentiometric Studies of a Mutant Form of Gp91(phox) Regulatory Changes in the Control of Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase Induced by Truncation and Mutagenesis of the AIIosteric Binding Domain Probing Local Secondary Structure by Fluorescence: Time-resolved and Circular Dichroism Studies of Highly Purified Neurotoxins Interactions Responsible for the PH Dependence of the Beta-hairpin Conformational Population Formed by a Designed Linear Peptide Kinetics and Mechanism of Polyamide ("peptide") Nucleic Acid Binding to Duplex DNA Identification of Residues in the Aromatic Substrate Binding Site of Horseradish Peroxidase by H-1 NMR Studies on Isozymes Selection of Peptide Inhibitors of Interactions Involved in Complex Protein Assemblies: Association of the Core and Surface Antigens of Hepatitis B virus Fasciculin 2 Binds to the Peripheral Site on Acetylcholinesterase and Inhibits Substrate Hydrolysis by Slowing a step Involving Proton Transfer During Enzyme Acylation Structural Requirements for the Binding of TRNA(3)(Lys) to Reverse Transcriptase of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Effect of PH on the Conformation and Backbone Dynamics of a 27-residue Peptide in Trifluoroethanol -an NMR and CD Study Structure and Function in Rhodopsin. 11. Measurement of the Rate of Metarhodopsin II Decay by Fluorescence Spectroscopy Molecular Basis of Antigen Mimicry by an Anti-idiotope Solvent Interactions with Pi Ring Systems in Proteins Structural and Dynamic Properties of a Beta-hairpin-forming Linear Peptide. 2. C-13 NMR Relaxation Analysis Structure-function Relationship of the Eukaryotic DNA Replication Factor, Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Configuration of the Interteron-alpha/beta Receptor Complex Determines the Context of the Biological Response Determinants of Helix-loop-helix Dimerization Affinity -Random Mutational Analysis of SCL/taI Analysis of the Core Components of Alzheimer Paired Helical Filaments a Gas Chromatography/mass Spectrometry Characterization of Fatty Acids, Carbohydrates and Long-chain Bases Sumati: Carbohydrate Induced Modulation of Cell Membrane. 2. Spin Label Study of Fluidity Changes in Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Membrane Structure-function Analysis of Bcl-2 Protein Identification of Conserved Domains Important for Homodimerization with Bcl-2 and Heterodimerization with Bax Self-assembling Peptide Nanotubes Engineering Green Fluorescent Protein for Improved Brightness, Longer Wavelengths and Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Stopped-flow NMR Spectroscopy: Real-time Unfolding Studies Of 6-F-19-tryptophan-labeled Escherichia Coil Dihydrofolate Reductase Association of Branched Nucleic Acids: Structural and Physicochemical Analysis of Antiparallel T.AT Triple-helical DNA Increased Stabilizing Effects of Amphiphilic Excipients on Freeze-drying of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) by Dispersion into Sugar Matrices Oxepane Synthesis Along a Disfavored Pathway: the Rerouting of a Chemical Reaction Using a Catalytic Antibody Protein-protein Interaction at Crystal Contacts Histidine Tagging Both Allows Convenient Single-step Purification of Bovine Rhodopsin and Exerts Ionic Strength-dependent Effects on Its Photochemistry Functional Implications of Protein-protein Interactions in Icosahedral Viruses. Proe Nat/Acad Sci Principles of Protein-protein Interactions Genetic Strategy for Analyzing Specificity of Dimer Formation: Escherichia Coil Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein Mutant Altered in Its Dimerization Specificity Mechanism of Oxidative Amine Dealkylation of Substituted N,N-dimethylanilines by Cytochrome P-450: Application of Isotope Effect Profiles A Structural Basis of the Interactions Between Leucine-rich Repeats and Protein Ligands A Comparison of the Secondary Structure of Human Brain Mitochondrial and Cytosolic 'malic' Enzyme Investigated by Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy A Single Amino Acid Residue can Determine the Ligand Specificity of E-selectin FK: CO Binding Kinetics of Human Cytochrome P450 3A4 -Specific Interaction of Substrates with Kinetically Distinguishable Conformers The Role of the Cholecystokinin-B Gastrin Receptor Transmembrane