key: cord-0008830-3onooc4v authors: nan title: Chromosomes and expression mechanisms date: 2002-02-07 journal: Curr Opin Genet Dev DOI: 10.1016/s0959-437x(96)80056-6 sha: cc0fd6f39cfcb406cbc4b6736e1a4dd4f9100100 doc_id: 8830 cord_uid: 3onooc4v nan This bibliography is compiled by geneticists from the journals listed at the end of this publication. It is based on literature entered into our database between 1 st December 1994 and 30th November 1995 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue. / Bml 1995, 245:197-207 in Sperm and Eggs Correlates with Imprinted Xist Expression and Paternal X Inactivation. Nature Gener 1995, 9'316-320. 1221. * Interactions by Insulators in the Drosophila Embryo Safer B: Sequence Requirements for Stable Binding and Function of Rep66 on the Adeno-associated Virus Type 2 Inverted Terminal Repeats DPY-27: 8 Chromosome Condensation Protein Homolog that Regulates C. Elegans Dosage Compensation Through Association with the X chromosome The Modifier of Position-effect Variegation Suvar(3)7 of Dmsophila: There ere Two Alternative Transcripts and Seven Scattered Zinc Fingers, Each Preceded by e Tryptophan Box The Cerboxy ?ermini of Sir4 end Real Affect Sir3 Localization: Evidence for e Multicomponent Complex Required for Yeast Telomeric Silencing Purification of Tetrehymena Telomerese and Cloning of Genes Encoding the Two Protein Components of the Enzyme Avner p: Xce Haplotvoes Show Modified Methyl&ion in e Region of-ihe Active X chromosome Lying 3' to Xist A Mutant Form of the RanffC4 Protein Disrupts Nuclear Function in Xenopus Levis Egg Extracts by Inhibiting the RCCI Protein, e Regulator of Chromosome Condensation An Etoposide-induced Block in Veccinia Virus Telomere Resolution is Dependent on the Virus-encoded DNA Lisase e 39.kilodalton Protein in Trvpanosoma Brucei. Exhibits e Dual Affinity for thb Duplex Form of the 29.base-pair Subteiomeric Repeat end Its C-rich Strand Telomerase RNA Localized in the Replicetion Bend and Spherical Subnuclear Oreanelles in Complete DNA Seouence of Yeast Chromosome II Riding the Polar Winds: Chromosomes Motor Down East Cell The su(Hw) protein Bound to . gypsy Sequences in One Chromosome can Repress Enhancer-promoter Interactions in the Paired Gene Located in the Other Homoloa S~monova 0, a. Coxes VG. A Drosophila Protein that Imparts Directionality on e Chrometin Insulator is an Enhancer of Position-effect Variegation RAP1 Stimulates Single-to Double-strand Association of Yeast Telomeric DNA: lmplkxtions for Telomere-telomere Interactions A Postprophase Topoisomerase II-dependent Chromatid Core Separation Step in the Formation of Metephase Chromosomes Chromosome l * of Embryonic Metoroan DNA Replication Origins. Scrence lQQ5 Ehresmann 8, Marquet R: Initiation of Reverse Transcription of HIV-l: Secondary Structure of the HIV-I RNA/tRNA(J)(Lys) (template/primer) Complex. J MO/ Em/ 1995. 247:236-250. lshimi Y, lshida R. Andoh T: Synthesis of Simian Virus 40 C-family Catenated Din& in tiw in the Presence of ICRF-193 Repliultion Error Rates for G DGTP, T DGTP, and a DGTP Mispairs and Evidence for Differential Proofreading by leading and Lagging Strand DNA Replication Complexes in Human Cells LegrIce SFJ: Mutating the 'primer Grip' of p66 HIV-l Reverse Transcriptase Implicates Tryptophan-229 in Template-prinw Lltilizatio Microinjection of the Stf2 Domsi" of the 85-kilodalton Subunit of Phosphatidyfinositol 3-kinase Inhibits Insulin-induced DNA Synthesis and C-fos Expression Resistance of HIV-I Reverse Transcriptase Against Derivatives is Determined by the Mutation Glu(l38)->Lys on the P51 Subunit J &of Chem DNA Nick Processing by Exonuclease and Polymersse Activities of Bacteriophage T4 DNA Polymemse Accounts for Acridine-induced Mutation Specificities in T4 The Human lmm~nodefiiienc~ Virus Type 1 Rev Protein Shuttles Between the Cytoplasm and Nuclear Compartments S: Adenosine N-l-oxide Inhibits Vaccinia Virus Replication by Blocking Translation of Viral Early MRNAs DnaA Protein is Sensitive to a Soluble Factor and is Specifically Inactivated for Both the Ability to Add N regions and Subcellular Localization The 3'.terminbl Region of the MRNAs for VSG and Procvclin can Confer Steae Specificity to Gene Expression in Trypsnoso& Brucei Recognition in Vertebrate Splicing A" Internal Ribosomal Entry Mechanism Promotes Translation of Murine Leukemia Virus G~Q Polvprotein Precursors A" Internal Ribosomal Entry Signal in the Ret VL30 Region of the Halvey Murine Sarcoma Virus Leeder end Its use in Dicistronic Retroviral Vectors Structure of Human Estrogen and Aryl Sulfotransferase Gene -Two MRNA Species Issued from e Single Gene Elroystein 0: The Translational Repression Medieted by the Platelet-derived Growth Factor 2/c-sis MRNA Leeder is Relieved Durinp Megekeryocytic Differentiation Transposon Insertions Causing Constituttve Sex-lethal Activity in Dmsophile melencgester Atfect Sxl Sex-specific Transcript Splicing Analysis of the Role of the Shine-DalQsmo Sequence and MRNA Secondary Structure on the Efficiency of Translational Initiation in the Eucllena Grecilis Chloroplast AtDH MRNA Architecture of Telonwrese RNA EM80 J Cloning and Characterization of e RNase L Inhibitor -e New Component of the Interferon-regulated 2-5A Pathway Grelder CW: Functional Charecterizetio" and DWelODmental Regulation of Mouse Telonwese RNA Science Association of Nuclear Matrix Antigens with Eaonsonteining Splicing Complexes Ehrenfeld E: Host Cell Proteins Binding to Domain IV of the 5 Noncoding Region 07 Poliovirus RNA Developmental end Hormonal Regulation of Surfactent Protein C (SP-C) Gene Expression in Fete1 Lung . Role of Trsnscriptio" and MRNA Stebility The Efficiency of Translation Termination is Determined bye synerQistii Interplay Between Upstream and Downstream Sequences in Seccharomyces Cerevisiae The Alternative Splicing Patter" of the Tenascin-C Pre-mRNA is Controlled bv the Extracellular PH Baths 0: Phosphorylation of Rat Liver Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoproteins A2 and C can be Modulated by Calmodulin Genetic Selection for Balanced Retroviral Splicing: Novel Regulation Involving the Second Step ce" be Mediated by Transitions in the Polvpvrimidine Trect MO/ CeN 81ol 1995 Pedman PS: Studies of Point Mutants Define Three Essential Paired Nucleotides in the Domain 5 Substructure of e Group I1 Intro Mallet 1: The Human Tryptophan Hydroxyiese Gene . an Unusuel Splicing Complexity in the I'-unbanslated Region Kingsman SM: Intron-less RNA Injected into the Nucleus of Xenopus Oocytes Accesses a Regulated Translation Control Pathway Aphid Transmission of Beet Western Yellows Luteovirus Requires the Minor Capsid Reed-through Protein P74 Pettersson U: Dynamic Organization of Splicing Factors in Adenovirus-infected Cells Independent Signaling of Grp78 Gene Transcription end Phosphorylation of Eukeryotic Initiation Factor 2 Alpha bv the Stressed Endoplasmk Reticulum Direct Recognition of MRNA Stop Signals by Escherichia co/i Polypeptide Chain Releese Factor Two A Mutation in the Schizoseccheromyces Pombe Reel Gene Causes Defects in PolyiAU+) RNA Export and in the Cytoskeleton Pdmosome Assembly Site in Becillus Subtilis B. Ehresmann C. l . 