key: cord-0008940-ghuv9mwv authors: nan title: Viral sequence data date: 2002-11-12 journal: Virus Res DOI: 10.1016/0168-1702(91)90053-x sha: 69164d51aee4dfbca9f7bc6fb4bb27e4dd71cb56 doc_id: 8940 cord_uid: ghuv9mwv nan The availability of all the newest sequence data is the result of collaboration between the EMBL Data Library, GenBank@ and the DNA Databank of Japan, and data are supplied regularly by these groups. This report has been prepared by the EMBL Data Library, and the classification organized by John McCauley and Nick Knowles of the AFRC Institute for Animal Health, U.K. All entries mentioned here can be obtained in machine-readable form from the EMBL File Server. The EMBL File Server can be used by everyone who has access to electronic mail networks. Database entries can be retrieved by sending a mail message to NetServ@EMBL-Heidelberg. DE containing the GET command. For instance, to get the entry with accession number X12399, the mail message should,include the following line: GET NUC : Xl2399 The requested files will be returned automatically via electronic mail. More introductory documentation can be obtained by sending a mail message to Net-Serv@EMBL-Heidelberg. DE containing the single line: HELP Although the entries provided by EMBL have been ordered and organized they have not been proof-read, in the interests of not delaying publication. The Publisher apologises for any mistakes that may appear in the listings that follow, therefore, but cannot accept responsibility for them. ). Steenbergh P.H., Maat J., Van ormondt H., Sussenbach J.S.; Nucleic Acids Res. 4: 4371-4389 (1977) . X02998 Multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Orgyia pseudotsugata (OpMNPV), GC-rich repeated DNA from the SstI I fragment. Chen D.D., Nesson M.H., Rohrmann G.F., Beaudreau G.S.; I. Gen. firol. 69: 1375 I. Gen. firol. 69: -1381 I. Gen. firol. 69: (1988 . DO0297 Pieris brassicae Granulosis virus (WGV) granulin gene. Chakerian R., Rohrmann G.F., Nesson M.H., Leisy D.J., Beaudreau G.S.; J. Gen. VIroI. 66: 1263-1269 (1985) . X02498 St. Louis encephalitis virus S-noncoding region RNA, strain 75V-14532. Brinton MA., Dispoto J.H.; viroiogv 162: 290-299 (1988) . Ml8929 Tick-borne-encephalitis virus RNA encoding structural proteins C, prM, and E, complete cds and nonstructural protein NSl, 5' end. Mandl C.W., Heinz F.X., Kunz C.; I%olo@ 166: 197-205 (1988) . M21498 Tick-borne-encephalitis virus RNA encoding structural proteins C, prM, and E, and nonstructural protein NSl, complete cds. MandI C.W., Heinz F.X., Kunz C.; @rology 166: 197205 (1988) . M27157 Tick-borne encephalitis virus nonstructural polyprotein gene, 3' end. MandI C.W., Heinz F.X., StoeckI E., Kunz C.; virology 173: 291-301 (1989) . MS3668 Tick-borne virus Dhori/Indian/l313/61 segment 4 protein gene, complete cds. Freedman-Fatdstich E.Z., Fuller F.J.; I%oZogy 175: IO-18 (1990) Tick-borne encephalitis virus DNA fragment. Chumakov M.P., Kusov Y.Y., Rubin S.G., Sahrikov YA., Semashko I.V., Georgiev G.P., Chumakov P.M., Grachev MA., Shamanin VA., Pletnev A.G.; Bioorg Khim. 9: 276-279 (1983) Tick-borne encephalitis virus structural protein gene, 5' end. Pletnev A.G., Yamshchikov V.F., Bhnov V.M.; Bioorg. Khim. 12: 1189 Khim. 12: -1202 Khim. 12: (1986 . West Nile flavivirus structural proteins Vl, VZ, V3, NV2 mRNA. Castle E., Nowak T., Leidner U., WengIer G., Wengler G.; firoZogv 145: 227-236 (1985) . Ml0103 West Nile virus RNA, complete genome. Castle E., Nowak T., Leidner U., WengIer G., Wengler G.; I&ology 145: 227-236 (1985) . Ml2294 West Nile virus 3' terminal RNA. Brinton MA., Fernandez A.V., Dispoto J.H.; virology 153: 113-121(1986) . Yellow fever virus genome (17D vaccine strain). Rice C.M., Lenches E.M., Eddy S.R., Shin S.J., Sheets R.L., Science 229: 726-733 (1985) . X03700 YeUow fever virus genomic RNA. Bouloy M.; Dupuy A., Despres P., Cahour A., Girard M., BouIoy M.; Nucleic Acids Res. 17: 3989-3989 (1989) . X15062 Hepatitis C virus RNA, and putative structural region. Takeuchi K., Kubo Y., Boonmar S., Watanabe Y., Katayama T., Choo Q.L., Kuo G., Houghton hi., Saito I., Miyamura T.; Nucleic Acids Res. Non-A, non-B hepatitis virus (hepatitis C virus) genome, 3' end region, NS 5 region. Kato N., Ohkoshi S., Shiiotohno K.; Proc. Jpn. Acad 0: 219-223 (1989) . wO58f1 Non-A, non-B hepatitis virus (hepatitis C virus) genome, 3' end region, NS 5 region. Kato N., Ohkoshi S., Shimotohno K.; Proc. Jpn. Acad. lk 219-223 (1989) . DO0587 Non-A, non-B hepatitis virus (hepatitis C virus) genome, 3' end region. Kato N., Ohkoshi S., Shimotohno K.; Proc. Jpn. Acad. 0: 219-223 (1989) . DO0588 Hepatitis C virus RNA for part of NS5 region. Take&i K., Boomnar S., Kubo Y., Katayama T., Harada H., Ohbayashi A., Choo Q.L., Kuo G., Houghton M., Saito I., Miyamura T.; Gene 91: 287-291 (1999) . D!Mto77 Hepatitis C virus RNA for part of NS5 region. Takeuchi K., Boonmar S., Kubo Y., Katayama T., Harada H., Ohbayashi A., Choo Q.L., Kuo G., Houghton M., Saito I., Miyamura T.; Gene 91: 287-291 (1990) . D!mo78 Hepatitis C virus RNA for part of X region. Takeuchi K, Boonmar S., Kubo Y., Katayama T., Harada H., Ohbayashi A., Choo Q.L., Kuo G., Houghton M., Saito I., Miyamura T.; Gene 91: 287-291 (1990) . D!40079 Hepatitis C virus RNA for part of X region. Takeuchi K, Boonmar S., Kubo Y., Katayama T., Harada H., Ohbayashi A., Choo Q.L., Kuo G., Houghton M., Saito I., Miyamura T.; Gene 91: 287291 (1990 Gen. viral. 69: 2575 Gen. viral. 69: -2583 Gen. viral. 69: (1988 . wO331 Human hepatitis b virus subtype adyw antigen genes (core antigen and surface antigen). Pasek M., Goto T., Gilbert W., Zink B., SchaIIer H., MacKay P., Leadbetter G., Murray K.; Nature 282: 575-579 (1979) . JO2202 Hepatitis b virus surface antigen major proteins pl and p2. VaIenzuela P., Gray P., Quiroga M., ZaIdivar J., Goodman H.M., Rutter W.J.; Nature 280: 815-819 (1979) . JO2205 Hepatitis B virus proviral insertion in human PLC cells (left boundary). Koshy R., Koch S., Von Loringhoven A., Kahmann R., Murray K, Hofschneider P.H.; Cell 34: 215-223 (1983) . KO1659 Hepatitis b virus proviral insertion in human plc cells (right boundary). Koshy R., Koch S., Von Lorinphoven A., Kahmano R., Murray K., Hofschoeider P.H.; Cell 34: 215-223 (1983) . KOlfXiO Human hepatitis B virus/human DNA junction, clone lambda-DTl. Dejeao A., Sooigo P., Waio-Hobsoo S., Tiollais P.; I'roc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 81: 5350-5354 (1984) . K02716 Human hepatitis B virus/human DNA junction, clone lambdaLA22. Dejean A., Sonigo P., Wain-Hobsoo S., Tiollais P.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 81: 5350-5354 (1984) . K02717 Hepatitis B virus (integrated in human hepatoma cell line) surface antigen mRNA, 3' fragment. Ou J.H., Rutter WJ.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 82: 83-87 (1985) . KO2852 Hepatitis B virus EcoD fragment and flanking cellular DNA. Mizusawa H., Taira M., Yaginuma K., Kobayashi M., Yoshida E., Koike K.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 82: 208-212 (1985) . Ml0247 HBV/humao junction, clone 13 left end. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Sham Y., Rutter W.J.; L Urul. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0439 HBV/humao junction, clone 13 right end. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Shaul Y., Rutter W.J.; J. I&ol. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0440 HBV/human junction, clone 14 left end. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Shaul Y., Rutter W.J.; L t+ol. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0441 HBV/human junction, clone 14 right end. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Shaul Y., Rutter WJ.; 1. viral. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0442 HBV/human junction, clone 15. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Shaul Y., Rutter WJ.; L Wol. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0443 HBV/human junction, clones 8 and 23 left end. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Sham Y., Rutter WJ.; J. L%ol. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0444 HBV/human junction, clone 23 right end. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Sham Y., Rutter WJ.; _r. viral. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0445 HBV/human junction, clone 26 left end. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Shaul Y., Rutter WJ.; .I Ural. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0446 HBV/human junction, clone 26 right end. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Shaul Y., Rutter WJ.; J. k'irol. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0447 HBV/human junction, clone 27 left end. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Sham Y., Rutter WJ.; 1. viral. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0448 HBV/human junction, clone 27 right end. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Shaul Y., Rutter WJ.; I. firol. 53: 885892 (1985 Garcia P., Shaul Y., Rutter WJ.; I. viral. 53: 885-892 (1985) . Ml0454 HBV virus/virus recombination site, clone 23. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Shaul Y., Rutter WJ.; I. PI&. 53: 885892 (1985) . Ml0769 HBV virus/virus recombination site, clone 27. Ziemer M., Garcia P., Shaul Y., Rutter WJ.; J I+ol. 53: 885892 (1985) . Ml0770 Hepatitis B virus/host cell 5' recombination junction. Yaginuma K., Kobayashi M., Yoshida E., Koike K.; Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA. 82: 44584462 (1985) . Ml2215 Hepatitis B Hepatitis B virus/host cell 3' recombination junction. Yaginuma K., Kobayashi M., Yoshida E., Koike K.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 82: 44584462 (1985) . Ml2488 Hepatitis B virus-chromosomal DNA junction. Yaginuma K., Kobayashi H., Kobayashi M., Morishima T., Matsuyama K., Koike K.; I. viral. 61: 1803 -1813 . Ml6635 Hepatitis B virus S gene subtype adwr, 5' end, group adw. Okamoto H., Imai M., Tsuda F., Tanaka T., Miyakawa Y., Mayumi M.; J. viral. 61: 3030-3034 (1987) . Ml7549 Hepatitis B virus S gene subtype adwr, 5' end, group adr. Okamoto H., Imai M., Tsuda F., Tanaka T., Miyakawa Y., Mayumi M.; J. Vkol. 61: 3030-3034 (1987) . Ml7550 Hepatitis B virus S gene subtype adyr, 5' end, group adr. Okamoto H., Imai M., Tsuda F., Tanaka T., Miyakawa Y., Mayumi M.; J. I&ol. 61: 3030-3034 (1987) . Ml7687 Hepatitis B virus S gene subtype adyr, 5' end, group ayr. Okamoto H., Imai M., Tsuda F., Tanaka T., Miyakawa Y., Mayumi M.; J. I&l. 61: 3030-3034 (1987) . Ml7688 Hepatitis B virus surface antigen gene, complete cds. Rivkina M.B., Lunin V.G., Mahov A.M., Tikchonenko T.I., Kukain RA. ; Gene 64: 285-296 (1988) . M21030 Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (S) gene, 5' end, clone pAD14. Okamoto H., Omi S., Wang Y., Itoh Y., Tsuda F., Tanaka T., Akahane Y., Miyakawa Y., Mayumi M.; Mol. Immunol. 26: 197-205 (1989) . M27765 Hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen (HBsAg) gene, partial cds. Zeldis J.B., Lee J.H., Mamish D., Finegold DJ., Sircar R., Lii Q., Knudsen PJ., Kuramoto I& Mimms L.T.; I. Clin. Invest. 84: 1503-1508 (1989) . MS0450 Hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen (HBsAg) gene, partial cds. Zeldis J.B., Lee J.H., Mamish D., Finegold DJ., Sircar R., Ling Q., Knudsen PJ., Kuramoto I.K., Mimms L.T.; I. Chin. Invest. 84: 1503 -1508 . MS0451 Hepatitis B virus pre-nucleocapsid protein (C gene) region, 3' end. Qkamoto H., Yotsumoto S., Akahane Y., Yamanaka T., Miyazaki Y., Sugai Y., Tsuda F., Tanaka T., Miyakawa Y., Mayumi M.; J. I&ol. 64: 1298 -1303 . MS3947 Hepatitis B virus , complete genome. Renbao G., Meijin C., Lueping S., Suwen Q., Zaiping L.; Sci. Sin. 30: 507-521 (1987 HSV-1 thymidine kinase gene, upstream promoter region. Jones KA., Yamamoto K.R., Tjian R.; Cell 42: Herpes simplex virus type 1 (a region x, infected cell protein gene, complete cds. Chou J., Roizman B.; I. viral. 57: 629-637 (1986) . Ml2240 Herpes simplex virus type 1 (Patton) US intergenic region with tandem repeats. Umene K., Watson R.J., Enquist L.W. ; Gene 30: 33-39 (1984) . Ml2262 Herpes simplex virus type 1 M2SmaI novel duplication fragment. Umene K., Enquist L.W.; J. Viral. 53: 607-615 (1985) . Ml2400 Herpes simplex virus type 1 novel duplication Ml-Taql fragment. Umene K., Enquist L.W.; J. c"irof. 53: 607-61.5 (1985) . Ml2403 HSV-1 major capsid protein (VP5) promoter region. Costa R.H., Draper K.G., Devi-Rao G., Thompson R.L., Wagner E.K.; J. viral. 56: 19-30 (1985) . Ml2474 Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) ribonucleotide reductase and 38 kd protein genes, complete cds and 58 kd protein gene, partial. Galloway DA., Nelson JA., McDougall J.K.; Proc. Nat/. Acad. Sci. USA 81: 47364740 (1984) . Ml2700 Herpes simplex virus type 1 alpha-4 gene regulatory domain with an SPl binding site (ii vitro). Kristie T.M., Roizman B.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83: 47004704 (1986) Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) minimal origin of replication region (ori-s). Elias P., O'Donnell M.E., Mocarski E.S., Lehman LR.; Proc, Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 83: 6322-6326 (1986) Human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) $a$ sequence, clone G-2. Deiss L.P., Chou J., Frenkel N.; J. I%oI. 59: 605618 (1986) . Ml3884 Human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) $a$ segment, clones G- [3, 4] . Deiss L.P., Chou J., Frenkel N.; I. viral. 59: 605-618 (1986) . Ml3885 HSV-1 glycoprotein C gene, promoter region, mu 0.627-0.632. Homa F.L., Otal T.M., Glorioso J.C., Levine M.; Mol. Cell. Biol. 6: 3652-3666 (1986). Ml4128 HSVl (strain F) gB and ICP18.5 genes encoding glycoprotein B, and a processing and transport protein, complete cds. Pellett P.E., Kousoulas K.G., Pereira L., Roizman B.; I. I%ol. 53: 243-253 (1985 Herpes simplex virus type one (HSV-1) latency associated transcript (LAT). Wagner E.K., Devi-Rao G.B., Feldman L.T., Dobson A.T., Zhang Y.K., Flanagan W.M., Stevens J.G.; I. viral. 62: 1194-1202 (1988) . Ml7921 Herpes simlex virus type 1 origin of replication (o&L) DNA region. Polvino-Bodnar M., Orberg P.K., Schaffer PA.; J. I/irol. 61: 3528-3535 (1987) . Ml8174 Herpes simplex virus type 1 UL 39 gene encoding ribonucleotide reductase 1, complete cds, and ribonucleotide 2 gene, 5' end. Nikas I., Mclauchlan J., Davison AJ., Taylor W.R., Clements J.B.; Proteins I: 376-384 (1986) . Ml8410 Herpes simplex virus type 1 UL.5 gene, complete cds, and UL4 and UL6 genes, 5' end. Mcgeoch DJ., Dahymple MA., Dolan A., McNab D., Perry LJ., Taylor P., Challberg M.D.; J. viral 62: 444453 (1988) . Ml9119 Herpes simplex virus type 1 III.8 and UL9 genes, complete cds, and ULlO gene, 5' end. Mcgeoch DJ., Dahymple MA., Dolan A., McNab D., Perry LJ., Taylor P., Challberg M.D.; I. viral. 62: 444-453 (1988) . Ml9120 Herpes simplex virus type 1 UL42 gene, complete cds. Mcgeoch DJ., Dahymple MA., Dolan A., McNab D., Perry LJ., Taylor P., Challberg M.D.; /. PI&. 62: 444-453 (1988) . Ml9121 Herpes simplex virus type 1 UL52 gene, complete cds, and UL51 and UL.53 genes, 5' end. Mcgeoch DJ., Dahymple MA., Dolan A., McNab D., Perry LJ., Taylor P., Challberg M.D.; J. l'?rol. 62: 444453 (1988) . Ml9122 Herpes simplex virus type I gamma-2-42 gene, 5' flank with alpha-4 protein binding sites. Michael N., Spector D., Mavromara-Nazos P., K&tie T.M., Roizman B.; Science 239: 1531-1534 (1988 Rueger B., Mach M.; I. viral. 62: 2243 -2250 ; I. viral. 64: 1907-1919 (1990) . M35146 Human herpesvirus type 6 major capsid protein (MCP) gene, complete cds. Littler E., Lawrence G., Liu M.Y., Barrell B.G., Arrand J.R.; .I. Vi& 64: 7X4-722 (1990) . M33515 [ll] . B95-8 is a productive marmoset lymphoblastoid cell line immortalized with human EBV from a mononucleosis patient. Baer R., Bankier A.T., BigBin M.D., Deininger P.L., Farrell P.J., Gibson T.J., Hatfull G., Hudson G.S., Satchwell SC., Seguin C., Tuffnell P.S., Barrel1 B.C.; Namre 310: Epstein-Barr virus B9.5-8 (LMP) gene for membrane proteins. Hudson G.S., Farrell PJ., Barrell B.G.; J. VI&. 53: 528-535 (1985) . Herpesvirus saimiii glycoprotein H(gH) gene, complete cds. Gompels UA., Craxton MA., Honess R.W.; J. Gen. Krol. 69: 2819-2829 (1988 Knfluenza A/Tern/South Africa/61 (H5N3) NS gene (seg 8), 3' end. Nakajima K., Nobusawa E., Ogawa T., Nakajima S.; r/iroogy 122 465468 (1987) . Ml6564 A/Duck/W~~e/63 fH3N8) NS gene (seg S), 3' end. Nakajima K., N~~wa E., Ogawa T., Nakajiia S.; viroiogy 1.X%+ 465-468 (3987). MlfS6S Infhtenza A/tmkey/Oregon/71 (HZ%) nonstructural proteins 1 and 2 RNA (seg 8), complete cds. Norton G.P., Tanaka T., Tobita K., Nakada S., Buonagurio DA., Greenspan D,, KrystaI M., PaIese P.; I&oola&y 1.56: 204-213 (1987 Influenza A/RI/S+/57 (X-7(Fl)), neuraminidase (seg 6), cDNA, clone x7FINA18. Ritchie L.R., Webster R.G., Laver W.G., Arch. viral. 96: 303-308 (1987) . Ml8647 Influenza A/RI/S + /57 (X-7(Fl)), neuraminidase (seg 6), cDNA, clone. clone x7FINA12. Ritchie L.R., Webster R.G., Laver W.G., Air G.M.; Arch. Vkol. 96: 303-308 (1987) . Ml8648 Influenza A/RI/S + /57 (X-7(Fl)), neuraminidase (seg 6), cDNA, clone x7FINA14. Ritchie L.R., Webster R.G., Laver W.G., Arch. Viral. 96: 303-308 (1987) . Ml8649 Influenza A/RI/5 + /57 (X-7(Fl)), neuraminidase (seg 6), cDNA, clone x7FINA34. Ritchie L.R., Webster R.G., Laver W.G., Air G.M.; Arch. VTrol. 96: 303-308 (1987). Ml8650 Influenza A/RI/S + /57 (X-7(Fl)), neuraminidase (seg 6), cDNA, clone x7FINA38. Ritchie L.R., Webster R.G., Laver W.G., Air G.M.; Arch. Vkol. 96: 303-308 (1987 Complete sequence of influenza virus strain A/PR/8/38 segment 1. Contains an u~dent~ed reading frame. Fields S., Winier G.; CeIi 28: 303-313 (1982 Human papilloma virus (HPV-18) E6 ORF. Matlashewski G., Banks L., Wu-Liao J., Spence P., Pim D., Crawford L.; J. Gen. viral. 67: 1909 Gen. viral. 67: -1916 Gen. viral. 67: (1986 3: 1930-1936 (1983) . K01715 Simian Virus 4O/African green monkey 13th passage variant ev-1101. Woodworth-Gutai M., Celeste A., Sheflin L., Sclair M.; Mol. CeII. Biol. 3: 1930-1936 (1983) . K01716 Mumps virus, Enders strain, P gene cDNA. Takeuchi K., Hishiyama M., Yamada A., Sugiura A.; J. Gen. wrol. 69: 2043 J. Gen. wrol. 69: -2049 J. Gen. wrol. 69: (1988 Newcastle disease virus B1/47 hemagglutinin-neuraminidase gene, complete cds. Sakaguchi T., Toyoda T., Gotoh B., Inocencio N.M., Kuma K., Miyata T., Nagai Y.; I/irology 169: 260-272 (1989) . M24708 Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), nonstructural protein lC-nonstructural protein 1B gene junction. Johnson P.R., Collins P.L.; .I. Gen. L'irol. 69: 2901-2906 (1988) . BOO387 Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), nonstructural protein lB-nucleocapsid protein N gene junction. Johnson P.R., Collins P.L.; I. Gen. k'irol. 69: 2901-2906 (1988) . DO0388 Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), nonstructural protein lB-nucleocapsid protein N gene junction. Johnson P.R., Collins P.L.; J. Gen. Wol. 69: 2901-2906 (1988 669-675 (1984) . M241% Poliovirus defective interfering particle 1,2 mRNA, partial cds. Kuge S., Saito I., Nomoto A.; J. Mol. Biol. 192: 473-487 (1986) . M30211 Poliovirus defective interfering particle 30-l mRNA, partial cds. Kuge S., Saito I., J. Mol. Biol. 192: 473-487 (1986) . M30212 Poliovirus defective interfering particle 30-2 mRNA, partial cds. Kuge S., Saito I., /. Mol. Biol. 192: 473487 (1986) . M30213 Poliovirus defective interfering particle 39 mRNA, partial cds. Kuge S., Saito I., Nomoto A.; J. Mol. Biol. 192: 473487 (I986). M30214 Poliovirus defective interfering particle 209 mRNA, partial cds. Kuge S., Saito I., J. Mol. Biol. 192: 473-487 (1986) . M30215 Poliovirus defective interfering particle 25 mRNA, partial cds. Kuge S., Saito I., 1 Mol. Biol. 192: 473-487 (1986) . M30216 35: 169-177 (1985) . KO3459 Vaccina virus 7.5 Kd gene promoter region. Co&ran MA., Puckett C., Moss B.; L l%ol. 54: 30-37 (1985) . Ml0658 Vaccinia virus DNA insert VpTlS upstream of HSV-TK gene. Vassef A., Mars M., Dru A., Plucienniczak A., Streeck R.E., Beaud G.; J. firof. 55: 163-172 (1985) . Ml0964 Vaccinia virus DNA insert VptXl upstream of HSV-TK gene. Vassef A., Mars M., Dru A., Plucienniczak A., Streeck R.E., Beaud G.; J. viral. 