Domains in Determining Affinity for Subtype-selective Ligands The use of Electrospray Mass Spectrometry to Identify an Essential Arginine Residue in Type II Dehydroquinases Identification of Interaction Site of Pseudoazurin with Its Redox Partner, Copper-containing Nitrite Reductase from Alcaligenes Faecelis S-6 Chiral Amino Acid Recognition by a Porphyrin-based Artificial Receptor Affinity. Specificity, and Kinetics of the Interaction of the SHC Phosphotyrosine Binding Domain with Asperagine-X-X-phosphotyrosine Motifs of Growth Factor Receptors DNA Binding and Dimerization of the Fe-S-containing FNR Protein from Escherichia Coil are Regulated by Oxygen Human Alpha(1,3/1,4)-fucosyltransferases Discriminate Between Different Oligosaccharide Accepter Substrates Through a Discrete Peptide Fragment Proposed Cation-pi Mediated Binding by Factor Xa: a Novel Enzymatic Mechanism for Molecular Recognition Baron MH: inhibition of an Erythroid Differentiation Switch by the Helix-loop-helix Protein Idl The Zinc-binding Site of Escherichia Coil Glutamyl-tRNA Synthetase is Located in the Accepter-binding Domain -Studies by Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, Molecular Modeling, and Site-directed Mutagenesis Phospholipase A(2) Engineering. Probing the Structural and Functional Roles of N-terminal Residues with Site-directed Mutagenesis, X-ray, and NMR Epitope Mapping of the V3 Domain of Feline Immunodefieiency Virus Envelope Glycoprotein by Monoclonal Antibodies P-glycoprotein -Associations Between Domains and Between Domains and Molecular Chaperones Coulombic Attractions Between Partially Charged Main-chain Atoms Stabilise the Right-handed Twist Found in Most Beta-strands Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the Interaction of Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B-f 2) with Haptocorrin: Measurement of the Highest Protein-ligand Binding Constant Yet Reported A New DNA Nanostructure, the G-wire, Imaged by Scanning Probe Microscopy Heparin Binding to Platelet Factor-4 -an NMR and Site-directed Mutagenesis Study: Arginine Residues are Crucial for Binding The Application of Hydrogen Bonding Analysis in X-ray Crystallography to Help Orientate Asparagine, Glutamine and Histidine Side Chains The Nucleic Acid Ligand -a New Tool for Molecular Recognition Covalent Modification of Engineered Cysteines in the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Agonist-binding Domain Inhibits Receptor Activation Thermodynamic Characterization of the Interaction Between Cytochrome B(5) and Cytochrome C Thermal Stability and Domain-domain Interactions in Natural and Recombinant Protein C Contributions of Tryptophan 24 and Glutamate 30 to Binding Long-lived Water Molecules in the Ternary Complex of Human Dihydrofolate Reductase with Methotrexate and NADPH Studied by Site-directed Mutagenesis and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Stabilization of Proteins by Glycosylation Examined by NMR Analysis of a Fucosylated Proteinase Inhibitor Protein-protein Interactions in the Rigor Actomyosin Complex On the Magnitude of the Electrostatic Contribution to Ligand-DNA Interactions Interaction Stabilizing Tertiary Structure of Bacteriorhodopain Studied by Denaturation Experiments The use of Mass Spectrometry to Examine the Formation and Hydrolysis of the Phosphorylated Form of Phosphoglycerate Mutase Hydrogen-bonding Capabilities Based on Polarizability Studies of Model Peptide Systems Folding Topologies of Human Interleukin-6 and Its Mutants as Studied by NMR Spectroscopy Substrata Recognition Domain of the Gel2 Galactose Transporter in Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae as Revealed by Chimeric Galactose-glucose Transporters Dissociation and Unfolding of Jack Bean Urease Studied by Fluorescence Emission Spectroscopy In Vitro Association of the Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase Regulatory Subunit (p85) with the Human Insulin Receptor Transcriptional Activation by Protein-induced DNA Bending: Evidence for a DNA Structural Transmission Model Zinc Fingers 1-7 of EVIl Fail to Bind the GATA Motif by Itself But Require the Core Site GACAAGATA for Binding A Disulfide Bond Between Conserved Extracellular Cysteines in the Thyrotropin-releasing Hormone Receptor