3Splice Site Pairing The 3'.terminal Exon of me Family of Steroid end Phenol Sulfotrensferase Genes is Spliced et the N-terminel Glycine of the Universelly Conserved GXXGXXK Motif that Forms the Sulfonete Donor Binding Site Are Yeast Chitin Syntheses Regulated et the Trenscriptional or me Posttranslational Level? MO/ Cell B!ol 1994 Novel System for Analysis of Group I 3' Splice Site Reactions Besed on Functional Trens~interection of the PI /PI 0 Reaction Helix with the Ribozvme's Catelyiiic Core Viiro end in viva Co&erison of l-lam&rheed. Hairpin, end Hepetiiis Wta Virus Self-processing Ribozyme Cassettes A Guanosine Ouadruplex and Two Stable Hairpins Flank 8 Maim Cleavage Site in Insulin-like Growth Factor II MRNA Inhibition of Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis Promotes lncreesed Stability of Nuclear-encoded Respiratory Gene Transcripts Thymidylate Synthase Binds to C-myc RNA in Human Colon Cancer Cells end in vitro Structural Diversity in the S-untranslated Region of Cytokine-stimulated Humen Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase MRNA Structural Features oi Adenovirus 2 Virus-associated RNA Rewired for Bindine to the Protein Kinase DAL N&c Aods Res la94 The Modifier of Position-effect Variegation Suvar(3)7 of Drosophila: There ere Two Alternative Transcripts and Seven Scattered Zinc Finaers. Each Preceded by e Tryptophan Box Suppression of Mammalian 5' Splice-site Defects by Ul Small Nuclear RNAs from e Distance Surprises et the 3' End of Prolwyotic RNA Cell On the Linkage Between RNA Processing end RNA Translatability Identification end Charecterirstion of Usslp (Sdb23p): e Novel U6 SnRNA-associated Protein with Significant Similarity to Core Proteins of Smell Nuclear Ribonucleoproteins Frequent use of the Same Tertiary Motif by Self-folding RNAs The Ul Smell Nucleer Ribonucleoprotein 5' Splice Site Interaction Affects U2AF(65) Binding to the Downstream 3 by SR Proteins of Pre-mRNA Splicing Reactions Depleted of Ul SnRNP A U6 SnRNA:pre-mRNA . Inter&ion can be Rate-limiting for Ul-independent Splicing tRNA Splicing in Yeast end Wheat Germ 1 e Cyclic Phosphodiesterese Implicated in the Metabolism of ADP-ribose 1'.2'-cvclic Phosphate Decodinp with the A:l Wobble Pair is Inefficient Nuclwc Acrds Res Identification of -Gelectin-3 & e Factor in Pre-mRNA Splicing Characterization of Specific DNA-binding Factors Activated by Double-stranded RNA es Positive Regulators of Interferon Alpha/bete-stirnuleted Genes A Smell Yeast RNA Selectively Inhibits Internal Initiation of Translation Programmed by Poliovirus RNA: Specific Interaction with Cellular Proteins that Bind to the Viral 5'.untranslated Region RNA Trams-splicing in Flatworms . Analysis of Trans.-spliced MRNAs end Genes in the Human Peresite. Schistosoma Mansoni Hlnnebusch AG: Multiiopy TRNA Genes Functionally Suppress Mutations in Yeast EIF-2 Alphe Kinase GCNZ: Evidence for Separate Pathways Coupling GCN4 Expression to Uncharged TRNA Two Group I Ribozymes with Different Functions in e Nuclear RDNA Intron p, q eloso A, 0,011 J: Influenza Virus NSl Protein Enhances the Rate of Translation Initiation of Viral MRNAs Multiple Splicing Signals Control Alternative lntron Retention of Bovine Growth Hormone Pre-mRNA Kale R: Identification and Characterization by Antisense Oligonuckotides of Exon end lntron Sequences Required for Splicing Identification of Axon Sequences Involved in Splice Site Selection Purification end Characterization of en Estrogen-regulated Xenopus Liver Polysomal Nucleese Involved in the Selective Destabilization of Albumin MRNA J t3ml Chem The First end Third UORFs in RSV Leader RNA are Efficiently Translated: Implications for Translational Regulation end Viral RNA Packaging Abrogation of Translation Initiation Factor EIF-2 Phosph&ylation Causes Malignant Transformation of NIH 373 Cells 74-r% Drew JR, Swevers L. latrou K: Developmental Regulation of e Silkworm Gene Encoding Multiple GATA-type Transcription Factors by Alternative Splicing Zhang 0: Expression end Characterization . of P27, the Catalytic Subunit of the Apolipoprotein B MRNA Editing Enzyme Elimination Of EndoQenous Aberrant Kappa Chain Transcripts from S&?/O-derived Hvbddoma Cells bv Soecific Ribozyme Cleavage: Utility in Genetic Therapy of HIV-I Infections Processing of Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 Precursor by Human Furin Convertase Alternative Splicing of STY, a Nuclear Dual Specificity Kinese The Amino-terminal Region of the tietinoblastoma Gene Product Binds e Novel Nuclear Matrix Protein that Co-locelizes to Centers for RNA Processing K~ems 1: Inefficient Soliceosome ' Assembly end Abnormal Branch &ii, Selection in Splicing of en HIV-l Transcript in vitro Increased Transcription and Coordinate Stabilization of MRNAs for Secreted lmmunoQlobulin Alpha Heavy Chain end Kappa Light Chain Following Stimulation of lmmunoQlobulin a Expressing B Cells An Efficient Strategy to Isolate Full-length CDNAs Based on en MRNA Cap Retention Procedure (CAPture) lntron Sequence Directs RNA Editing of the Glutamate Receptor Subunit GIuR2 Coding Sequence Uncoupling of MRNA 3' Cleavage and Polyadenylation by Expression of e Hammerneed Ribozyme in Complex Unidirecbonal Signal Element Mediates GCN4 MRNA 3' End Formation in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Post-transcriptional Regulation of the Stenniocslcin Gene by Calcium Ephrussl A: Requirement for Drosophila Cytoplasmic Tropomyosin in Oskar MRNA Localization Mmchew ? Wollenz~en I? Structural Changes in Base-paired Region 28 in 16 S RRNA Close to the Decoding Region of the 30 S Ribosomal Subunit we Correlated to Changes in TRNA Bindina Esteban R: Association of Yeast Viral 23 S RNA with Its Fwtetive RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase Protein end Clonina end Chromosome1 &alizetion of its G&e Both Coding 'Axons of the C-myc &me Contribute to Ite Posttranscriptional Regulation in the Quiescent Liver end Regenerating Liver end after Protein Synthesis Inhibition ldentiiketion of e Plant Serine-erginine-rich Protein Similar to the Mammalian Splicing Factor SF2/ASF Activation of the Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-activated Human Protein Kinese in viw in the Absence of Its DsRNA Binding Domain Varmus HE: A Genetic Screen Identifies Cellular Fectors Involved in Retroviral -1 Frameshifting Human lmmunodeficiencv Virus Tvoe 1 (HIV-l) Inhibition. DNA-binding, RNi-bindini,'and Ribosome Inactivation Activities in the N-terminal Seaments of the Plant Anti-HIV Protein GAP31 cDNA Cloning of the Sm Proteins D2 end D3 from Human Smell Nuclear Ribonucleoproteins: Evidence for e Direct Dl -D2 Interaction Danenberg W: Incorporation of I-fluorourecil into U2 end U6 SnRNA Inhibits MRNA Precursor Splicing Charecterizetion of the Pre-mRNA Binding Site for Yeast Ribosomel Protein L32: the Importance of e Purine-rich Internal Loop The TRNA Processing Enzyme RNase T is Essential for Maturation of 5S RNA Proc Nat/ Acad Scr USA 1995 Adenoviral El B-55kDa Protein Inhibits Yeast MRNA Export and Perturbs Nuclear Structure The Short Transcript of Leishmenia RNA Virus is Generated by RNA Cleevsge Dawdson NO: Mutagenesis of . Apobec-l,.the Cat&tic Subunit of the ~ammelian Apolipoprotein B MRNA Ediiing Enzyme. Reveals Distinct Domains that Mediate C&sine Nucleoside Deeminase Localized Biceudal-C RNA Encodes e Protein Containing e KH Domain. the RNA Binding Motif of FMRl Evidence for -Post-transcriptional Regulation of Cyclin Bl MRNA in the Cell Cycle end Followina Irradiation in HeLa Cells The Product of the Nuclear Gene PET309 is Required for Translation of Mature MRNA and Stability or Production of Intron-containing RNAs Derived from the Mitochondrial COXl Locus of Seccheromyces Cerevisise Methyltrsnsferese Activity of the Vaccinie Virus Capping Enzyme Dl Subunit is Stimulated by the D12 Subunit -ldentiiition of Amino Acid Residues in the Dl Protein Required for Subunit Association end Methyl Group Transfer Levine Al The Ribosomel L5 Protein is Associated with Mdm-2 end Mdm-2-p53 Complexes Cathers DM: Bent Helix Formation Between RNA Hairpins with Complementary Loops. Scrence Wickner RB: Decoying the Cap RNA Editing and Mitochondrial Genomic Organization in the Cryptobiid Kinetoplestid Protozoan Trypanoplasme Borreli. MO/ Cell B,o/ t 994 A Perfnucleolar Compartment Conteins Several RNA Polymerase Ill Transcripts es Well es the Polypyrimidine Tract-binding Protein, HnRNP I A Perinucleoler Compartment Conteins Several RNA Polymerese Ill Transcripts es Well es the Polypyrimidine Trect-binding Protein Autoregulatory Fremeshiing in Decoding Mammelian Ornithine Mattaj IW: RNA Processing -Splicing in Space Coordinate Regulation of Ribosomel Component Synthesis in Acenthamoebs Castellsnii: 5s RNA Transcription is Down Regulated During Encystment by Alteration of TFfllA Activity Function of Conserved Domains of HnRNP Al and Other HnRNP A/B Proteins Translation of the PsbA MRNA of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii Requires e Structured RNA Element Contained Within the 5' Untrsnslated Region Interaction of the RNA Binding Fingers of Xenopus Transcription Factor IIIA with Specific Regions of 5 S Ribosomel RNA Translational Termination Efficiency in Mammals is Influenced by the Base Following the Stop Codon Site-specific RNase E Cleavage of Oligonucleotides end Inhibition by Stem-loops Mutational Analysis of the Double-stranded RNA Binding Domain of the DsRNA-activated Protein Kinese Evidence for the Requirement of Protein Synthesis and Protein Kinase Activity in the Temperature Regulated Stability of (I Tetrehymene Surface Protein MRNA Maturetion of Pre-tRNA(fMet) by Escherichie co/i RNase P is Specified by e guanosine of the s-flanking Sequence Editing Of a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxezole-4 -propionic Acid Receptor GluR-B Pre-mRNA in vifro Reveels Site-selective Adenosine to lnosine Conversion Inhibition of Cell Cycle Progression by the Alternatively Spliced lntegrin Bete(lC) Regulation of Mammalien Splicwsome Assembly by 8 Protein Phosohorvletion Mechanism Sequence end Spatial Requirements for Regulated Muscle-specific Processing of the Sercolendoplesmic Reticulum Ce2+-ATPese 2 Gene Transcriot The Structural end FunctionsI Basis for the Kirromycin Resistewe of Mutant EF-TU Species in Escherichia Coli Sequence Heterogeneity in the Termini of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Genomic end Antigenomic RNA% J l&o/ t 994 Interaction of Eukeryotic Initiation Factor EIF-4B with e picornavirus Internal Translation Initiation Site Magnesium Cations are Required for the Association of U Small Nuclear Ribonucleoproteins end SR hoteins with Pre-mRNA in 200 S large Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Particles Complex Alternative Splicing Pertiilly Inactivates the Human Chorionic Sometomammo~opin-like (hCS-t) Gene Substrate Specificity of en RNase Ill-like Activity from Becillus Subtilis In Vio Analysis of Sequemes Required for Transletion of Cytochrome B transcripts in Yeest Mitochondris Induction of Translation by the 5'wntransleted Region of Human Androgen Receptor MRNA Specific Protection of 16 S RRNA by Translational Initiation Factors Difterentisl Subcellular MRNA Targeting: Deletion of (I Single Nucleotide Prevents the Transport to Axons But not to Dendrites of Ret Hypothelsmic Magnocellulsr Neurons Stimulation of Poliovirus Proteinase BC(pro)-related Proteolysis by the Genome-linked Protein VPg end Its Precursor 3AB Upstream Sequence Elements Enhance Poly(A) Site Efficiency of the C2 Complement Gene and are Phylogeneticelly Conserved Activation of Alpha-toxin Translation in Stephvlococcus Auras by the Trans.encoded Ant&en&RNA Activation of Trensfer RNA-guanine Ribosyftrsnsferese by Protein Kinese C Purine Pudne Mismatches in RNA Helices: Evidence for Protonated G Center Dot e pairs and Neat-nearest Neighbor Effects Turnover Mechanisms of the Stable Yeast PGKI MRNA. MO/ CeN Em/ 1995 Identification of Heteroaaneous Ribonucleoprotein Al as a Novel Substrate for Protein Kinase C Zeta Dimerization of HIV-IlLsi) RNA at Low Ionic Strength -an Autocomplementary Sequence in the 5' Leader Region is Evidenced by an Antisense Oligonucleotida Euksryotic RNAse H Shares a Conserved Domain wtth Caulimovirus Proteins that Facilffte Translation of Polycistronic RNA Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Selectively Binds AU-rich RNA in the NAM+)-binding Region (Rossmann Fold) Morons C: AUH. a Gene Encoding an AU-specffk RNA Binding Protein with Intrinsic En@-CoA Hydrstasm Activity Alternative MRNA Splicing and Differential Promoter Utilization Determine Tissue-specifii Expression of the Apolipoprotein A UGU Sequence in the Anti&don Loop is a minimum Requirement for Recognftion by Escherichia co/i TRNA-guanine T~~~sQI~cosYI~s~ Identity Elements of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae TRNA(His). Nuclerc Aods Res 1695 Binding of a cell-type-specific RNA Splicing Factor to Its Target Regulatory Sequence Purified Yeast Translational inftiatio~ Factor EIF-3 is an RNA-binding Protein Complex that Contains the PRTI Protein Use of Binding Energy by an RNA Enzvme for Catalvsis bv Positioning and Substrate De&bilization. Pkac Nil/ Acad So ?JSA 1995 Evolutionary Origins of apa MRNA Editing: Catalysis by a Cytidine Deaminase that Has Acauired a Novel RNA-binding Motif at Its Active Sit Lack of an Effect of the Effiiiencv of RNA J'-end Formation on the Effiiiency of-Removal of Either the Final or the Penuitimate lnbon in Intact Cells A Conserved Epitope on a Subset of SR Proteins Defines a Larger Family of Pre-mRNA Splicing Factors Krawmkel U: Human Ribosomal Protein L7 Inhibits Cell-free Translation in Retiiulocyte Lysates and Affects the Expression of Nuclear Proteins Upon Stable TransfectJon into Jurkat T-lymphoma Cells fleckman P: Decreased