55: 163-172 (1985) . MlO!XS Vaccinia virus DNA insert Vpt22a upstream of HSV-TK gene. Vassef A., Mars M., Dru A., Plucienniczak A., Streeck R.E., Beaud G.; J. viral. 55: 163-172 (1985) . Ml0966 Vaccinia virus DNA insert Vpt35 upstream of HSV-TK gene. Vassef A., Mars M., Dru A., Plucienniczak A., Streeck R.E., Beaud G.; I. l&o/. 55: 163-172 (1985) . Ml0967 Vaccinia virus DNA insert VpT38 upstream of HSV-TK gene. Vassef A., Mars M., Dru A., Plucienniczak A., Streeck R.E., Beaud G.; J. tirol. 55: 163-172 (1985) . Ml0968 Vaccinia virus DNA insert VpT56 upstream of HSV-TK gene. Vassef A., Mars M., Dru A., Plucienniczak A., Streeck R.E., Beaud G.; J. Viral. 55: 163-172 (1985) . Ml0969 Vaccinia virus DNA insert VpT60 upstream of HSV-TK gene. Vassef A., Mars M., Dru A., Plucienniczak A., Streeck R.E., Beaud G.; I. I&ol. 55: X63-172 (1985) . Ml0970 Vaccinia virus DNA insert VpT63 upstream of HSV-TK gene. Vassef A., Mars M., Dru A., Plucienniczak A., Streeck R.E., Beaud G.; 1. l&ol. 55: 163-172 (1985) . Ml0971 Vaccinia virus DNA insert VpT64 upstream of HSV-TK gene. Vassef A., Mars M., Dru A., Plucienniczak A., Streeck R.E., Beaud G.; J. viral. 55: 163-172 (1985) . Ml0972 Vaccinia virus P4b (major core polypeptide) gene, complete cds. Rose1 J., Moss B.; I. l+ol. 56: 830-838 (1985) . Ml1079 Vaccinia virus late gene (l&Da), complete cds. Bertholet C., Drillien R., Wittek R.; Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA. 82: 2096 -2100 . Ml1107 Vaccinia virus 28 kd major core protein gene, complete cds. Weir J.P., Moss B.; J. I%ol. 56: 534-546 (1985) . Ml1758 Vaccinia virus rifampicin resistance locus, 3' end. Tartaglia J., Paoletti E.; I+ology 147: 3944Y34 (1985) . Ml2139 Vaccinia virus late 11K dalton structural gene, complete cds. 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Khim. 8: 272-274 (1982 Marek's disease virus, glycoprotein B gene complete cds Marek's disease virus, thymidine kinase gene, complete cds D!XNIOl Marek's disease virus(strain BC-1)gIycoprotein A(gA) gene Marek's disease virus (strain BC-1) tandem direct repeats, from IR-L region Marek's disease herpesvirus secretory glycoprotein gene, complete cds Marek's disease virus (MDV) nuclear antigen DNA region from MKT-1 Marek's disease virus (MM)) nuclear antigen (region) DNA from MSB-1 Marek's disease virus (MDV) BamHI-H fragment DNA from MSB-1 Turkey Herpesvirus (strain H2) giycoprotein A (gA) gene Herpes virus of turkeys (HVT) mRNA for protein Herpesvirus of turkey glycoprotein A @A) gene and ORF of unknown function Towne strain a sequence and boundaries Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) Towne strain two a sequence boundary Human cytomegalovirus genome, 3'-terminal part of the 5 kb transcript from the immediate-early region Human cytomegalovirus genome, BamHI-HmdIII fragment (S-terminal part of the 5 kb transcript from the immediate-early region Human cytomegalovirus transforming domain (mtrI1) with 3 open reading frames Human cytomegalovirus major immediate early (ie) gene, region 1 Human cytomegalovirus (Towne) major immediate-early (IE) gene, exon 1 Human cytomegalovirus major late antigen gene fragment Human cytomegalovirus (AD169) LS junction region Human cytomegalovirus (Towne) L-S junction region Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) v-myc hybridizing region, fragment Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) v-myc hybridizing region, fragment Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) v-myc hybridizing region, fragment b Human cytomegalovirus (strain Towne) region 2 immediate early (IE) gene Human cytomegalovirus (Towne) major immediate-early (IE) gene, exon 2 Human cytomegalovirus (Towne) major immediate-early (IE) gene, exon 3 Human cytomegalovirus (Towne) major immediate-early (IE) gene, exon 4 Human cytomegalovirus 67-kDa phosphorylated protein gene, complete cds Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA, L-S junction Human cytomegalovirus major late gene (0.415 mu), late alternative mRNA processing region Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA polymerase (pol) gene (put.), complete cds and glycop rotein B gene, 3' end Human cytomegalovirus IR-L region encoding a 30 kd protein, complete cds Human cytomegalovirus phosphorylated matrix protein (pp65) and related phosphoprotein (~~71) genes, complete cds Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) large phosphoprotein 1.50 (~~1.50) gene, complete cds Human cytomegalovirus F fragment DNA encoding DNA polymerase and glycoprotein B, complete cds Human cytomegalovirus most abundantly transcribed early gene complete cds Human cytomegalovirus HQLFl DNA region of multiple immediate-early transcripts and ORFs, complete cds. Weston K Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an OatSrich open reading frame, clone 1 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an $a&rich open reading frame, clone 2 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an Oatkich open reading frame, clone 3. Gompels UA., Craxton MA., Honess R.W.; I. I/iro Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an $a&rich open reading frame, clone 4 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an Sat&rich open reading frame, clone 5 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an $a&rich open reading frame, clone 6 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an OatSrich open reading frame Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an $at%-rich open reading frame, clone 8 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an OatSrich open reading frame, clone 9 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an $at$-rich open reading frame, clone 10 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an $at$-rich open reading frame, clone 11 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an $at$-rich open reading frame, clone 12 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an $at$-rich open reading frame, clone 13 Herpesvirus saimiri DNA with an $at$-rich open reading frame, clone 14 Herpesvirus saimiri dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene, complete cds Herpes virus saimiri small nuclear RNA HSURl Herpes virus saimiri small nuclear RNA HSUR2 Hepesvirus saimiii 52 kd immediate-early phosphoprotein gene, complete cds Herpesvirus saimiri collagen-like protein mRNA, complete cds Herpes virus saimiii transcription enhancer Herpes virus saimiii U RNA 5 gene (HSUR 5) Herpesvirus saimiri (strain 24-76) HSURl gene for U RNA 1 Herpesvirus saimiri (strain 4%?7P) HSURl gene for U RNA 1 Herpesvirus saimiri (strain 24-76) HSUR3 gene for U RNA 3 Herpesvirus saimiii (strain 48%77P) HSUR3 gene for U RNA 3 Herpesvirus saimiri (strain OMI) HSUR3 gene for U RNA 3 Herpesvirus saimiri (strain 24-76) HSUR4 gene for U RNA 4 Herpesvirus saimiri (strain OMI) HSUR4 gene for U RNA 4 Herpesvirus ateles thymidylate synthase (TS) gene, complete cds Herpesvirus papio small RNA HVP-1 and HVP-2 genes, complete cds Herpesvirus papio 3' dyad region DNA Herpesvirus sylvilagus virion complete repeat unit DNA Tupaia herpesvirus (THV) terminal junction DNA Canberra ~~rnm/~ (b3u2], nonstructural (seg 8), &a. Hall R.M herna~u~ (seg 41, cdna. Air GM.; PWC. Nati. Acad Set U&A h4n6), hemagglutinm (see; 4 /76 (h12n5), bem~uti~n (seg 4) EIlZN5) nonstru~ur~ protein (seg g) Infhtenza a/duck/new ~rk/l2/~ (hlln?), bemagghniuin (seg 41 InfIuenza a/du~/e~~d/~ (hlln6), bema~utin~ (seg 4), cdna. Air G.M.; Proc. Nutf. Acud. SC& V&4 hlln?), bema~uti~n Infhtenaa a/duck/m~to~/~3 (hEIn?), hema~utinin (seg 41 h7nl), matrix protein (seg 71, 3' end of vrna (initiator region for protein coding I~~~ A/~v~rost~/~ (filol), matrix protein (seg 7), 5' end of vrna Infiuenza A/~v/rost~k/~ (h&l), ne~aminida~ (seg 61, 3' end of vrna (dilator region for protein Influenza A/~v/r~t~k/~ (h7nl), neuramiuidase (seg 6), 5' end of vrna Influenza A/fpv/rost~k/~ (h7nl), ou~leopr~e~ (seg 5), 3' end of vrna ~mitiator region for protein codmg) Influenza A/fpv/rostock/34 (h7nl), nucleoprotein (seg 5), 5' end of vrna InfIuenza A/fpv/rost~/~ (h7nlf, polymerase 1 (seg 2),3' end of vrna Influenza A/fpv/rostock/34 (h7nl), polymerase 1 (seg 2), 5' end of vrna InfIuenza A/~v/rost~/~ (h7nl), polymerase 2 (seg l), 3' end of vrna (i~tiator region for protein begs 5' end of vrna 3' end of vma Influenza A/fpv/rostock/34 (h7nl), polymerase 3 (seg 3), 5' end of vma Xl (hlnl), matrix protein (seg 7) ma. HaII R.M (hlnl), neuraminidase (seg 6) ma /305/57 (h%.Q), hemagghttinin (seg 4) Inthtenza a/loyang/4/57 (hlnl), matrix protein (seg 7) ma. Hag R.M JO2129 1nfhtenz.a A/memphis/l0/78 (hlnl), neuraminidase (seg 6) ma Influenza a/memphis/l/71 (h3n2), hemagghttinin (seg 4) ma InfIuenza A/netherlands/68 (h3n2), neuraminidase (seg 6), cdna Infhtenza A/m/60/68 (h3n2), neuraminidase (seg 6) ma Infhrenza A/m/60/68 (h3n2), nucleoprotein (seg 5), cdna InIIuenzaA/nws/33 (hlnl), neuraminidase (seg 6) ma (h3n2), neuraminidase (seg 6), cdna 34(hlnl), hemagglutinin (seg 4) ma. Caton A Infiuenza A/wsn/33 (blnl), defective interfering 13 hemaggIutinin (seg 4), cDNA A/wsn/33 (hlnl), neuraminidase (seg ?), cdna Influenza a/wsn/33 (hlnf), polymerase 1 (seg ?), &a. Sivasubramaniau N., Nayak D.P.;J, viral polymerase 3 (seg l), cdna hemagghttinin (seg 4), cdna, 3' end neuraminidase (seg 6) ma Infiuenza a/ussr/90/71 (hlnl), neuramiuidase (seg 6) ma neuraminidase (seg 6) RNA neuraminidase (seg 6) ma Infhtenza A/swine/wisco~on/ls/~(hlnl) neur~~das~(seg 6) ma Infhrenza A/du~/ont~o/~ (h2nl), ne~~~d~e (seg 6) ma Influenza A/chick/Pennsylvania/l/83 (WN2), bemagglutinin (seg 4) Hiihaw VS KOO383 f@ (h7n~hema~~~rn (seg4) cdna Fort Warren/l/SO (hlnl), nonstructural protein (seg 8) 47 (hlnl), nonstructural protein (seg 8) Iutluenza a/ussr/90/77 (hlnl), nonstructural protein (seg 8) Influenza A/Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlal), subgenomic ma 40 (from seg 1). in defective interfering virus Puerto Rico/s/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 1 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus 34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 2 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus 34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 3 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus subgenomi~ ma 4 (from seg l), in defective interfer~g~rus Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 5 (from seg l), in defective ~terfe~ng~~ subgenomic ma 6 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus subgenomic ma 7 (from seg I), in defective interfering virus Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 8 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus subgenomic ma 9 (from seg I), in defective interfering virus 34 (hlnl), subgenomie ma 10 (from seg I), in defective interfering virus Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 12 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus 34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 13 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 14 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus Puerto Rico/g/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 15 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus Puerto Rico/8134 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 16 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus 34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 17 (from seg l), in defective ~terfe~ng virus Influenza A/Puerto Riw/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 18 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus Puerto Riw/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 19 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus ROOMi 1ntIuenz.a A/Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 21 (from seg l) Puerto Riw/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 22 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus Puerto Riw/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 23 (from seg 1). in defective interfering virus Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 24 (from seg l), in defective interfering virus Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 25 (from seg 2), in defective interfering virus Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 28 (from seg 3), in defective interfering virus Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 29 (from seg 3), in defective interfering virus Influenza A/Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 30 (from seg 3), in defective interfering virus Puerto Riw/8/34 (hlnl), bg su enomic ma 31 (from seg 3), in defective interfering virus Puerto Riw/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 32 (from seg 4), in defective interfering virus Influenza A/Puerto Riw/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 33 (from seg 4), in defective interfering virus Influenza A/Puerto Riw/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 34 (from seg 5), in defective interfering virus Influenza A/Puerto Riw/8/34 (hlnl), bg su enomic ma 35 (from seg 6), in defective interfering virus Puerto Riw/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 36 (from seg 8), in defective interfering virus Influenza A/Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 38 (from seg 3), in defective interfering virus Puerto Rica/8/34 (hlnl), subgenomic ma 39 (from seg 4), in defective interfering virus Intluenza a/montevideo/l/67 (h2n2), non-structuraI protein (seg 8), cooh terminus of nsl non-structural protein (seg 8), cooh terminus of nsl &S (h2n2), non-structural protein (seg S), cooh terminus of nsl non-structural protein (seg 8), cooh terminus of nsl (hlnl), non-structural protein (seg 8), cooh terminus of nsl (hlnl), non-structural protein (seg S), cooh terminus of nsl non-structural protein (seg8), cooh terminus of ml Influenza Afann arbor/6/~ (h2n2), non"structura1 protein (seg S), cooh terminus of nsl (h2n2), non-structural protein (seg S), cooh terminus of nsl Influenza a/swine/new jersey/II/76 (hlnl), hemagglutinin (seg 4), high yield phenotype mutant (x-53a) (h3n8), neuraminidase (seg 6), 5' end Influenza a/~llamy/42 (hlnlf, neuraminidase (seg 6), 5' end Influenza a/bh/35 (hlnl), neuraminidase (seg 6), 5' end KOlOOS Influenza a/mallard/new york/6750/78 (h&2), neuraminidase (seg 6), 5' end (h2n3), neuraminidase (seg 6), 5' end 56 (h7n7), neuraminidase (seg 6), 5' end. Blok J.; (in) and GENETIC ~A~Ti~~A~U~G I~FLUE~~ VIRUSES Symposia on Mole KOl@OS Knfluenza A/duck/Alberta/ZS/76 (h4nd), neuraminidase (seg 6), 5 end (hlnl), neuraminid~e (seg 6), 5' end neuraminidase (seg 6), cDNA neuraminidase mRNA (seg 6), complete cds H3N2) hemagghrtinin (seg 4), HA1 chain region. Sleigh MJ H3N2) hemaggiutinin (seg 4), HA1 chain region. Sleigh MJ Chick/Penn/l370/83 (H5N2) hemagghuinin gene, 3' end Puerto Rica/8/34 (HONl), matrix protein (seg 7), RNA, 5' end neuraminidase gene (seg 6), 5' end neuraminidase gene (seg 6), 5' end neuraminidase gene (seg 6), 5' end Influenza reassortant virus X-7(Fl) neuraminidase protein gene (seg 6), complete cds neuraminidase (seg 6) RNA (H5N2) neuraminidase (NA) gene, complete cds Chicken/Pennsylvania/l37O/83 (H5N2) neuraminidase (NA) gene, complete cds H2N2) nonstructural protein RNA (seg 8) Arm Arbor/6/60 (H2N2) nonstructural protein RNA (seg 8) HlNl) nonstructural protein RNA (seg 8) HlNl) nonstructural protein RNA (seg 8) HlNl) nonstructural protein RNA (seg 8) /80 (HlNl) nonstructural protein RNA (seg 8) Influenza A/duck/Czechoslovakia/56 (H4N6) nucleoprotein (seg 5) mRNA, complete cds Influenza A/duck/Ukraine/2/60 (HllN8) nucleoprotein (seg 5) mRNA, complete cds H?N6) nucleoprotein (seg 5) mRNA, complete cds 77 (H4N6) nucleoprotein (seg 5) mRNA, complete cds (H4N6) nudeoprotein (seg 5) mRNA, complete cds Influenza A/tern/South Africa/61 (H5N3) nucleoprotein (seg 5) mRNA, complete cds (H5N2) nucleoprotein (seg 5) mRNA, complete cds (H4N2) nucleoprotein (seg 5) mRNA, complete cds Influenza A/turkey/Oregon/71 (H7N3) hemagglutinin (seg4) gene, complete cds Swine/Iowa/l5/30 (HlNl), M (seg 7) Swine/Iowa/I5/30 (HlNl), NSl (seg 7) A(HlN1) virus hemagglutinin (seg 4) RNA, 5' end hemagglutinin (seg 4) gene. partial cds Unpublished. MM!% Influenza A/Mallard/Gurjev/263/82 hemagglutinin subtype H14 gene Influenza A/Arms acuta/Primorje/695/76 (H2N3) HlNl) polymerase basic 2 protein (seg 3) gene, complete cds Infhrenza virus A/Leningrad/l/54 nonstructural gene HlNl) RNA segment 5 encoding nucleoprotein INFLUENZA VIRUS TYPE B Inff uenrs B/lee/40 virus, polymerase PBl, complete genome Smgapore/222/79 virus, membrane protein (seg 7), complete genome Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Lee/40, matrix protein (complete seg 7) RNA Influenza h/lee/40, nonstructural protein (seg 8), ma. Briedii DJ., Lamb RA.; I. l&d Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U&4 hemagglutinin (seg 4), complete segment hemagglutinin (seg 4), complete segment Influenza B/singapore/222/79 nucleoprotein gene (RNA seg 5) nucleoprotein (seg 5), complete segment HA) gene (seg 4), complete segment HA) (seg 4) RNA, complete cds. Hovanec D.L PBl polymerase (seg 1) RNA, complete Influenza virus type B aucieoproteia RNA. Rota P.; Rota PA Infhrenza B virus segment 4 RNA for haemagghrtinin INFLUENZA VIRUS TYPE C Great Lakes/1167/54 virus, NS protein (seg 7), complete geaome Johannesburg/l/66 virus, NS protein (seg 7), complete geaome Influenza C/Yamagata/l0/81 virus, NS protein (seg 7) hemagghrtinin (seg 4), cDNA Ann Arbor/l/Xl hemagglutinin-esterase RNA (seg 4), 3' end Great Lakes/1167/54 hemagglutinii-esterase RNA (seg 4), 3' end RNA (seg 4), 3' end RNA (seg 4), 3' end Thogoto virus, segment 3, RNA genome El gene (5' portion) Human papilloma virus type 16 genome, 3' virus-host integrated junction Human papillomavirus la, hind-iii restriction fragments b & c. Clad A Human papillomavirus type 31 (HPV31) complete genome Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) HPV-7) DNA fragment Human papillomavirus type 6 (HPVdvc) viral DNA 74 bp insert Human papiflomavirus type 33, complete genome Human papillomavirus 8 (HPV8), complete genome Human papillomavirus type 16/human cervical cell DNA, right junction Human papillomavirus type 16/human cervical cell DNA, left junction Human papillomavirus type 11 (HPV-11) complete genome Human papillomavirus type 18 (HPV 18) gene encoding open reading frames Ll HPV-11) E5b protein, 3' end, and L2 protein, 5' end. Nasseri M., Hirochika Integrated HPV-18 E6/E7 ORF with DNaseI-hypersensitive site Human papillomavirus (HPV) long control region. Ensser A.; Ensser A., Pfister H Human papillomavirus (HPV) long control region. Ensser A.; Ensser A., Pfister H Human papillomavirus (HPV) long control region. Ensser A.; Ensscr A., Ptister H Human papillomavirus (HPV) long control region. Ensser A.; Ensser A., Pester H Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 genome, 5' virus-host integrated junction Human papillomavirus 19, noncodmg region between Ll gene and E6 gene Human papillomavirus 25, noncoding region between Ll gene and E6 gene Lymphotropic papovavirus (LPV), complete genome. Pawlita M., Clad A Bovine papillomavirus transcriptional enhancement region Bovine papilloma virus PMSl region Bovine papillomavirus type 1 E2-responsive elements Bovine papillomavirus type 2, complete genome Bovine papiflomavirus E2-responsive element DNA Bovine papillomavirus X protein gene, partial cds. Stamps A.C., Camp0 M.S.; I Bovine papillomavirus major transcript, 5' flank. Stamps A.C., Camp0 M.S Bovine papillomavirus type 2 (BPV-2) late region DNA sequence Bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) genome Bovine papillomavirus tpye 4 (BPV-4) genome Avian papillomavirus fpv-1, e-l region Avian papillomavirus fpv-1, I1 region European elk papillomavirus, segment 2 partial sequence, segment 1 partial sequence, segment 2 Rabbit oral papitlomavirus DNA fragment with E2 and E4 protein gene homologues Rabbit oral papillomavirus DNA fragment Cottontail rabbit (Shope) POLYOMAVIRUS Human papovavirus bk(mm strain)small-t and large-t antigens Human papovavirus bkv: sv40 t antigen binding regions Polyoma virus JC Polyoma virus JC JCV) regulatory sequence, clone pJCT-Br JCV) regulatory sequence, clone pJCT JCV) regulatory sequence, clone pJCT Polyoma