is Critical for Binding Activation of Myosin Light Chain Kinase and Nitric Oxide Synthase Activities by Engineered Calmodulins with Duplicated or Exchanged EF Hand Pairs Ultrafast Thermally Induced Unfolding of RNase A Domain Interactions and Antigen Binding of Recombinant Anti-Z-DNA Antibody Variable Domains -the Role of Heavy and Light Chains Measured by Surface Plasmon Resonance NMR Studies on the Structure of Some Cyclic and Linear Antagonists of Luteinizing Hormone-releasing Hormone (LHRH) Identification of Contact Sites in the Actin-thymosin Beta 4 Complex by Distance-dependent Thiol Cross-linking The Native Structure of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Thermodynamics of Fatty Acid Binding to Fatty Acid-binding Proteins Protein engineering Antibody engineering and Fatty Acid Partition Between Water and Membranes Measured Using the Fluorescent Probe ADIFAB Antibody Catalysis of a Reaction Otherwise Strongly Disfavourod in Water Features of MotA Proton Channel Structure Revealed by Tryptophan-scanning Mutagenesis Site-directed Isotope Labeling and FT-IR Spectroscopy: the Tyr 185/Pro 186 Peptide Bond of Bacteriorhodopsin is Perturbed During the Primary Photoreaction Identification of Nitric Oxide Synthase as a thiolate-ligated Hems Protein Using Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy -Comparison with Cytochrome P-450-CAM and Chloroperoxidase Regulated Assembly of Tight Junctions by Protein Kinase C Binding Geometry of Alpha-helices that Recognize DNA Mapping the Folding Intermediate of Human Carbonic Anhydrase. 2. Probing Substructure by Chemical Reactivity and Spin and Fluorescence Labeling of Engineered Cysteine Residues NMR Study of the Reconstitution of the Beta-sheet of Thioredoxin by Fragment Complementation The Catalytic Mechanism of Fpg Protein -Evidence for a Schiff Base Intermediate and Amino Terminus Localization of the Catalytic Site Active Site Studies of DT-diaphorase Employing Artificial Flavins Nuclear Magnetic Dipole Interactions in Field-oriented Proteins: Information for Structure Determination in Solution Docking of a Human Rhinovirus Neutralizing Antibody Onto the Viral Capsid Sequence-selective Binding of Peptides in Water by a Synthetic Receptor Molecule Complete C-13 Assignments for Recombinant Cu(I) Rusticyanin: Prediction of Secondary Structure from Patterns of Chemical Shifts Solution Conformation of the Extracellular Domain of the Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Probed by Raman and UV-Resonance Raman Spectroscopy: Structural Effects of an Engineered PEG Linker Mauk AG: pH, Electrolyte, and Substrate-linked Variation in Active Site Structure of the Trp51Ala Variant of Cytochrome C Peroxidase Protein Docking for Low-resolution Structures Empirical Free Energy Calculations of Ligand-protein Crystallographic Complexes. 1. Knowledge-based Ligand-protein Interaction Potentials Applied to the Prediction of Human Immunodeficieocy Virus Mean Field Model of Ligand Protein Interactions: Implications for the Structural Assessment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Protease Complexes and Receptor-specific Binding Toward Understanding the Structure and Interactions of Microtubules and Motor Proteins Equilibrium and Pre-equilibrium Fluorescence Spectroscopic Studies of the Binding of a single-immunoglobulin-binding Domain Derived from Protein G to the Fe Fragment from Human IgG(1) Destabilization of a Protein Helix by Electrostatic Interactions Nonclassical Binding of Formylated Peptide in Crystal Structure of the MHC Class Ib Molecule H2-M3. Ceil Assembly of a ribonucleoprotein Catalyst by Tertiary Structure Capture A Monomeric Variant of CreEL Binds Nucleotides But is Inactive as a molecular Chaperone The Observation of a Hedamycin-d(CACGTG)(2) Covalent Adduct by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry Structure, Energetics, and Dynamics of Lipid-protein Interactions: a Molecular Dynamics Study of the Gramicidin a Channel in a DMPC Bilayer Solution Structure of a Cellulose-binding Domain from Cellulomonas Fimi by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy The Third Extracallular Loop of the Mu Opioid Receptor is Important for Agonist Selectivity Folding Pathway of Escherichia Coil Ribonuclease HI: a Circular