Profilaggrin Expression in khthyosis Vulgarts is a Result of Selectively Impaired Posttranscrfptional Control Carboxypeptidare a lsoforms Produced by Distinct Genes or Alternative Splicing in Brain and Other Extrapancreatic Tissues Genomic Organization of the Human LAR Protein Tyrorine Phosphatase Gene and Alternative Splicing in the Extracellular Fibronectin Type-Ill Domains Interaction of The 3'.end of TRNA with Ribonwlease P RNA Polyadenylyiation Helps Regulate MRNA Decay in Escherfchia co/i Take1 F: Interferon-gamma Myrfstate Acetate-responsive Elements Involved Nuclerc Aads Res Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-l MRNA Enhancement of Neurospora VS Ribozyme Cleavage by Stabilization The Relationship Between Eukaryotic Translation and MRNA Stability . a short Upstream Open Reading Frame Strongly Inhibits Translational Initiation and Greatly Accelerates MRNA Degradation in the Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Molecular Cloning, Structure, and Expression of Mouse Estrogen-responsive Finger Protein Efp -Co-localization with Estrogen Receptor MONA in Target Organs Morris Nf? Alternative Exon Splicing Within the Amino-terminal Nontriple-helical Domain of the Rat Pro-alpha 1(X1) Collagen Chain Generates Multiple Forms of the MRNA Transcript Which Exhibit Tissue-dependent Variation Ehresmann C: Mutational Analvsis of the Bipartite Dimer Linkage Structure of Human lr&unodeficiency Virus Type 1 Genomic RNA J 81ol Chem Blnderelf A: Spliced Leader-associated RNA of Trypanosomes . Sequence Conservation and Association with Protein Components Common to Trans-rpliceosomal Ribonuckoproteins Pulling the Ribosomc Out of Frame by +l at a Programmed Frameshii Site by Cognate Binding of Aminoacyi-tRNA MO/ CeN 81ol 1995 The Chondroitin Sulfate Attachment Site of Appican is Formed by Splicing Out Exon 15 of the Amyloid Precursor Gene The Escherichia co/i Ribosomal RNA Leader Nut Region Interacts Specifically with Mature 16s Expression and Regulation by Interferon of a Double-stranded-RNA-specific Abenosine Deaminase from Human Cells: Evidence for Two Forms of the Deaminase Studies with Poliovirus Polymerase 3D(pol) -Stimulation of PoMU) Svnthesis in vifru bv Purified Poliovirus Protein JAB Concerted Evolution of the Tandem Array Encodina Primate U2 SnRNA Occurs in Situ. Without Changing the Cytol~ical Context of the RNU2 Locus Cata&t&lly &i&l Nucleotides in Domain 5 of a Group II Intron Different Forms of VI5 SnoRNA are Encoded in the lntrons of the Ribosomal Protein Sl Gene of Xenopus laevis Post-transcriptional Regulation of Na+/glwose Cotranswrier (SGTLI) Gene Expression in LLC-PKI Cells -Increased Message Stability after Cyclic AMP Elevation or Differentiation Inducer Treatment Regulation of Na+soupled Glucose Transport in LLC-PKI Cells _ Message Stabilization Induced by Cyclic AMP Elevation is Accompanied by Binding of .s M(r+lB.KXl Protein to a Uridine-rich Domain in The 3'.untranslated Region Rationally Designed Helix-turn-helix Proteins and Their Conformational Changes Upon DNA Binding An Alternatively Spliced Form of the Transcriotion Factor Pesquaro JB. Lindsey CJ. Zeh K. Pawa ACM, Ganten $1 Containing Only a Single Glutamine-rich D, Bader M: Molecular Structure and Expression Transactivation Domain. Proc Nat/ Acad SC! USA of Rat Bradykinin 82 Receptor Gene -Evidence for Alternative Splicing Regulated lmmunoglobulin (lg) RNA Processing Does not Require Specific Cis-acting Sequences: Non-lg RNA can be Alternatively Processed in B Cells and Plasma Cells Ehresmann C: Molecular Dissection of the Pseudoknot Governing the Translational Regulation of Escherichia co/i Ribosomal Protein S15 AgoI VI: e with Angiogenic Activity Modulation of Grenulocyte-marophege Colony-stimulating Fector MRNA Stebility in Vitro by the Adenosine-uridine Binding Fe&x Thimmapaya B: A Novel Trsnolational Reaulation Function for the Simian Virus Capped Nonviral Sequences et the 5' End of the MRNAs of Rice Hoia Blenu Virus RNA4 Tissue-specific Expression of Human Lipoprotein Lipese -Effect of the J'-untrensleted Region cm Translation Altemetive Splicing &&~~es e diierae"t Cvioplasmic Tail in the Hums" Pg Evidence for Coupling of Folding and Function in Trp R~ressor: Physics1 Cherecterlzetion of the Supenepressor Mutant AV77 Deustachm I? Rush MG: Separate D&wins of the Ran GTPsse Interact with Different Fectors to Regubte Nuclear protein lmaort end RNA Processina Exo"2 of HIV-2 Tet Contributes to Transectivation of the HIV-2 LTR by lncreesina Binding Affinity to HIV-2 TAR RNA Nuclex Guantitation of RNA Editing Substrates. Products and Potentisl Intermedietes: Implications for Developmental Regulation Requirements for Self-splicina of e Groue lntron from Phvserum Polyceph.&m Inducible Degradation of I Kappa B alpha in vi&o and in viw Requires the Acidic C-terminal Domain of the Protein Fine Structure of the Peotidvl Transferese Centre on 23 S-like RRNAs O&u& from Chemical probing of Antibiotic-ribooome Complexes The Pseudodisaccharides: a Novel Cleso of Group lntron Splicing Inhibitors Structural Requirements for Double-stranded RNA Bindina. Dimerization. and Activation of the Human EIF-5 Alpha Kina& DAI in 5accharomyces Cerevisiae Cooperative Assembly of Proteins in the Riboromel GTPaoe Centre Demonstrated by Their Interactions with Mutant 2% RRNAs Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4E Regulates Expression of Cycli" Dl at Transcriptional and Post-transcriptional Levels Rubm CS: Structure and Expression of Novel Spliced Leader RNA Genes in Csenorhabditis Elegans Separate Cis-acting DNA Elements of the Mouse Pro-alpha l(l) Collagen Promoter Direct Expression of Reporter Genes to Different Type I Collagen-producing Cells in Transgenic Mice Human Mitochondrirl TRNA Processing J: Molecular Cloning of Rodent P72(Svk) Structurally Related But Functionally Distinct Yeast Sm D Core Small Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Particle Proteins Histidyletion by Yeast HirRS of TRNA or TRNA-like Structure Relies on Residues -1 end 73 But is Dependent on the RNA Context Nucleic Ands Res Glutamate Receptor RNA Editing in vifro by Enzymatic Conversion of Adenosine to Inosine RB: Glutamate Receptor RNA Editing in vitro by Enzymatic Conversion of Adenosine to Inosine The Interaction Between the First and Lest lntron Nucleotides in the Second Steo of Pre-mRNA Solicina _ is Independent of '&her Conserved lntron Nucleotides Guide RNA-mRNA . Chimeras, Which are Potential RNA Editing Intermediates. are Formed by Endonucleese and RNA Ligase in a trypanosome Mitochondrial Extract MO/ Cell Em Sollnewebb B: Guide RNA-mRNA Chimeras, Which ere Potential RNA Editing Intenediates, ere Formed by Endonucleese end RNA Ligase in e trypenosome Mitochondrial Extract MO/ CeN /3,0 REFZ Encodes e" RNA-binding Protein Directly Involved in Yeast MRNA 3'.end Formation Gene Expression end MRNA RNA Ligase and Its Involvement . in Guide RNA/mRNA Chimera Formation: Evidence for e cleavage-ligation Mechanism of Trypanosoma Brucei MRNA Editing