virus AS (ASV) Polyoma virus JC (human) origin of replication Human polyomavirus BK (strain WWT) origin of replication Human polyomavirus BK (strain UT) origin of replication C fragment regulatory sequence Rla segment, early region-proximal region Rla segment, early region-proximal region Simian virus 40 / mouse host junction Simian virus 4O/african green monkey cell dna, joint 1 in variant sv40 genome ev-1104 Simian virus 4o/african green monkey cell dna, joints 2a and 3 in variant sv4O genome ev-1104 Simian virus 4O/african green monkey cell dna in variant sv40 genome ev-1104, joints 2b, 4a, 4b and 5; sv4O origins of replication Simian virus 4O/african green monkey cell dna, joints 2c and 6 in variant genome ev-1104 Simian virus 4O/african green monkey cell dna, joint 2d in variant sv4O genome ev-1104 Simian virus 40 in 13th passage variant genome ev-1103 African green monkey host cell dna integrated into sv4O (simian virus 40) variant genome ev-1103 Simian virus 4O/african green monkey joint in variant sv40 genome ev-1103 Simian virus 4O/low reiteration frequency monkey dna joint in variant 1103 Simian virus 4O/monkey (alpha component and low reiteration frequency) dna joint in variant 1103 Simian virus 40, proviral super t antigen gene, clone sve 5 kb Simian virus 40 (defective variant cvpg/l/p2 (ecori res)) genomic repeat with insert Simian virus 40 (defective variant c@/l/p2 (ecori res)) genomic repeat Sv4O proviral dna with insert of undetermined origin SV4O proviral boundary in revertant mouse cell line, left junction. Maruyama K., Oda K SV4O proviral recombination junction in revertant mouse cell line. Maruyama K., Oda K.; I. viral 3829~3841(1984)* xwm &m&i virus RNA at gene junction for proteins Sendai virus RNA at gene junction for proteins Sendai virus RNA at gene junctions for HN-L proteins Sendai virus (Harris strain) gene for F glycoprotein Sendai virus mRNA for hem~u~-neur~~id~ glycoprotein @IN) Sendai virus (strain 2) genome RNA Send Sendai virus poiymerase (P) gene (strain 6/94). Neubcrt W.; Neubert W Sendai virus polymerase (P) gene (strain fushimi) Sendai virus mRNA for matrix protein Parainfluenza virus type 1 (hPIV-1) fusion protein (F-O) gene, complete cds Parainfhtenza virus type 2 %P genes mRNA Human parainfluenza virus type 3 (PF3), fusion protein (F) mRNA, complete cds Human parairdluenza virus type 3 (PIV-3), phosphoprotein (P) mRNA, complete cds Human paminfluenza 3 virus nucleocapsid protein (ML) gene, complete cds Human parainfIuenza virus type 3 major nucleocapsid protein (NP) gene 3' end, nucleocapsid and nonstructural protein (P+C) gene 5' end Human parainfluenza virus type 3 nucleocapsid and nonstructural (P+C) gene 3' end, matrix protein (M) Newcastle disease virus Fl and I?2 fusion glycoprotein (F) mRNA, complete cds Newcastle disease virus hemagghrtinin-neuraminidase (HN) mRNA, complete cds Newcastle disease virus matrix gene, 3' end; F envelope glycoprotein (F) gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (D26/76) fusion protein gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (Que/66) fusion protein gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (ULS/67) fusion protein gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (BI/47) fusion protein gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (LAS/46) fusion protein gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (BEA/45) fusion protein gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (TEX/48) fusion protein gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (AUS/32) fusion protein gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (MIY/Sl) fusion protein gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (HER/33) fusion protein gene, complete cds Newcastle disease virus (ITA/45) fusion protein gene, complete cds Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), nucleocapsid protein N-phosphoprotein P gene junction Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), nucleocapsid protein N-phosphoprotein P gene junction Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), membrane-associated matrix protein M-small hydrophobic protein lA gene junction Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), membrane-associated matrix protein M-small hydrophobic protein L4 gene junction Human respiratory syncytiai virus (RSV), attachment glycoprotein G-fusion protein F gene junction Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), attachment glycoprotein G-fusion protein F gene junction BOO396 Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 22K protein-polymerase L mRNA Human respiratory syncytial virus (rs virus) matrix protein mrna Human respiratory syncytial (RS) virus phosphoprotein (P) mRNA, complete coding sequence Human respiratory syncytial virus envelope-associated 22K protein mRNA, complete cds KO3348 Human respiratory syncytial (RS) virus fusion (F) glycoprotein, complete cds Human respiratory syncytial virus lA mRNA, complete cds Human respiratory syncytial virus (subgroup A) attachment protein (G) mRNA, complete cds Human respiratory syncytial (subgroup B) virus attachment protein (G) mRNA, compete cds Ml7213 Human respiratory syncytial virus (RS) polymerase L gene, 5' end, and 22K protein gene, 3' end Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Human respiratory syncytial virus fusion (F) protein mRNA, complete cds Human respiratory syncytial virus phosphoprotein (P) mRNA, complete cds Human respiratory syncytial virus phosphoprotein mRNA, complete cds Human respiratory syncytial (RS) virus nucleocapsid gene Human respiratory syncytial virus (A2) mRNA for fusion glycoprotein Fo Respiratory syncytial virus mRNA for envelope PARVOVIRIDAE Aleutian mink disease parvovirus complete genome Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV-Utah 1 strain) RNA, partial sequence Budgerigar fledgling disease virus Feline panleukopenia virus structural protein genes, VP1 and VP2 Canine parvovirus isolate CPV-d Cornell #320) capsid protein genes VP1 and VP2, complete cds GS virus (human papovavirus BK variant) replication origin-proximal region Hamster H-l virus genome fragment (3' end) Hamster H-3 virus genome fragment (3' end) Kilham rat virus genome fragment MVM 3' terminus of RF monomer DNA, (extended 3'-end conformation) MVM 3' terminus of RF monomer DNA, (V and C strands covalentiy linked MVM (mouse minute virus) S-terminal palindrome Minute virus of mice (Mu, a l~photropic variant of MVM, complete genome Minute virus of mice (MVM) genome fragment (3' end) VOlllS Mouse parvovirus minute virus immunosuppressive variant genome ( = MVMi Human parvovirus B19-Wi promoter region Kilham rat parvovirus 3' terminus of genome K&am rat virus 5 terminus of the genome Raccoon parvovirus capsid protein genes VP1 (3' end) and VP2 (complete cds) Canine parvovirus (CPV2) coat proteingene, complete cds Canine parvovirus (CPV-102/10) capsid protein (VP-l/VP-2) gene, 59-73 map units CPV-d) capsid protein (VP-l/VP-2) gene, 59-73 map units Messenger RNA from the adeno associated virus Poliovirus defective interfering particle 17 mRNA, partial cds Poliovirus defective interfering particle 13,2l3 mRNA, partial cds Poliovirus defective interfering particle 14,lS mRNA, partial cds Poliovirus defective interfering particle H mRNA, partial cds Poliovirus crossover region of type 3/type 1 recombinant RNA Poliovirus crossover region of type S/type 1 recombinant RNA VOllSO Poliovirus type 15' terminal region RNA Poliovirus serotype 1 (vaccine strains Sabm 1, Cox, CHAT) genome, 5' non-coding region Poliovirus serotype 1 (wild-type isolate Pl/lS/HK/Sl) genome, 5' non-coding region Poliovirus serotype 1 (wild-t isolate P1/83827/Brazil/81) genome, 5' non-coding region Poiiovirus serotype 1 (wild-type isolate P1/2171/USA/77) genome, 5' non-coding region Poliovirus type 1 (Mahoney) P3-lb region Poliovirus type 1 (strain 77675) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain I-30) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32963445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1410) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32!X-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1116) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1504) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32963445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 6361) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 2127) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32% Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1117) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 2144) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32% Poliovirus type 1 (strain 2162) VP1/2.A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 2170) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 2171) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 2177) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 2178) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 2191) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 8223) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 8674) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 8869) VPl/ZA junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 8897) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 9210) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1077) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32% Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1197) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain D-137) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain P-78-56) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain D-511) VP1/2A junction region, bases Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1266) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1357) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1589) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain D-663) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1752) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1892) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 6371) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain D-1881) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 5582) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Ml%% Poliovirus type 1 (strain 2378) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 3216) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 3515) VPl/;?A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 15/82) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 459) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 1042) VF'1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 3563) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 3585) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 3722) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 3934) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 4414) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 4673) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32% Poliovirus type 1 (strain 6425) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 16006) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain D-144) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain D-276) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain D-1728) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain D-698) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain D-2$89) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 6428) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 5200) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 6288) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 6429) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 5905) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 6224) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 6355) VP1/2A junction region, bases 32%-3445 Poliovirus type 1 (strain 6535) VP1/2A junction region, bases 3296-3445 Genome of human poliovirus type 1 (Mahoney strain). (One of two versions Genome of human poliovirus type 1 (Mahoney strain). (One of two versions Poliovirus type 2 5' terminal region RNA Poliovirus serotype 2 (vaccine strain Sabm 2) genome, 5' non-coding region Poliovirus type 2 genome RNA, complete sequence Poliovirus type 2 (Lansing strain), complete genome Lansing strain) recombinant junction Poliovirus type 2 genome (strain Sabin 2 (P712, Ch, 2ab)) Poliovirus serotype 3 (vaccine strain Sabm 3) genome, 5' non-coding region Poliovirus serotype 3 (wild-type isolates PS/Fin/60212/85, PS/Fm/25725/85) genome, 5' non-coding region Poliovirus serotype 3 (vaccine strain USOL-D-BAC) genome, 5' non-coding region Poliovirus serotype 3 (wild-type isolate PS/Yunan/2/84) genome, 5' non-coding region Poliovirus serotype 3 (wild-type isolate P3/3054/Brazil/Sl) genome, 5 non-coding region Poliovirus type 3 (Leon) fragment encoding VPl 37 genome fragment encodiig the VP1 protein Pohovirus type 3 mRNA (vaccine strain Sabin 3 (Leon 12alb)) Poliovirus type 3 leon 12 alb sequence (P?)/Leon 12 alb Poliovirus type 3 complete sequence (strain P3/119) Poliovirus type 3 strain 23127 complete genome E~~R~V~~S (non-poliovi~s~ CB3) replicase gene, complete coding sequence Cardiotropic Coxsackie B3 virus 5' terminus. Kandolf R., Hofschneider P.H.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Coxsackievirus B3 capsid/processing p&protein gene, 5' end Coxsackie virus B4 complete genome DOtH?S Swine vesicular disease virus, 3' end Swine vesicular disease virus complete genomic RNA Echo 6 virus genomic RNA 3' non-coding region EC-9-V) genomic-linked viral protein (VPg) genomic region Echo 9 virus (EC-9-V) genomic region encoding proteasc Echo 11 virus genomic RNA, 3' non-coding region Bovine enterovirus (BEV) strain VG-5-27, complete genome HRV-lA) genomic-linked viral protein (VPg) genomic region Human rhinovirus (serotype LA) genomic region encoding protease Human rhinovirus strain 2 genome 3'-terminal region Human rhinovirus 2 (HRV2) complete nucleotide sequence Human rhinovirus type 14 LP (HRV-14LP) genome-linked viral protein (VPg) genomic region Human rhinovirus (serotype 14 LP) genomic region encoding protease HRV-14) RNA sequence Human rhinovirus type 89 (HRV89) Encephalomyocarditis virus S fragment from the 5' end JOZlSg Foot & mouth disease virus 01K VPg gene (genome-linked prot) Foot & mouth disease virus Cl0 VPg gene (genome-linked prot) Foot and mouth disease virus capsid protein Foot & mouth disease virus capsid protein VPl, serotype OlCampos/ Brazil/ill Foot & mouth disease virus capsid protein VPl, serotype C3Indaial/ Brazil/71 Foot and mouth disease virus, serotype OVl, 3' end Foot and mouth disease virus, serotype SAT 1,3' end Foot and mouth disease virus, serotype SAT 2, 3' end Foot and mouth disease virus, serotype A61, 3' end Foot and mouth disease virus, serotype C997 (large &a) 3' end Foot and mouth disease virus, serotype c997 (small &a) 3' end Foot and mouth disease virus S fragment, 5' end Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype A22), capsid protein VP1 mRNA Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype A%), capsid protein VP1 mRNA Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype A27), capsid protein VP1 mRNA Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype A32), capsid protein VP1 mRNA Foot and mouth disease serotype Cl capsid protein VP1 RNA, individual C-S35 partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus, VP1 mRNA, partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 mRNA, partial cds, clone C3ARG-&) Foot and mouth disease virus capsid protein (VPl) gene, clone CSB, partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus A10 (A-Holland) capsid protein (VPl), partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus Al0 (A-Holland) capsid protein (VP2), partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus A10 (A-Holland) capsid protein (VP3), partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype 0) variant VP1 capsid protein gene, partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype 0) variant VP1 capsid protein gene, partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype A) variant VP1 capsid protein gene, partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype A) variant VP1 capsid protein gene, partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype A) variant VP1 capsid protein gene Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype A) variant VP1 capsid protein gene Foot and mouth disease virus (serotype A) variant VP1 capsid protein gene, partial cds Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 capsid protein RNA (serotype C-SlO) Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 capsid protein RNA (serotype C-S14) Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 capsid protein RNA (serotype CS21) Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 capsid protein RNA (serotype C-S15) Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 capsid protein RNA (serotype C-S16) Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 capsid protein RNA (serotype C-S17) Foot and mouth disease virus (subtype A-10) P16 and P2Oa genes, 5' end Foot and mouth disease virus (subtype A-12) P16 and P2Oa genes, 5' end Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 capsid protein gene, partial cds, clone VR 19 Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 capsid protein gene, partial cds, clone VR 58 Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 capsid protein gene, partial cds, clone VR 5%C6 Foot and mouth disease virus VP1 capsid protein gene, partial cds, clone vR 100 Foot and mouth disease virus (strain A-10-61) serotype protein RNA, 5' end Human hepatitis A virus, complete genome Hepatitis A virus 5' half of genome coding for structural proteins VP-l and VP-3 HHA) RNA, 5' noncoding region Hepatitis A virus, 5' end of genome Hepatitis A virus, 3' end of genome Hepatitis A virus Hepatitis A virus RNA for capsid VP4-VP1 and NS-proteins (non-structural proteins Simian hepatitis A virus capsid protein VP1 mRNA, partial cds Simian hepatitis A virus segment 2A-encoded protein mRNA, partial cds Simian hepatitis A virus (HAV) 3D mRNA for RNA polymerase Simian hepatitis A virus (HAV) 3D mRNA for RNA polymerase 3' flank CRICKET PARALYSIS VIRUS Cricket paralysis virus polymerase gene, 3' end Malignant rabbit tibroma virus Shope fibroma virus/Myxoma virus recombination site DNA Myxoma virus MAP1 gene, complete cds, and M-T8 gene, 5' end Myxoma virus MVF9 gene and MVPlO (polR21) gene for RNA polymerase 21-kDA subunit Shope libroma virus (SFV) inverted terminal repeat, partial Shopc fibroma virus Shope fibroma virus thymidine kinase gene, complete cds Rabbit fibroma virus left terminal inverted terminal repeat DNA Rabbit fibroma virus left terminus terminal inverted repeat and unique internal sequence DNA Shope tibroma virus growth factor gene, complete cds Rabbit libroma virus right terminal unique internal seqence DNA Shope fibroma virus (SFV) telomeric DNA involved in transition from lineform to cruciform DNA PARAPOXVIRUS Orf virus pseudoprotease (putative) gene, complete cds Orf virus homologue of retroviral pseudoprotease gene, complete cds Reovirus sp. (serotype STl) sigma-l protein gene, complete cds Reovirus sp. (serotype ST2) sigma-l protein gene, complete cds Reovirus sp. (serotype ST3) sigma-l protein gene, complete cds Human reovirus segment S3 for non-structural protein sigma NS Reovirus serotype 1 L3 gene, major core protein lambda-l, 5' end Reovirus serotype 1 L3 gene, major core protein lambda-l, 3' end Reovirus serotype 1 M3 gene, nonstructural protein mu-NS, 5' end Reovirus serotype 1 M3 gene, nonstructural protein mu-NS, 3' end Reovirus serotype 1 Sl gene, outer shell protein sigma-l, 5' end Reovirus serotype 1 sl gene, outer shell protein sigma-l, 3' end Reovirus serotype 1 s2 gene, major core protein s&a-2,5' end Reovirus serotype 1 S2 gene, major core protein sigma-Z, 3' end Reovirus (serotype 1) Sl mRNA encoding sigma-l protein, complete cds Reovirus ribosome binding site 1. Kozak M Reovirus ribosome binding site 2 Lang strain) s4 mRNA exoding the major capsid surface protein sigma-3, complete cds Reovirus serotype 1 segment S3 nonstructural