Dichroism, Fluorescence, and NMR Study Binding Affinities of Tyrosine-phosphorylated Peptides to the COOH-terminal SH2 and NH2-tarminal Phosphotyrosine Binding Domains of Shc Antibody engineering Bacterial Secretion of the Fab Fragment of a Mouse Monoclonal IgM that Reacts with IgG Variable Regions Generation of a Monoclonal Antibody that Recognizes the Amino-terminal Decapeptide of the B-subunit of Escherichia Coil Heat-labile Enterotoxin -a New Probe for Studying Toxin Assembly Intermediates Characterization of an Internal Permissive Site in the Cholera Toxin B-subunit and Insertion of Epitopes from Human Immunodeficiency Virus-l, Hepatitis B Virus and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia CoIL Gene Inhibition of the Catalytic Activity of Human Transaldolase by Antibodies and Site-directed Mutagenesis Enhancement of the Selectivity and Antitumor Efficacy of a CC-t065 Analogue Through Immunoconjugate Formation Anti-BA46 Monoclonal Antibody Mc3: Humanization Using a novel Positional Consensus and in Vivo and in Vitro Characterization Designing Human Consensus Antibodies with Minimal Positional Templates Interactions of Protein Antigens with Antibodies. Proe Nat/Acad Sci Antibody-targeted Superantigens are Potent Inducers of Tumor-infiltrating T Lymphocytes in Vivo Monoclonsl Antibodies for Immunotherapy of Multiple Myeloma A Human Antibody Specific for Hepatitis C Virus Core Protein: Synthesis in a Bacterial System and Characterization Site-specific Modifications of Light Chain Glycosylated Antilymphoma (LL2) and Anti-carcinoembryonic Antigen Construction and Characterization of a Humanized Anti-gamma-lg Receptor Type I (Fc Gamma RI) Monoclonal Antibody. J/mmuno/1995 HPA-la) Form of Platelet Glycoprotein Ilia from a V Gene Phage Display Library Stereochemical Analysis of the Antigenic Tip of the V3 Loop Peptide of HIV-1 Gp120 Enhancing Peptide Antigenicity by Helix Stabilization Co-expression of Human Protein Disulphide Isomerase (PDI) can Increase the Yield of an Antibody Feb' Fragment Expressed in Escherichia Coll In Vitro Antibody Maturation -Improvement of a High Affinity Efficient Vector for Expression of Antibody Feb Fragments Displayed on Phage Engineering a Unique Glycosylation Site for Sits-specific Conjugation of Haptens to Antibody Fragments Prelabeling of Chimeric Monoclonal Antibody L6 with (90)Yttrium-And (111)Indium-1,4,7,10-tat rsezacyclododeca ne-N,N',N;N"-tetraacetic Acid (DOTA) Chelates for Radioimmunodiagnosis and Therapy The Potential Application of Catalytic Antibodies to Protecting Group Removal: Catalytic Antibodies with Broad Substrata Tolerance A Small Bispecific Antibody Construct Expressed as a Functional Single-chain Molecule with High Tumor Cell Cytotoxicity Epitope Mapping of a Monoclonal Antibody that Blocks the Binding of Retinol-binding Protein to Its Receptor Recombinant Antibodies in Bioactive Peptide Design Identification of a Novel Anti-intagrin Monoclonal Antibody that Recognises a Ligand-induced Binding Site Epitope on the Beta 1 Subunit Structure and Function of Several Anti-densyl Chimeric Antibodies Formed by Domain Interchanges Between Human IgM and Mouse IgG2b Monoclonal Antibody F1 Binds to the Kringle Domain of Fctor XII and Induces Enhanced Susceptibility for Cleavage by Kallikrein A COS-cell-based System for Rapid Production and Quantification of ScFv::lgC Kappa Antibody Fragments Fermenter Production of an Artificial Fab Fragment, Rationally Designed for the Antigen Cystatin, and Its Optimized Crystallization Through Constant Domain Shuffling Evaluation of a complementarity-detarmining Region-grafted (humanized) Anti-cercinoembryonic Antigen Monoclonal Antibody in Preclinicel and Clinical Studies Comparative Thermodynamic Analyses of the Fv, Feb(°) and Fab Fragments of Anti-dansyl Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Transferrin Antibody Fusion Proteins are Effective in Brain Targeting Asymmetric Synthesis Of (-)-alpha-multistriatin Breast Cancer Imaging with Radiolabelled Peptide from Complementarity-determining Region of Antitumour Antibody Biological Properties of Chimeric Domain-deleted Anticercinoma Immunoglobulins Radioimmunotherapy of Breast Cancer Xenogrefts with Monoclonal Antibody ICR12 Against C-erbB2 P185: Comparison of