Chsrecterization of RNA Binding Specificity of the Drosophila Sex-lethal Protein bv in vifm Liaand Selection A Base Pair Between TRNA and 23s RRNA in the Peotidvl Transferase Centre of the Ribosome Klausner RD: Molecular Charscterization of e Second Iron-responsive Element Binding Protein, Iron Regulatory Protein 2 -Structure, Function, and Post-translational Regulation Characterization of Three New SnRNAs from Seccharomyces Cerevisiae: SnR34. SnR35 end SnR36 The C-terminal Repressor Region of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 ICP27 is Required for the Redistribution of Smell Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Particles end Splicing Factor SC35; However, These Alterations are not Sufficient to Inhibit Host Cell Splicing L~"g*ra"ge RNA Interaction of Two Sequence Elements Required for Endonuckolytic Cleavage of Human Insulin-like Growth Factor II MRNAs Contribution of Structural Elements to Themws Thermophilus Ribonuclease P RNA Function Cell Size Regulation. a Mechanism that Controls Cellular RNA Accumulation: Consequences on Regulation of the Ubiquitous Transcription Factors Dctl end NF-Y, and the Liver-enriched Transcriotion Factor DBP Danenberg Ptr: Effect of 5-fluoro-end 5-bromouracil Substitution on the Translation of Braun RE: Spnr. a Murine RNA-binding Protein that is Localized to Cytoplasmic Microtubules J: A Place in the World for RNA Editing Rapid Crystallization of Chemically Synthesized Hammerhead RNAs llsino a Dbuble Screening Procedure Krainer AR: Identification and Characterization of Three Members of the Human SR Family of Pre-mRNA Splicing Factors In Vitro Reconstitution of Mammalian U2 end U5 SnRNPs Adive in Splicing: Sm Proteins are Functionally Interchangeable and are Essential for the Formation of Functional U2 and U5 SnRNPs Svnaotic and Eoidermal Accumulations of Human A~et&zholinest~rase ere Encoded by Alternative 1'.terminal Exons. MO/ CeN 81ol 1995 Transfer of Genetic Information . from Guide RNA to Precursor MRNA in vitro Ossowskl VM: Insulin-inducible Changes in Insulin Receptor MRNA Splice Variants Sm end Sm-like Proteins Belong to e Large Fsmilv: ldentificetion of Proteins of the U6 es Well as th; Ul. U2, U4 and U5 SnRNPs Role of NusA in L4-mediated Attenuation Control of the SIO R-protein Operon of Escherichia co/i RNA Determinants Required for U-mediated Attenuation Control of the SlO R-protein Opero" of Escherichia co/i Temperature-sensitive Hepetitir a Virus Mutants with Deletions Downstream of the First Pvrimidine-rich Tract of the 5' Nontranslated RNA are Impaired in RNA Synthesis Gonadotrophinreleasing Hormone Receptor Agonist-mediated Down-regulation of G(q)alpha/G(ll jalpha (pertussis Toxin-insensitive) G Proteins in Alpha T3.1 Gonadotroph Cells Reflects Increased G protein Turnover But not Alterations in MRNA Levels Protein-induced Folding of a Group I lntron in Cytochrome B Pre-mRNA The Nucleolar Architecture of Polymerase I Transcription end Processing The Budding Yeast US SnRNP Prp6 is (I Highly Conserved Protein Which Links RNA Splicing with Cell Cycle Progression Wickens h: Polyedenylation of C-mos MRNA es a Control Point in Xenopus Meiotic Maturation cis-regulatory Sequences Responsible for Alternative Splicing of the Drosophila Dopa Decarboxylase Gene Skipping by Overexpression of a Drosophila Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotei" in viva The Structure of a" RNA Pseudoknot that Causes Efficient Frameshifting in Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus Specific DNA-RNA Hybrid Binding by Zinc Finger Proteins. Scrence The Choice of Alternative 5' Splice Sites in Influenza Virus Ml MRNA is Regulated by the Viral Polymerase Complex Accurate and Efficient N-6-adenosine Methyl&ion in Spliceosomal U6 Smell Nuclear RNA by HeLa Cell Extract in vitro Covalent Catalysis in Nucleotidyl Transfer Reactions: Essential Motifs in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae RNA Capping Enzyme are Conserved in Schizosaccharomyces Pombe and Viral Capping Enzymes and Among regulation of gene expression Factor MRNA by Hypoxia and Hypoglycemia and Coreoulation with Other Ischemia uckese-2 Of Suppressor of Forked Protein Bone Morphooenetic protein-l and 8 Mammalian Tolloid Horn&&we tmTld) ere Encoded by Alternatively Spliced Transcripts Which ere Differentiallv &pressed in Snme Tissues Polynucleetide Ligases. froc Nat/ Acad So USA 1994, 91 :I 2046-l 2050. S&e1 CW, Admon A, Rio DC Some-specific Expression Cloning of PSI, e Negative Regulator of P Element Pre-mRNA Splicing The Importance of e Single G in the Hairpin Loop of the Iron Responsive Element (IREJ in Ferriti" MRNA for Structure: en NMR Spectroscopy Study Further Analysis of Cytoplasmic Polyedenylation in Xenopus Embryos end Identification of Embryonic Cytoplesmic Polyedenylation Element-binding Proteins JWS: Moleculer Characterization of the Spliceosomal Proteins UIA and U2B' from Higher Plants The Intracellular Localization of Messenger RNAs Probing Sequence-specific RNA Recognition by the Bacteriophage MS2 Coat Protein Functional Hierarchy of AUUUA Motifs in Mediating Rapid Interleukin-3 Handler JS: The Canine Beteine Gamma-amino-n.butyric Acid Transporter Gene: Diverse MRNA lsoforms are Regulated by Hypertonicity and are Expressed in e Tissue-specific Manner The Rev Protein of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Counteracts the Effect of a" AU-rich Negative Element in the Human Pspillomsvirus Tvpe 1 Late 3' Untranslated Region Encoding's Novel RNA Binding Protein, Shares Homology with EWS end TLS. Two Genes Involved in Human Sarcoma Forrnetion Minor Groove Recognition of the Conserved G Center Dot U Pair at the Tetrahymena Ribozyme Reaction Site A Putative Mammalian RNA Helicese with en Arginine-serine-rich Domain Colocelires with e Splicing Factor Successful Trensformation of Yeast Mitochondria with RPMI: a" Approach for in viw Studies of Mitnchondriel RNase P RNA Structure, Function and Biosynthesis A Novel U2-U6 SnRNA Structure is % H: An Acute Mydoid Leukemia Gene, AMLt, Reoulstes Hemopoietic Myeloid Cell Diierentistion and Trenscriptional Activation Anteoonisticelly by Two Alternative Spliced Forms Ancient Origin of RNA Editing in Sense from Nonsense: RNA l . Editing in Mitochondria of Kinetoplestid Protozoa and Sifme Molds Pentoberbitel-induced Changes in Dmsophile Glutethione S-transferese D21 MRNA Stability. JEW Chem 1005 RP: A" Intact Protein Tren&csti"o Mechinery is Required for Mitechondrial Import of e Yeast Cytoplasmic TRNA Distinct Binding Specificities end Functions of Hisher Eukervotic Pelypyrimidine Tract-binding Proteins Distinct Binding . -Specificities and Functions of Higher Euiwyotic Polypyrimidine Tract-binding Proteins SR Proteins can Compensate for the l * Loss of Ul SnRNP Functions in vitro Reouletion of Human RPSl4 Transcription by lntronic Antisense RNAs end Ribosomel Protein S14 RNA Sequences Controlling the lnftiatio" and Transfer of Duck Hepetiiis B Virus Minus-strand DNA J Vim/ 1995 Extensive Interactions of PRP8 Protein