protein (sigma-NS) RNA, complete cds Reovirus serotype 1 outer capsid shell protein mu-1C and core protein mu-l (M2) genes, complete cds Reovirus serotype 1 M2 gene encoding mu-l/mu-lC, complete cds Reovirus type 1 sigma-l protein (Sl) gene, complete cds Reovirus serotype 2 L3 gene, major core protein lambda-l, 5' end Reovirus serotype 2 L3 gene, major core protein lambda-l, 3' end Reovirus serotype 2 M3 gene, nonstructural protein mu-NS, 5' end Reovirus serotype 2 M3 gene, nonstructural protein mu-NS, 3' end Reovirus serotype 2 Sl gene, outer shell protein sigma-l, 5' end Reovirns serotype 2 Sl gene, outer shell protein sigma-l, 3' end Reovirus serotype 2 S2 gene, major core protein sigma-2,5' end Reovirus serotype 2 S2 gene, major core protein sigma-2,3' end Sl mRNA encoding sigma-l protein, complete cds Reovirus serotype 2 S3 segment nonstructural protein (sigma-NS) RNA, complete cds Reovirus serotype 2 outer capsid shell protein mu-1C and core protein mu-l (M2) genes, complete cds Reovirus type 2 sigma-l-s protein (Sl) gene, complete cds Reovirus serotype 3 11 gene, major core protein lambda-l, 3' end Reovirus serotype 3 I2 gene, core protein, 5' end Reovirus serotype 3 12 gene, core protein, 3' end Reovirus serotype 3 L3 gene, major core protein lambda-l, 3' end Reovirus serotype 3 Ml gene, core protein, 5' end Reovirus serotype 3 ml gene, core protein, 3' end Reovirus serotype 3 m2 gene, outer capsid shell protein mu-lc, 5' end Reovirus serotype 3 m2 gene, outer capsid shell protein mu-lc, 3' end Reovirus serotype 3 M3 gene, nonstructural protein mu-NS, 5' end Reovirus serotype 3 M3 gene, nonstructural protein mu-NS, 3' end Reovirus serotype 3 Sl gene coding for outer capsid shelf sigma-l, 5' end Reovirus serotype 3 Sl gene, outer capsid shell sigma-l, 3' end Reovirus serotype 3 S2 gene Reovirus serotype 3 S2 gene, major core protein sigma-2,s end Reovirus serotype 3 S2 gene, major core protein sigma-2,3' end Reovirus serotypc 3 s3 gene, nonstructural protein sigma-ns, 5' end. McCrae MA.; I Reovirus serotype 3 s3 gene, nonstructural protein sigma-ns, 3' end Reovirus serotype 3 s4 gene, outer capsid shell sigma-3, 5' end Reovirus serotype 3 s4 gene, outer capsid shell sigma-3,3' end Reovirus type 3 L2 gene encoding guanylyltransferase, complete cds Reovirus serotype 3, segment 4, major surface protein sigma-3 gene, complete coding sequence Sl mRNA encoding sigma-l protein, complete cds Reovirus (serotype 3) S2 gene 3' terminal sequence (plus strand) Reovirus (serotype 3) S2 gene 5' end (plus strand) Reovirus serotype 3 M2 gene encoding mu-l/mu-lC, complete cds Reovirus type 3 major core protein lambda-l from L3 genome segment Reovirus type 3 sigma-2 protein. protein sigma-2 Reovirus 3 Ml segment encoding micron-2 protein, complete cds Reovirus 3 M3 segment encoding micron-NS protein, complete cds Reovirus type 3 mRNA start with possible reading frame and ribosome binding site. Kozak M.; L viral Reovirus type 3 mRNA start with possible reading frame and ribosome binding site Sl gene for haemagghninin (sigma 1 protein) and unidentified reading frame Bluetongue virus segment S9 gene encoding VP6 protein, complete cds Bluetongue virus major core protein gene, complete cds K02369 Blueto~e virus L2 gene encoding VP2, a serotype-specific capsid protein BTV-11) L2 gene encoding neutralization antigen (VP2), complete cds BTV-17) L2 gene encoding neutralization antigen (VP2), complete cds Bluetongue virus outer coat protein (VP2) gene, partial cds Australian bluetongue virus gene 2 encoding outer capsid protein VP2, complete cds Australian bluetongue virus gene 6 encoding outer capsid protein VP& complete cds Bluetongue virus segment 3 (L3) gene encoding VP3 protein, complete cds Bluetongue virus serotype-specific antigen (S2) RNA, 5' end Bluetongue virus serotype-specific antigen (S2) RNA, 3' end Bluetongue virus nonstructural protein P8 (seg 10) mRNA, complete cds Bluetongue virus RNA segment Sl major core protein VP7 gene, complete cds Bluetongue virus segment 5 structural protein VP5 gene. complete cds Bluetongue Virus genomic dsRNA segment Ll South African Bluetongue virus serotype 10 gene segment S8 (SA BTVlO SS) for nonstructural protein NS2 Bovine rotavirus RNA for virus protein 2 (VP2) Bovine rotavirus RNA segment 8 for viral protein 7 (VP7) the major neutralisation antigen Bovine rotavirus gene 6 genomic RNA for the group antigen (VP6) Human rotavirus surface glycoprotein VP3 mRNA, complete cds Human rotavirus gene 9 encoding viral glycoprotein VW, complete cds Human rotavirus segment 4 gene, complete cds Human rotavirus gene 11, complete cds Human rotavirus gene 11, complete cds Human rotavirus 5 mRNA for major outer shell glycoprotein Rabbit rotavirus VP11 gene (segment ll), complete cds Rhesus monkey rotavirus gene 4 segment encoding outer capsid protein VP3, complete cds Rhesus rotavirus gene 9 encoding capsid protein VP7, complete cds Human rotavirus (strain 1076) UK bovine rotavirus RNA gene segment 10, complete cds UK bovine rotavirus RNA gene segment 11, complete cds Human Wa rotavirus gene 10 for nonstructural glycoprotein NCVPS Human Wa rotavirus gene 9 for serotype-specific antigen VP7 Human Wa rotavirus segment 6 RNA, VP6 gene Thomas 3 Rotavirus gene 9 Rotavirus (human serotype 2, segment 9) VP7 surface antigen Simian 11 rotavirus gene 8 for nonstructural protein NCVP3 Simian 11 rotavirus gene 10 for nonstructural giycoprotein NCVPS Simian 11 rotavirus major outer capsid protein VP7 (seg 9), cDNA Simian rotavirus SAll major capsid protein (VP6) gene, 5' end SAll) rotavirus segment 6 major inner capsid protein mRNA, complete cds Simian rotavirus SAll segment 11 nonstructural phosphoprotein (NS26) gene, complete cds Simian 11 rotavirus gene 9 coding for the VP7 protein (the type specific antigen Simian 11 rotavirus gene 9 encoding VP7 glycoprotein Simian 11 rotavirus segment 7 encoding protein NCVP4 a nonstructural viral protein Simian rotavirus gene 6 encoding the major inner capsid protein Simian rotavirus gene 11 DNA for 28 kd polypeptide (put. capsid layer component) Simian rotavirus SAll mRNA for viral protein 4 (VP4) Simian rotavirus SAll segment 5 gene for NS53 protein Simian rotavirus SAll RNA genome segment 3 Simian rotavirus (SAll) segment 4 encoding protein VP3 Equine rotavirus (strain FI-14) Equine rotavirus (strain H-2) Porcine rotavirus (strain Gottfried) Rotavirus genome segment 11 (Wa strain Rotavirus mRNA for capsid protein VP6 (gene 6) Porcine rotavirus, rearranged genomic segment 11 coded VP11 (named gs Xl), complete sequence Porcine rotavirus capsid protein VP4 gene, complete cds OSU porcine rotavirus VP7 gene encoded by gene segment 9 Porcine rotavirus gene 9 for VP7 outer capsid protein Porcine rotavirus mRNA for VP7 ( serotype-specific major capsid protein ) Porcine rotavirus subgenome 4 RNA with VP3 outer capsid protein gene Porcine rotavirus OSU strain genome segment 11 Group B rotavirus genomic RNA segment 3 Adult diarrhea rotavirus segment 9 VP7 protein RNA, complete cds Rous associated virus type (Fyn virus) mutant fyn gene Rous associated virus type 1 (strain RAV-1, subgroup A) envelope and fgp-85 protein region RNA Rous associated virus 2 (rav-2) long terminal repeat (ltr) with reverse transcriptase endonuclease cleavage sites Rous-associated virus-2 env and gag genes Rous associated virus type 2 (RAV-2) LTR US/U3 junction Rous associated virus type 2 terminal repeat Rous associated virus type 2 (strain 12) terminal repeat Prague strain subgroup C), circle junction DNA Rous sarcoma virus (Schmidt-Ruppin), proviral, 3' LTR on 21s mRNA containing src deletion mutant Rous sarcoma virus gag gene (partial) & 5' flank Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) P19 binding sites on PR-B LA23 RNA fragment Rous sarcoma virus Prague strain, subgroup c ma 5' end Rous sarcoma provirus 5' region and host(nrk-2)dna flank Rous sarcoma provirus 3' region and host(nrkll)dna flank Rous sarcoma provirus 3' region and host(nrk+na flank Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) SR-A(NY) src gene, 5' flank. Takeya T., Hanafusa H.; I. firol Rous sarcoma virus SR-A(SF) src gene, 5' flank Rous sarcoma virus Prague strain src gene; amino acids l-40. Kitamura N., Yoshida M.C.; J. 1/5rol Rous sarcoma virus Prague strain src gene; amino acids 131-240 Rous sarcoma virus (rsv) src gene, partial Rous sarcoma virus (Prague a), proviral 5' ltr transcriptional promoter region Rous sarcoma virus v-src 5' flank; direct repeat Rous sarcoma virus v-src 3' flank; direct repeat Rous sarcoma virus (B77 strain) proviral src gene, partial cds Rous sarcoma virus (Bryan high-titer strain) src gene, 5' end Row sarcoma virus (Bryan high-titer strain) src gene, 3' end Rous sarcoma virus (Prague A) partial 5 Rous sarcoma virus (Prague B) 21s src mRNA, splice-junction region Rous sarcoma virus (tdlO1) src deletion mutant, deletion site Rous sarcoma virus (td103) src deletion mutant, deletion region Rous sarcoma virus (td105) src deletion mutant, deletion region Rous sarcoma virus (td106) src deletion mutant, deletion region Rous sarcoma virus (tdl07A) src deletion mutant, deletion region Rous sarcoma virus (td109) src deletion mutant, deletion region Rous sarcoma virus (strain B77) partial 5 Rous sarcoma virus (strain B77) partial 5' LTR. Omer CA Rous sarcoma virus (transformation defective B77 strain) env mRNA, slice-junction region 7) proviral DNA duplicated upstream of the retroviral insertion in a Rat 1 cell Rous sarcoma virus (Strain B77) recombined proviral 5 Rous sarcoma virus (Strain B77) integrated proviral 3 Rous sarcoma virus (recovered insertion mutant of B77) src gene, repaired region Rous sarcoma virus (recovered td mutant; NTRE-7) env and circle junction region Rous sarcoma virus (tdlO&lambda-3b) src deletion region Rous sarcoma virus (tdlOSlambda4a) src deletion region Rous sarcoma virus (SR-Btd) U3 region of 3 Rous associated virus 0 env and circle junction region Rous sarcoma virus (Prague B large deletion mutant) deletion region Rous sarcoma virus (Prague B large deletion mutant) deletion region Rous sarcoma virus-29 (RSV-29) src gene, 5 end Rous sarcoma virus-29 (RSV-29) src gene, 3' end Rous sarcoma virus insertion mutant, src gene, 3' end Rous sarcoma virus insertion mutant, src gene, 3' end Rous sarcoma virus insertion mutant, src gene, 3' end Rous sarcoma virus insertion-deletion mutant, src gene, 3' end Rous sarcoma virus (transformation mutant tdNYlOt3) leader sequence and gag gene Rous sarcoma virus (Prague subgroup B) gp-85 (env) gene, partial cds Rous sarcoma virus (RAV-O subgroup E) gp-85 (env) gene, partial cds NTRE-4, a recombinant between RAV-O and Pr-RSV-B) gp-85 (env) gene, partial cds Rous sarcoma provhus integration duplication region Rous sarcoma virus (rASV3812) recovered td-109 deletion mutant, tdlO9/c-src intron 1 recombination junction Rous sarcoma virus (rASV374) recovered td-109 deletion mutant, tdlO9/c-src intron 1 recombination junction Rous sarcoma virus (rASV382) recovered td109 deletion mutant, tdlO9/c-src intron 1 recombination junction Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) mutant PA101 DNA, partial cds Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Rous sarcoma virus Prague A (PrA) env-src intergenic region Rous sarvoma virus (strain SR-A) 5' env and gp+35 region RNA ROW sarcoma virus (strain RAV-2) 5' env and gp-85 region RNA Rous sarcoma virus (strain B77) 3' noncoding region RNA Rous sarcoma virus (strain PY-B(C)) 3' noncoding region RNA Rous sarcoma virus (strain SR-B) 3' noncoding region RNA Rous sarcoma virus gag gene leader sequence, segment 1 Rous sarcoma virus gag gene leader sequence, segment 2 Rous sarcoma virus defective mutant PR22.57 src gene encoding p66-src protein, complete cds Rous sarcoma virus (strain Schmidt-Ruppin, subgroup D) env region and gp-85 protein region RNA Rous sarcoma virus spot 1 RNA primer Rous sarcoma defective endogenous virus ev-1 locus gag polyprotein RNA, 5' end Rous sarcoma endogenous virus ev-2 locus gag polyprotein RNA, partial cds Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(I-423)) RNA, segment 1 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus RNA, segment 2 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus Rous sarcoma virus RNA, segment 4 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus RNA, segment 5 of 2.5 Rous sarcoma virus RNA, segment 6 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus Row sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 8 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(L423)) RNA, segment 9 of 25 Row sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 10 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 11 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 12 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(L423)) RNA, segment 13 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 14 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 15 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(IA23)) RNA, segment 16 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 17 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 18 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 19 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 20 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(I-423)) RNA, segment 21 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LAu)) RNA, segment 22 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 23 of 2.5 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 24 of 25 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) RNA, segment 25 of 25 Nucleic Acids Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant A RNA, segment 20 of 23 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant A RNA, segment 21 of 23 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant A RNA, segment 22 of 23 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant A RNA, segment 23 of 23 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant C RNA, segment 1 of 7 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant C RNA, segment 2 of 7 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant C RNA, segment 3 of 7 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant C RNA, segment 4 of 7 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant C RNA, segment 5 of 7 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant C RNA, segment 6 of 7 Rous sarcoma virus (PrB(LA23)) mutant C RNA, segment 7 of 7 Rous sarcoma virus (Schmidt-Ruppin D strain) v-src gene, complete cds Rous sarcoma virus promoter sequence (in long terminal repeat Rous sarcoma virus terminal repeat from strain Schmidt-Ruppin B (strain 2.2) Rous sarcoma virus terminal repeat from strain Schmidt-Ruppin B (strain 10 Rous sarcoma virus terminal repeat from strain Schmidt-Ruppin B Rous sarcoma virus terminal repeat from strain Schmidt-Ruppin B (strain Rous sarcoma virus genome, strain Prague C (Pr-C) Rous sarcoma virus mutant PrB-(HM) proviral DNA LTR(RUS)-pl9 HM = highly mutated Rous sacroma virus mutant PrB-(HM) proviral DNA plO-p27-env (HM = highly mutated) Rous sacroma virus mutant PrB-(HM) proviral DNA env-LTR(U3R) (HM = highly mutated) Rous sarcoma virus type C transformation-defective deletion mutant Rous sarcoma virus type C transformation-defective deletion mutant Rous Sarcoma Virus envgene (duck adapted Rous sarcome virus Pra src gene (pp60) Hamster H-19 proviral DNA Rous sarcoma virus genes for gag Avian carcinoma virus MH2D12 virus (mil deletion mutant of MH2), deletion region Avian proviral retrovirus myc protein mRNA, complete cds Avian retrovirus provirai tyrosine kinase (ENV-SEA oncogene), 3' end Avian carcinoma virus MH2 (proviral), oncogene sequences and 3' LTR Avian carcinoma virus MH2, proviral DNA, myc to 3' LTR Avian carcinoma virus pol-myc-env gene region Avian leukemia virus myc-env junction Avian erythroblastosis virus E26 fragment containing a myb/ets oncogene sequence Avian leukosis virus 3' ltr tumor junction from lambda-tjf-7 Avian leukosis virus 3' ltr tumor junction from lambda-tjf-10 Avian leukosis virus RAV-2 proviral LTR and chicken c-myc flanks Avian leukosis virus rav-2 proviral left ltr, chicken c-myc flank, allele lf3 Avian leukosis virus rav-2 proviral right ltr, chicken c-myc flank, allele ll3 Avian leukosis virus rav-2 provirai dna, c-myc (aa 44-67), allele ll3 Avian leukosis virus (RAV-2) circle junction (LTR) Avian leukosis virus (strain NTRE-2) gp%/U-3 segment DNA Avian leukosis virus (strain NY203) gp85/U3 segment DNA Avian leukosis virus (strain RAV 7) 3' noncoding region RNA A&n leukosis virus (strain RAV 50) Fl region RNA Avian myeloblastosis provirus 5' long terminal repeat (partial) Avian myeloblastosis provirus 3' long terminal repeat Avian myeloblastosis virus polymerase gene, 3' end and transforming protein gene, complete cds Contains a copy of the terminal repeat and the transforming gene, as well as part of the gene for the RNA polymerase Avian myelocytomatosis provirus (HBI) deletion mutant DNA, 5' LTR encoding a myc-specific protein Avian myelocytomatosis HBI provirus, SLTR-gag-myc-env region Avian retrovirus CM11 v-myc proviral allele encoding a gag/myc hybrid protein, 3' end Avian myelocytomatosis retrovirus v-myc gene, partial cds Avian myelocytomatosis retrovirus v-myc gene, partial cds Avian myelocytomatosis retrovirus gag gene, partial cds Avian myelocytomatosis virus reading frame of v-myc (the oncogene) and part of the gag reading frame Avian myelocytomatosis virus sequence encoding gag-myc protein integrated in Callus gallus cellular DNA Proc. NutI Avian retrovirus (pra) long terminal repeats (partial) Avian retrovirus (sra) long terminal repeats, 5' & 3 Avian retrovirus MH2 oncogene mil oncogene sequence Avian retrovirus MH2 v-mil sequence Avian endogenous virus RAV-0 env gene 3'-region for C-terminal region of envelope glycoproteins gpS.5 and gp37 Avian retrovirus RAV-1 long terminal repeat region Avian sarcoma virus (pr-c strain) 5 terminus Avian sarcoma virus retroviral oncogene v-fps fused with gag gene Avian sarcoma virus UR2, complete genome Avian sarcoma virus src oncogene (isolate rASV157) proviral DNA. Garber EA., Hanafusa H Avian sarcoma virus src oncogene (isolate rASV1702) proviral DNA Avian sarcoma virus 17 proviral jun oncogene, 3' end Avian sarcoma virus tRNA-trp primer RNA Avian sarcoma virus env and pol genes, partial cds Avian sarcoma provirus PRCIISE mutant LA46, 3' LTR Avian sarcoma virus mRNA extending over 3' end into host DNA (from Schmidt-Ruppin ASV subgroup D) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA Avian sarcoma virus genome 5'-terminal RNA sequence Avian sarcoma virus fragment (3' end) Avian sarcoma virus junction of right and left ends (plus environment) Avian sarcoma virus src gene and part of the env gene RNA genome of avian sarcoma virus Y73 Contains reading frame for the transforming gene Avian sarcoma virus CT10 genomic sequence Rous sarcoma virus (recovered td mutant 1441) env-src3'LTR region Fujinami sarcoma virus (unintegrated circular), complete genome. Shibuya M., Hanafusa H Fujianami sarcoma virus fps gene, 5' end Fujinami sarcoma virus fps gene, 3' end Fujinami sarcoma virus temperature sensitive (ts) ~140 transforming protein RNA, 3' end Avian reticuloendotheliosis virus (strain t) circle junction Chicken syncytial virus transcriptional promoter adjacent to Il Chicken syncytial virus LTR transcriptional promoter adjacent to 12 Reticuloendotheliosis virus 713 proviral clone RNA Reticuloendotheliosis virus 713 Reticuloendotheliosis revertant virus (strain T) proviral RNA, clone Reticuloendotheliosis virus Reticuloendotheliosis revertant virus (strain T) proviral RNA, clone CM136 Reticuloendotheliosis virus strain A pal (3' end) and env genes Reticuloendotheliosis virus strain T v-rel oncogene Spleen necrosis virus (SNV) provirus, 5' LTR and 5' end. Shimotohno K., Temin H.M.; I. I&02 Spleen necrosis virus (SNV) provirus, 5' LTR and 5' end Spleen necrosis virus int gene encodiig mediating DNA biiding protein, complete cds Spleen necrosis virus LTR transcriptional promoter adjacent to 12 Spleen necrosis virus transcriptional promoter adjacent to Il Spleen necrosis virus sequence from