Iodogen and N-succinimidyl 4-methyl-3-(tri-n-butylstannyl)benzoete Redioiodination Methods Domain Libraries: Synthetic Diversity for De Novo Design of Antibody V-regions Targeting C-erbB-2 Expressing Tumors Using Single-chain FV Monomers and Dimers Unexpectedly High Occurrence of Catalytic Antibodies in MRL/Ipr and SJL Mice Immunized with a Transition-state Analog: is There a Linkage to Autoimmunity? Catalytic Antibodies Generated Via Homologous and Hetarologous Immunization Expression Studies of Catalytic Antibodies The Influence of Haptan Size end Hydrophobicity on the Catalytic Activity of Elicited Polyclonal Antibodies Active Immunotherapy of Cancer with a NonrepliceUng Recombinant Fowlpox Virus Encoding a Model Tumor-associated Antigen ADAPT: Cerbamate Prodrug Activation by a Catalytic Antibody and Its in Vitro Application to Human Tumor Cell Killing Preparation of a Trivalent Antigen-binding Construct Using Polyoxime Chemistry: Improved Biodistribution and Potential for Therapeutic Application Stabilization of the Transition State of the Chorismate-prephenete Rearrangement: an Ab Initio Study of Enzyme and Antibody Catalysis Modulation of Antibody Affinity by an Engineered Amino Acid Substitution Thermal Stabilization of a Single-chain Fv Antibody Fragment by Introduction of a Disulphide Bond Engineering Linear F(ab')2 Fragments for Efficient Production in Escherichia Coil and Enhanced Antiproliferative Activity Membrane proteins and fusion proteins Signal Transduction by the Formyl Peptide Receptor -Studies Using Chimeric Receptors and Site-directed Mutagenesis Define a Novel Domain for Interaction with G-protains Hybrids of Chicken Cystatin with Human Kininogen Domain 2 Sequences Exhibit Novel Inhibition of Calpain, Improved Inhibition of Actinidin and Impaired Inhibition of Pepsin, Cathepsin L and Cathepsin B Functional Analysis of Isolated Cpnl0 Domains end Conserved Amino Acid Residues in Spinach Chloroplast Co-chaperonin by Site-directed Mutagenesis Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of Outer Membrane Phospholipase a from Escherichia CoIL Recombinant Human-milk Bile-selt-stimulatad Lipase -Functional Properties are Retained in the Absence of Glycosylation and the Unique Proline Site-directed Mutagenesis of the Redox-active Cystaines of Trypanosoma Cruzi Trypanothione Reductase Theileria Annuleta Sporozoita Antigen Fused to Hepatitis B Core Antigen used in a Vaccination Trial Glutamic Acid 204 is the Terminal Proton Release Group at the Extracellular Surface of Bacteriorhodopsin Thioredoxin-linked "thiol Peroxidase" from Periplasmic Space of Escherichia CoIL Hybrid Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens X Bacillus Licheniformis Alpha-amylases -Construction, Properties and Sequence Determinants A Novel Chimeric Protein Composed of Interleukin 13 and Pseudomonas Exotoxin is Highly Cytotoxic to Human Carcinoma Cells Expressing Receptors for Interleukin 13 and Intarleukin 4 Molecular Mechanism of Protein-retinal Coupling in Bacteriorhodopsin Exchanging the Extracellular Domain of Amyloid Precursor Protein for Horseradish Peroxidase Does not Interfere with Alpha-secretase Cleavage of the Beta-amyloid Region, But Randomizes Secretion in Madin-Derby Canine Kidney Cells Fluorophore-labeled Carbohydrate Analysis of Immunoglobulin Fusion Proteins: Correlation of Oligosaccharide Content with in Vivo Clearance Profile A Navel Bifunctional Chimeric Complement Inhibitol that Regulates C3 Convertase and Formation of the Membrane Attack Complex Prediction of the Antigenic Sites of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrene Conductance Regulator Protein by Molecular Modelling Transfer of Specific Endothelial Cell-binding Properties from the Procoagulant Protein Human Factor IX into the Anticoagulant Protein Human Protein C Comparison of Primary Charge Separation in the Photosystam II Reaction Center Complex Isolated from Wild-type and D1-130 Mutants of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 Mueosal Immunization with a Bacterial Protein Antigen Genetically Coupled to Cholera Toxin A2/B Subunits Use of Designed Metal-binding Sites to Study Helix Proximity in the Lactose Permeese of Escherichia CoIL 1. Proximity of Helix VII (Asp237 and Asp240) with Helices X (Lys319) and