with the 5' end 3 Splice Sites During Splicing Suggest e Role in Stabilization ot Exe" Alignment by U5 SnRNA Interaction of the Yeest Splicina Fe&r PRPa with Substrate RNA During Both Steps of Splicing Resistance to Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection Conferred bv Transduction of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes with Ribozyme, Antisense, or Polymeric Trans-activation Response Element Co"structs Small RNA Acts es en Antisilencer of the H-NS-silenced RcsA Gene of Escherichia Coli EBNA-1. the Major Nuclear Antigen ot Epstein-Barr Virus. Resembles 'RGG' RNA Binding Proteins Pate1 PI: Reoulstid" of Tissuespecific Expression of Alternative Peripheral Myelin Protein-22 Gene Transcripts by Two Promoters Thyroid Hormone Influences the Maturation of Apolipoprotei" A-l Messenaer RNA in Rat Liver Post-transcriptional Elements Reouletino Expression of MRNAs from the Amsstin/tuzin Gene Cluster of Trvpanosoma Cruzi Mitochondrial Sequence Transcribed '& Tobacco Chloroplasts is not Edited. MO/ Cell El& 1995 SWAP Pre-mRNA Splicing Regulators ere a Novel, Ancient Protein Family Sharing a Highly Conserved Sequence Motif with the Prp21 Family of Censtitutive Splicing Proteins Schumperk D: 3' End Processing of Mouse Histone Pre&RNI: Evidence for Additional Base-oairina Between U7 SnRNA end Pre-mRNA N,c& Bind to the Alternative Splice-prone Region of the Dystrophin COOH Terminus Serum Induction of MEF2fRSRF Expression in Vascular Myncytes is Mediated et the Level of Translation Different Forms of TFRH for Transcription and DNA Repair: Holo-TFIIH and e nucleotide Excision Repairosome Structure end Expression of Euelens Grecilis Nuclear RbcS Genes~Encoding the Sn?ell Subunits of the Ribulose 1.5.bisphosphate Cerboxylase Oxygenase: e Novel Splicing Process for Unusual Intervening Sequences? Specific Endonucleolytic Cleavaoes of Mouse Albumin MRNA end Their Modulation During Liver Development Muclerc Aods Res Ls Autoantigen Alleviates Translational Repression by the 5' Leader Sequence of the Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Type 1 MRNA Developmental Regulation of Elastin Production -Expression of Tropoelastin Pre-mRNA Persists after Down-regulation of Steady-state MRNA Levels Disruption of RNA l * Editing in Leishmania Tarenlolee by the Loss of Minicircle-encoded Guide RNA Genes Mechanism of Post-segregational Killing: Secondary Structure Analysis of the Entire Hok MRNA from Plesmid RI Suggests e Fold-back Structure that Prevents Translation and Antisense RNA Binding Malbon CC The M(r). 35,888 Beta-edreneroic Receptor MRNA-binding Protein Binds Transcripts of G-protein-linked Receptors Which Undergo Agonist-induced Destabilization RNA Editing of Mat-r Transcripts in Maize and Soybean Increases Similarity of the Encoded Protein to Fungal and Bryophyte Group II lntron Maturases: Evidence that Mat-r Encodes s functional Protein Transcriptional Regulation of the Interferon-gamma-inducible Tryptophanyl-tRNA Svnthetese Includes Alternative Splicino Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Mammalian 40 S Ribosomal Subunit Embedded in Ice Mapping the Path of the Nascent Peptide Chain Through the 23s RNA in the 50s Ribosonwl Subunit Identification of Positive and Negative Splicing Regulatory Elements Within the Terminal Tat-rev Exon of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Type 1. MO/ Cell Brol 1995 Reed R: SR Proteins Promote the First Spe&ii Recognition of Pre-mRNA and ere Distinct Protein Forms ere Produced from Alternatively Spliced Bicistronic Glutemic Acid Decerboxvlase MRNAs During Development MO Suppressor Analyses of Temperature-sensitive Cbpl Strains of Seccharomyces Cerevisiae: the Product of the Nuclear Gene SOCI Affects Mitochondrial Cytochrome B MRNA Post-transcriptionally Guantitative Analysis of Alternative Splicing Options of Human Plasma Membrane Calcium Pump Genes Nuclear Export of the Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttle Protein Rev is Mediated by lts Activation Domain and is Blocked by Trsnsdominant Negative Mutants The Human Splicing Factors . ASF/SF2 and SC35 Possess Distinct Functionally Significant RNA Binding Specificities A Polyadenylation Factor Subunit is the Human Homolooue of the Drosophila Tomonaga T, Levens D: Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein K is a DNA-binding Transactivator Differential Expression of an Acidic Domain in the Amino-terminal Ropeptide of Mouse Pro-alpha 2(X1) Collagen by Complex Alternative Splicing Degradation of C-Fos bv the 265 Proteasome is Accelerated by C-Jun and Multiple Protein Kinases Requirement for t&on-encoded U22 Small Nucleolw RNA in 1% Ribosomal RNA Maturation Accurate Modification of the Trypanosome Spliced Leader Cap Structure in B Homologous Cell-free System Protein-rRNA Binding Features and Their Structural and Functional Implications in Ribosomes as Determined bv Cross-linkins Studies Prats AC: Alternative Translation tnitiation 0; the Maloney Murine Leukemia Virus MRNA Controlled by Internal Ribosome Entry Involving the P57/PTB Splicing Factor Evolutionarily Conserved Structural Elements are Critical for Processing of Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae Precursor Ribosomal RNA J MO/ Bml A Novel Synapse-associated Noncoding RNA MO/ Cell BIO Special Peptidyl-tRNA Molecules can Promote Translational Frameshifting Without Slippaae. MO/ Cell 81ol 1994 Lee 0. Bnnckerhoff CE: Regulation of Collagenese Gene Expression by IL-I Beta Requires Transcriptional and Post-transcriptional Mechanisms Internal Translational Initiation in the MRNA from the Neurospora Crassa Albino-3 Gene Characterization of a Specific Interaction Between Escherichia co/i Thyrnidylate Synthase and Escherichia co/i Thymidylate Synthase MRNA Rlts S: Ev~lutionarily Conserved Elements in the 5' Untranslated Region of Beta Globin MRNA Mediate Site-specific Priming of a Unique Hairpin Structure During CDNA Svnthesis Light Inactivation of Arabidopsis Photomorphogenic Repressor COP1 lnv~lves a cell-specific Regulation of lts Nwleocytoplasmic Partitioning Porter AG: Sequence and Structural Determinants of the Interaction Between The 5'.noncoding Region of Picomavirus RNA and Rhinovirus Protease 3C A Conserved Helical Element is Essential for Internal Initiation of Translation of Hepatitis C The Carboxyl-terminal Anchorage Domain of the Turkey Beta(l)-adrenergic Receptor is Encoded by an Atternatively Spliced Exon AS: ~62 Association with RNA is Regulated by Tyrosine Phosphorylation Human Gene that Reverses the Effects of Temperature-sensitive and Deletion Mutations in the Escherichia co/i Rne Gene and Encodes an Activity Producing RNase E-like Cleavages A Sequence Located 4.5 to 5 Kilobases from the 5' End of the Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (PAV) Genome Strongly Stimulates Translation of Uncapped MRNA Llebhaber SA: Detection and Characterization of a 3' Untranslated Region Ribonucleoprotein Complex Associated with Human Alpha-&bin MRNA Stabilitv Detection and