the end of the U3 region to 1.92Kbp from the 5' end Spleen necrosis virus (5' end) integrated in chicken cell Spleen necrosis virus (3' end) integrated in chicken cell RETROVIRUS Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus Mouse mammary tumor virus pol gene 3' end Mouse mammary tumor virus viral-host DNA junction Mouse mammary tumor virus genomic RNA, 3' end CR mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat possibly encoding a protein Mouse mammary tumor virus RNA of the 5' untranslated region and half of the gag gene sequence of the exogenous CR-MMTV strain Mouse mammary tumor virus (CR) proviral 5' long terminal repeat Mouse mammary tumor virus (CR) proviral 3' long terminal repeat Mouse mammary tumor virus (proviral), 3' end hr Mouse mammary tumor virus, proviraf ltr Mouse mammary tumor virus env mrna Mouse mammary tumor virus (proviral form) glucocorticoid receptor protein binding region 1 on long terminal repeat Mouse mammary tumor virus (proviral form) glucocorticoid receptor protein binding region 2 Mouse mammary tumor virus (proviral form) glucocorticoid receptor protein binding region 3 MMTV proviral arrangement 5 Mouse mammary tumor virus proviral LTR, U3 region Mouse mammary tumor virus complete proviral genome and mouse DNA Mouse mammary tumor virus (ML-MuMTV) long terminal repeat Mouse mammary tumor virus gag-X/pro-p01 gene regions, partial cds Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) phorbol myristate acetate induced mRNA, clone 14 Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) phorbol my&ate acetate induced mRNA Endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (locus Mtv-8) defective envelope gene DNA Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) phorbol myristate acetate induced mRNA Endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus proviral LTR gene product, 5 end Mouse mammary tumor virus-specific protein gene, exon 1, (5' end) Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) phorbol myristate acetate induced mRNA, clone 14 Endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat with a reading frame coding for unknown protein Mouse mammary tumor virus env gene for envelope glycoprotein Mouse mammary tumour virus (MMTV) proviral gag gene with IS1 and IS2 (NT 1500-2625) Mouse mammary tumor virus (provirus Mtv-8) regulatory region flanking transcription initiation site Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) LTR DNA with regulatory elements Thymotropic retrovirus type B long terminal repeat, U3 region RNA Abelson MuLV (v-abl) phosphotyrosine acceptor site Abelson murine leukemia virus ~53 gene intron A, cell line 230-23-g Abelson murine leukemia virus ~53 gene intron A, cell line L-12 Abelson murine leukemia virus genome with v-abl oncogene. The virus is shown as integrated in the murine genome. It has two reading frames and long terminal repeats Abelson (P160) murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV) abl gene Cold Spring Harbor x02963 Abelson murine leukemia virus DNA for long terminal repeat (LTR) Mouse Cas NS-1 retrovirus gag-one fusion protein (v-cbl) gene, 3' end Friend mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) virus env gene region Friend murine leukemia virus (circular intermediate) env polyprotein gene, complete cds Friend mu&e leukemia virus (F-MuLV) envelope gene and long terminal reopeat Friend spleen focus-forming virus glycoprotein gpSS gene Friend spleen focus-forming virus (proviral), complete genome Friend spleen focus forming virus RNA, 5' LTRU3 region Friend spleen focus forming virus left (5') long terminal repeat as integrated in mouse DNA Friend spleen focus forming virus right (3') long terminal repeat as integrated in mouse DNA Friend spleen focus-forming virus genome contains the readii frame of gp52 Friend spleen focus-forming virus (strain A) env gene for envelope glycoprotein gp 52-55 Friend spleen focus-forming virus (PI) 3' long terminal repeat Friend spleen focus-forming (A) virus 3' long terminal repeat Gross passage a murine leukemia virus env gene (3' end) and right ltr Murine leukemia virus (Gross passage A) long terminal repeat Mink cell focus-forming 247 provirus clone 1 ltr Mink cell focus-forming 247 provirus clone 2 ltr(seg 1) Mink cell focus-forming a7 provirus clone 2 ltr(seg 2) Mink cell focus-forming 247 retrovirus gp70 gene Mink cell focus-forming virus MCFr35, proviral, 3' end CI-3 isolate), proviral env gene Mink cell focus-forming virus (MCF-MuLV, CI-4 isolate), proviral env gene, deletion segment Mink cell-focus forming 247 mmine leukemia provirus pol gene, 3' end and env gene Moloney murine sarcoma virus mos gene. Donoghue D Moloney murine sarcoma virus right end of proviral ltr Moloney murine sarcoma virus (proviral) mos-ml gene and flanks Moloney murine leukemia virus (proviral mutation), LTR, partial sequence Moloney murine leukemia virus splice site region Gazdar murine sarcoma virus env/mos 5' junction Moloney murine sarcoma virus (strain HTl) env/mos 5' junction Moloney murine sarcoma virus (strain HTl) mos/env 3' junction Moloney murine sarcoma virus (strain ml) env/mos 5' junction Moloney murine sarcoma virus (strain ml) mos/env 3' junction Moloney murine leukemia virus (revertant of deletion mutant dl5401) substitution region, pol gene, partial cds Moloney murine sarcoma virus LTR enhancer sequence with a 74 bp PvuII fragment deleted Moloney murine sarcoma virus LTR enhancer sequence with 73 bp EcoRI fragment deleted Moloney murine leukemia virus unintegrated circular DNA, 5' LTR Moloney murine leukemia virus pol gene, partial cds Moloney murine sarcoma virus (strain HT-1) mos gene, complete cds. Seth A., Vande Woude G.F.; J. I/irol Moloney mu&e leukemia virus DNA containing a tRNA sequence between two LTRs Moloney murine leukemia virus, revertant mutant dl5?37rev patch region including partial LTR and gag gene, partial cds Moloney murine leukemia virus splice acceptor site Nucleotide sequence of the KpnI-SpeI fragment from M-MuLV MPlO provirus Moloney murine leukemia virus unintegrated circular DNA, 3' LTR Moloney murine leukemia virus pol gene, partial cds 3' end of the genome of Maloney murine leukemia virus (codes for the env gene) Moloney murine leukemia virus (mo-mlv) unintegrated Itr dna Moloney murine leukemia virus Maloney murine sarcoma virus (strain 349) gag-mos splice junction mRNA fragment VOlltIO Moloney mouse sarcoma virus SRC gene and long terminal repeat Left long terminal repeat of Moloney Murine sarcoma virus. (as integrated into mink DNA) Moloney mouse sarcoma virus right long terminal repeat (as integrated into mink DNA) Murine leukemia virus-like dna, partial gag/pot-lie region Murine leukemia virus-like dna, partial pal-like region Mink cell focus-forming Moloney mink cell focus-forming proviral env gene and ltr Murine leukemia virus (MuLV) LTR, thymotropic clone pB16-5 Murine leukemia virus (MuLV) LTR, non-thymotropic clone pNU)-7 Murine leukemia virus b-tropic gag region ~30 protein (fv-1 tropism determinant) Murine leukemia virus n-tropic gag region p30 protein (h-1 tropism determinant) Murine leukemia virus n-tropic strain wnlSO2n gag-pol region Murine leukemia virus B-tropic strain WNlSO2B gag-pot region Murine leukemia virus pol gene, partial coding sequence U3-R region Murine leukemia virus (amphotropic) 4O7OA LTR and flanks MuLV (strain RadLV/VW(T+L+)) Rauscher mink cell focus forming virus env gene and 3 Mu&e leukemia virus (MCF-13) long terminal repeat MuLV proviral tRNA-Glu MuLV proviral tRNA-Glu primer binding site MuLV proviral tRNA-Glu primer binding site MuLV proviral tRNA-Glu primer bmding site MuLV proviral tRNA-Glu primer binding site M-MuLV) transposon genes and replicating details, partial cds Murine leukemia virus RadLV variant, proviral LTR from cell line Ti-8 Murine leukemia virus RadLV variant, proviral LTR, from thymoma cell line GbT2 Murine leukemia virus RadLV variant, proviral LTR, from thymoma, cell line BL/VL-3 3' end of proviral genome, encoding pol polyprotein, partial cds, and env polyprotein, complete cds Murine leukemia virus (OA MuLV) LTR U3 region DNA Murine leukemia virus (MuLV) VLeco long terminal repeat Murine leukemia virus env gene, complete cds. genes Murine leukemia virus lOA derivative env gene, complete cds Murine leukemia virus CWM-T-15.4 U3 region genomic RNA Murine leukemia virus CWM-T-15 U3 region genomic RNA Murine leukemia virus CWM-T-25a U3 region genomic RNA Murine leukemia virus CWM-T-2% U3 region genomic RNA Murine leukemia virus pl5gag protein gene, complete cds Murine leukemia virus DNA 5' end and cellular/proviral junction Murine Leukemia virus (MuLV) SLTR region Murine leukaemia virus (MuLV) 3'LTR region Murine Leukemia virus (MuLV) endonuclease gene Murine leukemia virus MCFlllA LTR (LTR= long terminal repeat) Murine leukemia virus MCF13 LTR (LTR = long terminal repeat Murine leukemia virus proviral DNA with long terminal repeat (LTR) (provirus in strain AKV-2) Murine leukemia virus proviral DNA with long terminal repeat (LTR) (provirus in strain Balb/c) Murine leukemia virus defective Du5H genome (unintegrated) Murine leukemia virus genes p15E, env (partial) and gp70 (partial) Bl/ka@) murine non-leukemogenic retrovirus, ltr sequence FBR murine osteosarcoma virus (proviral) Akv murine leukemia virus (akr mice) ecotropic probe, frag 1 Akv mu&e leukemia virus (akr mice) ecotropic probe, frag 2 Akv murine leukemia virus (akr mice) ecotropic probe, frag 3 Sequence of the murine retrovirus Akv env gene, coding for the precursor of GP70 and P15E proteins Murine retrovirus SLS-2 U3 region Murine retrovirus SLS-3 long terminal repeat (LTR) Murine sarcoma virus 3611 gag-& fusion, coding for fusion proteins ~75 and ~90 Murine sarcoma virus 3611 raf gene Mu&e sarcoma virus (strain ts-110) gagP58 splice-junction mRNA BALB/c murine sarcoma virus H-ras related oncogene, complete cds Provirus of a replication defective murine sarcoma virus (FBJ-MuSV) with c-fos(p55) and ~15 E reading frames Contains genes for the gag polyprotein, which is posttranslationally cleaved into the core proteins ~15, ~12, ~30 and ~10, for an unknown protein (gene X), and the transforming gene (v-mos-Mo) Murine sarcoma virus (Harvey-strain) H-ras transforming p21 gene Mus hortulanus virus gag gene, complete cds Harvey murine sarcoma virus LTR 75-bp direct-repeat enhancer region Kirsten murine sarcoma virus p21 v-kii protein gene Kirsten murine leukaemia virus (KiMLV) ~15 env coding region and long terminal repeat (LTR) Kirsten murine sarcoma virus (KiMSV) ~15 env codii region and long terminal repeat (LTR) Murine leukemia virus NZB-9-1 xenotropic proviral DNA, pol and env genes, and 5' leader sequences Xenotropic murine leukemia virus genome fragment encoding the reverse transcriptase (pot) Xenotropic murine leukemia virus genome fragment encoding an envelope protein (env) Murine leukemia virus (Tikaut) Rat sarcoma virus (RaSV) v-ras oncogene, p29 transforming protein, proviral form Rauscher murine leukemia virus 5-prime term. reg. Lovinger G.G., Schochetman G.; 1. f'?rol Soule murine leukemia virus Some murine leukemia virus Rauscher spleen focus-forming virus (proviral) env gene and 3 Feline Leukemia onwvirus B envelope gene adjacent 3' long terminal repeat Hardy-Zuckermann 4 feline sarcoma virus (H24-FeSV) kit onwgene Baboon endogenous virus Baboon endogenous virus (BaEV), complete genome Baboon endogenous virus(m7)partial gag gene Baboon endogenous virus, ~30 region of gag gene Baboon endogenous virus(baev) long terminal repeat dna Baboon endogenous virus (BaEV M7) RNA 5' end Simian sarcoma virus (proviral) 5' ltr & host junction Simian sarwma virus sis oncogene Simian sarwma virus v-sis oncogene Simian sarwma virus v-sis gene encoding of platelet-derived growth factor chain B, signal sequence Simian sarwma virus proviral sequence with genes coding for envelope protein (env) and polymerase (~01) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.SA Woolly monkey sarcoma virus SSAV provirus pol gene for reverse transcriptase (part Macaca endogenous retrovirus Macaque type c virus mat-1 endogenous retrovirus, ltr region Macaca mulatta type C virus (MMC-1) 5' end RD114 retrovirus RD114 virus (retroviridae) 5' end RD114 retrovirus RNA of 3' genomic region Chimpanzee type C endogenous retrovirus, 5' ltr region Chimpanzee type c endogenous retrovirus, 3' ltr region Colobus type c endogenous retrovirus cpc-1, ltr region CPC-1 virus (old world primate type C virus), 5' terminus Gibbon leukemia virus(h) ?&prime terminal region Proc. NatI. Acad. Sci. U&4. 7& Gibbon ape leukemia virus (strain SEATO), 5' LTR Gibbon ape leukemia virus gag, pol, and env genes, complete cds pol gene 3' end Ml3260 Human endogenous retrovirus Human endogenous retrovirus erv3 5' long terminal repeat Human endogenous retrovirus erv3 3' long terminal repeat Human endogenous retrovirus long terminal repeats, 5 end Human endogenous retrovirus, 3' long terminal repeat Human endogenous retrovirus, 5' long terminal repeat Human endogenous retrovirus, 3' long terminal repeat Simian Mason-Pfizer like type D retroviruses Simian Mason-Pfu;er D-type retrovirus (MPMV/6A), complete genome Simian SRV type D retroviruses Simian SRV-1 type D retrovirus (L47.1) Simian SRV-1 type D retrovirus (infectious clone) long terminal repeat RNA Simian SRV-1 type D retrovirus (noninfectious clone) long terminal repeat RNA Bovine leukemia virus Bovine leukemia virus (proviral) gag, pal and env genes Bovine leukemia provirus 3'ltr plus adjacent sequences Bovine leukemia provirus 5' LTR, 5' end Bovine leukemia provirus 5' LTR, junction with gag region Bovine leukemia virus (proviral) Bovine leukemia virus (proviral) env gene and post-env region Bovine leukemia virus proviral 5' LTR (cell/viral junction) Bovine leukemia virus proviral 5 Bovine leukemia virus proviral 3' LTR (viral/cell junction) Bovine leukemia virus (proviral), gag and pol genes Bovine leukemia virus X region RNA Bovine leukemia virus X region short (sor) and long (lor) reading frame RNA Bovine leukemia virus transactivator protein (XBL-1) mRNA, complete cds Bovine leukemia virus (isolate LB59) envelope glycoprotein (env) gene, complete cds Bovine leukemia virus (isolate VdM) envelope glycoprotein (env) gene, complete cds Bovine leukemia virus (isolate LB285) envelope glycoprotein (env) gene, complete cds Bovine leukemia virus (isolate 3010) envelope glycoprotein (env) gene, partial cds Bovine leukemia virus (isolate PLK-BLV) envelope glycoprotein (env) gene, complete cds Bovine leukemia virus 3' terminal DNA fragment Bovine leukemia virus (BVL) 3'-end Human T-cell lymphotropic virus Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLVl), complete proviral genome (human T-lymphotropic virus type I) Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (CRl), proviral composite long terminal repeat HTLV-II gene x (deletion mutant p-delta-Cla35), deletion region Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (proviral) gag-protease-pol region Human T-cell leukemia virus type I, partial gag gene HTLVl (human T-lymphotropic virus type I) Human T-cell leukemia virus type I, env gene HTLVl (human T-lymphotropic virus type I) HTLV-1 DNA sequence variant (lambda ATK-1) f or reverse transcriptasc Human adult t-cell leukemia virus (mt-2 cells), 3' ltr Human t-cell leukemia virus type i (proviral), complete genome Human adult t-cell leukemia virus (mt-1 cells), proviral 5' ltr Human adult t-cell leukemia virus (mt-1 cells), proviral 3' ltr Human adult t-cell leukemia virus (mt-1 cells), proviral 3' ltr MlOOlIS Human adult T-cell leukemia virus glycoprotein 68 RNA, complete cds Human t-cell leukemia virus ii proviral long terminal repeat Human T lymphotropic virus type II (proviral), 3' terminus Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II (proviral), 3' end Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Human proviral T-cell leukemia virus type II 5' LTR Human proviral T-cell leukemia virus type II 3' LTR Simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type I Simian T-cell leukemia virus, pol-env-pX-3' LTR region SPUMAVIRUSES Bovine syncytial virus major nucleocapsid protein (N) mRNA, complete cds Ml9427 Human spumaretrovirus (foamy virus) genomic RNA with env gene Human spumaretrovirus DNA with 3' LTR Simian foamy virus type 1 polymerase (pal) gene, 3' end; and envelope (env) gene, complete cds LENTIVIRUS Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, isolate Z-84, env gene Human t-cell leukemia virus type iii provirus, 5' Itr from hxb2 Human t-cell leukemia virus type iii provirus, 3' Itr from hxb2 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III, complete reference genome (isolates HXB2, HXB3, BHlO Human T-cell leukemia virus type III (AIDS), isolate BH8 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III, isolate BHS, gag-pal (HTLV-III/I_AV) Human lymphadenopathy-associated virus (BRU isolate), complete genome Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III (New York/5/1984) K03347 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-l) proviral complete genome K03455 Human immunodeticiency virus type 1, isolate WMJ2, gag gene 5' end Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III, sor, TAT, ART, and 27K doubly-spliced mRNA (clone 12 cDNA) Ml1840 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, isolate WMJ2, env gene Ml2507 Human lymphotropic virus type III (RF isolate), env gene, complete cds Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III (CDC-451) Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, isolate Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, isolate HXB3, env region Human lymphotropic virus type III tat-111 RNA, complete cds Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, Zaire HZ321 isolate Human immunodeticiency virus type 1, isolate SC (3' end of genome) Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, isolate RF (HAT-3) Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, NYS/BRU (LAV-1) recombinant clone Human immunodeticiency virus type 1, brain Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, isolate JH3, gag gene Human immunodeticiency virus type 1, isolate JH3, vpu, env, nef genes Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, isolate 22 (originally CDC isolate Z34), single LTR clone, complete genome Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-l) proviral DNA, complete genome Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, envelope region Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-l), envelope region HTLV-III) proviral genome (AIDS virus for acquired immune deficiency syndrome) Human T-lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III) 3'ORF HXB2 DNA Human T-lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV III) 3' ORF HXB3 DNA Human lymphadenopathy virus (ELI isolate), complete genome Human lymphadenopathy virus (MAL isolate), complete genome HTLV-I (lambda HY-4) proviral gag-pol region DNA with ORF Lymphadenopathy virus LAV-2(FG) RNA with 3'-LTR fragment with transactivator homologue Human T-lymphotropic retrovirus HTLV-III(B) RNA with 3'-LTR with tar transactivator sequence Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 RNA for gag protein Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) proviral gag, pal, vif, vpX, vpR, tat, rev, env and nef genes JO4498 Human immunodeticiency virus type 2 (HIV-2). complete proviral genome Human immunodeficiency virus type 2, complete proviral genome HIV-2), complete proviral genome Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 proviral DNA, gag, pol, vif, vpX, vpR, tat, rev, env and nef genes Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 ROD isolate RNA genome (HIV-2) RNA with 3'-LTR with transactivator homologue Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 isolate D205,7 proviral DNA Human immunodeticiency virus type 2 strain D194 proviral genome HTLV-4 proviral DNA (from HUT-78 cells) long terminal repeat STLV-3 (HTLV-4) partial provirus DNA (lambda PKE102 PK 190) mRNA fragment Pigtailed monkey Simian T-cell leukemia virus protease gene African green monkey) immunodeficiency virus, isolate SIVagm3t35 African green monkey) immunodeficiency virus, isolate 