Xl (Lys358) Use of Designed Metal-binding Sites to Study Helix Proximity in the Lactose Permease of Escherichia Coll. 2. Proximity of Helix IX (Arg302) with Helix X (His322 and Glu325) Construction and Characterization of Pyocin-colicin Chimeric Proteins Structural Asymmetry of F-1-ATPase Caused by the Gamma Subunit Generates a High Affinity Nucleotide Binding Site Production of the Chimeric-binding Protein, Maltose-binding Protein-protein A, by Gene Fusion Membrane Insertion of the Bacterial Signal Transduction Protein ToxR and Requirements of Transcription Activation Studied by Modular Replacement of Different Protein Substructures Evaluation of Antibodies Fused to Minor Coat Protein III and Major Coat Protein VIII of Bacteriophage M13 Construction of Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1/simian Immunodeficiency Virus Strain Mac Chimeric Viruses Having Vpr And/or Nef of Different Parental Origins and Their in Vitro and in Vivo Replication Altered Sequence Recognition Specificity of e C5-DNA Methyitransferase Carrying a Chimeric 'target Recognizing Domain Bacterial Expression of a Kemptide Fusion Protein Facilitates P-32 Labeling of a Humanized, Anti-carcinoembryonic Antigen (hMN-14) Antibody FregmenL Cancer Res Identification of Functional Domains of Adenylyl Cyclase Using in Vivo Chimeras N'-tetraacetic Acid (DOTA) Chelates for Radioimmunodiagnosis and Therapy Stabilizing Amino Acid Replacements at Position 52 in Yeast Iso-l-cytochrome C: in Vivo and in Vitro Effects Site Specific Combinations of Stabilizing and Destabilizing Amino Acid Replacements in Yeast Cytochrome Protein engineering Peptide libraries in protein engineering • Miscellaneous C: in Vivo and in Vitro Effects Purification of an L-asparaginase-atrial Natriuretic Peptide Fusion Protein Expressed in Escherichia CoIL Bietechno/ Bioeng A String of Enzymes, Purification and Characterization of a Fusion Protein Comprising the Four Subunits of the Glucose Phosphotransferase System of Escherichia Coll Phospholipid and Cation Activation of Chimaeric Choline/ethanolamine Phosphotransferases A Chimeric Study of the Molecular Basis of Affinity and Selectivity of the Kappa and the Delta Opioid Receptors -Potential Role of Extrecellular Domains Inter-species DNA Polymerase Delta Chimeras are Functional in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Purification end Partial Characterization of Cell Surface Glycoprotein from Extremely Halophilic Archaeon Haloarcula Japonica Strain TR-I Substrate Recognition Domain of the Gel2 Galactose Transporter in Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae as Revealed by Chimeric Galactose-glucose Transporters Thermal Stability of Chimeric Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase Genes Constructed from a Thermophile and a Mesophile Pathway of Proton Transfer in Bacterial Reaction Centers: Further Investigations on the Role of Ser-L223 Studied by Site-directed Mutagenesis Construction of Murine Coronavirus Mutants Containing Interspecies Chimeric Nucleocapsid Proteins. J Viro11995 Prec Nat/Acad Sci Structure and Function of Several Anti-dansyl Chimeric Antibodies Formed by Domain Interchanges Between Human IgM and Mouse IgG2b Encapsidation of Poliovirus Replicons Encoding the Complete Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Gag Gene by Using a Complementation System Which Provides the P1 Capsid Protein in Trans Properties of Modified Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen Particles Carrying PreS Epitopes Construction and Expression of a Chimeric Gene Encoding Human Terminal Deoxynucleotidyltransferase and DNA Polymerase Beta Expression of Endogenous Peptide-major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Complexes Derived from Invariant Chain-antigen Fusion Proteins Protein Splicing: Characterization of the Aminosuccinimide Residue at the Carboxyl Terminus of the Excised Intervening Sequence Construction of Chimeric Beta-glucosidases with Improved Enzymatic Properties Biological Properties of Chimeric Domain-deleted Anticarcinoma Immunoglobulins Addition of a Mu-tailpiece to IgG Results in Polymeric Antibodies with Enhanced Effector Functions Including Complement-mediated Cytolysis by IgG4 Expression and Purification of Clostridium Perfringens