Characterization of a 3' Untranslated Region Ribonucleoprotein Complex Associated with Human Alpha-globin MRNA Stability Splicing lsoformo of Rat AshlGrb2 -Isolation and Characterization of the CDNA and Genomic DNA Clones and Implications for the Physiological Roles of the Isofor& J BIO/ Chem Higher-order Structure of Bovine Mitochondrial TRNA(Ser)UGA: Chemical Modification and Computer Modeling Protein Facilitation of Group I Intro" Splicing by Assembly of the Catalytic Core and The 5' Splice Site Domain Protein Synthesis Initiation Factor EtF-IA id a Moderately Abundant RNA-binding Protein Erythroid Cell-specific Determinants of Alpha-Qlobin MRNA Stability. MO/ Cell B,o Erythroid Cell-specific MRNA Stability Elements in the Alpha P-globin 3' Nontranslated Region? MO/ Cell Btol Wek RC: The Histidyl-tRNA Synthetase-related Sequence in the EIF-2 Alpha M: Cusl, a Suppr&sor of Cold~Sen~itive U2 SnRNA Mutations. is a Novel Yeast Sqlicina Factor Homologous to H."rnan SAP 145 A: A Human RNase E-like Activity that Cleaves RNA Sequences Involved in MRNA Stability Control L&al 0. Laurentwinter C. Rice N. Israel A: N-and C-terminal Sequences Control Degradation of MADB/I Kappa B Alpha in Response to Inducers of NF-kappa B Activity Total Chemical Synthesis of LI Ribozyme Derived from a Group I Intron Analysis of the Sacchammyces cerevisiae Mitochondrial COX3 MRNA 5' Untranslated Leader: Translational Activation and MRNA Processing Marzlufi WF: The Sequence of the Stem and Flanking Sequences at the 3' End of Histone MRNA are Critical Determinants for the Binding of the Stem-loop Binding Protein Selection of Novel Mgl+-dependent Selfzleaving Riborymes Koch TH: An RNA Protein Contact Determined Bv 5-bromouridlne Substitution, Photocrorslinking and Sequencing Pseudoknotdependent Read-through of Retroviral Gag Termination Codons: Importance of Sequences in the Spacer end LOOP 2 Dmsophila Ribasornal Protein 53 Contains an Activity that Cleaves DNA at Apurinic/apyrimidini Sites Characterization of Nuclear Polysdenyiated RNA-binding Proteins in Saccheromycas Carevisiae Rapid MRNA Degradation Mediated by the C-fos Element and that Mediated by the Grsnulocyte-macrophage Colony-stimulating Factor 3' AU-rich Element Occur Through Similar Polvsome-associated Mechanisms Use of Flow Cytometry to tdentiiy B Caulobecter 4.5 S RNA Temperature-sensitive Mutant Defective in the Cell Cycle The Zinc Coordination Site of the Bacteriophage Mu Translational Activator Protein Rotter V: AuQmented DNA-binding Activity of P53 Protein Encoded by a carboxyl-terminal Alternatively Spliced MRNA is Blocked by P53 Protein Encoded bv the Rwubrlv Spliced F&n Nucleotide Correlations that Suggest Tertiary Interactions in the N-replacement Loopzontaining Mitochondrial TRNAs of the Nematodes. Caenorhabditis Elegans and Ascaris Suum Toward the Therapeutic Editing of Mutated RNA Sequences Alternatively Spliced Forms in the Carboxy-terminal Domain of the P53 Protein Regulate lts Ability to Promote Annealing of Complementary Single Strands of Nucleic Acids Mof Cell Em Kuleszmarlin M: Wild-type Alternatively Spliced P53: Binding to DNA and Interaction with the Major P53 Protein in vifro and in Cells Youle RJ: A Study of the intracellular Routing of Cyiotoxic Ribonucleases Wuarln 1. Schabler U: Physical Isolation of Nascent RNA Chains Transcribed by RNA Polymerase It: Evidence for Cotranscriptional Splicing RNA Degradstion in Escherichia Coli Regulated by 3' Adenylstion and 5' Phosphorylstian J: I'-Leeder of a Photosystem I Gene in Nicotiana Syfvestris. F'saDb. Contains a Translational Enhancer lnneranty TL Apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing Protein Induces Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Dysplasia in Transgenic Animals TL: Cloning end Mutagenesis of the Rabbit ApoB MRNA Ediiing Protein: a Zinc Motif is Essential for Catalytic Activity, and Noncatalytii Auxiliary Factor(s) of the Editing Complex we Widely Distributed Newns JR: Identification of an Activity in B-cell Extracts that Selectively Impairs the Formation of an tmmunoglobulin Mu S Poly(A) Site Processing Complex Alternative Splicing of a Specific Cytoplasmic Exon Alters the Binding Characteristics of Murine PlateletIEndothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule-l (PECAM-I) Editing of Glutamate l * Receptor Subunit B Pre-mRNA in vitm by Site-specific Deemination of Adenosine Untranslated Region of Mouse Cytochrome C(T) Specifk Binding of Host Cellular Proteins to Multiple Sites Within the 3' End of cl Sit$s a$ Well a$ lnt Charactarization of the 5 S RNA Binding AcUvity of Xarmpua zinc Finger Protein P43 Altamatiie 'SplicinQ of ED-A and ED-6 Saquences of Fibronactin Pm-mRNA Differs in Chondrocytas from Different Cartilaginous Tiosuas and can be htodulatad by Biilogical Factors Localization of he-mRNA Splicing in Mammalian NucW LAR Tso$ine Phosphatasa Receptor: Alternative Splicing Is Preferential to the Nervous System Coordinated with Cell Growth and Ganaratas No& tooforms Containing Extansive CAG Rep&$ Schaffner W: The CpG-specific Methylase Sssl Has Topoisomerase Activity in the Presence of Mg2+ DNA Synthesis and Topoisomerase inhibitors Increase Transduction by Adeno-associated Virus Vectors Isolation of Mutants of Saccharomycer Unique Sequence Spacifiiity of Topoisomarase li DNA Cleavaoe Stimulation and DNA Bindina Mode of Strept&igri Base Sequence Determinants of Amonafide Stimulation of Topoisomerase It DNA Cleavage Overexpression of RNase Ii Partially Complements the Growth Defect of a" Escheri& cdi Datta TopA Mutant: R-loop Formation is a Major Problem in the Absence of DNA Topoisomerase I NI~ISS 11. Oshwoff N: A Yeast ?opoisomerase I by Nuclaosida Triphosphates Requirements for Noncovalent Binding of Vaccinia Topoisomeresa I to Duplex DNA Vaccinia Topoisomerase Binds Circumferential~y to DNA Complex Altarnattva RNA Soticim of ~iton-im~n~tobuli Identifration and Charactartrstiin of a Sequence Motif tnvolved in Nonsense-madiatad MRNA Decav S: Pro&o&tic Footp~ntinQ of Novel Apwoach to Molecular Cloning and Polynuclaotide Synthesis UsinQ Vaccinia DNA Topoisomerase Determination of 5' and 3' DNA Triplex Interference Boundaries Rave& the Core DNA Binding Saquence for Topoisomerase II Type II Top&somerase Selected for Rasistance to Ctuinolones _ Mutation of Histidine 1012 to Tvrosine Confers Resistance to Nonintercalative DNQ; But Hyparsaneitivity to Elliptic& A Peptide &aQmant of Human DNA Topoisomerase II Aloha Forms a Stable Coil&coil Structure in Sol&o Topoisomerase Poisons: Harnessing the Dark Side of Enzyme Mechanism Rothstein R: The Yaast Type I Topoisomerase Top3 Interacts with Sgsl, a DNA H&case Honwlog: a Potential Eukaryotic Reverse Gyrase. MO/ Cell &oi 1994 A Late Adanovirus Factor Induces EIF-4E Deahosohorvlation and lnhlbiio" of Cell Pro&i" &U&is.; tin Effkient Excision of the Upstream larva Intro" from P4-generated Pra-mRNA of the Parvovirus Minute Virus of Mice Requires at Least Ona Donor and the 3' Splice Site of the Small Down$traam Intro A Postprophase