266, partial pol cds Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) pol region Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) gag, pol, vif Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) proviral, complete genome Simian immunodeficiency virus upstream enhancer region Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) complete proviral genome Simian (macaque) immunodeficiency virus, isolate 239, complete proviral genome and flanking sequence Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus tat gene Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus tat protein mRNA, complete cds Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus, complete proviral geoome Caprine arthritis-encephalitis leotivirus tat protein gene, complete cds Caprine arthritis-encephalitis leotivirus tat protein gene, complete cds SIV(cpz)) geoome. Wain-Hobsoo S Equine infectious anemia virus pol gene, 5' end Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) proviral DNA, gag and pol genes Equine infectious anemia virus proviral pol(3' end) and eov genes Equine infectious anemia virus 5' long terminal repeat (complete) Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) Equine infectious anemia virus envelope (eov) RNA, complete cds, done P3.2-1 Equine infectious anemia virus envelope (env) RNA, complete cds, clone P3.2-2 Equine infectious anemia virus envelope (env) RNA, complete cds, clone F'3.2-3 Equine infectious anemia virus envelope (eov) RNA, complete cds, clone P3.2-5 S2 protein (complete cds), envelope protein (5' end) Equine infectious anemia virus transactivator (tat) protein mRNA, complete cds Equine infectious anemia virus polymerase and envelope genes, 3' and 5' ends Equine infectious anemia virus trans-activator protein mRNA, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain Indiana) defective interfering particle N-protein RNA, 5' end Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain Cocal) defective interfering particle N-protein RNA, 5' end Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain New Jersey) defective interfering particle N-protein RNA, 5' end Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain Piry) defective interfering particle N-protein RNA, 5' end Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain Chandipura) defective interfering particle N-protein RNA, 5' end Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain Indiana) defective interfering particle N-protein 5 non-coding end RNA Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain Cocal) defective interfering particle N-protein 5' end non-coding RNA Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain Piry) defective interfering particle N-protein 5' end non-coding RNA Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) (strain Chandipura) defective interfering particle N-protein 5' non-coding RNA Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) (strain New Jersey/W82-3) Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) (strain New Jersey/Ogden) RNA, 3' end Vesicular stomatitis virus (Indiana) polymerase associated protein (NS), complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus (Indiana) nucleocapsid protein (N), complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus nucleocapsid and phosphoprotein genes, complete cds and matrix protein gene VSV defective interfering particle RNA, 3'end Vesicular stomatitis virus L gene, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient ../49-UT-B1 (Ogden), complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 10/&l-GM-P, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 10/85-ES-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatit~ virus ~y~oprotein (G) gene from patient 04/85-GM-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 09/g%HD-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient ll/%HD-Bl, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 07/85-ES-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 05/85-ES-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient ../52-GA-B (Hazelhurst), complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 07/83-GA-P, complete cds Vesicular stomatit~ virus ~y~protein (G) gene from patient 11/82-VC-BZ, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 07/8eOA-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient ll/g2-VC-Bl, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient U/83-CA-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 09/82-ID-Bl, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient O&%5-NM-E, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 02/%&TX-B5 complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient Ol/f+&SN-Pl, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 07/85-AZ-E, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus $ycoprotein (G) gene from patient 09/8X0-E, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient Ol/%MR-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus gfycoprotein (G) gene from patient Vesicular stomatitis virus gfycoprotein (G) gene from patient 12/&HD-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 10/U-HD-Bl, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 10/82_CR-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 07/83-NC-P, complete c&s Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 05/85-NC-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 07/85-NC-B2, complete cds Vesicular stoma&is virus ~ycoprotein (G) gene from patient Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 12/82-CR-B5 complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 01/85-PN-Bl, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G) gene from patient 12/83-PN-B, complete cds Vesicular stoma&is virus giycoprotein (G) gene from patient 01/&I-MN-B, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein Vesicular stomatitis virus L protein gene, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus {strain 06/85-NM-E) nucleeprotein gene, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain 11/83-CA-B) nucleoprotein, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain Ol/@-SN-Pl) nucleoprotein gene, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain 85-GM-B) glycoprotein gene, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain 59-PN-L) glycoproteiu gene, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain 84-PN-B2) glycoprotein gene, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus (strain 85ES-B2) glycoprotein gene, complete cds Vesicular stomatitis virus 3'-end of genome Vesicular stomatitis virus RNA fragment, including N gene fragment VOltlO Vesicular stomatitis virus (rhabdoviridae) 3' end Vesicular stomatitis virus gene for the G protein (fragment) Vesicular stomatitis virus gene fragment encoding the G protein Vesicular stomatitis virus gene encoding the entire glycoprotein S-region of vesicular stomatitis virus ST1 DI RNA (DI = defective interferring Fragment of vesicular stomatitis virus ST2 DI RNA (DI=defective interferring) -region of vesicular stomatitis virus ST1 DI RNA (DI=defective interferring) region of vesicular stomatitis virus ST2 DI RNA (DI=defective interferring Vesicular Stomatitis Virus gene for polymerase (L) Vesicular stomatitis virus (Indiana) genomic RNA for glycoprotein Vesicular stomatitis virus New jersey sreotype NS mRNA (non-structural protein) Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) phosphoprotein (NS) gene Vesicular stomatitis virus (Indiana) genomic RNA for matrix protein M Vesicular stomatitis virus (Indiana) NS gene for nonstructural protein Vesicular stomatitis virus (NJ) mRNA for NS protein (with temperature-sensitive mutants) Chandipura virus glycoprotein LYSSAVIRUS Mokola virus genome, 5' end Mokola virus N protein mRNA, 5' end Rabies virus (ERA strain), glycoprotein mRNA Rabies virus (strain RV 194-2[P3]) glycoprotein gene, AA 30-40 AA 150-160 Rabies virus (strain RV 194-2[P3]) glycoprotein gene, AA 190-207 Rabies virus (strain RV 194-2[F3]) glycoprotein gene, AA 318-335 Rabies virus (strain RV231-22) glycoprotein gene, AA 3040 Rabies virus (strain RV231-22) glycoprotein gene, AA 150-160 Rabies virus (strain RV231-22) glycoprotein gene, AA 190-207 Rabies virus (strain RV231-22) glycoprotein gene, AA 318-335 KOZs67 Rabies virus (strain CVS-11) glycoprotein gene, AA 190-207 Rabies virus (strain CVS-11) glycoprotein gene, AA 318-335 Rabies virus nucleoprotein N gene Rabies virus matrix (M) protein mRNA, complete cds Rabies genome (PV strain) 3' region (1.5 kb) with leader and N gene Rabies virus 3'region of genome encoding leader RNA M3%36 Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) nucleocapsid protein (N) mRNA, complete cds Sigma virus genomic RNA for G protein. Teninges D., Bras-Herreng F.; .I TOGAVIRIDAE ALPHAVIRUSES Eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus (South American strain) RNA 5' terminal sequence Eastern equine encephalitis virus (north american strain) ma 5' terminal sequence Equine encephalitis virus RNA 3' terminal sequence 3' terminal sequence of equine encephalitis virus genomic RNA Eastern equine encephalomyelitis Viius(EEE) Highlands j virus ma 5' terminal sequence 3' terminal sequence of Highlands J virus genomic RNA Middelburg virus nonstructural protein and junction sequence Middleburg virus genomic ma 5' terminal sequence 3' terminal sequence of Middleburg virus genomic RNA G&r strain) complete genome Ross river virus 26s subgenomic ma and junction region Ross River virus (RRV) (strain NB.5092) RNA, complete genome Ross River virus polyproteiu (partial) region of nonstructural proteins nsP3 and nsP4 Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (strain tc38) ma 5' terminal sequence Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (trinidad donkey strain) ma 5 terminal sequence Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus capsid protein, envelope proteins (El, E2 and E3) and the 6 kd protein mRNAs, complete cds 3' terminal sequence of equine encephalitis virus genomic RNA 3' terminal sequence of equine encephalitis virus genomic RNA Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus TC-83 26S mRNA Western equine encephalitis virus RNA encoding structural proteins at the 3' end of the genome 3' terminal sequence of equine encephalitis virus genomic RNA SemIiki forest virus 3' end of defective interfering RNA SemIiki forest virus 3' end of defective interfering RNA 3' terminal sequence of Semhki Forest virus genomic RNA Derived by serial undiluted passaging of the virus in baby hamster kidney cells Semhki forest virus 42s RNA genome. Takkmen K Sindbis virus defective interfering particle di-2 Sindbis virus defective interfering particle DI-1 S-terminus Sindbis virus defective interfering Sindbis virus E2 glycoprotein gene Sindbii virus gIycoprotein PE2,3' end Sindbii virus sequence implements to 26S messenger RNA 3' terminal sequence of Sindbis virus (HR) genomic RNA Sindbii virus intracefiular 265 3' terminal sequence of Sindbis virus (WI') genomic RNA Rubella virus, capsid protein gene, complete cds and 5' end of E2 membrane protein gene Rubella virus polyprotein mRNA, El protein region Rubella virus complete genome encoding nonstructural protein, capsid protein, glycoproteins El and E2, complete cds Rubella virus capsid protein, El and E2 envelope proteins, complete cds Rubella virus 24s subgenomic mRNA for structural proteins El Rubella virus RA27/3 RNA for capsid, E2 and El proteins Equine Arteritis Virus RNA for nucleocapsid protein (overlapping clones WVO15, WV033 and AV221) Equine Arteritis Virus RNA for nucleocapsid protein (clone PB106) Equine Arteritis Virus RNA for putative polymerase gene Bovine viral diarrhea virus complete genome Hog cholera virus, complete genome Hog cholera virus polyprotein mRNA, complete cds Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus 3' terminus RNA Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus 3' terminus RNA Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus 3' terminus RNA, isolate LDV-2 Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus 3' terminus RNA, isolate Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus 3' terminus RNA, isolate Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus capsid protein gene, complete cds Berne virus ORM mRNA, 5' end Berne virus 0RF5 Berne virus mRNA for polymerase Berne virus mRNA for peplomer protein African swine fever virus thymidine kinase (TDK) gene, complete cds African swine fever virus major structural protein p72 gene, complete cds African swine fever (ASF) virus V118, X'82, U124, U104, and L270 protein genes, complete cds Non-A non-B hepatitis virus Hepatitis delta virus Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA open reading frame Hepatitis delta virus Alfalfa mosaic virus ma 3 35kd protein leader sequence Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain 425 Madison) RNA 3 of complete genome Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 3 encoding viral coat protein, comp1ete Alfalfa mosaic virus (AlMV) RNA 4,3' terminal fragment 29C Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 4,S terminal region Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain AIMVS) 5' end of RNA-l Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain ALMV-B) 5' end of RNA-l Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain AlMV-S) 5' end of RNA-2 Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain AlMV-B) 5' end of RNA-2 Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain AJMV-S) 5' end of RNA-3 Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain AlMV-B) 5' end of RNA-3 5' end of alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 1 5' end of alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 2 Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 1 fragment. (Obtained after digestion with ribonuclease A.) Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 1 fragment. (Obtained after digestion with ribonuclease Tl Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain S) complete RNA 3 sequence Alfalfa mosaic virus (AlM4) RNA 2 BADNAVIRIDAE Commelina yellow mottle virus complete circular genome BROMOVIRUS Broad bean mottle virus RNA 1, 3' end Broad bean mottle virus ma 2, 3' end Brome mosaic virus (Russian strain) RNA 1,3' end Brome mosaic virus (Russian strain) RNA 2,3' end Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA 4, 3' end Brome mosaic virus 3' terminal tRNA-like structure Brome mosaic virus RNA encoding coat protein, partial cd Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA 3, 3' end Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA 1, 3' end. GUM M.R., Symons R.H.; FEB.9 Lett Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA 2, 3' end Brome mosaic virus RNA-3 Brome mosaic virus complete sequence of RNA 3 encoding cistron 3a and the coat protein Brome mosaic virus Brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA1 sequence Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus ma 3, complete coat protein cds and complete ma 4 span Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus ma 1, 3' end Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus ma 2,3' end Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus RNA3, encoding 3a protein and coat protein, complete cds CARLAVIRUS Carnation latent virus (CLV) 3' terminal ORF Potato virus M genomic RNA, 3'-terminal region Potato virus S genomic RNA, 3'-terminal region CARMOVIRUS Carnation mottle virus (CarMV) complete genomic RNA sequence Melon necrotic spot virus, coat protein gene, complete cds CAULIMOVIRUS Carnation etched ring virus Cauliflower mosaic virus (strain Bari l), gene VI and flanks Cauliflower mosaic virus IBP gene promoter region CauliBower mosaic virus (strain CM4l&1) 5' region, segment 1 Cauliflower mosaic virus (strain CM4l&I) 5' region, segment 2 Cauliflower mosaic virus (altered virulence isolate D/H), complete genome Cauliflower mosaic virus (strain CM4-l&I) deletion mutant DNA Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) in vitro initiation sites Cauliflower mosaic virus IBP gene promoter region with oligomer BamHI linker Cauliflower mosaic virus (CAMV) BstEII/XhoI aphid transmissibility fragment DNA Cauliflower mosaic virus viable recombinant DNA, 3' flank to ORF Cauliflower mosaic virus viable recombinant ORF VIII mRNA, 3' end ORF IV polymerase mRNA, 3' end; and ORF V mRNA, complete cds, ORF IV polymerase mRNA, 3' end; and ORF V capsid protein mRNA, 5' end Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) gene six protein gene, complete cds Cauliflower mosaic virus unidentified protein gene, partial cds CauliBower mosaic virus aphid acquisition factor 5' end Cauliiower mosaic virus unidentilied protein gene, 5' end Cauliflower mosaic virus matrix protein (put.), partial cds Cauliflower mosaic virus cell-to-cell transport protein, 5' end Cauliflower mosaic virus aphid acquisition factor (3' end), and coat protein (5' end) genes. Vader V.R., Melcher U.; I'iroiogy Cauliflower mosaic virus coat protein, partial cds Cauliflower mosaic virus reverse transcriptase (V) gene, partial cds Cauliflower mosaic virus ORF II protein gene, complete cds Cauliflower mosaic virus ORF II protein gene, complete cds Cauliflower mosaic virus genome Cauliflower mosaic virus genome Cauliflower mosaic virus Cauliflower mosaic virus gene VI for the inclusion body matrix protein Figwort mosaic virus (FMV) genome Figwort mosaic virus DNA for 34s promoter region Soybean chlorotic mottle virus complete genomic sequence COMOVIRUS Cowpea mosaic virus bottom camp. (b-ma); rgn of 1st aug Cowpea mosaic virus middle camp. (b-ma); rgn of 1st aug Cowpea mosaic virus M RNA, 5' end Cowpea mosaic virus B genmic RNA, 5' end Cowpea mosaic virus M RNA 3' terminal sequence Cowpea mosaic virus bottom component RNA (B RNA Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) middle-component RNA Red clover mottle virus RNA encoding 24K protease Red clover mottle virus (RCMV) middle component (M) gene, complete cds CUCUMOVIRUS Cucumber mosaic Virus Pny strain Cucumber Mosaic Virus (Fny strain) Cucumber mosaic virus, strain 0, RNA 3, virus genome Cucumber mosaic virus RNA 3 containing 3A protein and coat protein, complete cds Cucumber mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds Cucumber mosaic virus coat protein (segment 4) mRNA, partial cds Cucumber mosaic virus strain Y (CMV-Y) RNA 5 sequence Cucumber mosaic virus RNA 2 (Q-CMV RNA 2) Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNA1 3' terminal region Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNA2 3' terminal region Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNA3 3' terminal region Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNA4 3' terminal region Cucumber mosaic virus strain Q (Q-CMV) RNA 1 sequence Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNA4 gene for coat protein Red clover necrotic mosaic virus RNA-l, complete sequence DNA A, complete sequence Bean golden mosaic virus, DNA 1 of complete genome MlOOSO Beet curly top virus (BCTV) virion DNA DNA 1 of complete genome Cassava latent virus (west kenyan &l4), dna 2 of complete genome African cassava mosaic virus (Nigerian strain) DNA 1 African cassava mosaic virus (Nigerian strain) DNA-2 Maize streak virus putative primer of second-strand synthesis Maize streak virus (Kenyan isolate) virion strand (MSV-K) Maize streak virus DNA sequence (MSV) Maize streak virus (MSV-S) infectious genome Tomato golden mosaic virus, component A of complete genome Tomato golden mosaic virus, component B of complete genome Tomato golden mosaic virus subgenomic DNA derived from DNA B cccds = covalently closed circular double-stranded molecule Sugarcane streak virus, Ll" gene encoding replication associated protein HORDEIVIRUS Barley stripe mosaic virus alpha RNA, complete cds Barley stripe mosaic virus (ND18) gamma-subgenomic RNA, 3' end Ml1511 Barley stripe mosaic virus (Type) RNA-gamma segment Barley stripe mosaic virus RNA2 3'-terminal non coding region Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV, Type strain) genomic RNA beta ILARVAVIRUS Tobacco streak virus RNA 2 (3' end) Tobacco streak virus RNA 3, 3' end (identical to the 3' end of RNA 4) Complete sequence of tobacco streak virus RNA 3 (TSV RNA 3) LUTEOVIRUS Barley yellow dwarf virus coat protein gene, complete cds Barley yellow dwarf virus Barley yellow dwarf virus genomic RNA for capsid protein Bean leaf roll virus gene for coat protein Beet western yellows virus, 3'end of virus genome X13062 Beet western yellows virus (BWYV-FLl) genomic RNA. Richards K.; Veidt I Potato leafroll virus, 3'end of virus genome Potato leafroll virus coat protein gene Potato leaf roll virus genomic RNA for potential promoter Potato leaf roll virus genomic RNA Potato virus X complete genome Potato Viius X (PVX) mRNA for viral coat protein White clover mosaic potexvirus 3'-terminal RNA region encoding ORFs of 17K, 5' end; and of Potexvirus white clover mosaic virus (WClMV) RNA genome White clover mosaic virus total genomic mRNA POTYVIRUS Barley yellow mosaic virus, 3'-terminal region of RNA 1 encoding capsid protein gene, carboxy terminus Bean yellow mosaic virus, coat protein gene, complete cds Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) mRNA for coat protein Clover yellow vein virus RNA, capsid protein gene and 3' terminal non-coding region Ornithogahnn mosaic virus genomic RNA for nuclear inclusion protein (NIa, NJb) and coat protein NJb protein) gene, coat protein gene and 3' untraslated region NJb protein) gene, coat protein gene and 3 untraslated region Pepper mottle virus (PeMV) capsid protein RNA, complete cds capsid protein gene (3' region of PPV RNA) Plum pox potyvirus (PPV) capsid protein and RNA polymerase genes, complete cds Plum pox virus RNA genome Potato virus Y (PVY) genome, 5' end. Turpen T.; I. Gen BOO4lt9 Potato virus Y coat protein gene, 3' end Potato virus Y helper component mRNA, 5' end Potato virus Y helper component mRNA, 5' end Potato virus Y (PVY) mRNA for viral coat protein Potato virus Y RNA for coat protein (partial) Potato virus RNA for capsid protein and virus-specific polymerase (putative nuclear inclusion protein (NJb)) 3' end Soybean mosaic virus, coat protein gene, complete cds Sugar cane mosaic virus RNA for capsid/nuclear inclusion protein (3' terminal genome) Tobacco etch virus (highly aphid transmissible (HAT)) complete genome Tobacco vein mottling virus helper component-related P75 gene, partial cds Tobacco vein mottling virus Watermelon mosaic virus 2 genome RNA, coat protein-coding region and the 3' untranslated region Watermelon Mosaic Virus II, 49kda protease, nuclear inclusion protein and coat protein genes Zucchini yellow mosaic virus coat protein (cp) mRNA, 3' end Rice dwarf virus segment SlO mRNA, encoding an ORF, complete cds Rice dwarf virus genome segment 10, complete sequence Rice dwarf virus genorne segment 3, complete sequence Rice dwarf virus genome segment 4, complete sequence. Uyeda I Rice dwarf virus genome segment 7, complete sequence Rice dwarf virus segment 10 mRNA, encoding an ORF, complete cds Rice Dwarf Virus RNA for genomic segment 5 Rice dwarf virus S3 mRNA for segment 3 Rice dwarf virus S4 mRNA for segment 4 Rice black-streaked dwarf virus genome segment 10. Uyeda I., Azuhata F., Shikata E Wound tumor virus genome segment S5 encoding polypeptide PS, complete cds Wound tumor virus genomic segment s8 encoding P8 structural polypeptide, complete cds Plant wound tumor virus (reovius), segment S12 Wound Tumor Virus genomic segment SlO encoding Pnsll nonstructural polypeptide, complete cds Wound Tumor Virus genomic segment S9 encoding PnslO nonstructural polypeptide, complete cds Wound Tumor Viius genomic segment S6 encoding Pns7 nonstructural polypeptide, complete cds Wound Tumor Viius genomic segment S4 encoding Pns4 nonstructural polypeptide, complete cds Wound tumor virus genomic RNA segment S7 encoding structural protein P6 Wound tumor virus RNA segment Sll for structural protein P9 RHABDOVIRIDAE Sonchus yellow net virus leader RNA Sonchus yellow net virus nucleocapsid protein mRNA, complete cds Sonchus yellow net virus Ml protein gene, complete cds SOBEMOVIRUS Southern bean mosaic virus (bean strain) ma, 3' terminus Southern bean mosaic virus (cowpea strain) ma, 3' terminus TOBACCO NECROSIS VIRUS GROUP Tobacco necrosis virus RNA dependent RNA polymerase and coat protein genes, complete cds TOBAMOVIRUS Beet necrotic yellow vein mosaic virus F2 RNA-3 Beet necrotic yellow vein mosaic virus Gl RNA-3 Beet necrotic yellow vein mosaic virus F2 RNA4 Beet necrotic yellow vein mosaic virus Gl RNA-4 Beet necrotic yellow vein virus RNA Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus complete RNA-l with 237K ORF Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus 3OK protein gene, complete cds, and 180K and coat protein genes Tobacco mosaic virus 3Ok protein gene Tobacco mosaic virus(cowpea strain) 30k & coat protein genes Tobacco mosaic virus 3' end (3Ok & coat protein genes) Turnip yellow mosaic virus genome Turnip mosaic virus gene for coat protein (partial) Lucerne transient streak virus Lucerne transient streak virus (LTSV-A) RNA 2 sequence Lucerne transient streak virus (LTSV-N) RNA2 sequence Solanum nodiflorum mottle virus (circular viroid-like) ma2 UNCLASSIFIED COCOmlt foliar decay vilY.lS -Unclassified but Gemini-like &DNA) Coconut foliar decay virus, complete genome Maize chlorotic mottle virus -unclassified but carmovirus-like Satellite arabis mosaic virus, complete genome Satellite panicum mosaic virus capsid protein RNA, complete cds Satellite tobacco necrosis virus (STNV) folded RNA region with an unidentified ORF, 5' end Satellite tobacco necrosis virus genome including reading frame for the viral coat protein Cucumber mosaic virus satellite ma(sat-ma) Cucumber mosaic virus-associated satellite RNA 5 ((1)caRNAs) JO2061 Cucumber mosaic virus-associated RNA 5 (CARNA S), complete sequence Cucumber mosaic virus (strain S)-associated satellite (S)CARNA 5 RNA, complete cds Cucumber mosaic virus Bl-sat RNA. Garcia-Arena1 F., Zaitlin M., Palukaitis P.; virology 15& Cucumber mosaic virus B2-sat RNA. Garcia-Arena1 F., Zaitlin M., Palukaitis P.; virolog Cucumber mosaic virus B3-sat RNA. Garcia-Arenal F., Zaitlin M Ml6588 Cucumber mosaic virus WLl-sat RNA. Garcia-Arena1 F., Zaithn M Cucumber mosaic virus WL2-sat RNA. Garcia-Arena Cumber mosaic virus (CMV) satellite 117N(l) Cumbcr mosaic virus (CMV) satellite 117N(2) Cumber mosaic virus (CMV) satellite R(1) Cumber mosaic virus (CMV) satellite R Cumber mosaic virus (CMV) satellite R(3) Cumber mosaic virus MZO350 Cucumber mosaic virus CARNA 5 gene with ORFs I, IIA, and IIB, 5' end, clone SqlO Cucumber mosaic virus CARNA 5 gene with ORFs I, IIA, and IIB, 5' end, clone Ch20 Cucumber mosaic virus CARNA 5 gene with ORFs I, IIA, and IIB, 5' end, clone X2nT3 Cucumber mosaic virus CARNA 5 gene with ORFs I, IIA, and IIB, 5' end, clone X7 Cucumber mosaic virus CARNA 5 gene with ORFs I, IIA, and IIB, 5' end, clone X12 Cucumber mosaic virus CARNA 5 gene with ORFs I, LA, and IIB, 5' end, clone X15 Cucumber mosaic virus CARNA 5 gene with ORFs I, IIA, and IIB, 5' end, clone X2c Cucumber mosaic virus E-satellite Cucumber mosaic virus OY-satellite (OY2-satRNA) RNA Cucumber mosaic virus (D) CARNA 5-sat RNA. Garcia-Arena1 F., Zaitlin M Cucumber mosaic virus (l)CARNA 5-sat RNA Cucumber mosaic virus (S) CARNA 5-sat RNA. Garcia-Arena1 F., Zaitlin M Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) D-satellite RNA, clone pDsat4 Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) D-satellite RNA, clone pDsat5 Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) D-satellite RNA, clone pDsat6 Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) D-satellite RNA, clone pDsat9 Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) WI-satellite RNA, clone pWLsat47 Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) WLsatellite RNA, clone pWLsat210 Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) WL-satellite RNA, clone pWLsat324 Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) B-l-satellite RNA, clones pBsat MS0592 Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) B-l-satellite RNA, clone pBsat4 Cucumber mosaic virus WL3-satellite RNA Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA Peanut stunt virus-associated RNA5 (PARNA 5) Satellite DNA of Geminiviruses Wheat dwarf virus (WDV), virion-associated small DNA Satellite RNA of Nepoviruses Arabis mosaic virus satellite RNA (RNA-3) Tobacco ringspot virus satellite RNA Tomato black ring virus Tomato black ring virus Tomato black ring virus Satellite RNA of Tombusviruses Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) avirulent satellite RNA Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) virulent satellite Satellite RNA of velvet tobacco mottle virus group Subterranean clover mottle virus satellite RNA (virusoid) sequence Subterranean clover mottle virus satellite RNA (virusoid) sequence Velvet tobacco mottle virus circular viroid-like RNA (RNA 2) Apple scar skin viroid, complete sequence Apple scar skin viroid complete genome Apple scar skin viroid complete genome Avocado sunblotch viroid Avocado sunblotch viroid, complete genome Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant A-l Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-l Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-2 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-3 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-4 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-5 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-6 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-2 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-5 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-6 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-8 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-9 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-10 Cadang-cadang coconut viroid Cadang-cadang coconut viroid, ma 1 fast, complete genome JO2051 Chrysanthemum stunt viroid Chrysanthemum stunt viroid, complete genome KOO!W Citrus exocortis viroid, strain de%, complete geaome Citrus exocortis viroid RNA sequence, complete geaome Coconut tinangaja viroid Coconut tiaanangaja viroid RNA, complete geaome Columnea latent viroid Cucumber pale fruit viroid (CPFV) sequence Cucumber pale fruit viroid Australian grapevine viroid central conserved sequence Grapevine viroid Hop stunt viroid strain RNA from plum and peach dapple fruits, complete sequence Hop stunt viroid strain RNA from peach dapple fruit, complete sequence Hop Stunt Viioid (HSV) ss circular RNA sequence Hop stunt viroid citrus isolate (HSV-tit) genome (variant 1) Hop stunt viroid citrus isolate (HSV-cit) complete genome (variant 2) Hop stunt viroid (German grapevine cultivar Riesling) genome Hop stunt viroid (HSV) Korean strain mRNA for viroid RNA Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) isolate genome from grapefruit Xl5330 Potato spindle tuber viroid Potato spindle tuber viroid mild strain, complete genome Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA ALGAL VIRUSES CviJI) gene, complete cds protein (Ll) gene, 5' end MD-l RNA 3' terminal region Killer virus of S.cerevisiae defective interfering particle S3,5' terminus of positive strand Killer virus of Scerevisiae defective interfering particle S3,3' terminus of positive strand Killer virus of S.cerevisiae 5' end Ml-2 region mRNA fragment Yeast K2 type killer virus Kil-k2 gene for the K2 killer toxin precursor. Meskauskas A.; Meskauskas A SpVl-R&42 B) complete genome Phage 16-3 C repressor gene regulatory region Bacteriophage 21 Bacteriophage 21 DNA for left end sequence with genes 1 and 2 Bacteriophage 82 Bacteriophage 82 antitermination protein (Q) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage 186 Coliphage 186 Pst Ifragment with major control genes genes D (part.), B, CP69, int, c1, CP75 and CP76 (part Bacteriophage 434 Bacteriophage 434 attP region Bacteriophage 434 operator region DNA with recognition sites for repressor and cro proteins Bacteriophage 434 excise protein gene, 5' end, and three ORFs Genes cro cII and oop of the lambdoid phage 434 Rex gene of phage lambda Bacteriophage 434 cI gene fragment for repressor protein Bacteriophage 9335 (from Ecoli) proviral %&a-like toxin type 1 subunits A and B genes Bacteriophage 933W slt-II gene for Shiga-like toxin type11 subunit A Bacteriophage alpha3 origin of DNA replication Bacteriophage alpha-3 cleavage site for phage phi-Xl74 gene A protein Bacteriophage alpha-3 gene J sequence Bacteriophage alpha3 gene for protein A part., finger domain Bacteriophage alpha3 DNA for origin of replication Bacteriophage alpha3 deletion mutant DNA for the origin region (-ori) of replication Bacteriophage alpha3 deletion mutant DNA for origin region (-ori) of replication. Kodaira K.I.; Nakano K Bacteriophage alpha3 deletion mutant DNA for origin region (-ori) of of replication Bacteriophage alpha3 deletion mutant DNA for origin region (-ori) of replication. Kodaira K.I.; Nakano K Bacteriophage alpha3 deletion mutatnt DNA for origin region (-ori) of replication Bacteriophage alpha3 deletion mutation DNA for origin region (-ori) of replication Bacteriophage alpha3 insertion mutant DNA for the origin region (-ori) of replication Bacteriophage alpha3 deletion mutant DNA for the origin region (-ori) of replication Bacteriophage alpha3 deletion mutation DNA for the origin region (-ori) of replication McCorquodaIe DJ.; I/irology 177z right end of terminal repetition Bacteriophage Bol Bacteriophage bol3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage Bz13 Bacteriophage bz13 3'-terminal region ma Cl-tox gene for botulinurn Cl neurotoxin Bacteriophage 0 Bacteriophage Cf16 Bacteriophage Cfl6-vl attachment site (attLL) for Xcampestris Bacteriophage Chpl 5' inverted terminal repeat 3' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage Cp-5 pncumoniae) 3' inverted terminal repeat Bacterioph~e Cp-5 (Qneumoniae), 5' inverted terminai repeat DNA, 3' inverted terminal repeat pneumoniae) 5' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage Cp-9 muramidase (cp19) gene Vibrio cholerae) DNA for packaging signal (pat site) Bacteriophage DlO8, left end with Mu A protein binding sites Ll and LZ Bacterioph~e D108 kil gene encoding a repletion protein, 3' end; and ants three ORFs, complete cds Bacteriophage D108 fragment from genes A and ner (C-terminus of ner and N-terminus of A) Bacteriphage D108 immunity region with C (repressor), ner and A (transposase, 5' end) genes pos. 125 to 1414 from left end of genome Bacteriophage D108 gin gene 3' end and mod gene regulatory region Bacteriophage D108 gene for ORF El5 and El6 (part Bacteriophage fl intergenic (ig) region with morphogenetic signal Phage fl gene IV/II intergenic region plasmid insert with gene IV partial cds Bacteriophage fl SB site (recognition site for E.coli B restriction-modification enzyme) Bacteriophage fl intergenic region with origin of replication Bacteriophage Fl and amber mutant M13-8H1, gene VIII, 5' end Bacteriophage fl SB site, recognition site for E.&i B restriction-modification enzyme Bacteriophage fl origin of replication region Bacteriophage fl-R208 ampicillinase gene mutation Bacteriophage frl Bacteriophage frl3'-terminal region ma B overlapping gene system encoding A (endonuclease) and B (morphogenetic) proteins. Fiddes J.C encoding D (morphogenetic) and E (lysis) proteins. Fiddes J.C II) cleavage region Genome of phage G4 (coliphage) Bacteriophage G14 cleavage site for phage phi-Xl74 gene A protein Bacteriophage ga 3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage GA-l replication region, 5' end 1 replication region, 3' end Bacteriophage Hl Bacteriophage Hl genome fragment Each Thymine given in this sequence represents a HMU-residue (HMU = 5-hydroxymethyluraci) coli) sltL4 and sltIB genes encoding Shiga-like toxin I subunits A and B, complete cds Bacteriophage H19B shiga-like toxin-l (SLT-1) Bacteriophage H30 shiga-like toxin (SLT) gene encoding the A and B subunits, complete cds Bacteriophage H44S9A (from S.pyogenes) hyalurinudase (hylp) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage HB-3 arnidase (hbl) gene, complete cds Lambdoid Phage HK022 nun gene and immunity region Bacteriophage HP1 (mutant cl) from Hinfluenzae Rd, cohesive terminal Bacteriophage HP1 (mutant cl) from Hinfluenzae, partial cds Bacteriophage HPlcl integration region DNA Bacteriophage HP1 site-specific integrase (Rap) gene, complete cds Filamentous Bacteriophage 12-2 genome Bacteriophage IKe Bacteriophage IKe gene for DNA binding protein Bacteriophage jp34 3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage JP34 coat and lysis protein genes, complete cds, and replicase protein gene, 5' end Bacteriophage jp501 3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage K3 't' lysis gene, complete cds. Riede I.; I. Bacterial Bacteriophage K3 tail fiber gene 36 Bacteriophage K3 gene 37 for receptor recognizing protein Bacteriophage K3 gene 38 for receptor recognizing protein Bacteriophage Kll Klebsiella sp. bacteriophage Kll gene 1 for RNA polymerase Bacteriophage Ku1 Bacteriophage kul3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage L17 (from E.coli) 5' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage L17 (from E.coli) 3' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage L54a (from S.aureus) int and xis genes, complete cds Bacteriophage lambda Bacteriophage lambda imm434 ecori-g fragment Bacteriophage lambda region surrounding cos junction Bacteriophage lambda/TnlO nearly precise excision (npe [5,3]) junctions Bop' sequence from lambda-rifdlb, including e.coli insert with secondary att site near e.coli rrnb operon. Csordas-toth E., Boros I., Venetianer P Bacteriophage lambda origin of replicatiom region (nucleotides 891-1330). Tsurimoto T., Matsubara K Bacteriophage lambda cl7 tandem duplication in the promoter region Proc. NatI. Acad. Sci Bacteriophage lambda site specific recombinant DNA (attL) Bacteriophage lambda site specific recombinant DNA (attR) Bacteriophage lambda ~111 gene encoding cl11 gene product, 5 ' end Bacteriophage lambda lysis S gene with mutations leading to nonlethality of S in the plasmid pRG1 Bacteriophage lambda int gene region Bacteriophage lambda-prbt attachment region delta-0*/O-P' Bacteriophage lambda-prbt dal attachment region delta-0*-delta Bacteriophage lambda O-R operator, partial region. Pirrotta V Bacteriophage lambda mutant truncated regulatory protein (pyr1) gene from E.coli, 3' end Bacteriophage lambda nucleocapsid protein (pN) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage lambda late transcription promoter region DNA Genome of the bacteriophage lambda N-protein may be needed for antitermination Lambda genome from map unit 74 backward to map unit 67 Bacteriophage lambda c1 gene encoding the repressor protein for transcriptional control of tetracycline resistance on plasmid pTR 262 Bacteriophage LP7 terminase gp2 (complete cds) and packaging gp3 (5' end) genes Bacteriophage Ml Bacteriophage Ml gene 38 for receptor recognizing protein and flanking regions Bacteriophage M2 primer protein (E) gene, 5' end, and DNA polymerase(G) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage Ml3 Bacteriophage M13mp2, 1acZ insert frame&ii mutation Bacteriophage m13, origin of replication Bacteriophage Ml3 replicative form II, replication origin, specific nick location Bacteriophage Ml3 gene II regulatory region and M13sjl mutant Bateriophage Ml3 mpl0 mutations in lac operon Bacteriophage Ml3 HaeIII restriction fragment DNA Bacteriophage M13mp7 Bacteriophage M13mp7 DNA downstream of the 3'-OH of the 17s primer Bacteriophage M13mp8 Bacteriophage M13mpS DNA region inhibited from replication by cis-and trans Bacteriophage M13mpS DNA region inhibited from replication by cis-and trans Bacteriophage M13mpS DNA downstream of the 3'-OH of the 17s primer Bacteriophage M13mp9 Bacteriophage M13mp9 chain termination sites Bacteriophage Ml3mp9 DNA downstream of the 3'-OH of the 17s primer Bacteriophage M2Y replication region, 5' end Bacteriophage M2Y replication region, 3' end Bacteriophage ms2 3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage MS2 ribosomal binding-like region RNA. Haegeman G., Fiers W 3' end, and coat protein mRNA, complete cds Bacteriophage MS2 3' terminal fragment Bacteriophage Mu with ends derived from E. coli, recombinant joint in clone pLM44 Bacteriophage Mu with ends derived from E. coli, recombinant joint in clone pLM42 Bacteriophage Mu with ends derived from E. coli, recombinant joint in clone pLM54 Bacteriophage Mu with ends derived from E. colii recombinant joint in clone pRM5 Bacteriophage Mu with ends derived from E. coli, recombinant joint in clone pRM1 Bacteriophage Mu with ends derived from E. coli, recombinant joint in clone pRM8 Bacteriophage Mu right end with Mu A protein binding site R3 Bacteriophage Mu left end with Mu A protein binding sites Ll and L2 ner and repressor biding proteins, 5' end and repressor binding sites Bacteriophage Mu beta region inversion site Bacteriophage Mu beta region inversion site Mu DNA inserted into plasmid lambda-plac5 lac Z, 5' junction Mu inserted into plasmid lambda-pIac5 lac Z gene, 3' junction Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. lL'L4 Bacteriophage Mu early promoter with ner protein binding sites Bacteriophage Mu wild type DNA fragment with a gyrase cleavage site Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci Bacteriophage Mu fragment from the genes A and ner (C-terminus of ner and N-terminus of A) Bacteriophage Mu genome right end encoding the genes gin and mom Bacteriophage Mu genome left end encoding the genes CI, CII (ner) and the beginning of gene A Bacteriophage Mu gene C (positive regulator of late transcription) Mu-derived phage lambda plac Mu3 provirus left end (MuL) inserted in pBRG1214 Mu-derived phage lambda placMu3 provirus right end (MuR) inserted in pBRG1214 Bacteriophage Mu C operon 5' region involved in late gene transcription Bacteriophage NF F gene encoding late gene activator peptide gpF, complete cds Bacteriophage NF replication region, 5' end Bacteriophage NF replication region, 3' end Bacillus phage Nf gene E for terminal protein Bacteriophage 0x2 Bacteriophage 0x2 tail fiber gene 36 Bacteriophage 0x2 gene 38 for receptor-recognizing protein and flanking regions Bacteriophage Pl Bacteriophage Pl plasmid replicon lambda-Pl:SR replication region including repA gene and incA and incC incompatibility determinants Bacteriophage Pl genome fragment with recombination site IoxP Bacteriophage Pl 1oxP X IoxP recombination site Bacteriophage Pl Cin recombii activated cross over site, junction IV, clone pSHI325 Bacteriophage Pl Cin recombmase activated cross over site, junction I, clone pSHI326 Bacteriophage Pl Cin recombmase activated cross over site, junction II, clone pSHI326 Bacteriophage Pl Cm recombinase activated cross over site, junction III, clone pSHI326 Bacteriophage Pl Cm recombmase activated cross over site, junction IV, clone pSHI326 Bacteriophage Pl c4 repressor gene, complete cds Bacteriophage Pl cl repressor bmdmg sites Bacteriophage Pl regulatory protein @of) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage Pl sim region proteins, complete cds Bacteriophage miniplasmid Pl parA gene, 5' end. Austin S., Abeles A.; Basic Life Sci Bacteriophage miniplasmid Pl parB gene, 3' end. Austin S., Abeles A.; Basic Life Sci This regions contains four unidentified reading frames and is known as insertion hot spot for IS2 insertion sequences Bacteriophage Pl recombinase gene tin Bacteriophage Pl cre gene for recombmase protein Phage Pl mod and res genes for restriction-modification enzymes Bacteriophage Pl cl gene 5'-region Bacteriophage Pl cl gene for Plcl repressor protein Bacteriophage p2 late genes p & o and their promoter regions Bacteriophage P2 ogr gene, encoding a positive regulatory factor, complete cds Bacteriophage p4 sid and psu genes partial cds, and delta gene, complete cds coli) essential region DNA ( early genes) Bacteriophage P4 alpha gene and cis replication region err Bacteriophage P4 attP region and PCnt gene for integrase Bacteriophage p7 plasmid replicon including repA gene encoding RepA protein, complete cds Bacteriophage P7 tin gene encoding recombmase, 3' end, and C invertible element 5' recombination site (cixL) Bacteriophage p7 C invertible element, 3' end, and 3' recombination site (r&R) ~4, orfx, antl) gene, 5' end Bacteriophage p7 cl gene for P7cl repressor protein Bacteriophage P22 proteins 15 (complete cds), and 19 (3' end) genes Bacteriophage P22 right operon gene cl, replication genes 18 and 12, complete cds, and cro gene encoding a binding protein, 3' end. Backhaus H., Petri protein), complete cds Bacteriophage P22 lysis genes 13 and 19, complete cds Phage P22 gene erf (essential recombination function) Bacteriophage P22 immunity region imm1 for antirepressor gene ant and antirepressor regulation genes mnt and arc Bacteriophage P22 initial portion of N operon Lambdoid bacteriophage P22 int-xis region (integrase-excisionase region) Bacteriophage P22 P(L) operon encompassing ral Bacteriophage PA-2 lc gene encoding outer membrane porin protein Bacteriophage PBS2 (from Bsubtilis) uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibitor gene, complete cds Bacteriophage Pfl Bacteriophage Pfl gene encoding DNA binding protein Bacteriophage Pf3 Bacteriophage Pf3 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Nijmegen strain) Bacteriophage Pf3 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa Phage Pf3 major coat protein DNA sequence Bacteriophage phi-11 S.aureus attachment site (attP) Bacteriophage phi-11 integrase (int) and excisionase (xis) genes, complete cds Bacteriophage Phi-15 replication region, 5' end Bacteriophage Phi-15 replication region, 3' end Bacteriophage phi-15 right early region containing genes Bacteriophage phi 21 initial portion of N operon. Franklin N.C.; I Bacteriophage phi29 early region genes 3 and 4. Escarmis C., SaIas M Bacteriophage phi-29 genes 9, 10 and 11 encoding p9 tail, incomplete, p10 connector, complete, and pll lower coUar, incomplete, respectively Bacillus bacteriophage phi-29 gene-17 gene, complete cds Bacillus bacteriophage phi-29 gene-16 gene; complete cds Bacillus phage phi-29 head morphogenesis, major head protein, head fiber protein, tail protein, upper collar protein, lower collar protein, pre-neck appendage protein, morphogenesis(l3), lysis, morphogenesis@), encapsidation genes, complete cds. VIcek C., Paces V Bacteriophage phi-29 DNA, 3' end Bacteriophage phi-29 DNA, 5' end Bacteriophage phi-29 DNA, HmdIII F fragment, 5' end Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA Phage phi-29 early gene coding for a 13.9 kilodalton protein. Murray C.L., Rabmowitz J.C.; I. Biol. C'hem Left end of bacteriophage phi-29 codmg for 15 potential proteins Among these are the terminal protein and the proteins encoded by the genes 1,2 (sus), 3, and (probably) 4. Yoshikawa H Phage Phi 29 S-end of gene 6, gene 7 and S-end of gene 8 Bacillus phage phi 29 genes 14 and 15 Bacteriophage phi29 temperature sensitive mutant TS2(98) DNA polymerase gene Bacteriophage phi29 temperature sensitive mutant TS2(24) DNA polymerase gene Bacteriophage phi-3T Bacteriophage phi-3T thyP3 gene encoding thymidylate synthetase, complete cds Bacteriophage phi-3T methyltransferase (Mtase) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage phid, 5' end of t strand, L segment Bacteriophage phi-6,3' end of t strand, L segment Bacteriophage phi-6 segment-S, containing P8 (major nucleocapsid protein), P12 (morphogenetic protein), P9 (major membrane protein) and P5 (phage lysosome) coding regions Bacteriophage phi-6 complete L segment Bacteriophage phi-6 complete M segment, containing P3 Bacteriophage phi-6,3' end of t strand, M segment. Szekeres M Bacteriophage phi-80 attP site DNA Bacteriophage phi-80 cI immunity region encoding the N gene Bacteriophage phi-80 Tyr-tRNA gene, 3' end Bacteriophage phi 80 DNA-fragment with replication origin Lambdoid bacteriophage phi 80 int-xis region (mtegrase-excisionase region) Phage PhisO DNA for major coat protein Bacteriophage phi-105 early (repressor controlled) promoter region Bacteriophage phi-105 D-band, 5' end Bacteriophage phi-105, from B.subtilis, repressor gene in the immunity region Bacillus subtilis phage phi 105 immunity region with repressor gene Bacillus subtilis phage phi105 immF control region Bacteriophage phi-C31 Phage Phi c31 repressor gene (c) Phage phiH of Halobacterium halobium insertion element ISH1.8 Bacteriophage phiK origin of DNA replication Bacteriophage phiK gene for protein A part., finger domain. Kcdaira ICI Bacteriophage phi-vML3 Bacteriophage phi-Xl74 Bacteriophage phix174 (haeiii fragment z9), rf initiation region with primosome ma starts and ma&a transition sites Bacteriophage phix174 (haeiii fragment zlO), rf initiation region with primosome ma starts and ma&a transition sites Bacteriophage phix174 gene a protein cleavage site Bacteriophage phi-Xl74 protein n' recognition locus Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S~ Bacteriophage phi-X174, nucleotides 3!920-4049 Bacteriophage phi-Xl74 replicative form DNA Endo.SceI cut site A Bacteriophage phi-Xl74 rephcative form DNA Endo.SceI cut site B 70 mutation) complete genome Phage phiX174 lysis (E) gene upstream region Bacteriophage PR4 5' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage PR4 3' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage PR5 5' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage PR5 3' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage PR722 (from E.coli) 5' inverted terminal repeat coli) 3' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage PRDl Bacteriophage PRDl 5' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage PRDl 3' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage PRDl 5' inverted terminal repeat Bacteriophage PRDl 3' inverted terminal repeat DNA polymerase (Pl) genes (complete cds), and lytic enzyme gene, 5' end Bacteriophage PRDl right-end early region proteins P12 and P19 Bacteriophage PRDl gene 8 for DNA terminal protein Bsubtihs) major early region Bacteriophage Q-beta Bacteriophage qbetatr3 3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage Q-beta RNA molecule with the ability to replicate extracellularly Coliphage Q-beta MDV-I(+) Bacteriophage Q-beta S-terminal region of the minus strand First half of the phage Q-beta gene for coat protein Bacteriophage r17 a protein initiation site Bacteriophage r17 coat protein initiation site Bacteriophage r17 ma synthetase initiation site Bacteriophage R17 3'-terminal fragment A RNA Bacteriophage R17 A protein gene, 5' end Bacteriophage R17 coat protein gene, 5' end Bacteriophage RB18 translational repressor protein (regA) and Orf43.1, complete cds Bacteriophage RB51 translational repressor protein (regA) and 0rf43.1, complete cds Bacteriophage Rholls B.subtilis phage RHOlls DNA for DNA-methyltransferase (Mtase) Bacteriophage Sp Bacteriophage sp 3'-terminal region ma Bsubtilis) d gene, encoding immunity protein Mtase) gene, 5' end M&e) gene, partial cds from Bacillus subtilii) promoter region, clone Ba1129 Bacillus subtilis) promoter region, clone Ah1156 McAllister CF., Achberger E.C Bacteriophage SP82 early mRNA fragment with three cleavage sites for Bacillus subtilis RNA III Bacteriophage SP82 early gene promoter region Bacteriophage SPOl (B.subtilis) early promoter Bacteriophage SPOl (B.subtilis) early promoter Hha I-230 Bacteriophage SPOl (B.subtilis) middle promoter 19.1. Lee G., Pero J.; I Bacteriophage SPOl (B.subtilis) middle promoter 25.1. Lee G., Pero J.; I Bacteriophage SPOl (B.subtilis) middle promoter 25.2. Lee G., Pero J.; L MoZ Bacteriophage spol (b.subtilis) middle promoter hha i-510. Talkington C., Pero J.; ?'roc Bacteriophage spol @.subtilis) middle promoter hpa ii-660 Bsubtilis) gene 27, middle promoter, and gene 28 (3' end) Bacteriophage SPOl (clone RB-IOO) transcription factor 1 (TFl) DNA Bacteriophage SPOl (clone RB-700) transcription factor 1 (TFl) DNA Bacteriophage SPOl (clone RH-5OOa) transcription factor 1 (TFl) DNA Bacteriophage SPOl (clone RH-5OOb) transcription factor 1 (TFl) DNA Bacteriophage SPOl (B.subtilis) early promoter region Bacteriophage SPOl early gene, 5' end and promoter region Bacteriophage SPOl gene encoding RNA polymerase sigma factor Bacteriophage SPOl genome fragment of terminal repeat (8kb from left end) Bacteriophage SPOl (B. subtili) genes 33 and 34 for sigma gp33 and gp34 Bacteriophage SPOl genome fragment of terminal repeat Bacillus subtihs phage SPO2 gene L for DNA polymerase. Raden B., Rutberg L.; I. viral Bacteriophage SPPl Bacteriophage SPPl origin of DNA packaging and flanks Bacteriophage SPPl promoter 3 gene, complete cds Bacteriophage st 3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage St-l Bacteriophage St-1 origin of dna replication Tl) gene, complete cds adenine-N6)methyltransferase (dam) gene, complete cds. Miner Z., Hattman S Bacteriophage T2 translational repressor (regA) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage T2 tail fiber gene 36 Bacteriophage T2 gene 37 for receptor recognizing protein Bacteriophage T2 gene 38 for receptor recognizing protein Bacteriophage T2 gene 32 mRNA for single-stranded DNA bindiig protein Bacteriophage t3 5 end, terminally redundant sequence (trs) Bacteriophage t3 3' end, terminally redundant sequence (trs) Bacteriophage t3 promoter region, at 16.1% of t3 map Bacteriophage t3 promoter region, at 1.2% of t3 map Bacteriophage t3 promoter region, at 22.8% of t3 map Bacteriophage t3 class iii promoter at 44.5% of t3 map 5% (or 54.2%) of t3 map Bacteriophage t3 class iii promoter at 54.2% (or 51.5%) of t3 map Bacteriophage T3 class III promoter, at 64.8% of t3 map Bacteriophage T3 (mutant) right end DNA, encoding tail fiber protein, lysis protein and DNA packaging proteins T3Te) region 308-810 from genome left end Bacterioph~e T3 gene region l-2.5 with primary origin of replication Bacteriophage T3 gene 1 to gene 11 Bacteriophage t4 gene 23, p23 promoter Bacteriophage T4 gene 32 encoding ss-DNA binding protein Bacteriophage T4 base piate gene region: gene 51, complete cds, gene 27,5' end Bacteriophage T4 gene 40 encodii gp40, complete cds Bacteriophage T4 deoxycytidylate deaminase (cd) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage t4 gin-tma Bacteriophage t4 gin-leu trna dimeric precursor. Guthrie C.; I KOOl% Bacteriophage T4 Be-tRNA & mutants hal, halO1, ha103 Bacteriophage t4 gene 23 promoter region, variant ptel14 Bacteriophage t4 gene 23 promoter region, variant pte122 Bacteriophage t4 gene 23 promoter region, variant pte123 Bacteriophage T4 dihydrofolate reductase (frd), complete cds, and thymidylate synthase (td) genes Bacteriophage t4 thymidylate synthase gene Bacteriophage t4 thymidylate synthase gene Bacteriophage T4 dexA gene, complete cds. Gauss P.; Unpublished Bacteriophage T4 amber suppressor Leu-tRNA Bacteriophage T4 amber suppressor Leu-tRNA Bacteriophage T4 amber suppressor Leu-tRNA Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA Bacteriophage T4 uvsY gene involved in the recombination pathway Bacteriophage T4 thymidylate synthase (td) gene and intron with an open reading frame Bacteriophage T4 genes 45.1 (encoding RNA polymerase-binding protein) and 45.2 Bacteriophage T4 gene 21 encoding prohead protease, complete cds Bacteriophage T4 tail tube glycoprotein genes 18 (3' end) Bacteriophage T4 gene 60 encoding DNA topoisomerase type II, complete cds Bacteriophage T4 tail-tube assembly gene encoding genes 29, 48, and 54, complete cds Bacteriophage T4 gene 42 encoding dCMP hydroxymethylase, 5' end Bacteriophage T4 gene 42 encoding dCMP hydroxymethylase, 3' end. Thylen C Bacteriophage T4 capsid assembly gene 31, complete cds Bacteriophage T4D gene 11 encoding baseplate structural protein (gpll) complete cds, gene 10,3' end, and gene 12, 5' end Bacteriophage T4 rpoH modulating protein (mrh) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage T4 capsid assembly protein 31 (Gp31) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage T4 mutant Ser-tRNA suppressor gene Bacteriophage T4 mutant Ser-tRNA suppressor gene Bacteriophage T4 mutant Ser-tRNA suppressor gene Bacteriophage T4 capsid assembly gene 31, ORFs 31.2, 31.1, 31.-l and 31.-2, complete cds Bacteriophage T4 genes 50/4 Phage T4 tail fiber genes Bacteriophage T4 gene 45 encoding protein required for replication and late gene transcription Bacteriophage T4 gene 68 for 17K prohead core protein Bacteriophage T4 gene 69 spanning an origin of replication Bacteriophage T4 gene 23 for major capsid protein Bacteriophage T4 genes 55, alpha-gt, 47 and 46. Gram H., Rueger W Phage T4 pseT gene for polynucleotide kinase (pnk) Bacteriophage T4 tRNA region genes 3 (3' term), 57A, 57B, IpI; RNA subcluster I and II Bacteriophage T4 alc/unf gene (from mutant alcl0) Bacteriophage T4 gene nrdB for ribonucleotide reductase small subunit (B2) Bacteriophage T4 gene rIIB 3' terminus and gene 52 (for one of the 3 subunits of T4-DNA topoisomerase) Bacteriophage T4 DNA for 58.3 to 65.5 kb early region Bacteriophage T4 dexA gene for 3' to 5' exonuclease Bacteriophage T4 DNA repair gene uvsY for 15.8kD uvsY protein Bacteriophage T4 gene 38 for receptor recognizing protein and f'flanking region Bacteriophage T4 gene 39 for DNA topoisomerase large subunit Bacteriophage T4 gene 32 3' region Phage T4 gene 25 for outer wedge of base plate and acidic lysozyme and ORF25.1 fragment for put Bacteriophage T4 gene 49 and following ORF 49.-l (homolog. to phage lambda RexA Bacteriophage T4 genes 9 Bacteriophage T4 tRNA-Ser suppressor gene containing non-suppressing X10 duplication Bacteriophage T4 tRNA-Ser suppressor gene containing non-suppressing Xl8 mutation Bacteriophage T4 tRNA-Ser suppressor gene containing non-suppressing R66 mutation Bacteriophage T4 tRNA-Ser suppressor gene containing non-suppressing R24 mutation Bacteriophage T4 tRNA-Ser suppressor gene containing non-suppressing R51 duplication Bacteriophage T4 gene 50.1 rev, gene 50, gene 2, gene 3, gene 1 (N.term). Rueger W Bacteriophage T4 genes 13, 14 and 15 Bacteriphage T4C genes 34, 33 and 59 Bacteriophage T4 genes 6, 7 and 8 for structural proteins of base plate Bacteriophage T4 gene 20 encoding gp20, structural protein of head Bacteriophage T4 genomic DNA for gene 31 and open reading frames A to D Bacteriophage T4 gene 26 for structural component of central hub of the baseplate Bacteriophage T4 genes 16 and 17 for DNA packaging proteins Bacteriophage T4 gene 42 for deoxycytidylate hydroxymethylase Bacteriophage T5 injection stop signal. Heusterspreute M Bacteriophage T7 DNA with cleavage sites induced by cobalt-, iron-, and ruthenium bleomycin I7 RNA polymerase gene 1,3' end Bacteriophage l7 delta-D III A-sub-one promoter (partial) Bacteriophage T7 early operon encoding ORFs 1.4 and 1.5, complete cds, and ORF 1.7, partial cds Bacteriophage 'I7 0.3 gene product, complete cds I7 HpaIIH3 restriction fragment with several initiation sites for discontinuous DNA synthesis Phage T7 fragment encoding C-terminus of a possible late protein and part of T7 DNA ligase I7 control sites at the beginning of gene 1. Mcconnell D Phage T7 genome fragment (map positions 14.45% to 16.15%) encoding the three reading frames of gene 1 and the origin of replication Gene 1 is the T7 RNA polymerase Bacteriophage T12 (from S.pyogenes) erythrogenic toxin (speA) gene, complete cds Bacteriophage thl 3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage hv19 3'-terminal region ma 28 3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage U3 cleavage site for phage phi-Xl74 gene A protein Bacteriophage vk 3'-terminal region ma Bacteriophage Z DNA with homology to the flanks of the methyltransferase gene in related bacteriophages Corynebacterium diphtheriae virus gene for diphtheria toxin Corynebacteriophage beta (C.diphtheriae) diphtheria toxin (DT) gene and flanks K01723 Corynebacteriophage gamma Corynebacteriophage gamma insertion element within the tox gene, 5' end Corynebacteriophage gamma insertion element within the tox gene, 3' end Corynephage omega gene tox encoding diphtheria toxin Kll) left terminal (LT) DNA fragment Kll) right terminal (RT) DNA fragment Lactococcus 1 bacteriophage conserved bacteriophage encoded protein gene, complete cds Thermoproteus tenax virus 1 viral protein TPX-VT3 exhibiting genomic variation Thermoproteus tenaxvirus