Beta-toxin Glutathione S-trensferase Fusion Protein Prourokinase-annexin V Chimeras -Construction, Expression, and Characterization of Recombinant Proteins Minimal Epitopes Expressed in a recombinant Polyepitope Protein are Processed and Presented to CDB(+) Cytotoxic T Cells: Implications for Vaccine Design Immunochemical Analysis Shows All Three Domains of Diphtheria Toxin Penetrate Across Model Membranes Membrane Topology of Helices VII and Xl in the Lactose Permease of Escherichia Coil Studied by LacY-phoA Fusion Analysis and Site-directed Spectroscopy Effect of the C-tarminal Proline Repeats on Ordered Packing of Squid Rhodopsin and Its Mobility in Membranes Targeting Foreign Proteins to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Particles Via Fusion with Vpr and Vpx Only the First and the Last Hydrophobic Segments in the COOH-terminal Third of Na,K-ATPase Alpha Subunit Initiate and Halt, Respectively, Membrane Translocation of the Newly Synthesized Polypeptide -Implications for the Membrane Topology Peptide Models of Helical Hydrophobic Transmembrane Segments of Membrane Proteins. 1. Studies of the Conformation, Intrabileyer Orientation, and Amide Hydrogen Exchangeability of Ac-K-2-(LA)(12)-K-2-amide Peptide Models of Helical Hydrophobic Transmembrane Segments of Membrane Proteins Differential Scanning Calorimetric and FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of the Interaction of Ac-K-2-(LA)(12)-K-2-amide with Phosphatidylcholine Bilayers PepUde libraries in protein engineering Anti-melanoma Antibodies from Melanoma Patients Immunized with Genetically Modified Autologous Tumor Cells: Selection of Specific Antibodies from Single-chain Fv Fusion Phage Libraries Rapid Selection of Cell Subpopulation-specific Human Monoclonal Antibodies from a Synthetic Phage Antibody Library Basis for Selection of Improved Carbohydrate-binding Single-chain Antibodies from Synthetic Gene Libraries Affinity Selective Isolation of Ligands from Peptide Libraries Through Display on a Lac Represser "headpiece Dimer Selection of a peptide with Affinity for the Tumor-associated TAG72 Antigen from e phage-displayed Library Self-assembling Peptide Nanotubes Immunoglobulin Mutant Library Genetically Screened for Folding Stability Exploiting Bacterial Signal Transduction Tendamistat as e scaffold for Conformationally Constrained Phage Peptide Libraries A Library of Monoclonal Antibodies to Escherichia Coil K-12 Pyruvate Dehydrogenaee Complex -a Biochemical Analysis and Their Ability to Inhibit the Enzyme Complex A Peptide Model of Basement Membrane Collagen Alpha 1(IV) 531-543 Binds the Alpha(3)beta(1) Integrin A Mimotope from a Solid-phase Peptide Library Induces a Measles Virus-neutralizing and Protective Antibody Response Metal Coordination as a Method for Templating Peptide Conformation Requirements for Peptide Binding to the Human Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing Revealed by Peptide Scans and Complex Peptide Libraries Identification of Functional Interaction Sites on Proteins Using Bacteriophage-displayed Random Epitope Libraries Generation and Screening of Combinatorial Peptide Libraries Designed for Rapid Sequencing by Mass Spectrometry Exchange of Aspartate and Alanine -Mechanism for Development of a Proton-motive Force in Bacteria Mechanisms of Intron Mobility Reporter Enzyme-nitrilo-triacetic Acid-nickel Conjugates: Reagents for Detecting Histidine-tagged Proteins A Protein Catalytic Framework with an N-terminal Nucleophile is Capable of Self-activation Flexibility of Enzymes Suspended in Organic Solvents Probed by Time-resolved Fluorescence Anisotropy. Evidence that Enzyme Activity and Enantioselectivity are Directly Related to Enzyme Flexibility Studies of the Calmodulin-binding Site of Twitchin with Synthetic Peptides Using Fluorescence end CD Spectroscopy Greenber 9 AH, Miller LK, Wong WW: Inhibition of ICE Family Proteases by Baculovirus Antiepoptotic Protein P35 Molecular Cloning and Characterization of AqpZ, a water Channel from Escherichia CoIL J BiB/Chem Purification, CDNA Cloning, and Tissue Distribution of Bovine Liver Aldehyde Oxidase Determination of Adeno-associated Virus Rep68 and Rep78 Binding Sites by Random Sequence Oligonucleotide Selection Measurement of Nucleotide