Topoisomerase II-dependent Chromatid Core Separation Step in the Formation of Metaphsse Chromosomes SV: Diiwent Toooisomerase il Antitumor Dogs Direct Similar Specific Long-range Fragmentation of a" Amplified C-MYC Gene Locus in Livine Calls and in High-salt Extracted Nuclei. hoc Nat/ Acad SC! USA IQ& Human bnmunodefiiiency Virus Type 1 Reverss Transcriptase: Enhancament of Activity by Interaction with Cellular Topoisomerase I Sgsl: a Eukarvotic Hornolos of E-coli RecCl that Interacts with Topoisomerase II in viva and is Required for Faithful Chromosome Segregation Sequances Within the Pawovirus Minute Virus of Mice NS2*spacifii Exon ara Required for Inclusion of This Exon into %&cad Steady-state Alternative MRNA Processing Occurs in the Variable Regkm of the Pro-alpha 1(X1) and Ro-alpha 2W Collagen Chaina J&o/ Chem Structural Organization of Mouse Paro&ome Proliferator Actiiated Receptor Gsmrr fn?PPAR Gamma) Gene: Alternative Promoter use and Different Splicing Yield Two MPPAR Gamma lsoforms Serine 1524 is a Major Site of Phosphorylation on Human Topoisomarase II Alpha Protein in vim and is a Substrate for Casein Kinase II in vitro But not Topoisomerase I. can Support Nascent Chain Elongation DurinQ Theta+ype DNA Replication Defines Amino Acid Residues Essential for Covalent Catalysis Abundance of Nuclear DNA Topoisomerase II is Correlated with proliferation in Arabidopsis Thaliana The Carboxyl-tenninal Residues of Escherichia c&i DNA Topoisomerase III are Escherichia Coli DNA Topoisomerase Ill is a Site-specific DNA Binding protein that Binds Asymmetrically to Its Cleavage Site Mutation in Cys662 of Escherichia co/i DNA Topoisomerase I Confers Temperature Sensitivity and Change in DNA Cleavage Selectivity Enhancer Activity of Upstream Hypersensitive Site 2 of the Chicken Beta-globin Cluster is Mediated by GATA Sites Regulated Expression of the Beta-globin Gene Locus in Synthetic Nuclei Dissection of the Locus Control Function Located on the Chicken Lysoryme Gene Domain in Transgenic Mice A Central Role for 8 Single C-&b Binding Siie in a Thymic Locus Control Region Analysis of a 70 Kb Segment of DNA Containing the Human Zeta and Alpha-globin Genes Linked to Their Regulatory Element (HS-40) in Transgenic Mice Structure and Regulation of a Complex Locus: the Cut Gene of Drosophila Groudlne M: ldentiiication of 8 Locus Control Region in the lmmunoglobulin Heavy-chain Locus that Deregulates C-myc Expression in Flasmacytoma and Buridtt's Lymphoma Cells Expression of the Chicken Beta-globin Gene Cluster in Mice: Correct Developmental Expression and Distributed Control. MO/ Cell E&l 1995 Function of the Upstream Hypersensitive Sites of the Chicken Beta-globin Gene Cluster in Mice Shen CKI: Transcriptional I Activation of Human Adult Alpha-globin Genes by Hypersensitive Site-40 Enhancer: Function of Nuclear Factor-binding Motifs Occupied in Erythroid Cells NF-E2 and GATA Binding Motifs are Required for the Formation of DNase I Hypersensitive Site 4 of the Human Beta-globin Shen UU Functional Roles of in viva Footprinted DNA Motifs Within an Alpha-globin Enhancer -Erythroid Lineage and Developmental Stage Specificities Goldstem LSB: DNA Binding and Meiotic Ctwwn~s~mal Localization of the Drosophila Nod Kinesin-like protein Action of a RAP1 Carboxy-terminal Silencing Domain Reveals an Underlying Competition Between HMR and Telomeres in Yeast DPY-27: a Chromosome Condensation Protein Horn&g that Regulates C. Elegans Dosage Compensation Through Association with the X chromosome Gasser SM: The Carboxv Termini of Sir4 and R&l Affect Sir3 Localizati&: Evidence for a Multiiomponent Complex Required for Yeast Telomeric Silencina Dosage Compensation of the Period Gene in Dmsophila melanogaster Avner P: Xce Haplotypes Show Modified Methylation in a Region of the Active X chromosome Lying 3' to Xist Proc Nat/ Acad Scr Dosage Compensation in Sciarids is Achieved by Hypertranscription of the Single X Chromosome in Males A Mutant Form of the Ran/TGt Protein Disrupts Nuclear Function in Xenopus laevis Egg l&acts by Inhibiting the RCCI Protein, a Regulator of Chromosome Condensation Riding the Polar Winds: Chromosomes Motor Down East Cell Chromosome Condensa&n Induced-by Fostriecin Does not Rewire P34(cdc2) Kinase Activitv and Histone HI 'Hyperphosphorylation. But isAssociated with Enhanced Histone H2A and H3 Phosphorylation Metaphase Chromosome Analysis by Ligation-mediated PCR: Heritable Chromatin Structure and a Comparison of Active and Inactive X Chromosomes Albrachl EC: X-linked Elements Associated with Negative Segregation Distortion in the SD System of Drosophila melanogasfer Chromosomal Position Effects in Chicken Lysozyme Gene Transgenic Mice are Correlated with Suppression of DNase I Hypersensitive Sic Formation Expression of Msl-2 Causes Assemblv of Dosage Compensation Regulators on the X Chromosomes and Female Lethality in Dmsophils Shore D: Disturbance of Normal Cell Cycle Progression Enhances the Establishment of Transcriptional Silencing in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Carcinogenic Nickel Silences Gene Expression by Chromatin Condensation and DNA Methylation: a New Model for Epigenetii Carcinogens Inactivation of the Type II TGF-beta Receptor in Colon Cancer Cells with Microsatelliie Instability Differential Expression of a New Dominant Agouti Allele (A(iapy)) is Correlated with Methyl&ion State and is Influenced by Parental Lineage Interactions Between the Nod(+) 'Ki'nesin-like Gene and Extracentromeric Seguenc& are Required for Transmission of a Drosophila Minichromosome Sex-Specific Regulation of the Male-specific Lethal-l Dosage Compensation Gene in Dmsoohila CpG Island Promoter Region Methyl&ion Patterns of the Inactive-X-chromosome Hypoxsnthine Phosphoribosyltransferase DNA Lobping by Saccharomyces Cerevisiae High Mobility Group Proteins NHP6A/B -Consequences for Nucleoprotein Complex Assembly and Chromatin Condensation SARs Stimulate But do not Confer Position Independent Gene Expression Transcription of a Yeast Telomere nlleviates Telomere Position Effect Without Affecting Chromosome Stability Linker Histones are not Essential and Affect Chromatin Condensation in viva Cell Functional Domain Structure of Human Centromere Protein B -Implication of the Internal and C-tenninal Self-association Domains in Centromeric Heterochromatin Condensation The Processing of Macronuclear-destined DNA Sequences Microinjected into the Macronuclear Anlagen of the Hypotrichous Ciliate Stylonchia Lemnae Cell Cycle-related Shifts in Subcellular Localization of BCR: Association with Mitotic Chromosomes and with lleterochromatin Dosage Compensation -How Males and Females Achieve X Equality. Soence Visualization of Chromosomal Domains with Boundary Element-associated Factor BEAF-32 Male-specific Lethal 2, a Dosage Compensation Gene of Drosophila, Undergoes Sex-specific Regulation and Encodes a Protein with a RING Finger end a Metallothionein-like Cysteine Cluster Operons as a Common Form of Chromosomal Organization in C