Exchange Kinetics with Isolated Synthetic Myosin Filaments Using Flash Photolysis Serum Immunoreactive Leptin Concentrations in Normal-weight and Obese Humans. N Eng Hydroxybenzoyl-CoA Reductase: Coupling Kinetics and Electrochemistry to Derive Enzyme Mechanisms Farnesylation of CaaX-tagged Diphtheria Toxin A-fragment as a measure of Transfer to the Cytosol Catalytical Potency of Bets-glucosidase from the Extremophile Pyrococcus Furiosus in Glucoconjugate Synthesis Threonine 81 of the Trp Repressor of Escherichia Coil Plays an Auxiliary Role in the Formation of the Corepressor Binding Pocket Characterization of Human DNA Ligase I Expressed in a Baculovirus-insect Cell System A Highly Recombinogenic System for the Recovery of Infectious Sendal Paramyxovirus from CDNA: Generation of a Novel Copy-beck Nondefective Interfering Virus Protein-tyrosine Phosphatase 1D Modulates Its Own State of Tyrosine Phosphorylation Sumati: Carbohydrate Induced Modulation of Cell Membrane. 2. Spin Label Study of Fluidity Changes in Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Membrane Ligand-directed Retroviral Targeting of Human Breast Cancer Cells BB-10010: an Active Variant of Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1 Alpha with Improved Pharmaceutical Properties Tools for the Production and Purification of Full-length, N-or C-terminal P-32-1abeled Protein, Applied to HIV-1 Gag and Rev PAl-l-resistant T-PA: Low Doses Prevent Fibrin Deposition in Rabbits with Increased PAl-1 Activity Catalytic Consequences of Experimental Evolution: Catalysis by a 'third-generation' Evolvant of the Second Beta-gslactosidase of Escherichia Coil, Ebg(abcde), and by Ebg(abcd) a 'second-generation' Evolvant Containing Two Supposedly 'kinetically Silent' Mutations Discovery, Isolation, Structure Elucidation, and Biosynthesis of U-106306, a Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Inhibitor from UC 11136 Use of Recombinant Protein to Identity a Motif-negative Human Cytotoxic T-cell Epitope Presented by HLA-A2 in the Hepatitis C Virus NS3 Region Phosphorylation of Nodulin 26 on Serine 262 Affects Its Voltage-sensitive Channel Activity in Planar Lipid Bilayers Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the Interaction of Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B-12) with Haptocorrin: Measurement of the Highest Protein-ligand Binding Constant Yet Reported Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of a Potent Mechanism-based Inhibitor for the TEM Beta-lactamase with Implications for the Enzyme Mechanism Unexpected Binding Mode of the Sulfonamide Fluorophore 5-dimethylamino-l-naphthalene Sulfonamide to Human Carbonic Anhydrase II -Implications for the Development of a Zinc Biosensor The Murine Lymphotoxin-beta Receptor CDNA: Isolation by the Signal Sequence Trap and Chromosomal Mapping J: pH Dependence of and Kinetic Solvent Isotope Effects on the Methanolysis and Hydrolysis of Beta-lactams Catalyzed by Class C beta-lactamase Escherichia Coil Imidazoleglycerol Phosphate Dehydratsse: Spectroscopic Characterization of the Enzymic Product and the Steric Course of the Reaction Remarkably Broad Substrate Specificity of a Modular Polyketide Synthase in a Cell-free System Measuring the Lifetime of Bonds Made Between Surface-linked Molecules Intelligence in Enzyme Regulation: Promoting Consumer Confidence. Biotechno/ogy Production of the 19-kDa Antigen of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Escherichia Coil and Its Purification Imidazoline/guanidinium Binding Domains on Monoamine Oxidases -Relationship to Subtypes of Imidazoline-binding Proteins and Tissue-specific Interaction of Imidazoline Ligands with Monoamine Oxidase B Stereechemistry of the ADP-ribosylation Catalyzed by Pertussis Toxin Isolation of High-affinity Monomeric Human Anti-c-erbB-2 Single Chain Fv Using Affinity-driven Selection Catalytic Site-specific Cleavage of a DNA-target by an Oligonucleotide Carrying Bleomycin A5 Regulation of Single CI-Channel Conductance by Insulin and Tyrosine Phosphstase Efficient Aldolase Catalytic Antibodies that use the Enamine Mechanism of Natural Enzymes Oxygen Regulation of the Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit VI Gene, COX6, in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae